Tins PAPER cepted by ... JOSn T. hpitob ?fD raoraiETOK. gtjBSCBlPTIOKS POSTAGE PAUh rfsr 4.0O. Six month, 00. Thre-j awnth. $!.; One month. 35 cento. oper will b delivered by c&rrto f reo ct4rjrf In any part of h city, at th ahore -snbscribers Trill rfjvort any an1 a.;i fJ . urc to rcoclTe thlr puper regnUrly. ' -"' 0- fkc Daily Bevicw has the Uirg&t Iwi f-d cirrfdoion, of any neivtpapcr 'published, in the city of Wilmington. Fred Douglass says ho ha9 lost $10. tXH) in trying to be an editor. The cigar manufacturers of Kijy West ,-n?nr 2.000,000 cigars in a single V. r l;;rniingham. Ala., is to havo a ?ee onj k'.re.n railroad, to be opened in June r , . . Madison county, Fla., ha's 200 acres ;n vater-raeIons;j Jefferion oounty 00; Ixrn about 50. .The cotton mills at Anrmtdn, Ala., have jubt shipped 1,000 balei of gnoda in ( and have orders for t'-OO more. - ; Thi? lo?un Herald is disgusted with the 'Kentucky dodge on the tariff ques io'ia v.l says ua:ly things of the Demo crat v . ; Corre.Hcmcn Hewlett, Shelley, For-st-yanJ Williams, of Alabama, endorse Randall -for Speaker nd will vote for hua. No.rthera people who went home to fitid Spring weather must be sorry that hey iefc the South. It is bad enough tere. however. A lady in Florida ha in her yard an urange tree that at four years of age bore five hundred oranges. It had oo itihi-i season from two thousand to ike thousand fine fruit. Policing the statement that Jim Keen has invested $500,000 in a French flat, tho Nashville American says: "Thi is considerably less than other 'lata1 have invested in Mr. Keene." The Demopolis, Ala., oil railia hip K1 forty-two car loadj o! cotton seed weal last week for export to foreign countries. The meal sells readily for about $40 a ton landed in Europe. f he doctors say that a milk and to mato diet is; excellent - for Blight's disease, which, however, says the Augusta Chronicle. U uot prevalent at iho South, although a form of diabetes may ho developed of nn equally fatal character. v Several women arc power behind ( tUethione in journalism. Mr. Ptilit cr'u success in life is said to bo largely dure to his wife's talent, - sympathy and pluck. Tho wife of Colonel McClure, of the Philadelphia Timet, ii the largest ttockholder in tho paper- The 2Ym Tkmocrat, of New Orleans, is mainly owned -by Mrs. Burke, while Mrs. Nicholson h the controlling spirit of the Picayune. A correspondent of the Baltimore -imtrimn gives an interesting account of the rie and fall of a club there. It was called "The Aliston." and process ed primarily to he devoted in art. eryoon art degenerated into gastron omy. Music ceased and profanity be San. Drunken uens followed, with theating at cnrd. The Aliston," which begtm in glory, ended in disgrace. The stCRuiship amadu, at New York last week, brought two of the most in teresting pieces of machinery in exist enco the two original locomotives built by Stephenson and Watt, which have been loaned by tho South Ken sington Museum to the National Expc sitiou of Railway Appliances about, to he held at Chicago. One of these en Sines ia the Rocbt.. built by George Stephenson in i$l5, tho first locomotive Caterer ran on a railroad. The municipal troubles in Kaleigh eoitobof threatening proportions. The Democratic aldermen are to apjear before Judge Phillips, i Chambers, a1 ewbernr June 5th. "They are counsel- by Messrs. Fuller & Snow, Reade and Busbee & Busbee. while Judges Merrimon and Fowle and Col. Walter Clarke nre among tha counsel for tho Pontiffs. It will bo a very interesting wal and there is no doubt that the fire wu lien the learned counsel are arrayed in arms against each other be fore His Honor. Tnt Xorthand South, a monthly paper Published at Buffalo. N. Y.. ically promises to do much sckkI. in addition much that it has already done, for JbuiMingup of the waste places ot Sonth. It circulates very cxtcn !;VtIy in tho Northern and Western , tes &s well as abroad, and it con 'n a great deal of interesting news wttter.- original and selected, from very State in the. South. The -sub-''cnptioff pricc is only 60 cenks a year, Silrer Plated Spoon and Forks,, low ptcwtJAOOBi.'a, ,v f J: IH VOL. VII. W LOCALJpwS. IXBEX TO HW ADYtRTISIMIlTS. T ATE Orra n Lecture pr Wood HeijmbjVMier Ne7 Music Mc'ia Rk Pharmacists H'C Brock, Chief of Police Dos Tt L Pr.nRT, PropThe -eahov( American Legion of Honor Local ad W n Uxisex Sod Water Mineral Wntei I The Fourlh. comes this year on .Wed nesday. Sheriff Sutton, ot in the city. j Bladen county, is j j The best strawberries coraniaud ctR a quart lo-dp.y.v 10 The reeeipta of cotton at tin rft to-' day foot up 49 baie. The great Bridge is opened for - busi ness and so is the Yates Gallery, lt. The Czar would be happy if he could have his picture taken at the Yates Gal lery, it Steamboatrnen report the river as still falling, although lighters have net yet been in requisition. The wind lias got around towards the South again but there is no know ingjiow long it will stay there. Clarendon Council, No. 07, A. L. of Honor, -'-meets to-ni?ht at 8 o'clock. Members promptly will please be on hand It TUe first whortleberries of tho season wero brought into ur market to-day. Tliey looked nice, and 10 cents par quart was the price asked for them. Mr. George C. Gorham, Editor of the Washington (I). C ) Republican.. ba9 accepted invitation to deliver the address at the .National Cemetery in this city on Decoration Day, which falls due on next Wednesday. The Dlusicalc. The popular musical talent of this city has been rehearsing during the past month under tho direction of Prof. Van Laer and Mrs. M. V. Taylor, for the grand mustcale to be given on next Wednesday evening, May 30th. It promises to be one of the finest entertain ment of tho kind ever given in Wil mington. City Court. Robtert Watkins, colored, wan be fore" the. Mayor this morning charged with disorderly conduct. The charge was sustained and he was required iu consequence to fork over $5 for the ben efit of tho city treasury. John L. Barker, for th name olYenca. bat a little less offensive, was let off by the payment of a fine of $2 50. Quick; Time. One the business men of this who owns and takes pride in a city good team, drove from the Sound last night to this city, a dihtance of eight miles, in 35 minutes. Ho has made the trip from hero to-the Sound with tho same team in 30 minutes.- This is good driv ing and there are very few teams in the city that can equal it. In our opinion it is too fast to drive any horse. , Iusoctfvorous Plants. It is anuounced that Dr. Thomas F. Wood -will lecture this evening, in Tileston Hall, on ''Insectivorous Plants." This is a subject to which Dr. Wood has paid years of close at tention and we do not know of any man in North Carolina who is a3 capa" ble of handling the subject as he is. It will bo a pleasant and - instructive ad- be music by Prof. Van Lear and Mas ter Alrich Adrian. The public are cordially invited to attend. Open Next Monday. Capt. Perry's two summer houses,' Hotel Brunswick,- at Smithville. and Seaside Hotel, at Wrightsville Sound, will be thrown open to tho public for the summer season on Monday next. Both ol these delightful resorts are favorably situated, in full view of the ocean, with all of the advantages of nshing, sailing and bathing and in these respects are cot surpassed by any on the Atlantic coast. Capt. Perry can accommodate by the day, week or month. Tho rooms arc ail airy and delightful and tiio cuisine is the best to be had from both land and water. Messrs. A. &. I. Shkikr have receiv; ed, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. f L. Thornton, Warrenton. N. C. says : "I used Brown's Iron Bitters and con sider it an excellent remedy for dyspep sia." .. ... . -: A LMINGTON. N. C, j A Uappy Occasion. I Qneen Victoria was fit years of aje I yesterday, she having been bom on the j 2Uh of May, 1U19, and the anniversary j of her birthday was celebrated last i night by a party of gentlemen yho were born under the British flag, at the I residence of Mr. W. Hod dick, of the firm of Brown & Roddick. The party ' .vas an entirely informal affair, but wa3 made very enjoyable by the speeches that were made, toasts that were offered a,ul songs that were sung Among the toasts was one to .Queen Victoria, ! President Arthur, the Marqis of Lorne, and other notable foreii and domes tic, no; tbrgettiug the famous suspension bridge conuectin New York and Brooklyn, which was bpened to the ! public yesterday with imporing cere monies. Visitors Comlujr. Tho excursion party, which is to arrive hero by Carolina Central Rail road on Monday, the 28th inst., is ex pected to be a large one, and ot the best class of citizens from tho Central and Western portions of the State. Mer chants from Charlotte, Shelby and other Pint3, some of Whom have never visited our city, will be of the number and an excellent opportunity will be afforded for our business houses to make new acquaintances and form neyr and more extended mercantile in terests with our friends from the neigh borhood of the Bluo Ridge. A little attention shown to the visitors would cost but a trifle and would result bene ficially to our business interests. We hopo that the merchants will take the matter in hand and start some 3ort of fun that will be pleasant to the strangers and induce them to ooutinue the acquaintance.. It would be a good time to have a parade of our excellent fire department. At Jlest. Tho obsequies of the late Mr, - C. M. VanOrsdell took placo this morning under the supervision of St. John's Ixjdge. No I, F. & A. M., of which he had long been an esteemed and worthy mem ber. Tho remains, taken from his late residence on Fourth. . between Princess and Chestnut streets, and pre ceded by the Lodge, with Wilmington Commandery, No. 1, Knights Tem plars, in full uniform, as an. escort, wero conveyed to St. .lames' Church, whero the beautiful and impressive funeral service of tho Episcopal Church wero held, after which the coffin was born to the hearso in which, preceded by the Masonic fraternity and followed by a long line of carnages, it was con veyed to Oakdale. Here tba conclud ing services of the church wero per formed, after which the solemn itinera! ceremonies of Masonry were held. The service ot the church was conducted bj Rev. T. M. Amblor, rector of St- Paul's Dark clothes take bf st in a picture; sit now whilo iti ccvol at tb Yatos Gallery. ' t- The Corbett Caual. A correspondent at Nat Moore, who writes over-the signature of "Bladen," sends an account of a -recent trip to the. I above named workot internal improve ment, which is intended to drain the rich bottom lands bordering on Colly creek into Black river. At the point where tho .canal is being excavated Colly creek and Black river run nearly parallel with each other, and are sep arated by a sand hill whoso greatest altitude is about 50 feet., :' Tho river is considerably lower than the creek. aDd tfae when compieted, ' will thor oughly and effectually drain the bottom lauds of tho latter, without fear of any future inundation to damage growing crops. This canal is about 50 feet wide and in-the deepest place is about 40 feet deep. In making the excavations logs of hickory, oalc. chestnut and pine were found in a good state of preserva tion 35 feet below the. surface, and in one place pieces of charred lightwood were found which had probably lain there unmolested for centuries. In an other place, 33 feet below the surface, the stump of a tree was found, which had been cat (who can tell how long ago?) apparently with an axe. Air. WUham Corbett has the contract for making tho canal, and when it is considered that he has worked without tunds, with only a tew shovels, a iwe. an axe, a plough and a pair of sruall 1 steers, and has nearly compieUd the task, he is deserving ol much praiw He expects to finish the undertaking during the present year. When finished thousands of acres of as fertile land 3 . r m t fl i claimed and ni ado profitable to the as me state can ooasc oi wmpsni f azticuitnnst. the swamp lands in that section, when not rained by IresheU. yield an average of 50 bushels of corn to the acre, and this enterprise, when cornpleteJ, will prevent the possibility of futore inandatlosa. aETIE W FRIDAY. MAY 25, 1883. Col. Burr's Add res. Fo!!o.ving is the annual address de- hvered by Col. Jas G. Burr. President of the Historical and -Scientific Society, at the meeting held last Monday even- cam to u irminifiAn, n. c.. in imi, v here mg. reference, to which was made by ( thiny etx years, lie vai 78 roMl iwhcn US in TuedavVnnr- h died, anl icAvea a -wife ami three son, to . Paper. mourn kU death. Throashout hi me. as an i nis le.!ng the anniversary of the or- Israelite, he wa cxer trne to b?s rtl gion, as ganizatim of our Society, a few re- j J fi'1 an'1 ,atbcr h,, always kWl mwi marks from me will not, I hope, be re i CihYfaneral xrill tke place fr-ra hrc gartfecl as out ot place. The Society jdorca -unrlay raorntu-;. at v o"cocV. Fiieulo lias kept on the even tenor .of its way. anl relutye- repccuJy lnltel to attend. 2t ila meetings have been regularly held, ! (-nnrlot'e Journal-observer und lia'Umore and many partis of great merit havHtSpnP;eaijco,y oeen reau by uitlerent members. Antl right here it would be weil tur the Sei-! ety l7 consider tho exrediency , of hav ing such papers published in a volume, to bo offered for sale and for distribu-j lion among other societies elsewhere. c w- - - x by whicii means a large amount of val-i turn. The 'papers would doubtless at tract attention, and bring us into favor able notice abroad. The experience of the past season shows very clearly, I think, that greater interest is being felt by our people in lectures than ever be fore. The system Inaugurated by the Library Association of engaging men of prominence and ability to deliver lec tures under the auspices of the Associa tion, has not only tended to develop this interest, but has also resulted very favor ably in a financial way to tat organiza tion. It i3 suggested that similar action by our Society in tho future would be attended with like beneficial results, n.nrl T s.ilim?-. ffi' riif.fr frr v rn i t- onn. aluciauuu auu ivt outji ciiiii as jMLt may ueem ueeessury . uue 01 me most successful, and certainly one of the most intellectual, lectures delivered in this city the past season was by Professor Sheperd, at the invitation of this Society It is true that the lecture wa3 free, but a large proportion of those who attend ed would willingly have paid, had any charge been made for admittance. Heretofore our people would not attend lectures, it mattered not how distin guished th speaker might be or how interesting his subject; but I am happy to believo tiat we are now froed from that reproach. The public taste has become more elevated and refined and seeks pleasure more m intellectual en joyment than in tho tinsel glare and. show which panders only to the grati fication of the ser ses. During the past year we have had many valuable dona tions of book and . historical records from various sources which have been placed in the archives of tho ' Society, and it is worthy of note, that as tar as my knowledge extends, the Historical and Scientifio Society of Wilmington is the only organization of its kind ia the State, in successful operation. . The North Carolina Historical Society exists in name, a shadow only, not the sub stance; a meeting of its members is held once a year to keep up its organization, but for all practical or useful purposes it is unknown in the annals of our State, It behooves us, therefore, to strive in every way to extend our influ ence, to increase our membership, - and by ail legitimate means to elevate our Society to a high place in the republic of letters. "We have the material in abandauce; it is lying dormant all arqnnd 113 and needs but the awakining of ihat old time spirit of local pride to bring it into active exercise. While wo recogtiize the exacting. claims 'upon ysot this utilitarian age in which we live, let us not iorget the past nor those who made that past a history. . If succeed but in removing a few mosses only that may have obscured or dimmed the transaction a of former days, or in bringing to light some unknown or long forgotten event in the history of our section or State, then, surely Our Soelfv ( ty will not have been organized in vain. Should not this be an incentive to every member for increased activity and diligence? We have received "during tho past year many additions, and val uable ones, to our liit of members, but the angel of death has again visited us and laid his icy hand upon' one of tho most prominent, and one of 'the originators of onr Society, Mr. Wrn. F. VVenzel. Ho was an active, ener getic, devoted, member, was curator of the Society, whose interest and whose success lay very near his heart. Ho was a man afso of large informa tion, and of established reputation in that branch ot scien&ft which he had made the stu ly of his life; a valuable member, who promn'ly responded at all times to any call that mihi be made upon him. Upon the record book of our Society' another blank paae now bears upon its surface tho emblems of mourning, am! side by side with the me commemorative of Henrv Nutt. is inscribed the name of Wiu.'F. Wen-zel- The curtain has fallen upon the last act in the drama of their lies,- in which each played well his part, and they now rest from their tabors. . Ieat!i ot an Old Citizen. v - Mr. Meyer Bear, one vt bur oldes citirens. died at hi3 residence, -on the eorncr of Chestuntand Sixth streets, at 4 :30 o'clock tliis 'mornings at the ad vanced aae of 73 years. Mr. Bear was born in. Bavaria. Germany,. whence he emigrated to this country and settled in Wilmington in l847,-and has been in business here ever since, a period of 36 years. It la only about t-.vo weeks since that sickness compelled him to remain awav from his pLacc of buM-j . . . t ' nesF.to which bo was never to return, In lif he was a quiot, unobtrusive man of nntinng industry and entirely oevit- f the basing in which ho was en-! irnpA' In hiiflAfith nAllrr if ihrt r.T rom-iinin- lnln:rt- of I ha tutsA h? been removed. Av Coo assortment of Guqj and Tistols at Jacob's Hard wara Depot. . t NO. 125 1 DIED. j MC.VT.W -4 ... Sixth and Caettut 8tetu after ai illness of only two weck, dlet tbU mornlns at 4.80 o'clock. He was horn !n Kjra.rl. cim-jnif j j- NEW ADVEirriSKMKNTS. Lecture. I )u " u ,,B,'.- -1 A 1.ECTUKK In TIMCSTON UPPER TtOOM. rjon KKIUAY KVtSMNG. May 25th, nl 8 o'clfc. j Fnbject lNKCTtVOIIULS I.ANT. Mu le by Prof. Vinlaen aud faster Alricb. "ianan. t'ubuc coruLtliy may25.lt invited. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, OFFICE CHIEF OF TOT-ICE. May aahiiiss.n Dogs. QN AND AFIKB JLNE 1CT1I, ALL DOG 8 found regains at Urge, without a Badge, vriH killed II. O. BROCK. may 35-St Chief of Poliee i RSew EV3usic. JUST KECKIVED- lloso Front the South. Valu. Silent Nijrht. Waltz. Wnltlnj; 'Mid the Pausles. rin Hack My Love O'er the Sft. Love Will Koll the Clonda Away. When tho Ilosea Blyym A pain. rsnsy uiosfoms. VvTait Till tho Clouda Ko)l v. I'll Walt Till the Clouda Koll Br. Only to See Her Face Again. W Never Speak As Wt Pa?a Itr. Again Wc Speak As We Pars Iy. . For aalo at , HEINSBERGER'S, may 25 - Lire J5ook and Mnaio Storta THE SEASHORE.. ! HOTEL BRUNSWICK 6MITHV1LLK, K. C. SEASIDE HOTEL ! WRIGUTSVILLE. K. C. B. L. PEKRY, Proprietor. rjinnsF.4rrvo summer resorts will be "pen MONDAY, MAY 28. Tbo Hotel Brwiawlok, at Sroithvillc, ig 25 miles below Wilmington, anl tccossiblo by t'.vo lirat cla9 eteamers, xaaVlag tvro trips daily. - . Tbe Seaside Hotel la eittiateiilaalirjrc gTve on Wrightsville Sound; is comiroscU of eolta ges fr i aniihiw, and w tthtn 7 miles of Wil mlngton, ai tho beal of a fine tibcll Koad. the best In tic Southern coutnry. ' BOTH HOTELS IN FULL VIEW OF THB OCEAN. Good anrf And attll water bathtn. Every variety of Fish, and abuaiint- t-f Oysters, Clams and Crabs- spacious Ball Roooob. nlih fine Beods of ITHtic Tea-la Alleya, Bllliarda and .'Bar. r Tcracs modsralo. mar i!3 Baker Wanted. BAKliE CAN GET STEAD T EMPLOY- meat commencing at once. Enquire at the office of DAILT BETIZW. may V4 ?t " -.1 Lawnv Party, fX FBI DAT EVEJflSG, at the roaldeace-of r T. II. Mitchell, proc cdi for the bcncfll of St. Pan 10 P is hur h. '.Iven br y-u 1 dy scholars f lh ut day bchovi. li?rt ah nw-nt. .vimi io free. xa&v ii :t . Grand Daylight Excursion to the Seashore! JJS EXCURSION TRAIN WILL EKAVF. ktlhv, N. C. on MONDAY SfORNTNG next, 2zih May, at A. Air, for WUnilasr'on and Sadlhvlha. It wiU be snALL-lAji IGlii" Excursion, arriving la Wl caiaon t 5.35 V. M. A rar will be tet aside epeclaliy, for U dlea. Strtcl; order tj1:1 be tnalQtaitUKL Xaa engera can re'um on any reprular :rda cp to, and Including Moadav, June 4td, thru aivipg tevcn cle.ir uays at tbo Seashore. A.. Black flab Jixccraioii wllltatc place during tha-vreek, giving tbe cxcurelouiAta lha opportunity w bave a j-ood ilrae generally. For ached ole of time acd , prices, apply to roar reircst depot. BJiBItY GLEAVhS, JOHN L. MAFFITT and KlUN A. COltUETT, Uanafrers. -;- ; - iiiy i3 tt. Organs ! Organs ! - 4 -' ' 1 I T:C-lVrNG tAiLT ADDITIONS TO T j .-, - " w c. . - . , 4i . Stock. . "tiy lnetaltacTi;. C&li and Keifttra t rtCl A tiiCk v1 rUnk Uooka' - Xc- All the iateai reading matter on myt-tjnntcr. ,v ...,' 'TATTLS BOOK hTOilt. Ui ilartctSt PLASS KOTKXT- -':"-w Wo to- Rcelr 'cocsscsScatlna' tnna 0,Kf falea icy and all ut)aei of Sacrailatearttlmt ' The Dtme of the wrttmr must thran b ft nXafcedtoUxcRlttcr. Comanualcattoo innst b wrrttw ea oat joMBidoof tbe paper.. I Pr-na:tfcmuftbo Tc4docV v . Aad tt Is especially ud partlcnlariy astf Rtood that the Editor docs not always esdoe tke rlewsof ccrrcspondcnU ocIcm to its tit In the editorial mlainBs. NEW -"APVERTISlSaiESTS. W;E W- ST O R ET pOU THK COK VEN" YF. S t K Or MY . CCS lOMSCKg ANB TUB TCKLIC G EXER ALLY, I bae ojk; a . i Fancy Grocery Storo J in, Tin: . NEW 31 A li SET HOUSE, "conNrvK MUTER'S AT.LF.Y. I SHALL IIATK ON IlAXIi AT ALL-TIMES The Choicest Groceries such as I tcep at njy torc in North Front htrpct. BayvotirUlcOCKlUES frornne aad UvlU afford nic pleasure to dellvtr At your borne such articles aa you may purchAw la l& Msxr SAVE TFMn AND rHOUDLT: hy raaUca ail your - adc-ellaiu lii iho UAECKT IlOUssE.'. . John L. lioatwright. may 1-tf - ST8LL ANOTHER I UAVK JUST KKCEIVLT ANOTIIEIt LAliGE INVOICE "OF M I L L IN E It Y ! OF' AO Ol" TIJK NLW-SllAPEd ANt SUADK3. AS ALIO, A LAlUiE L'VT OF I Fancy Goods," Beautiful Parasols and Fans. V ALL NKW STTLK3. ' Fichus, Hair .Goods, New Stamping Patterns, &cv ' Agency Hot Jtho Unlversil Fashion Com pa -nya. PaUcnu.. .; ... t ' . UespcctTullr, MISS E. KARltEIL may 5 EXCHANGE COKNE1L Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company . Sr.CRKTAKY AD TBEASUEEE'S OFFICB, i ' Wilralogton. V. C, May 23. 183. j JK PUJWUASCE OF A- R KSO LUTIOJf adoptodby the DirtctDis of the ,WilnluUn & Weiuon Kali Road Company, at a':rneet:Dr held thl day, a special uiotius of the Stock- holders of eaid Corrpriny, will b held In tba city of Wilmiujrtm, at tbo offlee of the Com p.ipy. at If o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, the 2.1st day of Jn no next, "to t ike Into consideration tho .location ml hullrtlD- of n itailrood from some velnt on th .i!i W jhui-jxto.j & WcMon Bailroad ?onth .f Wil son to (torecceS. C, on tho71!m!nrton.Col urabii & Auxasun Itnilroad, or fcoroe po5ot. tat thereof on aid ro.vks. nd aah farther action in thta raafcr as the eai I stockholder asseuiblo! ia raeUDg may eoniidcr pioper. J. W. TnOMPON, Secretary. may 22 tta y. UAVBKECEirED Jit JTCTDAT'ti Ktcamr &q elotcant t-t of 'Jeara, alo, fell line of rru. Patent Med cine. i c. lrecrlni'ns frt-fuU jre-pared at any hour, day or i.fght. . . MUSBS BROTHERS, . , - Dlensln Phrmaatt 1,4 1 Broadway, .V w. L.r.3J Si., s.. , and fci! North 4 th strttt, Y7. loo for ten 1Z. C.' If You Vt'ould be Happ? BUY A COOK STOVE. "The Golden Harvest," "CALUMET," Or, SOUTIimtN OAK,M Pore White On. fcrlH Soda Water! Soda Water! rriTII PUSH " FXiUIT JUICE, -ICECOLDI SEAJfOX 1??;. MI V E it A L WAT IC K OS nRaUGHT.- ' ICK COLD, - WILLIAM II. GI'fcK?". apll - lrtii?..l. ' The Place to Buy rUUPF.NTIVK TOlJi. ITI.f.r'.'; if i rrrrn . UilM'Mrt, l. -UJIpTTKtt.4. Ji. !-VKIllIT5,'Ac , Ad, if, - I'-St rtf fiOl.9 ti ;C!f Ii'tta.-3 pliers. A fultund conjplctw aIcmJi I'rdwrf Viiw oa txxaC , - - . t W. SPUING!!; V co.f nxor to John lax fvoa a clvj