- PLTASS NOTICE. We will be gd to recttre cosaaualciaon troa oar friend oa any and all gubjecti ot general Interest bat - The name ol the writer mast alwar be ret Blabed to tbe Editor. Communication muzX be written on onl . one aide or the paper. - Peraonantiea moat be aroMedC " , And It la especial! y and particularly nnde tood that the Editor doca not alvayaendor Ike Ticwa of correspondent n&k&i ao atate In the editorial column. evening, Sundays r cented by j0SH T. JAMES, ,ITOR rBOrKIJSTOB. H mPTlONS POSTAGE aax Six months, i.w. xnree One month, 35 cents. ye- 4.00. ' 1.00 onu'" , ii(vered bv carriers free ' p8pCin any part of the city, at the above "nnta per week. - , teW l0W UbCraL Ad Orribcrs will report any and all J"-'1 ;h!rifl.Tcrremilarlv. VOL. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C. TUES DAY. JUNE 5. 1883. NO. 134 fall- Tms paper . 5V M. n'. nnihi Review has the lamest tile circulation, of any newspaper lOlK pinup iiuiH- e tutors V rittcn last December; . 1 7 T 1 , 7 vait0 n num. voa, lBinociuu . . iLp relative to the s'peakcrship. There n ... rntv of therii and ol these three are jjut . "---rf fir Mr Randall, two for Mr. Cox. r.. fr. Hancock, of Texas, and . iinwitt. 61 New York, ten '.fur Mr. Carlisle, with two more ' earnestly work to reform the tariff. The Herald thinks that as all the crentiemen named except Mr. Randall are tariff reformers the limited poll amK in fact, seventeen for tariff re ! and only three against it." Messrs Powd, Cox and Green are the three North Carolinians who have Mv choice will be ereatly contrDlled . .,i:.nIoiments which may be 'made .( .nr." IIIC "j . .i .. vnmaimlnr n tho nivrspnt. nft.'onrrress I favor an honest ,nl iud cions expenuuure oi me puuitc moueys; the abolition of all internal revenue taxes and such a readjustment .four present tariff as will give-us me that is fair arid iust. The demon-it whom I shall iind most capable lihI attentive in the discharge of his du and whom I believe will appoint the committee of the House so as most reidily io promote the above objects, wl'l receive my support. Preferring mevsures to men, I cannot at present te more speciuc Mr. length letter : )owd writes at considerable We give an extract Irom his v;ti. nvpsent impressions l am in fHvoruf AbramS. Hewitt for speaker of the next House of Representatives. The great question lor the Forty eighth Congress will likely be the tariff. The internal revenue is already doomed. The vigorous assaults upon it by the democrats all over the country and the oreat victories -in the recent elections will give to our party the prestige of its destruction whether the result shall be to drive the republicans in the present Congress to abolish it or whether it be led to its inevitable doom in , the next Congress. A complete revision of the tariff, however, is hardly possible with in thVremaining short sessipr. of the Forty seventh Congress, with its other necessary work. So the important problem lor the Forty-eighth Congress, from present appearances, will be tariff revision, and upon its solution will probably hang the fate ot the demo cratic party in 1884, Col. (I reen's letter is short and we- publish it herewith in full : ' Your inquiry concerning my prefer ence for Speaker of the Forty-eighth Congress strikes me as rather prema ture. As there is but little probability of an extra session in the meantime, new members like myselt may be pardoned for taking some of the spare odd rao- ruenis ueiween mis anu uecem oer- JJecember 1883, in which to weigh the claims presumptive candidates. I would do nothing to militate against Democratic success in the Presidential contest of 138-1. which, without some egregious blunder on our own part, at present seems assured. That, lo mythinking,1 is me desideratum of destderata. As to party policy in the next Con gress I miitht for like reason exercise like caution aud leave it to the future. I think I hazard nothing in saying, however, that the one dominant idea should be reduction1' reduction of expenditure, of taxation, nf revenue, of sinecures and other new fledged abuses. LOCAL NEWS. . INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Blackflsh Excursion BMs Opening Wharf Yatks Flooding the Town Clinton atd Point Caswell E R Menus Bros Refinca Camphor UtiNSEEEGER McTammany Orgauettej . W U GiiLEX-Soda Water-Mineral Water Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low inces,at.)ACQBi.'s . f This a remarkably dull day for the news gatherer. A heavy rain, but no damage, is the report of Saturday's storm at Point Caswell. Photograph of the handsomest lady on the stage on view at the Yates Gallery- . - it. Mosquitoes put in an appearance in force last night and seemed to be very aux.ous to make up for lost time. Lieut, llobt. Craig, Inspector or the C S. Sijnal Office in this district, is in tins city inspecting the office here. ut. Crajgarrhredthja morning. Those who own dogs had better get badges fur them at once for the dog killer may happen around at any mo ,nenL Snijcdodar.. We have again to ackiow1 w m in. v.tation to attend the exercises at the Laurinburg High SchooU this tauc . Irani Mr. U. M. Robinson, one of the Marshals. They will take plaBc on the I hursday of next week. To BuUders and others Go to Jaco ei's for Sash. Bli &c. You can get all Buses and at the iuwesi prices. - - ... Capt. Harper is having a water tank erected at the steamer landing at Smith -ville. the water for which .Js to be brought by wind mill power Irom a spring near by. The object is to supply the steaaiers Passport and Italian with rresh water. Wc noticed yesterday the fact that Messrs. Thomas K vans and Win. A. Willson, of this city, had been appoint ed Notaries public by Gov. Jarvis. They were both reappointments. Mr Wilson having held the ofiice here since he was appointed by Gov. Holden. Distinguished men of all professions in the South give unstinted praise to Dr. Worthington's Cholera and Diar rhoea Medicine. IT. S. Senator Ran som endorses it. The River. Steamboatmen arc htfppy. They report a rise of about live feet in the Cape Fear since Saturday's storm, which gives theni sufficient water for boating purposes. . Unmailables. . The following is a list of the unmail able postal matter remaining in the Postoflice in this city : J O Herring, Long Bluff, NC; gov ernment stamped envelope with no ad- klress ; Frank Gadny, care WT Rivatts. The Sound. Tho travel to the Sou ml' is now quite large, though probably not so large as it jvill be a few weeks hence. The de mand upon livery stable keepers lor horses and carriages is quite large aud is constantly increased. Parties who were down there yesterday report that there was a large crowd present, and that old ocean presented a grand ap pearance. disinfectants. There is a constant demand at the City Hall for disinfectants, where they can be obtained free of cost. An ounce of pre v and we trust that the premises ol every one wi be kept thoroughly disinfected. especially during the hot season which is how fully upon us. Iy using this precaution much sickness and possibly! an epidemic may be prevented. Summer Resorts. Capt. T. M. Emerson, General Pas- senger Agent of the Atlantic Coast Line, gives notpe in this issue that reg ular Summer excursion tickets may be had now at all coupon offices - to ' the various resorts in North Carolina and Virginia, good to return until Novem ber 1st. Also round trip tickets to 'New York and return may be, had at $30 , ...k:i, f ,-.,to All nf the facilities for comfortable travel will be found on this line and its connec tions. Our Opinion. Notwithstanding what has been said by the State press regard mg the several beautiful cities and towns in Norlli Carolina, we very miich doubt if there i3 one within the bortfers of the Com monwealth that can boast so many real lovely attractions as our own city of Wilmington. In saying this much we do not intend to detract one particle from the many beauties of other places for we know that there are many places possessing real loveliness, especially at this season ot the year, when all Na tu re is robed in beauty. City. Court. Dorcas Frank and Mary Wiliams, both colored, and judging from their own statements, two of the most disrep tuble of tKe denizens "ot Taddy's Hol low, were brought before Mayor Hall this morning charged with disorderly conduct, - which being interpreted by tho evidence, means that one was drunk and the other drunker and fight ing. In the case of Dorcas a fine of $3 was imposed or 20 days in' the city prison, while Mary was fined $5, with the alternative of 30 days in the city prison. They both went below. Another Picnic. Wc hear it whispered that there is to be another picnic in the vicinity of Bur gaw in the course of a few weeks which, it is expected, will be a grand affair. That held at Burdeaux' mill on the 31st ult. was such a decided success and was so highly appreciated t hat another seems to be demanded. The next will prob ably be held in the immediate vicinity oi Burgaw, so that those who wish to attend by means ot the railroad will have no trouble in getting to the "rounds from the train. We have no doubt that it will be.a good one. when it does come off, tor the people of Pen der folly understand how to get up and manage-such festive- occasions. '? We are going to try to bo tliar." Board ot Aldermen. The Board met in regular monthly sesion yesterday afternoon. Committee on Streets and Wharves asked for further time on grading Third street, and on repairing Water street from Dock to Mulberry; and reported progress on opening doctc foot of Davis street and the improvement of Parsley street. . Further time was granted ' the Coin mitten on macadamizing Market street. Committee on Fire Department re ported, recommending that a suitable house be provided for the Columbia Fire Company as soon as practicable. in; accordance with their petition;- Adopted. Sanitary Committee asked for fur ther time on the resolution in regard to Cart Houses. Committee on City Pound reported tliat the resolution in regard to the same had been carried out. Sanitary Committee reported favora bly on the petition of certain citizeus for a sewer in the alley south of Mar ket and between Front and Water streets. Adopted. Committee on Markets and Fees, to whom was referred a petition from a large number of citizens of the Third and Fifth Wards, asking that public markets be established in their respec tive Wards, reported theTollowing re solution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the petitions be grant ed, the Board of Audit and Finance concurring, and that the committee'on Markets and Fees be authorized to get up estimates as to cost, ete ,and report at the next regular meeting of this Board. . - -. . The Finance Committee reported that the matter of the claim of George Har riss & Co. had been settled. Committee ou the matter of the Ninth Street Engine House asked for further time. The special committee on the opening of the dock at the foot of Chestnut street reported that they had had a joint meet ing with the Board of Navigation, and that the said board would not agree to the opening of the said dock, on the ground that in their opinion it would injure the navigation of the river. The committee could not agree with the board, and recommended that the dock be reopened, with the approval of the Board of Audit and FinarTce; proper safguards being erected to prevent sand and trash being carried into the dock. Alderman DeRosset offered the fol lowing: f Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee on Ordinances to prepare and report to tho next meeting' of this Board an ordinance prohibingthe occu pation of any portion of the open docks of the city by any flat boat. Alderman Fishblate moved to amend Article 26, page 9, General Ordinances, to read two dollars instead of three dollars per month, the Board of Audit and Finance concurring Alderman DeRosset offered the fol lowing resolution, whigh was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on Fi nance be empowered t appoint a suita ble person to take the tax lists ot tlic city, and to record the real estate listed in the Block Book provided for the pur pose, under the provisions of the tax ordinance; and, with the concurrence of the Board of Audit and Finance, to fix the com pensation for the same. Alderman Fishblate offered an amendment Ito section 17 of Article 4, page 163, General Ordinances, by striking out all after the word "within" i in second line and adding "the city lim its." Adopted. Resolved, That the Ordinance Com -mittee be empowered to codify the or dinances of the city as soon as possible for publication, including such amend ments as they consider desirable. Alderman Cliadbourn offered an ordinance to the effect that any person or persons having to sell oeer, cider, wine or spirituous liquors, who shall open his or their shops on Sunday, shall be liable tqa fine of twenty dol lars ; one half to go to the informer, for each and every offence, and any person, except the proprietor or his rilerk. seen enterine or coming out of said shops, it shall be held prima facie evidence of the offence. Section 2nd provides that any po- Uiceman who shall see any person ex cept the proprietor or his clerks going into or coming out of any bar-room or shop on Sunday and fail to report the same, shall be fined fivo dollars for the first offence, and be discharged for the second. Alderman Cliadbourn offered the fol lowing, which was adopted: Resolved. That the city Tax Collector , be required at every regular meeting to read the list of all license tax-payers one month or more in arrears ; and this shall be considered as unfinished busi ness. The Tax Collector shall also be required to show causa in each jcase ' of such delinquency, why the ordinance in regard to lieense taxes has not been en forced. , The petition of citizens; for the im provement of Nixon street, was rel err ed to the committee on Streets and Wharves. The report of the committee ou Rates of Wharfage was approved and ordered printed for distribution. Ordered that a ;as lamp be placed on the corner of Front street and Potts alley. - . : : The Board went into an election of a Board of Navigation and Pilotage, with the following result : J. K. Chadbourn, Doa MacRae, James Sprout, D. G. Worth, R. E. Heide. Alderman Fishblate moved that the office of Standard Keeper be declared vacant; lost. . . . . Alderman Fishblate moved that the Board of Audit and Finance be re quested not to purchase weights and measures.. . Alderman Dudley moved to lay the motion on the table. Lost. The motion of Alderman Fishblate was put and lost. Alderman Guyer moved that the Market House be kept open from sun rise to sunset. Referred to committee on Markets and Fees. ' The Board then adjourned. Wanted; everybody to guess, how many beans a iar contains; prize offered for the best guesser. Yates Gallery. It .Exports Iforefffn. ' Nor. brip Norge, Capt. Olsen, cleared to-day for Liverpool with 3,200 barrels tar, valued at $6.400,. shipped by Messrs. Patersorv Downing & Co. Schr. George K. Hatch, Capt. llardenbrook, cleared lor Georgetown, Deinarara, with 261.922 teet lumber, valued at $3. 800, shipped by Messrs. Colville & Caiupbell. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at JacobPs Hardware Depot. t Historical and Scientific. At the regular annual meeting of the Ilistorial and Scientific Society of-Wilmington. N. C held yesterday even ing, the folhfwlng were elected officers for the ensuing year, viz: 1-1 President James G. Burr. Vice President Rev. A. A. Wat son. Secretary and. Treasurer. S. A. Story. Corresponding Secretary Rey. F. W. E. Peschau. Curator D. Cash well. Standing Committee on Donations Rev. F: W. E. Peschau, W. B. McKoy, J. D. Bellamy, Jr. Fruits and Berries. There are quite a number of cases of sickness in the city which have been superinduced by imprudent indulgence in the luxury of fresh fruits and vege tables. None.of the cases, however, are considered serious, but people can not be two careful about what they eat at this season of the year, and especially should great caution be used in lecding children, whose stomachs are not able to properly digest food..' Fruits, berries and vegetables are undoubtedly healthy and, we think, necessary at this season oi theyear, but tbey should be given at first in small quantities in order that the stomach may not be taxed too much. - Portraits from locket "to life size. J F. Lardncr, photographer. 119 Market street. - It. Telegraph Poles. On the track at the W. G. & A. freight depot this morning we noticed seyen platform cars loaded with jumper telegraph poles for the Western Union Telegraph Co. Tfaey were cut on the hue of the Raleigh & Augusta railroad, about 25 miles : beyond Hamlet, and were brought down last night. We were informed by Mr. W. J. Kirkham, superintendent of the wires on the W. & W. Railroad, that these poles were the first installment of about 3,000 which are to be placed on the line between here and Goldsboro, and that another train loaded with poles wonld arrive here to night. It takes 30 poles to a mile, and the distance between here and Goldsboro being 84 miles, there will be (to be accurate in the matter) need for 2,520 poles- Those we saw were good, substantial looking slicks, and they are. we were informed, about an average of the entire lot. Jt is reported that .when the line is supplied with these new poles a couple of additional wires will be pnt on the line for the speed j and efficient performance of the work of the com pany. , s .-, ; j, ; , - M '; ; I The celebrated , 'Fish Brand '(Sills Twine is sold only at JacocPs Hard ware Depot. ; v - .";'" - AFijrlit. There was quite a little scrimmage this afternoon on Water, between Mar ket and Dock streets, in which Obadiab Jenkins and a colored drayman whose name we did not learn were engaged. Those who saw the fracas state that, instigated by bad whiskey. Obadiah was the aggressor, and that he got the worst of it. "... -Ml ' The Kpiscopal Itesidencc. We have been shown "a list of the sut-1 scribers to the fund contributed lor the purchase of the property known as the "BishopV residence," ori Orange street, between Fifth and Sixth, in which the lamented Bishop Atkinson lived so long, and in which he died. The prop erty was purchased of the late James S. Green, and cost, with some improve ments, $a,9JK).lK). There were 103 sub scribers to the fund, and these all, ex cept six, .were parishioners of Sf JamesV Church, the only Episcopal Parish at that time existing in Wil mington and these six subscribed a total of $170. The purchase was made in the Summer of 1855 and before the eud of the year the entire property . had been paid for. There were five of the subscribers who gave $500 each, twelve who gave $250 each, one who save $200, and eighteen gave $100 each. Of the original number of subscribers it is sad to think that but about one-third are now alive. Lilst of betters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Ofiice in this City on Wed nesday, June C, 1883: A-Robert Ange, H P Ange, J E W Austin, Emma Atkinson. u Harriet isyrd. liza Ury ant. ( ar j Moses Patterson, Doyle Bryant. -C Willie E, Cowan. U S Clayton Mary E Cooper, Jas, Craw ford, Johu Cooper. . . " ; D Jacob Davis, Dennis Dew. . F Lear.Faison, George C. Firrell. ijr joan uregory.- H Allen Hill, Francis llinton. Hen ry HaiellJohn Humphrey, Katie Hase. I . l- Jane louis, Chansey Low. M W R Martin. Richard Mince. Mary Jane McMillan, B A Mayhew, W Moore. . N Ward Newkirk. O Theodore Otterman. P J A Penney, Bettia A. Parker. Jt Katie Richardson, (3) SM Hamilton Stewart. W William H Watters. Maria Wil son, J H White, Charley Walker, Cas per Weisen field. - Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;" Jf ..not callecl for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter bffice at Wasliington, D C. Ed. R. Brink P. M. Messrs. A. &. I. Suuiek have receiv ed, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low pjrices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. Cherry red is a new color newer than strawberry or terra-cotta and it comes in many of the new dress mate rials. It looks as if the cows in the country are going to be greatly agitated this summer. V There is fan ahead for our theatre goers. -Miss Annie Pixley, in her worW renowned play of M'liss. will appear at the Opera House in this city on the 23d of next January. The iron frame to the roof of the new machine shop at the W. & W. Railroad has been placed in position, and work men are now engaged putting oh the boards for the slating. If this weather will just hold 36 hoars longer how the fish will bite at the Blackfish Grounds on Thursday! Tbe Passport will leave at 5 o'clock, sharp. See notice of assessments' on stock of the Clinton & Point Caswell R. R., called for in this issue. The Ladies Memorial Association meet to-morow afternoon in the school room in rear of St. James' church. Magistrate's Row was extremely del1 to-day so far as business was concerned. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 5 bales. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Blackfish Excursion. rjMIE STEAMER PABSPORT WI LL MAKE a trip -weather ucrrottllng to the Blarkfish GroniKla, on THUKSOAT. 7ih lost. Will leaTe ber wharf at 5 oVkx-k; mhrp. : Fare 1 for the round trip. J. W. ilAHPEIt. . tune 41 1 . ' - ' Bids. lEALEI PROPOSALS WILL HE JIE- eelreI at nf Oflce. at the City Hall, r be foreJn e !lt, soon, lor the mPKSING OF WHAKP, foot of Cbettnut Street. Materials of present Wharf to be Uken by Contractor. E. D. II ALL, June 3 It Mayor. NEW APVEKTISEMEyrs: Clinton & Pt. Caswell R. Rtf Ofvu or SiXRETaar A Treasurer. - , Wilmington, 3C C, June 5, liS. ASS KSSMKNT OK FIVE (3) VKR cent; for Mar and t per cent, for June, July and Auguat, on the Capital Stock of tbl Cora pany ha been called. Capt. Ji. 1 I'addUou has lecn aulborizcd'to collect this assessment in the country. L'itr assettmtnU m navahi.. at thU oHicc.- Br onlcr of the President ' ' J. H. BOATWIiiGIlT, ttar and Cllntou fJaucaaian coy Jt I , For Sale. T"UIE ELEGANT NEW CAUINET GRAND PIANO (Sohmer uukcr), uod recently at mv. v.um.1 . i.m i i&oo is no aouut inonnest Upiicht in the citv. and will he ra11 w tnv cash or in Instalments. Also acvcral fine Burl wainnt GaVier rianos e June 4 Iw 0D Rel Cross St REFINED CAMPIIOlt, ' -35 CENTS riJR POUND. WE OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM ldinr at S5c rcr nonml. nr tlin for one tlollar. Fitly pounda Persian IniMTt Powder 50 cento jicr pound. Call or wild or der PoRial. r.owU will le delivenl promptly. MUNDS UltOH.. DldioiiHlngr Pharmacia!, . - f 1.4il llroadway, N. Y. 621 North tli 'atreet, Wilmington, X. C. may 2tf Rock Candy Syrup, LKMON SYRUP, RASPBERRY SYRUP, MARTINIQUE UME FRUIT JUICE, K I. EG ANT SUM M El' HKVEUAGES WE SELT; BLACK WKLL'S D u r ham To bacco AT FACTORY PRICES; " . COM K TO P; L. BEIDGERS & 00. lor low prlre and good article and everything that U tempting to the palate j hub . Atlantic Coast Line. IT XL PASsENQEB DEPABTMKNT, Wilmington, V. C, June Jst, lsr.1 . JECiULAi: SUMMER KACURSION TICIv- di good U) return until November 1st, 18&1, to Vlriflala and North Carolina Summer Ecortii, are now ou sale at Coupon Offices ol thU Hue, Also Bound Trip Tickets, Wllratngton to New York at 30. T. M. KMKltdUN. june-4-lwnaC Gcu'A Passenger AgeJ. 'Millinery & Fancy Goods, J MAKE A SPECLAL1Y 0 .INFANTS' LACE CAPS AND CHILDREN'S In all the rnevrest ahadca and tylen. HATS, BONNETS, GLOVES, FEATURES - AND FLOWTSBS. " Conntry orders promptly flllol J MRS. S. J. BAKER, ... i 122 MARKET STREET. " June 2 ' - McTammariv Oreanettes, TyELOPEAS AND AUTOMATIC Orgaas. The McTatnmany Organette enabtea - any one, whether understanding muaic or not, to play any deaircd melody or harmony, aacred or aecular, from the mosL plalntiTC dirge to the most lively dance mud c. . Sold at reduced prices from $8 to $10 and 14, wiUC feet of Music r. For aale only at HEINSBERGER'S, June2 - Lire Book and Mnale Stores An Erroneous Report. rpH B REPORT IN CIRCULATION TO THE etfert thit the VaxORDELL GALLERT win t loed U erroneon-. I am prnwire! and" will dlapateh wltlr mtiw-i all work en trusted to my earc. Our former goAl rcpitta Hon will In tm way I alloweil u tunVr. maypo-lw C. M. Va3oi:-ikLL, Jr. Soda Water f Soda Water! -iriTH PURE FRUIT JUICE ' If SEASON lias. it MINKKAX. WATER ON IIRAUtiHT. . - ICE COLD. . WILLIAM II. GUI KN, - Dn-gjgl.t. aplU

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