THIS TAPES ' " .-blab very evento. Sandal , 9. eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, 5UITOR AMD rROrMKTOl ; . rBSCRlPTIOSS rOSTAOE 'PAIDi i- t4 00. Six months, f2.00. Three nth.!1-00" Onetnontb, 35 cents, j 81 AOr will be delivered by carriers. frea ' !. in soy part of the city, at the aboYe i tnbacrlber will report any and all fall- ( ir- receive their paipcr rcgqUTly. ; f 77 Daily Review has the Utrgcut M fUIr. rirculntion, of any nempW "9.vJ Zl J ST " R .L-iainmike a-bust of John' poeiuu Brt,wn for (ticen v ictona. j i . - - ! 111,3 I'ere Hyacintlio is comins: of rt.nntrv to spend thcsiiiumer. an ofTetctl .lO.iHX) for a. license to lidUOl'S at wiiwicsmi lc ni 'est field. jiia., for five years, lirf rclusPtl- .. u! the authori- )fr. Thomas tlugbcs. who will visit ,r- n I. ... (1..1 lL.1 Kuby in lenncsseu, nujws iu. i cxriniental colony settled down in a ' biwncss:likc way. - - Three lactones in tho United State rcDiume nearly two million eggs a year in making a pecubar kind of paper used by photographers. 1 he Cathedral ot Mexico ii built of Ihestoues of the Aztec temple that stood on the same site, and which was destroyed by Cortcz. The little readers of Ilarper' Yorinq I'cci'lc have raised $3,000 to endow a rot in St. Mary's Free Hospital for Children, New York. It is aaid in Boston that the Methodist Episcopal Bishop Bowman believes thit he holds spiritual communication wilh Ins deceased daughter. . The Signal service station on Pike's Peak is 14,000 feet above the level of the sea. It is constructed of granite laid in ceiuent to resist- the furious storms. . - There are eleven ex-Governors in the United States Senate, viz: Anthony, Brown, Colquitt, Coke, Culiom, Gar land, Oroome, Hampton, Harris, Haw- ley and Vance. T he people of Nashvillle, Tenn., are to decided by their votes whether they will pay $43,000 for electric lights for tbtir streets or continue to rely upon ja at greatly reduced rates. - ' - . Jesse A. Kamsey.of Kentucky,kas the proud distinction of being one "of-the yon ugest grandfathers in the World, being but 36 years old, and having a jrandson of eighteen months. "No family of distinction, with daughters to marry," says an English adfertisement, "can possibly do with out a list of English land-owners of 3,000 acres and upward, just published ' The population of Ireland is about 5.C00.000; the census shows that we now have about 2,000,000 native Irish men iu this country who probably have more than 3.C0O.00O children born here It is estimated by the treasury au. thorities at Washington that the gov ernment loses half a milllion dollars annually in consequence of the smug gling carried on alongthe Rio Grande. Washington county, Ark., is terror ized by mad dogs. The rabid animals have bitten cattle, horses, sheep and human beings. So great is the scare that jieoplo are afraid to send their children to school. ' The following advertisement appears in a Hiverina (New South Wales) jour naif "Wanted A cultured gentleman eapableof milking goats; a university. man preferred. Applications, withtcs timonials as to proficiency, to be ad dressed," Ac. A cubic inch of gold is worth 210 ; a cubic foot, $3f2,3S0; a cubic yard, $9. 697,762. This is valuing it at 18 an ounce. At the commencement of the Christian era there was in the world $427,000,000 in gold. This had dimin ished to $57,000,000 at the time Arrieril' t was discovered, when it began to increase. Now the amount of gold in use is estimated to be $6,000,000,000. . In a recent . article to the Baltimore Vh Prof. n. E. Shephertl gives a most bopetul and philosophical view "of the tore of education in the South. Of or own State he says : "In North Carolina excellent graded schools are in operation at many of the most iniporr tant points, as Wilmington, Fayette viile, Raleieh. Greensboro. Goldsboro. Wilson and Rocky Mount. The State Uruvershy-ax cbipel Hill onco the cherished educational shrine' of every -rue Kortli Carolinian, has been re organized since the age ot political chaos, andis to-day more effective in general character of its instruction and more in sympathy with the scien tific spirit than at any preceding period of its history. The different denomina tional colleges ia the State are fulL of anergy antrrfgor. v Fill li in ii i 1F a irir ' . M M A I- Hi II - .1 ..l i w i r m i mm -am v a " t- - - m . m m m m mm- m mm V UJj. V 11. Mr, Potter Palmer, of Chicago, after spendin? $100,000 on a palace doesn't; - appearance ana qruersj u uj ue ; i demoliihel. --!-- A law has been passedsin Ohio mak- ins it a punishable itfence to sell a toy 1, . i pistol to a person under fourteen, years of a5c. and making the seller re3ponsi-1 ble for any damage that may follow LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ATKS Fancy ioo1i. j . i A C BoRnem Bcwant I IP G Blair-Virginia Jtcl Mrsw DBOHrharmaripts IIkissbkrukr Hill's Manual 1ar!u:t A Wtgoiv MouhHngi, W IT Grke Soda Vater Jfincral Water BTCHann .1 Joxr, Sect' j-pStockiioldert Mf. , J i rl IIOTXirT!woKTH A W.u.ker livery aad gale Stable? I i I" ! I The receipts of cotton at tin port to day foot up 208 bales. The masfstrates arc "takin r rnst there ljeing no business to claim their attention. f i Are you going to hear Prof. Hobbs' lecture on "Thorough Ia3s,v ton Hall, to-night? The annual meeting of the ton Gas Light Company wi at I Tiles- AVilming l belheld next Monday morning. ii1 1 . 1. 4 . r Jiulge Meares has issued a proclama tion calling a special term of the Crinii nal Court to convene on Monday, the 28th inst. A shoemaker named Harry Drum Run an awl in the ball of his thumb The awl made him bawl, But a cure for it all, St. Jacobs Oil, struck the pain dumb. Mr. W. M. Hays Jr., Stall No. 7, Front steeet market, has always j a fine assortment of beef, lamb etc. All goods bought from him will be promptly de livered. See adv. elsewhere. I. A large number of our citizens, . la- dies and gentlemen,, went down to Wrights ville Somnd thisf afternoon to he attend the funeral services over remains of Mr. W. bJ Giles. Steamboatmen report that, while there was plenty of rain during the re cent storm along the entire route of the river there had been no perceptible rise in the Cape Fear af, Fayetteville when they left there yesterday morn ing Messrs Hollinjrsworth & Walker have just received a tine lot of horses and mules, direct : from Young Ken- tucky, which are offered for sale through the advertising columns of thi$ issue. They arc on inspection at jtheir stables, corner of Fouth and Mulberry! streets, and those who may be thinking ol pur chasing are invited to call and exaniine them Itev. J. C. Barnaul, ot arrcuton, N: C savs: 'I find Brown's Iron Bit ters a thorough and complete tonic. Street Irill. I The Wilmington liight Infantry had a street drill in front of the City Hall last night with quite apiill turnout. The drill was in everv way creditable and the-"soger boys" felt pleased; to notice that quite a number of ladies were on the sidewalk watching j with much interest the different evolutions.' 1 1 Vagrancy. ; Robert Walker, a colored who says he came from Richmond, Va., by stealing a rido on the rilroad, was ar rested by the special policeman )j at the depot and brought bctore Mayor Hall this morning for his consideration, j udgui'ent was suspended! and the boy will be sent back whence he came. Improvements. demonstrations were made upon our Mr. J.H. Hanby is erecting a two- j right and lcfU but owing to the rapid story frame building on the Southwest j use of our small arms they were nn crner of Dock and Eighth street which i successful. Subsequently we had the will when completed' add very much to glooitiy satisfaction of seeing several the appearance of that i locality. The lower floor is to be useid as ' a store while the second story will be occupied as a dwelling. The structure through out will be built of the! best kind ofaia. terials and in the most thorough and workmanlike manner: Needs Attention. I There is a place on Chestnut street, just above Us -intersection with North Seventh street, which needs atention. Every considerable rainfall poods the street from one side to the : other.. and there is no way to get rid of the water bat by absorption. Some method of drainage should be adopted at once, as it is needed in a sanitary point of view, as well as for the convenience and com fort of travel. -; , ' . . For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot., f ii i II J :- -. v - si vv "M - - - - - -mmBmwnm mmam. . m k. v rm, mt mm- mm-- am mm mt -- WILMINGTON: N. C The Ayeather. TbU ha5 lK?en imleetl a delightful May day, sach as to make all na- ? ture milin and glad. Th'e warm and gonial sunshine has been just what the ' rth h ioas "ceded and .every spo -iCies ot vegetation has It.iii mulp tr i cies ot vegetation has been made to thpve, under its benign presence. .lit is j now too late in j the season for cold j storms and it may reasonably be ex- i j pected that hc present "warm spell ha-i come to-day. - j Inipruvcmeiits at Hilton 3UIU. j Messrs Parsley iVr Wiggins bave re jceiUly Ridded improvements to their saw and planing ivills. at Hilton, and in addition have made preparations to jdo a. largo business in fancy wood work. They have put in their planing wills a turning -Jatlie, moulding ma" , . ! ... i r.. v",,,c wiyii auu, hi tact, au nec essary machinery for fancy wood work, such as mouldings, brackets, baluster ! and all .descriptions of : ornamental bouse finishings. They arc now li 11 ing some very large orders and are turning out very; handsome work, I They have also in stock a large assort ment of lathes and vegetable and fruit crates.- Persons" in the country would do well to correspond with Messrs Parsley & Wiggins when in want of anything in their Jioe. An Ancient Ortranfzation. Under this caption-the Fayetteville Observer furnishes us with the follow ing interesting bit of history : The Cape Fear Navigation Company, which up to last year owned the Cape i'earj River from Fayetteville to Wil mington, was organized in 1785, that is to say, during the Confederation and four years before the adoption of the United State Constitution. This fact. and the doubt of the right of l he gov ernment to assume control of a river lying wholly within a single State, in duced the 4tith Congress to pass the bill authorizing the payment ot $10,000 to the company for its franchise ; and con trol of the river has since .' rested with the government. Clinton & Pt Caswell Railroad. The Clinton Caucasian of this week's isssue says: Cap: R. P. Paddison, : Chairman ot Com. on Survey y and Air. Dune an O'Hanlan, Chiel of f hie engi- neer corps of the C. & Pt. C. R. R. are engaged this week in locating ten miles of the road beginning at this point. They have already located ten j miles from Pt. Caswell this way. The de signs in leaving a gap in the line is that the questson of passing down Black River on the east or west may be 'de cided by future developments. Therj2 are no subscrbers on the east, but it is thought that the "lands on that side would better support the road than those on the west.) Besides, there would be one large bridgeless to build on the east than on the west," Hostile Bees. In speaking of Mr. Bloom's bees a few days since, we stated that, being Italian bees, 'possibly I hey could not sting in English, but now we are j pain fully aware that they can, and we are willing to make affidavit that they can sting effectually in any known language, idiom or dialect in use in rhe universal world. Mr. Bloom has three hires which swarmed this forenoon aud there has been a hot war between the differ ent colonies all day, with a,n occasional j diversion in "and attack upon human ! nassersby. It was our misfortune to come nnder the notice of one of them this noon aud as his blood was up and it being a "free fight,' he reckoned "in" and went for us in the most approved fashion "getting in' on our face aud neck with a vengeance. We changed lour base to fiecure a better L position in double quick time, during which time others attacked in the same way and with like results. - ' P. S. Since writing the above we learn that a hive of Italian bees, the property of Mr. J.-R. Marshall, on North Third, between Market and Princess streets, swarmed this afternoon and alighted near the Southeast corner of Market and. Second streets, where; they were captured and hi veil without any unusual difficulty. ; ? i , JLook Before you Leap, j A. & I. Shriek are now showing the best line of Mens, Boy s' and Chiidrens Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market.T nere buyers wilf find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere, i1 tL Silver plated Spoons and Forkk, Jow pices, at Jacobi.'s t FRIDAY. MAY 4, 1883. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MEW MATTING ! TO AKKIVK THIS WKEK, GOOD QUA L JiLACK it is oiien remarkeil that we arc . . ....... vaw v.4Wa.r NEWPORT SOARFS AND SASHES, for both Ladies and Children. ! The, prices you will find the lowest. A good assortment as ni any know. If you c an match our BLACK S!LK GRENADINES ! ' Ih style and price iwc' will just-- hush n,v! v, " ' Silki Lisle Thread and other Gloves, may 4 ! ' P. S W hVA Erktil rn flfrl la we think sneaks well for the kvles and Gen. Grimes .Letters.! ! We thank Mr. Pulaski Cow per, of Raleigh, for a copy of , "Extracts of Letters of Maj. Gen. Bryan Grimes to Ii is wtfe. written while in active service in the army of NcrthernVirginra togetlu r with some personal recollections oX the war, written by. him' after its close- compiled from original manuscripts, by i Pulaski Cowpcr, of Raleigh. N. C.'' The book IS etlited by Mr. Cowper aud the large mass of matter; it contains. i - I ie frrr. haIas talron .if 4lio ttmn rf tViA I .1 , r, . , . various occurrences oy lien, unmes. it may be taken as a true and correct nar- rative of the scene. In which its gaUantj and distinguished author was engaged! and the letters will prove a valuable) addition to the true history of our late unhappy war. Without a History. Our attention was called to a curious and rare coin this morning, but in this instance its'history is wrappetl m the gloom of mystery. It is about the size in diameter of our present five cent piece, but is very thi It has been so much worn by time and rough usage j (hat none of the letters and inscriptions can, be; deciphered although I an. im- age of a man's head, wearing a Roman helmet, is quite distinct upon one; side, while upon the other are rough-looking figures which appear to represent a man and a woman. This coin was found among some ballast which came from the West , coast of Africa which was being used for grading Chestnut street. A young son ot Capt. Charles D. Myers was the tinder, andd the coin may be seen at Capt. Myers1 store.. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Third North Carolina. The Association of Ofticers of the Third North Carolina Regiment will celebrate the 17th anniversary of tneir organization at Greenville Sound, this year, on Wednesday,' the lfith inst. This is the oldest Confederate organi zation of veretcrans in the South, hav ing been organized February 6th, 186fi. There are eleven members now resid ing in this city and hie organization is !nfinI4l to hn iwriwl iml. as fhoro i n X . . r... .. dull st: in Liien uwiMiuiiiiuii i jjvr ,ia tK nbloet n ..In niomlwr tr ho. come himself a member upon the death , . . r of the father, by makins application for the same. - - 1 '.. Fish Culture. Mr. C. YV. McDowell, of Ihc North Carolina Fish Commission arrived here last night, hjivimr in his charge 2.-0,Ooo young shad from the fish hatchery at Avoca. near Kdentou. Although he was expected, :ts was stated in Mon day's Review, there was iu certainty day of his coming until late last when Col. R. R. Moore, through whose j instrnmentnlity the fish were brought ; him, received a telegram from Gotds- boro that he was on his wav to Wil- mipgton. Upon Mr. McDowell's ar- rival here the fish, were in cans, were examined and found "all right," and j t.lon tn tht tIort at. tho. tnnt of Alsrket street, where they were emptied into the Cape Fear. Owing to the I lateness of the hour and Mr. McDowell's un- ; looked for arrival, onlv a few persons .A a ,waA M -v wmm m Ua v ! rtf Irnnsfprini tho fish fmm thp rfins tn I J I m, a. V mm m m. v w v - the river, i . . . j- It is cxpectotl that another install-1 mfnt of shad will soon reanh tho citv. I - to assist In stocking the river, this lat bktaubast asu sawox for tcr lot to come from Washington, D. C. i merly known as the Scarkorougb Uouae, No. ! Col. B. R. Moore has worked quietly but effectively in securing these fish fo onr waters and deserves , much credit from our people for his efforts and tho sncccess which has attended them. " j The celebrated 'Fish - Brand Gills' Twine bsold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. I NO. 0' NXTVV A DYEKTIS EMTSNTS. IT V AN D EMBRACPfU KOrit TlI.Ki SILKS, selnn" khIi nrwwla rn..,. IX COLORS AND I5LACK. R. M. MclNTIRE. atlings this season, and this rtrcx Jrvfc n' "prices. Stockholder Meeting. T HE ANNUAL MEEITNG K THE Wlt MINGTON GAS LIGHT CO MP ANT wlirLci'1 J 'f r '- la the KV IWAUKKT neia ni mc company' Oflice, oo MONlJAY.'f MAY. 7th. :it lnVWl- i ; RICHARD T. .IONE. may4-2t 4 Ker'y and Treji. j - w p" n v a t I 3LUNDS BROTRERS, PHARMACISTS, ; L431 Broadway, N. . Corner .l St., N. t., and 2l North Fourth 8t . WUnungton, N. C. WOpen frnib in the uiorain.? till 12 at ; mgrn. i-resciption prepared at ail lion mav 4-tf !ir. VIRGINIA MEAL. ! J am offering this splknoidmeal (ground eoarse or line) at bottom i price. Erery bag warranted to give, sat is 1 action. carioaa-or single bag orders solicited. le- j iivercd free. K. G. BLAlRj Market Street. j,- roty Reward. AiOOD REWARD WILL BJM'AID TO any one aha wing BETTER BEEF, MUTTON AND LAMB, than is to be found at Suit No. 8, New Market House, Front Street. Always the BEST on hand. Call early. Leave orders. . . . Kespeetfully, . J. C. BORNEMAN. may 4-tf Star cop , ;HHPa rTasanuaf" QF.SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMS, A Guide to Correct Writing. A New aud Revised Edition. . ' - A ,,..'.' PARSON'S LAWS OF BUSINESS r Ln- largcd and Improved Edition. ' r - - ., PJANO AND ORGAN STOOLS, 1 Just received at HEINSBERGER'S, may 4 I Live Book and Music Store f ; ; ' Mouldings, Brackets, Balusters i AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF OrnamentaLHouse Finishing BUILDING LUMBER, FENCING AND LATHS ALWAY IV STOCK". BOXES for shipment of VE5ETAJtLEe, ! ' i FRUIT and MERCHANDISE of any d:-!red 8ize. rea-ly made, oriin thnotJ, tth- HILlON ! mills. pa Unlet & wiggins. j 1 may 4-deod&wlm ! f - - r - Livery and Sale Stables. j JJ(,RS. bugh PILETONS AND .CARRI4GLS let at low rM. Also Board ; for Horse. , i in the j Jhp Fmpct Hofl rco 1 MC T- lilCol neaibb A CAR T1AD OF J TTp.ntnrVv TTnr3PQ Ar MnlpQ -LUUCKy HOrSeS C& MUieS Jnst fc, bw. The i,et lot of atoek in the citvl. , HOLLING.S WORTH & WALKER. I '. . . i s maF4-tf" Cor. Fourth and Mniherry t At the New Stables, Pew for Eent. i ioe bent, pkvt xo. ?: rRTir iun- 1 ,Ja- may i Gt eod MItS. L. MEGINNET. Notice. Change. 15 S)utth Water street, will hereafter be known as the CAI'E FEAR TILOT, JIOUSE, wbire can be found at all tiatea tb bekt of WIne, Lit(uor and Clears. Board bv the day, week or month. Table applied with the bct the market afford. Oysters In season., Alt t popular prices. Y onr patrouaye I reieet tally solicited. A trial will cooTlnee you that onr aim la to excel and please. , E. T. BURRIS3. apt SO- Star copy It Manager . - ;. " PU2JLSE Korics. - ! "? We will be jlai to recdro ccwanuaicaHoii from our friends on any and all tnbjects ot general lntercat bat : XTw name of the writer mttat ahraya lb to ConmonlcaUona most be wnttea oap bat j one fcMo of the pajier. ' Personalities raot be aroled.' An-t It Is especially anl partlcutarly usUo . Moo-1 that the KUlur does not always cnilo? J the-lewof corrcspomleoU. unices so ute In the editorial eoluatas. i I l L-i NEW ADV I-ntTI SKJIENTjS J W E W STORE. ! iR THE CONVENIENCE iP MY.CU.s IOMKKS AM) TilK rUUt:JlLN:F.ILVt.LVt j I Lure cicucd a ' - . ; Fancy Grocery .Store"! i NKW 3IA11KET HOUSE. j r COHNElt MUTKU'.S AIJ.EV. !l )lAl.l.ltAVKOMtANl AT Al-lf lMl.s 4 j The Clioicest (5 roccries ' -k'Jcm n I kre at my Stw o:. N.irlli Frnt Stif et, n. 1 , ' F?y rmir GKOCKIUES from me "and ( ill nflvrl mM'e!Bre 'to deliver at jnir lmiiua such articles a- you may iurrhasc in te Mar krt. SAVt TIM K AND TROUBLE hy Mftklnff r ...... IK i John L. Joatwrilit4 may I tf ' .500 yrNThti TO BOUHOW THE .?i;.M OF sibmit jnjvrn Thmud I ive Hundred Dollar -(M iM?r :cnt. more or lc, as Vcsnel mar iirrdl ' to le tH.'1-iired hy Bott-jmry und Respondent iii , Bond for.Ccrman Bark AT I. A NT 10. of Stralj i funa, now ai ir.J rort in inirvf s, and tmu( rrom u umingion, o, Willi a calpo of Rnji In for Ant erp. JUlglum, to psv for necci eary Repairs, Port Charceh nnd'Expenpd,4 Sealed Bid for bald Loan with the MaritiU Premium pfieo l;i er rents, to br forwnnled lwlore li o'clock ncMn, M ON DAI next th ' 7tU day of May, nnder addrest r thermal ! Bark Atlantic, care of Imperial Oerni&n Con- ' fcuiHi, iiuiingioiii .x. j j.iu lor lsottoinrv Bond. All Rida will bo opened prceUtly a't NOON. MONDAY nextrlhe Tth irstantJand the lowest bidder, uu payment of the teuuiivd i Bnm, will lfceive the Bottomry Bond. f t.. i;ClIKRlN4iv Ma-ter of Oornian Bark Atlitntiu li PE CIIAU & W EKT K IOI A N , Agiit. . of Ciermau BarkAtlanihv Wilmington. N. C , May S, lrS:J. i may 3 31 -t -; - ...;';. A'.-, Stall No. 7 , -Front Street Market.! KEEPS CONSTANTLY OV HAND THE BEST BEEF,-' SPRING 'LAMB. MUTTO ' I ' - i . ' ' etc. All meat bought from me are promptly deUvered WM. M. II AYS. Jr., ' may 3 lm Stall No. 7, Front Street Market. - 7-W 1 ' Confederate Survivors Relief Association.' . . . . - r A Meeting of this association' j will le hel.l to-mun-on- (FRIDAY) evenlugJAt I ! " i i j o'clock, in City on rt Room . . j I. f:, A foil attendance of all ex -ConfcdcriHo Sol d'.ers nnd Sailors la specially dealred. By oj-der of the Preeidcnt. I ! W. O. M AcRAE. J - - - -. . : -r-1 " .- ' - "'y Sccretaiy Soda Water! Soda Water! j riTII PI'RE FRUIT .H 'ICE (?, ,; I ICE dOT-D t SEASON ItSS. 1 M INERA L WATER N DRAUGHT. I ICE COLD. " I ' . . W I Lid AM II. GREEN, DruggUL t ... . What's the Use QF c;ojNG DOWN STREET WHEN YOU can grt the same quality of gooInt the same prices at your door ? All nre invite! to v j amine prirei and -lualily, (which I -guarantee - as low and an good n nuy In the ritv.) Thank ! . "- " ' 1 '- -' hi? all for pat favom m liherallr Iefowe.I, I S ' ' ! .. - ! l1 merit a rontinuancc of Ihe tame. . i GI VE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED.' GOODS 'DELIVERED FRKE iu ptrt of Ihc City. .'"" '.!''' ' J'"-'-" any WM. OTEIEN',, -i Rti 11 lealer in Select Fancy tiiw erh.,-' 1 Corner Fifth and Liriet mj. may l-3t tufrioion T" MILLINERY.. j Entirely i Ne W 3Ud BeaUti- ful Stock ! J HAVE RETjURNEO FROM THE NORTH crn market a nd will next week iopenan tirely fresh ujct, NO;.OB 1XTTS, ami noth ing old or out of date, but all from THE FIRST IMPOETLNG .HOU&E.S. " The etyles are prettier than erer. , Will be pirated to ee my customers aid' show them the most elesnt line of; MJltftMr . in the" city... ''. x -''-';. Lj Eepertfut!ya -I ; MISS E- KARRER, apl 1G EXCHANGE CX)UXU1L