. - ' I -. r . .- , - - w . . - -r-- . - . ... . I : . a. XHxSFATJUfc PLCASB NOTIC2 .We win be glad to receive eonuatrolc & Uont fro in our friends on any and all ' subject . ot pushed every Serening. Sunday. eepted by JOSH T. JAMES BDITOB AKD PBOFKHCTO. cttBSCBIFTIONS POSTAGE PAXT : rtatral laterest but " The name of the writer must always be fox Bbbed to the Editor. . Communications must be written oa onl one side of tbe paper. j Personalities must be avoided. ; And It Is especially and particularly unde tood that the Editor does not always endor the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial coluams. 1 I .4 00. SIX BOWM, lc jear jionth. 35 cents. 0Dt,r will e delivered by carriers free - charge, m aoj,..-- .Axiiti Tier wees. Mini rw 4 "I1-. VOL. VII. WEL&INGTOK N. C. TUESDAY. MAY 15, 1883. NO. lie . - their aper rcKuirijr. res lo t-' : 1 i I , 1 w - - . -1 V -rr w - tti ICS J A .i JAe city of Wilmington. f I, -;.irnt Aithur'a s'sler taurl: Lool in o""1 Carolina before the Var. -n .Vmps manage. Cole, p-madc. t said. $l,noo.c:3, r-d is only 33 ii tea. oii. A'phonsc Daudc- is 43. of mc(':i n d . , Imi:,i' wilK dark ova1 fcje arm .i i fare and clear it iV as and black eyes hndhair. , - - Gov". rut,cr,n private secrf-'Jiry, Mr. rhowas W. Major, has been coiumis- -r crol vv with the isionedas i"' " iile of colonel. - - i,v" Gould is going to take a t- jp around the world. , If he likes it he Will buy i and then Vanderbilt will order one a little better. .. ., .'V Joseph Urady was executed at Dub ' at H o'e'ock yesterday mornins. He met his late firmly and died I'ke a man. There were no distubrances. " Mr. W. 1). Howells1 father is 7fi years b'sli'ein Virgir'a. Mr. WPMam C. HoweUs haa reeeutly been American Consul at Toronto, Ofttailo. Seiiatot Ve;it is made responsible for tlie statement that the hostility of Mc Ix'an, of the Cincinnati Enptirer, to Senator Pendleton is due to ins rejection as a suitor by Pendleton daughter, - - - There have been teirible storms in Uiat favored 'and, the g.eat We.t, and the lire; i iiflinn ot nronetlv and life has U jn-very i,reat. We of this locality should be exceedly grateuil for exemp" tiou from such -visitations. It is sel dom, very Eeldom, that the powers of the air work us loss of !;feor property- ' There were five generators p,e nt at a golden wedding in New York last IV! ill r Tlin ri rt hrr r T flin rona; oMa "golden bride", the former 88 years of age, and her grand ch"'dren were pres ent o.i the occasion, as a'so br.'drs maid and groomsruan who were at the marriage 50 years ago. Such is not often permitted to man. On Saturday last no less than 17 steamers sailed from New York for foreign ports. There were - four for Liverpool, one for London, one for Glasgow, one for itamburg, one lor Antwerp, one for Bremen, one for Bris tol, one lor Marseilles, one for Hull, one for Swansea, one lor Christiana, one for St. Kits, one for St. Thomas and one for Havana. The: "5 were be sides a fleet of coastwise steamers. Concerning Samuel J. Tilden's age the Louisvi'ie Courier-Journal says: ' Tilden is a year older than Bismarck and five years younger tjian Gladstone. He is nearly seven years younger , than Disraeli was at the time ot his death. He is a year younger than Andrew Jackson was at the expiration of his second Presidential term, and about a year younger than ; was Buchanan when he stepped out and Lincoln vi." Mr. Jay Gould has been pretty wc'l known as an abstainer from alcoholic drinks, and it may be due in some measure to this that ho has kept a clear enough head to attain his present prominence as a financier at a compar atively early age, for he is uot yet fiuy. Col. Fordyce, well known in conniI lion with Hot Springs. Arkansas, once played a joke on Gould at that place. ! Could was ailing and Fordyce, recom mended brandy or wh;skey, but could rtoi induce n i m to trke any. Fina'ly, he persuaded him to try a irlass nf "mnir and rye," which 'X him gcod, and ould said that the man who owned the spring that produced that water had a fortune in it. It was a long time be fore he learned how ho had b' en r dIJ. , fhc following interesting picture eines from Washington of the domes tic lite of Bell, the telephone man: "Prof. Bell and bJs wife are both very fond of flowers , and when on the 2Sth the Literary Society met at their honse had it most elaborately adorned with flowers, especially cut roses ; with long stems, which Mrs Bell made into loose bouquets and presented each lady with one as she lelt Though born a deaf mute, Mrs. Bell has been taught to speak by the new process and can under stand, by close watching the motions of the mouths of those who speak tfith her, all they say to hen Consequently few who are unaware of her affliction notice it at all in talking with her, , snd she receives and entertains company with perfect ease and gtace. It is said her husband taught her jo spec1: I fore their marriaj. and tbit t,le; courtsb;p began in that way. She ard her sister have been con sidled aoaong the uiDSt beau ''"n1. woiiin J,i Wrichinj ton s?ncc they removed there.' . We clip the fo'lowir; f-om the Goldsboro Mcsscnfcr, desciiptiye of the i Confederate inonnraent wHch was un- j vielcU thereon Memorial Hay:' The monument is of Qtiincy granite, from Ibc estib';shment of Gpd. s Dros., in BafruorCj The b'.se is of rock, fnm'shecl grat:s by the, State from the r jn'tenMary quary. The statue is of zinc bionzc, and represents a priva'3 Confederate soldier, )fe size. The ml monument mates a very imposing ap pearance, and bears the following script ions: - - ' r. IN MEMORY OF THE CONFEDERATE DEAD. 18611865. i Eight IIitkdked Rest Hek'k. II. A GENEROUS OE CONTRIBUTED TO TIONOFTHISMI THE CREC- MORIAL. ; - III. : I. 1 ERECTED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE GOLDSBORO RIFLES May 10th, A. D. 1883. ' ' ' IV. ' "On fame's eternal camjiny ti round Tixir siienl ter ' 'a. e spread, - . And ylory yiuirC .w :t solemn round, T.ie bivouac oflhejp ad." j LOCAL NEWS. : i. , - INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CHurch Festival Munds Bros Pliarmacists Yates School Books, Org&us B M Mclxnn Fancjr Mattings j Heinsberoeh Parlor Organs Pianos Mr S J Baker Fashionable Millinery W H Greex Soda Water ilineral Watei Blackberries were in market to-day. The receipts of cotton at this' port to day foot up 42 bales. , ' 1 The steps to the Temple of Isnel are receiving some much nreded repairs. . ' - I1. I -A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Ppot. -j t The dust wl "ch was suchj an annoy ance to everybody y;sterday was very effectually laid by the copious showers this morrtng. A seam tress who' dwePs I in Nankeen. Mashed her hand in a cewing machine, The hand wps a s'sht, - But St. Jacobs Oil quite, Cured the cut. and prevented gangrene, The gold badge to be shot for, in ad dition to the other prizes to be com peted for by the W, L. Infantry, a notice of which we had a few days ago, is on exhibition in Hbnnet's show window..- : . i. 1 I - On Thursday, tbe! 17th inst., the Passport will bilng an excursion party up to, the city from1 Smi.hville. The excursion will be given under the aus pices of the ladies conjected with the M. E. Church, of that town, and prom ises to be a pleasant affair. The Goldsboro Messenger says : Mr. J. I. Macks, a talented youn? Wilmingto nian, delivered an impressive lecture at the Hebrew Synagogue in this city yesterday evening! choosing for his subject, "Religions Liberty." All who were present speak of hiseffort in high terms of praise. i i Fun Alteacl. 3 V The citizens of Burgaw ' and vicinity contemplate having a pic nic. at Bor deaux's mill on Thursday, the 31st inst., where there will !be good music, plenty to eat and drink to last until 'fodder and fun enough pigling time." The miU is about two nies from Bur from gaw, making it easily accessible the railroad and it is expected that a large throng of pleasure seekers will be in attendance, j For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t City Court. There were only two cases for the Mayor's consideration this morning, both for violations of the ordinances! re garding the sale of vegetables outside of the prescribed limits, as follows : ' D.C.Davis for exposing j for sale green onions outside of the public mar" ket, was required to pay a fine of $5. He took an appeal to the Criminal Court from the judgment of the Mayor, and wasTecognized in the sum of $50 for his appearance at thje next term of that tribunal. ' f E. G. Barnitz, for exposing for sale green turnips,outside of the public mar ket, was fined $-25, but ho also took an appeal and save a bond in the sum of $50 for hi3 appearance at the text terra of thGChminal Court. ' ! Magistrate's Court. Milton Johnson, colored, was ar raigned before Justice Gardner this morning charged with stealing two hens f-om Aleck Morris, also colored Thcrj were a good many witnesses examined bnt there was not testimony sufficient to jns!ry b;nc1:ig the defend ant over, and he was d-scharged. The Kev. Ir. Taylor. The Southern Baptist Convention, wbrch ha teen 'n session at Waco, Texas, has concluded its labors and adjourned, but it is not definitely known whether the Rev. Dr. Taylor, who was a delegate !-om this city, w!,l reach here tus week or not. It is thought by some that he w?'l improve ( the opporf tilinity afforded him and extend his trip into Mexico before returning, in which case he may be absent- a week or two longcr.j - j The Excursion, j The steam yacht Passport took an excursion party down the river this) morning. There was a soodly crowd on board, but no doubt many were de- tsrred from going by the rather threat ening; appearance of the weather. It was the first excursion party of the reason and was given under the aus pices of the Independent Order of Rechabites. The boat was advertised to leave at 8.C0 o'clock, but it did not getaway until precisely M o'clock. The Italian harpers were with them, from which we imagine there will be danc ing indulged in by some ot the party. , The Storm. At precisely 4 o'clock and 38 minutes this morning a thunder storm broke over this city. Its approach was phe nomenally sudden, but when it did strike 1 the peals of thunder and the flashci of lightning were almost inces sant, and the rain poured down in tor rents. The storm was accompanied with quite a gule of wind, which, how ever, continued violent bnt for a short time. The amount of rainfall was 97-100 inches, and the maximum velocity of the wind was 26 miles i per hour. Communication is open with Smith ville this morning, but the lines are down so that no news can be receiv ed from Sloop Point. Fort Macon and other points North of here, f We have not the means of ascertain ing how far into the interior the rain extended, but it is to be hoped that it was quite general throughout this en tire section, as it was much needed. The good that it has done where it did fall is simply incalculable! ; 7 Electric Freaks. t During the shower this morning, and hile it was at its height, the lightning struck the main top-gallant mast of the German barque Itichard, Capt. Paske, lying at the wharf just south of Messrs. Preston Cumming & Co.'s mill, and in descending the mast took out a number of large splinters which were scattered about promiscuously.) After capering about at random' a little the fluid finally descended a stay, , and thence into the water. The amount of damage extend ed only to making the mast useless and it has been sent down. Another one will soon supply its place. 1 About the same time one of the butchers in the pew market house was sharpening his j knife preparatory to cutting a piece of beef, when the steel became seemingly alive with electric flashes. The butcher parted company with that knife and steel in a hurry, and he concluded that those who want ed beef lor break fast had better wait awh"e. j We learn this afternoon that a large tree on Mulberry street was struck by the electric fluid and tered. was badly splin ITo he Overhauled. ! The steamer Minneuiha did not make her regular trip to-day, nor ! will she until she has been taken upon the Marine Railway and completely over hauled, refitted and repaired. After this is completed she will resume her regular trips, the only : change being that she will hereaf-r leave Sinithville in the morning instead of in the after noon, as she has heretofore done. This schedule xfill be run daily except on Saturday nights, when she will remain here 'and go to Smithyile on Sunday mornings. It is expected that she will be ready to resume her trips in a week or ten -days. - ' - : ' : 1 Although it rained so riolently ; here this noon 62-100 inches having fallen in tho space of I hour and 25 minutes there was but a slight sprinkle at SmithyiUe. so Ithat our friends :vho went on" the excursion :;- this xaornlng saffcred '.no " material "k inccnveniebcc tlcrcby. 'Ax-'.O-'V': -vrV, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; FArJCYMATTINGS ! ALSO, WHITE AND RED CHECK ! Now i9 the time for getting good pa-terns as our stock is complete and the prices right. ' SUMMER SILKS, in BLACK DUE S S GOODS. In great variety comparison is asked in widths and prices, , 1 , - I. .!.- ! Ta X N E 3ST TJ L S T IB R S Various styles .. i u Silk and Lisle Gloves, i may 15 . First Baptist Church. The First Baptist Church of this city held its regular anuual meeting for the election of oflicers and the transaction (f other business last night. We learn that the report of thej condition of the church was the best and most gratify ing that has ever been made, showing that it is entirely free from j debt, be sides having a balance in the treasury. This must be indeed a cause for con gratulation, for, if sq mistake not, the debt of the church, as exhibited at its annual meeting in 18&2, wa 3 very near or quite $5,000, and-this has been met within the year by the , voluntary con tributions of the members. The officers elected for church and Sunday 6Chool purposes, to serve for the year ensuing, vjrere as follows : Clerk James W. Collins. - Treasurer James H.Taylor. 1 Standing Committee Owen Fennell, Allison Alderman, S. H. Burtt, A. P. Yopp, George Sloan, W. L. Meadows, John D. Woody. s 1 Finance Committee Jas. C: Steven son, S. G- Hall, W. I. Gore. Ushers W. C. Craft, A. S. Holden, J. D. Brekinxidge, Jos. S. Mitchell, S. II. Burttj . , - j, Colleetofs Jas. W. Collin$, William Larkins, A. M. Baldwin, H.c. Evans, Tas. H.Taylor. x I ! SUNDAY SCHOOL.. Superintendent Wm. A. French. Assistant Superintendent. Jas. W, Collins. Secretary and Treasurer A. M Baldwin. Ass't Secretary and Treasurer A. S Holden. - j f Librarian W. P. Oldham. ' , ; . Ass't Librarian E. -H. Freeman. ' Supervisor of Sexton B. Fj. Mitchell. The celebrated 'Fish1 Brand Gills1 Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. ' 1 Weddiuer Bells. ' Our young friend, H. Dudley Burk himer, leaves here this evening on the C. C. R. R., for Charlotte, at which place he will to-morrow j espouse) Miss Annie Eloise, youngest; daughter of Rev. Dr. Bernheira, a lovely and ac complished young lady. The marriage will take place at at 6:30 o'clock P. M at St. Mark's I-utheran Church, after which the happy couple will go North for a bridal tour. We tender our heartiest congratulations on the auspi cious event. j . V ' I r ? ; The Hotel Question. It has beeh an acknowledged fact here for some time past that the hotel buildings in our city arc not as commo dious as they should be This is on ac count of the want of a suitable buUd'ng thatwill' afford all of the latest im provements and conveniences for the comfort of guests. This is a matter in which aU of our people are interested, There is much jof the winter travel from the North .'that 'pouM be intercepted here1 if there were the proper accommodations oCcred, as it is a well known fact that there is no more salubrious spot to be found on the entire coast than 'this. People from the North ahd the West stopping over here during the Winter would leave much money behind them and this would inure to the benefit of the mer chants j as well as the hotel-keepers. Charleston and . Augusta 'are I both moving Jn fthU dirqction, and , it will not do lor - Wilmington to lag behindT Private enterprise could easily erect such j a building as Is ! demanded, and with the proper management it could be made toay handsomely on the in TCStmcst.., : r- l-' -l ; ' - To, Builders and others Go to Jaco Ei'a for Cash, EIi2ds n3 Doors, G1&S3 C TcaKa:'ccteIlcI:cs'6ad zX tba Checks and Stripes. and prices. - 1 : in Black and Colors. R. HI. (ViclNTIRE. ! v. Money Lost. j There is a great deal of sympathy expressed for Mr. N. G. Brewer, of thd Carolina Centra' R. R. freight depart nient, for the loss sustained by him yesterday. Air. Brewer was on his way down t-wn to the Trcasurei's of fice with a bundle of j vouchers and the sum of $115 in money and two checks, when he suddenly discovered, after pro ceeding a short distance from the depot, that the money and the checks were missing from the pocket, where he had placed them. We trust that the miss ing package may be safely recovered, as it is a loss that-Mr. Brewer can ill afford. 7 Look Before you Leap .1 A. & I. Shriek are now showing the bestline of Mens, Boys' and Childrens' Clothing that has eer been brought to this Market. Here buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to Inspect their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere'. it. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobi.'s - 1 , : , : t NEW ADVEBTISE3IENTS. CHURCH FESTIVAL. rjllIE iADIE 3 OF TUB FIFTH STBEET M. E. CHURCH will give a Festival In Tem perance Hall, on Third "Str.et, opposite City mall, to-morrow (WEDNE8DAY) evenlns. I! M !.. - . - KT Refreshments served as usual, may 15-lt MRS. S. J. BAKER; Fashionable Millinery, '" AND - FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, &C. 1 22 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. JJAS A LARGE AND VARIED: ASSOIIT ment of Ladies and Children's HATS, BONNETS, LACE TIES AND BOWS, , RIBBONS, in all the new styles. ill kinds of Flowers, Feathers and Ornaments. Our stock of Milllnery is complete and can- not be surpassed in the citv. may 15 T .. I North Carolina Roe Herring, LARGE AND OF FINE FLAVOR. Large, Fat, Juicy Mackerel t DRIED dEEF, CHIPPED VERY THIN. A choice ani varied assortment of CAKES and CRACKERS. SPRINGFIELD HAMS, j i ,.t; ' rxCANVASSED HAMS, I- I I- ' S. C. SHOULDERS AN I BR EA KFAST L ' STRIPS, FULTON MARKET CORN BEEF. ROYSTER-S Is still veb' popntar, and we are selling a great "eal. I Price v Tliree Fonnds for $1. - P. L. BRID&ERS & CO. mayli 1 Soda Water I Soda Water I TT1TH. PURE rBurr juices, - 1 ?1 i SEASON 1883. MINERAL WATEB ON DRAUGHT. : i ICS COLD. . williaii n. crni. NEW APVEItTISEMENTS. S p ring& Summer CO O D S , : -AT- ' 9 v -v 3(i Market Street I JUST RECEIVED All the Latest Novelties. DRESS GOODS. BLick and Colored Silks, Ottomans, llhadames. Brocades, Surrahc.vijght' Shades Fancy; Silks, SatlLs inall New Shades! i Nun's ' Veillng,'Tamlsc,t:ashmeres.Mohalrs, .. ." ( - I - I if uigcs, trench Bantings, Sateens, Zephyrs, Seersuckers. Percales, f Linen Jivns, 1 adJcs Cloth, Honey-Comb Sacking, I " i Silk' l'ongccs, Ac WHITE GOODS t IN EVERY VARIETY. . . . - I . ; -. .' Piques, Maroell'cs, Embroideries, Lccs,: Irish V Po'nt, the best assortment and greatest f1 -. variety in the city. j C O R, S E T S, , Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Collars,' Fichus, Ties, Veilings, Handkerchiefs, Riblwns, Crepes. Housekeeping Goods ! Damasks, Spreads, Towels, Tapklns, . LADIES, MISSES, HKN'AKD BOYS' I G4USE MERINO UNDERWEAR. Men and Boys : Caeslmeres, Linens and . CottonadesL Ful lines ot I "v i STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS - ! ' I' - too numerous to mention. All a tp rices so low' that will gi?e satisfaction for durability, qualj Ity and cheapness, i , Call and save money by buyiasr of . i , IU3. il3. KATZY 36 Market Street. apl9 . . . , ' , ; - 1 Parlor Organs. I HAVE RECEIVED DURING THE Week a large supply of PARIJR ORGANS, all new 1 styles, from the L :t manufactoriei In' the country. Every Or pan W warraated for five ! -: - ' i ' years, at HEISSBENGEU'SJ pW) SEiOND HAND PIANOS, K f IS PERFECT ORDER. For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, may 14 . Live Book and JUitslc Store C. W. IYATEG, illxa XV IV A L. , -rjEADQjjARTERS FOr! BOOKS, STATIONERY, T ' p: I FANCY GOQDS, PICTURE FRAMES, WRAPPING TAPER, PAPER BAGS. TWINE, Ac. r ORGANS Sold on easy installment. Cotn- iry oruerswii; meetwuii prompt attention.! liiay It i - - . iti nJay Millinery. ! riMlH BEAUTIFUI. MONTH OF MAT IU3 iX ; ' - - " : come an! I have received more NEW-AND HANDSOME MILLINERY GOODS, which will be soW cheap. , 1 - Ladles, give me a call before purchasing. MRS. KATE C WINES, ! may S ' No. 1 19 North Second Street. 3ITJNDS BROTHERS,' PHAKaiAGISTS, 1 1,191 Broadway, X. W. Corner St., N. T; V - "!-":-:-.- l --and ! -: .-i-i-'v 1 r en North Fourth St., Wilmington, X. C. W Open from C in the moroinir till II night. Prescription prepared at ail hours. fromC in the moroinir till II at ' may 4-ti For Calo. A SPLENDID MOCKING BIRD. FINE M.NGER, probably the beat In the cUy. j 1

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