THIS TAPER erery evening, Sunday ex cepted by ' JOSH T.JAMES, crBSCUIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID ci- Months. M.00. Three pna J . AA. Otia month. 35 cents. r win be delivered by carriers free I 1 "T Lj ln ny part of the city, at the above or 10 cents per week. ilUnbscribcra will report any and all tall- rrt their naner regularly. pr. t rc-- - , - i ni" 77: ItoiVy lleviao has the largest Lwi fide circulation, of any newspaper l,:,a intkc cilu of Wilmington, j'x-Governor Hendricks is now in very 80OtI ,IU Ianjeness is hardly aPParent; (JustavuiUerner.ofthe liergner & Fngei Brewing Company, of Philadel phia, died last Sunday. ti e American exhibits in the Fishery ihow exceed those from the whole CVDtinentofLiirope. - - - Capitalists are pre pari ng to bnild a rmwl wi,!tcr hotel for rrlhern tour $i at Past Christian, on the Gulf of -- Mr. Jc-eph Medill, editor of the Chicago Tribune, has been travelling in ho South all winter and has just arrived - - rise largest steamship in the world, 1 1 . . A. UK. tho Great Eastern, earnvu ihsi. jcur jjsoa. wlii'e $20,000 was spent in keeping her in repair. - Pru.'fs.-,or Crouch, the composer ot hjithieen Mourneen," will have a ben- eii: at the Baltimore Academy of Music on decoration. Day. : Senator Beck, ot Kentucky, h prepar- :iia reply 10 receuu iiimmons u mu ubieet of the tariff, had with Senators iheniian and Morrill. Mr. Bancroft, the historian, who is a student of German affairs, thinks that Bismarck is greatly 'mistaken m 'pur suing a policy of repression. .' TimoUiy Keating, 80 years of v age, 'ha been in the employ ol ajra's com pany in Philadelphia 47 years, and in all that time has not lost a day. , -- 'A Zuckertort, who has been, leading in tLe London chess tournamen. has been beaten by Steinitz and they . now stand evun, witn seven won games eacn. - A colored lyceuni in Richmond is to debate the subject: . "Be, it Resolved: That Gen. 1. S. Grant was a greater jreueral and statesman than Gen. Geo. Washingtoj." Georsc Hearst, the unsuccessful Dcin ocintit: candidate for Governor of Cali fornia, ia mentioned as the coming Democratic candidate for the United Stales Senate. The City Council of Beverly, New Jersey, has refused to grant licenses to hotels and saloons in that place. No licenses have been grauted there - for over two years.' ft is estimated that 1,392,000 pouuds of manufactured tobacco were shipped from Lynchburg during the past week. The revenue collections at the Lynch burg office amount to $111,011 for the week. The young invalid, the Duke of New castle, is in the Yosemite Valley. After a few weeks he will sail for China on his way tD England. Tic 'has been traveling for his health ' for nearly a year, in America, in a very quiet way. -- Pope Leo XIII has sent an auto- siraph letter of thanks for church service to Cardinal McCloskey, of New York. It was written in Latin and sent by special messenger, and is probably the only iustance where the Popo ever wrote to an American clergyman. . . . . J. W. S. Arnold, the noted physiolo gist, has become a resident ofThonias ville, Ga., where he has a $30,000 lab oratory. Some of the wondering na tives say that he "spends two weeks studying a frog's foot through a ruicro aeopc." Mr. Keim, Civil Service Examiner. -is said to be lacking in knowledge of his own language, writing English "as one of our emancipated slaves might be expected to write it, with a visible preference for sounding words and an evident misapprehension of their exact iMeaniug.,, Fifteen years ago, an enterprising -uolaiian brought a little Jersey cow to tlit city, and was laughed at. To-day wealthiest men in Mobile o wn herds u -Jerseys, and it is estimated that there are nearly five thousand registered animals and numberless grades in Mobile county, worth near $500,000. The Chicago Inter 'Ocean says the en listed men of the. United States anuy do not see clearly why they should not have "a retired list" alter twenty-five years of faithful service. It does look as if the men who carry a . gun and go afoot should bo treated just as well as t he men who rido and carry horse . pis tols and have an officer1 .commission. r H 1j VOL. VII. Hon. Joseph E. McDonald hastens to explain that he is "in favor ot a tariff for revenue; but is is impossible not to have protection with tliat.'' j He insists that the amount to be raisedj by a tariff on imports cannot for several jyears be reduced below 21fl,po6,000, Jind esti mating the total imports at something over thretf hundred million dollars, he concedes that "there mustj be a tariff varying from thirty to one hundred per cent, arf valorem." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yatks Photo ItooniH Keal IIahn's lacal aU Mckus IJkos IharuxacLta -'Family Kxcursion to SmlthviUe IIeiksberger Pianos and Organs Geo F TiLi.tT Sampson County Beef .DERtMi.SET & Co Eoanoke Uoe Herring Knighta and Tidies of Honor Local atl W H GKKE3C Soiia Water Mineral Walei Kain is really needed. Auction at Hahn's to-morrow morn- i t i l lit. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 120 : j K i ! . j A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacori's Hardwaa- Depot. I t .i . The butchers still complain loudly of the scarcity of good beef cattle in the market. The street hands are busy putting a good track of saw I dust on Seventh street. i The wind got around to the north west this afternoon and it ruav be much cooler to-night. I j Those North Carolina roe offered by Messrs DeRosset ii herrings Co. are just the thing for breakfast-- ! r Knights and Ladles 'of Honor. , . ! i i Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve- mng r ull attendance desired. It There were hard on the wharves y any transactions to-day. "Nothing doing" has been the general complaint. A latne man in Kalamazoo. I Had a shin that, was; yalier and blue, He haa awiuiiy tmrnea it; : St. Jacobs Oil turned it, Back to its natural hue. Do the country people want the town folks to starve? If not .hcyi will send us something to eat m the way ot beef, poultry, &c m Ladies, bo in time for Hahn's to-morrow. the Auction at It. wt Yesterday's procession 3 the larg est we have seen in a number of yearsj. Whicn shows that our henoc dead are not to be forgotten, as some have pre; dieted. Capt. Manning tell fish are now biting us that the Pig ai fairly well Wrigbtsville. ,He had some at break fast this morning that were of more than average size and, llavor. There were three cases of disorderly conduct before the M$yor this morning, tho first of which wajj sent below for 30 days, the second wa3 fined $5, which was paid, and the third was discharged. Tho Cornet Concert Club did won derfully well yesterday, considering the fmany disadvantages 'under which they labored. Their time wa3 correct, tho instruments in perfect tune f.nd the parts very evenly balanced t and well sustained. For Pocket Knives or Tablej Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t j The gentlemen in our city yesterday who came hitlier to attend the annual meeting of the Carol toil cjentral Rail-j road, haying concluded the business of the meeting, have left for iheir sev eral homes. Some ot them left last night and the remainder went off this morning. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 81 de grees, i - L j- ' We have heard - many compliments upon the fine vocal music at ihejCeme tcry yesterday, which from the well known ability ot the vocalists, we are aware were well bestowed. It was a choir of very superior talent and the organ accompanist for the occasion was an excellent musician and performer. Mr. Geo. F. Tilley received this morning eleven fine beeves, which were paraded through the streets and excited much attention. They are stall fed. from Sampson comnty, and were (brought here by Mr. T. L Recklay. They will be on sale to-morrow morning 'and evening, and there is more just iike" it to come next week. ' 1 , Silver Plated Spoons.and Forks, low pices, at Jacobi.V i v- t WILMINGTON, N. a I 1 Snakes. I A few nights since a water moccasin, about four feet in length, was killed by a policeman on Nntt,between Mulberry and Walnut streets. It is presumed that, hearing1 that there were "snakes in the boots of some of the denizens of that classic retreat, his snakeship swam from the other side of the, river to investigate tho matter. ' j. ; i Hahn has sold none of his Fine Goods at Auction, as yet. - They wiU be sold to-morrow. ; It. Masonic.. As announced In the "Review on Monday last, the annual convocation of the North Carolina j Grand-Chapter of Royal Arch Masons will be held at Raleigh on Tnesday,the"13th inst. The delegates from this, city are jMessrs. J. C. Munds, Samuel Northrop, . J. I. Macks and H. C. Prem pert, and it is ex pected that they will all attend. The First Excursion. The first excursion of the season will be that ' to be given on the steamer Passport, on Tuesday next,j to Smith villc and the Forts, by the Independent Order of Rechabites in this city. Every arrangement has been made to '.- render it a pleasant occasion to all who may at tend. Refreshments will be served on board and the Italian harpers will fur nish music for dancing. Sunday' Oelivcry. j There is no free delivery of the mails on Sunday morning but those who re ceive their mails by the carriers can sret it on that day at the postoffice, between :30 and 9:30 A M. at'-the carrier's delivery, whichjs in the North lobby of ! tho office, where the stamp window was formerly located; It will be -necessary at this delivery to give the name of the applicant for'mait matter as also the number . of the delivery district in which he resides. - Commendable. We are glad to note that the best o! order prevailed at the Cemetery during the exercises yesterday. It has been sometimes the case that thoughtless boys have forgotten the solemnity , of such occasions and have allowed them selves to indulge in loud talking and rude laughter, thus marring the sacred character .of the hour and place. We have heard of no such conduct taking place yesterday. Should be Destroyed. Tree irimming is jusn now in order which prompts us to suggest that when trees arc trimmed the branches which arc cut off should be at once removed from the streets or from any place where they are accessible to cattle. The leaves are injurious whpn eaten in a wilted condition aud in kome instances they are fatally in the case of mock orange. AH such refuse matter should be burned or destroyed in some other way. All ot those elegant flowers and feath ers will be sold at Haiin's to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. It God Bless! Them. There is an indefinable something in the heart of woman which idolizes heroic acts in-mao, atjd to her the dead, wno nave uiea in me performance ot a duty which required true heroism objects of tender revcreuce and , are love. This fact is emphasized by tho devotion of our Ladies' Memorial Association, who have labored so zealously and faithfully to keep alive and green the memory of our hero head. God bless the Memorial Associations throughout the entire South! - ..( I The Planets in May. : The planetary records of May are full of matters of exciting interest. Two of the great planets, Neptune and Saturn, reach conjunction. Mercury arrives at eastern elongation, and is visible as the evening star during nearly the entire month. Venus and Mars are in close conjunction. Every planet in the sys tem, viewed from the earth, is in the northern decimation . The moon comes in for distinguished honors. She is very near Saturn, she occults Beta Scorpil, and she gets up, for a favored few in the far away region of the South ern Pacific ocean tho grandest, most sublime and awe-inspiring spectacle that terrestrial observers ever beheld, when, for nearly six precious minutes, her dark shadow conceals from view tho glorious orb of day. Look Before you Leap. A. & I. Shriek are now showing the best line of Mens, Boys' and Childrens' Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. ' - tt. JL(LIj-v IJCj.vv o .' .. .' .... , ;, , , , FRIDAY. MAY 11, 1883. j Crop Prospects.! , Visitors to the city from the country make very favorable reports . regarding; the crops. Our information comes from nearly every section in our vicinity and extends to a considerable distance in the country. The general expression is that the crops are about three weeks behind their ushai state of forwardness but that with this favorable, weather, they will catch up in a very short time. From some localitiesthero is. Complaint of a scarcity of labor, so many banS hayinsr gone into the States further South for the season to jwerk in the turpentine forests. This ' has ' been n serious trouble and annbyance much greater than in previous yearsarid farmers have been compelled in many instance to make the acreage planted considerably less than usual. The fine stock of hats at Haux'n will be sold at auction regardless of cost to morrow morning at 10 o'clock. It v Magistrate's Court. Burrill Martin, colored, was arraign ed this morning before Justice Gard ner, charged with an assault and bat tery oh Wash Williams, colored. The delendant was found guilty and lined one cent and costs. . t J v Harriet Martin, colored, was then arraigned for the same offense upon the same party and with a like penalty! Agnes Martin, colored, was next ar raigned for the same offense upon 'the same party aud with a: like penalty. - Wash Williams was then arrigned for an assault arid battery upon Agnes Martin and his line was the same as in the other'cases. j Wash Williams was then arraigned on a peace warrant and was required to give a bond in the sum of 50 to keep the peace until the first Monday in Au gust next, which btHng done the pourt adjourned. The celebrated Twine is sold only wire Depot. 4Fish Brand (iills1 at. Jacobi's Hard THE MAILS' Tliemalla close and arrive at the City Post office as follows : . , - j CLOSE. ' Northern through mails, aat........8.0Q P. M. Northern through add wsy mails. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh 6.15 P. 31. and o.iO A. M. Mails for the N. C. Ralfroad and routes supplied therefrom lnclud- ; ; . log A. &N.C. Railroad at u , v,,-t . ; , t?.00P M. and 5.40 A. M. Southern Malls for all points South, I daily I 8.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally; " I (except Sunday):....-..! J......6.1." P.-M. All points between namlet ana Ral eigh (. L J ..... .a 15 P. M. MailforChcrawahdDarlLngtonKail- - road..i. i...V..8X) P. M. Mails for points between Florence 'and Charleston. .;...,........4.;i...8.w P. M. FavcttcvUlc and oflices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays...... 1.00 P. M, Fayctteville, ria Lumberton, datly, except Sundays.. ...6.151. M. OueIow C. II. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Sraithvillc mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays). ....8.80 A.M. Mails for Easy Mill, Town Creek, . t Shallotteand Llttlo River. Tncs- i 4aysand Fridays .....6.00 A. M. Wrightsville, daily. ...8.50 A. MP OPEN FOR DELIVERY Kortbern through and way malls 7.30 A. M J Southern Maus. . . ; r. . . . . , T.o .a. M. Carolina Central Railroad......... . 0. 00A. M. Malls coUected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M-. 11.30 A.M. and 5 SO . M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. ' ' Stamp Oflice open from 8 A. M. to vi M J, and from 3 ta5.30 r. M. Money order aud Register Department open same as stamp office, i -Stamps for sale in small quantities at general delivery when stamp office is closed. I - General delivery open from 7 A. M. 7.80 P. M. and on Snndars from 8.30 to. 9.30 A. AI. Carriers' dolivery open on Sunday from $.30 to .30 A. 31. i ' To Bnilders and otbers Go to Jaco bi' for Sash, Blinds and Door3, Glass &c. I You can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. j Quarterly Meetings' For the Wilmington district of the Methodist EJ Church, South: ! (SECOND ROUND,) Cokesbury . . . ..... ... .... May 12-13 Newton Grove Mission, .May, 15 Bladen. r ..... .. .....May 19-20 Whiteville, at Whiteville. .May 24 , i District Whiteville lo. r Missi '.....May 24-27 .....May 29 Waccamaw Mission. Fair Bluff Mission May 30 , Elizabeth; at Bladen Springs June 2 3 romt Caswell Mission June 5 R.O. Burton. P. E National Surgical Institute. TwO surgeons . from this old-established and widely known "Iristitnte ot Atlanta, Ga., and Indianapolis, Ind.," will make a special and limited visit to Wilmington, N. C, May 19, 1S83, stop ping at the Purcell House. They Will bring surgical and mechanical .appli ances, best French: artificial eyes, and everything necessary for the treatment of accepted cases. . . .' 4 . , . . They treat no one unless' there is an undoubted prospect of great 'improve ment orcomplete restoration. Defor mities of every -description, including Club Feet, Diseases of the Hip,Spine and Joints,Paralysis,Pile3, Fistula, Catarrh Female and Private Diseases, Diseases of the Eye and Ear;" Chronic Diseases, etc.. treated t fSrCome early, as the visit is limited to the time stated. For circulars, and full particulars; address National Surgical A'stitcte. Atlanta, Ga. 3t-w-apl 28, may 4-11. , r NO. 113 NEW" ADVERTISEMENTS. I . Family Excursion. rflHK INDEPENDENT OBDER OF EECn- A BITES will erii e au EXCURSION TO SMITH VILLE AND TUE FORTS, on the STEAMER rASSPORr, on TUESDAY. May lith.lSS. 1 I Kelreshmcu$ served on board at elly prices. The Italian String Band wW furnish Music for Dancinjr. i I No objectionable party 'will 'be allowed on the Boat. Tickets 31) cents. Children under 12 years, 25 cents. Boat will leave nroiunilvatftSOoYlk;. F. T. SKIPPER, W. U JACOB-, L. A. lilL-BBO. J. W.BRAN-1I,' KKiSISTEK,.- il. W. BISHOP. may ll-2t . ri mon - ' Committee ROASUOKE boe heeehtg i ! ! For Family; Use; PRICE IS REDUCE I ANp VKRV. LOW FOR SALi: BY DeRosset & Co. .may 11-1 1 .V .. j SAMPSON REEF TT1LEVEN HEAD OF SPLENDID ST A LI Alt FED Sampson County Beef ! RECEIVED Clll HA V, ' Will bo 'on fale lATlIRDAV.iMtiXlivY and TUESDAY, and rnore'exiec ei next vtcek. V. TIIXEY. o. 6. New Market may U-it Sta'l N Wrightsville Mail 'and . I Express, 1 I 1TY MAIL AND EXPI1ES WAOON". FOR Viizhtsville 1ounl wiU leave, tlic Poeiofllec In thi uty rtaiiyat 8.3l o'clock," A. M. Packa- Jioxe aut Barrels rained at reasonable rates. ? Leave orders at Ptn-ffcH House. Baggage con veyeJ froru Rail Road depot to all places in .Sound as well a.- in citv. gmaviMwfc; x .J, L ARK INS. ,4 1 Yes Sir jLWAYS THE BEST THE MA RKET a fiord and at Ihe lowest prices, i BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB AND VEAL, All orders promptly filled. f . ' - rJ. C. BORNE MAN. may K, StJilI 8, New Market. Tobacco & Snuff J LOMLLARD'S, iSD.'( )TH E R D ESJ K A BLE GRADKS, FROM ."GATNTV- TO "CLIMAX,' r - AT REBATE PRICE. HALL & PEARS; . may lo ,1 ILL -4 Steamer Passport. rilHK STEAMER PA8SPORT WILL COM mence her Regular Trips to SMITH VI LEE and the FORTS, on THURSDAY, MAY loth. Leaves Wilmington 'at 9 o'clock every, morn ing, and returns between sunset and dark, ex cept aatoraa s, wnen ene win leave w liming ton at 4 P. M. J. W. HARPER. r1 I may 9-tf Soda Water! Soda Water! yiTII PURE FRUIT JUICES j j ICE COLD 1 i SEASON 1883. . r MINERAL WATER OX DRAUGHT. ' j ! ICE COLD. " ,.. WILLIAM IL GREEN, apl 14 i Druggist. A TJew SuddIv ap red and white onion sets, U , J - I Peas, BeansJ Corn. Cabbage. &. Drugs and! Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac. t 8f Prescriptions filled at all boors, day and night. F. C. MILLER, I - German Druggist, mchSl. . Corner Fourth and Nun sts.l Kaiuit, Flour, Wagons,&c. 4(j0 T0S GE2?UINE GERMAN Kalnit, . " Direct Imjortation, Now landing ex Bark SoU Deo Glari.t. or sale low for cash. lOnn BBLS FRESH GROUND FIXUR, IjCxJKj ' Ail grades -rlLSON, JCHILI3 & CD'S Manufacture of Wagons and Carta! : : ' For sale at man o fact nrer's prk-e, , JJRY SALTED AND SMOKED SIDES, 1 V Tobs and Ticseew LARD. , kiay 7 KERCilNER & CAIJJER BROS WATER COOLERS ! FOR. SALE I5Y Gile & 3iur chison . mays . ': - PLEAS. i: KOTId i we win be glad to recclvo coaasaattoria from our frteada on amy and ail anbjecU . of senend Interest b-at ! The name ot Ue WTttcr nut arwaya be faa filaaedtoi the Editor. . . . Commimlcations must be wrlttea" oa' on 1 1 one side of the paper. PewonalWoeinustbe sroldod . i ! - Ana It Is especially and particularly inula etootf that the Editor doca not ahrays endor tke views ot corrcsponicnts unless so state In the editorial co1ubkis.n i NEW ABVERTISEMENTS. W E W S T o m pOU TIIE CONVENIENCE OF MY CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. I have opened a 1. , -, J -' ' , J r,;.. FancyGrocery Store I ; tN THE; ... ' : ' ! , NEW MARKET HOUSE, I CORNER MUTEIfS ALLEY. J " I SHALL HAVE OX HAND AT ALL TIMES Tlie Choicest Groceries Mich as I .keep at my Store on North ! ... iuui oiiveu ' . .... ' ! " Buy v.ur iiltOCEItlEH from me and tl will n ?.uni me pie.if are 10 uciirtr .at vour honu-s ' I L 1 - . . . . .... i . '." .-. .'".'..i..1 i .. -such articles as you may iurvlmto In tile Mar , - -. ' - - ii SAV E TIME AND TKOUJU.E l,y making all your std.yllotw In the NEW MARKET John L. Dontwricht may 1-tf J. F. LardnerJ . . . . ' I'onncrly of RICE GALLERY, WASHINGTON, 1). C , "-' . ".'-..'-.''-! .Is iiow ia -liart;c at I . ' " ' ' I " ' I"''' YATES' PHOTO. ROOMS; STKJCTLV, FJJtVT CLASS GUARANTEED, " WOltK .tay New Butter- - il ew Butter. JF YOU j WANT oMKl'iriNU VERVchUci Bend and get some I . j V - NEW MA El TITER, juK rec;lvel, at.'Mc a vound, pound for 91'. iCan'lbjj benti. I NEW -UOOD3 BY EVERY STEAMER. ! ! :-" ; (''.:' Everything fresh and good at ! CRAPON'h FAMILY OROCEttV, No. tl Souih Froni Street, j ' j So old stcok to work ofT, may EO. M. CRAPON, At.,! IVlay IV3ilIinery. j T HE BEAUTIFUL MONTH OF MAY If AS - . - ! . . - i ';f I come and f have received more NEW AM) HANDSOME MILLINERY will he solil rhjir GOOD, which Iadlen, prive me a call tefore purchasing.' MRS. KATE U. WlNEa'i 1 may 6 No. 1 19 North Second Street. PI ANOS & ORG ANS s OLD FOR CASH OR ON THE POPULAR INSTALMENT PLAN. Now U yonr time. I , '! ! 1" : - ' ,!'. -'; I h I have just received a ncV supply. Every In strvjment I. guaranteed. P. HEIN8BERGER. BIBLES & PRAYER BOOKS. r.VIRGK VARIETY, J. For; sale at HEINSBERGER'Sj may Live Book and Music Store MUNDS BROTHERS, PHARMACISTS, j i 1,431 Broadway, K.'W Corner 431 St.,N. Y., uA .... f- il. f - . .. C21 North Fourth St., Wilmington, N. C. 97T OiH?n fromC in the mornlntf till Hat night. Prescriptions prepared at ail hours, may 4-tf i VIRGINIA MEAL. T AM OFrERIMiTIIIShPLKNDIDMKAl. (rounl coarse or fine) at bottom prices. Every basr warranted-to give' satUfactlon. (Airload or single bag ordrs solicited. De livernl free. E. G. BLAIR, i may . I Market Street. USew Restaurant. IJMUS UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECT folly announce that be hasust'fittod opt No 3, Granite Row, South Front st.. a restaurant or Ladles and Gentlemen, where meals sxa refreshmenU may be ha J at an hours of th . day. Everything is new and first tas. Po lite waiters and courteous attendants. V1 9-Game and Oysters in I, season, find Wines, LIqnora ajadIgara. . "- - r.- - . ; . ' nnv I T. A. &CJIUTTE. Prop.1 The Place to Buy rjiURPrisTIN.TOOI. - PULLERS, HACKERS, ' DlPPL!i.s, v WllKllKKS, II ACK-WKIGUT3. Ac. C. Ac. Best of soia at Uocfc Iitoni price. , fall and i-ompScte fetot l ? Har.lwara aiwam j ou hamL - - : " ' W. E. SPRINGER & CO., i '1'- Suceesors to John luwwn A Co.; , I aid lo n ill, il and 23 Market Street '. ' l