1 XB2S PAPER VtMd every erwlng, eepted by Bandar " es JOSH T. JAMES, rUSCBlI0NS POSTAGE PAID: at f-00- stx xaonths' P0 Three yCg i.oo; One montb, 35 cents. ' ' 11 be delivered by carriers "free P1 . rt of the eitv. At the above 10 coats per weeit gratelow and liberal. tlSScrfbcr wlU report any and all fall- to rftflelve tact , yjj . r 1 1 H Daily KEfllW. . t;u, PiHf.iii luiS the. larattt rf IflC uwj ; " . . Ate circulation, of any newspaper fished, intiuycity of Wilmington The crop prospects of the Pacific and Territories arc said to be -o!lv ooU. and that California's SdW wlllfb. the arSet I raise"- VOL. VII. WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. MAY 22, 1883. NO. 122 We win bo jflad to receive ccronnrnlrUon from our friends on my and all " abeev of general Interest bat' .' " The name of the writer mnat always be ft t nished to the Editor. - ' Communications most be written on oal . j otide of the paper. ' . t ": I PersonaEtlosmtutbo avcldceV And It 1 especially and particularly undo stood that the Ertitnr toe not always endor t e views of correspondents tmlewe so ttata In the editorial column. - - -; T ever Railway construction in the United cus for the year 1883 is estimated as t likely to exceed 8,000 miles, against ?1 000 last year a decrease of nearly Jo'percent. Some authorities put the present year's mileage as low as fi.000 miIe6- - The track business of Georgia is be coming immense. The value of vege tables and fruits shipped North by RUanier from Savannah this season up to last Tuesday is placed; at $304,693, trhile tbe shipments by raiiroad are also Trj Urge. Mr. LOCAL NEWS. I8DEX TO HEW ADYERTiSE&ENTS. Tates Orjrana .T" FIkrvs bbkoer Organettes Mcxis Bros Pharmacists GEO 51 Crapon New May Butter W H Gbkk Soda Water Mlaeral Watet SigkoR Bosco At Opera Honse to-mght J W TnoMrfo, Sect'y Special Meetlrg Stockholders W & W E It ' ' The receipts of cotton at tills port to day foot up 93 bales. The Little Giant boys will be out to night for engine practice, at 8 o'clok. Phmely phinished fotografs at lo raits. Yates Gallery. Lardner, foto- grafer. ' It. Some of the dealers were offering strawberries K-day at 10 cents per basket. Green peas are plentiful at 15 cent a peck, whieh is low enough tor thorn, in all conseience. it' Freddy Gebhard-Langtry had a Krde difficulty in New York last Satur day night, all about his lady friend, of coarse, and on that occasion, n tne newspaper reports be true, he conducted himself in any other than a plucky ,nn.r. We will let the New York Sun tell about it : Mr. Frederick JGebhard left Del monico's by the Fifth avenue door about miHniffht on Saturday. Three other men went out at the same time. One of them was Mr. William Sanford Where are you going, boys?" ftohfcard asked. - 'We are going to call on some ladies." was the reDlv. Mr. Gebhard made an incredulous rtort which was couched in far from complimentary language, and $lr. San ford rejoined: "I tell you, sir, that we'are going to call on some ladies. We may call on Mrs. Langtry lor all you know." "Yon are a liar!" cried Mr. Gebhard. , Mr. Sanford stepped up to hiua and struck him fwo savage blows, right band and left, on the faea and neck. They were not returned. Mr. Gebhard aaid. "You shall hear further from aie," and walked away. Last evening Mr, Gebhard dined at Delmonico's with Mrs. Langtry. At a table not very far away sat Mr. San ford and his friends. Mr. Gebhard took no notice -of Mr. Sanford's pres ence. Air. Sanford laised his voice to say that he would like to have Mr. Gebhard step out into the park with him. Mr. Sanford also told several persons of his acquaintance who were dining in the room, including Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Pell, that he had struck Mr. Gebhard in the face the night ber fore. Mr. Gebhard was at the Unio, Club last night, and at 11 o'clock drove away in a cab with one friend. Steamboatuieu report that the water in the river is now quite low, there being only about throe feet on the shoals. The storm signals were Hying to-day indicating that a storm was approoch ing from the Northwest. A corporal out at Fort Russell Stiffened his neck in a tusle, He almost died, then St. Jacobs tried, when The pain had to '-get up and hussle." Mr. Tueo. G. Eger, tho New York Xgent of the New York and Wilming ton Steamship Line, i in the city to day and registered at the Parcel House. THE MEDICOS. Proceedings of tho Annual Session of tho Stato Medical Society. (Reported for the Dally Review.) The report of the Secretary of the Board of Health was read, setting forth the work done lor the year, and asking atteution to the crisis the Board had now reached. They had planned a broad system of preventive medicine, but could only carry out a very limited amount of the work imposed upon themselves The aggregate of cxpan ditures was now so great that the Sec retary must ask, of the present session, their advice and counsel. Many county superintendents oi health were present and an expression of opinion was elioted from most of them. . Some seemed to think that the adverse legislation of the Legislature had effectually silenced the work. All complained that county authorities were either hampered by the law, and could sentences ceased to flow, and the eloquent member had to search his pockets lor the rest. But all the speaking was not of this sort. Dr. R H. Lewis, of Raleigh, in reply to the toast "Our Specialists." made a beauti ful and cracetul speech ot a few min utes, and was followed D. O'Hagan. in reply to the toast, "The Country Doctors " It would be hard to say in what Dr. O'Hagan excels, but his speeches sparkle with wit, and abound in choice sentences. His and "Dr. Lewis speeches fully retrieved the fort unes of the' evening as far a3 the doctors were concerned, Dorsey Battle, in re ply to the toast, "The Press," not only ! neutralized a halting and prosy broth er who preceded him, but created a great deal of merriment, upon the whole, the banquet was a very choice specimen of the hospitalalities tor which Tarboro has long been famed. A review of the work of these assemblies shows it to be in the aggregate, highly creditable, and establishes " beyond , doubt that the One of the feature of the Military Festival at the city Hall to-night wilj be the "pony drill." Four men will go through the manual of arms in perfect silence and it will be a sight well worth seeing. A Great Sufferer. Mr. W. C. Thorp, a citizen of Ma?on- boro, died at his residence in thattowrr- ship last nicht aged about 63 years. He had been an invalid for nuiiy years and had been an intense sufferer. Death was indeed a relief and a release to him. He was much respected by those who knew him. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobi.'s t Engine o'clock to te.t nmarpjia of the medical orofeasion is not legally devote the necessary money substantial aad this ht to be a mat. ter of congratulation to the citizen of the whole State. I failed to mention in the proper place to tho work, while others were crip pled in their efforts by the hostility or apathy of their confreres, the doctors composing the local boards; both ,diffi culties were equally disastrous. The discussion was earnest and to the point, land will, we trust, lead to such united efforts as will secure success eventu ally. Friends of the Board believe that the impetus given by this eessiou will serve to energize the work of the iitnr The renort of the Seoretary ot - i .. I. J 1 1 ..-. vtntul I me oaru was oruoreu a, o i"iuiw- mwi;! For JPractice. The, Little Qiant Steam Firo Company will turn Lut at 7:39 sharp to-night for p raelice and the hose and engine and also to give the new members, a number of whom have recently bcen admitted, an cppor tuuity of becoming familiar with the duties which will devolve upon them as j firemen. We understand that Mai. Chas. M. Stcdman and Mrs. Stedruau will sail for Euroiw early in .July. They will be absent about three months and will travel extensively through the British Islands and on the Continent during that time. Vital statistics show that 'May is a month in which sickness is more fre quently attended with fatal results than ay other in the year. If that be the rule then the present month, thus far in this section, has bren the exception. Onr city is remarkably healthy and there is but very little fatality attending disease as the mortuary records will attest. While all this was going on the that two important committees were formed. One to confer with the State Pharmaceutical Association to agree upon additional action to present mis takes in dispensing medicines. The other was to communicate the views of the society to our members of Con gress upoa tho subject of providing means lor the extension ot the Army Museum and Library and t f n fnrnish an annrahrifl.tA hrfi-DrO)l of Examiners was in continuous session m tQT tne5e valuable collections. Hist, and Scl- Society. Tho annual meeting of tha Historical and Scientific Society was held last evening, at which tho President for the past year, Col. ,las. G. Burr, presented a chaste, interesting and instructive address, revif.whii; th'i proceedings ot tho Society for thy past yeur Owing to the small number of members pre sent the electhm of officers for the en suing year was postponed until the reg ular meeting in Junn. NEW ADVEKTiSEIENTS. THIS EVENING I Attend'the Perfbrmanco siaisroR bosco, AND GKT A VALUABLE PrlE3KNT. Secure acits at Djer'ii. maySMt: NEW MAY BUTTER 1 . . -.'?.. .. - " -JKW HAY BCrrTK!l AT So. A- tOC5SD, Three nund.4 for 1. - ; ' ' - . ' No. 1 COBKCD BKBf at 10c per'jjand. A fresh eupplyvoj thoo celebrated CAICFh, the BKbT In the ci ty 1 ; : Prepared Flour ta Z ponQd pacSgV, reedy for use. : I'"'. ' - ! '. " , .: No tala goo , everythlrg new a'cd freh, and as 'hcay h the cheapest, at " CILA POVS FAMILY GHOCEBY, , Piny 23 No; 'South Front 8tret Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company I" ailopte 1 by To Builders and otiiei i--trt) to Jaoo gi16 for Saab, Blinds and Doors, Glass and at at their rooms in tne coiei. Aiunj- j crt i.nrtant h the Surgeon General's I &c. You can afot sUl aiw two applicants, representing nineteen j Jibr-ry y,. na a working library, j hwwi priis counties, wern present. oi ? wabl to all ohvsiciaas. that it ti tht elected President, and Dr. F. lr. of yonreity. First Vice Prcaidertt. The proposed colored eouvention, ar- rangc3l)y Fred Douglass, to be held in. Washington during the Fall, has had a reverse already, the action of Douglass and others in calling it having been re pudiated at a meeting held of repre lentative colored men from the South recently in Washington City, whereat W. K. Price, hailing from this eity, assisted. We clip from a special: There were fifty persons present and an organization was effected by the election of E. B. Willborn.iof Missis sippi, as chairman; W. K. Price, of North Carolina, as secretary, -and L. M. Brown, of Tennessee, as assistant secretary. A committee of one from each State was appointed to draft reso lutions. Prof. Greener addressed tho meeting and explained that a few men had undertaken to use the names of a number of others without their knowl edge, in order to get up a convention JtlAfflftt rate's Court. Ada Harris, colored, was brought before Justice Millis this morning charged with an affray and was found guilty, but judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. Protracted Meeting. Rev. D. W. Herring preached aeain at the First Baptist Church last night to a large and interested audjenco. His sermon-was of much power and relig ions fervor, and he has made a fire im pression upon our people, not only as a clear and logical thinker, but as a pul pit orator of unusual attainments. A, the close of the service it was announ ced that he would remain in the city and preach at the church every night during the week. In other words there is to bo a protracted meeting at which he will officiate arm one on their examination was coududea. This was a large class, and judging from the circumstance that none were actually rejected, the individual mem bers were better prepared than at the la3t meeting of this board, whoso score of rejections", so far, amounts to chiz in Ji ve. of applicants. This result has pe culiar significance, showing that tne conscientious performance of its duties j bv the Board has niade;tbc Medleal Colleges more thorough in their teach- t at inra with "the effect of raising the stan-,1 darfbf Vacation. The profession oft WilmiDSton Ui,t Infantry, the State is perceptibly feeling the great j Tho City Hall was very tastefully de reform in medical edueation.and if con- corated last night, anrt a large tnrongot tinuous and earnest support is given to j ladies and gentlemen were present to this Board and its successors, the niedr j witness the drill.of the Infantry Tor the cal profession in North Carolina will j prize to be awarded, and participate i'aj,i - vrv hi"h relative position. ! in the othrr festivities of tho first festi- Iloattolce Commencement nYfrK nru tiniirallv ! vVe acknowledge the receipt, from action huh! matter & the t-nM stockholuVM -noeion are navurauy j !aiemhlaKlinmeetlnjrTnflyt5onlcierv'Ol.,, . tho late of such a coI- the faculty, of an .invitation to attend' . , , aslherdo how liable ! the a.mmencment Exereines at Iloan- , . J. w , tiiomi son. serves the name of National Medical Library, and the solieitious about it is to be destroyed at any Ume by fire!ke Allege. Jmie-KUu to win..- ie in its prent insecure quarters. ! baccalaurate sermon iMo be deUverrd x R P W. m' Hnlifnx. waalbyRv F W. L. Pescnau. of this city ; W. Pot- KL Kev"- u- wi mcic. uisnop or w cbx, t'riM will d.-livr t.h :uidrss hff(ro the You n? Men's Christian Association. Skcrktah ''a5'i TKAjL?iiaitf orricB, " i WUmlDgton, "N. C, Mav SI, iiOQ. ) PlTRJilfANCK OF A UKSOJLUTION t!ii Timitor8 of the Wllmlnxtou & Wclilun Kail Kad (Jompanyf at a .. Tucetla iieW llilf ilftr, u pf.f'CjHl tnetinic of tbe 8txk- hllrH f eai-i Cwajp-tny, will be hclt io thu city of Wiiujicgt n, at the office of the Com pan at 11 o'clock, A. M., on TburxUy, the 21st d.iy of June next, "to tile 1do cotielir&t'ou iho location u1 bullAla of ' a Rallrrvi't from sonae i-olat on tb all Wllmlnptor- A WeUlon Hailrond Peuth of Wil Hon te Florence, B. v., ou tUe Witniinglon, CoJ j mobli &' Au?u?trt - Kallroa-'V or ifoe point i Kaet thereof on aid roais. acft u h further raay 2:S0-I Secretary. TJ, H V. UKCEIVKD V.X TO DAV. full pre pnrvl t" any Steamer an floxant it of CJflrs,. aluo, , lino, of Iru2S. 1'alcut 3led!cincfl. Ac Frehcrlrtion . re fully hur, flay or iilght.. , and addresses will also be delivered be- Evervone nleascd with pictures taken the Yates Gallery. Proofs shown. It. foro the Alumna in the Literary Socio-; tins by Mr. W. K. Craig, or Stanton. MUOS KROTJIEUS, The annual address, by Dr. W. R. val night of the Company. The Company, umier the command of Capt. .Cantwell. filed into the Hall Wilson, of Townesvillc. was delivered j on Wednesday night to the Society and to the general public It was a clear and just presentation of the "Re lations of the General Public to State Medicine." Dr. Wilson's manner was forceful and carried his audience along with him. riress, a copy io;o;rtr, hv ihrt Societv. The Secre- I whom had shouldered ' muskets tarv of the Board of Health remarked ! the ranks of the old company aquar .u-j. u A,.(rhr tr h distributed to every ! ter of a century ago. The contest was f i i ii a l. v i w k t v - i XT n T A T 1 it fTtAa- 1 A 1 . ' Acaj ' ' v - f ton. Hon. John Gfxxle, of Virginia. and Charles Dudley Warner, of Con-: necticut. jS Diepenstnjr Fharmaelst, 1,401 nrfrfulwuy, N.W. Oir. 3d St., N. T. HTMt ' 21 North .4th fclreet, Wilmington. N. C. may 16 . Tin Toilet Sets. A fine, assortment ofGyns and Pistols ' at Jacom's Hani ware Depot. . A War Relic. r;OOl ASSORTMENT FOR: SALE BY Giles & Jiurchison, mv 10 553 awl 40 Murchlson BlocL. Two gentlemen, while d iring yestev-1 at 8:45 p. in., and after the dress parade , , r .L ...st . u road, about two mileb bekiw tae ottj discovered an old gun, a rifled 'r.lece. wh'cb hal evidently been buried the Confederates, nn their retreat on proceeded to the trial at arms for the priaeoffered by Capt. Cantwell for the best drilled man in the manual, which was a very interesting, and towards the At the conclusion of the ad-1 close very exciting contest, and jivas of it was requested for witnessed by rainy veterans, some of m James J.. Burnett, -HOTOOTtAFllKT, 1 tjircle Round the 3Ioou. Yennor, in his prognostications of the weather for 1883, says that when the moon is surrounded by an iris, it indi for certain nnrcA onri hat I cates rain. The reason of tms is, tnat these self-appointed representatives of the iris is produced by the moon s light ine colored race were men who had wfl;nff rftflected bv aaueous vapor, con TSSJSLS ?iST2S Ulnrf In the atmosphere t-etwoen the - . VUiUiUU VJJJJkJ DAAWIAAX w i . . V . I a..aH . M . 1 iUi abtf nrtnAfOnf IT 0TTR pvau sucn a schpmo flthpr imeecbea sneciaior aim sjf were ntade in tho ?mA tnn. and it i-;- to th margin of the moon. The appears tnat this was household in tho State, and that at once a sufficient number of copies would bo printed for this purpose by the Board. This was unaouoieaiy mc pa per ot the session. Exactly how many physicians were nresent I cannot state. There were about 125 members of the Society, and! many visiting retired physicians. We were glad to see present Dr. Richard Dillard of Edenton, who although an honorary member is an active physi ciun and an ardent supporter of the society. Dr. Dillard has had many . i i Z& ICUIUOCUiabllO N'A n aiA rATA ifin M.T1 U11USU2&1 1 a. I. - meetiniroftheonWinrhASonth. , oublic positions, ana we trust no may The lain;V T':rri Quantity of moisturo in tne aimospnere, t-;. . . n. the eat -wvaMi,4wu3 iCUUrtiHl lUUfrUY awu . t piupnaucaiiy repudiated the Fred, ana nence tne rcnaou Donglass call and advised the colored rain. People not to send delegates. They were adopted without opposition. This Photographic Duplicates printed from "3" ! FereotvpcM. . tf Ut Maire) Sonth front tit. Dozen tl to i... -2 tor N) cent finally narrowed down to Messrs. Dun ham and Morrison, and after several trials, was awarded to Mr. Morrison. It was splendid exhibition of profieien- .... .i j: 1 cy, ana ootn gentlemen uiepiajcu wonderful amount of promptness and facility in handling their pieces. Mr. Thomas W. Strange then, in neat and appropriate language, present ed the prizes to the victors, in the order in which they are named, as follows: Best marksmanship Private Allen 8uiu uaufe". ' ! r. r x- u rK. ,ni Mn Best drilled Private Morriton sil- c u' i,ulM '""" "'""""'"' Ill Ob. X Clvl o vuuuui vunuvi.vi ww this city in 'February.' 1SH5 The aun was partly tmearthed and it was evident t that some ono had attempted to cut it in two with cold chisels, so as to hai.d'e it, but had abandoned the attempt It is suggested that the authorities eectirc this old gun, and bring it to the city, and paint it up aud place it on some street corner, as a relic of the last day's of the War Our informcnt will at any time point out the location of the piece, so that it may be secured. The celebrated 'FUh Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at J A corn's Hard ware Depot. ICpiscopal Convention. The Convention of tho Episcopal ver waiter. , I public positions, auu wo nu3n u vci ttii.c4. the atmosphere, - t( a.d n ghaping the great Panctuality-Corporal Hedriok-sil-that tindlcateg objects oi lhd society, of which he has Wgoblet and waiter. Uneh a comprehensive conception. After these were disposed of a belt "SJTiSX evidently treated the. Jrcd- Mr. Orr's Negatives, finely finished at Uouglass scheme as a smart trick ar. u j w gerryuanaer tnecoioreu t-umj i - " wi me ooutb. f'The man and brother" has shown himself smarter than was pected. yacation Time. The several graded schools of this city closed their sessions for the season Modern Aff e. yesterday, and they wdl remain closed The June nnmhpr of Th Modern until the first offcOctober ext. It i is dated from New-Yrk City, and difficult to tell what the pupils will do aott?i,ef-: -i r i,K:tni Anrnv the Ion? vacation, but we learn Mcms to be fuUy up to the standard of that nearly all the teachers will leave PteTious issues. The number opens the eity to altena normal ocuuui ith an excellent story by naley, sions. whereby they may be better Utled. "A Ixve Marriage." This is prepared for the oneruus duties of their followed by the second installment of profession at the next session, i roi. Ltndau's novel, -The Californians." Noble, we learn, nas neen engage Canada and Annexation1 and "Irish teacher, during a part of his vacation. Mnrd-r-SoeietW." are well handled, a the Normal School at Newton, ana Panl ti--'. mjt will lave for that place in a few days. I sucn a coihkicuc The banquet was a handsome and well arranged affair. Three long tables were set out in the Tarborough Hotel, and about a hundred guests Bat. down The regular toasts ol the evening were responded to with a sort of varying success ever attendant upon medical oratory. Our friends of the legal fraternity present must have enjoyed exceedingly the embarrassment of the speakers. and plume were presented to Captain Cantwell. as a token of the Company's esteem and appreciation of his services. The occasion was enjoyable in every particular. The attendance was large and the refreshments were in abun dance and" of the Tery best quality, and the management were successful in their efforts to make the entertainment all that could be desired. I The festival will be continued to- ! night, at which time there will be a fuil rir" nrfuie ana otoer leaturi ui - to give We bring to mind easily one case, in which the speaker roie to his feet after ;r- the manner of a man who had pome ; r'' jj v thinggooditosay and i knew how to say. U j - ft !ar j Rnt a fna' mulihlA ktririMI flaiiri9hS i. I morrow morning. The attendance will probably be unusually large, as the matter of a division of the diocese is to be brought up for action The follow ing gentlemen will leave here this even ing as delegates from the various churches in tbi3 city : gt. James Rev. A. A.Watson, D. D.. the Rector J Dr. A. J. DeRcsset. Col, J, W. Atkinson and Col. WL L. DeRosset. St. John's Col. S. L. Fremont. Dr. W. H. Green and Messrs H. G. Small- r bones and A. H. Greene. - I We could not ascertain who are ex -1 ra ted to attend from St. PauPs aedf noepottfully notices the public tint lie i prepared to do all work In Lis lUe, promptly Di at low pi l--ca. A call 1 oll?ltol. , jiay i -; - -.- - Steamer Passport. rpiIE STEAM Kit PABHl'ORT. WILL COM mence bcr Hcgalar Trips to SMITfrvILUJ and the FOUTs, on THURSDAY, MAT lOilu Leaves Wilmington at 9 o'clock everv morn ing, and returns between sar.et and c!arlr,ex- ct-pt tfatnrda e, when she will leave W liming . . . . ... v ft.r , . ,t ..... r. H)liail t - Jl. Tf . "Ml t-tt. rosy tf ' ' ' ' f3ay EViillinery; rjlIIE BBACTIFUL MONTH OF MAY IU3 come and I have received more NEW AND 1U.MISOMK MlLLlEItY tiOOr5. Wtdca will bo sold cheap. Ladled, clve mo n call before porehaln . hlU. KATK u wiSKft, may 5 . No. 119 Nona fcocoud Mreet. If You Would be Happv BUY A COOK 8TOVK. ':''' "Tho Golden Harvest," "CALUMET,'! Or. "SOlJTIIIUiN OAK Of PAllKElt A TAYLOR f pure White Pit. apl IS Soda Wator! So3a Water! -f XTITII PUKK FUUIT JVICL3. ICB COLDi SEASON 1W3. . MINERAL WATES ON' DKAL'UIIT. , ICE COLD.. WILLIAM 11. iliEKN. ftl U DrujrUt. - ; juicier . .. . . r I Unsnrpi tn ine Yisiors. ui wmviu entertainment i St. Mark's Churches. seemed to have exhausted ihe stock i ! number in attendance. Positive HrtrsrairtK. . .... - ! When such a firm as A. & I. mihieu. j the fashionable Clothier?.nnwic. Uiat ! i.X! The McTammany ' 1 Qrganette3, KWl'KA.V AMI AL'TOM Al IC OIL- j hand, and with an apologetic diminuen-; The camp meeting having closed t lhpy anj in3f iUve bsrVain. their ? acT tuU wl;rziv.g nm f r n . i do he resumed his seat amidst t he mer-lcYenio?. the steamer Woden resumed . maybe reliel upon . iteide- an t " , . , , , , rimentofhis room mates who knew that ; her regular trips to ray ette vine inu extensive Jtu of Suits in all -styles :it:d irmUnvr iinrnom thi . ilum1t. mrj prepared speech in his pocket, fevenms. The Uovtrnor non. wmcn,. -.wh?ch they il at the lowet V ' , ; ietUtt Mas." now for th first time -riveri to After the close of the session at Newton j tKft i : i a ti will m North, his obiective point he had n f hi, TiYid styJe of narration. "Mr. being Martha Vineyard, where he j Another very 'graceful speaker -ot ilong Jcame down for the purpose of carry ing J prf, tf Almavne'a Pn" Pntrtininjr. nnd will pass the remainder of his vacation. &e editorial departments show the and will return in season for the Fall ittslr!ghtne3l and ood jadfiment; session. . . so take poring. llb 11 f-: of mff r vt ! -ly t famously well that he was about to passengers to and from the eamp meet- ; , "T - , f c, , J M y , ' M , 0 ke the premiun for his easy extern-! ing. alo returneil to Fayettcville to- For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, jjj bljllClji Xj li b when his b&autlfrtl day. to Jacohi's Hardware Depot, t ' rj21 Lle ikA aui Me&io htrc fa. -

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