THIS PAPER pouted every evening. Sua, ex ,eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, BDITOB AJD ITIOWMETOK. ..KrmVS POST AO K PAIR r $4-00. Six inootna, r-w. One month, 35 ccnta. Three i 1 ti.oo mJr will be delivered by carriers free 1e pP . nf th ,t tK above laanyF"" . ! H 'Mre-tl" ru- low and UberaL iruHTlln vUll report any and all rail ..irihrfrpaierrerulrly. or """"" . . .... ... . VOL. Till WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. MAY 8, 1883. NO. 110 t, M7v l(eviw hn the UtricH ; Forty old Siatet bonds; forty new Slat ; J I MJ Mil- I I I -W I m 'M . I I - County Commissioners fished, in the rity of Wilmington Mitrv Shay, of Geneva County, I I Ml v.. - The following proceedings of the Board of County Coinraissoncrs wero trans-! acted yesterday afternoon after we; 100 special tax which, savs 11- I . Lassiier then treasurer of this fund, were deposited in batik where they are j subject to' the order of the board. Now, exactly wny wcro compelled to close our report these investments were made in apoe-ial t -Pt.. n i v,f one-horse uax bonds ai that late day ivouid puzzle: . : , ., . , , 1 the inquirer not acquainted, with the j regular venire or jurors tor the bpecial j turns and twists of the tinips of which; term of tho Criminal Court, which , wr McDouaid. of Coffee Connty, wmc. item wennu ww j meets on the 28th of; May, asZfoilows : j (V'.orKi t-iuuj j ihe AVilmuiioJi Vet-. . i n PrtHinwn CIuls : hapnvMa hoy with red! . c.r,rt,i dir-nrtoii A Warren. .1 Uobmson, cnas ::Xts- when he .?pefik of Ins ' a.j (he land scrip .iiiven by tho govem-H UisUop, Horace Chtlds, 1 1 l crry. $ ialt tie proceedo inipp Governor- Ireland, r worthless eeiai lax oonu, NEW advertisements; WEW'LAWMSTP" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TTewiabegUd to reottra ecrnnsslcattjs from oct friends on any and all sabjecu oX general Interest but " -V TnesaxMof the wirUer mnat ahraya be t nlaned to tho Editor. 1 - Oommnnlcatlons mtut bo written on onl one aide of the paper. ; r., . : - l PersonaJltlea must be nro&led4 v And It la etpocSaUy and particularly nnda tood that the Editor does sot ahraya eador tke Tlewa of correeponde&ta nnleea i a, atnte la the edi'tortal colnaana. LINEN LAWNS ! AND A FULL L1XB OF BU5rilNOc ASl LIGHT WKlftllT DWK8 GODDS t B L A C K I) 11 E S S GOODS. been determined Avhethcr Marine Disaster! . .,-(.- The schr. Dirl JI. Ihticr, Sheerer, bound from Demarara lp Philadelphm with a cargo ol sugar, put iu below at Smitliville on Suuday last, in distrcita havios loit her mast and falls, besuics ! sustaining other daniago Turing the ; recent heavy weather. , It has riot yet or! hot sha bany Tiwav ;it IS ALL THK LIGHT TEXTURE. u U claimed for fVxi3. that he has given more v.-:;.. ?nr his cleVrtioii thr l.'l 3-jry amounts to. The Princess of Wales, ha a hussar jncKei oi oars. wearm v Keavilv braided (!.'. ' ' -v ' Tb ecrot bisioryo! this; tranaactioa -r:. ?" r ... . aa 1 x,ra tho time, m ivt'that tho vine 1 bor. W ro Hanlwicke. V I Gore V M t III hTS j vw iw,,rrl tlm xf.Mt ftrl K,'inri t'oSncT I II... r i! ilONV ' T V T.ivlor. tiW i i dawn iu the K. jY.. mark bo tast that j Farnjcr c F W Biascnger. S A Currie, : I it was necessary to checiv the tall and T..rav, f.,,, nowe W A l-k!c ! of late; bull them up. Totlmteml hero funds John Taylor, C.taa A : were theu tiiouirni oi. arm uvj iuuubj uii wmwii r- tllli Greene, Wm Youug Normcnt U,, . , , t. i J R Melton. Wm McDennott. W L W 1(16, All" YY 001 IireSS IxOOQB I J i Jacobs, iiezekiah. KeetK Viacom OK3I U A XILESU A 1KP. i have la come to the city for repairs, t be tore she can proceed on L er TOjase, She U now at anchor at the quarantino f trroud. r X, HSJE3 3Sr ULSTERS, IN VARIETY OF bTYLK. the front down n raUar, sleeves and baue. of are-at ex- V;: oll Georgia lady, j was thrown in tho pockets of the rin ! to helo bull the dishonored bonds tnat Pickett. Lewis Todd, Thos A Brown, m i i lilt ii it.u. A-r never had any bottom to tnem, auu? JL, ,1 Wi were fase-sintin out oil bight. And so The following were then drawn lor j the educational "hmd and land scrip the June term of the Suinor Crart: FAWCY JllATTIWCS ! R. M. MclNTI Lt would now be wort weekJ J Farrow. Thos Mash- iriit"--. nt ! millinn of dollars to u? were both', i ,. i-w ri... i t 4 r?.! rtreaMi. the moon arc more man auu- - . jTrcarcr WorthlM 'orin 17 liau'," :'" UiW' . , Ul sirls and thcc on live Tull moon b u ehtbome wUjI : hal packa of H Smith. W G Craig. J I. Grecnewauj, r iulv, .Siou,lK.Hj ol woriniess paper i -.nat. jjau'i mitn. ii m ivuia, r.oopt.ft- . m t r.irkVo.if)rt t n t vimi i iii t i . bvu a- vtii: ri l mmmI i rvrr irnr i iv , -v-- , ; Ci , Vv D ruilll3Jt, ."tivj ........ r ...11 in friI ca AnahchicoIa( ria.) hoard of 'education b:d to iret the casn.. , , , x- .Tit An am lU; the trca, to p.per diem .if the Rdicl icgU- i XTTJl Tnii X priation. - , ,.n laturc. Treasurer u orth louna on lopping, i chw., " - V ifhrf - ..ii;.t his passed away a man j . x. v,fl ... ..m lino Ui..v ' - in;, a r.r.,i lhm 5 ol - U L L 111 . W IU A ,C1-V. " i llllCklll . v,-.'. " " " hy sll nations. denoftit in New lorx iirvereii j the spocjai tax bond si , i 'the agricultural serin. ! those were! ie procceas oi What times r m.. ..I-., siv- teleuhone factories m .ho United States, all doing a prosper-j oui business. In one alone of ders liave j bofi received for 6,000 instfunientfi in ! . i weeks' time. ! LOCAL NEWS. Board ol :: Aldermen lioard of Ahierraen met m regu bly session last night endmentto the list! of appro- uiadeat the meetins on the April was adopted. Mtrikin? out ! The Masonboro School. On Frida V next there will be a "school breaking", at Miss Kennly's school, on Masonborb "Sound. Tbe school oxam inatioa and other exercises wiii take place during the day and at night there j will be Queen oi May Festival, when j. Hew l-t t, a lcau tl tu ! - Fish Culture. Mr. C. W. McDowcir. ol the North Carolina Fish Com missiop.vho arrived here last Thursday '"night l.witli J-250,000 vounp shad from tho lish hatchery at I Avoca. which he deposited in the Capo j Fear river, left here last niht,, on I ret urn j' to the liafchery, at AvocaL. He ) exH'et?i, however, to return aain lefore I a rcat while and bringx ' villi him an j other lot of young fish witn which to. stock the river, among which will be uito a number ot rockfiah. NEW ADVERT1SEMCNTH. WATER OdOLljRS ! - . k T 1 TJ T IT 1 I ITiriHLtllll III .1 Ft r lin mi rn? r Iifve. John G W itsrner. -tT.-,--r - . mis Macaw John F Garrelt, W S Craiac. J 11 Mc-1 ofa8.Pc? detect - lttd eW daught,r of 3lr ; v-Fi'"'t w..- . 'I El'jaft Hewlett, ex-uouniy ircasurer, i FOtt SALE HY .1 The past season in Jacksonville. Fla though rather short, has been the mt prosperous in the eity's history. A careful investigation shows that -14,167 tourists have visited the city during the past winter. - : ... . . An island in Vermillion Bay. on the coor. of luisiana, has a solid mass of halt at a depth of twenty leet, so hard that it requires to be minel with dyna mite and ground in steam mills. About 200 tons a day are taken out. y An estimate of the value of the vari ous private picture galleries iu Paris ivdfithat of Baron Rothschild $10, 0(X).(K)0; Due d'Aumale. Sl.000,000; Sir Richard Wallace, $9,000,000; M. Secretair, $2,000,006, and Mme. Cos sin, S 1,000,000. Mora than halt a million people are employed in the coal mines of Great Britain, and last year more than a thou sand were killed in them, the average of accidents beins about three for every working day iu the year. The annual product is over 150,000,000 tons or more than twice that ot the United States. INDEX TO KEW ADYmiSlMIKTS. ?ej ai "ttumracr lioardiug!7' Ml;ms Bros rhannacL4t ( ' llKlNSMEEQiiK Piano and Org'tme ' Cir.o Sloax, Seofy-pAnnual Meeting -4ko M CltAi'o.v, Agent New Batter , GlLits A Mchciiison Wnter Coolers K ?i AVarjiock Wilniuston Keuumbered 'w. 11 Grkex 8oUa WaterMiseral Wii Garily. . Application from Timothy Donlau, John L Cautwell atid h Brown, com mtttee from tho Hibernian Benevolent Society, for remission of taxes on real .. . 1 - rr a 4- ( a. A - A- mm I It.k I U' 1 u i I III a . Vvl 1 ed, as- according to advice of the fn' 1 Xhird ,lrwt rrnni MarkA to Castle; ;ty Attorney, trie uoi.nmisiiouer . .... .... 1 ,.,l,mi 'J"" ' 01 Auaiv.aua j: maiiw wU i crowned as Oneen. On Satur- Alderman FUhblate protected : , W w5H lea l4aoh party on tbei tbe increase of salary to the Clerk of the jbks .. - A . T ; J Boardof Audit and Finance. - - - ! .! ... ' ...i, m Summer Board. . i- - ' ...... Wo inr?rp a.ftpiUion to th advertise- j invo oi: THUCK FAMIUIC8 CAN Y1SU : ,. ' - L ' 1 i 1 ment ofTering board during the Sum- j C4,mf,rt;ib:o board la n private lanillyat ntt- I Giles & Murcliisoiii '., 11 , ,, I M I Bill .. Summer Boardingi do authority to do so. 1 The1 ttifltter Licenses to retail spirituous liquors ; National Bank, of the build A charmiuz j hn ies aud chil- for two mouths, to July 1st, 1833. wero j back to the :comin Washington Critic: The Republican Mayor of Vincennes, Ind., went out yesterday and hung himself because the day before ho had been beaten by a Democrat. If every Republican who is beaten by a Democrat in the uext lew years follows this example, there will be a rapid diminution of our population. Apropos of Treasurer Worth's return ironi New York with a carpet-bag full of worthless special tax bonds, the Xevi awl Observer recalls the history ot a few - of the 9harp transactions con neotod with those bonds and the State school fund. It says: When Treasurer Worth was in Now. York the other day, he got possession of a legacy left us from the days of 1869, that revives old memories. It was a package of $450,000 in special tax bond. These bends had beeu deposit ed in a bank in New York for the State, by Treasurer Jenkins iu 1809, and ouiet Iv retaained there until Doctor "W orth called for them. Their history should not 1x3 forgotten. In. 1637, tho Un'tcd Status having considerable surplus on hand, arising chiefly from the sales ol public lands, deposited it with the sev eral Statea; North Carolina's share was about $1,400,000. and this became th of our school fund. Tho board f ulucation invested ot this money &40u,O0Gia stock of the Wilmington ad AVeldon railroad company. io April, IS09, the Republican bosses soiu ihis aiock lor $148,000. This stock is uow vorth about par, so here is a clear i5 of $252,000 in this sale. This money was i: once used by the State govern ment to pay the legislators. In order that It could be so used, since the con stitution forbade the usoot the principal, the proceeds ot tho ale was fust put Jowa on tho Treasurer books as cvf;j.e. As income," it was used to pay the per diem ot the members. . In October, 1869, this money was repaid out ot the State' taxes to tbe. board of Vacation, of which Treasurer Jenkins tx-ojjieio treasurer, ami it was in 'fcted in special tax bonds, at 33 cents on the dollar, the purchase amounting to $450,000. I Tliese are the bonds. Another trans nctioii of about the like kind was as follows. The United States govern ment donated land scrip for au" agricul tural college. This scrip was sold by lUe 5b.ucana apparently in Novem SSIa or .WO and in October, 1869. $150,000 ot this fund was likewise umiied in 240 State bonds, as follows : The pie nic season is at hand at last. ' . 1 I v The receipts of cotton atj this port to day foot up 135 baleal .t j ; . . I I A eras lam n has been erected at the corner of Second street and Betten-j court's alley. a ! i At 3 o'clock to-day tho thermometer in this office registered 76 degrees which is Summer heat. This is two degrees less than on Saturday at the same hour. i 1 ' A i : A young lady way but in Montana, Who kills time by playing piano. Got hurt one day, , , j And couldn't playj 1 Bnt St. Jacobs Oil cured Johanna. ' Mr. J . J -. Saidner, formerly of tlio Rice Gallery, in Washington City, has arrived here and taken charge of Mr Votoa' rbntoffraDh eallery. He comes with excellent recommendations. Our young friend, Mr. Solj C. Weill, son of Mr. A. Weill, of this city, has our thanks for an invitation to the Commencement Exercises at Chapel Hill, to take'place on tho 6th and 7th lost., as heretofore noted There is complaint among the butch- ers oi a scarcity oi ijouu wv this market at the present time. We hope our country friends are not going to let us suffer for the want r of good beef, but will driye in their beeves at once. granted as follows : Henry Haar, J ohn ! Haar, Jr, John (J. Oldcnbuttel, Nick HuUen. Martin O'Brien, h Vollers; and to retail from one quart to five gallons,, to July 1st, 1883: J H Straussi W H Grotjen. Mrs L A VonKampeu. Wm Otersen, J'F Stoltcr. J F Rulfa, A C Wesseil, Harry lob. Mrs M C W il- liamson. Mrs Sarah J Meyer, W H M Koch, JM Bremer, I) Otten, Chas Wesseir, H W Bryant, G W Linden, Geo E 'Borden. Samuel Blossom, Mrs A K Heyer, J D Stelljes. R J Scar borough. D Stelljes, B H J Ahrens, H A Glamayer. In the case of Nancy, Tadget alias Nancy Whaley, a white pauper from Onslow, the Chairman directed that steps be taken to return her at onoe to her native heath, and in the meantime that she be sent to tho City Hospital. he piazza of the! "ier uiottths nt IMtttboro. wn r.forrl ' retreat is tiere offered lolftd ittee'o report plan j ren In a locality that is truly .delightful for change the en-! for Pittsboro has long iwen celebrated aud specifications for A m. .I.J Wa I . m M fmr T m T KM Til -Kill II IIIIMIIV . 4 I In the matter of a Fifth Ward cuginejnery anu us rmpeu oeie . - a,, house thecommtltec rerortel that there v a is no house that could be furnished, as piauten. ou u wjn, - V .1. - - " Further timo was. granted the com mittee on Fire Department in the matter A New Invention. Wo learn that a man at Rocky Point, Pender county, who is possessed with an inventive genius, ha I invented, and will soon haye patented, a machine for making shingles which bids fair to su persede all other methods and machines now in use. It is claimed that by the use of this new design for shingle making two men can easily manufac ture ten thousand good shingles per day. We trust that iti may prove au entire success, aud that our young friend may reap a rich reward from his invention. of the petition oi the ttttlo Columbia Fire Col ' Also, to the Sanitary com mittee in tho matter of removing the city pound. Also, to the Market com mittee .concerning the petition lor a Third ward market house. Also, to the Finance committee concerning the claim of Geo.Harriss & Co. Aldermen FishblateJ Bear.and Boney were appointed a committee to confer wilh tho Board of Navigation, with ref erence to opening the dock at the , foot ot Chestnut street. t ' . Mr. E. A. Orrell was elected clerk of the market j carriages,, taking about fivedays for tho trip, but now it is only a night's ride from Wilmington. r6, S. C. Ijirgo, airy roooiH ; good water ; of frpsh butter and milk, fruit. veceJA- ... i i . Me, &c Large and sbady.jilayffivnd for chUdren A tlnliy msll to licarcat railroad etution, nine miles distnut Only ohp n'K ride from Wilmington.. . . j . For further Information apply at HKVIKW OFK1CE, or RddrCo " j 1 0,.1X)X IS, may 8 flttsboro, N. U." A fine assortment of Gnna and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Blemorial Day, 1 8 83. The procession will form on Market street, between Third and Fourth, at 3:30 o'clock d. m.. and will move promptly at 4 o'clock. ORDER OF PKOCESSIOX. First Division, under charge of Mar shals Greene and Oldhaml Brig.-Gen. Taylor, of Second Brigade, and Staff. Cornet Concert Club. There has been a very general use ot the palhtf pot and brush in the city this Spring and the work is not yet, comT pletel. In every direction we notice outbuild iurs and lence are having coats which they are made morel the eye as well as less liable, to decay. or paiut bjy 2 j pleasing to Camp meetiu:' will open n Friday next, at Gander Hail. a East Shone of the; Cap;' LtaGraiijre Commencement.. The commencement exercises of La Grange Academy wilt take place , May 30th and 31st. The first day will be de voted to declamations, recitations and dialogues, and atj 11 o'clock of the second day the annual address wilt be delivered by Hon- A. S. Merrimon, the ! exercises to be concluded with a concert at night. The maranals are K. t. Sutton, Hi F. Murphy, E. C. King, J. T. Csbb, D. L. Wooten and Redin to whom we tender tpants point on ,the Fear, about itt-oi miiM ilowi the citv. uapt. Corbet, Albert Worth, with i the, steamer Gov. jfor au invitation to be presejU. Worth and tows. - xtiM run there; and Tfigtorical and Scientitic ciety. fViiAH .h1Ic assemblajre xreete y m 4 v w ) w v m j Petition of the Wilmington Light In fantry Company for the use of the City Hall for a festival, free of-charge, was granted. ( - The chairman of the Board of County Commissioners appeared; before the Board and stated that the assessors for tho county would start out on their du ties to-day and requesting- the city to furnish vehicles for their accommoda tion i The matter was .referred to the Mayor with power to act. Aldermen Boney, DeRosset and Bear were appointed a committee on rates of wharfage, , A contract for building carts and wag ons was awarded to R. P. McDougald, j and for harness to J .jri. jyiauaru. . . i, ' ; - About Heady. Tbe steam yacht Passport ! has been completely and thoroughly overhauled, refitted and repainted preparatory , to the ! summer excursion j business and will begirV her regftlar trips between here and Smith ville oi fThuraday, the She is now in tip-top order Annua! VJeeti ng. rpHE ANNUAL MKKTrNU OF THK Stock holders of Ihe WlLMlXOTOX COMPHES3 AND WAUKIIOUSK CO. will bo held at tfuj Bank of New Hanover, on TntJBSDAT, the I 17th Inst, at 11 o'clock, A. M. tOth inst. and is a3 Wilmington Light Infantry and -.Yet- I em Corp3. I i Orator, Chaplain and Clergy of City, in Carriages. Ladies' Memorial Association Choir, in Carriages. ! Children's Memorial Association. Second Division, under charge of Mar shal Birdsey. Schools, under their Teachers. Third Division, under charge of Mar ! 'shall Metts. Association of Officers.of Third N. C. - Intantry: , ! Confederate Survivors' Association. Other Confederate Officers, Soldiers and . Sailors. ' : 1 I shal Potter. Citizens on Foot Citizens in Carriages. The first divisjon will form on Solith side of Market st. right resting on 4th. 2nd Division will form on North side of Market st. right resting on 4th. . 3rd Division will form at Southeast Corner of Market and 3rd. may S 2t 810 UKO. 8 LOAN, Secrolary and Trear J. F. Saidner, formerly of WAS IIINCiTON , I. c. Is now In cb&rgeaf. . ,;.. " YATES' PHOTO. ROOMS. tar STRICTLY GUAUANTKED. FIKT CLAU,3 WORK mays j 4th Division will form in centre ott back Friday, Satunlay, Sunday Monday. Town Klectious Elections were held yesterday daisv" a craft for her size as ? I . i 1 . 1 ' 1 1 llLl U . -nrt anv that floats in Southern waters. Mantel peswwn un ui w5uv :Capt. Harper will be her commander, mg on 4th. ) . , : as heretolorc, wnicn j a sumcicufci iuosccia xi..w guarantee that the safety, comfort and Uheir; places in line by tle .Marshal in i ' pnlovment of excursionists and other charge. I Irjassen-crs will be carefallv considered: Tbe gate ot the iot of tho Cemetery r ihiat this Society last evening. His sub-? t- . ; and TnrrenUne andnone but thoo m the v ' " . . r. m m mm aI 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 a New Butter New Butter. Ir YOU WANT 60MMHISO VEUY cbolCO send and get some ! . 1 i NEW MAY BUTTKB, Just received, at35c a pound. 3 pound Tor $1. Can't bo beat. ' . Y NEW OOODS 1IY KVKRY jfiTEAMKU. j -I ETerythln fresh and good at ; i CaAl'OS'S FAMILY GROCERY, So. 6011th Front Street No olil atocV to work off. roay 1 ifcO. 11. CUATON, Agt., and j oleotion of Mayor and Commissioners ject was the recent win Pari"tu,aVJ i in the several incorporated toWns in the with a dissertation generally upon tne Rt Th results from a icw have structure, movements and organization ,,,. nnd arc as follows : of those heavenly bodies and Teacrfey-s, Duplin countyMayor, D. was re- . '.1. t..n n The lecturer showed grat familiarity, sary of tbe seUlement ol Santa with the subject and it it evident that Mexico, which is to commenc he has been a dilegent student of the ; science of astronomy ; and not only a j student bnt that be also possesses the . a haiPy faculty of imparting to owners in a very pleasing and forcible manner the results of hi study and research. It was one of the most interesting mcet . . L.i. o wa riif h n7ftas who4 soot in tbcyorllotheproent tim. Our thanks arc due the General j the enclo5.jre. Manager, Charles v. Green, ror an: invitation to attend the ,4Tertio Milien-j 1 Procession will bo permittea lu enter instruction, war jiairu oi i.vw H. Wallace. Commissioners A. H- Morris. Willie mnrV nnd F.pwiB Wilson. Constabl John U. Newsom. . Prohibition carrieil the dayj At Laurinburg tho regular democratic ticket was elected by a vote of nearly two to'onc The fo lowing are the ofljeera . Mayor W. J. Ed warda.1 Commissioners R. , McCaskell, W. A. Gill, Benj. Bryant, H. F. Northrop j and Jamca Maglin. Fe, Now commence on me . Sod day of July next and continue unti j August 3d. This is. as the name implies, . the 333d anniversary of the settlement ; of that city, and the interesting features : of the occasion will bo the mtrodactioa of scenes and characters rcprescQting the different phases ot civilization, from the first settlement by the J Spaniards, fortune it was to be present. Tho celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills' Sifter PhUed Spoons and Forks, low j Twine is sold only at J Acosfs Hard pices, at Jacobi.'s t I ware Depot. To Builders and others Go to Jaco ? w'3 for Saab. Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You caa get all aizes and ai the j lowest prices. ' r OttDEK UK EXEKCISEa At TTJt: JLOT. I Music By the Band. Prayer By Rev. Mr. Pcsehau. I Mosic By the Choir, l I Address By Cwl. Bennoit. Music By the Choir. Benediction By Rev. Mr. Wood. ' ; j Floral Offering! Reading of Roil of Honor of Confeler ato Dead. -- Dirge by the Band " , DoKology i . Salute by the W. I- I. 1 . A;X. DeRosset,. i : i : Chief Marshal. Wilmington Re-numbered ! . Coatainhcg a hit of 1 BL-4tNi:S9 HOUSES, TKAPES AND FJtO- I - - i , - fKHSIONS OF WILMIXCTON, X. C, j A Ke numbered by a were r.t Act of tho Card of Aldermen. t ffflUK UXDECSIGMID IS NOW rriEPAH t L Iojc tol book for publication, if a uvt&cicut j Dumber of eople are cog.?d beforehand ' Yon are respect! all eoiielted lo fcbsrrUxs: 1 for oho ooiy. 1'rlce, eOt cent. 14 ratjle oo de- Ufery of Book. i I ' ' Mtf AdrertUemcnU wlU bo Inserted at Tic tper lncai per page; $2 per blf ptg- blzo of printed paJcc. 3x7 incbe. r 1 I Tben&n?e lu the "ii(d1ti of the Balne uoatei or tne enjr rcnaers mo puoiuawoa hi email book of tbU kiml of some Importance. Tbe price U eo low taat all may patronize ua. To bo printed on oo paper and la U bet stylo. L. . WAKliiiCK, Job rrlntrr ! taar $-U Cor. Front and lince iA G rah d O p c n i n g or -n t- Tr;WM TL! fnll r I UJirl o to Jacoxxs ntrdwarc Depot-. t Fine, French Millinery j 1 k T MLS. E. A. I.UM51ENii oa Wo'dncii- i kdiT.5iay Sih. Tbo I-a'Uco n wpectrauy itMtAC&lL ' MM. K. A.. lAJllZUt-, . .Vo. lli North FroM t

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