xms PATES evening, Sandaya' ex 3 We vflil be gUd to rscclra cczzzzzzlzzilzzi froa our frlaadLs ea any tr.i ill intjecU of cepted by JOSH T.JAMES, -l SDITOB AD PBOFKIKTOB. .nBSCBIPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: ' r rfaf slx Months, f,00. Three iH-Wl One month. 36 cento. ftpcr will be delirered by carriers free Te, in any part of the city, at the above or l0cnU per week. . . , 'vrltHinK rate, low and liberal. rtUubacrlber will report any and all f all elf e their paper regularly. general Interest but . . 7 , - - The name ot the writer most Hwaya be fw nlafced to the Editor., s" !Z 'V i ' , j ;- j r Conua onlc&tlons must t4 written oa oal ; one aide of the paper. Personalities must be avoided i. ! And it ts especially and particularly ra3e -tood thai the Editor doef not always endor , tae views of corrpfpondenU uules to state tn the editorial columns. . , VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 5, 1883. NO. 108 Mill , ' ffte Daily Review has the largest-, JZ fid' circulation, of any newspaper j "S?ini is said to have carried away j(io,000of American money. McTberson, of Hie House, thicks tbat Randall will be Speaker. Within two years, thinks the Augus CliVnide, there will be a ship canal across tbe Florida peninsula. The Legislature of Pennsylvania caie within one rote of making it a friruinal oflence to treat anybody. in Japan la"7ear 2,1,214 tele graph messages were dispatched, 98 per int. of which were in the native tongue. '"Dr. Thouia3 Evans, the fashionable Aaerican dentist of Paris, has been viMtingtheFrince of. Wales at Sand- rifurham. . Seventeen hundred and seventy slx million letters, cards and news paper last year went through the British iostofiice. i Justice Stanley Matthews lost four ol hi children in a month and his yotmgost surviving sou is now said to be hopelessly ill. ' About fifty ex-members of Congress have applied for the commissionership of internal revenue, and more are cowing by every train. , - i. M. Falmer, manager of the Union Square Theatre, New York, is about to retire, relinquishing his interest to Sher idui Shook and J. W. Collier. V Algernon Sullivan, the president of the new Irish organization, is a native ut Amherstburg, Ont., where his father in the British military service. The Boston Journal sounds this Wiirning: "There will be more than one will changed when Harvard College cotter a degree upon Governor Bat ler." The French are building thirty-six men of war, of which twelve are iron clads, to cost $21,000,000, and two more, iron clads also, are to cost' $2,- 000,000 each. 'Che gas companies of Baltimore hare agreed to charge only $1 per 1,000 cubic feet, and one of the SL Louis companies has reduced its price from .$3.50 to $1.50. A little girl in New York last week jumped the rope 106 timea consecutive ly, without making a single miss, and died that night of congestion of the brain in consequence. ' The Charlotte Journal is of opinion that before the year 1900 the North will make a determined effort to get rid of negro suffrage, because it did not pan out according to expectation. Jen. Raum is of the opinion that the reduction of the tax on tobacco will be of small benefit to consumers, o wing to the advanced cost of the raw material and the demand for increased wages on the part ot the workmen. -. : i ' . . .... - . . oenaior Anthony's illness is said by a Washington correspondent to have been caused by eating a partridge. The bird, which was killed while snow was OH tllft (rrnnml !. .1 I i! 1 1 kiiy and so the Senator's blood war r v The New York Time. gravely asserts that when Col. Dick Johnson killed Tecumsoh, the Kentuckian cut off strips of the dead warrior's skin, took them home and had them made into razor straps. ' Livery and Sale Stables, g-ORSKS, BUGGIES, PH.KTON3 AXD UAIRIAGLS let at Vow rates. Also Board for Horses. The Finest Hearse in the . City. A CAB LOAD OF ' Kentuoky Horses & Mules Jnat recerred and for sale low. Tie best lot of stock in the ctty. H0IXING3 WORTH & WALKER, Ji Kew Sables. Ti7 4 lt Cor. Fourth and Mulberry 8U Stockholders' Meeting. AXKUAL MKETLNQ OF THE WIT. iH3 ?S2 "OHTTOMiAWi- will be nty 4 2t uCU ARD J. JONES, SeCy andTreta. LOCAL NEWS. IHDEX TO MtyV ADVERTISEMENTS. YATES Fancy Goods, j J W Taylor Wood j; For Sai.c - A Mocking Bird Mdkd8 Bros Pharmacists Rkinsberoer 111118 Manual Mis E Kaureu Still Another j I Mit S J Baker To the! Ladies i Mrs Kate C WiyEs May Millinery John J Hedrick For Fifteen Cents Mrs E A Lcmsien Grand Opening Miss IIettie James, Pres't Notice. Prof Brown Cancerand Nasal Catarrh W II Grkex Soda Water Mineral Water Day's length 13 hours and 49 minutes. Therewere no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at thus port to day foot np 41 bales. " j Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 51 ! . minutes past 6 o'clock. New moon to-morrow afternoon at 44 nii mites past 4 o'clock! There were no interments in Fine Forest Cemetery this week. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at J Acom's Hardware ijepot t There was one intermentthat of an adult in Oakdale Cemetery this week. Nor. barque Rival, .lorgensen, sailed from Bergen on the 1 3rd jinst I for this port. t- ; Nor. barque Gurin, Hansen, from this port, arrived at London on the 1st inst. . I . . i The Board of County Commissioners meetin regular session next Monday afternoon. The regular monthly I meeting of the Board of Aldermen next Monday night.; will be held Tlie Register of Deeds . issued two marriage licenses this week, both of which were for colored couples: . i -j ;- . Mrs. Lumsden's Grand Spring Open ing .willtake place next Wednesday. The ladies will bear this fact in mind. Tho reDairs to the steamer Passport will be completed by tho middle of next week, wheii she will be ready to resume her regular trips, ' -1 , - 1 1 i The crops hereabouts, it. is said, are booming looking very well. Corn in and already promises a fin's yield. The vine crops are not doing so well. - j . j i . The pic nic season will soon; begin in good earnest, and the good little boys and girls will be more regular m their attendance at Sunday school. S A steamboat captain from Goshen, Was hurt by a boiler explosion ; On the pains in nis nip, St. Jacobs Oil got the grip He calls it the all healing lotion. -4-4- I ; Mr, James Lewis will jopen at Wrightsville Sound this Rummer the Buckingham Club House which he promises to make an an attractive place of resort. ' i ; . I Cotton advanced to 10i cents in this market to-day. This would be cood news but for the fact that Tery little of tho crop is now in the hands ot the pro-' duccrs. jj . i Thi has been the warmest day of the season , thus far. At 3 o'clock this a f ternoon the thermometer in this office registered 78 degrees which is iust two degrees above Summer heat. ! . . ; i In consequence of the absence ot the Pastor. Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, there will be no services in St. jPaul's E. L. Church to-morrow morning but Rev: F. H. Wood will preach at night. Miss E. Karrer, at Exchange Corner, is again in receipt of a large invoice of many of those new and pretty articles of fashionable wear so dear to the hearts 'of th'eladies. The goods were being opened to-dav and will be on -exhibition next Monday.! ) The Ladies of the Memorial Associa tion request us to state that they have been notified by Capt. Myers of his ina bility to serve as Chief Marshal on Memorial Day and that Capt. A. J L. DeRosset has been tendered and accept ed the position. .- j; . To BuUdersand other--Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. ; 1 Unmailables. ' Thft followinff is a list of the unmail- able postal matter, remaming in the Postoffice in this city i i ; j Thos Stockey. Easy Hill, NC; Jna MayherjThos McKoy; J E HMcNair; H B Chambers ; Maria Whitted, card Perdie Andrews; Thomasf Fisher, care Martine Hilkens. S E Broad sst; J V BoswelL Pt Caswell; B F Yates, Grist Sta, NC;.TO Herring, Long.Bluff. 4 Settled at Last. We learn that the meeting of the Young Meu'3 , Hebrew Association held last night at Germania Hall, was o.uite largely attended and that the ex cersises created much interest. The question for discussion, vis Nature more pleasing to the eye than Art?" was discussed in the affirmative by Messrs. Isaac Bear and Isaac Ievy, and in the negative by Messrs. L. J. Otter bourg and W. Weili.; The discussion occupied about an hour of time, and resulted in a victory to those who advo cated the negative side ot the query. K Thieving: Rats. Mr. Savage, at tho poor .house, has recently lost quite a number of young cabbages and was at a loss to know what became of them until he was in formed, a day or two since, that they were stolen by rats.: He could hardly believe the statement, but as the plants continued to be taken, he concluded to watch and this morning discovered the mischievous rodents at work, and shot two of them while in the act of carrying off the plants. A Good Life Ended. Mr. Charles Page, one of the oldest citizens of Duplin count died at his home in Rocktish township on the night of the 3rd inst. Mr. Page was born in the year 1800, and was about 83 years of age. During his long life he had been al useful citizen, an industrious Jariner, a kind neighbor, and for many years a consistent and consceintious Christian. He was universally esteem ed and respected, j and although of a modest and retiring disposition, j his influence for good was important and manifest in his neighborhood. A good man has gone to his rest. Truck Gardens. We are glad to know that some of our j i farmers outside of the cty are devoting much attention to the cultivation ot early vegetables for this and other mar kets. Quite a number hare entered the work energetically and with sue cess. We learn that .the truck farm of Mr. C. H. Heide,about three miles from the city, on the Duplin road, is one of the finest in this section, such : as it is a pleasure to look upon.- lie takes verj' great pride in the business of agricul ture and has brought his larm to the highest state of cultivation, so that it will soon be a source of -real profit as well as pleasure. lro!V Hobbs I Lecture. There was an audience estimated at between 60 and 70 persons assembled at Tileston Hall last nicht to listen to the' lecture on Thorough Bass and Harmony by Prof. Hobbs. We have been in formed by one who was present and. who 13 entirely competent to speak un derstanding', and to judge impartially uponj the subject, that the lecture, al though wy short, , was interesting, entertaining and highly instructive to those! who have any knowledge of, or fondness lor, the profound science of music. Prot. Hobbs sketched rapidly over a great deal of musical ground, but in such a manner as to explain many matters heretofore unknown by the nou-musical public so that they, could be fully understood. His lecture will undoubtedly result iu good, as it will be apt to awaken more interest in the study of music and musical science than has ever prevailed in the city. To those who attended the time was well and profitably spent. I American History. . We have received the May number, which is No. 5, of volume IX of the "Magazine of American History, illus trated." It contains valuable historical matter pertaining to our country from its earliest settlement to the present time. The several articles in the pres ent number are of national interest and are prepared by persons possess ing every qualification for the impor tant and difficult task. Among the papers in this issue is an exact copy of the "Pctilon to the King by the Con tinental Congress; of 1774," with" a fac-similo of the autograph signatures of the immortal fifty-one who signed the last appeal on the part of the Amer can Colonies to prevent the irrepressible conflict. The signers of that petition from North Carolina were AVill Hoop er, Joseph and R. Caswell. There are many other important papers and articles in the number which we have not time or space to notice in this issue. The work is edited by Mrs; Martha J. Lamb.' and published by the "Historical Publication Co., 30 Lafayette Place, N. , Y., . in mdnthly parts at 50 cents a number or $5 a year in advance. ! For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot t Open Gate. It has been presumed by many that carriages would not be allowed to enter the grounds of the National Cemetery, but we understand that Mr. 11. C. Tay lor, the superintendent, will permit carriages to enter at all times between sunrise and sunset on all davs in the year, so that those who may desire can enjoy a drive through the different avenues at pleasure. ;-, j r ; i: University Catalogue. We have ' received j from President Battle a copy ot the Catalogue j of the University of North Carolina for 188 '83. The number . of matriculates is 208, the largest number ince 1861. Of these 11 are Post Graduates. -The I-aw School has 21. The pamphlet .'is well printed by Edwards, Broughton & Co., and does them credit. Memorial Day. 1 Capt. A. L. DeRosset, Chief Marshal for Memorial Day, announces the fol lowing as Assistant Marshals for that occasion: Capt. J. I. Metts, Dr. F. W. Potter, Capt. W. P. Oldham, Capt. Jno. Kent Brown and Messrs S. 41. Birdsey, H. C. McQueen, A. H.' Greene, S. G. Hall; Jno, R. Turrentine and S. H. Morton. The Marshals are requested to meet in the City Court Room, on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose bf arranging the order of the exercises aiid that of the procession. Exports Foreifiri Nor. barque jEohts, Capt. Krogb, cleared to-day for Bristol, Eng., with G50 casks spirits j turpentine and 1.380 baerels rosin, valued at $14,053, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Downing & Co. Church Services To-Morrow. St. John's Church, corner Third and Ked Cross streets. Sunday after Ascension, May 6th. Morning Service at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 8 30. . St. James Church, corner Market and Third streets.. Itev. A.-. A. Wutson, J, D. 1 lector. Kunday after Ascension, May 6, 18S3. Morning Prayer and Communion at 11 o'clock. Snnday School at 4 o'clock, p. m. Evening Trayer at 5 o'clock. . , . . St. Paul's Evati. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Kev. F. W. E. Pes chau, Pastor. Rev. F. II. Wood will preach at 8 o'clock, p. m. , There will be no services In the morning. . Second Presbyterians Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C M. Payne, Pastor. There will not be services at 11 a. m., but Kev; Dt. Josephr -B: Wilson will take the pastor's place at evening service at 8 o'clock- A. Meeting for Prayer i Wednesday at 8 p. m. Sabbath School at p. m. Scats free. First rresbyterlan Church, eoiuer Third and Orange streets. Rev. Joseph R. Wilson, D. D.,j Pastor. Services at;il a. m., and 8 p. m. Sabbath school , at 3 . p. m. Lecture Thursay night at p. m. Front Street M. E. Churcli, South, comer "of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Frank II. Wood, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. awl 74$ p. m. Sabbath school at S p. m.,W. M. Parker, superintendent." -Prayer meeting -and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 1 o'clock.-1 Christian Associatioii' Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seat9 free and strangers and visitors cordially inTited. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, "corner of Fourth and Orange streets. Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer at 8 o clock ; Sunday school at 3J.i o'clock. Seats free.; . r - Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. T. Page Ricaud, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and "Vj p. in. ; Class meet ing at 3 p. m. ; Prayer meeting Thursday even ing at 7 o'clock. . Look J3eibre you Leap. A. Ss I. Shriek are'now showing the best line of Mens, Boys' and Childrens' Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing ' before purchasing elsewhere. tt. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks; low pices," at Jacobi.'s . t new advertisements; Notice. - jr THERE ARE ANY GRAVES OF CON- foderate Soldiers sleeping in Oakdale Cemete ry that have been unintentionally overlooked in erecting the Memorial stones, the relatives orj friends of such will please send their names immediately to j MISS HETT1E JAMES, may 5 ' C - Pres't L. M. A. STILL ANOTHER I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER .. i - LARGE INVOICE OF M I LL INERT! OF ALL OF THE. NEW SHA PES AND SHADES. AS ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF Fancy Goods, Beautiful Parasols and Fans. ALL SEW STYLES. ' Fichus, Hair Goods, New j Stamping Patterns; &c. :r Agency for Jt ha Universal Fashion Compa. ny'a Patterns. . ' t . .. " ' RespecUallj, MISS E. KARRER, mays KICITAXGK CORNER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Opening OF Fine French -: i Millinery ! AT MRS. E. A. LUMSDKS'S on Wednes day, May !th. The Ladies rt respectfully Invited to call. MRS. E. AJ LUMSDEN, may 34t o lia Korth Frontit WOOD. AM NOW PllEPARED TO SELL BLOCKS, at .V) cents per IoadI. SLAB WOOD, at 35c per Load. J . W TAYLOR, Foot of ; Walnut Stiect may 5-ot Fpr Sale. SPLENDID- MOCKING BIRI. - FINE fclNGER, probably the best in tlie city. v Apply at' THIS OFFICE. may 5 tf Way nljllinery. rjIHE BEAUTIFUL MONTH OF MAY HAS come and I have received more NEW AND i '- - HANDSOME MILLINERY ; GOODS, which will be sold cheap. , . . Ladies, give me a call before purchasing. . j MRS. KATE C. WIN Ea, may 5 No. 1 lTTNorth Second Street. Cancer and Nasal Catarrh. JjROF. R II. BROWN IS jlN THE CITV, X . and will remain till Friday evening next, and offers bin services a a ispecialist iu the cure of CANCWK. Is alo agent for Dr. Karsner'n celebrated Catarrh Remedy. Also has lor sale a limited quantity of Urown'H Corn i'anacca, a never latling Remedy for Bunions, Corfts and Callouws Orders left nt the store of K. G. Rlair. Market street, will have prompt attention. Consultation free.' may 5-lt ''-!. ' TO THE LADIES OF "Wri3i.iiisro,roisr X SHALL OPEN A NEW LINE OFJIAhjD Homegoods next week, fresh from the North, embracing the I LATEST STYLES AND MOST APPROVED : AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. HANDSOME FEATHERS'' and all other things eoimeqted with a First-Class Millinery Store - may 5- MttS. S. J. BAKER, No. 122 Market Street For. Fifteen Cents PER YARD, LACE BUNTINGS, as good . :- 4 -, ;' ';'' . ; r-.u. - - v: !. as anything else in town for 30 in all. the e'e- sirable shades. The lcst thing yotl .Imported White Check Litwks, in two styles, jit 12'. cents, wortli double.- Another instalment of te Percales. ,Iiook at my Lace Ciianbrcy, in 3 colors. Buff, Pink and'Blae, warranted last. The most sensible goods for Misses and Child ren. combining strength with Iwauty. Gloves and Gloves, Hand kerchief i and Handkerchiefs, for Gents snd La'lle. JOHN J. HEDRICK. may 5 MUNDS BROTHERS, PHARMACISTS, 1,491 Broadway, N. W. Corner St., N. Y., and .' l' North Fourth St., Wilmington, ". C. S Open from , in the morniDg til! 12 at night. Prescriptions prepared at ail hours, mar 4 tf j VIRGINIA MEAL. AM OFFERING THIS SPLENDID MEAL ground coarse or fine) at bottom - price. i Every bag warranted to give nati8la-tion. Car load or single bag order solicited. De livered free, may I' E. G. BLAIR. Market Street. Reward. ! - GOOD REWARD WILL BE PAID TO any one showing . - BETTER BEEF, MUTTON AND LAMB, . than ia tn fnnnH at RtM n H Vow Afnrtrt I House, Front Street. Always tho BEST on ; nana, uaiieany. xeavc oruers. ! . Ref ncctfallT. ! J. O. BORNEMAN. ; may4-tf Star cop Hill's Manual QF SOCIAL AND BUSINESS FORMS, A Guide to Correct Writing. A New and Revised Edition. '. PARSON'8 LAWS OF BUSINESS. En Urged and Improved Edition. , . : v i . .... I PIANO AND ORGAN STOOLS, '- : . -. . ' I ' i ' " " t Just received at ; HEINSBERGER'S, bay 4 Live Book and Music Store The Flace to Buy ENTINE TOOLS. PULLERS. HACKERS, WHETTERS. niPPEM ILACK-WEIGHTS. Ac. Ac. Ac. Best of good at Rock Bottom -.price. A fall and complete etock ot Hardware aiway on band.? j 1 ', W. E.. SPRINGER A CO., ' Saccesfiors to John Dawson A Co., apilS t - . ID, 21 and 23 Market Street The celebrated Fish Brand Gills1 Twino is sold only at ,1 aqobx's llard-wareDepot. NEW ADVEKTISEMEyTS. NEW STORE. pOR THE CONVKN IE.VCK Or MY CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, I hare opened a i " j ii . Fancy Grocery Store ! ' IN THE : : ' : - j' NEW MARKET HOUSE,' V-t CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY. I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALLTJMES The Choicest Groceries - fcuth as I ecp at my. Stort oa North 1 - Front Street, " " . Huy vour G ROCERIES from me , and it will afford mc pleasure to deliver at yourhOnu such articles as you may purchase In t!c Mar ket. ' '; ,'jf.;-'i:-v ! SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by making all your selection In tho NEW MARKET! house. - . Johii L. lloaUvrijjht. Mr may i ir ICE ! ICE ! ICE ! J WOULD RESPECTFULLY- NOTIFY the; citizen ami the public guera Hy,' that 1 have laid in a full supply of choice ICE and am f uV ly prepared to Jill order to-a'd poiuU on Ka.il RoaH and Rivers, and liope to tccnre area'-'-sonalilti !mre of patronage. .. : -( i. ii. j. i 1 1 lie. ..", i ronrietor hpI !J-dXw 3m Nej' lee llour-e. If You Would be Happv RUY::00!v STOVE. j t "The Golden Harvest,"; - CALUMET, Or, "SOUTHKItN OAK" "Of rV- PARKER TAYliK Pure White Oil. t uul in" ' :- ! . ' 1 - -'.. -......,,,.,. ,. Desirable Localities; Having purchased the property , known as the Base B.ill GroundftsiiaaU" ' on Orange street, between Sixth and Seventh streets and , on seventh between Orange and'.-1 Ann streets, I offer it for sale j on the inslal- i ment plan, and will cut it up- to suit buyers. -Aim, on long credit, lots foreale In other parts"' of the cfiy." Money loaned to those wishing to build. Apply to . : i i api :?ost cod v James wilsox. "WW . . rjIHE REGULAR ANNUAL. MEETING OV' ' the .StorklioMcrs'of tlie CAROLINA CExl TRAL RAILROAD .COM-PAN will be held'. , 1 - at .the Company's' Ofllcc, in the City of W'tl- mington, on THURSDAY, MATr lOUi, at H i - r-loefc, A. itpl !, tni o clock, A. M. JAMES ANDERSON, Secrctarr S7,500 yy ANTED TO BORROW TUE SUM OF about Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollar, (10 per cent more or less, as Vcel may need"! I ' . - i : " : ; if -i to be secured by Bottomry and 'Respondeat ia;; : Bond for German I.ark ATLANTIC, of Stral-r I Hund, ikw at this Port In Distress, and bound from Wilmington. N. C, with a cargo of Uoc. in for Antwerp, Belgium, to pay for neces I sary Repairs, Port Charges and Expenses. Sealcii Bids for. ald Loan with the Marine- i Premium given io per cents, to be forwarded" -before 12 o'clock, noon, MONDAY next, the " 7th day of May, liS, under address : German , Bark Atlantic, care of Imperial German Con- . sulate, Wilmington, N. C Bid for Bottomry ' Bond. All Bids will be opened precisely at . NOON, MONDAY next, the 7th iostant.and the lowest bidler, on payment of tlie required . Hnm. will receive tho Bottomry Bond. G. SCUER1NG, 51a.ter of j German Bark Atlantic. E. PE;CHAU & WESTERMANN, AgcnU of German Bark Atlaatic, 'Wilmington, N. C , ilayj, 1883.) mar S 3t -I'-r- -' WM. 11. HAYS, Jr. , . Sta ll No. 7, Front Street Market JEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, THE BEST BEEP, SPRING LAMB, MUTTON, etc.All meat bought from me are promptly. delivered. WM. M. HAYS. Jr. may 31m Stall No. 7, Front Street Market. Soda Water! Soda Water! "ITTITII PURE FRUIT JUICES, ICE COLD 1 SEASOX . , i . MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT, .. ICE COLD. ! WILLIAM H. GREENl ; aplH f v ; Vraggbits U, Fancy Good o, Tq-ANDSQ3IE AUrO. ALBUMS, PnOIo; I - .'- - ;; ! A . . AIbmii4, Poems, Gold Pens ami PeneJIi,' Rua feia Leather Card Caea and Pocket Books, Gents'; Fine Pcket' M'e moranlum Books. . - J . ... r . . , i Fancy Velvet anI Ebony Picture Frame, Jtc,. aplSU YATES' BOOK hTOUK rr mm "ill r - ' -r II I I T i

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