4 THIS PAPER i eTerT extSDing. Sunday cepted by -JOSH T. JA3IES, .TPTifjSS POSTAGE PAID: 01- .rtti M 00. Thro rear 7'.,:-"V lka 1.00: onenwnui,wwu. I. 0,OB:r:; Vlll be delivered by carriers free Tbe PP t of dty, a tbe abgve in any part Lm. or 10 rlllBg rates low and liberal. I a . H11 twort any and all fail- KberswiU report 7 M ire their paper regdarly VTj7 Mi7y lieviw has the laiyett l .lilfcirctUaiiotu of y newspajxr uhed, into cUy qf.WamingUm.ja Xhe annual income oi Grant is Put down at ?8000- j,bil. Thomas, if his wife tells the trntb, killed an innocent man. The? call him now "Bishop Mahone, ofthe A. M. K. Church, South." 1 iff Kasson, of Iowa, says his ticket for i54 is Edmunds ana jmcoin. I ,andinthe region of Wall street, yurYork, sells at the rate of $3,000,- 000 per acre. At Ivondon public dinners it has to be in order to rise to any toast gccpt that ofthe Queen. Xhe French Government is having forty-fix vessels constructed for" the navy, fourteen of which are iron-clads, , , cost 25,000,000. ' : ' llxt Electrician publishes .a list of K4 electric companies, With a total cap" iiai of S 122,445,000, incorporated -in ew York State alone. ii ' - . r a nViimnnv haft-. fiftV fftfit high is composed entirely of paper pulp wfcichhas been chemically impregnated o as to resist combustion. r .. : io!Qr.n Stafford, the creat Central pacific magnate, is at the point of death fiVIH F w . with brain fever. He is worth $75, .lArtftfm hnt. cannot buv a moment of VW, V'V-t w. - lime- . V ' ' Hiss Catherine Wolfe, the reputed $lt;,000,0OO heiress, of New York, says ii ha, on an average, one offer of ,nrr',a9 pvprv dav from unknown Milters. The season's lumber drive ou the Connecticut river is now progressing and consists of 90,000,000 feet of logs- The expenses ot-tbe drive are estimated at $1,500 per day. ' " The Toronto Globe estimates that the Province of Ontario has lost 100,000 of its population by emigration during the lujtlour years, and that 70,000 of the number went to the United States. The Italians have built the two most tonuidable iron-clad ships in the world. They are 13,600 tons and can steam 17 kuots an hour. This is something the t'nited States have not done, and at pre sent cannot do. Hie Augusta Chronicle ot last Sun day's issue comes to ua as a mammoth 16 page issue. The Chronicle is one of tbe very best papers in tho Southern laid, a fact which the business men of ata seem to appreciate. . c President Taylor's grave, a lew miles from Louisville, is decorated with flow en eTery year, on the 30th of Apri.I, by a number of gentlemen from that city, vrbo hold appropriate nervice. Major Means.of Iouisville, was the orator this year. Of the 38,630 immigrants who arrived ia this country during March, 14.759, or more thau one-third, were from Germany. Not many years ago one half of the immigrants from Europe came from Ireland; now only about 14 per cent. Green B. Raum worked for six months to be elected United States Senator on a salary of $5,000 a year, and got beat, and now resigns a posi tion that paid him $6,000 a year became the salary was too small to supportiim comfortably. An editor of some experience says. "During the honeymoon a man can tome home from a lodge at a late honr, Sail down, roll .undefthe bed and, tell wife that he is looking for his collar button, "but after that period the expla nation wears an extremely gauzy ap peirance.' a Frenchman has " recently gone iply down Into statistics in regard to matches. His figures show that an Englishman burns eight matches a day, a Swede nine, a German eleven, and a Frenchman fifteen. The number of matches consumed in Earope every jeic amounts to two thousand millions. Nobody is likely to dispute these fig- Look Before you Leap. k. & I. Shriek are now showing the bejt line of Mens, Boys and Children' Clothing that has ever been brought to I his Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspect thtir stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. ' it r H VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. tHDEX TO HEW ADVERTISE UE ITS. KT4 jWll 8 8 Co -i.- , ; Txtks Photo Boonia -p Iioulalana State Lottery Co Mukds Bros Pharmacist j J W Harper Steamer Passport W L Smitu, Jr For Sale or Kent irKTNSBEROEH Pianos and Organs E D II all, Mayor Notice to Butchers W II Geeex 8oda Water Mineral WaUi P Larking Wrfghterille Mail and Express Bcport of the Condition of tho First Nation al Bank M Ixts of 'em went fishing to-day. -. ; ; i J Hon. S. S. Cox lectuies in Ilaleigh to- oight: v ' .-,v.v-":- , j ! Last nisht was the warmest of the . . season thus far. The receipts of cotton at! this port to- day foot up 144 bales. The shell road was alive yesterday and to day with vehicles. There will be any quantity of flowers for the Decoration to-morrow. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardward Depot. t The thermometer in tered 79 decrees to-day this office regis at 3 o'clock The banks and the city offices : and the county offices will all be closed to-morrow. A colored boy was arrested jand locked up this morning for jfurious driving through the streets, j The annual meeting holders of the Carolina of the stoek Central R: R. will be held in this! city to-morrow, i Strawberries are beginning to be quite reasonable in price. The regular price this morning was 15 cents per quart or 4 quarts fer 50 cents. The Ladies ofthe Memorial! Associ ation request all who propose donating flowers for the decorotion to-morrow to send them in early to the school room, next East of St . James church. The following numbers drew the cap ital and leading prizes in the drawing ofthe Louisiana Lottery held yesterday : tfos.. 71.189. 47,803, 23,433, 10,229. 20. 203. 12,110, 15.279, 30.30 621, 62.046, 8,- "681. . J JJlIL ' '" The Hcnning place, on Masonboro Snnnfl. is for sale or rent, i There i3 no prettier view of the ocean on the coast and the surroundings are such as make it a very-pleasant summer resort. Mr. W. L. Smith. II r.. is the owner of the property. . . ' j T . .. ; : A Denver man hunting w ild geese. Stood in water way up to hia knees. He became very lame, j But was cured all ;the same. For St Jacobs Oil. is "just the cheese." -- The Supreme Lodge, Knights of Hon or, is in session at Galveston. Texas. Dr. W. H. H. Cobb; of Goldsboro; P. C. Carlton, of Statesvillc; S.l J. Pem- hrton- of Albemarle, and Charles R.4 Jones, of Charlotte, represent North Carolina. - ' 1 " I " r v ' Qo. Kerchner yesterday received a telegram from Hon. S. S. Cox which said: "Regret time will not permit 'me to go to Wilmington." "this means that Messrs. Cox, Vance, jGreen and others will not come down here for tbe proposed fishing frolic. - City Court. I - I ""J. W. Mitchell, colored, Was brought before the Mayor this mornings charged with the violation of a city ordinance in, selling fish outside of. (he1 regular market. The eharge was proved and he was fined $5, which he paid. The Soldier Boys. The Wilmington Light, Infantry wil parade on Market street1 alj 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon when they will be protographed in line, before taking part in the Memorial procession. It is ex pected that the company will turn out in goodly numbers for the occasion, at there has been an increasing interest among the members for some time past and the company may now be said to bo in a flourishing condition. ! p A Susrsrestiou. j J It has been suggested and wo think th Bnrirestion a cood one that the streets on the line of march ofthe -procession, to-morrow afternoon, be sprin kled as far outvas the convenience of the Water Works i wilf admit. jTnis will be the means of preventing much Annoyance from dust, and it can be very easily accomplished by! the resi dents along the' route who have the fa cilities offered by the Water U orks. To Builders and othersGo to Jaco k's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass jrrf You can eet all sixes and at the .a j 1 C3 (lowest prices, j ( , WILMINGTON. N: C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 9, Exports JForeiff n. Schr. Mary E TanClaf;C&pt. Small cleared to-day for Ponoe, .Porto Eioo, I with 107.109 feet lumber, valued at !$2.465f shipped by Messrs. Northrop & i;Camminr - The Gas Company. The annual .meeting of the stock holders of the Wilmington Gas Lieht Company was held on Monday night, when allot tbe old officers were re elected. These are as' follows : 1 PresidentEdward j Kidder. j Secret'y andTreas.K. JJones. Superintendent .Iriof W.Tteifly. - Directors Edward Kidder. D. Mac- Rae. Geo R. French, W. II. McRary. A. J. DeRosset? E. S. Martin. Explanatory 4 We find that there Is considerate mis apprehension regarding the duties of Marshals Turrentine and Hall at the memorial - exercises to-morrow, some having the impression that persons not in the procession would not be allowed to enter the Cemetery". This 3 is ap error. Those marshals will have charge of the gates to ihe Confederate Lot which none will" be permitted to enter unless in the procession. The gates of Oakdale will bo-open to all, who may desire to attend the solemn and im- prossive ceremonies. j Untortnuate. The Schr. Hattit Ii; Capt. from NassauvN. P., with fruit to Farrar & Davis, arrived in at Smithville yester day and was at once ordered to the quarantine station in accordance 1 with quarantine regulations where she now remains. Mr. Seth W. Davis, who went out in the schhoner Eguator some weeks since, is on board of her, he having an interest in the cargo,' and there he will have to" remain almost in sight of his family, yet not allowed to visit them until permitted by the qnar antine physician. It is very unfortu nate, as the fruit, being of a perishable nature, will be liable to decay and should detention last many days.L will prove a totaVlossL - I ;f L All the Improvements. , Workmen to.day commenced, the demolition of the two small frame buildings just South of the Natioual Bauk building, on North Front street, preparatory to the erection of one of tho finest and m63t extensive dry goods establishments in the South, on the site from which thc' arc to bo removed. Tho new building is to be built for, and when completed, will be occupied by Meseers. Brown & Roddick, of this city. It will be 125 feet deep and 30 feet wide, inside measurement, and two stories high, with a basement. The front will be of iron and brick, the latter to be of the very best quality and ! different colors, which will give a varic gated "appearance resembling mosaic work to the exterior, j The basement will be ceiled, so as to be perfectly dry,, and will be devoted jto the wholesale business. It will contain a furnace, the heat from which wM be utilized in keeping warm the entire inside, of tho building. The first floor, will be devoted exclusively Jto the retail trade, and will be luxuriantly furnished and elegantly finished with every appllan ce and eon Venieuce known in these days of pro gress and improvement. There will be a commodious waiting and toilet room for the ladies, so that "shopping" will become an agreeable recreation rather then an irksome iask. There will be three sales countersone in the centre anrktona on either "siderunninff the entire length of the building, and, in fact, every appliance, design and im provement suggested by the long and successful career of the proprietors in the dry goods trade. The upper floor, like the basement, Swill be devoted ex elusive! v to the wholesale trade, and each floor will be connected by an ele. vator for the speedy and safe removal nf nnrjds from one denartment to the other or for shipping. The hnildinir will be nushed for- xrard to comoletiou as rapidly as may be consistent with thoroughness in every part of its construction, and wil probably be ready for occupancy by the first of October next. The proprietors are, driving,:' thriving merchants who show by the success, they have won what may be-accomplished by well directed and persistent effort accom panied by honorable, manly and straight forward -dealing'. V -; r ; The ' steamer John'Jjtwson, Capt Sherman, after having been absent from onr; waters! for -several weeks during which times he has been under going repairs at. Point Caswell, made her appearance asain this afternoon and will resume her regular trips. t The Clinton Tel eirraph. ' We are glad to learn, as we do " from Mr. P. W. Foster, that the telegraphic connection with Clinton Is an assured fact. Eaough money - has been sub scribed to guarantee tho construction of the line which is expected to be in op eration within six weeks from this time. It will be built via -Warsaw and anjofiice will .bo established at this latter point, as well as at Clinton, . HCATQUAICTERS COXFEDEBATE SURTiyORS ASSOCIATION." - Members nt the association j are re- quested to meet promptly at the City Hall at 3:30 d. m," tojoin in the exercises of Memorial Day. They are. also -informed that rosettes have jbeeir placed. at Mr. HeinsbergeVs for free distrebu- ..T 1- - - tion. , - . - The Association cordially and earn estly invite ALL ex-Conlederate sol dlers and sailors, regardless of rank ' or regimental organization, to form with them in procession. ; . : . ' , . The President confidently hopes that every member will be punctual in at tendance, believing that all tf ill feel it a.duty we owe the nobfe and devoted Ladies, of the Memorial Association and the distinguished orator of the occa- sion By order of the President Jxo. J. Hedrick:. -J Marshal ofthe Association By act of tbe last Legislature tfie 10th day of May, Memorial Day, was made a legal holiday uLthis State and hence there will be a pretty general suspension ot business to-morrow. Mr. P. Larkins1 mail and express wagon will carry bundles to and from Wrightsvllle Sound. Leave orders at Purcell House. See adv. elewherisj NEW AnyEBTISEMENTS. Steamer Passport.. j mitE STEAMER PASSPORT WILL COAL inenoe her Regular Trips to SMITHVILLE ana the FORTS, on THURSDAY, MAT 10th. Leaver Wilmington at 9 o'clock every morn luff, and returns between s upset and dark, ex cept Sa tarda 9. when sno will leare W liming ton at 4 P. XL. ' J. W. U Alt PEE. I For: Sale or Rent. rpHAT DESI RAB LE SU MMERRESIDENL'B bn Masocboro Sound, tbe 'Honnlng Place," vrill be sold or rented on favorable terma. ; Also, lor aale, TEN FINE BUILDING LOTa on Masonboro SkMind, near above place. Apply to - : may It ' - WM. L. SMITH, Jr. CITY Of WILMINGTON, NYC, -.. MAYORS OFFICE, -Y", May Sth, ltl. Notice to; Butchers LL TEBSONS EXPECTING . REBATES under Section IX. ot Market Ordinances, for Flxturea, Ac, mudt file their Schedules of the same' with tho Chairman of the Committee on Markets and Fees by the 12th day of May, 1SS3, or the same wUl not be allowed. - E. V. HALL, may9 It j Mayor. Report oMhe Condition ar THE FIRST.- - NATIONAL BANK OF LMrSGTON. Hiimington, In the Statof North Carolina, at the cl f burtnww May JsVlSSS: f J P, 1 - a. f : . . . - 1 " t i I Tinnk and dUcunt&. t .$649.1 48 01 Orerdrails.. 11,870 35 U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation: . . j 59,000 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgagea 80 Duafrom approred reserve agents.. 15,086 n thie from other Natioual Banks.. . . . 15,365 08 58$ 65 78,203 4 8,854 26 8,111 00 Doe from State Banks ana Danxers. Real estate, ftinuture,ana nxrores. Current expenses and taxcf paid. . ; . Bills of other. Banks,: u ........ Fractional paper enrrency, nickels, " and pennies Specie,.. ..-: 76,994 00 Lezal tenaer noies ........... tJiamntiiSn fimitvlth IT. 8. Treas- 31,000 00 nrer, o per cens ox circnjaiion. , . . : w Total. ........ . .... . . . . .fl.010,745 20 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid la .-tO.000 00 nnm1n. fnnd., .... 39.407 80 UndlTided proflta...........i.. 5 National Bank notes outstanding 44,990 00 Dividends unpaid - -- 22 IndlTldual deposits subject to check 2C2.CC9 92 Demand certiacates of deposit.. - 5. 187 cs Due to ather National Bants. , . .. . . 8,148 so Tin tA RtAtA Ttanka and hankers...... ! 2.945 8 Notes and bills re-discounted 5046 80 Total.. ....tli0,745 2 i STATE OF NOETH CABOLINA. Cocxtt or Maw ILurovsx, as. ) K.' WALKER, Caahterj ot the abOT named bank, do elemiily swear that the abore statement la true to the best of my knowledge ndlieneL nv X. K. WALKER, Caalder. Uiub(Krlbe4 and sworn to heformiae thSa-th day of May, a: HOWELL,'.. , ;: I - Notary PubCc Correct Attest : ; I - E. E. BUEECSS, I ALTEEO IIAETIN, 1 GEO. CHADOUHN, ) DirteXor. - NO. Ill NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - m - . 7T mi kt m ITTj WrightSVllle ; Mail and - - mw sa s. mm -JjJY MAIL AKD EXPRESS WAGOX FOR Wxifhtsyllle Sound will leave the PostQfSco In thia dty daily at S.30 o'clock, A. M. Packa ges, Bandies. Boxes and Barrels carried at reasonable .rates. Xre orders at Parcel! lloase. ' ma? Mwk r, LaBKIKS. Capital Prize $150,000. , Wt do hertbv that we tupertis tke arrangement for all t Monthly ana - ixrmxl- Annual Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot- tern Company, and in per$on manage and con trol the Drawing theaxHlrt, and that . the tame urt conducted with honesty t fairne, and in good faith toward au parue, an& tee autnor fee the Company to vse this certificate, tcithfao eimUesefour etgnaturee attached, in it oarer tuement. I CommlAsloncrs. NPRECEDKNTED ATTEACTION ! 1 OVEK HALT MILLION DISTRIBUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company. - IiMJorporated In 1B6S for 25 years by the Leg- nlature tor uaucaaoniu ana unaniaoie pur pose with a capital of f 1,000,000 tq wfcuch a reserve runu 01 fSSO.OOO ti33 since' been By an overwhelming potrohu vote Its fron- chlse waa made' a Crnintltiitton adnntf m or uie prcssoi siaie December 24, A. D..187V). Its Grand siNOLBNrMRicR Drawings will take place monthly. Ji jucer ec-ales or p.igt poves.' lrfok at the following Distribution: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, durlnsr rhich wllil take place the - 137th Grand Monthly 'ANDTHK ' BXTttAOaDINAET SEMiaJJ ITAI. DKAW1.VO, At '- -New Orleans, Tne9dftyr Jnne 12, 1SS3, im der the personal supervision and management Of,, - 1 j " Geu. G. T. BEAUREGAKI). of Ixuisiana, and Gen. .IUBAL A. KAltLY. of Virginia. 'Capital Prize $150,000. tf9- Notice Tickets nre Ton Dollanr-'onlr. rtilvcs,'fa.! FiXths, 2. Tenths $1. LlfeT OF PRIZES. , " j 1 Catttai prizb or Sl50,OCO...i!0,000 1 (Jeand Prize of o,coo. S0.000 iM.ocn ao,cco 20,000 ?0,000 23,000 30,000 40.000 M.aoo 50,000 i- ,1 Grakd Pkizb of 2 Largb Prize op 4 Large Prizes of ?0 rjtlZBP OF 30,000... -10,000..., a.noo. . . 1.CO0... .. 500... i00 200... .100... 50.. 30 100 300 1,000 APPROXIMAXTOy PBfiCES. 1 Aft innmrlmaltnn PrlMM nf. 00. .ci . A2O.000 ICO i " , I " . J 100.... 10,000 100 - -j : !".-;:-':;:' . 75.... 7,300 2,279 Prites amounting to. . .6322,500 AppUcaUoa for rates to clubs shonld only be made to the o21ce of the Company in New Or leans. - t - t-'y , I" "'..- . Fortnformatjen apply to " - '-' BL'A. DAUPHIN, k i -v fi 1 4n , New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHrN. t . - 07 Seventh St.. Waahrogton, D. C. may i)-wed-eat-4w-d etfr j . New York & Wilmington .'-. , -1 j : ' - i Steamship Line. - 8TEAHXRS WILL" SAIL FROM KEW.iTORK EVERY SATURDAY, at2Jjckck, F, IL BENEFACTOR, i . . .Saturday, May IS IJEGUITOR---............8aturday, May 19 BENEFACTOR-4. ...... -...Saturday, May w REGULATOR. .... . . . .. .Saturday, June' 2 BENEFACTOR- - Saturday, June 0 BJMULATOR-.....--.-..--eaturdayl June jo Through BUla ' Lading and Lowest Through Bates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. . ' For Freight or Paaaage apply to J THtfMAS E. BONO, bnpertateiident, WUmlngtan, N. a THEO. G. EG EK, Freight Agent, SSBroaaway, New YoTk. i WM. P. CLYDE A CO., General Agents, may 9-tf. Soda Water ! Soda Water ! ITH PURE FRUIT JUICES. 1 SEASON 1835 MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. ICE COLD. ! WILLIAM H. GREEN, apt 14 , . DrngglaU WM. M. HAYS, JrM Stall No. 7 , Front Street Market,, . .-, nn t f CP TrEEPS CONSTAXi-l hau BSt BEE . - S PRrNU LAM 15, M UTTON, etc! . AU meats bought from me are promptly dellrered. I WAL M. HAYSl Jr., may S La Stall So. 7; Front Street Market. 1883. 1 - , - - - : 'V KOTICS... ' .. . '. ; 1 TTa trill t3 givj to rtcdvo cczlzilzi froa our frfaada cmaay'aaa aU rabjecta cf gencial Interest but Jnn , V.j The. name of tbe wTtteT n$t always be fu nUhedto teEslitcr.- I ! Coiaimm!catlmit tacit be frxtttca'N lOBOsSdeef the paper. . Persopaatteamcatbe aroHed4 iABlUfs epedaDy aacl partlOLlarly csds toM that the Editor does sot arrays eador tke Tloira oi correeposdesta xmksa so state la the editorial "eohmna. NEW AIVEBTISEIE2rrS W E VJ ST O R JpOB THE COTESIEKCE OF MYj CCS . 1DMERS AND TnE PCBUC GEKEltALEY, I hare opened a , .' ir Fancy Grocery Store ! ' J ; INTIIE ; 1 ; ' NEW MARKET HOUSE, I CORNEU MCTEH'3 ALLEY, j j v, . ;. - . U I SHALL HAVE OX HAND AT ALL TIMES The Choicest .Groceries'- iiKh as I keep at my Store oa North , Front Street. ' ' J ; . BuyYOurOEOCERlES frominc an! It U1 affon I mo pleasure to dollvtr' at your home such articles as you may purchafee In Ihd Mar- keL " J"::'v :' ' .-v "; - i:- - 'j - SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by maklaK i " - - i" i ' - - ! I j all your selection In tbe NEW- MALKET nODBK. John L. Bbatwrlghtl; may 1 if ' . . , . 1 ' 1 WATER COOLERS! ! Giles & Murchisou, may . . - . I ' "ummer'Boardlng . rVO OH Til HEE FAMILIES CAN FINI. comfortable board in a private family ut l'UU- boro, N. C. Largw,-alry rooms ; good water ; i .'.-. plenty of freh butter and milk, fruits, vestta-.. bUw, Ac Lare and ?bady playground for clilldi-cn. A ' dally mail to nearest railroad station, nine ndW distant. Only onu nfgbfs ride from Wilmington. ; . j - ; - Voi further Information apply at REVIEW" OFFICE, or addrci - " j ; 1 O. BOX 15, Pittsboro, N. C. J. F. Lardner, - Formrlj. f WASHINGTON, I; C, , !..' . 1. tit now in rnarge at s YATES' PHOTO. ROOMS. A. STRICTLY GUARANTEED. FIRST CIASS WOKE - may 6 New Butter New Butter. VF YOU WANT SOMETHING VERY cholco send snd gnt some ; I . NEW MAY BUTTER, just resetted, atWc a txrand, pentads for ?L Can't be beat- j NEJW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER, t ETcryibios fresh and good at - i i fcRAPON'S-FAMILY GROCERY, i K No. South FrontStreet. ! ' ; No old stock to work off. ' i may 8 : GEO. M. CRAPON, Agt., May imilinery. : rrm? nTFATFriirifY. vnvriT cif hay. iiaa come and I have receiTea mon inn ai HANDSOME M1IXINEBY C00D3, ' xrlkh will be sold cheap. i I . . " Ladies, sire me a can oerore purcuaung. . MIW. KATE Wl.Nlws. may5 No. 119 North Second MreoU PIANOS & ORGANS gOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE POPULAR INSTALMENT PLAN. Now la Vur tlxac. I nave just received a new ; sitpply. . Every la - . . , ...;.!. j strument la guaranteed. . I y';Jt : . P. HE rKSBERGER. ! BIBLES & PRAYER BOOKS, JN LARGE VARIETY. . J", ' . ' ' :; For aa!e at c HEINSBERGER'S, may -7 , .JUvo Book and Mtudc Store r MUNDS BROTHERS, T" l'HAKMAOISTS. 1,451 Broadway, N. W. Corner 434 St., N. Y., ; 1- -. ' '' .and ; ;j - -.;- r ; ; tll North Fourth St., Wilmington, N1. C. stjropcn from 6 in the mornin-lUl 11 at niut. jrresctipuona preporeu ai aj vvw. may - Grand Opening Fine French Millinery ! AT JIIW. K. A. IXHDKS'S ua Weloii dsT.ilsy&tU. The Ladies are rfpectful!y Invited tacan. - Mfc. E. A. LUilaDN. may 4t No. 113 NortU Vrcstst