THIS PAPER puuas NOTICS. v We win be rlad to recctre cojaxaxralcaUoca every evening, Sundays ex cepted by from our friend oa aoy and ail ' rabjecta of Ctnexal Interest bat . i -, . . j0SHT. J ABIES, The xuuae of the writer mutt aiway be rtr BPITOB AXD FEOPWETOK. uUhedtothoEJItor. POSTAGE PAID: Six months, $2.00. Three CommunlcaUons must be wrltUa oa. oil 0 ' ... 1.00 One month, 35 cents. one aide of the paper. ' -;s wUlv"- - j.i vrrd bv carriers free PerBonatlUeo must be avoided! Aat it Is especially and 'partJcularly uude P8 of tlie city. at the above ...-?. lw au' toxxl that the Editor does not aiwiysendor tke views of correspondents tmleas so state la the editorial oohxmna. ' .m rates low ana uuerai. xrr r TrTT -JwrTboraIWPrtMyiill fail- j V OLu V II. W LMINGTON. N. C. FRIDAY. JUNE 1. 1883. NO.. 131 r linrio V a irw irr v.. r hnirrT ii n w wt ' JLJJ ILJ JLy JAJLJLJ JL JilLLLJ V .;J1JLJ V Y o -. T-.X, - . .... . - , ' : - . , - - - - ... .- p wrf 1 v i v" t--t ---- . . j nr, Pnily Review ka the largest irt ofJWmington. ::'r , i.o .Inn,! nf th,. "horrible 1 Thel"fc . i .lent, in New York, foots up ? . to no Mh uany others severely injaretl i- Harrar.1 College yesterday refused to fer the degree of LL. J), on Uenst The vote of the Board of Orer- j v-ssemblyrnan James Irving, who .convicted in New. York city Mon 3T" of assaulting Richartl M. Darling V pec-ember last, was on Tuesday Lnteoceil to the penitentiary for two vr-ars and to pay a fine of $250. j- . meeting of the descendants of the Huenots in this country was held in W-tr York Tuesday. The organ ization is forme J lo col3ect fimI ,reservo docLl njents relating to the genealogy and history of the Huguenots in America. -- : At a meeting of the American Unita rian Association in Boston, Tuesday, the following officers were elected: President, H- P. Hidden; vico-presi. ilents, George Wm. Curtis and Charles Allen ; secretary. Rev. (1. Reynolds; assistant secretary. Geo. XV. Fox; treas urer, Chas. It. Burrage. , At the annual meeting of the Ameri can Academy of Arts and Sciences in Roston Tuesday Joseph levering was elected pres;dent, Oliver Wendell Holmes, vice-president, and Joseph P. Cook, corresponding secretary. J. V Mallet, of Virginia, and Atticus G. Haywood, of Georgia, were elected ' fellows. The Rumford medal was con ferred upon Prof. Henry A. Howland. The 100th anniversary ol the organi zatof; the Episcopal Diocese ol Majwtulr'as celebrated in Baltimore, on TuesdayVliy services in the morning at Staul's Church .where Bishop Iy, of the Diocese of Easton, preached the sermon, and atLehmann's Hall at night by addresses by Bishops Lyman, of North Carolina, and Ie, of Delaware, Rev. Charles H. Hall and Hon.- J. H. U. Latrobe. New Yorkers sometimes find them selves at a loss as to what they shall do with their superfluous change. Two of them now have up a bet of $5, 000 as to the crowing qualities of their respective roosters. They have now i'one into the fowl business and have extensive heneries where they are rais ing cocks of all known breeds. One now has 500 already on hand and the other has 1,000. The date ot the contest has not yet been fixed upon. . There is a rumor current in New York that Sirs. Frank Leslio is to mar ry a niau known in some circles of New York as the "Marquis de Leu ville," althoufh there are many who believe hi ui to be an imposter. The tt'orld says: The hero and heroine of the report are both more than usually interesting people. Mrs. Leslie has long been con eidercd one of the prettiest women in New York. Although close upon forty years of age she does not look to be more than twenty-eight. Her hair is ol .a beautiful golden hue, her complexion tresh and changeable and her eyes of the purest blue. She has a most deli cately charming expression and her tigureis almost faultless. Moreover she possesses an unusually active and accomplished mind. She . writes very :4oud verse, has perpetrated a book of vuoau travels ana 13 a thorougn wo man of business all the affairs of the publishing house being personally con ducted by her. She is omnipotent as well in the literary department as in the counting-room. When at home in New York, her little dinners are enjoy ed every week by some of the brightest and cleverest artists, authors and public men in towu. ., - Just before sailing for Europe, . Mrs. Leslie was awarded by the courts the entire and absolute control ot her . late; aDfsate contrqi ner.mci husband s estate, which, it is estimated; t yields her an income of about $50,000 a year, bhe was accompanied to Eu rope by Lady Duffis Hardy and her daughter. Miss Iza Hardy. . I he soi disdjit Marquis de Leuville is a rather handsome person, who sud denly burst into social view winter be ioro last. He was not recognixed at all by the real society ot New York, but maue quite an impression oa the tipper 8ata of Bohemia by his appearance and his professed ability todoevery w u.nder the sun, from fighting a duel to trapping a lobster. He gq into l a ,Cshe 8 dinner-set. but nobody ever dreamed of coupling his name with that of his fair hostess. - - -, Uis rather sudden departure for s sai(J to have been related more or less closely to the publication nr it r of beinS either a Marquis Sm ot instead a son-in law of Madame Tna r.r.nvt r Vndon.' and that the sobriquet conferred upon him hvhi liwiuh- waa l Young Waxworks." .wh0 iW3 urged to go abroad and obtain relutatory evidence or to stay there. ; So far, he has stayed. J Cot. John W. Atkinson corrects our :iUye to the Episcopal residence in this cily and We ar(? 8UrC n W that thc is correct. lie says that i he residence was not feiven by St. James1 church to ; the Diocese, but that it was bought by subscription by a larce number of citizens without regard to religious de nominational affiliations, and presented to the Diocese with the express proviso that it should be used as an episcopal residence. Neither wa?v it bought during the Episcopate of .Bishop Ives, but- was bought during that ol the late Bishop Atkinson, while the latter was a resi dent ot Raleigh, and offered to him as a residence providing he would, remove to Yilmington, which be did. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IIeinsbergkr To Visitors Yates Flooding the Town Geo P Lamb Choice Kosca I'iiimp Christ It will bo Hot Mctkis JJROSRcflnort Camphor JEG Blair To Country Merchant W II EJiE Soda Water Mineral Water F W Foster Wilmington; Cimtn and Warsaw Telegraph Co The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 8 bales. May 31st and June 1st. 1862, just 21 years ago, the terrible battlo . of Seven Pines was fought. Icave your orders for ice cream with Mr. Phillip Christ, No. 112 Market street. See adv. elsewhere. All was quiet and serene at the city Hallthis morning, with not a ca.e for the Mayor's consideration. Steam boatmen report t hat there li as been a slight rise in the Capo Fear, but not enough as yet to be any material benefit. Lighters are still in demand Col. H. H. Short, of Columbus county, was the city in to-day. He states that thus far this season there has been an unusual crowd of pleasure seekers at Waccamaw Lake. Wo regret to hear that our venerable fellow citizen, Mr. Luke B. Huggins, is confined to his home quite siek, but hope that it will prove only a temporary ailment and that he may soon be well again. . ' The condition of ex-policeman B. Watkins, we regret to state, has not improved, but has grown worse until it is now considered critical to such an ex tent that his many friends are very much alarmed ' " - -w The success of the Wilmington, Clin ton and Warsaw Telegraph Company is now an accomplished fact, and the stockholders are called upon in this issue to meet at Clinton on Thursday tua TtM insf. for the nurnose of effecting a organization ot the compa ny. Depth of Water. . . .. i ,i f ,rtpr The following is the depth ot water t Ua vnrmfK nfthf river as taken at mean low water. Bald Hcad-13 feet 6 inches; Western Bar, 11 feet f inches. The rise of the tide is 4A feet. Last Nfsrlits Ball. The ball at Sea Side Park Hotel last night was well attended, although there was a scarcity of ladies to make the dancing as interesting as thoir presence would h Ave m ade it . Good rder pre vailed, the music was good, and dan cing was kept up until abouTi o'clock this morning. . . If yon have pictures lo enlarge pa tronize the home galleries ; their repu tation is at stake in their work. it Cotton. . of cottqn at this port for - lr i rno m bale3, as against 1,498 bales for the same month last year, an increase this May of 535 bales, The receipts of the crop year to date foot up 126,193 bales.'as against 135,541 baes to same date in 18S2, a decrease tms yearoi oaies. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobis 1 t ;-'---;listetrAte,8 Court. ; Isaac Bakei , colored was arraigned before Justice MillU this morning charged with" an assault : and battery upon Anna Bryan, also' colored. The defendant was found: guilty, but judg ment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. - . : . ; : -. . . , j - : ... ; The same defendant was then arrestv ed on a peace warrant sworn out by Anna Bryan, and was bound - in -the sum of $50 to keep the peace until the first day of September next; and pay the costs. Correction. j We were mistaken as to some of the i facts connected with the death ot Mr J Beard, an account of which we pub-1 lished yesterday. He was not seen by i either engineer or fireman and the acci dent was not known to any train em ployes until a considerable time after wards ; in fact, it is not.known by which train he met his death. The other facts iu the matter were as stated. Wrisrhtsvllle Hanks. Wrightsville Banks which was rented at auction yesterday by Messrs. Cronly & Morris, was disposed of" in the Tol-1 lowing manner: Messrs Teitgea & Cannady rented the fishing privilege for the year commencing June 1st, .'(to day) paying $tK) lor the same.- The Carolina Yacht Club rented the beaqh with priv'dage of landing passengers I for the same time for which they paid j $70. The "Hammock" was offered j for reut, but was not disposed of. - - Last Nifflit'8 Festival f We learn that the Festival given" at tho City Hall last night, by the ladles of the Front Street Curch. was an entire success in all its features, and that quite a handsome sum ' was realised from the sale of icecream, strawberries and other luxuries. The weather was somewhat threatening during the early part of the eveninc:, which undoubted ly kept some from attending, but there was a first rate attendance and plenty ofenjoyment. . ; Old pictures copied at low. prices ; long experience, good work guaranteed, lardner, Photographer. ' It. Stricken while on Out v. Police Officer Samuel Howland, while on duty at about 11 o'clock last night, Jwas,suddenly seized with excru ciating pains in the left side of his head and body, and became at once helpless; so that he had to .be conueyed' to his home on Seventh street. At first It was thought that it was an attack ot paralysis, but the physician, who was promptly in attendance kand adminis tered remedies to relieve him pf the in tense distress, pronounced it a case of rheumatism ot the head. We are glad to state that Mr. Howland's condition this morning is very much better, though he yet suffers severely. He is perfectly conscious, but is averse to conversation on account of his extreme pain. We hope that his affliction will be but temporary, and that his complete recovery will be speedy and sure. For the Children, We hear it rumored, over our grape vine telegraph line, that a number of gentlemen of this city, having the inter est and health of our citizens, and espe cially our children, at heart, are about to form a "Park Association," the s purpose of whicH will be to secure some healthy and convenient spot of ground within the city limits for a park where people can walk or rest after the tons 01 me aay, anu wneie me juhu -iles may romp and play without danger t. from carriages information in the matter thus far is very meagre, but we think the plan outlined above is nearly what is con templated, and we are confident that it will receive the hearty approval and support of every good man and woman in the city, and that the little ones whom God has placed under our care will laugh and shout their heartiest thanks when the enterprise is completed. The Wilmington Photographers can copy as cheap and better than any out side copying house. U ' . Persoual. Mr. Chas. A. Laws has been ordered to the Revenue Cutter Colfax to fill the i?rf Assistant Engineer T. F. Hall who is now attached to the uuuer Gallatin at Boston. Mr. Iaws has been for some time past attached tor the Revenue Cutter Corwin at San r ran- f!irn ana nas iuauu . j Arctic Ocean on her In search of the JeanneUe.. He arrived last nijht and has assumed his position on the Loijux. We were pleased to receive a call this morning from Mr, W. L. Damson, Mayor of the thriving town of Shelby, nhn urp. have heard It said is not only about the youngest chief munici- i 1 ha Qftf hut one of the pal officer in the State, but one ot tnej cleverest. 1 ' - r;,nf Tnim W. Plummer. of nuuv mersville, an old friend ana a true w, also favored us with a briei call He is here on a short visit, and we are al ways glad to ses him. . Rev. F. W. E. Peschau left this morn ing for Salem, Va and will be absenf from the city two or three weeks. - - A fine assortment of Guns and Plstdj at Jacom'js Hardware Depot. t . . Kx ports Foreign . Ger. barque L&utsa Wichards, Csrt. 1 Eh in eke, cleared to-day ftr Stelhin, j Germany, with 3,299 barrels rosin, val- j ned at $5,038.17, hipped - by Messrs. ! Paterson, Downing & Go. Harbor Master's Kcport. ' i i ne following is the number, nation-; alit-and tonnage of vessels arriving at r this port darmg the month of May, i jast passed, as taken from the books of j American. Steamers.. Tonnaje.- 5... 15:. . 20... ll-r. 1... 14... . .. 44223 L . . . . 4,l6Gf Schooners. - Total.'. Foreign. Barques. Brigs....... Schooners. . . . TotaL.. Tonnage.; . . . 4.042 . . . . (T71 . . . . 04 4,807 Grand" total A vessels 34, aggregating 13,136 tons. ' The celebrated ' Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only: at Jacobis Hard ware Depot. 1 . Criminal Court. ' The following cases have been heard since tlie close ot our report yesterday : Jerry Lanier. Embezzlement. Guilty. Motion made in arrest . of judgment. Motion overruled.! Appeal prayed. Hester Moore. Slander ot women Not guilty and defendant discharged; ' Marry Williamson. Selling liquor on Soaday. Guilty. Judgment not yet pronounced. Hiram Merritt. Larceny. Not guilty, and defendant discharged. Melton Johnson, Laroency. Now on trial. ; , - : y V. :. 1 -,, '' The court will probably get through with the business of the term this even ing, as the case now on trial is the last on the docket; For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi1s Hardware Depot, t Plc-Nlc At. Bordeaux. A friend at Burgw writes via a very enthusiastic report ot the pio-nic at Bordeaux1 Mil la yesterday. He says that it was in every way a. pleasant af fair and was heartily enjoyed by all who were present. The music was furnished by the Woodcock band and it was excellent. There were about two hundred persons present and the wealth and beauty and chivalry of Pen der and . surrounding counties was amply represented. An elegant dinner was served and an address was deliver ed b) Mr. Dugald McMillan, on "Phrenology." But the most delight ful feature of all to our correspondent' who is a young niau. was the dancing. and this, was kept up with much spirit until late in the afternoon, when the crowd dispersed for their various homes, after a day of thorough enjoy ment. . Ancient Classics for . English Koaders. Thia is the titI4: of a uniquue and really delightful series of books, the first volume of which, VTbe Commen taries of Cffi3ar." by Anthony Trollope. is just issued. The aim of the series is ! to open to the unlearned English read er the beauties and treasures of classic lore, tell'who the writers were, give some connected outline of the story they narrate, present some of thei r most striking passages.: in choice English translation, and ; illustrate them with the wealth of modern scholarship. Theie are 27 volumes in all. and hereto fore they ha e cost jl each. They are publishing in The Elzevir Library, in really eharming style, at 15 cents each for paper binding, or 30 cents tor cloth binding. "Herodotus," by George Ci-Swayne; "Cicero." by W. Lv Col lins, and "Demosthenes," by W. J. Brodribb, arc announced for immedi ate issue, and thelothervolumes are to follow, one or more ttsBfch week until the scries is conipiete From even these marvelously low:;price3 large dis counts are offered to clubs and for prompt ' orders. John B. Aldea, Pub lishers. 1R Vesey St., New York, d-w Messrs. A. &. I. Shriisr have receiv- cd, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. t , To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass You can get all sites and at the towat fV Olpr! . WK W,B f . ,.m the best toe market 3ord and at tW krweet prices DEBT, MUTTOS, LAM B AND VEAL, AUorprjU ,oay 10 6 tall 8. New Marker Old HoTTopapero T? ja 8AI-S tdt cnnaP. - - THIS OTFICS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It will be Hot grjil t mor SDAV, SO OEDKB YOUB ICE CREAM tomorrow to he left at your home any lime ; yon waet it Sunday. . - . Remember, I e only fie bvt material in mating my ick CREAM ,nnw . rillLIP CHRIST. 412 Market Street To Country MerchEintSi i RGIMA. MEAL, LARGS OS SMALL OBDKRS, AT 'BOTTOM PRICE?, r C 1C. G. BLAIR, ; Conualssion MerchaDt Juae 1 Wilmington, 'Clinton and Warsaw Telegraph Co. gUBSCRIBERS TO THE ABOVE XAiID enterprise are rineatcd to uieot at Clinton on the ?th June, for the purpose of organi- zatton and making arrangement for the iroinpt eonsi-ruction of the worlt. : Wilmiogton tbci'flrs are requestctl to meet at tho oftice of Wua. L. Smith o., ou toe oiii June, at v. m., to lusare a full repre seatauon ot their stock. r w ruarnu. fuse 1-it fri-mon Star copy Sunday and Tuesday and Post copy 8unday - Choice Roses. J HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER FINE LOT OF CHOICE ROSE4, ehkflf WIUTE3 and TELLOW8, of all the FINEST VARIETIES for caltivation. ParUes who Lave ordered will please call and get their Plaata, and those wishing to purchase Trill please call and choose for themselves, jane l it Respectfully, QEO. F. LAMB. Quarantine Notice, QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF WIL miujton wlU be enforced from May 1st to November 1st as follows : Pilots wiU bring all vessels from ports Sooth of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorage; also, all vessels which have had any kind of sickness on board during tho passage, or on arrival, and will cause a signal to be set In the main rigging on the port side, as soon as pos sible after crossing the Bar. No vessel must leave the QuaranUne anchor age, or aUow any person, steamer, .tug boat, lighter, or boat of any. kind to go alongside, unless bv written authority from the Quaran tine PhTsiclan. and everv vessel must be an chored as far to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with, safety. -. Resmlatlons eo vernlnr vessels W hile In Quar antine may be had on application at the office of the QuaranUne Physician at Smlthville. Applications for permits to visit vessels in Quarantine must be made to Dr. Thomas K. Wood or Dr. Geo. G. Thomas, and permits so obtained will be endorsed by the Quarantine Physician, if in his opinion, it is proper and safe to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of $200 for each and every offence win oe eniorcea again si any person tiow ting any of the Quarantine Regulations of ttu Port. W. G." CURTIS, M. D.. Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. rflnj,uUnts GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. V ConsMUianis. apl4-lan7t 1st Eye's Daughters, B, COMMON SENSE FOR MAID, WIFE AND MOTHER. By Marion Harlaud. author of Common Sense, in the Hoaschoid Series , c. ; I H pages ; price i. ' For sale at HErNSTJER;KRS PIANOS & OltGANS OOLI FOR CASH OR ON THE POPULAR INSTALMENT PLAN. Ever r Organ in guar anteed for five years, at HEINSBERGER'S.- nuiy 31 Live Book and Music Store v Notice. Change. rpHE RESTAURANT AND-SALOON FOR- merly known as the Scarborough' Hone, No. 15 South Water street, will hereafter be known as the CAPE FEAR PILOT . HOUSE, where can be fmmd at all Uroes the bst of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Board bv i h day, weti ormotrOi. Table supplied with the best the market affords. Oysters in season. Ail at popular prices." lour patronage Is respect rnfl-r unUrJtcd. A trial will eonlnc yon that our aim I. to eeel and please. BVmasSf may 31-ly Manager REFINED CAI1PHOB, 33 CENTS PEK.POUND. WE OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM phor at 35c per pound, or three pounds for one dollar. Fifty pounds Persian Insect Powder 50 cent per pound. Call or send or ders br Postal. Goods wlU bo deurered promptly. MUNDS BROS.. Dispensing Pharmacists, . ( 1,481 Broadway, N. Y. VSI North th street, Wllmlngvon.X. C." may 29 - Infant's Lace Bonnets, JH NEW AND PRETTT 8TTLE3; AL8G. ATS, FEtTTtERS,' IXOWEBS anl other UJLLINEUY and FANCY GOODS. nd Old. Hats prescd la newhape." tfrj; KATE C WTNE3, nay " II North eeand Street. . NEW ADVERTISEilENTS. Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New Styles, New Colors, &c. FANCY v GOODS DEPAUTMENI FULL. Kll, SILK and LISLE GLOVKis' PARASOLS, JJECKWEAK, PANS, ZEPHYR and MATERIAL for PANCT WORK. V, I . MirXINKKY Second Ploor. . L I'AKOr GOODS Pirst Floor. Ueieetfully, - - 1 - MISS E. KARRER, may si KXCIIA-NGK CORNER. Sniithville, P. 0. I Postage Sfamps, Paper' and es A F1C LWAYS ON HAND AT THE POST OF- ICE AT SMITHVILLE. U A. GALLOWAY, may30-lm Postmaster Smithville House for Eent jyjY COMFORTABLi; TUIiaK-STORY nouse on Front street, facing the Bay anj. ? , Ocean, u for rent for tlie Summer. ' For terms apply to " ' W. J. POTTJLU, . maySO-lwk ? fimlUiTllie, N, C. . J. D. Davis, . JT THE OLD STAN1, , 'f'. SMITUVlLIJfi, N. C. - SUU continues to keep the best of Wines, Whiskeys, Cigars, Tobarco, Canned Gools, ; etc. Give mc a coll, near the Court House.- ' martO-lm J. D. DAVIS. Davis 'Hbuse. Smltlivllle: 'Z' I AM NOW RUNNING THE HOUSE FOR-' merly kept by Mrs.Davls, and am prepared to take both transient and permanent customers.'' All my rooms are open to tho sea brccxes. Table supplied with all Ue delicacies of- the season. ARCHIE M. GUTHRIE, may 501m The Old Reliable Ocean ; House, rgMlTHVI LLK, N. C. Right over the water. Still continues to keep the best W Ines, WhU. keys. Cigars, etc. Pool and Billiard rablen. No glare at the Ocean House, bnt cool delight ful breezes. IIUYANT MOHSE, may 30-lm . Proprietor . Smithville Bazaar, J HAVE AT MY BAZAAR, Collars, Coff, bhlrts. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Cigars,- To-' Lbacco, Canndl Goods, etc. In fact, everything - a, gentleman seeds, tun line or fancy ant T U m m J. 1 a. 1 mww a w Staple t rticlos always on hand. " l now supidy vessels going to sea with PURE SPRING WATER, which tvlll not make crecs sick. ile me a rail. may3l-lni WM. WEEKS. An Erroneous Report. rjlHE REPORT IN. CIRCULATION TO THE effect that the VaxORSDELL GALLERT will be closed is erroneous. I am prepared anl will dispatch with neatness all work en trusted to my care. Our former good repula Uon will in no way be allowed to suffer. mayilO-lw C. 31. VakORSDELL, Jh. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Company. . : SCUKTAKV Al TBKASCttER S OTIICE, J WUmlngtoo. X. C, May ii, IGA. S JN PURSUANCE OF A RESOLUTION adopted by the Directors of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company, at a meeting hcM this day, a special meeting of the Stock holders of said Company, will be held In the city of Wilmington, at the ofaee of the Com pany. at 11 o'clock, A. af., on Thursday, the tlst day of Jane- next, "to tsko Into consideration Ute location and bullUog of a Railroad from some point on the raid Wilmington A Weldon Railroad South of W U on to Florence, 8. C-, on tho Wilmington, Cot ombla 3b Angnsta Railroad, or .some point feast thereof on sakl roads, ami sn.b f arttar action in this mafer as the sal I fetockholders aHrmbled la meeting may consider proper." 4. W, THOMPSON, may K tm Soda Water! Soda Water! rrrrn pure fruit juiced. if SEASON 1S8S. -MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. -ICE COLD. WILLIAM U. GRXKN, api 11 . - ltT-r3-f.

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