THIS PAPER FJJSASJ NOTICE. We will be gUd to reoelra communication trolb our frlonds on any. and all subject of .. general interest bnt - The nam ot the writer must arwaya bo ftf , nlfihcd to the Editor. . " . ' Communications mut be trrttten cm oal, one side ot the paper. , ;. ' , i Porsonatltiea must be avoided.' 1 j - And It Is eepcclAHy and particularly xmde stood that the Editor docs sot always endor tko views of correspondents cnlees so rtate Butaed every" evento. ant-day. 1 pa r eepted by JOSHT.JAMES, BDITOB AJTD rBOFKIETOK. srU5CElPTlONS POSTAGE PAID: " ear H 00. Six months, f5.00. Three 00Vonth6,tl M; One month, 35 cents. . Z iir will be delivered by carriers free ,?hlrC la any part of the city, at the above foriocnupcrweek. TenilM rates low and UberaL Jycubscrlbew will report-any and aU fall- VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAT 16, 1883. NO. 117 In the editorial columns. ores f rc(fJJ!SSss, " - ' ., i r iL. J C3T Hi Daily ttevieio no wrywi. . circulation of any neicpiper tHhM. ifL the city of Wilmington, -fi P" ; . - - 1 The St. I'O"55 Homoeopathic Medical College will not hereafter "accent wo man matriculants.1 a f rial dividend of the Freedman'a , . t A ...,,1 Ula Bar vri' up the bis swindle.. Tj-ere arc in Boston sixty-nine wo men taxed over $100,000. five over 50O,0W and two over g 1.000,000. "Tho 'u-oposition is made in Boston to ,,ur Bfhool holiday in the '-middle of the week, instead of Saturday, after the '0 ('OIIJ"tm KiCV It is estimated that the amount ol the flaimJ oTexas against the United ootfJ for the protection of the front ier A silver mine has been discovered , , v H trtford. Ark. Oid instruments 1 1 y the savages lor smeumg pur to the discovery. Jacksonville, Fia., wants to - issue suuiiary and water bonds to the ex tents! $.'0.000. The present bonded t.M. of the city is awwrvw. 44 Although tho lndcpendanct Beige circulates probably more extensively than any paper on the Continent of Kuropc. 'it lias not two columns, of a.ivertist'ir.ents. . " Harvard students are offended by a remark ot President Eliot that the initiation ceremonies ot their secret societies ' have ceased to be barbarous, and a iv Vunply foolish.1' : ' . . . : C.en, Josiah Gorgas, a gallant ex Confederatc who will bo remembered as Chief of Ordnance during the war, died at Tuscaloosa, Ala , last night. He was 6j' Years of aee ami was a graduate of West Point A Southern! exchange says : "One ot the jiiokt accomplished and ' fascinating young widows in tho South manages two large. stock farms in Tennessee and re idea in a superb mansion in North Carolina.' Who is she? Denver. Col., claims to have the !argct spring chicken manufactory in the country. The eggs are placed in the incubators daily and therefore there is a daily production. The capacity of the hatchery at present is 1,000 for every three weeks. V Charleston now. has about the finest cotton mill iii tho South. For several months it hjts been shipping yarns to Northern cities, bat it has within a few days past made, its first shipments of cloth, tho finest manufactured in that city lor a quarter of a century. The (Quakers are divided on tho question of revising their "Book of Discipline'1 as to those strict rules of speech, manners, and dress which have so long characterized tho Society of Friends, It seems likely that .the "rigidity will be considerably relaxed. Mrs. Augusta Evans Wi.son, the novelist, of Alabama, has a very fine dairy in which sho takes much pride Her Jersey cows take priies. She personally attends to tho making of jams and jellies, and her guests at Mobile praise her excellent home-made wine. John L. Sullivan, tho champion of America, and Charles Mitchell, the English pugilist, had a knock-down ar gument, with gloves, at Madison Square Garden on Monday night. Three rounds were fought iu eight .minutes when the police interfered to prevent a continuance of the fight. Sullivan was declared the winner. A number of Boston capitalists think there is a fortune in the importation of tropical fruits, which have hitherto reached this country only occasionally and in bad condition, and have secured on favorable terms a large tract of land in Guatemala from the Government with the intention of prosecuting that business. - After long years of litigation the Arl ington estate, which was seized by the government under a harsh and unjust law, ha3 been paid for. On Monday, the Secretary! ot the Treasurer is sued a warrant in favor of R. N. Batch cider, Deputy Quartermaster General, lor $125,000, which is to bo .paid to General Ixjb's heirs. The amount ap propriated by Cobgress for the pur hase of the estate was $150,000,- but $25,000 has been impounded to await the result of an action at law to deter mine the amount of taxes due on. the property. Among the large towns ot North t Carolina we consider Raleigh the hand so me &t. and we have seen them all. Of those of the smaller places we have seen we incline to the opinion that it lies between Wilson and Tarboro witb the advantage rather in favor ot Wil son. Wo have seen all of the towns from Salisbury to Elizabeth City with the exception of two or three small ones. Morninq Star. Every man to his taste, oi course, but we cannot admire the taste of any one who will call Raleigh a prettier town than Wilmington, and we say thi3 dispassionately. As for Wilson, wo can name half a dozen places ahead ot it, among which are Chapel Hill. Wadesboro and Pittsboro: Wilming ton's claim to beauty is conceded by all of Xho strangcr3who stop here, especially during the months of May and June. WTilson is a pretty place and so for that matter is Newborn and so is Kinston but wo do not know that there is anything especially attractive about them. Raleigh has a beautiful location but when you say that much you say about all that there is to be said. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mckds Bho& Pharniacfct Yates School Bookg, Organs Donald MacRae, Chni'n Notice Hklnbbkkgkb Parlor Organs Piano Geo. Sloan, (gect'y AnnuL Meeting. Johs WekjiEK The Ball and Theatre Sea son, W II GRBEX-Soda Water Mineral Water Mr, Geo. M. Crapon sports this week a beautiful new delivery wagon. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to J acobi's Hardware Depot, t The fish have been spared tor anoth er day. The wind was in tho; wrong quarter his morning for them to bit freely and so we stayed at home. . According to all reports, the first ex cursion of the season on the Passport was a grand success in every feature, and everybody had a good time. The annual meeting of the Wilming ton Compress and Warehouse Com pany will be held at the Bank of New Hanover to-morrow morning. Copt. D. M. Reno, the noted bridge builder, is at work this week on the big Pee Dee bridge, on the Carolina Central road, repairing and putting it in good order. About those mosquitoes in Texas, Says Sweet,, they no longer vex us, When the trouble is imminent. Use St. Jacobs Oil liniment. Contented and happy it makes us. Glad to receive a call this P. M. from two good friends of ours, Mr. Wr. T. Bannerman. Judge of Probate in Pen der county, and Mr. J. F. Johnson for merly of Pender but now of Shoe Heel. ' The cold which was reported as com ing East from Dakota three or four days ago. struck the Atlantic coast during last night, and this morning for awhile fires were real com tortable. Ex tra blankets were in demand during the night. Laurinburg will make all it can out of its liquor license. There are nine saloons in the town and these pay $100 each, making an annual income from this source for the town of $900, which ought to run the entire municipal gov ernment. Much Better. The change of schedule on the Caro lina CentralR. R. will probably bring down to us a great many more visitors this Summer . than iu any former season. As it is now arranged, our eountry cousins can reach the citjr in time to catch the Fassvort for a trip down the river and can return in fulM time for the-evening train, they being absent from home but one day. A Stranger. ' The steam tug Cyclops, Capt.Denyse, arrived here this morning, from New York. She came into our waters for the purpose of towing the disabled schooner Earl JL Potter, to Philadel phia, whither the latterwas bound from Mayaguez, W. I when she put in at Sraithville a few days since dismasted. The Cyclope came up to the city for coal "and proceeded on her return to Smithville as soon as she had received a supply. . Look .Before yon .Leap. A- & I. SniuEit are now showing the best lme of Mens, Boys' and Childrens Clothing 4hat has ever been brought to this Market. Hero buyers will find it greatly to their interest, to inspec their stock of Spring Clothing before purchasing elsewhere. 1 tt. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks-, low pioes, at Jacobi.'s . t Rain in the Country. We learn that-the section of country between Clinton and Warsaw was risked by copious showers on Monday evening last, during which considerable hail fell, but not enough to damage the crowing crops. The thunder and light ning were described as terrific, but we have heard of no damage being done Rain was seriously needed in that section, and the shower came most opportunely. Personal. Col. H. B. -Short was in the city this morning, having just arrived from New York, where he has been for the past three weeks. He was looking as well as usual and was en route ! for Flern vftgton, the City by the Waccamaw. Mr. and Mrs K. S. Finch1. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Eccles. Mr' and Mrs. John W. Wadsworth, Miss Laura Yates, Mr. W. R. Burwell.Dr. J. Parks Mo- Combs, and Mr. Franklin Adams, of Charlotte, arrived in this city yesterday morning and proceeded to WrighUville Sound where they will spend a week as the guests of Mr. Richard Bradley.- The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills1 Twine is sold only at Jacori's Hard ware Depot. New Hotel for Wilminfrton. On last evening a number of citizens assembled at the Mayor's office, in the iCity Hall, and a. meeting was organ ized, on motion of Mayor Hall, ealling Donald McR&eto the chair and request ing B. A. Hallott to act as Secretary. The Chairman explained the object of the meeting to be to take the initia tory steps which he hoped would result in the erection of a first-class hotel building in this city. He said that it could not be denied that Wilmington wa much in need of sueh a building, and ho hoped that all the citizens would take a lively interest in this important matter and push it until tfie object was attained. " A number of those present expressed their opinions, all coinciding with the Chairman in Wilmington's need of such a hotel building, and their . deter mination to do. all in their power for the accomplishment of the object of this meeting. On motion of A. H. Greene, it was voted that the Chairman appoint a committee, of five, of which the Chair man ot the meeting may be Chairman and Mayor Hall bo a member McxofllciQ,, to confer with the citizens urging the accomplishment of thetmjectr and that another meeting be called at the pleas ure of the Chairman of the committee. The Chairman, appointed Messrs. D. G. Worth, F. Rhoinstein, J. II . Chadbourn. A. D. Brown and G. W. William's as the committee. r On motion tho meet in 2r adiourned td meet at the call of the Chairman . Donald MacRaz, Cbm'n B. A. HALLETT,43ect'y- Death of Mrs. Koight It is with fgreat regret that wb an-j nounce the death of a most estimable lady, the wife of Capt. James Knight, Master of Transportation on the W. & W. and W., C. A A. Railroads, which occurred about 'i I o'clock to day, . of heart disease. Mrs. Knight had not been ill, and the blow was an exceedingly sudden one. At breaRfast time this morning she com plained of feeling unwell and ato.: but little, and on speaking of a shortness of breath was advised by Captain Knight to take some remedy for It No alarm was felt by that gentleman, whn riaturallv thought it the result of some trifling disorder and he departed wi . 1 r Knight seems to nave oecome nersei . a . .1 1 pA at her symptoms, as she bad lone felt convinced that she was afflict ed with tho dreaded heart disease, and sent for a lady friend, a neighbor, who promptly answered the call, and pre scribed for her such remedies as stie thought most efficacious. This lady did not think Mrs, Knight sorious ly ill, yet advised that medical aid be summoned. This advice was followed and Dr. Thomas, the family physician, soon arrived at the house. He was re ceived by Mrs. Knight who bad scarce ly greeted him, remarking that she felt very unwell, when she fell back in her chair and expired. Mrs.Knight was a most estimable lady, a fond wife and a dcyoted mother and her death has brought with it a" terrible woe to a heretofore happy household. io them ail, and especially to our bereaved friend, Capt, Knight, do r we lender our most hearty ; sympathes in his sorrowahdjthis sudden partinglwith the friend and companion of more than forty years.. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FANCY MATTINGS! ALSO, WHITE AND RED CHECK ! Now is the me for getting good patterns as our stock is complete and the , prices SUMMER SUES, in Checks and" Stripes. -. o . - B L A C K DRESS GOO D 8. In great rariety-rcomparison is asked in widths and prices. XillSJ EXsT TJLSTEBS, Various styles and prices. s Silk and Lisle Gloves, in Black and Colors. R. RJ. MclNTIRE. may 15 pfstrfct' Conierence., . The-Distnct Conference of the"?Wil mington District M. E. Church, South will convene at Wbitcviile. Colum bus County, at 9 a. m., on Thurs day, the 24th inst. The delegates from Front Street M. p. Church are Messrs. n xt nn,v1an nT-rrc II iToliav Jna ! vwwn, . j N. King and W. M. Parker, with j Messrs W. M. Poisson and Wr. . W.. I Hodgca as alternates. The delegates from the Fifth Street Church are not yet. detcrmlneil upon. but will be selected to-morrow night. A Trent in Store. ! We uuuerfitanu mat a grana vocnii , . , ... , .. and instrumental concert will be given-. . .. . i ,i ? next week,- in the Opera House, on ome evening yet to be announced, in which the best amateur talent of the citv will wirticioato. It will be under the management ot Mrs. Taylor in the j i . or A'.r on,- In ua ir-fr-l vocal, and Prof. an Laei in tne.instn. - mental department, and this fact alone the excellence of the entertainment. Particulars will bo announced hereaf ter. .' ' . ' .. .: ' . A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols ! at Jacobin Hardware Depot. t Keliffionsly Insane. Bertha Hall, colored, was taken in charge by the police this mornfng and locked up for safe keeping and the se curity of society. She styles herself a prophetess of God, and is evidently. in sane upon religious subjects. She has heretofore been entirely harmless, but has been growing more wild in her manner for some time, and was liable. to become violent arid dangerous at any moment, and her arrest and confine ment was merely a precautionary raeasnre to', relieve the neighborhood where she lives i from anxiety and pos sible harm. Shff has four children, two of whom are grown, and lives on I Eleventh, near Princess slreet. An in- quisition into her condition seems to bo ! demanded and will probably be had. Our Dead at Arlington. Mrs. C..V. -Harris, writes from Washingtou to this city as follows; "On the 10th of May a movement was inaugurated in this city to proper ly mark the graves or disinter the re mains of about 150 North Carolina soldiers who are now buried iu Arlington Cemetery. At pres ent these, graves are neglected. At the head f every .one is acoarse, wooden head-board bearing the names, command and State to which tho sold ier belonged and underneath in promi nent black letters is tho word "Rebel."' I recall just now two names which belong toEasternNorth Carolina Eure Martin. Perhaps their kindred are 1 aUlUUC, J uui Mrs. Harris makes the excellent sug gestion that the Ladies Memorial As. soeiation of this city try and raise funds wherewith to aid in the good work o marking the graves and preserving the remains of those dead heroes". The Glittering Attraction of $150,000 Open to All. For tho next three or four weeks war, politics, speculations, railroad grain,Joil, real estate speculations, all give way in magnitude to the fact that some one will send ten dollars to Al. A. Dauphin, New Orelamt, La., and draw in the .Inns 12th (Tuesday) Grand Semi-An nual Drawing ot The Ixraisiana State i Lottery the golden prize of $150,&jX), enough to make any man sneeze three times ana open ais eye. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque Ellisif. Capt. Hango cleared to-day for Granton, Scotland, with 3.824 barrels rosin, valued at $5. 913.83, shipped by Messrs. Paterson Downing & Co. Tho receipU of cotton at this port to- :t up 55 balesr day foot NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. xignt. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wot ice. rjlHERE WILL BE ANOTHER MEETING on THURSDAY EVENING, (17th) at the City Hall, at S o'clock, to take Into conlderatlo the subject of building a Hotel for Wilming ton, and all citizens are Invited -to be present and take an active Tart. DONALD MACRAE. mayieat . Chairman, j -.jr-ji, have received-by today's! Steamer uu elexant Jot of Cigars, alao, u full line of Drugs, l'ateut Medicines. c. hir7w 7' vy "1TTTXTD Vi 111 ArpTT'I? W . . DisDenslnsr Pharmacist' 101 nivtndwav. N. W. Cnr .4?1 St.. N. V. -,-- -- ...... ana 5il North 4th street, Wilmington, N . C. mayi6 ' e ' The Ball and Theatre Season T S OVER. EXCURSION AND PIC NICS ! o .. .llHlu, mwa imur nnii .UlUV WPKN'KK tho practical uerraan Barber and Perfumer, vereonaltv In attendance at his Hair Dress u8al001XflMarketstPftetf Jrt;uveen wfttcr and Front, Wilmington, s. c. Annual tVleeting. riHE ANNUAL MBETINf OV THE. Stock 1 X . hoMcra of tho W I LM TNOTON COMPRESS AND WAREHOUSE CO. will be held at the Binfc of Nw Hanover,. n THURSDAY, the 17th int. at 11. o'clock, A.M. GEO. bLOAN, Secretary and Treas'r may8 2t sic ICE ! ICE ! ICE! J WOULD J?ESPECTFULLY NOTIFY til citizn and tho public generally, that I have laid in a full enpply of choice ICE and am ful 1 f prepared to ail orler to all points on Rail 1 Loads and Rivers, and hope to secure area: nablo share of patronage B. IL J. AHRENS, Proprietor apl 19-dAw 3m New Ice lloua. MRS. S. J. BAKER, Fashionable Millinery, AND . I raunv nnnn HfiTinMS. fi. i 122 Market St., Wilmington, N. C. JJAS A LARGE AND VARIJE.D ASSORT ment of Ladies and Children's HATS. BONNETS, LACE TIES AND BOWS, RIBBONS, in all th new styles. All kind of Flowers. Feathers and Ornaments. Our stock of Millinery la com pie to and can not be surpaseed in the city. . may 15 North Carolina Roe Herring, LARGE AND OF FLNX FLAVOR. Large, Fat, Juicy Mackerel DRIED BEEF, CHIPPED VERT THIN. A choice and varied assortment of CAKES and CRACKERS. SPRINGFIELD HAMS, USCA25VAS8ED HAMS, w C. SHOULDERS AND BREAKFAST STRIPS, FfjLTOX MARKET COBS BEEF. U atlll very popular, and we are welling great deal. Priee Three Pounds for $1. BRIDGEES & CO, I myi NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. Spring & Summer GOO D S , AT ' ' ' : 3G Market Street , JUST RECEIVED the Latest Novelties. All DRESS GO O D S. Blick iul Colored Silka, Ottomans, Rhadamta, Brocades, Surrahs,L!gut$hadea Fane S11U, SaULa la all New Shade. Nun'a , VeUlng, Tamljso, Caphmfires.Mohalr. Brlgee, Trench Bant'.na, Saleana, Zepliyx?, Scersupkers, Percaloe, . Linen Lawns, 1 u.iU s Cloth. Honey-Cob J?acklug, bll: Pongees, Ac. : ' WHITE GOODS . 4 IS EVKUY VARIETY. , : Piques, 5tarcU4a, Embroideries, Ldeeslrieli Point, the best aBSortnient and grcaUet , variety in the city. ' i m- CORSET S, -. Hosievy, a loves, Lace Collars, Fichus, Tie Veiling?, Handkerchief a, Rfblon!, Crepo. Housekeeping Gooda I Damawks, Spreads, Towel, TapklrU, LADIES, MISSES, MENJ AND BOYS' GAUSE MERINO-ITN'OKK WE AIL Men and Boy Caeslmercs, Linens and Cottonadca. Ful linos of . . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY fiOODS too nntnerotts to mention. All at prices so low that will give satisfaction for durability , qual ity and cheapness, - . -Call and savolnoncv by bnyiue of lUZ. R3. .CATS', 36 Market Street. apl 9 Parlo r Organs. T HAVE RECEIVED DURING THE wek i a large supply of PARLOR ORGANS; all ntw stylesi from the beet manufactories In th country. Every Organ is warranted for flvo years, at IIEINSBENGER'S. rpWO SEtOND HAND PIASOS, IN PERFECT ORDEIL. For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, may 14 Live Book and Music Store O. , W. IYATES,; : 1 ID MARKET ST., . TTTEADQUAUTEES FOR BQOE8, STATIONERY,- FANCY GOODS, PICTURE FRAilES, WRAPPLNG PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWiNL", Ac ORGANS Sold on easy Installment. Coun try orders will meet with prompt attenUoo., '; may 14 0lay rwTillinery. rpHE BEAUTIFUL MONTn OF MAY nAS come and I have rcceircd raor NRW AUD . HANDSOME MILLINERY GOODS, whlca I will be eold cheap. Lauies, give me a can before purcnsainr. ' IMA. KATJS u.,Wl)ihi, may 5 Ko. 11 North Second fctrtt. Soda Water! Soda Water I "vtrmi pure fruit juices, . f T - - SEASON ieL UISERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. - ICE COLD. WILLIAM n. GREEN, apl 14 lrnyist. For Sale. SPLENDID MOCKING BIRD. TLNE ttlNGER, probably ttc best In the dry. Apply at jnayStf THIS OFFICE.