this taper evening. Sana? ex eepted jOSHT JAMES, OITOB AXD PBOrXIBTOB. ,awiPTIOSS POSTAGE PAID: HW"- . ... i no. Six months, fl.00. Three 0 j" w. One month, 83 cent. J will be dettrered by carrier free 10 cento per week. ore ;o receive tneif li j )rti7y Jieriev has U& largest J circulation, of any newspaper LudJnthecUy of Wilmington. JL eW- Orleans is establishing the nys tKin ot -organized charity." Vewfoundland is the oldest , British colony. It8 population is to-day four totUcequarejmie The HinJoos Delieve !t w3 Adam who sinned and led Eve astary. The Hindoos should be provided .with Bi bles at 0Dce- The Boston Transcript thinks the 9lu-cess of the Civil Service Reform Commission is, to say the least, rather Ketmcrical. " t The greatest icniinine land owner in England is Baroness (in her own right) U'illoughby d'Evesby, who has an in sane of $250,(00 from. ;Iand . It is said that during the past three or luiir months over 100 girls havo been mduated into wedded life from the I rensuty Department at V ashmston. j:ujland under the Disrael'i Ministry ,, ud off about S9l.000.000 of her pub lic debt. So far under Gladstone she U:v cancelled nearly $103,000,000. . . . . lSiHuiarck has tabooeil the V lenna rr -a i" ...... years, or- .iix-d its special wire to Berlin cut. and oven prohibited its going; via Germany :oJenniark. An English correspondent atT Gibral tftr telegraphs that slaves are sold pub licly in the streets, n few yards from ihe Enelish Legation at Taugier, for irom $2Qto$40. ' : ! . - - The sidewalks ot Toulouse are laid wilh small pebbles set edgewise in a kind of herring bone fashion. It is said to make the shoe trade in that town very profitable. A Chicago court has decidwl that a bequest to a Catholic clergyman to re imburse him for saying masses for the repose of the soul of the testator is valid under the State statutes.', There are about a thousand Indians in Massachusetts representing about a fourth as many families and thirteen different tribes. Very few of them are .fmrt. aboriginal blood. Smallpox is raging in Mercer county. V V., where it is said to have been epread among tho people through the ignorance of a physician, who is re ported to be dying of the disease. Sixty bronze hatchets have been found embedded in the ground only one metre deep at Salex, (Canton of St. Cillen), Stwitzerland, which are sup posed to be at least 2,500 years old. One of the most extensive business nieu of New York, who is neither a politician nor a speculator, says: "I never knew the country in a more pros perous condition, or business with a more promising outlook." loiter news as to tho burning ot the steamer Grapplcr off Vancouver's Is land increases the extent of the calami ty. At least seveuty lives were lost. Only two bodies have been recovored- Atree standing perpendicularly nasrday, but without transacting any busi been discovered at a depth of 280 leet in boring an artesian well at San Bernardino, Cal. Greal pieces of wood, which appear to : be v sycamore, are brought up. . Permission has been granted by the New York Park Commissioner for the erection of a statue of Peter Cooper in tho small square south of Cooper Insti tute.. The money for the statue will be raised by a popular subscription. Gov. Cleveland has signed the Camp bell penal-code amendment, which practically repeals what are known as iho Sunday "blue laws." which have been so obnoxious to a large class of citizens of New York and Brooklyn. I11 order to make Brerueu a seaport it iv proposed to deepen, widen and "trtighten the River Wcser for a dis-tuat-e of fifty miles, so that sea-going essels drawing 27 feet of water can go through and pass each other with - ease. The San Francisco Post is responsi ble lor the story that, during the latter part of the war David Davis was chal lenged to fight a duel by a fire-eating Southern ex-member of Congress. The former, it is added, very properly de clined, because his antagonist refused to permit him to stand three-fifths be hind a stone wall. 4 ; Silver mated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobx.'s : " r H LOCAL NEWS INDEX TO REW ADVERTISEMEMT8. Yatfj Photo Rooma Benson' Skin Cure Jxo C B o KKEM a x Yea Sir Mukds Bros Pharmaclsta II kins bkkgeb Planoai and Organs Hall A Peaksall Tobacco and SouflT W II GUKEy 8od Water Mineral Water The earth is dry and thirsty and rain is needed. 'W, T. Bannerruan, Esq I Clerk of the Superior Court of Pender county. is in the city to-!ay. "A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at J a cobi's Hardware Depot. At boarding school one ot the misses, rut St. Jacobs Oil oUo her Inzztes. The happy mistake; Cured the headache!. She laughs at her beau. who quizzes. ' i i The steamer John Dawson has been materially j 121 pro ved in her appearance, and is now bright and shining in her new coat of painty ' Horses and vehicles of almost every description were in demand tb-day, and many who had delayed engaging teams in season were deprived of the pleasure of a ride to the cemetry. j For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to J a cobi's Hardware) Depot, t. Maj. C. W. McClammy and Dr. W. T.Ennett, of Pender dounty, are in the city to-day. Mai. McClammy tells us that he will get half of a crop of peaches from his orchards this sear. j ; To-day being a legal " holiday there were no trials by the magistrates, al though there "are several ca$e3 requiring maffisteriai inquisition, but! thes aro recognized for their appearance to-mor row. Quite a number of 01 r courrtry cousins are in the city to-day, to par ticipate in tho Memorial Services, and we notice among ihem many of our gallant veterans of the so terribly tried our souls. days that Capt.-V. V. Richardson, of Colum bus county, is in the city to-day. j He repbrts that the crops in hisjsectiori are looking remarkably well, that cotton is coming up finely and looks promising. f . 1 The Itesport commenced her regular trips for the season this: morning, hav ingcome up from the Marine Railway at" 8:30 a. m., with colors flying and bright in her fresh codt of paint. JSho at once took in her freight, and at the hour appointed started j for Smitnville. " j A change of schedule on the Caro lina Central R. R. goes into effect to day. The mail traid will hereafter leave at 7:10 n. ra., aiid arrive at 8:45. This is a faster schedule and a decidedly better arrangement. The mail. trains will hereafter meet at Sand Hill instead of Hamlet. j ! ! ! Exports Foreign Gcr. brig Alwinc, Capt. Klecker cleared to day for WolgastJ Germany, with 103.318 feet lumber, j valued at $2,500, shipped by Mr. W. Walter. Adjourned. The Board of Directors of the Clin 1 ton & Point Caswell Railroad held ja meeting at the First National Bank to- ness adjourned to meet again at 8 o clock to-night. Masriioliaj The municipal election at Magnolia resulted in the re-election of J. l- Carroll, for Mayor; H. Hollin$gworth, H. E. Newberry, G. W. Brinktey, J . E. Wilson. F. D. Scott, and J. F Croom for commissioners. The toWn and surrounding district also Voted! in favor of a graded school by a large majority. Proposed Keuikiou. m We understand that there is to ; be a reunion of the surviving members of that gallant old command, Co. A, 3d. N. C. Cavalry, at Maj McClaramy's residence, on Scott's Hill, in Pender county, some time during the Summer, probably about the latter part of Au gust), after the crops are all laid by. It is thought that they will probably muster at least thirty strong- . City Court. 1 Sylvester Artis, colored, was drunk and down last night and jwaa 1 taken in by ihe police. This morning he Was brought before the Mayorlto answer the chargeand was required to pay , a fine of $1. in default of which he was, sent below. -.' '' ' 'l '' -: '- - r Alexander . Boy kin, the colored man arrested yesterdayfor fast driving, was arraigned, this morning, and in 'default of the wherewithal to pay the 10 fine, he was sent below. . ' ! " WILMINGTON. 'N..C. THURSDAY! MAY 10, 1883. NO. 112 Memorial Day. jj The privilege of , assembling of our- selves together imce every year for the purpose of laying our annual tribute of affectionate and undying remembrance on the graves ot those who sacrificed so much in behalf of their, native South is one of the few that Ms now left ns. And this is the day on which , those tributes are paid. Year by year the ranks of the living are being thinned ; year by year the survivors of the four years of war and invasion and desola tion and distress are leaving ustO join their comrades on the golden shores of the beautifuL river where there is no more of death, no more of wars and 1 .. . .1.. - . tumults, no parting, no persecutions and no sorrow, and where they may "rest uuder the shade of the trees." free from the strifes and the ambitions and the jealousies and the cares which make of earth not all an Eden. It will not be many years hence ere the last shall have departed and then when the comrades shall all I sleep to gether the beautiful lessons of to-day will bear their sublimesi fruit, for it will be their children who will lay their floral ofteriugs over the sacred dust ot tho noble army of rraartyraand heroes. I The arrangements for the observances to-day were admirable and they were carried out in their entirety. The pro cession moved .promptly at 4 o'clock and in the order named . in V the published programme and .on; the route as indi cated, much of. which, through the kind forethought of : Mayor, f Hail, hd been 9priukled,soas to lay the dust as much as possible, j There :were flowers in profusion and all who could obtain them carried wreathes of ever greens aiso. As we write the procession i moving j o3. led by the Cornet Concert Club, I (vyith G en ! Taylor and" staff In ad vance,) j who are discoursing soma of their sad- j dest and sweetest strains. with the Wil mington Light Infantry, in the dear old gray, following close behind with arras revet sed, and each man bearing upon his piece a chap!eL,of May flowers.. These are followed by carriages con taining" the orator, and tho -chaplains, then the Ladies Memorial Association on foot, and after the Association the cholr.tbe Children's Memorial Associa tion and the schools. At the head of the third division marches that handful of veterans, the Association of Officers of the Third N. C. Infantry, followed by the Confederate Survivors'- Association, wherein may be found men who have facedi the enemy's fire in a hundred fights, and citizens on foot and in car riages close the procession which is now j sadly wenuing lis way to Male dale's beautiful shades. 1 Town Elections. At the municipal election at Burgaw on Tuesday last, the following officers were elected to S4?rve for the ensuing year: Mayor W. M. Hand.- Commissioners A. H. Paddison, J J. Moore, J. F. Croora. John Smith and J. B. Moore a re-election of all of last year's officers. i ' The New Telegraph. Mr, Wm. A. Johnson,1 of Messrs Warren Johnson & Son, of Clinton, is in the city to-day, and wo acknowledge the courtesy of a call from him. Mr. Jpjmsou is interested in the telegraph line to Clinton and is herein its interest. He tells us that the wires will probably be up and be open for traffic at an early day. ' I '-.j ; ' Excursionists. j A party of colored excursionists ar rived here this morning a little after 9 o'clock on the Carolina Central Rail rpad. They, came from Raleigh, via Hamlet, and numbered 110 in all. f hey will return to-morrow night. This is the first excursion of the season. and from now until the excursion sea son is oyer we may expect visitors from the interior towns quite frequently, i Wake Forest. Thinks tn the Marshalls for . an invi- tution to the commencement at Wake Forest, which takes place June 12-14 On the mh at 8 p. m , Rev. A. i- Ti,n nf Raltimore. delivers the AW - f alumni address ; on the 13th at 11 n. m.. Rer. Henry McDonald. M. D., Ai,nf. r1nli7ers thc address before .he two literary societies; at 8 p. m. on the 13th Rev. Geo. C. Irimer, D. D , of Chicago, preaches the baccalaureate cormnn An tha 14th at 11 a. UlL.r the 1 oration3 of the graduating class will bo .!imrl kt 8 1. rk. . on that day there wm Ka thn nsna.1 social Catherine, com- ,j;muntarv tn the class of 1883. The nrnnhilt ore: Euzelian Society J. Hr Lamberth. Ivy G. Riddick and W. V, Savage; Philomathesian Society Charles D. uay, J. tf. ii.ii.nignt anu ix. S. Glenn. . . - ' -1 "'-"' - - " ... . -. ; ' - - - " - Slight Fire. - At about 1 o'clock this afternoon; a spark from the chimney of Ancrum Batson, colored, . on Dock, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, fell upon the roof and ignited the shingles causing considerable excitement for a few mo ments . , There was no general alarm given and the fire was put out by some of the neithbors with a" few buckets of water, but not until quite a: hole had been burned in the roof. The Biff Excursion. Messrs John X. Maffitt , and J. A. Corbett, two of the4 projectors of the giv Wilmington during the i latter1 parU of this month, returned '.yesterday from a trip over tho line of; that road.4 They say that the affair will be verv success ful. the indications now beins i that a j large number wilt take advantage of th4 opportunity, among whom there will be many ladies. The tickets will be, issuetl from Shelby to ' Smitnville aud return and the accommodations wiH be ample, Caroliuu Central Katlroad. "The annual election of officers of tho" Carolina Central Railroad was held at the lofliee of the Secretary; in .this., city to-day, the entire stock ol the company being represented,;; The old Board of Directors was re-elected, and subse quently Col. John M. ltpbinson was; re-elected President, and Mr. John H. Sharp -Secretary of the company. Tho Board of Directors, aa re-eleeted, is as follows: -. I . John M. Itobinsuu, C-M Stedman, Wilmington VJ, S" 'Whedbce, J. L. Mlunis, Severn Eyerc, B. C. iroffman, Baltimorp; 1). Y-. Oates; Charlotte; tHf S: Tucker, J C; Winder, W.W. Cham berlaine, Raleigh ; M. P. f-ak, Wades boro. iMiotosrrnpIiecl. " The stores and places of business were pretty generally closed during tho 4 the Wil- afternoon. At 3:15 o'clock mington Light, Inlantry, preceded by drums and fife, matched out Third street from the City Ilall and wiieeled -into Market street, dowh-.wbich they moved to the' Iron t of YanOrsdiirsl photo graph gallery, where they fiiedj into line and were" halted and faced to the front while they were, being photo iiraphetL After this they Wheeled into column of platoons and marched off, the several movements being executed with a promptness and precision highly creditable to their drill and discipline. The ranks were fuller to-day than on anyv occasion for years past. Point Caswell. . By an act of the last legislature ' Point Caswe I was incorporated as a 6 town, and by a provision in the act of incor- noration it was made unlawful for tho County1 Commissioners to grant a license to any one to soil liquor within the precincts of tho town without the At the election of officers for the town, held on Tuesday .last, there were; two tickets! in the field ono, headed by Capt. R. P.: Paddison, for "No Libense.'i aud the other .with" Mr; H. M. Driver as the nominee for "License" and both parties worked zealously for success The election 6T Capt. Paddeson, with only tbreo votes cast against him, was the result, so that Point Caswell will be a dry" town for a twelyemon come. .. . . - h to Kltclieu -Market.-; The folio wins, retail prices rule m this market to-day May 10 : 5eei luarzuc per pounu; veai-i4cw 15c; lamb" 13i15c; jmutton 1215c; Green pork, whole hog, 910c per pound; cuts, I2oi6c;cornedpork 124a 15c; turkeys,' alive, $lffll25 each; dressed.. 164818c per pound ; chick en? 4045 cts each ; grown fowls, 40G 50c; geese alive 75c each; dress ed $1; eggs, 1518-ets per doz; butter, country. 2530c. ; Northern , 35c ; lard, - 13 15c; Baltimore, hams, 16 18,; breakfast strips. 1510; N. C. hams, 1516f ; shoulders, 1112 ; sides, 94124 ; fish, trout, 2025c, mulleU, 15&20,; shad. 75c$ 1.25 per pair,; scalded oysters, 124c. per quart ; clams, per quart, 124c ; per bushel, 50c ; cabbage, 10 15rpcr head ; cucumbers, 4Qc per doz ; strawberries, l24cperbox; collards, 5fil0c; turnips, j 5 cents per bunch ; sweet potatoes, 25c ! per peck ; Irish do, 50c per peck ; new, f 1520c per quart ; onions, 50c per peck.l 5c per bunch; carrots and parsnip. 50c I per peck ; green peas. 40c per peel: ; -t " - . "T . , - bunch; lettuce, 35c per head. '--tt-t i 'v - -r t - " T RnHilr nr! rvt hpr (Vet tn .Txco . e o-v ni..-jTvi;t.M El S lor ooju, uuuus suu lflwrs, yjvxaa &c. -You can get all sizes and at the loTrcst prices. V, DIED. nUFII AM In Tender county, X. C on the 15th of April, Mw. AMELIA A. IIUFIIAM, consort of William Hulham, dee d, in the 73rd year of her age. f - The deeeased was born in Columbus county. X. C, near Whitertlle, and In early life moved to the connty of New Hanover, now Pender, where she married and 6eltled and there raised a larjre family fonneea children and several grand children. When young be 'attached herself to the BapUst Church, and . white her trials were jrrcat, she ever held to the faith, and died fully reconciled. Her last?aya were luiT M&t rl rvx'ti ar.fl t hnap trliA ur4rn rith her mother Ia at re$t, while niauy iI i have-yet to make ready for that eventtul day'. Tew women were as energetic, aud whlie her means were koiaU. none were so realy to aamlnister t- the! wiinU cf the eicfand aflilQted." Onr old mother was blind, and many iof herrran't childreo she had never seen, batraethinks ehe sees them cow. and as an angel of .light, i ad roinisterfe, spiritually, to I heir Jnauy wants, hie ieft her farewell advice to att to nwet her beyond the skies: often 'saying that clcath'a rates would not larm her, and that the Jor dan was calm and eerene; she would have a pleasant voyage, which would, land hex safe in glory. She died of drop and her 'suffer ings were Indescribable, but herplcasnred now surpass them. ,- , , . AKiiouit. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yes Sir ! A LWAYS THE BEST TH1C MARKIST afl'ordrt and at tlie lowest jrices ' -. . - - 1 ' ' r - ,B1lKF, MUTTOK, LAMB A.NIi VEAL AH orders promptly tilled., J. C. ISORNfcilAN, ' Stall , Sew .Market: may 10 Tobacco & S n -ufF. LORILLARDS, AN D OTIIEK , Uh&rKABLK iiKiDK?, FROM 'G AIN'T' TO CLIMAXv" -AT REBATE rRIf.E? TT A T T Xrm? P Si A I T J-JL. J.i UJ WJL JklJ.JkL JL w'U. JL. I A REAL S IC I S3 CURE. There is ftniy one. aud that 'with simple name. "My tKis, !nnrH ma insiis cov ered WITH SCALT, POHKS, 5 HA I5KCOME CLE AX, SMOOTH. AXD SOFT .AS AUD IT'S. MV HAXBS WliRli COVEEEl WITH 1-ITTI.Ji DRV SCA1W. TlIET HAVE 1IJJ A r PEAKED "AND I'M BETTEB THAN I UAVE BEES t)R TWEXTV J YEARS, rSIKO DR. BEN'SOJf'S bKI.V CURE A;. M- N'oble Solma, Ji. C, fuly 3. 18-2, Dr. Beneon's Skin Cure consist of Internal and external treatment at same time and it makes tlieekin white, soft arl smooth. H contains no iwisonous drugfi. 1 at drugifiBtB. "I uad Salt Rheum f6r 19 years, itol'r PACKAGES OF DR. BEXSOX'S SltlV CURE E TIRELY CCREU ME. r . V. IftVCile, .HereCkl. j Cal. 1 ?1 at dnigiflats . j Dr. Benson's Skin Cure conslets M Internal i and" external treatment at earae time and H makes the skin white, soft and smooth. Uf contains no pol50nona drfige. 1 at drogjis's. "Dk. Bexsos's Skix-Clreeeadicatei j MT PIMPLES. -TlIKY USED i TO BREAK OCT i coxtes itallt." stoveT. UarrlsoTi, Kochca ter, . l , l at druggiat-. Dr Benson's Skin Cure consist of latcrnal j and external treatment at fcamo time and it makes tbe aklu white, eott and smooth. It ! contain ao poisonous drturs. l at druggists. 'Fob jfocbs years I 6Ueperei agoxt FROM A.SKIX DISEASE. DE. UEXSOX's feKIX CURE CURED MtT." C. B. McDoxald, PLin tersville, Ala. 1 at drnjarlsts. "I'm! happy to say Hr. Bexsox's Siux Cube has cured my eczemi of the scaip, of four years $TAXTrxG. Jno. A. An drews, AttV-at Law, Asbtcn, 111. 1 at.dru?- lsts- . V.- r'-'' ' Dr. Ben&on'a Skin Core conslota of internal and external treatment at eame time and It makes tht'ekln white, soft and smooth. It contains no polsonou drug. Si at druggist. Five doctors; xo exd of medicdoc; xo relief. dk. bexsox's 8kix cube has druyex away all eruptioxs am) 131 x early well." Ida C Youxg, H&mUtoa, Ills.' " j - - C. N. Crlttenton, Sole Wholesale Agent for Dr. C W. Benson's Kcmedies, 115 rUon St., New lork. : may 10-lw-cht-nrin Steamer Passport. . fJIHE STEAMER PASSPORT WILL COM xnence her Regular Trips to SMITHY! LLE and the FORTS, on ! THURSDAY, MAY 10th; Leaves Wilmington at 9 o'clock everr mom- lug. ana retam octween sursei ua iar, ex cept Satnrda a, when she will loare Wiimlog ton at 4 P. Mi J. W. HARPER. may0-tf :;' . - I Wrightsville Mail and ef?s. M Y MAIL AND JEXPRES WAGON FOR W ughtarlUe Sound will le&re th PostofilcA la thla dty dally at 8.30. o'clock. A.- M. I'icia ges, Bundles, Boies and Barrels carried at rasonable' rates. Leare ordera at Porcell House. '? ! '" "'" ' xaaT-lwk J 1VLARKLNS. Soda Water! Soda Water!! "1TT1TH PURE FRUIT JUICES, IOECOLD 1 ,,ki season las. "-V MINERAL WATER ON DBA CO JIT. -i ick coli: ' ; - - ' WITXIAM U. OREKN. aid 14 - 1 -Drnjrgiat. ATJew SuddIv 'VF JaiD AND 4 WHITK UNION -isElH, J 1. . - , v - i jfca, Beaoa, Corn, CAtib?e, Ae. 5 lni!r and ChemSraJb. 1 Patent -Metliei i Toilet md Fancy ArtWle, An.- , y , njr FrecriiUoii- 13 lied t aU honra.ilay atni f nlsht. - Vn - - P. C. MILLER, - . I - - German Vrvdiit : I mt ' Correr l ourth vox Nua its. . FLEASS NOTICE, t- ' i- " ' We will bo glad to receive eoariuzJ nation' irasa onr frienda oa any and ' all anbjecu of gcaeral latere; tmt I 4 ; The name of the writer must always be tai fil&bed to the Editor. v s . Communications nrnt t be "written oa cat joncsl-Ieof the paper. Perscti&IItSea meat be aroldol ' - I Ani It la eapeclally anl particularly node 8tohJ Usat the Editor does jot aJwaya t-ndor tke vlorra of corrc poxtdenta unless so state In thai editorial colnmns. S v , new ADVEimsiansyTs;: poit TnK coxy kn IES c k of ir cua" TOMEE3 AND THU VUBLIC GESEttALIA". I have opeael a t , J -'; : ,, . Fancy Grocery, Storo ! : :. '. IN TIIL . j j . NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTER'SAXLET.' I SUA IX II AVE ON If AND AT ALI TtlK3 The ' Choicest Groceries - '. ' . ' ' lr; f ' r's T.'-i,! ''i'--ti-. j ncli as I keep at in 7 Store oa Xortli ! - . . .. Front Streec v-m 7 Hoy vour UROCESIES fronic an-rit will afionl me ileasure to deliver &t your hoiiea' such arllclea a you luay juircluvtc n the Mar ket. I . - .-'- : , ' --' :i .'.'.r-K " - ". : , . i' . t......i AVK TIME JVSD TROUBLE by nunliu all your Welnions In the 'EVT i!ARlCET John L. Boatwrtelit WATER CGOLEliS ! VW SALE RY ,1 Giles & Jiurcliisou, may 8 ." ' v ' - " ; t J. F. Lardner, FtMrmerJy of BICE GALLEET WASIMJiUTO.V, p. C. Is now In fharjrc at YATES1 PHOTO. ROOMS. STRICTLY GUARANTEED. FIRST CLASS WORK inayjs Ne w B utter r -If e w B utter. TF yOU WANT &OMKTHIXU VKRY choice Lnd and got eome " .; ; ! ",:v';-" NKVV MA Y, BTJTTKR. just received, t:53va round, 3 ttotindK for 61. Can't lo beat. ;'''i:;.i: NEW CChI)S 11 Y RVI3RYI STEAMER. Everything fresli and food at . crai'on's rxmisr grocery, - " , . - I . . ' No.-W 8outh Front Street. No old stock. to work off,' mar OEO. il. CRAPON, AjjU, Rlay RJillinery. THE BEAUTIFUL MONTH" OF UAYUAS come and I have rccolred more NBV AND HANDSOME MILLINERY GOODS, which . will he sold cheap. i, --A -r. Indira, eivc tne a call before purchasing j' - miS. KAT1S C WJNK - , may 5 No. 1 1 9 North Second MrccL ; PIANOS & ORGANS S OLD FOR C ASH OR ON THE rOPULAJI INSTALMENT PLAN. NowI your time. 1 have jut received a new inpply. Every In etrument is guarantee!. i r. ITEINSBERGERj " BIBLES & PRAYER BOOKS, jy LARGE -VARIETY, . , -;- " ' '. For wileat - : j. v HEINSBERGER'Sv may 7 LIto Book and Muslo Storo 3IUNDS BKOTHEIIS, in Altai Ac ist8 1,491 Broadway,!. W. Corner 434 St., jr. Y . ' . .-and -' .'r - 21 North Fourth ht. , Wilmington, '. C. tSr Open from 6 In the morning till Hat night. rrcscripilons pre pa ml at ad hours, may 4-tf s . Grand Opening Fine French Millinery ! A T MRS. E. A. LUMSDEX'ft oa We lncs- iCXday.May Stli.' The Ladlca re-reocctfuJly Invited to call MUl. K. A. LCMSDCNi tnay 5-41 No. ll'J North Front t VIRGINIA IEAL. AM OFFERING THIS SPLENDID MEAL JL Ctrrourd coarse or Hue) a bottom yrkc. 1 Lv ery Ltiz warranted to glre MthIcU'Hj. j Vut load or s ing!ehag order aoliclto-J. X averea tree, r ? - - k. uiiik. r f m. H. HAYS, Jr., ! Stall No: 7 Front Strekt Maukct, r ! IV JEEPS CONSTANTLY O.N IIAM THE iS-ST TiLKF, SPRING LA MR. MIJTTON, etc.- A U watt ltifhl from' we ? promptly d5llTerej ; r WiL M. HAYS, Jr., toil T, Frant street HaxLet. may Z