THIS PAPER published every evening. Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, -TEDITOB ASD PBOFRIBTOB. arBSCRlPTIOXS POSTAGE PAID: 3 r t.oo. Six months, $2.00. Three 0 fi.00; One month, 35 cents. J00" per will be delivered by carriers free JSIrU 1 Part of ll?e Clty at thC ftb0Ve iTor 10 cents per week. nSve.tW rale, tow and liberal, -.ub'cribera will report any and all fall- M rccclre their paper regularly. Daily Review has Vie largest hona, fide circulation, of any newspaper polished, in the cilyof Wilmington. JB Ex-Secretary Erarts says that $100.. OOOofthc Bartholdi statue fund havo been raised. ,v n Ka i rt met baUSht a large tract of land at New Iberia, A spring that is alleged to cure Unit's disease has been discovered in Aladma countyrWa. It is declared that hydrophobia was unknown in the South before the in- troduction ol the bpitz uoS- ' The gift- ot 50.000. to Princeton College for an art school was made by Mr! Frederick Marquand of New York. The richest gold mine in the world is in Transvaal. South Africa. A ton of elves in some cases ounces or ore nu-ial c It. 1. Wilson, of New York, who wus a Confederate blockade-runner dur hi the late war, purchased the Morgan villa Newport for $80,000. Koscoe Conkling admits that the Democrats are about to take control of the country, attributing that 4 calamity" to the defeat of Grant at Chicago. The wholesale price of quinine at the New York auction sale is said to' leave u liTing profit of 600 per cent, to the druggist at the usual 'price, of quinine pill. - - - - . - : t Mrs Harriet Lane Johnson has placed a memorial window in Si. Paul's l E. Church, Baltimore, in memory of her sons, James Buchanan and Har ry Johnston. - - - - Captain Gorringe laughs at the Sec retary of the Navy for contracting to et nxen-of-war.with a spcel of only 14 knots an hour. Gorringe says they should hare a speed of 18 or 25 knots. . Senator Cameron of Pennsylvania f was in Harrisburg las week looking in better health than for a year before. Ho will sail lor Europe on . Thursday of next week, and remain until just be fore the Chtistmas holidays. The oldest Hying graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, is Gen. Joshua Baker, of. the parish of St.' Mary's, iu Louisiana, who was ou Jackson's staff at the battle of New Orleans. He graduated in 1818, sixty five years sgo, and was twenty-four years old when ha graduated. Mr. Vanderbilt thinks that he eari go yachting on the ocean steamships as well as on such a craft as Mr. Gould's $250,000 sea swan. He goes to the other Continent on the Bfjtan?iu to come home on the return trip ot that steamer. Then he will sail fort Europe again, to pass July and August there instead of at Saratoga. The custom among the English Con servatives of wearing the primrose as an emblem of their creed, because of its association with Lord Beaconsfield, has led to a suggestion.that the Liberals adopt the white mayflowcr as the'r emblem, it bavin- been in May, 1880. that their party was returned to the power it now enjoys. , One of tho acts of conciliation which, it is said, will mark the coming corona tion of the Czar, will be an edict grant ing complete toleration to the Old Believers, as the dissenters from the Established Church are called. This recognition of the principle ot toleration by a country like Russia will be a very significant fact. At Dresden, Outario, on May 5th, aged 94, died Rev. Josiah Henson, pop! ularly supposed to be the model for Mrs. Stowe's ideal Uncle Tour. He led an eventful life, and, like Frederick Douglass, had been a Maryland slave. Of his twelve children seven survive He became, at one time, quite a pet in Great Britain, and once had an audi ence of Queen Victoria. His true story U "stranger than fiction." Governor McEnery, of Louisiana, gives a hopeful view of tho ptospeot'of affairs, despite the disastrous overflows and the low prices of crops. The gen eral iund warrants, which gold a few! years ago at 28 cents on the dollar, are now quoted at 91, and the Governor is confident that before many months will be at par. Governor McEnery says that it will be with just pride that he "can turn over to his successor a Slate Government, rescued from chaos, re lieved of the imputation ot dishonor and restored to prosperity, peace and iniet.'" J 1 I J VOL. VII. , -T- - Benjamin F. Butler, Roger A. Pryor and Duncan S. Walker, all generals" and lawyers of note, have been retained to defend Messrs. Sheridan aiid Walsh, should the extradition of the latter parties be sought by the British Govern ment. ! Mr. Beverly Tucker, of Virginia, dip lorn at, politician andj humorist, is at work on a volume! pt reminiscenscs. It will be divided into four parts called representatively. "BefpV the Wah." "During the Wah," Just aftah the Wah," and -The Preseht Period." A canvass was made recently of the Republican members of the lower house of the Pennsylvania jl-iegislature, and it resulted as follows: Blaine, 43; lld raunds, 21; Lincoln, 3; Grant, ,2; Sher man, 1; W. D Kelley, 1; Blaine or Ed munds. 1 : Blaine or Lincoln, 1 : Harri son or Edmunds, absent, 4 1; undecided, 10; . -. Nearly twenty thousand immigrants landed at Castle Garden last weeli, and the engaginents forj passage from Eu rope indicate that the total number for May will reach a hundred thousand. Though the flow of foreign papulation to our shores is not so igreat this) year as during the two preceding, it is still enormous, and warj military oppres sion, famine, or industrial distress may at any time increase its proportions. I The New York World appea . i i i L c red yes new icruaj unuur ine couiioi oi its proprietor. Mr, josepn J'ufitzer, a journalist of an old and enviable and well earned reputation: We notice al ready in this, the first issue, many signs ot substantial improvement Mr. Pulitzer is determined tha it shall fulfill i the high mission - with which it was j first es tablished; that, to use his own words, it shall be "dedicated to the cause jof the people rather than thdt of purse potentates" ; that , it jwill f be devoted more to the news of the New than of the Old World; will expose all jraud and sham and fight all public evils and abuses, and will servp and battle for the people with earnest sincerity." LOCAL NEy.S. P INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Photo Rooms Willard's Cotton Seed MuifDS Bkos Pharmacists Hkiksbbrgek Letter Copying JBooka W H Grbex Soda Watcr-iMineral Water Day's length to-morrOw just 14 hours. The almanac promises rain Tor Mon- day- I1"-- 1 ! Cool enough this morning for j blank ets and fires. , But one interment an adult,,', iu Bellev.ue this week. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 67 ba'-es. I - Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 5fJ minutes past fi o'clock. I - 1 The new moon completes its first quarter to-morrow afterupon.i There was one adult and lone child interred this week in Oakdaie. 1 Only two interments, both adults, in Pine Forest Cemetery this Week. I , , , 1 i - A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t . i The Register of Deeds issued marriage licenses this week to two :ouples, both white. I . ' ; . Steamship Hegulatbrj Capt. Doane, cleared and sailed hence to-day for New York. M y j . Capt. Perry thinks that he will be able to open his Summer resorts by the 20th at the latest. 1 Fanny Galloway was the only de fendant this morning before His Honor Mavor Hall. She was fined 5 or 20 days. She went below. We are requested to state that jthe First Baptist church will jhold its jan nual meeting for business Monday night at 8 is desired. o'clock. A full attendance A hnnter who lives at Bear Run. Hurt his arm by the kick of a gun. The hunt it did spoil, I But St. Jacobs Oil j - Cured him before swelling begun, j . .. ' . : 1 . j: Messrs. J ones. Hays, Penny and lugh, the delegates from this city in attendance at the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, in session at Raleigh this week, returned last night. ( j r ' : j- 1 Mr. nenry Brunhild returned I hero last night from Richmond where She has been for several days past on busi ness connected with the tobacco factory in which his firm is interested. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 12, Cotton. The receipts ot cotton at this port from the 1st to the 12th inst., inclusive, foot up 1,170 bales, against 1,111 bales for the corresponding period of last year, an increase of 59 bales. The re ceipts of the crop year to date foot up 23'330 bales, as against 135,154 bales to same date last year, a decrease tnis year of 9,824 bales. The Chicken Thieves. The chicken thieves are abroad in the land. A raid was made by them early this morning on the premises of Mr. J. G. Craig, on, McRae, between Mul berry and Walnut streets. They broke open the fowl house and took thence two fine Brahma fowls but left the others undisturbed, ' having probably being frightened off. "' The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. The Graiid Chapter. The Ntics and Observer, speaking of the Grand Chapter lot Royal Arch Masons, to be comvened in that city on Tuesday next, says that Mr. James 11. Southgate of Durham,. G. 11. P., will preside. Arrangements have been made for reduced rates on the railways for delegates and visitors. " The Masons of Raleigh havei made arrangements for the entertainment lot the visitors. Their reception will be handsomej. Mexican Veterans. There aije but seven veterans of the Mexican war resident in this lDcality. These are Col. John L. Cantwell of the JPalmetto regiment, Col. S. L. Fremont, IMaj James Reilly and Mr. H. H; Bloom of the U. S. regulars, Mr. Jas- Ci Lumsden and Mr. Morsan. of the North Carolina Regiment, and Mr. Joshua Craig, of the Maryland and Virginia Regiment.; These veterans served in a war which resulted in the annexation to the United States of sonie of its most valuable territory and yet their services have never been rec onijjed by the government while at the same time they are taxed to support thousands of men who were never in a lighf, but who are yet pensioned by the government. This is- a shame and a disgrace to the people of the coun try. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, i Glass &c. You can get all sizes and at .the lowest prices. The Queen ot the May. The Queen of May Festival at Mason boro Sound, last nighty was. largely at tended andthe enjoyment of all who were present was great. The beautiful Queen, Miss Maggie Hewlett, was exquisitely dressed and so were her attendant maids and nympns. There was also, iu addition to f he May Festival, declaniatioijt by the pupils of Miss Kennedy school and they all acquitted themselves hand somely.. A banks party will to-day wind up tho pleasures of tho week. After the above! was written we were favored with the following report, which is fuller and more graphic, sub mitted to us by a gentleman who was present on the interesting occasion. 1 The good people of Masonboro had a most delightful entertainment last evening, the ocasion being tho closing exercises of Miss I Kennedy's school. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and evergreens, and over the stand was the beautiful motto, "With joy we greet thee." The exercises were opened -by the crowning of the I Queen ol May, who was personated by the beautiful Miss Maggie, youngest daughter of Mr. Elijah Hewlett. The address of wel, come and the presentation of the crown was made by Miss Comfort Watton, and the sceptre-bearer was Miss Sallie Farrow. It would be invidious to men tion names in an entertainment where all did so well. Suffice it to say that the whole affair was one of deep inter est to all present, and the part that each one bore 'gave evidence that all had been thoroughly drilled; that their teacher understood7 her high calling, and that she had faithfully performed her duty and given entire satisfaction to all present at the examination of her scholar. I I Miss Kennedy is the daughter of oar esteemed friend. Rev. W. M. Kennedy ; she is a fine scholar, having graduated at one of the best female institutions in our State. : Miss Kennedy seems to be perfectly at home in the school-room.' She comes of a family of teachers, all of whom are devoted to their profession. ; The exercises of the day! were closed by an address from" Miss Dora Wagner. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacosi'3 Hardware Depot, f Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen met in special session at the City Hall last night. j - The committee on Finance submitted tha: tax ordinance, which was adopted. It was ordered that seven hundred and fifty copies ot the ordinances bo publish ed for distribution. Alderman DeRosset offered' the fol lowing resolution, which was. adopted: Whereas. For a number of years, under a loose and unsatisfactory system, which failed to I impose uporr the - Tax Collector a iproper responsibility, and the same proniptness which the State exacts of its officers, the , city of .Wil mington has been greatly embarrassed and in a number of instances defeated in the'collection of its revenue; And whereas, as the result of such system there is remaining; uncollected for the last several years many thousand dollars of the poll, property and license taxes due the city, while the State lor the same period has collected within 74 per cent, of the poll-tax and nearly the whole of the property and license taxes the aitterence thus existing being m no wise the fault of the Tax Collector, but simply the result of the! aforesaid unwise system : Anu whereas, the present tloaril ot Aldermen has pas3ed into a law an - or dinance which we think will obviate the existing difficulties and secure' to the city a prompt and sure collection ol its taxes, thereby saving a large amount ot interest paid in bank on sums bor rowed to supply the deficiencies created bv non-collection, decreasing the rate of taxation and doing justice to those who j promptly pay their taxes , . And whereas, to accomplish the above recited objects, it is absolutely necessary that the Tax Collector should have suffi cient means to execute the provisions of said ordinance and to relieve himself from the load of responsibility imposed on him thereby; And, further to manifest to the taxv payers of the city that. this Board of Aldermen is desirous of equalizing tax ation, and finally of reducing the rate thereof, it respectfully' presents to the Board of Audit and Finance, which is solely empowered to fix the compensa tion of the officers of the said city, the following resolution for their considera tion; . -Resolved, That the Board of Audit ot Finance do allow the Tax Collector sufficient compensation "toj remunerate him for the arduous clerical and : finan cial duties of-hts office; and in consider ation ot the large bond he has to give, that the same should not be less thau two and one-half per centl on the re ceipts! of his office; then that sufficient compensation be allowed him to secure the aid of an assistant in the outdoor! work of the office whose duty it shall be to look up aft poll taxes and ad delin quent and recalcitrant license taxes, and whoso compensation shall be paid by the Tax Collector. ! . ... . Alderman Fishblatc moved that here after and during the summer 'months the Board meet at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Adopted. The resolution adopted at the last meeting, requiring the Cleric of Police to be presented at meetings of the Board and report fines, &c, was re pealed. 1 On motion, an .elcctiou for Mayor pro tan., to serve during the absence of the Mayor, was entered into, and! Alderman Dudley was elected. To-morrow is known in the Calendar as tho Festival of Whitsun-Day. It falls due tcu days after Ascension Day. and corresponds with the Jewish Day ol Pentecost. It commemorates the de scent of the Holy Ghost on the Apos tles, n the shape of tongues of fire. Look Before you Leap. A. & I. Shriek are now; showing the best line of Mens, Boys1 and Cbildrens Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Hero buyers will find t greatly to their interest, to inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. ' U. THE MAILS Themalls cloee and arrive at the City Post office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast..... ...8.00 P. M. Northern through and wy malls. . . .5.40 A. M. Raleigh 6.15 Pi M. and 5.40 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. &N. C. Railroad at B r.00 P M. and 540 A. M. Southern Mails for aU points South, daily v. "8.00 P. M. Western malls (C. C. Railway) daily, i (except Sunday). 6.15 P. M. All points between Hamlet and Raleigh.-. 6.15 P. M. Uauf or Cheraw and Darlington Rail- oad. -8-00 p. m; Malls for points between Florence and Charleston I . . . .. . . v.8.00 P. M. Fayetteville aiid officea on Cape Fear River, TnesdaTS and Fridays. .....1.00 P. JJ. Fayetteviile, via Lnrabexton, dally, except Sunday... 6.15 P. M. Onslow C. 1L and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdavs and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smith ville malls, by fitejun boat, dally (except Sundays) .......8.30 A.M. Mail for Easy lull. Town Creek, ShaUotte and Little Rirer, Tuea- 1 daysand Fridays..... COO A. M. WrightsvUTe. daily &JSO A M. - OPEN FOR DEUVKKT- Northern through and way maOs . , :7.30 A. II Southern Malls .7.30 A. M. Carolina Central RallroaiL. 9. 00 A. M.i Mails collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M..HJ50 A.M. and 5 30 a. M. and from other pointf of the city at i P "M.; ' J- tf-1 ' a Sump Office open from SA. iL to v& M., and from t to 5. SO p. M. Money order andJBegister Department open tame as stamp office. - - Stamps for aale In btoaW quantities at genera) delivery when stamp oHice is closeL CJcner&l deliTery oien from 7A.U. 7.50 P.M. I and on barmajs rrora s.z J to aij A- ii- : Carriers te'iverT f in on Sunday from ?.30 tr.;).v. 1883. 1 1 -4 i 1 MARRIED. HASH BURN T AMES Ojn the ICth inst , at the residence of the bride' tootler,Mr. JOHN H. MASUBUKN, of Angola, N. C-. to JdJff KATTIE J. JAMES, of Dublin county. - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Letters Copying Books. iyADK OF THE BEST GLAZED i 1 ' PAPER4-ALL. SIZES. Copying Presses, Copying Ink, ' L .. i - ' : -.I, ; Oil Boards, Blotting Papers, Water Bowls, Prn&hes,Ac. i I Ledarers. DaV-Books, Journals, Cash Books, with Printed Headings, ' ' h " ' : Note, Draft, Receipt and Order Books. j For sale cheap at ' HEINSBERGER'S, may 12 Live Book and Music Store Cotton Seed ';,FQT'.pianti.hgi" PLANTING SEED mm at Willard'eJ may V2 t- TO THE LADIES r OF wii-.iiisrc3-ro3sr 1 ISIIALT OPEN A XRW LINK OFjHANU somegooda next week, f rosh f tini tlie North, embracing the j LATEST STYLES AND MOST Al'PROVKD " . AND FANCY TKlklMl.NliJj. ; HANDSOME FEATHERS J and all other things connected with a First-(.laS3-Miliincry Store kifS. S. Jl HAKEK, mays- No. V2X Market Street SAMPSON BEEF ! ' fjgLEVEN ITEAD OF SPLENDID STALI FED Sampson County Beef! I RECEIVED THIS DAY, Will be on sale SATURDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY, and morf expecte'l next week, i GEO. F. TILLEY, raayll-3t Stall No. 6, New Market Wrightsville Mail and Express. If Y MAIL AND EXPRESS WA4 ox FOR W liflrhtavillc Sound will leave the Pontoffcce in this city daily at 8.30 o'clock, A. M. Packa ges, Bundle. Boxes and Barrels curried at reasonable rates.' Leave orders at Pnrcell House. Baggage conveyed1 from Rail Boad depot to all places on Sound as well as in citv. gmayO-lwIs 1 P. LARKISS. . STILL ANOTHER I HAVE -jTUST RECEIVE ANOTHER M LARGE INVOICE OF M 1LLINE 11 Y! OF ALL OF THE NEW SnPES AND SHADES. . , AS ALSO, A LARGE LOT Or . Fancy Goods, Beautiful Parasols and Fans. ALlj. NEW STYLES. . ' - ; o Fichus, Hair Goods,1 New 1 Stamping Patterns, &c. (Agency for i he Universal Fa&hion Compa ny's Patterns. j . RespeclfnUy, , . . ' " MISS E- KARRER, may 5 EXCHANGE! CORNER. Soda Water ! Soda Waterl -t-itii pure FRurr juices, ICE COLD 1 X SEASON 1883. " MINERAL WATER OX DBAUGIIT. ICECOli. -WILLIAM If." GREEN, aplll ..... : DrngxlsC K You Would be Happy j BUT: A COOKSTOVE, "The Golden Harvest," , ec 5 If CALUMET,", . Or, jienTTTrrrnv or PARIiEU & TAYIXlK c:i. - si m PLEASE NOTIC2L We will be glad to receive conuaurlcatloiu from our friends on any and all rut! eels of general interest bat j . The name of the writer oast always be fux idshed to the Editor. jj Communications must be wrlttea on onl one side of the paper. . i l Personalities most be avoided.; ! And It Is especially and rartlealarry ende ! stood that the Editor does not always endor views of correspondent unless so state ! In the editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISE3IENtrS. Springer Summer, 3fi Market Street. JUST RECEIVED All the " Latest Novelties. DRESS GOODS. Black nnd Colored Silks, Ottomans, niudamcs, Brocade 0, Snrrahs.UKht.' Siut!i Fancy f itku, Satics in all New Shades, i Nun eillnp, Tnndsc, Caikhmcrc Mohairs, , Iteigres, French lttinilnjri, SkitQCU4, Zephyrs, Seersuckers, Percales, . , Llue:i Iawns, ladlea Cloth, Honey-Comb Sacking, J j .-- Silk' Pongees, Ac.- WH GOODS "IX EVERY VAIIIKT'rJ I'iques, SlareilJeA, Embroideries, loe, Jr'l Poiut, the est. assortment land prrentest , I variety in the city. - " C O R S E T S; ;l IIoHiOi-y, Gloves, Iice Collars, fichnt, Ties, VcUin, ' Uandkcrchfcfi," Rlllon5,' Crepes V r : ' :( . Housekeeping Goods! Daninkfl, Spreads, Towels, Tapklnwl T LADIES, MISSES, MES;AND BOYS' ' GAUHE MERINO U NDE U W E A id Men and Boys 1 ' : Caesi meres, Linens and lines f . x Cottonade. Ful STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to .mention. All at prices w low that wip give satlsfactirtti for durability j qual ity and cheapness,' ' I r ; van ami save money or buyiny or R3. M. KATZ'V , , 36 EVlarket Street, aria IVlay PJlillinery. MIB BEAUTIFUL MONTH OF MAY5 HAS come add I have received more NEW AND will be, sold cheap. I Ladies, give me a call lefore purchasing, i . 1 MRS. KATE O. W1NE. t may5 No. 113 North Second Street. MUNDS BROTHERS, PHARMACISTS, 1,401 Broadway, N. W. Corner 43d SU, N. Y.j 621 North Fourth St., Wilmington, N. C. J 8f Open from 6 in the morning till 12 at night. Prescriptions prepared at ail hours, may 4-tf ; t VIRGINIA MEAL. : J AM OFFERING THIS SPiENDID MEAL; (ground coarse or fine) at bottom prices. Every bag warranted to give satisfaction; Car load or single Uag ordrrr solicited. Dc livercdfrec. . E. Gt BLAIR, may 1 Market Street. Livery and Sale Stables. XJoitSES, BUGGHv, PILETONS AND JUL I. CABRIAGL3 kt at low rates. : AUo Board for Horse, w , : , . '' r '. The Finest Hearse in the - Citvr A CAR LOAD OF j; H -'v Kentucky Horses & Miiles Just received and for sale low. j The bet lot of stock In the city. HOLLING3 WORTH A WALKER. At the New Stabled, 1 ,1 . may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sU WATER COOLERS ! FOR SALE BY :-. Giles C: HurcIiiioii, - J '