1 1 i err etenlng, Sundays ex " eepted by . JOSH T. JABIES - . JulFl "IONS r OUTAGE PAHh 1 lU5Cliir month, 2.00. Three i n $4.00. 1- no J, Hklb V l.-il J V V o MAI1 nsf . . 4i (x: uk; : po0'' Mm delivered by carriers tree PT Dart of the cttf , at tbe shove j fCa e i a rent i wee. . -iyf " nrs wl report any an.l an fau- their paper regularly. TOL. VII. W rLMINGTON. C TUESDAY. MAY 39? 1883. NO. 128 '- VTe will te gia 1 ta iccUvo x----.-;4t!-- from our iriad3 on any and all ecfcjctu ot fsaaeral Interest irat r f ' -.- . : "J The name of tfca writer tanst always be ft niched to the Editor.- .V:.; "w. -; Communications must be written ca ofcl . ,ooalJeof tfre paper. ' ;r;;.v C",';-!-."-; N J - .1 Persousfitics nrust bo sroldecV . - i And It la eauecially and trttcnlaTir edo stood that the Editor docs not always ende tke rlews oC correspondents wiles so atats In the editorial coloiarts. C ' ; - the cily of Wilmington The annual meeting of the Lndies u itn"-- : ... ... - ., i :.r & inf. - ' -f ..nu ntnnncr I Mcnional Association, lor tne election rtif officers and the transaction of other important business, will be held in the ton, 4"- s have broken out at i schoolreoru in rear of St. James1 , ' t - ntliony has so far recover $CIVS ' . .rtride in the open air. ii :iu,'j CI-' - . chief Justice George Sharswood, Lv t'ourt of Pcunsylvania, .ftheuy" i i.umv' successor will be -..-n or i"1"" e'ec C!.-,";, t,, meet to-morrow. rirenau Crapo, of Massachu l'0"?r . . . u, .-4.rV ill in Wash SCt- . ; V5 rpn orth. ni lpvotion on the art of i There is to be a . Vv on the day of the Czar's en- j bition at " the Tiles ."" we is commented upon by o'clock Friday tri "'";., ;r.urnals. ! time the present ses 1 1 i if - i ums that foot up to 173,- tb.. l.-.re ,. i;ev d that Lord (rauvilie has ".ownuinication'io the French raineut exprewinp. regret at the m .it' France towarus .uaviat;.a. 3rt''" .. . c r Miohnol Bass, the brewer of .Ka pale ale," has given away to ,vn? for libraries, churches, OCtK rheftr; collections of Wm. Henry Hubert, lately editor of the World, l-lnold hi Xew York on Thur , ' Mr Ilulbert in about to go to Kuroi . Io al societies at Montreal have no wl.ir.M ut actihe' contrary to the bs of their pastors, who lately de nounced the affiliation scheme with th A-nerican Irish League. . - senator Fair's ton is described as a lloy Cf W, RnJ t.b0 hoir to illions' marine a rtraight course for thp gut - 1' is an old saying that rich . ..... .. t vn-in ?bpn their Uieil S SOILS Ufqurunj ' ,' fatljcrs left oQ and leave off where their latbtrs h?zm. . ' .. The a 'was. safely, crowned last Simhy. Ttte ceremony was irjagniQ- writ iu the extreme and. the cost of the affair to iho government i placed a1 ltKHHtOO which is, in all probability. -rv nuiph in excess of the actual cost. The enthusiasm of the populace m Moscow whs a noticeable fact and goon disprove 'the statements of those ni'wspaiHir men who speak of au irre oncilable conflict between the Czar and hi people. Tho Nihilists in llus hia arc not by any means the peopled that country. Chiircli to-morrov. evening, at 5 o'clock. Mr. F. M. James, one of the health ofllcers ot the city; who has been absent for about a month on a visit to Fall Riyer and Nantucket. Mass., returned here Sunday, and was on the streets, looking well and hearty, yesterday. The revenue cutter .Colfax came .up and anchored oft" the Custom House this morning,- and will probably remain in her present position until alter me morial services arc closed to morrow, as she i3 to fire a salute on that occa sion. . Kindergarten exhi- tnn School, at 4 afternoon, at which j sion will close. The entertainment promises - to be very in teresting, ami will be "free to invited guests. There was a large throng on board the Passjjort this morning, bound for a day of pleasure and recreation down the river. The party was composed principally of the excursionists who arrived here yesterday evening.but there was a "right smart spnnklm,' ot our citizens among them. About Blacklisli. We are requested to state that ttyj; blaekfish excursion spoken of to take place on the steamer Passport to taor- j row will not be a regular fish'ng ex- j cursion. The boat will leave her wharf ; at her usual time. 0 oc!ock. stopping at Smith villc, and will make a trip -outside -to the- grounds, accommodating them who may wish to fish. It is thfifl in the air thomrh. that on SEW: ADVERTISE3IENTS SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MECKLENBURG IROW WORKS, NEW AIVJ3BTIS13ME2TrS. MILLINERY. - - ; , JMAMJFACTDliK ' . CAW jnU, WATER WflEEW.' STEAM E5GINES, BOILERS. DOTH PORTABLE C?.. fL. .v nToT w rtnv HflT.T.t WITKAT MILL. OUTFITS. rillAFTUfG, ANI DTAilUAl.i uaAju : XT ATS, BONNETS, FLOWKBS, . riciius. nosrsBT, glovks. t. LACK (XLI.ARS. rEATnKKS, as J evcryiilas la ray ltao ot the latest and PUIXCTS; If AXGEB8 AXD PEDE6TAL BOXES. :OTTON FRFcES. SUGAJt BOlLTSES.fcc. j most avprored atyto. aod new gooOs to arrlv CaU ami examine our stock, or sjk1 for ctrcrilar. Machlnory ot all alndi larttisneo &i short notice and lowest price. -r Col. Sr b. FBKMOKT is our General Agent In tVUmlnr-on d rlclnity, for the Bale of due notice will be given in . this paper. nchloery. who will furoiah priees. receive order and supply aU desired information. and for further particulars wc refer you . : ; - JOffK An LKES, Proprietor. ..lL..ir- i ! mayss-im . - . ' - LO IHO urutifti. Thursday, the 7th of June there will be J a regular fishing excursion, of which j Fine Photographs on exhibition at the Yates Gallery. - J ; I ' ; : It The Excursionists. Tho excurpiou train from Shelby arrived here at 5.30 o'clock yesterday evening having on board about 300 excursionists, fifty of whoni are ladie?, from that thriving town and tho inter mediate points. There are quita a number of merchants among them and all appear to belong to a good and well-to-do class of citizens. The men, as a general thing, and the ladies with out an exception, are remarkably good looking. They soon found com fortable quarters at the Furcell ; House, Commercial Hotel, and other homes of more or less note, after which they might be seen, alouo and in groups, promenading our principal streets until Nl)amon and Pythias Lodge. No. 21. Independent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughter of Samaria, had a cele bration yesterday, the principal feature of which consisted in forming a proces tT, nJi Prinfps streftl. whence, pre- ccoOaI py a uanu in ru!.-, j yiat tiaato pe raau to St. Stephen A.M. i.. Uhnrcji. color-. . very orderly and ed, where George L. Mabsou delivered an "atldress appropriate to the occasion. .Criminal Court. Since the close of our report of yes terday the following cases -have beeu disposed of : - . Stato vs. Monroe Turner, carrying a concealed weapon. Defendant submits. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. . ' ; State vs. G. A Poppe. carry a con- ftled weaDon. Defendant submitted 1 and judgment was suspended upon pay ment of costs. State vs.. Jacob Davids, carrying a concealed weapon. Same jaagmeni as above. -State vs. Jno. Martin, larceny. Case continued. State vs, Henry F-liU. bigamy. Case continued. - State vs. Jos. Roderick, carrying a nnnPPftled weapon. Case continued. Cool Befer. O TO McGOWAXU No. SO. FRONT - " " - St.. for COOi BKEK anrt -".lony inoygui -5-CENT CIGATiS, Good WHISKEY", WISES, &c. :;,v'"t-.:V. '' may 29 It Infant's Lace Bonnets, TN NEW AND PRETTY- STYLES; ALSO. HATS. FEATHERS, FLO WEBS and other MILLIXERY and FANCY. GOODS. And Old Hat pressed in new thapa. considerably alter dark The trip from Shelby, a distance oH voL proaeStered: 242 niiles, was made in 12 hours and, gtate Y3fXfinee Smith, illegal voting. 5 minutes, which was remarkably good j Nq1 pros.'etitered. - time considering the many stoppages state vs. W-E Mayo, jeace war: The crowd was an nisinIsa ftt the, cost of th may S9 MRS. KATE C WINKS, No. 119 North Second Street. Notice. next week. t Ladies will uad It to their Interest to gtre ne ...... v.. . -, - acull. t .j. ;;- v r-'- . MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET ETCEET. Tnay 0 - . REFINED CAMPnOlt, Sr.CKNTS I'EK l'OUNI). -TE OFFER 100 LBS FINEST GUit CAM-. 1 V 1'ltor at 33c er jiorund, or ihrf o pounds for one llar. FiftT .unt Persian Ineeet Powder 50 cent per'pouud. jCall or f nd or ders hv Postal. Good will to delivered pcomf Ur. MCNDS BR., lispenlnj? rh.rmacl3t, . . l.ial Broadway, N. Y. tlil North Oh street, Wlltunicton, N . C mar 26 - ? o A 3ew Supply F RED '.VND WIIlTE ONTION fKId',- f Pas, B?ana, Corn, Cabtase, .t Irug!i ant cnemicais, iaieu aieuicuics. Toilft ani tnoy Arucies. cc. plio fJIHE ANNUAL MEETING QV THE LA DIES MEMORIAL -ALSOCIAlJlON, for the election of officers, and admLtsloh ot members, la called at the School Room In t ie rear of M. .lames' Church, to-morrow (V edne-'iay) ai j AS i tlT?LtlUUVU3 i uvicm4j nipriil. X i3ill-AA . German Iugt, v, inch 31 Corner Fourth aui Nun its . "V - fc. i - 111 r FT (1 1 ' T'f' 1111 ' LCI UUWU k 1 V V V X. a WW - State vs. urion oruuu. a. . , f h0 Presiiient. MISS li. C. BURR, Scet'y may 29 It Star please eppy VISITORS there was no difficulty j praseculor mar the enjoyment of. fi v3 or disturbance to the ride. There are delegations irom nearly every station along the line of the road, and their universal good conduct receives the warmest praise of the mauagers of the excursion. , At 0 o'clock this morning a larse number (as stated elsewhere) went down the tivqv on tite iVi.n ana will attend a ball to-night at the 'Hotel Bruuswickl To-morrow they will havo an opportunity, on the same, boat, . The Scientific Amcricanf after giving several remedies tested lor destroying cabbage worms, says: "The most satisiactory remedy tested, however, consisted of a mixture of onoshalf pound each of hard soap arid kerosene oil in three cnllons of water. I his was npf plied August fith; an examination the following day showed many, if not all, I l st FT t . t the worms Kmca.,ine re.UWv frt- vl,in t;,t.traarv tribute to simple and cheap, and probably worth j Neplnn( by Ha excursionttothe hlack alrial. Ira nnHa btk! nn Thursday night j lieu 1UUUUI v 1 there will be a oau at tcu ocuaiuu ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO Un mailables SUate vs. K.U. isarniiz, misuemi..-!. Guilty. Judgment not yet pronoun ced. This is what known as tho "green turnip' case and was brought up ua p;iu fsxttrt wherein on appeal '"j ; the detendant was found guilty of vio lating a market ordinaeeby selling veg-. otahles outside the prescrilod limits.) State vs. Obadiah Uogers, assault and battery and peace warrant two cases. Uecoguized in the sum of SpO in each asc tor hi- appearance at ie next term of Cotrrt. " CALL AT HEINSBERGER'S, LIVE HOOK AND At USIC STORES, 1()7 tintl lt$ iVIarket Street. raayiO ". ' ' -f - Corsets ! Flour. tflour. rjrm Bbb Daisy FLOUR. - ZVjXj libla Butter Cup, . i-250 d rarkMtlti, 2M do DcllMllK .. , iro do" Mocarcli. ' Fur fale by - :' - uxaytl KERCIISKR A CALDEU, BKOa Groceries. - Doxcs .lacked and D. 3. SIDES. 10s) Buckets and Tuba Pest LARi. 10O llh'isan! Bbls Cuba MOIASSES, AO Rbld SUGAR. C. K.x C and Gran. 100 Bags COFFEE, , .--, 20 r.bbjRlce. : For nalc bv . may 21 KEUOHNER A COLDER BROS, Wilmington & Wordon R."R. : , Company. i f OR A LISE CORSETS, AU Slaca. The following i3 a list of the unraail- IcAzX for their benefit and pleasure, ublo postal matter remaining in tbe? e b-d lncm lne heartiest sort of a Postofiico in this city: j welcome, the most pleasant enjoyment J. V. Holt; Rockingham . N. Lf their vidt. and, in the language of Mrs. W. B. Barker. Dudley, N. C. ; J. . John Ei Inc0; Jn the Profestcr, that H. Tucker, 31 Bradford st., Boston; j thoy mf.y Como Again' Rev. B. Mainard, Clinton, N. C. ; : ZT7Z un y Our visitors are invited to the Yates A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols Photorraphfe Gallery. 1 ip Market lAtitrect has been interviewed j at JACOr.rs Hardware Depot. ' t j &trect:- den. I &n street lias uecn it" . by a norld reporter. Ho declares that An Association j thrt coloietl neoclo in Georgia have DC- ... r-rn.on:-pi ;n tho. First colored j 11 uii,ni. ... r . cotue Democrats hat he neglects to say . . ( .T,...h of Wilminatou. N. C, how they were driven there in disgust LQ. cr Fifth and Campbell streets. It Personal. Hon. Jos. B. Bachelor, or Kaleigh. is in the city to-day on h?; return home from tbo Diocesan. Convention in Char lotte. . Rev. Dr. Wat&on and Rcr A. DeK t-ofi r rPtnrnctl this morning from Convention - were t)leasei"to receive a .call j ParJeer, ikS EXTRA LONG WAJTKD CORSET, at 73 cent. ' ,"C Also a fall frupp'y of 'onr Wo Crraet, ih'best la the city for the price. A handsome stnt k of Silk aiwt Llale Thivad Gloves. . . ; . . , 3Jlaek and Colored Laco Mttt, . ' -Wash Leather Jersey Glorea rcinccl to$l. L with (icn. Lonsstreet and his poiitical alliet. Hc-said they .-''maintain an out ward scaibluccc of adherence try the Kepublicm organization for the sake ot gettiug a t'cdcral ofiiceor two. bui on flection day they vote the Democratic ticket. Take our iast election, fir in- tancv. There is a colored voting pop ulation in 'Georgia of about 65,000. The total number of Republican rotes cast was about 25,000, of which about half wen- polled by white voters. That shows that at least 50,000 of the Georgia colored citizens have cut loose Irom. the parly of freed men's bureaus and simi lar institutions, which were supposed to have been founded in their interests.' known as the Wilmington Missionary Baptist Association of X. C. Monday, May 20. A. Dr ISS3. Tbe officers, electee J for the cusuing year are as Iohowk: rrcsideol Rev. A. M. Conway. Vice-President Rev. H, J. Dorseit. Secretary Deacou E. I). Neili Corresponding Secretary Deacon A. J. Stanfort. . " . : TreasurerUev. Isaac Nixon. Adviser Rev. Wm. Buckanan. LOCAL TEAVS. IHOtX TO MEW lADVlRTlSEMEIITS. HEixsnERGKR To Visitor YATK-jf"lvHdinsr the Town ilc.sDs Biios Refined Camphor NoTicJ.-Lmlics Memorial Association w 11 liKKKx Soda Water Miiwral Water Juhs WiLKFs-Mccklcnburs Iron Works Mkh Katk C Wes Infants' Iice Bonnets A Freak of N ature- Mr W. S. Pridgen, one ot tbe best farmers of Caint nek township. l ender county, had a chicken -hatched out on his plantation, a short tunc since. which was a singular freak ol nature. Capo I?env Sugar : We were shown yesterday by Mbj, W. L. roung a sample .of sugar, Uie product-ot cane grown by Sir. Ransom M, Middleton. in Warsaw township. Duplin countv. and manufactured by I hircu "it is very nice in appearance and I taste and was fully eual to the VC" sugar of commerce. Mr. Middieloa b one of the best - practical farmers in Puplin county, and ve hope that his cflort in the manufacture ot sugar has been such as to warrant more extended efforts iu the enterpri. - Thft stifl'ar made bv Mr. 3Iiddlctci is from the Iouisiana cane and makes at the rate of abo at 2.700 pounds per aero on highly improved laud. Over 500 farmers in Duplin have made sugar and syrup the last season- from the ,i;wor,f verities of the sorghum and T "rci JOHN J. HEDRIGK. with bis wifo for attend arace at the bed- JJ : : :.. bmKjoT her grandmother. Mrs. Hednck.. Q jfry DirCCt OrV. fW Parker will be Vcmeuibered asi W,J " J PMaLal : of Wilmington iniWB l85UB OS U Ai;T TH ift5.Ri . . -. . ' - 4 i?th of Jane, a complete Directory of tho Ctt7 j The ministers, and Lay delegates tor lml ubslsg tlie nftDi.. i.usi returned a4 Vtb them Iter. it. . j jrt I f B-pet of ail the adults of the cttT- Burkncad wriawuipcuu j - ; w . tn tbe city. - ".' - faculties for making tbe lir complete are cx- . Mr. C A. Strangman. foruieriy J oaal. Tbe work wiu be of cfpeetal valuo agent her for Robtcrt Portner's Tivolt j ..jAWJtnt ooeforf'MWstnrs n mhnic nOW the bUPCV - f ' ol au tnc agwutiv.-.. anr alvertlsmnts soncivoo. Spcbetabv TnnAst-RSu's Ofkics, Wilmington, N. C, May 22, 1S83. JN PURSUANCE OP A RESOLUTION ? adopted by the Directors of the WUmlugton & Wetdon Rati Roa Company, at k iuccUu . Held th!i day, a pof sal racctlngr r the Stoek-, . holdort of said Com any. will be held In he city of Wilmington, ht the office of the Com ; . pany. at 11 o'clock, A. M., on Tbureday, the 21st day of. Juno next, "to take lnio eonsldcraUon tho. location tnd building ot a icAiirorui rrom sonic poini on iub phi- Wlhahiqtort & Wcldon Railroad South of Wll- son to riorence, S. C, on the Wiimlnjrton.Col ! ntnhU & AuKasta Railroad, or some point East thereof on aaid roaa. ana swn luiincr action in this raai'er as ths ealt Stockholders atimiled In mectlos may consider proper.. may 22 tm J. W. THOMPSON, creUry. visor It had four well developed wings and j the Chinese or Txuisana cane one farms l he receipts of cotton at ibis port to- wiy loot up 13 bales. W junderstanatbat the suit ot Mrs. Aiatjhewsvsihe Carolina Central R. l,,wil r-robablv be arinod-;i fhn vrl era! Court, at Raleigh, next weeks. Judges Bond and Seymour will pre SiJe and Chief Justice Waite may also b'J present, bet this is hardly probable. Jim McGowan advertises in ftu ; . . - issue cooi beer and our., country vf.sitors are invited to call and trv it. Jfc also as good a five cents cigar bim. accom pained by a generous dona-l -r vau u iOUUv anvwhenv n rnnn- Toc tlir - OOllCeme" j . ... .w ...... ; nun U SCVV- " . - i - as modest a they are generous and not a mother son of -thera told a word about what they had domn but wo found- it out through, dispatches received per grapevine telegraphy . SUver Plated SpooUsnd Forks, low pioes.at Jaoow3 : . A" , - ,. the same number of" legs, while in all j other respects.it resembled the ordinary style of chick-a-biddy. They raise lots oi good things up in that neighborhood gallant men, lovely women, hand some babies and any quantity ol fun as the occasion demands but when they undertake to raise four winged and four legged chickens they may Expect a failure. They die young. Commendable. Ex-Policeman B. Watkins, who had; the misfortune to cut one of hishands i quite severely some days sine, wbicn was followed by serious immuumuvu and erysipelas, is not in a fair way of speedy recovery. His friends, on the police force, however, have not forgotten him in hi hour of trouble, as was shown yesterday when they made up a ..... t- n.nvflV !ind SePt it tO nice uuie punu ui - - Uy tor tlft moiify. r .Mtjrs. A. I. Shriek have leceiv edf per express, a large lot of Children's B.ouse Suits made up very handsomely i difterent shades, which they will sell at astouishingly low prices. Call eaTly id procure a suit for the boys. t er having cultivated 30 acres It has beeu found that tho yield is tar greater from the Louisaha. cane, . whica ripens 13 to 14 joints. As a paying crop, when nmnerlv managed,; it, lias facea found that the growing of sugA.ciey is far more renumefative thin potton. Tim Stato Agricultural "Department niaiirh iVcettinz data and working up jhe sugar and syrup; interests of nnnlin uid Sampson counues. v m r series of articles published- in tbe Review in lS76r enUtled "Notes n vtPm "North Carolina,!' it , was predicted that the.-grrowing of the Iufiiana cane could be made- profit able crop in the Southeast section ot the State,, from UieVVacwmawvao the Northeast river. Xrom lhe fact i that the wUd olive - aad other wnw-tropical plants were found in this, area- . . n u.. fnrm v t ,mayi. of this citv, but now- of Richmond. Va., arrived hero last.twgc ana is .v t th Pnrcell House - "Hons. John C."Ncw. Asslstaut sec retary ot the Treasury, Frank Hatton, First Assistant roimasuer and Mr George C. Gorham. editor of th Wnshinirton. CU. mww publican, will arrive hero to night.- Mr. Uornam wm uciic. -- -dress aVthe National Cemetery to mor row.. The party will have rooms at the PurceU House during their stay here, where all who desire may call and see them. ' '. . v ,. : The Crazy Mau. William Miller, the colored ' insane man who was taken rip on Saturday night, has been ordered carried to the insane department of the County Poor ilouse, where an inquisitioa into his condition will be had in a day or two. The change from the guard horise was made in order to giyehe manmore freedom and fresh airwhich, it Js ithcugUt, will- be conducive to his re- .- . - . -. . coyer fr. .v-.;vv;. RICIiARDft ft CO.. Room H.Cowmerclalllotel. Lost. GJENTiEMAN'S SE3UT.LOCKKT. ON anday, between tbe rcldetica of the late rv TIht and OaVdale Cemetery. The finder -Till be liberally regarded, bjrj leaving it at Sol. ear a, 2J Jnaxaei bi. , - : may SS-at Situation Wanted. ' SITUATION OF ANY KND I wanted by tbjeuerslcned. Work of any kind win iKS AOcepted. - GEO. N. TlAJtRISS, may 2S45t ' Rcrlew Office Flooding tho Town ! ' - ' v .' . V '-'" pAPER.BAGS, :: ' ;f ;:: PAPER BAGS, "V; " . 1 - X " PAFEK UAGS. . WRAPriKG PAPER - , WRAPPING PAPEK. Call nd get prices before Imjlcg- Jc where YATKSV COOli STORE, mij- 23 ' ' iiailarkotSt y James J. Burnett, -pUOTOGBAriirR, NEW MARKKT BCILDINO. (Up alr&) South Fr nt tL Dozen f 1 ca t The Place to Buy Photographs.... erroyie). 'j, tor 60 cents mUKPENTINE TOOLS. - .PULLERS. IIACKER9, DIPPERS WUfcTTERS. 1IALKWE1GHTS, Ac, Ac, Ao. Best of goods at. Rock Bottom prices- A fuU and complete stock of Ilardwsre aitcapf on hand. ' T W. C SPRINGER A CO., 9ueeessbrs to John Iawson & Co., apt 15 13, and iUrkei Street We have been requested Ufreproduce Yr barque irte, C4pt Bache, cfcar- T v ' w ' ' 1 .1 - 1-s crm T" the series reierrea vo, aou an early&yV as there are parUejfre who desire io iend copies of luo. papers Scotland, with jj las wmj - " - - . - 3,211 burrcls rosin, valued at $5.21 J?v shipped by Messrs. D. K. Atnrcmson u Tin Toilet Sets; A GOOD ASSORTMENT Gtles & aiurcUisbn. Ret-pl fully notifies the puhtic that he - is prepared U do all work in hi lire, prompuy ked at low pi lees. ,A call'ls solitlicd. mny I'J - j ' - f - - f'- If You Would be Happy BUY A COOK STOVE.' , . "The Golden Harvest1 ; CALUMETf,, Or, -MSOUTUKItN OAK' Of PARKER A TAT1XVR tfW Pure White OIL i Ves-:.Sirl Soda Water! SodaWaterl "liriTH PL'I-K mUJT JU1CE-S. ICE COLD I , fEAtr')V 1X1. MINERAL WATiR 0!v DRAUCIIT. ICK COLD." WILLIAM IL oi:r.N. rplli" . , - ' - - DruxsliL ! LWA VS THB BEST THE StKiv f j a Z NlL-nd WctanaEnrope., . .iLtown. Demarar. with SIO.- ' : OS:,, crn iSS Oi! ieet lumber and SO M,Ur.l WP VM' ''L ' Just Received. QOO BUJIJKLH VfUtJIMA MEAL. !0 Ifc.xTKlrkKiiiJ' l;l nud'irOAP. feo Lb. Choice N. C. U A M s ; may2S ilaiketstrctL l .