THIS TAPER published every: evening. Sunday, ex cepted' by JOSH T. JAMES, BDITOB AKD FKOrXIBTOlU SC5CBlPTIO'S POSTAGE PAID: rear t0- Six months, $2.00. Three aVonth3,$l.; One month, 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carrier free of charge, la any part of the city, at the above ,es, or 10 cents per week. V!TCtWig ratee low and liberal. l-ubporibcrs will report any and all fall n 8 10 receive their yaier regnlarly, i i . i i i i 2 Ifaily Revicv) Juts the largest tona fide circulation, of any newspajer pnblUh&l, in the city of Wilmington. IlepiibUcan paper are denouncing lloscoe Conkling for predicting a Dem ocratic triumph in 18S1. fc Gov. McPaniePs message iudicatcs that (Jcorgia is to have patriotic, econ omical and impartial Executive. . roller, Chandler and Brewster have a son, Frelin2hu5 sen a son-irKaw and Lincoln a fathcr-in-law, all nicely pro vided with government position. . - Mr Moody the evangelist, states that the coffee palaces in Liverpool, which were started eight years ago, have been a great success. There are now fifty-three in that city, which hare declared dividend of ten per cent. A terrible blunder was made by some one at the City Hospital in St. Louis, on .Wednesday last. Chloral was issued for magnesia and .two patients have died. One other wno was noseo witn the stuff, will recover. Another warn in?. Hut, do warnings ever warn ? : The Atlanta correspondent of the Macon Telegraph understands that Mr James R. Randall, of Augusta, is to bo Private Secretary to Governor McDan jel. This is news to Mr. Randall, and to the Governor, too, no doubt. The report is without foundation in fact, thinks the Augusta Chronicle, Mr. Randall being the corresponding editor of that paper. Philadelphia Times: "It is less what is taught in the schools than how itfis taught that is important, and if once we recognize that the object of educa tion is not to fill a child's head with in formation, but to develop his under standing and thus enable him to learn the things he needs to know, we shall be in the way of making the public schools in all respects a public bless ing.'1 . Henry J. Mnrriott, the English clerk who iled from Paris with $75,000 worth of diaruondsv was before the Superior Court in New York city Thursday on a writ of habeas corpus, but the hear ing was postponed. The young wo man. Maria Pescux; with whom he lied, was in court, and as both express ed a wish to be married. Judge Lar remore united them. Marrriot went back to the Tombs prison. . ; Illinois stands as the Empire State of the Northwest. Illinois takes ".the lead in manufacture of farm implc? ments, in distilling, in other branches of production, and is rapidly placing herself in line with the other Eastern States in the manufacture ol the ' vari ous kinds of iron. The farm and orch ard products of Illinois in 1880 were five times greater than the products of the gold and silver mines of the whole country. Hon. Richard Crowley, ot New York, altorney-at-lawand member of Con gress, evidently knows how to make politics pay. A biography of him states that "he entered the New York States Senate a poor man and be fore serving out his first term amass ed means with which he purchased at a cost of &30.ooot Hp M on High street in the City of Lockport, vi iuu 1 ntea " lis it.ri an economical wife." - - - , iiau LOCAL NEWS. IMOEX TO NEW U0YERT1SEMEMTS . Mukds BRos4Pharmaclst Ottkrbouro Our SpeclalUet Yates School jBooks, Organs Family Kxcurelon to Smlthvillc Heins BERQEpJ-Parlor Organa-Pianos 4 VV II GKEKX-Soda Watcr-Miaeral Watex Eerchjter A Caldbr BROS-Kalnlt, ete Giles MuRcmsox-ice Cream Freeters and Water Coolcrt P L Bbidgers i Co-Nerth Carolina Roe Herring, Mackerel, Ac. The receipts of cotton at this port to-' day foot up 44 bales. Which would you rather-do or go a fishing such weather aa this? A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot f A hard -beaded darkey named Green. Who fooled with a kicking machine, f he mule'a leg was peeled, W hich St. Jacobs OU healed, out the darkey he never: was seen. Tbe ladies of the Fiah Street M. E. Church will give a Festival in Temper ance Hall. onnnif f ha O.'tfa flfilt Wednesday evening, for the benefit of f llAlH v 1 uvn cnurcii. . ' , There seems to be an unusually small amount of sickness in the city and vi cinity lor the time of year, .and if it were not .for the pre valance of bad colds it would be a season remarkable for good health. 1 VOL. VII. W Cits i Court. ! There was one case of disorderly con-; Mr. John Meyer, formerly of this duct brought before the Maor this j city, but recently of Magnolia, has rc morning. the accused being i young j turned to Wilmington and may again man who had been only a few months i locate with us.l Mr Meyer jhas been in this country. He had taken k little too much tangle-leg in his Rofsk Spring water on Saturday night and was dis orderly in consequence, kj tine of $2 was imposed, in default of tie payment of which he wals sent below1 for 5 days. Outragreous. ('j--- t- A gentleman who was at Oakdale yesterday, tells u a that there was much complaint among the visitors vi the cemetery at the conduct of a! number of colored boys who were swimming in the creek near the old Athletic Grounds. exposing their persons and making the air hideous with their obscenity, j This is an outrage and the police authorities should take the matter in band at ouce and suppress it. The First i Excursion . Li We are glad to learn that the pros pects for a large attendance on the ex cursion to be given to-morrow ;by the Ilechabites in this ? city are1 very good. It is the first of the season and many who have been! longing to get opt of town for a day of rest will take ad vantage ot this opportunity.! The ar rangements are all in the hands of experienced gentlemen who will see that the wants of all are prom pth attended to. Kain Needed There is much need of rain in the country as well a s p the city. There were good showers in the vicinity of Burgaw on Friday night, but they ex tended but a short distance either North or South of that locality. It is' true that vegetation has suffered but little as yet, but the ground lis getting dry and parched, and unless showers moisten the earth within a few days, the crops, already retarded by the 'cold and late Spring, will suffer materially. The Graded Schools The School Committee have appoint ed the following days for the - public to visit and inspect the practical working of the eity Graded Scheols : I Williston Graded School, (col.) Tues day, 15th. i Teabody Graded School, (col.) Wed nesday, 10th. j Union Graded School, (white) Thurs day. 17th. j !: Ilemenway Graded School, (white) Friday, I8th. " . ' 1 , ' - ., . . Friends of the schools are invited to visit at any time during the day. The Medicos, j The State Medical Society will meet at Tarboro to-morrow." Drs. Wood of this city, and Haigh of FayetteviUc.wbo are both on the Examining Board, left here last night for Tarboro and Drs. W . G. Thomas and F. W. Potter! expect al so to be present and may go up to-night. The Examining Board met to-day and the btate Koard of Health will meet on the 16th. Dr3. Lewis of Lunibertou, and Mc Lean of Shoe Heel, arrived on the Caro lina Central this morning and will so to Tarboro to-night, for attendance on the sessions of the Society. Bro. Mc" Diarmidofthe Ilbbesonian, who. by i the way. is not even an amateur saw bones, accompanies them. Competitive Examination. la accordance with an announcement made several week since , by ' Hon. Wharton J. Green, Representative-elect to the Forty-Eighth Congresi from this District, in the columns of jtbe news papers throughout the District, a com petitive examination of candidates for admission to West Point j Military Academy was held at Fayetteville on Thursday, the 10th inst. Tnef Board of Examiners was composed of Messrs. Graham, Bradford and Rose, all ot Fayetteville, the first named gentleman being the principal of the graded school at that place. The examination was thorough and conducted with entire im partiality. Among the candidates who presented themselves for examination was Mr. Charles Gerhardt, of this city, and while we cannot but regret that' his competi tors, who struggled manfully for ; the prize, were defeated, we congratulate onr young friend on his success and acknowledge to a sentiment of pride that the coveted certificate was awarded to him. Mr. Gerh&rdt is a native of Baltimore, Md and was educated in the public schools; of that city. I ! He is now 20 years of age, has been in this city about four years, and is the book keeper in the establishment of Messrs. Hart, Baily & Co. , He wiU leave for West Point in a few days with onr hearty congratulations on his success. ILMINGTON. N. C. T With ! - i its merchandising: at Magnolia for some years pas, but has sold out to Mr. . S. M. Beasley, an enterprising energetic young man, who will hereaUereonduct the business. . ! Vacation. The average small boy begins to loofe forward to 1 the close , of the present school term and in anticipation enjoy the pleasures of fishing, hunting, pic nics and other pleasurable occasions. We hope that they may all be fully re alized and that no accident or untoward event may mar the vacation time, for we were once a boy and know all aboui iit. I , 1 ' A Monster Reptile. Two thoroughly reliable residents of the Moore's creek section.Messrs. Wm. Gurganus and J. I. Croom, write us an account of the killing by them of what is probably the biggest snake which has ever been encountered in this section. Mr. Gurganus says thai on the Uth inst., while passing along the road near the head of Moore's creek, in Pen der county, he saw something lying across the road which, with a careless glance at it, he took for a log of wood. As he was about to step over it he saw it move and springing back he called the attention of Mr. Croom, who accompa nied him, to the object. Mr. Croom thereupon got a stout . pole and struck the monster across the head a terrible blow but it did not either kill or disable him. Mr. Gurganus thereupon came to his assistance and together they dis patched the shake. These gentlemen write us that by actual measurement the monster was 15 feet 6 inches in length and 6 inches across the top of his head but they neglected to tell us to what species it belonged, though it was probably a rattlesnake. Thn nalakKofA TIoK D..nJ lillal Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot, j Truck Farm Ins:. I In nearly every direction contiguous to railroad'and steamboat navigation facilities the people of the South are paying increased attention to the culti uation ot vegetables for the Northern markets, and with much promise of financial success. A few years after the war closed there was an attempt made to make "truck farming" a pay- ing industry, but it resulted generally in loss to the producer, principally be cause of the ignorance of our people regarding this entirely new system of agriculture. As the years have rolled by, however, the best systems have be come better understood, and where once the attempt resulted in discourag ing disaster, it is now attended with pronounced success. We find many now engaged in j tlhis enterprise along the railroad lines, and with a better knowledge than formerly of the North era demand, and how to supply that demand, they are j meeting Jwith very encouraging returns for their eare and labor. There are millions in the busi- ncss when once U is fairly understood and systematized, and receive that strict attention whithout which no en terprise will be sure to prosper. . A Retraxit, j A day or two since we printed an ed itorial squib to the effeet that "Phil. Thomas, if his wife tells ihe truth, killed an innocent man.' It was an unfortunate, and almost a bloody error, for rkftT Thomas, (which bis name is not Thompson) who 6tops at Mr. Bridgen1 store on North Front street, and sells three pounds of Royster's candy for one dollar, and j who never killed anything bigger than a fox or uglier than a baboon, descended upon tis in a blast of indignation and demand ed a "retraxit", which we here tender; not that he himself cares a caramel about it, bnt that his friends are about to run him to earth on the subject. Therefore, we apologize. It should have read : Phil Thompson" instead of Phil Thomas." The Wilmington Light Infantry wiU hold a Fair, on the night of the 21st and 22d inst. The first night will be devot ed mainly to a competitive d rill and the distribution of prizes while the second will be enliveued with Vocal and instru mental music A cood time is anticipa ted. To Builders and othersGo to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c You can get all eIics and at the I loTTtst prices. llflEW. ' - -v y j ; . -;.--.. .'"..'"' p " -r- . . . .. r s : i: - "'..-. '., v. - MONDAY. MAY 14, 1883. ! Exports Foreigrn; German barque Tiomas Xmall, Cajt Dillwitji. cleared to-day! for Granton Scotland, with 3,809 barrels of rosin, valued at $6,150. shipped by Messrs. Alex Sprout & Son. German, barqee Soli Deo Oloria, Gapt. Mayer, cleared for the same port with 4,282 barren rosin, valued at $6,592.18, shipped by Messrs. I Paterson. Downing & Co. j Almost a Fire. At about 12:30 o'clock this afternoon, a fire was discovered on the roof of the kitchen.of M r- R. M. McDougall, on Sixth ' betweeu lhcsnut aiid Princess strtets. It was blajslng qnite- fiercely when first seen but a few well directed buckets of water promptly thrown ex tinguisbed the flames before any further damage was done than the burning of a slight hole in the roof. No general alarm was given. The Transirressor's "Ways. Late on Saturday night Constable Buuting received a telegraphic dispatch stating that his services would be re quested to arrest a man who had arrived here from Savannah, Ga., and also that a man would arrive on the last train from the South, for the purpose of identifying the party. When the last man arrived, he in company with Mr. Bnnling repaired to the Purcell House where they satisfied themselves that the man they wanted was there , under the cover of an alias, ! They then proceeded to the house of Justice Gardner, routed him from bed, and upon the affidavit of the stranger, a warrant was issued for the arrest of the. .suspected party, and the latter was arrested at about 2 O'clock on Sunday morning and committed without bail to await the necessary ex trdiation papers to enable him to be ta ken to Georgia for trial. The name of the accused man is William, Stanton, alias Letzer, alias Baldwin, and the crime of which he stands "accused is embezzle ment. He is apparently not more than 21 or 22 years of age and has quite a prepossessing appearance, : and the charge, as near as we anjearn, is that he has been in the habit of getting booths and periodicals to sell , onr com mission from a news agency and instead of making his proper returns had ab sconded with the funds. Look Before you Leap. A. & I; Shriek are now showing the best line of Mens, Boys' and Childrens' Clothing that has ever been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to ' inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. , - tt. The ordinance ot baptism was ad ministered yesterday at Masonboro by Rev. W. M. Kennedy to two candidates. The church at the servics ' yester day was thronged, some of thosef pres ent having come many, miles to attend; 'Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, pices, at Jacobts r low t fine ,We have before us some very speccimens of the salad pea,' raised by John G Wagner, Esq., of Masonboro. These peas are from six to seven inches in length when matured,-and are cook ed ia the pod. ! Squire) Wagner has three fourths of an acre in these pea?. Mr. Francis T. Montcll, formerly well -known in this city, as the senior of the firm of F. T. Montcll & Bartow died in. New York on the 11th tost, aged about 70 years. He stood in high re fpute among the merchants of his day, and his j memory will be revered by inany who knew him in the olden time. .... :-. - A moonlight excursion to Fort Fisher will be given on Friday -night .next on the i9S20rt, by a' number of young gentlemen complimentary to young lady guests of Hon. A. H. YanBokkden andCapt. C. D. Myers. tor Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t NEW ' ADVERTISEMENTS . Family Excursion. . rpUE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECH- ABITB3 will give an EXCURSIOX TO SMXTHVIIXE JL2CD THE PORTS, on the STXAKEB PASSPORT, on TUESDAY, May Refreihmenta aerred on board at city prlcea. The Italian String: Band will fornlali alnale for Dancing. i . . Ko objectionable party wilt be allowed on tbBoat. - i ' t.--' . . " Tlcketa 50 cental CbUdrea nndcr 1 "yeaxa, 3 eenta. Boat will leave promptly at ftJOo'elx. F. T. SKIPPER, ' W. L JACOB", I. A. BILBKO. J. W. BRANCII, W. H. REGISTER, . W. 11131101. may 14- , . Committee Fop Gale. SPLENDID 'MOCKING BIRD. FIXE A blNGER, probably the best in the city. - Apply at Tni3 OFFICE. NO; 115 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OtJli SPECIALTIES! yiTH US RKADY-MADE CLOTHING; AND MEN'S FT'RNI SUING GrDS AKE SPECIALTiKS. We make no gunncnt to I'. - rder.but DEVOTE OUR WHOLE TIME 1a i : I the tT lines, hpnre 'the plain vevarnUheil rcawn why WE BKtL MORK CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS and do a more thorough stlrrinp: buslncf s than any other bouse In the two Carollnaa. We carry, with out doubt, THE L AUG EST, the most ntylbh. the Finest and by far the CHEAPEST and most tastefully selected . stork 'of . READY MADE CI-OTllISG then aBy other similar Establishment In the - State, and invite buy ers to eall and be eonrlnced of the truthful ness of tbid broad assertion. - Gentlemen, onr advertisement JIEAN3 JUST what it implies. OTTE8BOURG in tends that bis Clothing shall be known as the CHEAPEST In the whole country ..aa It is al ready known as the BEST. Friends, you who reside out of the city, and have never met this now POPULAR CLOTHIER," are you deBl roua of procariojr a STYLISH OUTFIT torn little money ? Then sed OTTERBOURG a trial order-GIVE HIM-THE TEST;' but be fere doing so. id order to better satisfy yonr selTes, write to any resident Minister, Bank President, Physician, Lawyer, or Ute Honor the Mayor of Wibningtoi , and aek who and what OTrERBOURG is. "Inquire into the principles that r govern so Bucccssfuljy this now famous Clothing Establishment, - ami we will wager tho tineht outfit on onr counters that not one word will be given in reply detri mental to the reputation of OTTEKBOURG, or his RENOWNED MEN'S WEAR DEPOT. C. O. D. Orders meet witli prompt attention by addressing - j Louis J. Otterbourg, NORTH FRONT STREET, '. - . . - ' i may 14 Wilmington, C. North Carolina Roe Herring," LARGE AND OP FINE FLAVOR. Large, Fat, Juicy Mackerel I DRIED BEEF, CHIPPED VERY THIN. A choice and varied assortment of CAKES and CRACKERS. HAMS, V't "UNO AN VASSED HAMS, 8. C. SHOULDERS AND BREAKFAST V STRIPS, FULTON MARKET CORN BEEF. r ' i -. I- isi atlll verr popular, and we are selling a '- . i i i . . . : great deal. Price t Three Pounds for $ 1 . P. L. may 14 BKIDGERS & CO. C. W- r l'lO MARKET ST., JJEADQUARTERS FOR" BOOKS, STATIONERY FANCY GOODS, PICTURE FRAMES, WRAPPING PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, Ao. r i ORGANS Sold on easy installments. Coon try orders will meet with prompt attention. may 14 I I.. Parlo r O rga ns. I HAVE RECEIVED DURING THE week a large supply of? PARLOR ORGANS, all new styles, from the best manufactorie ! in the country. Every Organ is warranted for Ave years, at HEINSBENGER'S. rpWO SEJOND-DAND PIANOS. IN rERFECT ORDER For tale cheap at i HEINSBERGER'S, may 14 live Book and Music Store Ice Oream1 Freezers AND WATER COOLERS ! TOR SALE BT Giles & Murcliison. may 14 88 and 40 Marchison Block. :V-iiiit.-&;'EAnit. ., - - ) . . . - .- ....... 400 10X3 GENUINE GERMAN Ealult, j ' Of our own ImporUtion) ! For sale by may 14 . KERCUNER A CALLER BROS Groceries. 50 Boxes Ptnoicd and D. S. SIDES, 13X1 XnLS f UUt K, - i ion Hole MUUA&SES, 50 II. U SUGAR, C, Ex C and Gran. 100 Bag COFFEE, , ' I 30 Lb U nice,- .. S00 Bale HAY, . - - 1000 Bush CORN. . . WO Eaihels OATS. For sale br tnajli EXIXiiriiU & CALDT C!tO please noticz. j r W wtU be glad to . receive communications from our friends on any and all aspect of Central Interest but 1 , . The name of the writer tno.t always be to ; niabed to the Editor. 1 ! Communications must be written on cnl I one aide of t!e paper. Personalities must be avoided. - . And It ! especially and particularly unde tood that the Editor docs not ahrayn end or the vtowa of correspondenta unlcai to ttite In the editorfal column. i . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring Cummer CO O D S , , AT ML- M. KAT 3( Market Street. JUST received' ; ''V::.:. ' ''.'::.r:;t;-v;j 'Vy.-'-' All the Latest Novelties. DRESS GOODS. Blhck and Colored Silks, Ottomans, Rhadarm, Brocades, Surrahs.Llght; Shades Fancy Silks, Sat Its in all New Shades, Nun's ' VeiHrig, Turnie, Cashmeres.Mohalrs, Ilelges, French Buntings, Sateens, ZepbyrV, Seerucker. Percalen, Linen Lawns, ladieM Cloth, I :. . Honey-Comb Sacking, " 1 . 1', .!;..... - Stlk Pongees. Ac . ' WHITE GOODS ; 1 N EV ER V V A Itl ET Y. Piques, MarcetUea, Embroideries, Laesj Irhth ' - I . -.)" '! - I - ' -. Point, the bertt assortment and greatest V variety bi the city. I . I CORSE T S Hosiery Gloves, Lace Collars, Fichus, Ties, i Velllnga, Handkerchiefs, Ribbon, Crepes.! , - V- " ' " " - : ' - ' ' J ' 1 n ' ! Housekeeping .GpodB !, Dumasks, Spreads, Towels, Tapkin, LADIES, MISSES, MEN; AND jBOYS G-ACSE MERINO UNDERWEAR. Men and Eoys? Casslmeres, Linens and Coltonadc. h'nl lines of J , ' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS ' j v . '-..'..... . too numerous to mention. All At prices so low , - --- ' it I v-. that will give satisfaction fr durability, fjual- ity ftinl cheapness, - ' '.-.' . ' '-I- :. ',.' :.-.':'. Call and save money by buylnff of nI. ill. KATZ', 36 IVIarket Street; May rJlillinery. fJUIi; BEAUTIFUL MONTH OF MAY llAR eomcand I hate reclvel more NEW AND HANDSOME MILLINERY ,6O0lS, which will be sold cheap. ? Ladies, give me a call before purchasing, tt" ( Mrs. Kate u. wines, I may 5 No. 113 North Second Street. 31WI)S BROTHERS,! PHAKMAOIST, j , 1,491 Broadway, N. W. Corner 43d 5t.t M. Y., '- .-., " . and :- f.:; - 1 North Fourth Si., Wilmbagton, N. C. Open from 6 In tho mdrnlogltlil Hal night. Prescriptions prepared at ail hours, i may 4 If . . I . L SAMPSON BEEF ! !, JgLEVEN HEAD OF FED , SPLENDID STALL Sampson County Beef ! RECEIVED THIS DAY, Will be on aale SATURDAY, MONDAY and t " " '' '(.V.-l:7 TCESDAY, and more expected next week. GEO. F. TILLEY, may 11-St StaH No. 6, New Market Soda Water! Soda Wator I yiTH I'URE FRUIT JUICES, SEASON MINERAL WATER OX DilArcnT. ICE COLD." I WILLIAM H. GREEN. aplI4 Drnggist. If Ton Would be Happy BUY A COOK STOVE. i "The Golden Harvest," "CALUiMETl Or, SOUTflCR!l OAK," Of PARI! EU A TAYLOIt- ! lure tt L.:e on. tvii;

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