uWtobed every eventa. SawUye . ex cepted by ' ' JOSH T. JAMES, DITOB AXD rBOmiKTOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: ycar f.W Six months, 1.00. Three moothB, ,0nc month, 5 cent. Tbe paper will be delivered by carrier free rf charg. to n7 Prt th cT. x 10 cent per .week. . !-Minr rates low and liberal. j-8abcrUera will report any and all fall arW to reoelg tbelr paper regularly. ky Daily Review has the largest fra, fuk, circulation, of any newspaper ptttlished, in the city of Wilmington. JSL Kaviation in Lake Champlain will K resumed to-day. m General Diaz sailed on Monday from jsVr Orleans for Vera Cruz. Tere are sixty vacancies for the rde of second lieutenant in'the army. There are over a thousand pcarlr dirers on the coast of Lower California. Favorable reports have been received as to the condition of the crops in Cali fornia. - - i llll A million feet of lumber are annual ly turned into base-ball bats in this country. - The board of health bt Massachusetts has assumed charge of the Tewksbury Abuhouse. . Since September last there have been shipped from the port of Norfolk 200,- uoO bushels of oysters. . - The largest milk-pan on record has juit been made for an Iowa creamery. It will hold COO gallons. . An international congress in the iBierest oi the protection of cliildren' is lu meet at Paris June 15. l he Ktwsa?td Courier intimates that Senator Hampton, of South Carolina, will not be a candidate for re-election. iHivld Davis, when last heard Irom, wan at a horse race in California.- This ft i bad start for a young married man. William Cornell, charged with being tlie principal in the series of robberies in Richmond, has been , arrested in Baltimore. . One of the veteran journalists of Ver mont is Mr. A. L. Papinear, of the Buillasjton Free Press. He lias been in the employ of that paper 39 yearft. Rents have reached the limit of their upward advance in New York city and tare begun to lall, the sure sign that the end of an era of speculation is near. A Boston doctor thinks he t has dis covered a way to rectify spirits and "produce all the effects of tge by passing air through theni when freshly distilled . Boston papers report that Governor Butler's celebrated yacht America will not go into commission this summer, and that His Excellency would like to e!l her. The tact that Sitting Bull has joined the church gives the New Orleans Pica yune occasion to say that the men he has killed would doubtless be glad to joia it too. ; Louise Michel is wriiiug a novel at St. Iazare, and behaving with the iweetuess of an angel to the Sisters of Charity, who have charge ot the wo men's prisons in France. governor Kirkwood, of Iowa, after using tobacco lor nearly fiftj years, has given it up altogether and says his health has greatly improved. The Governor is sixty-eight years of age, " : At the Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal church, Baltimore, respon. aive services were recited at- morning worship on Sunday, by the congrega Uou, including the Apostles1 Creed, &c. . . The late treaty between Germany, Italy and Austria gives them a com bined army of 900,000 men, ready for aet? ice on short notice, with 7,000,000 reserve. A clash with a power like that would make things lively. "' There are 14,000 drinking places in Ohio which pay a whiskey license of $23 to the Federal Government; but not a cent to the State. The new law levying a tax on saloons it is estimated will produce a revenue of $2,000,00 a year. ' .- There was a hcayy snow storm at New York Monday. Snow tell from 5 a. m. to 1 p. m. The weather there Monday night Was very cold. We are indebted to some place for that night's blizzard. Manitoba is generally the ead-centre of such disturbances. A. & I. Shriek. are now showiug the bf&t hne of Mens, Boys1 and Childrens1 Clothing that has ever been brought this Market. Here buyers will" find 'A ereaUy to their interest, to inspect tobr stock of Spring Clothing before Purchasing elsewhere. U. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Ja.cora.'s .. f ' . - ' - -y r . .... "" 1 . f " ' : .. ... ... t ,: Til Bl!L:aEIlM ' i " ' - " ' i . " '' 1 - ' I ' i '. . .. ! j -jj: i v . T. . ! "" a i 1 - - : : : : 1 tt . -h , VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. IRDfX TO HEW ADYE8TISEMENT8. 7,5CO Wanted Benson's Skin Cure Yates Fancy Goods. riEINSBEKUEH Visitors. Mcnds Bros Soda Water Uastox M IIobbs Lectare 1 Wm M Hats, Jr New Marietj J F Woolvin Artistic Engray Ins KnighU and Ladies of Honor-j-jLocal ad W II Gkkkw Soda Water Mineral Water W G MacRae Confederate StirviTors' Re lief Association T' This is Ascension Day. Pic nics and Sound yet ripe. parties are not We gain this month 33 daylight. miuutes of The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 134 bales. This month has five ' Tuesdays, Wednesdays and five Thursdays. i u five For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobus Hardware Depot, t . p . j i . Hon. A. M; Waddell arrived in the city on Tuesday night on a short I busi ness visit. ! May has certainly not been remarka bly "smiling" thus far this year, but rather it has been of the sad, tearful sort. j j John Andersen, a deserter Ifrom the Nor. barque Eohis, was arrested this morning and locked: up for safe keeping in the county jail. The city letter carrers start out to distribute the mail at 7 o5lock-and have nearly all of their mail '.distributed by about 8 o'clock. j j A smith by name of John Mincher, Mashed his big toe with a pincher, The aches he endured, j St . Jacobs Oil curedj 1 1 He says that for pains 'tis a plincher. Prof. Hobbs1 lectures on "Thorough Bass" will be delivered toj-morrow evening in Tileston Hall. Ik, will be free to all, and those of; our musical friends who attendwill doubtless be well repaid. ! i ! j Knights and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It Hon. I. K. McRae. Newbern Journal-. The speech de liverod'by Hon. D. K. McKae on the occasion of planting a. tree to the mem ory of Judge Gaston was a masterpiecej of eloquence. The language was chaste: and beautiful and the jthoughts sublime.' We hope to be'able to; give our readers the full text in a few days. To be Decided. I; .. The Young Hebrew Association o1 this city will give an entertainment at Germania Hall to-morrow night, , the interest of which will centre in the dis cussion of the subject,! "Which; is the most pleasing to the eye, the works of Nature or the works of Art?," Messrs Isaac Levy and Samuel Bear, Jr., jvill the former and Messrs W. M. Weill and L. J. Ottcrbourg, the latter. ... , n expensive Justice. The recent term of the U. S. Court in this city was without doubt a necessity but there was a good , deal of j expense attending it for .which! there seems to have been no equivalent return. We heard one man say that 'he didn't cam the government 75 cents, but that he got $11.85 for what he did. Ie added that notwithstanding the pay he made nothing, as it took all he receivedi to pay his expenses. It was a dear job to the government and not profitable to j him self as a witness. t . ' Chapel Hill Commencement. i i Thanks to the Marshals for an invita tion to the Commercial Exercises 1 at Chapel Hill to be held June 6th and 7th i The address before the literary societies will be delivered by Hon T C Manning, L L D., of Ixnisiana; the baccalaureate sermon bj Rev A D Hepburn, of Davidson: College. The representatives of the literary societies are: Phi J A Bryan, W T Dortch, J Herring. Di J B Hawqs, Z B Walser, J C Slocumb. The marshals are:i M RHsmer, chief; Phi T B Cherry1, S HBobbitt. AC Tate; Di V II Mc Neill, S A Holleman. S B Turrentine. New Enterprise. Mr. James F. WooWin, No. 203 Princess street, is now prepared to do ail kinds of engraving. He lias recent ly purchased a new and improved j ma chine which does work in a superior manner. He does plain! fancy and orna mental work and asks the patronage o the public. He will gladly show speci mens. - . v ' WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 3, ounn sireet Market. The market house on the corner ot Campbell and Fourth streets is now fully occupied. It is a roomy, con venient, airv and comfortable building, and much better adapted to the ( busi ness than the little seven-by-nine shanties formerly used by the market men iti that section of the city. We would suggest, however, that a coat of whitewash on the interior of the build ing would add materially to its general appearance. At present the walls are very dingy and detract much from the look of neatness that is otherwise man ifest. The Drop Letter System. There seems to be some misappre hension in regard to the j payment of two cents on drop letters at the post oflfice. some few having the idea that it is simply a regulation of the postoflftce department, when, in fact, it is requir ed by an act Congress passed March 3d, 1879, as the following extract from that law will show: j On mailable matter of the first-class, except postal cards ad drop letters, postage shall be prepaid at the rate of three cents per half ounce or fraction thereof; postal cards shall be transmit ted through the i mails at a postage charge ot pn cent each, including the cost of manufacture; and drop letters shall be mailed at the rate of two cents per half ounce or traction thereof, in cluding delivery at letter carrier offices, and one cent for each half ounce or fraction thereof, where free delivery by carrier is not established." Southern Baptist Convention. Rev James B, Taylor, D. D., pastor of the First Baptist church in this city, has been elected a delegate to the South ern Baptist Convention which is to be held at WacD, Texas, commencing on the 9th inst. Dr. Taylor will attend, and will leave here for that purpose to-night. He will go by the way oi Augusta. Atlanta and New( Orleans and will pass next Sunday in the last named city. It is expected tnat there will be a large gathering ot the minis ters and laity of the Baptist Church present at the Convention, conspicuous anions: whom will be the Rev? Dr. Broadus, ot' Louisville, Ky., who preach the introductory sermon. s to Kev4 lr. Milburn., Rev. Dr. Milburn delivered his last lecture in this! city at the Opera House last flight. His subject was ''Richard Bririslcy Sheridan," the wit, spendthrift playwright and orator. The lecture was fully equal to any of those which preceded it, and was listened to with profound attention throughout. Dr Milburn can make any subject interest ing by his almost supernatural discrip tivc powers and by the cnarous of -hi matchless oratory, which in I - his lecture last night were exhibited in their strongest light. He lctt for Charleston, S. C, immediately after the clcse of his lecture. He has gone, but the sweet poetry of. his thoughts, the deep, and ssnorous music of his voice and the witching badence of his oratory are ours to remember long and gratefully. He is indeed a wonderful man whom God has peculiarly blessed, to be a bee e fit and jblcssing to his fellow-men. Washburn & Co. Quite a number of the newspapers in this State are still publishing j the ad vertisement of these Salycilaceous frauds. There is not a cent of money in it. We exposed these rascal last win ter for the benefit of our editorial breth ren, but some of them refused to sur render their faith in Washburn & Co. Indeed, the Newbern Journal took the other side of the question and asserted that, so far as its business transanctions were concerned,1 Washburn & Cohere all right. We didn't dispute this propo sition but thought it strange that the Salycilica ad was allowed to drop into utter oblivion, a few weeks after, with out one farewell shot from the batteries of the Journal sls Washburn & Co. disappeared from the advertising col umns of that paper. A fe w of our Slate exchanges continue to run the advertisement but lor this they may perhaps be pardoned as times aro dull and the advertising business slack and there must be something to fill up with. Among the victims of these rogues may be reckoned the Greensboro Bugle which has at length dropped Wash burn & Co. and Salycilica with the fol lowing brief farewell: ! We regret now that! we didn't takej steerj clear ot "Washburn & Co.. 287 Broadway, New York.11 After being "sucked" for $32.00 we are constrained to believe that the concern is a fraud,' "Salycilica1' is the medicine they adver tise, and if it is as great a humbug as the advertisers we fear some of our subscribers have been "rackedn too. I .----- 1 T ! -. . t The Drummer's Lament. ; uis petition to the Major and Alder men on hearing that the office of City Detective had been abolished : YoukHonok: V. Ten thousand drummers humbly pray To you on bended knee, ; That in kind consideration, . ' You will listen to their plea. We learn with grief and sorrow. With sad and deep regret, j l That in gloom and midnight darkness uetectivo Mayers sun has set.. No more he walks the golden streets, In search ot drummer tramps r No more he gets "dree dollars" To issue license stamps." '"-'' We dare not ask Your Honor ' The reason for this act ; . sut on our reputation We dare assert the fact, ! That Feist did execute the laws As if from sense of duty, And was never from the true path swerved, j . 1 By grace, or wealth, or beaufy. He treated every one alike, And kne w not iriend or foe ; And it they did not settle! up To the Mayor's court they'd go. He watched the streets both up and down, And watched the stores and bars He watched fhe busses to and fro. From hotels and the cars, j . Woe, woe, to them who sharply thought To lead him off the track, For he'd follow to the depot And sternly bring them l back; And he who thought he had beat him Reckoned without his host, For Feist, would make him pay the fee And add to it the cost. But if you'd treat- him rightly. You'd make of him your friend. And he'd pay your license for you, And to you money lend, Wherewith to get away from town Upon the early traiu. And trust that you would "pony up"' When you came back again. I We fear, Your Honor, without cause. 1 That you have gotten mae ! Because you learned that Feist had been . Indulging in fresh shad. When the Mayor of the city Enough salary did hot draw To even buy of mullets Enough to fill his maw."; , r . Will Your;Htnor please remember That unlike you. Feist's not bound To entertain in lordly style Every visitor to town ; While you, the representative Of society and wealth, Must often spend your money To leLpthers driuk your health. - So will you reconsider " - The action you have taken, And put him back to work again To relieve his heart from aching? For if you shut down on him And stop his work, we trow j He will have to take a place As pilot on a scow. , ; We'll miss his genial countenance And the clatter of his cane, j, ( . So we humbly beg Your Honor To start h'"m out again, I Unless with liberal spirit You will set the drummers free, And swear from now henceforward Not to charge them any fee. Dki'mmek. Kailroacl Improvements. . i - . " i The improvements at the railroad shops and yards are being pushed lor- ward towards completion1 with a view to having them all finished by the lirst of October, next. Among many other things which are in progress for the convenience of the workmen and for economy in expenditures, a railroad track has been laid through tho,. centre of th ie new machine shop, from its rn to its western side. This track eastern connects, as a matter of course, with the main track of the road, so that ma chinery or othermaterial be may loaded upon a hand car and run directly into the shop. Through the entire length of the centre of the building, from its northern to its southern .extremity, a track is to be laid for the transportation of casting and other Ihpavy articles to any department where they may be needed. There is a turntable very cunningly devised, in the very centre of the buildging upon whicn materials brought from outside may be turned andrun oflftaanyof the different de partments. Everything seems to have the appearance of substantiality, and the strictest regard to economy ot time, labor and expense. j Death of Mr. Giles, j It is with great regret that we learn of the death of Mr, William B. "Giles, one ot the oldest and most highly re spected citizens of the Cape Fear sec tion, which occurred this morning at Wrightsviile Sound. He had been ill for sometime but it has only been with in the last lew days that ' serious: fears have been entertained. Mr. Giles died full of years and carries with1 him to the grave the unqualified esteem of every one with whom he came in con- tact. He was 70 years of age and died of Bright disease.' j The remains will be interred to-morrow at Wrightsville Sound. ' : i i The "celebrated : 'Fish Brand Gilla' i Twine is sold only at J acobi's i 1 lard ware Depot. . . i - 1883. NO. 106 1IEIJ. GH.ES At his residence, on WrighUvlIle aonua, wis (xnnrsaay morning, Wll LI. 1AM J5. uiiks, aged 70 years. Funeral services will be held at the Son ed Chapel, to-morrow (Friday) afternoon, at 8.30 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FREE LECTURE ON THOROUGH BASS TO MOR- "ROW NIGHT AT EIGHT O'CLOCK,! ?! r iiv (UsH)x m. lions. I think this is the time and pWc, For me to speak on Thorough Ii;ts ; I have selected Tileston Hall Because I thought 'twould hold you all. If I should have but seventy-flvc. Or evenly, I will strive i To make toy lecture just as line- V ; -As though you numbered ninety-nlae. Kach "riddle I have published here. -Will very plain to you appear. When once my lecture yoc have heard, Xot one of them will sound absurd, may 3-i t - - WM. 31. HAYS, Jr., Stall No. 7, Fkoxt Street Mauket, K BEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND TUB IJEST BKEF, SPRING LAMB, MUTTON, etc. All meats bought from me are promptly delivered. WM. M. If AYS. Jr., f I may3 liu Stall No. 7, Front Street Market. I P Artistic Engraving. JAM NOW PEE PA RED TO DO EN iUAV. 1NG of any ind andupon the shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Examination ' of work solicited. Competition defied. J. F. WOOLVIN, inay3:ltr SKI .Ftlinecss Street Confederate Survivors' Relief Association. A MEETING OFi THIS ASSOCIATION will be held to-morrow (FRIDAY) evening1, at b o'clrtek, in City Court Koom. A" full attendance of all ex-Confederate Sol diera and Sailors U specially desired. By order of the President. ; r Y- G- ai vcrat:, : may 3-1 1 Senetarv S7,500 ANTED TO BOKSOW' THE SUM OF about Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollar. (10 per cent, more or less, as Vessel mav need" to be secured by Bottomrv and Respondentia ' I Bond for German Baik ATLANTIC, of Stral iuud, now at this Port in Distress, and bsund from Wilmington, N. c., with a earpo of Is- in for Antwerj'. Belgium, to pay for neces sitry uepaira, vori c;narees anl Kxtr.nses. SealedBld3 for sid JjOhw with the 31arine Premium prlen in! per cents, to- be forwarded before 12 o'clock, noon, MONDAY nvxt. the 7th day of May, ISM, nndcr address : German Bark Atlantic. care of Imperial German Con sulate, Wllmingtou. N. C. Bid for Bottomrv Bond. All Bids will be opened precisely a'f NOON, MONDAY next, the 7th instant, and the lowest bidder, on payment of the required Sura, will receive the Bottomrv Bond, f M G. SfCHEHING, Mastcrjof German Bark Atlantic. E.TP3SCHAU & WESTEUMANN, Agents ofl German Bark lAtlantic. Wilmington, X. C May Z, 1A1. HEADACHE NERVOUS, SICK, BILLIOUS OR CONGESTIVE, CURED. 1 (! HAD 51CK HKA1JACHE VOR 4ft VfcARS, YOt'R piixs crREP me." Iawj A. AVarrei', Dcerfield, N. V. DmjC.IV. BENSON'S CELERY & CHAMOMILE' PILLS. x ire fnet ftrnrn a m. xfffKMmur to curk ii It Is a fully established fact, that there die eases can be cured in any case, no matter how obstinate.1 These pills contain no opium, mor phine or quinine, and are not a purgative, but regulate the bowels and cure constipation by curing or removing the cause of It. They have a quieting eOect upon the nervous system, simply by feeding its ten-thousand hungry, starring absorbents, as they make or create nerve matter, and In that way increase mental force, endurance and brilliancy of raindl Take them two or three months In each year, sim' ply as a nerve food, if for no other purpose. DR. C. W. BENSON'S Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TOTTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION MILK CRUST. ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS. DISEASES OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES A TENDER ITCHINCSonanpartBofthe body. It makes th akin white, soft and gmooth t renurraa tan axui frecUe, am tm tTiBTrTTTrtnnot ilrr Inn iiiTTXU TCXULLII. Xlmsnky put m. twoEottl la oopca M.eoniinuorbotliiiiteiiiiaikiextMh (4 CI t pX tr tnuiif. All first -' r rocElsta bm9iU Piioa.fl.pcrsaekae. C. X. Crlltenton, Sole Wholesale Agnt for Dr. C. W. Benson's llcmedles, 11 Falcon M., may S-lw-c-th-frm SODA WATER. QN AND s AFTER TO-DAY WE WILL keep the most delicious Ice Coki Soda. Pure fruit juices only used. rounds Bros., Dlsxensui7 Pharmacists, 1.4D1 BROADWAY, XJZW YqUK, AND WIIAUNQTON, N. C. mcbl? FAC-StftltLE'SlCMATWE OH EVEWy BOX. f ! i' ... FLUASS KOTIC2L We wElbeglad to reodra comxaunlcaUons irom our frtenda on any and all ubecu of seneral lntereai but j 'The name of the writer must always t ra al&nod to the Editor. ' . . ".. ' r. r ; CoTnmmiicatloM mxat b written j ea oxir one side of tie paper. PersonaDtlearaustbe avoided. And it Js especially and paxtlcularly undo tood that the Editor doea ot always endor tke views of correspondent unlcsa so state In the editorial colamna. 4 new ai VEUTismiEirrs. Wanteds 5 000 ACM? TOSI rViNTt-:' once, of good planting ixe. ' . , R. O. BLAIR, VLL . y.;3li Market Street f ." JohnC. Borncmaii, outCiieb, stall .vor s, , v. ;5 FRONT STKEET MAltKET nOUSK, : Wilmington, N. C. VfcVL, SAUSAGES, Ac hipa iippllei with Mcate and Vegetable at Lowest Price. Y ' may l-tf ? - - - ' : Jaiues J, Brirnett; pHOTtXlRAniER, A. NKW MARKET BUI LDING, I fCn Stuirw Snittlf' Relecl fully notlfles the tuihll. iuit and at low pi ices pn-iiarwi iu uo au wort in nu llce.l i . ... . . i ? romptly i A call U soli'citw mav i . :t7 Desirable 'Localities . HAVING PURCILVSEDTHK 1'ROPKItTy known as the Base Ball Grounds.fsltuaU' on Orarjre eti-eet, ljctween Sixth and Seventh streets and .n Seventh between Orange and Ann streets, I offer it for i)e ou the instal ment plan, and will eu it up to suit buyer. Abo, on longt-rudlL lots fornale inotherparts of the city. Money loaned to those wl.hiojr to build. Apply to r - l . apl:J0 3t coI JAMES WILSON. A Wew Supply I qV red and white onion 8tnk l'eas, IJeans, Corn, C'lbbagp, Ac ' J ' Drugs and, Chemical,. Patent , Medicine. lodet and Fancy Artirlen, Jtc. i , -U'ltiscriptions HIUhI at all hoursj day and German Drugdt, To the Ladles F HAVE JUST JtCTlUNEl KROJI THE North with the LARGEST LOT Of Camellias, Roses, Carnations, &c,r over oflerud i Wilmiitirtnn. ' A loo. a RARE SELECTION OF CHOI UrK TLA NTS. . - I ndies and ,entiemen are invited to rail and fteemy Camellias from igbtceu inches to seven feet in height. Ito-sea t n eo ycars.old, grafted and budded from French importations, and oil in large pots. , j - l . I invite gpfcial altcnlfou to my beaTilifni dc?-" signs ot Rustle TeiTa Cotta llaiilnff Basket-. I" lower I'ots, Vasef, , ; i 1 CEO. 'I LAMB. ' ith bet. Chestnut and Princess feu iu;v a tr Soda Water! SodalVater! irriTH ITTRE FltCIT JUICES,-, I- ICE COLD ! SESHOS 1HS3.' MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT ICE COLD. ... w i , r Ju WiLLlAit II. GREEN. !; Drugst. Notice) Change. rjpHC UESTAUi:ST':A3fl SAU)ON;FOR merly knowu y3 the Scirboroiijfh House. No. ... .j- I " South Water street, will hereafter be known as the CAPE FEAR PILOT HOUSE, where ran be found at all time the bct of Wines, Ciarsrs. Board hv tH lav Ll'juors and or month. 1 or month. Tablo wipplled with the hesttho Market afford Oysters In season. All at popular pricc lour patronage Is resieetf A trial will con vinni von that ruuy Koiu-.itcd. our aim is to cc!l and plas.- i I 'J K- T BURICJS8, apl S-'V Star copy It . Mauaa;r MILLINERY. Entirely New and Beau'ti- ' ful Stock! - IUAVE RETURNED FIWM TIIE NORTH em markeu and will next week open anrn tirely fresh stock, NOJJOB IT8, and notn Ivg old or oat of date, but ail from ' J THE FIRST IMPORTINC; HOUSES. " .; The styles are prettier tlian ver. Will be pleaded to see my customers and ' " . it-'! show them the most elegant line of Millinery In'the city. Respectfully, MISS E- KARREK, apl It'. KXCIIAXGK COR.SKR. Visitors rpo THE CITY ARE INVITED TO THE U VE IKMJKSTORE; wliere everyitMrg o tlitslr advantage" will be shown there, firing, them in pu i chad's tli beutrit of thlr visit. TItee k tores are the mot attractive places In the city. . '- ASK to ho shown there to make your imr rJiases of 1'Uiuw, Orjcana, or anv Musical In strument. Books, bwtlocery and Fancy ArtI i rles, which will be riven you la exchange fori Cash and on the most liberal terms. Ask lor ' HEINSBERGER'S, apl 3o Live Book and Mulc 3 ton? Fly Fans. gUY ON E OF j THESE CHEAT HOUSE hold comforts from - " - , GILES A UUECIII30X. apl U , S3 and iO klurchlaoa Block

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