THIS PAPER eepted by JOSH T. JABIBS, iTBSCBirTIOSS FOfTAQB PAID: rear M . Six month. W.00. Three 0BUh.l-l Oi month. SSeenta. Th- paper will be delivered by carriers tree .ry, ln any pari of the city. at the shore oriocent per week. TdVeatlslnK rate low. and BberaL irsubrlbew win report any and all fall- ,n receive their paper regularly. ; a circulation, of any newspaper publish1' in the city? 'Wilmington. 3 'Xhe State of Kansas holds 52.000.o6o bugbclsof wheat and corn I rum last year's harvest. , The grave of Linton Stephens, who (Jeorgians say was an abler man than bis brother, Alexander H.. is marked only by a mound of jessamine ' and roses. , . . ' Col. Alex. McClure. according to; the Chattanooga Times, is not a Democrat bat a liberal Republican. He calles bimslt an Independent. In reality he is a political bastard. . , ... i ' - A Georgia colored mother dreamed 3He was beating up corniueal for bread, ml when she awoke in the morning she found her baby dead, nearly every bone in its body being broken. Bdioness Alphonse de Rothcbild. at a recent ball in Paris, wore a "ord ii..... " Mrii. of which it is said : It was of black velvet, like his melan choly; covered with diamonds, like his poetry." The tnallfry pawnbrokers in New - Vorkhavo been "knocked out" by a eompelling thcra to pay a" license of SOO yearly and to furnish bonds in $20,000. ' Miss Luey Larcom says in her lec Lure un woman as lyric poets that 9he ranks Miss Sigourney, Hannah Gould, and Alice and Phebe Cary the repre tentative women lyrists of America, and she is not far wrong. Bismarck has bought immense tracts ot land in Mexico, hoping to establish there German colonies as a check upon ihe U nited State. A vain hope, thinks t-he Auywsta ChronicU, as the natural ized Teuton and the Celt are rapidly taking possession of the United States and will gobble up Mexico later on. . . . T- . A treaty of peace between Chili and Peru has been signed by Gen. Novoa and Gen. Igleaias, and is said' to have been con firm ed. Peru cedes Tacna and Arica for ten years. At the end of that time a plebiscite is to be taken to Je terraine to which country those provin ces shall belong. The country aciutr iQ them will pay indemnity. The financial position of the city of Berlin is one which compares very strikingly with that of New York. Ex clusive of the city hall, schools, and hospitals, the iTunicipality owns in and around the city land worth $10,000,000 The debt is $25,950,000, but the city gas works alone are worth that sun). Paris has twelve times the indebtedness of Berlin, anil. New York about four times. One of our exchanges has this item : Jones is proud of his wife, and with" reason, for Mrs. Jones is pretty as well aa smart. Sho was lecturiug oil tem perance refrom in Whitechapel and got naturally worked up as -she rehearsed the many things that should be done, but which no oue sctmed ready to do, 'Ob, dear, she exclaimed,' I wish I were a man!" 1 object," exclaimed Jones rising lrom his seat. It brought down the house. . It it going the rounds that an Eng Ush physician has found a cure for rheomattsm in total abstinence from' food. He declares that many cases of acute articular rheumatism have been cured by fasting from four to eight dAyi, while chronic rheumatism was also alleviated. No medicines were given, but patients could vhare cold water and lemonade in moderation. The doctor states that rheumatism is only a phase of indigestion, and, there- lore, can be cured b? giving complete and continued rest to all the digestive erg&ns. - : . Forty-eight head of Jersey cattle, the property oi T. S. Cooper, ot Linden Grove, Coopersburg, Pa., and nearly all of them recently imported, were sold at action in the America Institute build lag, New York, last" Thursday. They retted narlv &43.000. The famous btxii Pedro was on exhibition, aud was led out whenever any of his progeuy were under the hammer, but was not himself ottered for sale. The New York Sun gives the following report of the sale: . . Daisy St. Peter', - a handsotne tkwn-eolored cow, with a distinguished record aaamllk giver, was sold for $2, 150; Distaff, a dark- fawn cow, four years old, for $1,500; Sultana, aa or 1020 fawn cow. five years old, with a - pedigree that filled two cages of the cat v aogue, and "showed some of the best Wood of Jersey, for tO,7fK) ; Datc!i?s, . . W W A W h U LT A . : ; , i m . w ii wv . jl ii n ii a jw X-Yljljlu jl i iiyjinv JLJJ VV o ',' ' , " 1- 4' ; , ,. i .... i.' i i . ' . ,'"'"" 1 i iii ; -. " : ' : - VOL. VII. W town-colored cow, for $1,250; Daisy of St. John's, a gray cow, six years old, 1.500; Cetewayo's Daisy, four years younger, for $1,600; Khedive's .Fancy, a fawn cow, six years old. for $1,650; Count St. George, a famous bull, a lit tie more than two years old, and the winner of the first prize over all Jersey last year, for $2,600; St. Clementaise, a gray fawn cow, twelve years old, the dam of Count St. George, and the win ner of the first prize over all Jersey for rick milk 'when three'years old, for $2,600; Khedive's Rosy, a lawn cow. for 1,350'; .Lyclia. a fawn cow, tour years old, for $1,050; Lady of Kassas sin, a dark fawn cow, with an illustri ous pedigree, for $2,350. LOCAL NEWS. IROEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Organs ' Moore County Grit No More Eye Glasses $100 to $250 per Month IIeissbkbger Orjanettea Mcsus Bros PbsmnaelaU Uurhtm'a Standard Tnrbiue. QrEXLk. Hol'se Signor Bom Dr. Scbeuck's Mandrake Pllld " Benson'a Capcine Poms Piaster P WZeiglE ft Co 65 a Month John B Aldhn AlexH Stephens. J C McCcrdt Co-SaTl Battle? KjfiQHTS or Hnoh Rei?ularMeetlig Kkrchxkii ft C'XLUitE Bhos GroecrW P L BRlDGtKS ft Co Klour, Candy, fte W II GfiEHX Soda Water Mineral Water OrriiBBorKO i.lven Days to buy cheap Clothing . , A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's JIarclware Depot. t j Tlie supply of vegetables in our mar- j ket this season has been plentiful in quantity and exceptionally fine in qual ity. , Babies' pictures successfully taken at the Yates Gallery. Instantaneous process used. H Ex-Mayor Fishblate. of this city, was registered at Guy's Hotel in Baltimore on Thursday. , An old hen pecked lu&n from Ohier. Sprained his back in lighting a fire, He got a good drubbing. But St. Jacobs Oil rubbings Matle him well and very much sprver. The Passport took iuite a number of passengers down the river this morn ing who will try thei r luck at fishing during the day. It don't to its that this is a very fatal day for the fishes. It is too windy for them to bit freely. It has been an open secret "'.for some days past that Capt Southerland had bought out Mr. SXl Currie'a sale and livery stables. Mr. Currie retires be cause of ill health and it is probable that the business will be continued and Ule 6iables kept open. This being a legal holiday there was nothing during in magisterial circles; the county officers, banks, chamber oi commerce.and Produce Exchange were closed, and some of the commercial J houses on Water street closed lor the day ai noon. 1 There is' rather a small supply ot quite inferior beef iu the market. Buv Fuw rrnrsA !M!a hV Knon 1 1 f I V Ptl to this market rcceotly. and when they come they arc gobbled up so quickly that a hungry mortal who is not- there at the right moment to make a "grab" has to content himself as , bet lie cati with an inferior quality. Knlsrhts of .Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance desired. it. City Court. Hattie -Williams, colored, for- disor- derly conduct, was before tne Mayor this morning anl was fined $5 for the same. Exports Forelsru.- Br. barque Uourier. Capt. Bartlttt rxA fAnf rnn I f n11 Vnanrl with 8,200 bhis Ur and 1,100 uo. rosin, val ued at $6,032.27, shipped by Messrs. D. R. Murchlson & Co. Targret Practice. A detachment of the Wilmington Light Infantry, ia uniform, crossed to iU a WI Aaf eirla r Ka irZ cop trtia -vt iMnir1 F U1C 11 Wb OiUC av I . f fcas-a aukW& uui to exercise in target practice. It was rather a bad day for the sport . on ac count of the wind, which blew in gusts and squad all through the earlier por tiou of the day. , 0 A Fine Sermon. In accordance with aiinouncemen w K'.fniHlv Ust the Rer. D. W. Hrrin.r nt PPrtdorcouu ty. preached yesterday morning at the First Baptist church. His sermon was a fine effort, and taking into consider r iiT... i. s ..r i.ii. . wKn line tin) vnt fmiln.tnit ii-fMK masterly produttion. VHe wasUsteuetl w; niMn: .! nllAmtlfWi IbJ-alar-aaud rnterestcd audience. - biuu lire irvi iiiai iie -is a uuu muiyis-'" -v LMINGTON. N. C., MONDAY. MAY 21, 1883. THE MEDICOS. The Cltv of Beautiful Trees m The Doctors iu Session The Address of Welcome Hand some Speech The Literary ' and Professional Contribu tionsThe North Carolina Hoard ot Health The Board of Examiners The Banquet, - (Reported for the Dally Review.) The City of Beautiful Trees had on iU handsomest garb of green. The shower of Monday - left the streets in good condition, and the air was fresh and lnviflroratinff. The Invasion of doctors was en fnassei carriages and omaibuses disgorging fat doctors and lean, young doctors and old; doctors with plug hats; doctors with crush bats; thogay and festive, the solemn and dig nified, the imnortant and the I-don'U enrft a.fiff sort: and soon the streets were lively. uenerais, auu ujujuib, and lawyers, and bookkeepers and school -boy 3 caught the inflnence ot the bout and every one on the street was addressed as "Doctor." Kveu our neighbor, the dignified Judge, whose office was hard by one of the hotels, talked physic, and put ou the airs of a sawbones of distinction. . i i : Pomptly to the hour printed in the programme. Dr. Staton, Chairman ot the local Society, aud master of cere monies, called the Society to order, and the Divine blessing was Invoked by the f?Aw xi WqIak Or ' Pittman. the venerable representative of ihewigi founders of the Society, introduced Mr.j Don nell Gilliam, Who welcome! the; Society in a chaste and impressive, ad dress. The grace and dignity f the y oung speaker, and his kuowtedgoot the history of the progress of the medio cal Dvofessiou was highly appreciated by his audience avIio a.pplaaieu mm I with unfeigned enthusiafjn. A glance arounl the ball showed that although there were scattered here 'and there many of the venerable members so well known to the' Stale, yet the voting and middle-aged reprcsenUtives composed the bulk of the session The fitacc was decorated . wijh beautiful flowers in garlands and festoons, and the venerable Presideut seemed to be dazed by the excess ot finery about him. Dr. Hall, the Pres tdent, is an elderly gentleman, with gray beard and hair. His voice .was Iceblo and carelessly modulated.' It U so easy to preside nver a meeting of doctors who good- naturedly submit to any sort of a ruling that the President had no chance to display a knowledge of parliamentary information. The routine business of the dav was inty without delay. Commit- Ivl a u tees wcro appointed and work for subsequent wson settled upoti. the Secretary, with a fire Ainctioii3 votee and a pronuBciatiott worthy of a sou of Frin rwhieh in truth be is not) went through that old roU into ha hrrtwn all of his energy, and on which occasions he nuivu i w " - - - embraceii the opportunity of trilling his t s Annroved AaunCT. But by But by universal consent Picot is considered a complete master oi the art of setting a new meet ing iairly on its feet. ' The literary contributions were many and voluminous; but as far as one can iudre bv the reading of them, they were less commendable than at the last meet ing Most of them were well stuaiea compilations-very few were original rrri f clinical or scientific research. i.wvru.. - i i r Thbi i3 oerhaps not so mucn the lack ot ! h roenareh. as for the fact the society jappMnts one reporter lor each branch j Gf medicine, who gives a synopsis of i a.i f iha Hpnnrlmetlt lor fir ot en Inner" that year, inesepapeia a others are silenced. Tour correspondent vtC that there were some original worker there, one especially who had All sustained the name of a learneu Bire L tnoaafiiratinna in ' the domain of nhvsiolozv. , It is not known to many hat Dr. Whitehead, junior, uau msu some brilliant experiments nhcaininirv of bone-marrow, lor I mj -! 1 vw -rr oond dav was The morntug of the second Uay was devoted in part to the ConjuitU bevion jangrv witn us jor ttivulging hi secrvt, I of the State Board of Kealtii and lhe3et wp are anxious to instruct. 1 le did of the Stale MtlieftHSoeietv. The ex-rreaWent i i Lloard. f Dr. M. Whitehead, the l'ret being absent) presided conjointly with the lVeaidcnt of the Jsocaeiy orxm meeting. 1 1 tertns .i iw? u.... I Vv:nn. ovmml hv limitation. -Yix ; lr. . L. ,,r (vnn and fieo A- Foote.i " To Builders ami others Go u Jaco an election resulted in the election ! W1U. w. " ' 1 T)rs. W. June of u ake Forest,: ana iPr. John ;ilci)oua:a oi mua.uow- p- Free Music. Prof. Hobbs has a limited number of i copies ot fire different songs, witn music, now at Mr. Heinsbergers Music Store, which he proposes o give away to thosewho may call for them soon. These'songs lare all by Prof. Hobbs, words and music. " Try the new Photographer; pleasing pictures guaranteed at the lery. . - ; - Yites Gal It. c Camp Meeting. There was an immense throng in at tendance at the colored camp meeting at "Gander Hall" yesterday, among whom was a 'right smart sprinklin' " of whites. There have been various estimates as to the number present, hut all agree that the boats returning from the camp ground to the city last night brought more than 1,000 passengers. j Opinions differ and the estimates range from 3,000 to 5,000 persona as having been in attendance yesterday. j Visiters at Waccamaw. There are a party of gentlemen from Augusta, Ga. who" visit Waccamaw Lake regularly every Summer, for a week's fishing and shooting. They arrived last Saturday night, and cross ing the lake have pitched their tert on the South side, near the mouth of Waccamaw, River. They bring with them a full equipage with n 'retinue 'of servants and every thing that maj conduce to the comfort and pleasure of the party during their sojourn by the lakeside. These gentlemen are Messrs. it. W. Potter, J. O. Mntthewsen. J. A. fCwtohficW. D ii. VanBuren and J, W. Evans. ' Thev are all cotton mer chant? with the exception of Mr. Van Bure,who is the agent at Augusla- for the Cliarlotte. Columbia & Angitsta It. R. . Mr PoUer ship largely toloreign ixht and a 'great deal -tf hfs- iton passes out from this port- A party oi Uentlemwi front this .city will -yXoi, Waccamaw next Friday on a yisn toj them in their encampment. WilminrUm rJclit rnfautn. The target- pratiee of IhU compuny this forenoon was not a pronounced success, the wind being such that good shooting was really one of the ini possi bilities. - TUe prize a gold badge was won by private R. I."Alleu, -who was declared bv tbe j tulles to liave niale the best shot. company will hold a Festival at the City Hail lor which tlieyl bavc been actively making preparatinus for sev eral days.. The principal features of Uiis evening's entertainment will con--slst in acompetitive drill in the manual of arms by members of the corps, and the distribution of prices, as follows: A gold badge tathe best shot, a silver waiter to the fcest drilUid soldier .iu the manual of acms and a stive goblet and waiter to tbe.soldier.who can-show the best record loir punctuality during the past year. These prizes ha ve.beeo on exhibttloa for several days in the win dow of Mr. George1 HonneVs jewelry . . , u k ,.tf. Th " cntoruin- ment will be a pleasant affair, and re freshments in variety, abundance and oi the best "quality will be served a reasonable prices. Amusements Ahead. r Sig. Bosco! the wonderful performer of sleight of hand tricks, will give a se ries of entertainments at the Opera House this week, commencing Tues day. He gives away7 valuable presents and will draw large houses. We clip the following from the Mil lord (Del.) Chronicle; Signor Bosco has he d forth at Dor gey's Hall the -past three evenings, in nis unsurpassed: representation of leger demai'n. We might 11 a column with Interesting 'particulars of the tricks, which, with the mostconsumate skill.he performed in quick succession. But as we can tell how he did the tricks, and as every person will think that he, at least, could have seen more tnan any " c 6 i tend one of Prof. Brosco, entertain . andia&VtwSil, w Ctituf iwewillsay. We have learned how l!ra ..t and though lie mav latr i iir i j m i j auw v t t KUKECTK1T.L!: IVrfectly pleading portraits, taken Uhe Vales Gallery La, Oiwra f tor. v . It of rVs for Saah, Bunds tnd Glaw , i'frtrSih. IIIIUOX AUU TMXTT1L : tiLiA You can get all size and " at the NO. 121 Of Interest to Farmers and --j:- Land Owners. Capt. John T. Patiicks General State Immigration Agent for. North Carolina, will visit the following places, to confer with the farmers and landowners as to their wants, either to sell land or to secure tenants or laborers. We advise the readers of our paper to remember this opportunity of meeting the Immi gration. Agent: . i. Wilmington... ... Faisons......... Goldsboro. . Kinston . . . . . . . Newberne-, - Iteautort. . .. Wilson. . . ...... Rocky Mount... Tarboro... ... .. Greenville. ... ... Washington. . . . Jamesville. .....May J tfa 21 do 25 2C 29 June 1 do 2 ...... .do 4 do 7 9 -10 13 do 14 . .. do 15 Halifax- Henderson. .' Franklinton- The papers published in the localities which Capt Patrick will vteit are re quested to copy, or notice the above, Positive Barjratris. When such a firm as A.&X. Siikiku the fashionable Clothierf.announce that i . l i. . . uiey are sejiing pasiuv bargains, tneir word may be relied upon. Besides an extensive line of Suits iu all styles and colors, which .they sell at the lowest price.s - tl For Pocket Kntvea or Table Cutlery, iro to J acomiV i lard ware IjmC f 31 A it R I CD. BURKHIMKK BKUXUKtM Iu Charlotlr, N. C, on the lttih Inst.. bv Hie hrjlos fatlirr. Iter. a. D. aVrnhelm. n.l.. Mr DUJjJ.KY BUHKHIMEK, or (hU city. u Slisa ANNA KIJIHE, youngest iUuhtf oi tr. I tern -hein. v . "new- aitkrtiskmexts7 OPERA HOUSE. j ' 3 EIGHTS " , V t siaisroB bosoo, Tlx? World Kenownod wizAutvwrr asu hitmobist. lfhV-Ono Hundred Present tvn Away IW MitUnce lt.r ladies I hnrsoy t - j ra. Night PriecaSSe and ma. MAtlnee l'riws, - ' ., , ' " " j lne Mc lammany j UrganetieS, j M1 KU-M'KA V8 AN1 AUTOMATIC OK UAV3. The McTamraany , Organctte etmbtes any one, whether underetandin muic r not. - ' ' ' toplar any lcml ne'ojlr or harmony, a- rred or secular, from Uif most pljnfre dirge to the most ltrcty njui'!. 8dd at redo ed mice from to in aiw t $1 i, -with J6 feet of inush-. Jror tak only at HEINSBEEGER'S, may 11 lAve Book and llualc B tort Organs! Organs! JJECEIVING naitT additions to mt Stock. Eaey lnUilnient. Call and &ee thew nd get pilr. A complete etock of Station ery, Blank Book, c, Ae. All the latest reading matter on my counter. YATES' BOOK STORE, may tl lid Market St VFLOUR. THE BROWN,S. BRIDK" FIA)UR hat no equal In Wilmington, THE WHITEST AXT SWKKTEST FLODU SOLD. TRY A SAMPLE PACKAGE. WiU be sold for tame time yet . Three Pounds for $1. it i the heit Candy ever sold tn wihuuif he;.u - . bet : L-i! Wines, Whiskeys VIESXA LAGER 1' - . . . t .ler Io2 at j -j ,BKST BKEB ft j l13 T. PRTTIP . t JL f JUI JL iifl or way 21 - . PLKASK XOTICS.- ' " -" " ": " ' '. " ' :' - .."'"'' :- . " Wo will le glad to" rtoclr eoaib!Gt!on from oar trWatts oa a j kol . J) cubjec v o t general Interest bat The name of the writer moat mlwara be tt fibbed to theEOltor. Commanlcatloo mtist be wrltte oa ol one aide of the' paper. .r " i '-"; FeraonalUlca mutl)0 atoMef. ; V Aal U la especially and partteularly ati.te tooii that the Editor doe bat always nttr tie views of correepoodenU nnleaa - ao state tn the editorial coluitins. . ' . , ""' . 1 NKW APVEltTISEMKXTS. O T TEII BO IJKG "will oprEu.urnikc; tiir sbxt ELEVEN DAYS '-8. M K X'3,;YOlTTIT3, BOYS. and especially. '. . ..... I At a. Marvelous j?acrilik, : lie If f urnlshinn an Elegant Ca!reer fsuit at : Sid, fally worth Mdi.'iO; aiid an Atl Wool Che-' volt Suit'ih twxnty dlnrpnt patttrna at tl.W whkh wuuiil he tkenp at l6C Also raJ.U." lentiou to his. remaining tx'k? f LAHtJE TRAVELLING TRCX KS, whlojt will W oM regard !e4 or Citt to iuit . n.ont ueeiry r,)r hu instalment 61 irlog unl Sou racr Gartnents. Men's Wear Depot,- Krrrlb Front Street' Wihuinjrtmi, N. O. may 21 , ; NAV AL.BATTLE8 ?T0l0. By'K1AHbHIPPBV. Medical Dirwtor It. S.- X. a Thrilling Pictorial lllury. ot the Woriil's gi-cut ?6a Mhm, with Kppclmens f ; Nav:il Aivltitrriu e if .all gts"tA rcord or WiuiilHrfxil xiIolta raore , JnlereftUnjr than fiction; Price only C. . It srli everywhere, gulllSJ. C. .Mrct'KUV, PhOn., Pa. A LEX. If. STEPHENS. TUettf; of thU iltuatrious patriot and stalct m, ly r . II. ktox. author X "Ltlo of Han. Uaumck " 1u.1:sthjiti:d. Taper W e-nis ; ' :lotu, 25 e'ente. - l'oslaye Ftami!i re 'elved. Not sold by aalef e. vauiV'ftno fre. . '"TlIK MOST i'MQLK -.VKNTUHs. J A. L1TK BAliT V t T WHICH TUB li;HUC.MAf RKK! tKEATKU.? pjiy Amerlrai., Nahnte. KHlN B. A1.1CN, Fublher, J Veyfit., New Tork.. . 1 , ' way2l-4vr f"5f "MOORE COUNTY GRIT' -J vfl. CORN MILLS AND UlLLSTOSES, -:4 RPfiT i n th r v jii 1 1 Li i . j 'Z&ZZ Branch Of5c,-Cf,3Ho W f tr-MVnoS THIS PAI - BURNHAM; - PAMPHLET FREE t5CT BURNHAM BROSYORiy-j;;-; m-(luT it nw trraiddXllvT 3Imil4 Wtr . . 8ellreadi,yat'vrrVimjK. HnmtJ'd:tmjrh7 , mail. AddreS aAa WIBB UlLLB, FWIkU., T. J NO MORE EYEGLASSESi '4 i .; ; 3Iore Kycs. A Certain, Safe and KffPctlvo"ReB!edy lor -SORn.- WEAK AND INFLAMED ; : i, EYES. Producing LongSightcdiic-, AnlBe.". etoriog the Sight of the Old. - Cure Tear Drop, Granulation. Stye Turner. Kod es, watted Kye iues.anu rro- duclns - Quick Kcilet and J neotCore Alo, equally cflcaciona when, n maladies, auch as Ulcers, FeW mors, fcalt Ithenm, Burns. Pil Inflammation exists. MITCH 'ena- -fhtr mar be uaed to advantage. gold by aU Druggist A MOUTH Ay live young r- couoty. Aadreaa f. t Philadelphia, Piu , Flour. 200 .- 230 r mny 21 100 'I ...- L 4 t iaiti . .,Lx CitBd irn-- S Festival f 1 ... - f-. OF TJ!K ;X;r 'i- fon Oght lnftntrv ! V CITY HAM,; ; May 21st and 22nd. 4 V'T.f- Kill (, T-:.y r it 'ft

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