THIS PAPER pabttsbed 0T7 4 renins, Sunday ex epted by ' " ' JOSH T.JAMES, RDITOB AJCD rROrjUOTOX. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: m 0ne year fLOO. Six months, $1.00. Three months, fLOO; One month, 33 eenta. Toe psp" wU1 delivered by earlier free of efcarg In any Part the c!ty. at the above rtes, or 10 cent per week. AdvestisiEg rates low and liberal. -Subscribers will report any and all fan BTW to receive their paper regularly. ' j- Tlie Daily Review has the largest bona fidt circulation, of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. The truck business of Norfolk circnC laics 2,000,000 among the people. . There is a hog raised in tho United States for nearly every inhabitant. Eleven cases of small-pox were re ported at Jacksonville, Fla., on Wed nesday. The coronation of the Eruperor and Empress of Russia will take plac? to morrow at Moscow. , : " The subscription to the Parnell fund how amounts to $45,000. It is proposed to make it 8250,000. ' - . The last known surviuor of the battle t 'Waterloo resident in this .country beara the great name of John Smith. , Ac' orriing to a Connecticut clergy man, it costs $9,502 to distribute $1,- y.ii worth ot bibles of that State. among the people . The ceremony of blessing the impe- jbl tlaji was performed in the Moscow Kremlin Wednesday in the presence of tlia Emperor and Empress. The fitly-fourth anniversary of the Brooklyn Sunday Sehol Union was celebrated Wednesday by the annual arade of the Sunday school children. The children in line numbered i'5,000. B&rotiess Iiurdett-Coutts has e.stab lished a free school where people can learn to cook fish properly. The befit of instructors are provided at her ex pense, and the cooked fish is served at an -adjoining restaurant, where a good dinner can be had for 10 cents, the proceeds being applied to charity. LOCAL NEWS. IMOEX TO HEW ADVERTISEMENT. Yatks Organs Benson's Skin Cure , naxsBEROBa Xevr Bou Mhs S J Baker Milliuery v W II f J r RK3f Soda Water Mineral Watet DaVs length 14 hours aud 21 minutes. It is a very gather. dull day for the news - t The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up G bales. There was nothing doing at the City Court this morning. Sunset to-morrow atteraoon at minutes past 7 o'clock. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacom's Hardware PcpQt t Thcr were three intermebti in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, one- adult and two children. There were five interments two, adults and three childroa-rio Oakdale Cemetery this week. . Mr. James G. Kenan, of Duplin county, is ia the city to-day . on a visit to his brother. Capt. W. R. Kenan. There was oneintermeut in Bellcvue Cemetery this week, that of an adult hrousht here from an adjoiiiiug county Kev. D. Herring will conduct the ervices at the First Baptist Church to- morrow, both in the orning and at mght. The Register of Decks issued seven marriage licenses this week, five of which erc for white, and two ; for colored couples. Rev.C.M. rayne having returned tAere be the usual service in the 5econd Presbyterian church to-morrow morning and evening. The usaalSabblth'serTices' will be held at the Fifth Street Methodist HiV,1 to"morrow- Preaching by v Mr- Thompson, of Nassau. .Jle understand that lheMusicale ratpKr rnext week tasbeen defl- ve y ueterniined upon for next Friday hi. Tjngtea4 " of Wednesday night, as beta announced. . . J" Buikkir3 and othersGo to J aco a tor Sash, Blinds and Doors, Gls4 You all sixes and . at h ,0t price i t is retxmul . , from . 10-uay, coming lrties Who Arriri tlil. ,!n8 ;ro Charlotltvtliat in the , c diocese was agreed to laltT?Trtna that First-Assistant ' A 111 M. lJ hllltf to participate in the oration; serrices next Wednesday. r H VOL. VII. Rev. W. B. North is expected to I arrive frym tho District Conference at ! Wh tteville ar d will fill tho pulpit of the I Front street Methodist church to morrow morning. Stearaboatmen report the water in ths Cape Fear as "distressingly thin' so that lighterschare become necessary e necessarv in crossing the shoals. They also state that tho river is still falling. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrates to-morrow (Sunday) by proper services the 25th Anniversary of the date of its organization. In the morning services at 11a. m. the pastor will preach a historical sermon, at night, 8 p. m.. the Sunday school holds its Jubilee servce. AH tha services will be in English. Yon don't know liowhandsome you are until you have your Picture taken at the Yates Gallery. It Yesterday in our market reports sales of spirits were given at 33 cents when it should have been 331, cents. The mistake was discovered and cor rected in time - for the tuail but one of the city routes had gone when it was discovered. It was corrected in the others. Cottou! The receipts of cotton at this pork for the week ending with to-day foot up 211 bales against 139 bales for tho corres ponding week of last year, an increase this week of 72 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date loot up 120,144 bales, against 135,779 bales to same date last year, a decrease thi3 year of 9,608 bales. For the Old Land. Mr. E. P. Bailey, of the firm of Hart, Bailey & Co., will leave here on Wed nesday next, and New York on the 2nd of June, for a voyage to Sweden. Ho will sail on the steamship Oder, and expects to be absent about two months. We wish him a pleasant voyage and a safe return. -m oiuiuivnie Ugrlit Infautry. '.We learn that the Smithvillc Light Infantry is in a flourishing .condition. The membership is increasing and there is a good deal of interest mani fested in tho drill, in which the corps is becoming quite proficient. The com pany was but for practice and drill' last ni?htwith full ranks, and their evolu tions, both in marching arid in the man ual of armswere highly creditable. Returned Sick. Mr. W. W. Barnes, formerly in the employ of Messrs. Parker & Taylor, in this city, but recently a resident of Georgia, returned last night on account of sickness, and is now confined to his room at the residence of the lather, Mr. J. W. Barues. The young man is well kno wn throughout our city and he has many wai m and earnest friends who will watch anxiously for his complete restoration to health at an early day. Not tor tho Queen. The gathering at the residenco of Mr W. Roiddck on the night of tho 24th inst.. was in houorof the 61th anniver sary of 'the birthday of Mr. William Lumb. who makes an annual visit to our city and is known to many of. our people. He also was born on the British soil on the 24th of May, 1819, but waited until the Queen was about 25 minutes , old before he made his debut, lie is engaged in the mechanic arts and is the principal pro prietor of the -smokeless aud spark less" engine which is now engaging the attention of railroad magnates. Dr. Wood's Lecture. The lecture last night at Tileston Hall, : by Dr. Thomas F. Wood, on "Insecti vorous Plants of North Carolina," was well attended and listened to with much interest and instruction. The lecturer spoke of many plants in North Caro lina- which were destructive life, and among others of the piant which is commonly known as the "Carolina Fly Trap? He also mentioned several oral other plants, and especially those of a trumpet shape, which insists could descend, bnt from which they could not make an exit on account of the al most impreceplib'e fuzzy matter with which the plants were lined, all tending downward and preventing the insects from coming to the top,' but retaing them prisoners until death ensued. It was a highlyentertaming and instructive effort and the.audlcncc were uiuch de lighted not only with subject but ..with the manner in which it was discussed. The musical part of , the i entertain ment, as rendered by Prof.vVan Iaer and Master Alrich Adrian, was a very iWlg-htfulfeaturo ot the cvemn. MIL! W ILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY. MAY 26 v Personal. Iter. Thos. D- Pitts, recently Iletor of St. John's Church, but who lias been residing in Florida, - for some months ; past for the benefit of Mrs. Pitts' health. I arrived in the city last night with his family and are the guests of Mr. Cftas. 1 H. King. Mr. Pitts will r remain here a week, and possibly longer, and will preach in St. John's to-morrow morn ing aud evening lie is on his way North. . Mr. Orr's customers can have extra copies made at lowYates at the Yates Gallery. , ' . It. Painful Accident. Mr. Willie R. Savage, who works in the carpenter department of the W. & W.- Railroad shops, had the misfortune, to meet with quite a severe accident this morning, which will probably prevent him from resuming work for a week or two. He was engaged in sharpening a tool at a grindstone, when it slipped and the thumb of his left hand was caught in some ol the machinery and the nail torn off and the thumb badly crushed. Dr A. I). McDonald was promptly in attendance and rendered the necessary surgical assistance. The young man is not yet eighteen years of age, and although an orphan, has many friends and acquaintances who will sympathize with his misfortune. It was very fortunate that it was no worse: Business is booming with us, good work tells go to the Yates Gallery. It. Church Services To-Morrow. St. John's Church, corner Tlrinl and Red Cros streets'. First 3nndy after Trinitv. May 27th. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Kreniug Praver t o'clock, by Rev. T. l. Pitts. . ..- First Presbyterian Church, corner Tlurdaa1 Orange streets. Rev. Joseph It. WUson, D. D., Pastor. Rev.-C. -Sf. Payne will hold union service at 5 p. nw No nerrlce in the momlog. Second Presbyterian. Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rer. C. 31. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and Hi p.m. Sabbath School at 4 p.m.- First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rov. l r. J. B. Taylor, Pastor Sunday School at a. m. Services at II a. m. aud H p. m.f conductwl bV by Rov. D. W. o'clock. 4. a , - . St. Paurs Kvan. Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Rev. F. W. K. Pes chau, Pastor. Kulish services at 11 o'clock, a.-itt. Sunday ScYjooI 6enrice InKngHsttat 8 o'clockp. m. . Front-Street M. E. Churcb, South, comer of Front and Walnttt sti-eets. Rev. Frank. II. Wood, Pastor. Services at 11 a. ni. and 7w p. m. Sabbath school at S p. m., Y. M. Parker, superlntewlfnt.- Prayer meeting: and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after first and third Sabbaths, at S o'clock. Seats free and strangers and visitors cordially Invited. 4 i St. Paul's Episcopal Church, comer of Fourth aud Ornngo streets. Rev. T. M. Am bler, Rector. Morning Frayw at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer at 8 o clock ; Sunday school at 3i o'clock. Seats free. , . - Fifth Street M. E. Chnrcb. letwecn .'unad Church streets, Rev. T. Page Rlcaud, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7Vs I Class meet ing at p. m. ; Prayer raeetlngr Thursday even nig at 7J.2 o'clock. Seamen's Bethel, Dock between Water and Front streets. Capt. W. Potter, Misrioua rv to the Seamen. -'Services every Sunday at 10.S0 a. in and 4.30 p. m. Seamen ana all others are cordially invited. Seats free. Part ot the servico will be iu Norwegian, conducted by Capt. Chtisiiausen. St Thomas Pro-CatnedraL First Mass at 1 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Beuediction at-5o'c-lock p m. Daily Mass at C GOa ni. - '., Second Baptist Cimrch, on Sixth, ltvrecn Church hnd Castlo streets. Rev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.- m. Sua day School at 9 a. m. Prayer uwetiny every Tuesday night. . Christ Church (Congregationaust)y'ui street, between Sixth and Soventh. Rev. D. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and S o'clock, p. m. Paster's Bible Class at P2.13 p. m. Prayer and Praise-meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p.m. Sniday School, 3 o'clock, p. m.. In Memorial Hall, corner 7th and un sts. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobi8 t Decoration Day. Rooms National Mem. Assoo'n. ? Wilmington, N.-C.. May 25. 1882 5 The" annual service of decorating the graves of the nation's dead will bo ap propriately and solemnly performed- at the National Cemetery, on Market 'street, on Wednesday, May 30th. at 4:30 P. M. TL, T'y-fc-v- 1 fho Committee recommend that there be no procession. . The public are respectfully ; invited to attend and participate in or witness tho ceremonies. Societies and organized bodies can march to the grounds in such manner as they may choose . , . Col: W. P- Canaday will'condnbt the services at the cemetery. Capt. .H S. W. Eagles will bo Chief Marshal of the day to preserve order and quiet on. the grounds. ritOGUAMME.- ! Music by the P. & S. A. Club. Prayer by Rev. D. J. Sanders. Music by the P. & S. A. Club. Oration by non. Geo. C. Gorhara; of Washington. D- C. ' Music by the P. & 5. A. Club. , -- Benediction. . Decoration of Graves. The Ih S. Revenue Steamer Colfax. CaDt. Gabrielsen, off Market Dock. will fire a salute, com meccing at 1 o'clock. ' - d. 11. Brink. - . Chairman Committee Jm Thornton. Warrenton, N- C. says: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters and con sider it an excellent remedy for dys pep- isia. lifii; The Iistrict Conference. (Reported for the Oailj Sevlerr.) s White vi ixk. N. C, May 25, 1883. f The Methodist District Conference, in session here, is largely attended. The citizens of the town in this famous old county of Columbus arc extending much kindness and hospitality' to the members of the Conference and the numerous visitors from various portions ol the State.-. xuaw granu om nero oi 4uetnouism, UoT. R. O' Barton, P. E presides, That grand old hero of Methodism, wiiu ms usual success, and is the same old man eloquent. Rev; X.S. Burk head, of Newbern, a giant in intellect and great force of character, is here as a popular visiting brother, with the pleasing and wide-awake Editor of the j Raleigh Christian : Axlvo6Ues Rev. W. S. Black. : ' a-. , There are also other noted Methodist eelebrities. Much business is heW done. , Harmony reigns supreme. Able ! ermona are delivered twice a day to crowded audiences in the s Methodist Church, where the Conference meets. Interest in education, - especially in Trinity College, is manifested, the loss of its President, Dr. Craven, re ceiving proper attention. Dr; S. S. Satchwell, of Penddr county;" introduced resolutions showing the necessitv ot sustaining that institution and Ihc im portanco of selecting the right sort of a man a3 the successor of Dr. Craven. The Doctor also, atthe request of the wuicicuuc, icau an stoic aou scientiuo paper on the influence of alcoholic drinks upon health and in causing disease. it was unanimously adopted by the conference and ordered to be published. By the way, Mr.' Editor friends of the Doctor here are somewhat surprised to see his name omitted in the recent interesting account you have given, in your local columns of the recent meet- ing ot the Doctors at Tarboro. Other papers represent him as being present, active as in former jvours. and Doctors who attended have stated that he read one ol the best and ablest papers of his life. A correspondent, as I see, of the News and Observer, .writing from Tarboro, giving and account, of that meeting, iays-of him as tollowa: 'But no paper was more able, or excited more interest than a 1 nig one by Dr. Satchwell oik what is a. called "antiseptic medicine and- surgery," "It fiiarOI hiGhiiri'and' progress in the Wo fession, It will read well, too, when Eoblished, : as he evidently bestowed iborupon it.?' '- ' ' ' The Conference is pushing work with zeal and no time is wasted. , The , re ports of the mi uisters. -froln the -various circuits ot the district, show a good f spiritual condition. - - Hard work U go ing on for Methodism -with evident in dications of a revival spirit during the year., I am glad to see that so many ol the delegates, laymen as. well as minis ters, are ready speakers. The reports and discussions are highly, interesting. Large crowds am coining ; iu, and on Sunday all the churches will no doubt be filled- The Conference will adjourn to-morrow evening after holding a mass meeting to promote home mis sions, i J. C. P. : . Messrs. A. S:."I, Shhter have receiv ed, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different ehades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. . Call early and procure a suit for the boys. f For Pocket Knives or, fable Cutlery, 50 to.TACOBi's Hardware Depot, t METER BEAR, At bis residence, corner Sixth and Chestaut streets, after an Illness of oulr twe woekn, died this morning at LS0 o'clock. Herasborn tn Bavaria, Germany, but came to Wilmington, N. C, is 1?47, where he has engaged In the mercantile buslress for thirty six years. He was 78 years old when be died, and loaves a wife and three sonslto mourn his death. Throughout his life, asfan Israelite, he was ever true to his religion, as husband and father he was always kind and social. . The funeral will take place from his resi dence 8unday morning', at 9 o'clock. Friends and relatives respecitully Invited to attend. 3t Charlotte Journal-Observer and Baltimore 8un please copy. - . , 1 NEW ADVBKTISEMENTS John's! Alive, : Np OTHER SKETCHES, BY - UAJOS oXKS. -author of Mai or Jones' Courtship. Juit received; price 75 cents. PEAK'S BAT"bOTANI Ht3. PaI Thlrd supply Just la. ' ALL ABOUT WILLIAM MORGAN THE LONG SECRET REVEALED. Here Is the whole story from undoubted authorities. Mor gan was not murdered. -In one volume, 400 pages; price ft. V. '-. : For sale at - HEINSBERGER'Si may SS Live Book and Music Stores MILLINERY. JJATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FJCHL'S, H09IKB1 ULUY K-i, . L ACE COLLARS. FEATHERS, aod everything ia .my line '"of. I be lslfst arnl mot approved style, and new gvods to arrive next week. -1 -xaon wui km men wicresi; 10 jr. re hj C I" T A'T4rT7,T?'''r illv& U i5iLlVililV, j 12S;MAUEET STREET. may 1883. NO. 126 JHGW AJVERTISEMENXS. REFINED CAMPHOR, 35 CENTS PER POUNl. WE OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM phor at 35c rer pound, or three pounds tor one dollar. Fifty pounds Persian Insect Powder 59 cento per pouud. Call or send or ders b Postal. Goods will be dellrerwl promptly J1CSD3 BR'iS., - " . Dispensing Pharmacist, s 1.491 Broadway, N. Y. en North 4tb street, Wilmington, K. C. may '2d j - qt Xi,T?TT TT'CC'XTTC? ! P Ij.CiJCiir XiJCiboiN Jbob r - ITS CAUSES. SICK HEADACHE, : ' NERVOUS HEADACHE, " NEURALGIA, PARALYSIS, -DYSPEPSIA, AND -, BRAIN TROUBLE . CLERY& CHAMOMILE" fYLLS. ft ahd will ew HFALIACHF'o'au. fuios 'EimLGlAMERVCVSNESS 71 amd DYSPASIA KAC-'SfMILE SICNATOT OH EVES BOX. "'Mr? TEATIS JJCIA'TTCA, "KRVOli.F,?3 AND LKElI.BSSXi;4!, AH ALSO : MY KEUKALoIa, HAS LKVT -MB FROM USE OFrOCK riLU.'1 Samuel T. ds Ford, J r , Cincinnati, U , West ern Passenger A geat, Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. . x "BEKOKK I BEGAN TAKISG TUJtM I CfCLD'ST OKI A lW:m XIGIIT'S SI.KEr WEEKS TOOETUEK." A. B. Cartrill. Conn. -.-..-.--...-, "1XEVBU COULD llOff MfCII GOOD YOUK P1EI.& HAVE VOSS .ME." Mrs. Belle Hob, 713 20th Street, Washington, D.C. The Tribune says: "Dr.. Benson was for a fin authority and Taluablc His Skip Cm-e reme dy Is fully the article to attftck the disease, both inteir.aliy, through the blood, and exter nally, through the absobents, and is the only i-eliule and rational mode of treatment. ' C. X. Critleston, Sole Wholeale Agent for Dr. C. Y. Benson's Remedies. 115 Folton St., New York. - may 26-1 w-ch-sat-nrm CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C OFFICK CHIEF ijV POI.rcE. , " : . Tay 35tU, lS3f QN AND AFTER JLNE 10TH, ALLDOGS found running at lare, without a Badst. -vrill be killed 11. C. BROCK, may 25-at ,.. uac . - Chief of I'ollee THE SEASH0KE HOTEL BRUNSWICK ! SEASIDE HOTEL ! WRIGHTS YILLK, N. C. B. L PERRY, Proprietor. rjpHESE TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL be open MONDAY, 31 AY 5. , The Hotel Branswick; at Smithrille, is 23 miles below Wilmington, and accessible by two first class steamers, making two trips dally. The Seaside Hotel is situated In a large grove on Wrlgbtsville Sound; is composed of cotta ges fer families, and within 7 miles of Wil mington, at tho head of a line Shell Road, the best in the Southern country. BOTH HOTELS IN FULL OCEAN. VIEW OF THE Good surf aud still water bathing. . Every- variety of rlsh, and abundance tf Oysters, Clams and Crabs- ., . Spacious Ball Rooms, with line Bands of Msic. , - Ten-nln Alleys, Billiards asd Bar. ?" Terms moderate. mav23 Grand Daylight Excursion to the Seashore! k N EXCURSION TRAIN WILL EE AVE Shelby, X. C on MONDAY MORNING next. ith May, at 3.20 A. M-, for Wilmington and Smith vllle. It will be an ALL DAYLIGHT Excursion, arriving in Wilmington at P. M. A car will be set aside especlaUy for la dles. Strict order will be msintalneL Pas sengers eaa return on any regular train up to, and Including Monday, J one 4th, thus elvlng seven clear days at the Seashore. A Black fish Excursion will take place during thr week, Ering the excursionists the opportunity to tva a good time generally. For schedule of time and prices, apply to your nearest depot. A BERRY CLEAVES. JOBS L. MAFFITT and -JOHN A. COUBETT; Manairen. . : --v,!-.-. mav 33 it. Organs! Organs! RECEIVING DAILY ADDITIONS TO MY Stock. Easy InsUlraents. ' Call and e ihem I and get prices. A complete f tort of Stat err. Blank Books. Ac. Ac. - m w - t'lclrein5,Raltcr0I,myccllutcr YATES BOOKSTORE, may ii 119 MiUkctM nurooer or years ihysician in charge of the Maryland infirmary on Jermatologv and snv- tnmtf rrom his hands is at nnw m- PUUBJt KOT1CC W WW be gua to receiTe iommnlcaUoc4 troa our frlsnd on snT and all subjects or general latercst but I The nsaae of the writer must always be fix alabed to the Editor! Communlcallonaiaust be wrmea os onl one aide of the paper. . PorsonaBtics must be aToticd, - ' And It Is especially and particularly unde I tood that the Edlf does not ahrsya endjr ike views of correspondents males' so state In the editorial columns. " . .?' NEW ADVJinTISEItlEirrS. W E W ST ORE. JpOU TILE CONVEX IEKCzi - OF CUsJ TOMECS AD THE PBrBUC GENERAL! I have oioncd a ' " - Fancy Grocery Store I : ; Vis THE- - NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNEUMClElfS ALLEY. I SIl ALL HAVE ON HAND. AT ALL TIME-S The Choicest Groceries, -' y .- -"' . - ' --' such as I keep at my Store on ifotUj ' Front Street. . ''Bay Your GROCERIES from mo and it will afford me pleasure to ileMver at your homes such articles as yon may purctiase in the Mar ket. SAVKTIMF. AND TROUBLE by niakin all your slec lioutt . in the SLW MARKF.T HOL'S - ' ": : , V J ohiti L. BoaWrii'lit may J-tf v STILL APJOTHER I HAVK JUST RKCErVKD- ANOTHER lau;k INVOICE OF . ' M 1 L L I N E M! OF ALL OF THE NEW SHAPE AND SHADE si - AS .ALSO, A LARGE L')T OF Fancy Goods, .Beautiful . Parasols and Fans,.. ALL NEW STYLES! Fichus, Hair Goods,, New 'Ageney !for itha Unlcoraal. K-,. r-i. ..i,' ny's Paiterns. . . . Rcfiier.ifullyT . - '' - - - MISS E. KARRER, may 5 , . EXCHANGE ""CORNEIL Wilmington & Weldonl?. R, Company. ' Skcrktary aki Thkasurkk's OmCK,, J Wilmington, N. C, May 25, 18H4. ) JN PURSUANCE OF A RKSOLUTIOX adopted by the Directors of the Wilmington &. Wei don Rail Road Company, at a meeting. held this day, a sperlsl meeting of the Stock-. holders of ald Company will bo' held In the city of Wilmington, t the office' of tho Com pany. at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, tuc vist uy ot June next. . "to take lau consideration the location , and bnildinir of Railroad from some point on the said. mimln mlntrtor n & Wehlon Railroad South of Wll- son to Florence. 8. C. on the Wilminaton. Cel. umbia. & Augusta Railroad, or some point East thereof on said roads, and such further action in this matter as the said Stockholders assembled in meeting may consider proper." - J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. may 22-Im May Millinery. rjrtHE BEAUTIFUL MONTH OF MAT HAS come and I have received more NE W AXD HANDSOME MILLINERY GOODS, WblCh will be sold cheap. Ladies, give me a call before purchasing, MR?. KATE O. W1NE, may 5 No. 113 Njjnh Second fctrcct. If You Would be Happy BUY A WOK STOVE. " "The Golden Harvest," CALUMET," Or. 'SO0TnEIiK OAK Of PARKER A TAYLOR Pore White Oil. , apl 1 Soda Water! Soda Water J. ITH PURE FRUIT JIHCE. 'Q. 1 f T . " - r .'. season' iMi.-."!". , i - Ml SERA L WATER OX DRAUGHT. ICE COLD. WIMJASI II. OKKKN. sItl- - j Mnjlf. ,. The Place to Buy !.n-SflUIR 1 -1 ' , PENTINE TOOLS. PUIXEKS. ' If CKEKS. v DIPPERS. . WJiKlTEU.?. - II At i;.WEllUm, Ac , &r.i Ac. -Itt ct gxd at Eork lUllGti i?rlrc. jL ruI,n,J complete stock . of JJanitrare il .,""f W. K. SPRINGLU & CO want apl K . 1?, II and tl r-iu