0 ' '' - " ' " - ' " ' - -- --- " i .i JL . ' ' i 1 "" ' ' ' ' . . . ' ' ' -, . . - - t THIS PAPp - every evealW' 9uily ex ' eepted by . jOSHT. JAMES, , JprpTlONS POSTAGE PAID: sC ioo tte mouths, Three fesX , an- Odo month, 33 cent. 31011 will be delivered by caniers tree Tt I 8 ary pArt of the city, at the above -r - rat low and llbcmu A Jn J r, w -11 report any a 4. all f atl 5!irc thir paper rulariy. VOL. VII. fX circulation, ofmy ncwtVcr Sch ai u Li'i y of Wilminuicjn. ,j,utvi"i . r - r -says that he has only ! Croix. W. I. Mf- nhal Nation, with -lrv.i. ; hber- valucd at 2 lheiiiosU"or.hai ic.aii Messrs. J. II. Chadb Vr'hir. . : Jerv-U- . Kxcursi( Exports Foreign. , Clifford. Capt. Brandon, cleared to-day for Fretlcricksted andChristian stetl. St. Croix. W. I.. with 179.963 feet 4(51,71, shipped by Chadbourn & Co. , wri itrrMr-TnTM K n AT ON DAY. MAY- 28. 1883. NO.J27 NEW AIrEltTISEMEXTS. We wtU be gU4 to rccelTQ ecancilcaUoae froa oar frlnd oa &oy &xh! all isbjecU of CQacrallalercstbiit . . - ' The name of the write onst always be ft Sahctotheiaitor. V " - v " " ' ' CtomaTOteattonaxauat be ;wrtttee a, ii omealdeot the paper. -:y- rcraonalltlcaiaiutbe aT0l4e. " ' As lit Is especially anI particularly uule tooa that the Editor doc sot always en dor tio Tiewd of correspondents tmlcaa ad state In the editorial colnHma. .. . . 6 ' .. r.r. Tuesday has bad a good r... : . r.T ...1 y..fr tif-fiirilV 13 IWl, ttUU .. r money ha risen, iiie .uro- j.pak m prairooi tno.tsert5-t vaiu i believed that the wheat eropof .yj'.ib-- muchles than last year. was nxceptioually large, bein HM biwhels. aSamst 33,000,000 r". .. ' ;n ii , and showinjr an average 0 ... .uxtfvi hnshel for the JflxcttrsiontstH. - The society and Sunday School uf St.. Mark's Episcopal eliurcli, colored, made their annual excursion down the river to Srcithville and the forts on the Pa&sjxfrl this morning. Thore was a goodly number on board, and they have had a beautiful day. Yatca It CHARLOTTE 3ST, O., ...i, ; " - -v MANUFACTURE - H4W MILLB, WATXB- WHBI, STEAM ENGINES, llOILERS, BOTH PORTABLE AND STATION EdlY; PORTABLE CORN MILL?, WHEAT MILL OUTFIT:, SIIAFTING. Strangers should visit Photograph Gallery. . the .. JOHN WILKES, Proprietor. fy CoL S. "U FltEMOST is our lienerai Apeet in Wllmtngton anl vleinlty, for the enle of - -1 -, ' .-. - 7 ' , . w' - " ; our machinery. wiu will furnish prices, receive outers airtt supply alt deslreti InforraaUon. u-ar-- Ji ' . 1 ,. niii price of -butter for uiaoy -has been a bonanza to ia rokl source -of .distress to soli- . w . " - - i r- w interesting to read in . j;. --.Holies t)it ''tons upoji Urns ,uterwiiicli cost an average of 33 .u,r.r-.r ,,onnd im'c been: thrown on miirkci wwntly, after being held all 4fi whiter ir high prices, and it is r.iuvl that Boston dealers and ship "rs will ioe from $5(H1.000 lo $750,000 on 'heir rnirchasee. Several thousand n,b,ot oM biiuer are held by thelarnis w.nhern Vermolu, and thfey are 115 ' ' Tio&sl 10 cents a -pound wnatthey. refused 35 for lan winter. The Hxeitrsiouiftts. last ten t ' jcom a epeciai dispatch to the Ke- vif.w, received Irani.' laurinburg at 1 :35 p. n.; to day. we arc lad to learn that the excursion train, which is to ar rive here to-nteht, is full and., that the excursion i a ''big sucee.5' If no ac cident happens between Laurinburg and this ci!y the train will arrive here on time this evening and with, it is es tiiuated, not less than 300 excursionists. for LOCAL NEWS; INDEX TO NEW lAOYERTtSEMIKTS. UfERA HorK Musicalc yA-n.s-Fioo'iiug ibe Town f. (, UL.MK-Ixist Rocclvei iliXNSBKR'JKR New Boeka lUEKiss situation WanK-i-Mi"M-" ItBOft Ec Caea Camphor W n Gui x x-odr. Water iliac rat Wat j j. URii'GEirt Jt Co The "Cnlchawed Comoiiu.-. -Harnett Council Ku. Royal liic rweipts of cotton at ih? ptirt to- iliy foot up G bales. .aratious are being made to fetuc- Jetith of Mrs. Ileilrick. Mrs. Cynthia Hedriek the mother of Col. John J- I Ted rick and Mra Thomas II. Heawy diud in this city yesterday morning at the advanced age of 81 years. Mrs-. I led rick was born in Smithville and removal to Wilmington when but 10 years of age. She married Mr. Thomas Washingt.on Hod rick, who va the first male child Washington. The Celebration of the Twenty sk m-it Fifth Anniversary of St. j ,fJECttLErjfBURG - IRON WORKS, Paul's Kv. Lutheran Churcn, Sunday, May 28. Despite the unlavorable weather on yesterday there was a ood attendance at the morning, serviec at the churcl tu r..a; Ror P W V.. T'paehau. de- 1UC u.iisvvyt - w m. . ... . i livcreil a historical sermon in a very pulleys, hangers and pedestal boxes. chaste and eloquent manner; the ser-1 i;au amt examine our stock. oir ea'l for circuLir. Machinery of all kin-is InreH'ieil ai vices bcin-f in the English language. m - ; ; : ; , and-was lisuined to with -very marked j . attention. He spoke oC the church s rise and progress from IU first pastor, Rev. John II. Mengert, of Bvansville, Ind ' The organization of tho church 1 took place on the 3lst May,; 1B58, in i the First Presbyterian Churchy on Front street, aad was brought .abwuv through tho notice att racted at tbat time, that there existed in thi.-i eity fft German military compShy,' caHed the (ierman Voluntera." Thua the Synod of North Carolina of the Evan gelical Eutlieran Church; noticed oy ft petition having lieen made to the Tjeg islature ot the State for a Charter for this company. Thereupon two minis ters. Rev. Yir G. D. Bernheim and Ucv. Linn, were sent heie to mase tho necessary arrangements for an or ganization, which was eftected as before stateti. The church "was without a NKW APVJBRTISE3lforrs. THE SExiSHORE I: HOTEL BRUNSWICK j . SMITHVILLE, N, Cv : At the residence of the bride's father, on the S0h nit . Rev. T. ,HarrJjonr officiating. Mies FANNY MOORE, of BiclmorM conntr N. C, to Mr. GEO.' lC NBW,nnefly of Wil mtngton, a. C 1IEI, COWANInPittibojro.N C, on tlie nlgrvt of the Win Inst. Mt.nTUOMaS COWAN, in the 80th year of his age.. HEDBICK In tbli etty, oa the uioroinz cf the 27th lost. Mr. CrNTIHA HEDSIOK. aged SI yeara. " ' V. . - j remain.- wero imered at Onkdale thi8 5 morning. pastor lor eight yeaisi, He v. Mr. Men gert having resigned in 1661. The war somewhat interfered with tho growh of the church, and nothing material a... ...f:i iiiAO tht f!nrrJi was completed , and dcdicaui to the I Triune God. and in 1B70 Rev. Dr. C D. j Lost. UKNTLRMAV3 SEAL LOCKET, ON Sunday, between the residence of the I te Mser Bear and Oftkdale Cecaetery". The finder wii! be liberally rewarded by leafing it at Sol. Bear's, JO Market St. may 3 It . . frn Alive, Nl) OTHER SKETCHES, BY MAJOR JONES, author of Major. Jones' Courtship, ju ;t received ; price 75 cent. IKK'ft BAD 1SOV ANI nw l'A. Third supply j nt tn. v - ALL ABU7T. WILLIAM MORGAN THE LONG 8KORET REVEALED. Here is the whole story from undoubted authorities. Mor gan waa not murdered, Jn one volume, 400 pages; prioe L.- ? - - ' For ale at IIEINSBERGER'S, may 36 . Lire Book and Muwle Stores Situation Wanted. SITUATION OF AKY KIND IS. vrnnt.el the undTsl)nf &. Work of any kind will i he accepted. wj. s. h ikkiss, Komhflim was called ns uastnr. AYho may SMt labored hem lot iwelvo years, aud j RevlOW Oftice I';ei el tl;.; exterior of the Temple of Israel. KrtHuent and delightful showerV mao ijiad Ua parched earth yester day. ' The front of Dr. Green's handsome! iron-front drug store, on Market street. ! is being repainted. The by delegates to the Episcopal Convention at Charlotte have all re turned to the ci.ty. - Dr. JohTuTnawos, ot the Point Caswell section, was in the city lo.day on one of his rare visits. The series of meetings whicfi were held at the First BaptLst Churcn) last week, closed last night. Maj. W. L. Young va.s on our streets to day, having arrived on this morning's train from Duplin county. Don't leave Wilmington until you have had some tine photographs taken at the Yates Gallery. It. Tho dust was ho thoroughly laid by the showers yesterday that there- was" but little use for street sprinkling to day. Quite a number of delegates to the -Methodist District Conference, held at U'hitc ville.'returncd on Saturday night. The remainder aJe expected to return to-night. Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231, Royal Arcanum meets to-night at. 8 o'clock. Initiation. Come out and see the Highland Chieftain. " Roddic&do." Assessment No. 46 expires to nighty, It Ex-Mayor Fishblate returned to the city last night after a short trip to the North. He stopped in Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York and was ia the city last Thursday.; wheu the big hridjie was formally opened. At the prayer meeting at the First Baptist church yesterday afternoon three candidates were admitted to mem bership. The ordinance of Baptism will be administered to tbxea at the church on Thursday night, tho 31s inst. In ridingaround the outskirts of the pity a few days ago we were much surprised to see the number ' of neat Uttle. cottages which have been built Hirin the past six months and the very largo number now under the conrse "t construction. ' ; City Court. Andrew Morrissey, colore!, was brought before tlie Mayor this morning charged with committing, a nuisance. The charge was proved and .was f a vory aggravated nature, tor which tho defendant was required to pay a fine of $ 10 or be conlincd 30 day in tho city prison. He wont bvlow. . Atieo Kelley. an o!J - "offended trom the "Hollow." for disorderly cndnct was liued $5 and in default of payment was sent befov'for10 days. Attempted liurjflary. j A thief attempted to break into Capt. C. D. Myers1 grocery store on Satur day night, but was irightened away before he had gained an entrance, by Ofiicer Mints, who heard the glass breaking from police headquarters and ran across the street just in season to see the scamp running down tho alley just north of the store. This makes two Saturday nighls in succession that C apt i Myers' store has "'received tbe-special attention of the thieving fraternity. That ou the first occasion was emi nently successful, but the last happened to be a failure. nitininale. i brought it to a complete siicc-hu I t TviAi? . Vot-il Director everyway, is o. pastor ever, ivm j -- . . harder duriiig his administration The 'pkof.. e.;.v AwiAiiBt"instniineBtal. Wilier heavy debt wjs lifted from the church; fridat kvknim, junk t. when he resigned-, in January, anu lkpv. t. v . x. i eatiuuii, ui Ieatli of Mr. Covan. Intelligence was received here yester day morning by telegraph, of the death at rittsboro, in Chatham county, at 11 o'clock on Saturday night, of Mr.Thos. Cowau. formerly or this city, but ever since the war a resident of Pittsboro. Mr. Cowan was born on the 11th day of October, 1803. and was conseqaentlv in the SOth year pf his ago at the time of his death. He was born in Wilmington and previous to the war was one of the largest rice planters in this section. He owned the Town Creek plantation, the ! site of the first settlement on the Cape church lias a fine property, not adolinr of debt resting upon it, and is now pre paring to build a .-iHiitftblq building, on the vacant lot just beyond thcr parson age, corner of Sixth', and Princess streets, for Sanda? schooi.lectuceaiid other purposes. At 8 o'clock p. ra., the Sunday benoo celebrated, with, the Church and . its friends, the anniversary. The services throughout wore very interesting, con sisting of addresses, reports, &o., on the condition of the Sunday. School. Our venerable friend and aged citizen, j H. B. Eilers, Esq.. gave a brief history of tho organization of- the Sunday School during tho time lie and our de parted German fellow-eitizcn,- H. G. Hashagen, were superintendcnU. Mr. W: H. Strauss, the present superintend ent, delivered an address, giving' an account of the seven years of his ad ministration. Reports on the finances, library and records of scholars and teachers were read by Messrs. L. . Vollers, G. W. The iine?t muskral tJcivt tity wiU par- - - may 2S-it , SetA at Dyers . Just Received. 800 BrsHBLi viRGijfi v fKAt'. W Boxes Xirkmaa's CeJebroted SO AT, i may afaxket Street. MILLINERY. XT ATS, BO Si NETS. VlAJVf BUS, FHJHlTrt, nOIETtY, GLOVE8, &c. . t - t. . ' ' ' . LxCE COLLAU8, jrEATHKlf, f and erary thtug in ufy line of " the latest und most approretl style, nnrl new gfMla tu arrive next week. . , Ladies will find it ! their Interest to f?c nc j a call. MRS. S. J. BAKER, tt MAOKJ3X STREET. . may ?i , . . ' .; - - ' ' REFINED CAMPHOR,'- 35 C 13 NTS P-Klt POUNI. SEASIDE HOTEL I .WUIG1IT3VTLIJS, N. C. y 11. U VlZllllY, Proprietor. fJIHEsF. TWOS UMAX Ell RESORTS WILL . bo open M6NDAY, MAY , : V ' The Hotel Brans-wick, at Smithville, I 25 1 mitcA belon' WllmioRlon, and accessible hy y two first clas jteamersr, making rVa.. trlpi - , v diilly. ," - .' - ' - ', K'v , The Se3cile Itotel Is situ;ttedlna'larjre jnovo ; on Wxiantsvillc Sound ria composed of cotta- -crs for families, ami -withla miles of WII- . lalnjrtoD, av the hea4 of a flue Shell Koad. the best In the Southern country. ; - i '? HOT 1 1 JiOTK LS I N FULL' VIEW OF TflK t - Good tttjrf and etill watnr bathine.. , - . Oyslers, Clan.s and Crab. - . - , "spaciou Dal Uoomt. Willi ' fine llanda ot M'ihIo. . - . v " - " ' Ten-nl a Alleys; Rilliardsnnd Rar. " j; ' Nr Terms mwlera to. , 'v1,:- c niav 2" ' '-," 'I -. i'v -:?". STILLAWOTHER : 1 ITAVK , J UST RECK1 Vl.D ; A NOT 11 Kit LARUE INVOICK OF - ' MILL I N E-R Y! Of ALL OF THE SEW BOA PES AMD ' - " SHADES. - , --.!' .-r AS; ALSO, A LARGE LOT OF Fancy Goods, Beautiful Parasols and Fans. ; A I.L SEW STYLES. ' Fldoaing tlie Town ! , AFER BAGS, - ? PAPER. RAW, 1 Vf phor at3c per iennI, or thi-eo pounds for oner dollar. Fifty pounda .Persian -Jneect Tovfder 58 cents per pouud-. Call orsendorr . tier 1t Postal. Goods vplll be delivered y ii iirTvnc t?t t m prouipiiy. ainU'i j , , .. . ; Dispennlng Plurmaclst, : l,4b i Jireauway, m. i. 6il North 4th etreet, .Wilmington, X. C. inay 36 ; ' - . '; -- riTY or W'ILMINGTON, N. tL, OmCR CKIBF OF POLICE, ' - May 'kb.-liW3.! Bornemanh and J. H. Klander. An . . , , .. 11 V.V Max? ! : PAPER DAGS, t WRAPPING PAPER: ' .WRAPPING PAPER. CaR iD4 fe iric8 tefore bnyl eg etec where YATES BOOK STORE, mafia - 11D Market 5t Strawberries and IceCream. rrtHE LADIE8 OF FROST ST. M. E. Church will havea STRAW BERRY and ICE CREAM FESTIVAL, at the CITY II ALL, O S ATCD AFTER JOKB loTII, ALL DOG found, runoln? at large, without a Badge, will be killed H. C. BROCK, may 25-3t wac , v - Chief of Police o A Mew Supply F RED AND WHITE ONION able address was also delivered! bv Kev nKt THURSDAY NIGHT, 31&t lnt, oyxve. mavit thmon Corn is reported InnVintr retnarka- ly well, with an increased -aerease. int HIaden, Columbus and Cumberland counti. There is less cotton planted in those counties this year than former ly, but that planted is looking very well, wheo.the unfavorable season . Is taken into consideration . , : Fear section, ine remains weiu-i have been interied at Pittsboro to-day Stereoscopic Views of Wilmington on sale at the Yates Gallery. , It. Criminal Court. The Criminal Court for New Hano ver county convened at the Court House in this cUy at 10 o'clock this morning, 'His Honor.' Judge O. P. M cares 'nresidimr. and Soclictor B. It: Moore representing the interests of the State. The morning session was fnlly occupied in drawing jurors and empans neling the grandjury and delivering the charge to the same. . The following comprise the grand jury: . - r v r. fore. and G. A. ruicuittu n . Warner, Charles W. Bishop. Horace, Child, H; B. Green. W. G. Norment J. R. Melton, William McDermott. W. Ti- Jacobs. J. N. Maramber. W. H. Hardy. C. F.. W. Blsscngei . John Taylor," Ghartos Howe. W. A. lket. W asli. T. G. Pickett and f. W. w, ... - - - . ' ChadwiSk. , tf-.A.cfln-woro trieti to uav ana ine jt K tit-- . -. - .'". .;tt v.rhnhlv - bo ' short as docketjs unusnally small. To Builders and othersGo to J aco bxs for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c : Vo ca1 get all sizes and at the lowest prices. F. W. E. Peschau, and a very hand some collection, as a thauks offering in part and for the sinking fmfdof the gunday School, was taken up. The most interesting part of tho serv iceswas the bandsomo present, a gold headed cane, to Mr. H. B. Eilers. from the members of the Church Council, of which he is a part, being Elder for many years. It wa3 presented to him by the pastor, Rev. F. W. E. Peschau, in a very chaste and feelina manner, and responded1 to with thanks on the part o! Mr. Eilers, who said that he would always cherish this as a rme rmjmto of the generosity of the appre ciative brethren. The services were well arranged and everybody seemed pleased. Thus end. ed one of the gala days for our Ger man and American Lutheran fellow citizens. Ixng will it be remembered by all who were fortunate enough to be present. Attention is invited to the advertise ment of the Mecklenburg Iron Works, it annnara in this issue. Col. S. L. Fremont is the agent here for these works and wili bo glad to see parties, who may bo in need of anything in that j line and will also furnish full informa- j lion if .addressed through the . mails. Col. Peter Mallett, of New York, anil The .''Culchawed" Tastes: of "ye modern epicure" calls for the best and . ... rsH? ' . '' '".- ' moftt delicate dishes. . -" . - .' '- " . -V- .-r- WE HAVE THEM! Elegant Breakfast Mackerel Extra Mess, . North Carolina Roe Herrin, Breakijit8trlps, &e.. Springfield Mild Cured flame. Foiton Market CorU Beef; 9 alad CreAiu. Salad, OUs, Capers, Wore esteretlre Sauce, Tomato. Catsup, Ac, &c. r ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF, CAKES AND - CRACKERS' ' Sweet Cider by the Gallon. It U simply elegant. Bend down your Jug. Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicine, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac KW Prescrtpuoris flllod at all hours, day anl Fichus. Hair Goods, 'New, Stamping Patterns, &c. ; Agency !for Uc. Universal Fashion Com pa- -ny's Paueroa. f - . ' . '..V . , -; ' ..:.--'-- - - ' - ' Rcfpectfullf, . , MISS E. KARRER, ; may5 EXCHANGE CORNEIL: Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. , us: 0. II ataiw Sil-2feit2C3tJLj?-.;cU. " - Jul. .1 rach 31- Gennan Dropglst, CoTBcr Fourth and Nua ste. NEW MAY BUTTER ! "VTEW MAY BUTTER AT 85c A POUND, 1 Three iound3 for 1. ' ' 1 . No. 1 CORNED" BEEF at 10c per poand. -' A fresh supply of those celebrated CAKES, the BEST In the city. Prepared Flour la 8 potaH packages, ready for use. , : No stale goofs,' everything new and fresh, and as cheap as the cheapest, at , . .CRAPON'S FAMILY GROCERY, may 22 ; V fo. 22, South Front Street SEdlETABT A4D TnKA.feUBEK'S OrFlCB, WUmlngton, N. C, May 1SS3, . - ... JN PURSUANCE OF A RESOLUTION adoptod by. the Directors of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail Roai Company, at a mectJn ; held thtq day, a ppecial meeting of the Stock' . holders -of said Company, trill be held In the , ; city of Wilmington, at tho ofTice of the Com pawy. at 11 o'clock, A. M., on. Thurwl iy, the 21ot day of Jucc next, "to tike Imo- . con slii era turn tlie location sud buiUUrg ot -a Jiailread from some point on the said, Wilmington & Weldon Railroad South rf Wil son to Florence. S. C-. on the Wilmington. Cel- ' nmbia & Auarusta Raibroad, or some point Kast thereor on Raid roais. and enn runner ; action in this mater as tho sal I fotockholders assembled In meeting may consider proper." Flojury Flour. Onn Bbls Daisy FLOUR, sCKjKj 123 Bbla Buttercup, . 550 do Park Mills, 20,do BeUMRla, IW do Monarch. ' ... may 22-tnx J. W. THOMPSON", SecrcUry. r Three Pounds for $1. Beet Candy made in the state. i may tl For sale by - - KERCH NEB A CALDER BEOS " - Grroceries. "I A A Boxee ftaoked asd D. 3. SIDE. AW iylay ilQillinery. rjllLE BEAUTIFUL MONTH OF MAY HAS come and I haTO receired more NEW AND HANDSOME MILLINERY GOODS Which Will be eold cheap. Ladies, give me a call before parrhajlog. MRS. KATE C WINK. may 5 No.119 North Second btirect." If You Would be Happy. :i BUY A COOK STOVE. uTha Golden Harvest, 11 fn a i imirx if . m y 4 r 4 nil 'nSIM'- Or, "SOUTHERN OAK,M M bl SUGAR. C. Ex C and Oran. 1 Of PARKER A TAYLOR- M0 Bags COFFEE, - ,' 20 BblsRice. Pore Vhite Oil. apl 16 Eorslebr , U Wafer Snria Wofoi may?l ; KERCHNER A James J. Burnett,- if HOTOtJRAPIIER, . . ; " - NEW MARKET BUILDING. j , - ' Up Stiirn South Front t. t Photrapb.... rk -r i w Col. feter Mallett, of .New -j one, anu i ? gTTinrag QO S Gol. JohnW. ninsdaleof Raleigh, jr. X. DUiXiJUJjXXO ,-RepeSf.ny noilaea the pubHe that heLil were in tho city yesterday. : '1 : , i .W. y ; 1 1 rioK-10 I TH JURK rRUfT JUICES, ICE COLD i v SEASON ' . MfNKRAL WATEH ON DRAUGHT. -ICE COLD.- WILIJAM II, GUKEN. Messrs. A. &. I. SaRrEKliave receiv-; uay gs cd. express, a large lot of Chikiren'sf the j Blonso Stttts made, up very handsomely may 1 Yes Sir ! in difierent aliadcs. which tliey will selH at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. t - For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, jro to jAOOBi'a Hardware Depot, f aLWAYSi THEi BEST '.TKJVM ARRET a&Wda azid at ihcJotrwk yrlore- BSCP, M UTTON", LAM U AND VBAL. ri -'AU orders pptwnpx nueti. " Ayl . Stttll 8, New MAffkeU A Tin Toilet Setn. uuoii aortmet 1; FOB &ALK II T : ' Giles &!jiurcliisbu. TU&T i U Wfci Stsrehfem Bi:V. Tho Place to Buy . ; fTpURPRNTTNE TOOLS'. .' t PULLERS, V If ACKERS,' . ' DIPPKR, . -.WJIl-.Tl'ERS.. ' ' IIA K-WE1GUTS, A , Ac, Ac. Bert of good at lck Itoitofti price. A- on hctl ' W. E. SPRINGER A CO., . " 5scessoTS to John Dawson A Co., . apl la . v U. il ani S3 iUrkct tirta

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