THIS PAPEB pu 2,Hsiied every eronlng. Sundays ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, j xirTOB AjfD rBorwrros. ! .jdUPTfONS POSTAGE PAH j 4 w 41t- month H DO Thni , vear 1 '!, .00; One montn, 35 cents. psx?t will b delivered by carriers free Jchixg, in any part of the city, at the above N or 10 cent perfect. ' n M.ino- rates low and liberal. subscribers will report any an-t all to recede their paper regularly, fall- Tin ry-i hst fJi 1 n vrf I W circulation, of ary newspaper Jblithed, in the city of Wilmington. -?3 "statistics put the net revenue in the bnitt?-l States from the dog tax at $16,- prince Ilanan, son of the Grand Duke of Hesic, has been declared bank roll in Prague -A connection of royalty and related w the peerage" advertises for a place w secretary. - The mysterious ''Number One." Mr. P J. Tjnan, resides quietly in Brook- j..n with his wuc anu eiup uonureu Queen Victoria shows that she appre ciates the doctors by having conferred ,wi-!e ol baronet upon sixteen of .hem- The Phiiadclphians must be a ca re let pet'P-e. An average of 1 400 mis directed letters daily find their way into ;be postofliee in that city. , , ,' The New York and Brooklyn bridge U to be lighted with 64 electric lamps. The first test was made Saturday night in the presence of thousands of people. . - ; Xorth Carolina got the firat ripe cher ries into New York last Wednesday ami Thursday. They sold from 20 to 30 cents per pound wholesale and from 40 to retail. Item in the Petersburg Index Appeal, Richmond correspondence : A Lynch burg firm has been awarded the con tract for the construction of the first twenty miles of the Richmond and Xorth Carolina Road, beginning at KMgeway, N. C. ' Uti . - The Ixmiaville Courier" Journal has crop returns from every county in Ken tacky. 117 in number, which show an increased acreage in 31 counties as compared with last year, and a falling off ia 2o counties. The condition i re ported good in 48 counties, fnlr in 60 count:.?. 3 ml poor ia the rest. .Julia Uonachera, a younz woman of Cleveland, wai married on her 4eath boil Welnesday to C. W. Seymour. Friday sho died and on Sunday was buried.. Yesterday tho body was ex humed by order of tho coroner, and an autopsy held. Seymour W8 arrested on a charge of complicity in hi wife's death. It was the old story. Buttcrworlh, so his secretary says, will accept the nomination oi Governor of Ohio, if it is tendered him in other word, if he can get it. He would make ft fine Moses to load the Ohio Repub licans into the wilderness. A World special says : "Butter worth is not seeking the nom ination for Governor in the general acceptance of tho term, but if the nom ination is tendered him ho w ill accept and exert himself in his old-time style to lead the Republicans to victory this fall; and inas much as it it pretty well nnderstood that the nominee must be from Cincinnati, Butterworth seems fairly in tho way of being nominated, as he certainly is the most available person in Hamilton county. He is strong among the Germans hero and with the party .eaders throughout the olai. Atln vnn 111.1 ir l iL.i v assureu tost ice convention will r TPfncrri!!n r... ... uucrworm s superior qualineations and fitness for the leader- a&J? ther cLomiQS fal1, campaign. hVi. irom John Sherman, he is per , strongest man in the State to nominate atthis particular time." 1 ; Tabor's new wife is causing him more WM. lijan sne Probably worth. If were is as much trouble in the after math as there is In the honeymoon the Poor fellow need not fear when the time comes for him to peg out.rHe will have n acclimated. Here is a late note: dftY tv,llieC.iminal Court nere Jester? SL1 0.f William H. Bulb, ex Hntti abor s Partner in the Windsor fSy1 until recently manager of the la&or Opera House, on the charge of Or2?i embe2zled 2,000 from the c'ndS yfQ hile wantger, was con of?ft f-Bash was declared inno minmf S? lury h en out five TaW MThe SQit was brought by Mr. him?Ii?s tle result of a quarrel between ffjJM because of the refa niw f Bush to associate with the KIQ"-Tftbor- b was the general SSSSion t,hat:nne Prosecution was Cbb ?v ' and Prpundless. ' The Denver of thils ?108t Prominent organization TaW frnd !? lhe city has expelled Mr. attLe sS,U meibership, adopting feet thr S Ume a resolution to the ei whorHn,lmarrtotl a woman Jvith wt asiSiIfbor?orthc'ir families conld dubwf0'. The significance ot tho tne nrom n 15 8een iu f that all are Politicians of. the city Senator ot the including !'fi2?r Hl 11 Secretary Teller. ; and Mr. B-.u V,aicott. It is nnderstood ivaecmiAr. tk . . v . : 1 1JCIOU3 tweu. a great deal of in- Tie VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tate Orjrann WaktboA Baker UErNS berohr OrgraiMttcfi Mckds IlEOS Pharmacists Opera 1Ioc.b Sl-nor Boco FeTIVAI Front St M K Charch Y B McKor Commissioner's Sale Lawk Party .St Paul's P K Church W II Greek Soda Water Mineral Water Ed Wihojt MAXsriiG Pig FlsU at Pine Grovo, WrightaTlllo Hound f The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 34 bales. At three o'clock to-day the thermom eter at this office registered 72 de grees. Get up a club of ten and Photos at lower rates at the Gallery. . secure Yates It. Nor. barquefcAjia. Capt. Terjesen, cleared to-day for Hamburg with 4.453 barrels rosin, valued at $0,676.27, ship ped by the Chess-Carley Co. The butchers complain of tho scarci ty of good beef. They have plenty of the common and inferior qualities, but the first rate articlo is scarce as teeth in a hen's mouth. Capt. Manning says that the pigfish are biting nicely now, and that he keeps his coops full and can accommodate all who call upon him. See advertisement elsewhere. Last night was extremely cold and the query this morning has been. "Was ihereany frostj'1 Blankets during the night and fires this morning w ere ne cessary for comfort. ' The ladies or Front Street M. E. Church will give one of their pleasant festivals nt the City Hall next Thurs day night, tho 31st inst. This time it means strawberries awl icecream. Br. barque Qltn Alpine, Capt. Jone3f arrived in below to day from New York, consigned to the Chess, Carley Co., and was cleared for Charleston, S. C, without coming uf to the city. Mr. Murphy, the Superintendant ol Streets, intorms us that he can do but little at present towards their perma nent improvement, as he finds it im possible to get good ballast, (or the pur pose. Three fine promising children, two years-old and under, bare died in this city duriug the past twenty-four hours. Vof 'dysintery, the result of bad colds brought on by tho sudden changes in the weather. We hear much complaint from farmers and "truck gardeners" in the country, about the recent cold snap. Vegetation has been very much retard ed in its growth, and it will take a number of days of good warm sun and growing weather to put it in good shape again. We wera told this mornine by a gentleman' who ought to "know, that the good people of Weldon arc sad and will not be comlorted. The season for rock fish has passed by ami t ho people ofthat "burgh" are deprived in conse. queuco, of a great source of pleasure and profit, and sorrow nigns on the borders of the Roanoke. Some of the young ladies ot St. Paul's P. E.-Church will give a lawn party to morrow evening at the residence of Mrs. F. H. Mitchell, on Fourth street, between Orange and Ann. Strawber ries, ice-cream and other refreshments will be provided for the occasion, and the young lady projectors look for a liberal patronage. Reunion in June. The annual reunion of Co. K., 3rd C. Infantry, will take place at Banner man's Bridge on Saturday, June 9th. The committee ot arrangements con sists ot Messrs Sam Hand and Harris Brown and these gentlemen request us to state that the survivors and the fam ilies of members of the Ulu lhiru are especially invited to be present on the occasion. , We are getting busy. Secure your sittings by engagement, at tee xates Gallery. it Personal. Capt. John F. Divine, Superinten dent of the W. & W. ana W . a. Railroads,will lekye hero , to-morrow morning for a trip to Chicago. He ex pects to be absent about ten days. Prof. Noble will leave here to-morrow for Newton, where he will enter at once upon bUdtrtie as teacher of the Normal Schpol in that town, and will remain there until the session closes, when bcwUl go North. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, Wo to Jacosi'i Hardware Depot t Daily WILMINGTON. N. C, THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1 Sijrnor Bosco. j j At the Opera House last night the j leading prizes were drawn as follows : j ladies1 gold watch, by J H. Ruark ; silver ice Ditcher, bv S. R. BirdseY. - T Jr.; silver cake basket, by F. J. Good win, besides quite a number ot other prizes of more or less alue. The prin cipal prize to be distributed to night will be a handsome bed room set which was on exhibition in a wagon driven through the streets this morning. Tlie Water Works. We hear it stated that the city water works were the means of preserving moro than $2,000 of property at the fire this morning which otherwise would havo been destroyed. There was a large cistern in close proximity fronTi which the steamer Adrian drew water and tho supply was exhausted in just eight minutes. Fortunately there were two hydrants of the water works equally near from which the supply wa3 inex- i haustible and from those latter a perfect deluge of water was poured upon the threatened property by which means it escaped being burned. We are getting up some fiBejspecimens. now i3 the time to sit for Photos at the Yates Gallery. It. Unsuccessful. Some time during last nigkt a would be thief undertook to steal some iewel- ry and watches from Mr. (xeorge Hug- gins jewelry store, but without success. He inserted a stick through a hole in the side window near the door and tried to draw the articles within his reach but was probably frightened off by an approaching policeman, as the tho lat ter in passing found the stick protru ding through the window. The articles on the work-bench this morning show ed that they had been considerably hustled about, but Mr. Huggins in forms us that nothing was missing. To Builders and otbers Go to Jaco ei's for Sash, Blinds and Doora, Glass &c You can get ail steta and at the lowest prices City Court. Delia Fair, colored, was the- first of the trio of females before the Mayor this morning. She was charged with disorderly conduct, was Jproved guilty anil required to pay a fine of $5. She paid. Josephine Davis, also colored, was the ner on the docket, and for tho same offense. A One of $2 was imposed in her case, which she paid. Mary Eliza Lively, colored, came next and last, charged with a like of fense. A fine of 5 wa3 deemed neces sary in her case, but as she had not the money she was sent below. - Good Fialiiufr. We learn that the I'assporl took out a party consisting of about 25 persons to the outer black fish ground yester day on a fishing excursion and that the sport was exciting and very successful. Our informant, who was one of the party, states that they had a grand time, that he was as sick as he could la . Ji t f at fm-vfortrl 4lf. f Ka , , , . . . lish seemed real anxious I o be caught. He also states that they saw a pair of euormous sea turtles, which they tried to capture, but were unsuccessful, al though Capt. Harper shot at and wounded one wi& his riflle. As it was, however, each fisherman suc ceeded in capturinjr a goodly number of blackfish, which was the purpose for which they dared the "briny deep." Kitchen Market. The following retail prices rule in thismarket to-day. May 17: Beef 1020c per pound; veal 12$ 15c; lamb 12J15c; mntton 121 15c pound; corned pork 12415c; turkeys, alive, $181.25 each; dfessed, 1618c per pound; chickens 4045 cts each; grown fowls, 4050c; geese alive 75e each; dressed $1 ; eggs, 15 18 cts per doz ;but ter, country, 2530c ; Northern, 35c; lard, 1315c; Baltimore, hams, 16 019,; breakfast strips." 1516; N. C. hams, 1516; shoulders. 1112; sides, 9i12i ; fish, trout, 2025c, mullets, 15S20, ; scalded oysters, 12$c per quart; clams, per quart, 12-Jc; per bushel, 50c; cabbage, 1015c per head; cucumbers, 40c per doz; strawberries, 5l0o per box; collards, 5?l0c; tor nips, 5 cents per bunch; sweet pota toes, 25c per peck; Irish do, new. 25c j per peck; onions, 50 cents per peck, j 5c per bunch; carrots and parsnip. 50c I per peck ; green peas, 1520c per peck ; beet, 10c per bunch ; radishes, 35o per? bunch ; lettuce. 25c per head, salad 1 pea?. 25c per peck; asparagus 154f 20c j per bunch; cauliflower. 10c each ;black- berries, 5Sl0c per quart.1" , ,, j A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols 'at Jacosis Hard ware Depot. ; ' ' : . - . " .- , . T --! llIIEW. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I A Largo Assortment DUES S G OODS ! Black and Colored Lace Buntings, Single and Double Widths. One Hundred Gross Turkish Bath Soap ! HAVE YOU TRIED IT ? 9, 12, & 16 OTTOMAN RIBBONS ! R. Rfl. MclRJTIRE. may S3 The Shelby Excursion Aiessrs. Uleaves, Mamt and JorDett,; the maraeers of the Grand Dav Excur - sion frqm Shelby to Wilmington, which is to call on us next week, will leave here So morrow night for the purpose of completing their arrangements at the head of the road. They will get their train at Hamlet and will arrive j at Shelby on Saturday. Returning the train will leave Shelby at 5:30 and . on J Monday will arrive hero at 5:35 P. M.', ' thus taking but twelve hours for tho entire distance. The tickets will .be good until Monday, June 4th, and passengers can return on any train in) tho interval. Two balls, a concert and j other entertainments will take! during : the week and a blackfish excur- sion will be araone the inducements offered. A large crowd is exited. Death of Mr. VatiOrsclell. It was with great regret that ,L. learned ot the death of Mr. C. M. Van Orsdell, the well-known artist ami ! photographer in this city. He had been sick for a long time and his death was not unexpected. He had been a resi dent of Wilmington for nearly a. quar ter of a century ami h leaves many warm friends behind him here who will mourn him sinoerejy. He. was 49 years ol age. The deceased, was a member of St. John's Lodge No I F. & A. M. Con cord Chapter No. f I . Royal Arch Ma sons;' Wilmington Council No. 4, Roy al and Select Masters; and Wilming ton Commandery ho. 1, Knights Tem plar. The fauerall. which' will take place to-morrow morning, will bo con ducted by St. John's: Loge, and the Wilmington Commandery will act as an escort. " ' Silver Plated Spoons awl Forks, low pices, at JaCobt.'s t This Morning's Tire. At about 3.30 o'clock this morning the alarm of fire was sounded, indicating the First Ward as the scene -of the conflagration. The fire originated in loneof a number ot saiall tenement houses in Chadbourn's Alley, on Harnett, between Third and Fourth streets, occupied by colored families, but what caused it-i3 unknown as the ; building was to a tight blaze when it ; , R . . was discovered. The, fire department was quickly on hand considering the j untimely hour, when the city was wrapped In profound sleep, aud did ail that was possible to stop the spread of the flames. The dwelling in which the fire started and two others, together with a kitchen, were completely des troyed. Tho building were the property of Mr. William II. Cbadbourn, and there was insurance on two of the dwellings to the amount of $167 each; on the other dwelling $160, and on lhe kitchen $100. makins a total of $600. in the Insurance Company of North America, of Philadelphia, represented in this city by Messrs. Northrop & Hodges. -.- y . Messrs. A. &. I. ShkiEk have receh -edf per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Salts made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. ; tt O r ga n o I O rga n s ! JJECOT150 DAILY ADDITIONS TO MY Stock. Eaay butahxesta. CaU and see tbxa get price. A complete Mock of Station cry, hlaak Books. Ac, Jc l All the latH reading matter oa my eoonters. " " . v irri' Ttt'wtfr trVitrv . ! ---7 . may Tl - . 119 MarVet St Buggies ! Buggies l-: 1 1SJBW AiCD 8KCON, HAND TOB SALX WM.c,lsa' - , n'i i NO. 124 NEW ADVERTISE3IEXTS. MATTIMGS! of Choice Patterns ! DIED. IlARItlSS This Thursday morning THOS 1 if A11"8 J? "S?1 ?,ear. ; months and 44 days, youngest child of Geo. . aud t'ath- enne u. naxrlsa. Notice of interment to-morrow morning. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. TO-NIGHT,.' An tierant Soil of Bedroom Furniture, A l ady'aGold Ilnnting Caeo Watch, A Silver Ico I'itoher. Vviil be given away by i SIG-lTOIEfc BOSCO. y2-1 Baker Wanted. CAH OKT KiI1LOY. i3L nat cnimeucinR at onc. Koqutie at the I offlce of DAILY EKVIEW. Lawn Party, FRIDAY nnrVIVll at l.ha nxi.lAWA nt Ura. F. II. MItc-hell, proceeds for the bnneflt of St. Facra P. B. Clmrb. Oiven' by yenn; lady scholara of the 8uDtlay School. Kefreeh mcnts. Adnilialon free. , .; ' . may 24 'it " Strawberries and IceCream. fJlHK LADIES OF FEONT T. M. Church will have a fcTRAWBEURY and ICE CREAM FESTIVAL, at the CITY IIAT.L, next THURSDAY NIGHT, Slat Insk may 34 2t th mon PIG FISH I At Pine Grove, Wrightsville Sound. ARE PREPARED TO ACCOMMO- dato our gue&te with Board by the d r, week or mouth. mar -JVlt ED. WTLSON MANXIKO Commissioner's Sale. JgY VIRTUE AND IN PUXISUAyCK OF A decreo of the Suyerior Court of New Hanover County, made in the cae of George W. Price, Ji.. Administrator of Goorpce W. Price against James W. Price and wife Catherine llicc. Edward Davis and wife KUza J. Davis, ixjphla A Prlce.wile of George W. Pii5e, Jr., Caroline Price. David M. Price. D J. Smn. deraapd wife Fannlo Saandfri. George Kd-1 ward David ud Anna Louiaa Price, wldoMr of j lto George W. Prlco, decea&ed, aud WilHira K. rriceaDd -wife Margaret Price. Hi un- i dera!gped. Commissioner sppclnted by said i decreoL will oyiMM tor m!a tn tha hfyhPMt h!f!. ! der, for cash, at 12 o'clocfe, M., at the onrt Houeo door of tho aid county, iu- the city of Wilmington, on Monday, July 2nd, 13a3, the following deaTlbed property; Forr pieces or parcels of laad In the said dty of Wilmington, heclnntog at a point 1 In the eastern ling of Ninth street, llf feet North of tho uortbeiat arn i taraection of Wooster atreet vritn Ninth rtreet. runs thence North with said eaatern line cf N tnth atreet 100 feet, Ibeno Kaat paral lel with Queen street, 830 teet to Tenth street, thence siuth with the western line of Tenth street S3 feet to Eliza James corner, thence West parallel with Wooster fcfeet llo feet, thence south rarareUwlth Tenth street 47 feel, thence West partlrSl with Woos'er strt 0 feet to Ninth street, the be: Inning. Being I arts of 1 te 3. 4 and 5, block 67. according o the official plm of the said city. Tu be soVt in four separate rwrcla On- lot on Tenth street, 53 fe?t by 110 feet. Th ee 1 U on Math st eet, an feet front by .30 feet, each. W. D. McKOT, Commissioner may 24 SOd Grand Day light Excursion to the Seashore ! IS EXCURSION THAIS WILL EAV Miby, N. C. on MONDAY MORNING ne2t, 2?in May. at 3.J A. at ; zor ut;mingtoa ana Smithrille. It will be an ALL DAYLIGHT Excursion, arriving la Wilmington at 5.35 P. M. A rar will be tet aside especially for la dle. Strict order will be maintained. Pas sengers can reuim on any regular trin up to, and including Monday, June 4tn, thus giving seven clear days at the feeashore. a Black fish Kxcnrffoti will take place during th week, giving the excursionist the. opportunity to J nave a god ume geseraliy. ( For schedule of time and prices, apply to 5 yoar DOarest depot. I UibKKV tiLKAVfcJ, JOOS I. MAFKITT SJCul JOliS A.COUBKTT, MausgeT). may w II xilB xJilGG t0 ijUV 1-- nnt-itPENTtNK TOOLS. 1 . - ' pi;u;R?i, if ackkii, DIPPKIW, WH.TTKt. HA' K-WKIGIITS, A , Ac, Ac Ileal of good at Rock I.ttom price. A fall aa4 eompkte tock f Hardware elaroys on hant. - - W. H. SPRINGER A Ct).t SaceOT toJoLn 1 atri3n w t o., ' ; - -. 15j tt tsJ 3 lUrUttA afl 1883. PLEASR XOrKTr. t WawtUbegUd to receive eccaamtJcaUona from cnr.irltnds on any and , all sabjeei of ) general Interest but '. :' - Tfc nam of the writer must always b Itt jnlabed to the Editor, -y . CommunlcaUonamust be- wrftteaoa -oat one aide of the paper. r I Personalities must bo avoided. - - And it is especially jt&d particularly and stood that the Ei!tor doea not always wider te views of correspondents unless so stat la the etiltoilal column. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meamer rassport. rjlim fcTEAMF.fc PASSPORT WILL-COM tenr tftPoru!aT Trips to S MIT II VI LI.R and tea FOKTa, on TIlUltSDAY, MAY 10tn. leaves Wilmington at 9 o'clock everr morn log. and n turns between aact and lrk,cx--cit sstnrd e, wbca 6Le will leave W limine SVlay niillinery. rjlIE BE AUTl TV It MONTH OF DAY It Aft omeand I Imve reeclred tnoro NEW AND -nNrt$uMK uiLt-iMinr coons, will he fsold cheap. Liulioa, giVe me a call cforo nurrhalnr. . Mlis. KaTK WiNKi, way 5 So. 1J:) Norfh "Soeond Mroct. Tobacco & Snuff. LORILLAED'S, y ; ANil OTUKU DKSUJ ABLE GRADES, ViiOM GA1NT TO ,VI4MAX,' ' AT KEHATK PRICES. H ALL & PE A K S ALL may L NoticeChange. rjilE KE&TAUUANT AND SALOON IX) R merly tnowu m the fccarteorourh lliiuaa. N. 15 South Water street, will hereafter bo knovkn' atheCAl'K FKAR PILOT JIOfJSK, where can be found nt oil tiine tbo tx"yt of Wlnoa. liquors and C'ljriM. Hoard ly the day, cek or mouth. Table- Baimlied !ih the, lt the f-markct affordi. Orstuw In season. All at riovubiT priced.' A our 'patronrigo U respect rully solicited. A trial will convince you that our aim i t'T excel and please. I . t. iujimiss, , npl 8 Stareopy lt y Manager Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. l i .l. r iT'.. SEBTAKT Al?D THKACREE'a OrriCB, ,1 W llmlogton, N. C, May 55, 13, TS PURSUANCE , OF A UESOLCTION adopted by tba Directois of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail Koad Company, at a" moellng iield this day, a-peclal meeting rtf the Stock holders of said Company, will be held In the city of Wllmlngtnn, at the ollloe of tho Com puny, at 11 o'clock, A. M.., on Thursday, tbe 21st flay of Juno next, i'tn t.ike Info conplderatlon tho location una building of a Railroad from some' point on tho said Wilmlnsrton & Weldon Uailroad South of Wil son to t'lorcnc, S. II, on the Wilmington, Cel. tirabla. & Ausfusta Itallroad, or some point Eafit thereof -on nald roads, and such further action in this mat'er as the sail Stockholders Hf teuiblcd in mooting may consider proper." W. THOMPSON, .. fiocretary. ru.ty 22-tm fh UAYi: UECEIVJ1D BY iTO DAY'g btcamer an elegant lot of Cigars, also. a' fuU Prescrtctionft nire fully prepared at hour, day or night. any MUNDS BROTHERS, . P'P'ng Pharraaelste, 1.151 - Broad way,-N.- W. Cor. 43 1 fit., N. T. and 21 Korth 4th etrcct, Wilmington, X. G. may 16" James J, Burnett, JHOTOORAPUKl. - NEW MAUKKT BUILD1NO, . (Up Stairs) South rrcnt fct. , Pbotgrapbi Dozen (1 f Fereotypes 2 for 0 cenU Respectfully notifies tho public that be ! prepared to do aU work in bl lire, promptly ojd at low ptlcea. A call Is sollsiied. . , may 19 . . If You Would be Happy BUT A COOK STOVE. '.; "The Golden Harvest,". CALUMET," Or, "SOUTHHIJN OAK." Of." PAliKEK A TAYlI'R Pure White - apl IS Soda Water! Soda Waterl yiTII TUBE FRUIT JCICE3. ICECOLDi SEASON 13. ' MINERAL WATER ON DEAUGIIT. " ICE COLD. . WILLIAM IL CUKEN. Tho McTammany ; ; Organettes, iyjEIX)PE.NS AND AUTOMATIC OR GANS. The MTau!Tnany Organette -uab!ea I atsy oae, whether ucdrtAa tit;g mu l; or nf. f '' y - o play any UenlreU me'ody or hariuooy, . i erel or secular, frpai tlwt mo4t pLduUve Uri to the io.i Jl ciy taaK. ' V--"- sold nt rolu ed prirci. frcuo f3 lolannl it, . itit U f'-vt of nin.Uv : . HEINSBEilGEH'S,