THIS PAPER published every evening, Sunday ex- eepted by . JOSH T. JAMES, BDITOB AND PBOrKIETOB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: One year $1.00. ; Six, months, $2.00. ThK months. $1,001 One month, 35 cents.. ThP naoer will be delivered by carriers free .v..- in uiV tart ol the city, at the above Ol iUO'6vl " rates, or 10 cent per week. a ,i vpstlslnz rates low and liberal. Subscribers wlU report any and-all fall ares to receive their paper regularly, PLSASS JJOTICS. We will be glad to rtcclva cc rn r t.'.cji l! I from our fries da on any and all suijscU of . general Interest bat T The name of the writer must always ta 3 nlshed to the Editor. Communications must be written ca cal i one aide of the paper. Personalities most be avoided And It Is especially and particularly cade ' stood that the Editor does not always endor i VOI,. VII. W ILMINGTON. N. C. THTJRS DAY. JUNE 7. 1883. N O 13 G I tke vlews'of correspondent- unless so state The Maily Review has the largest hnna fide circulate of a;iy 'newspiper publislied, in the city of Wilmington. JB Gas is more out of lavor than ever in sitting rooms in England. The French moderator lamp, burning colza (rape seed) oil, is the favorite light. The governor of Pennsylvania has signed the railroad bill allowing railroad companies capital stock amounting- to 150,000 per mile, and placing the max imum of stock and bonds at $300,000 . . A marble statue ol Gen. Zachary Taylor is to be unveiled next month at his grave, eight miles from Ixuisvillc. All the survivors of the Mexican war are to De myucu w ucun mo tuv monies. ' . . The Sunday trains on the Houaatonic Itailroad were stopped, this week, by the Massachusetts authorities. The clergymen in Berkshire county present ed petitions against the running of Sun day trains. . J. Willis Menard was the first color- A beautiful rainbow spread the eas, tern sky this morning. It was seen and admired by the early risers, not withstanding it was a pretty sure indi cation of stormy weather. It is Mr. E. S. Alderman and not Mr.. E. A. Alderman, as given by us yesterday, who'is to graduate at Wake Forest this Commencement. "The vnnnrr irPintlpman is the son of Alfred Aldeiman. Esq., of this city. ' ' ' Superior Court. The following constitute the proceed ings before the Superior Court to day. Susan LeKoy King, executrix, vs. J. C. Munds. Judgment against the de fendant. . W. C. Farrow vs. J. A. Cloud, con tinued on affidavit of plaintiff. tIia itafirnAfl Case. Itobberyana Arsou. As the readers 6l the Review are I About half past 10 o'clock last night aware, the case or Mrs. Virginia, . inre was uiscovereu uy wwu uwui Matthews vs. the Carolina' Central R. in the grist mill of Mr. W. P. Oldham, II.. was set for argument before Judges I on Dock street. Policeman Orrell and Bond- and Seymour, at: Raleigh, this others also saw the fire at about the week, This case came up . before tho same instant. The front door of the I above Judges pn Tuesday Argument I building was burst open by two or three was limited to five hours on each side, young men and an eblrance effected I t i r ii .1 1 :-.; tkA niciianna aFa hom..whn MCllS3a MOW VS. A. lesbiuaii U-r"- - i K.w.HCl?tt U' 0II n1lt0f! ,n,1 flulnfuMrrM ,rr-,r nf;ntirl rn offida v f. Of (1C- IUUUWCU UJ vw.. xjm. , I HJ w " -.--x fnn (,nf. give a brief synopsis of. their remarks, We are glad to hear that Dr. F- W. Potter, City Physician , who has been very sick for a few days pa3t is now much be.ter. It must be awfully un healthy weather when even the doctors are laid up. :. . . :. - Our market has beeu very poorly supplied with fish for several days, and the weather has been such that fisher men have had but poor success in the ei by Capt. Harper to have all the fish ...... . 4 1 , . T . I I' IT pursuit ot tneir vocauon. as a cousu quence the price offish has ruled high as we find it in the News and Observer Fishins Excursion. ! In this court yesterday Judges Bond The Pasmortleit her wharf at a little nnt Sevmour were bottk on I the bench. after 5 o'clock this morning lor an ex- No business ol special importance was nui..k a ,a ci, transacteovotnerinan of water which fortunately happened to be near "by, succeeded in extinguishing the flames before thev had done much damage and before the alarm became general Mr. Oldham was at once sent for and when he arrived an ex amination of the oremises showed that ul man to enter Congress the Fortieth. He is of Creole descent and was horn in Illinois in 1838. He is at present the editor and proprietor of the Key West, Fia., Neivs. ; The half has not yet been told in re gard to the mineral wealth of North Carolina. The latest development, as told by the Greensboro Patriot, is the unearthing at Gilsonville, in Guilford county,: of an emerald for which $1,000 has been refused. The News., and Observer copies from the Review ' and credits to the . Star J This was accidental, we are sure. Alert rlir brethren of the Ashtville Citizen, in their, last issue, copied very carefully from the Star and gave the proper credit, and copied just" as carefully from the Review and didn't give any credit at all. Miss Edith Fish, a daughter of Hon. Hamilton Fish, is to marry a. son of Sir Stafford Northcote. Miss Fish is 29. and Mr. Northcote is 24. She is said to have "always admired English man more than her own countrymen. She probably, says the Augusta Chron icle, admires a prospective title, for. getting that the founder of her father's rescued at sea and named, inconsequence, Preserved Fish Mr. J. Dickson Munds, one of the partners ot Munds Bros., ot New York and Wilmiugtou, resident in the former pjace, is in the city now. He expects his mother and his family here in a lew days and they will spend the Summer here or at the Sound. Guessing contest going on. Prize offered. Every one invited. .Laudneu. 119 Market st. "" It. Knights and Ladies of Honor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Fuli attendance desired. It he suit of Mrs. Virginia R Matthews vs. the Carolina was well loaded with passengers, a por- central R. R. Col; which was called. tion of whom, however, will only go as Judge Russell opened for the plaintiff they had been broken into by forcing far as Smithville. while the remainder iu a speec fmi theVacts open a door in the rear of the building will try their luck at fishing on the 9. . .Pfh . nlainUff was near the engine. It also revealed the 'ragins main." As this is the day fix- entitled to the appointment of trustees fact that the front office had. been open- by tho court to manage the Carolina aQ(J onc or t wo drawers taken from Si5nSS!p& U?t' t-losks aod their contents emptied holder of second and third mortgage upon the floor. An attempt was matte bonds to the amount of $1,800,000? that to open another desk but without suc the bonds-arc-income bonds, that-is CCSSt although the robber had nearly cSnK&d3; 5f.!!oe eflected. his obj when he desisted. It five trustees were appointed to manage seems that the would-be tniet naa the road, elect directors ana to control lighted a candle and placed it m a the road so as to mate it pay tne inter- . , f n nrftVftnt the lisht from being W "W Ww w- w n MEW; APVERTISEilKKTO. VASTLY BETTER ! TUAS AN A IT C T I ON! THE TRICES I AM SELLING GOODS AT give you alvntaged tenfoM over an Auu tfon Sale, for the-re&son you can take. - yonr time and select thnt which- i I. 7 suits yon, and get jU6t the Qual- Uy and Quaatiry that ' you wish. -,j 7 ')' South ot Hatteras and North ot , Key West assembled on the Blacktish . k m (Jrounds, our fishermen will naruiy fail of good luck. A Waif. A little shaver, not bigger than "from knee hiah to a duck's tail," literally persistently louoweu uu ui utu ?slt uu tu iuwmu rXVrX hv At.v nassers-bv in the street. A irusieco unaer uie mauumcuu icauuo j - . ... , . nioked un the little stray thing anu ation resigned tneir trusi anu appoimeu it is not a child but ft infantile ducK, I ... . it 1 iL' mm. C brousbt it dowa to the office with him. "HSSESSaRiE a Mtir.L' I uaiu nieui uj vii iyv-vw. " , Un mailables. The following is a list of the un able postal matter Postoflice in this city : " Government stam ped envelope with , . ! -v . .v, .. noi address: uennis rernin Co,N C;'J O Herring, Lon Frank Gadney, care W T x 1 ; Duplin and Sampson We met gentlemen from each of the abovesnamed counties this morning and they complained that the crops were backward, and that the farmers in a good many instances had failed to se cure good stands ot either corn or cotton: In Duplin county the recent AA onnsiderable damage to the growing crops. Columbus Notes . Capt. V. V. Richardson, of Colum- bus county, was in the city this morn- in"'. He informs us that the storm, which raged with such severity here on as he came down scree, va IKt ttoraed to fill vacan- frock used by the mUler hung on-the for nearly two wocks. i" . w cic3 by appointing substitutes ; that the of tUe barrcl, and the supposition getting rid ot mm anu u tu .u JF fiVe trustees lor a vaiuame w", nnw ia that the -arment caught fire while the thiel was foraging in the front oflice. and that when he disco ver- nto Uailrnnd Co. in order to set control 1 . j . v.i unA cuMi evidently not more than an week old. of the Central road, and that the per- dared not remain and try to Tt is wonderfully sociable and will come sons in this trade arc . officers of the that he dared not remain anu iry to It is wonaeriuuy auuiauiua. w . . . --i.ort-finb- Unilmftd Co. eThniruish iL but fled With all possible to you when you hold out your nana T-S" ,w A oner. I a s o. tht it mail- for and 13 expert enough to climb out ftti the central road in the interest of T tempt t incendiarisra, but . f a rinpn hnsket. We will keep it until the Seaboard and Roanoke Company M Vs1. 1.K A. . . .. remaining in uie -7 ."r , . , 1a hrohv wrnkinir the income se- investigation oi mo called lor anu may ye. ifcV; that they were lead to Uie conclusion that robbery oi n. Dy leeums iu u H.. takinir laree freights from tne Central LtAnA WftQ the ohieet. and the fire alto- V TAM SKLLIXG" ' Wide Percales at 6 ccnu per yard, worth 12. llantJdouie lilack and Colored Bnolings at 15 cents per yard, worth 30. : 1'retty Lawns, fast colors, at 7 cents. White Scotch Plaid Lawn, at l2MtC, worth i Pretty Cotton Plaid Dress Goods, atlOcU per yard, better than 15 cents U Ingham. The Terr beat 10 cents Bleached Cotton ever sold in this or any other city. 5,000 yards Hamburg Trimmings, excellent " quality.'and very cheap, from S cents ui. Bordered Handkerchief at 3. cento each, with the largest stock In that line lu the city. Good 200 yards Spool Cotton, at two Spocls for 5 cents. . i Come, and look at my 4 tock ot hv divertinsr traflic at Hamlet so as to c l nnnaoinn TIlA , iuiuiuuus ruoiograpus uuiuicu - . - . f Oftmlet getner an awiueuk wi Bluff. N C; tistic work guaranteed, lrdner, Pno" Norfolk, Va., at the expense of I the thief got nothing for his pains, and the nvn ta tnlrri.nhcr 1 IU MflTtPr. sr.reei. ' lb I f VrtfI nrhinh rtV t hlfl mPArtS IS UeOfl I I deal for ca&h, and cater to thoe who get tUcir money by hard licks, and pro-Im8c- to give you good . value -for your money. . i. . . i us a pnnieu Dr. Tichenor's "Antiseptic eraut for Wounds", which The News and Observer has a special from Newbern, dated June 5th, (Mon day) relative to the Raleigh mandamus Saturday last, was no more than a re- Yon ean buy a di ess from me for & low price v i amqoofA nronerLV win amouui lu m i i j - . ri iv - i r -- - i . . ru namrinir rvrrtfifa nF About two-1 - in. i o unrra nF Kian I mat win mate a young lauy . , Kecocrnlzed at Iast. thirds of its line: that these trustees 1 w 1 k M ..i . nn. n.r r nmnnrnn i A vounsr friend on the wharf has sent mana2inz the Central have paid ctkm- were monur I UUf LlfXt A rHIIMUtOCi I trademark of one sei fees and costs amounting .w vw water, a Vu y. - RefrijrJ out of theuonwai treasury, wnicu uc i parttaily consumed, '.ana a pair ot suws !a TJ argued was simp y ropoing tne yentrai . , fMck alreaay 8Poken of were - Oreat Bargains in ia a iM . . c-.. ,i:Hnav ia ifrcmra t n a - " - ' - I to DaY IOt UeiolIUlUK WC lanouiw w. i i the shape ot a slip to oe pass- seaboard road. ,:m , . ilftl- Duncan K. McKae followea in Ca On UOHies Ol ' l T rvT : ftn,n nnnr I .. j i..fKi;( . . T-onrPupntino- a I aueruuwu xu biv- w ' line lire OCCUrrcu a coupie ui nwu tre is an engraving representing a . , he d acuased the Questions . .. i . .L . u- wounded Confederate soldier on the - the organization i of the f - "S, "ZT field of battle holing up the body ol Central Company. Heconteaaea tnai several uuuMuu Cf Voiron with one nana uie oi.- ucwufto --------- w.w -.w.. obij.u.w.. tu. nnntMi i nmnanv rn r.nA nrar. mnru .:,k Ml,0r U waves ftloft & luc r. ' n " " vvune wib" - tora.?e nonas. ana mai. uie stwk ucms w i . Confederate battle flag. Dr. Tichenor. ft by the fundamental articles ot " r needless to say is a Southerner, association (m other words rjy ine : silver Plated Spoons and Forks; low nrfmnin law ui luis uuuivauti u - . i - - ruined This constitutes the loss so lar gloves, as we have been able to learn. Had There is as The alarm was not general, and the Fire -Department HOSIERY, - CORSETS, PANTS GOODS, SI1EKT1NCJ3, v TOWEL1NO, Ac In short everything to be had lo a FIRST CLASS DRY GOOD3 STORE. Cheap:! Cheap ! Cheap 1 case. We clip : The mandamus cases of Stewart El others asrainst the alderman -of the city of Raleigh were heard to day before Judge Philips. Messrs. Fowle and Argo represented the plam tifl onrl Messrs. SnowRand Busbee the defendants. After argument the .Tn.We Henided thatlhe -nleadinss raised ;0QiiSa nftim Vant. and continued the ieos fnr tVip issues to be a jury at the next regular term of the Vtn Siinerinr . Court. The Judge granted an order in each case lor the plaintiffs to their .prosecution bonds by tne iJbtn 01 June, or w gn nar knnita Pnoh side snbmitted . mo- finnc tr tQire ftildltion oarties. wnicn mnfinn the .Tndtre has not vet decided freshing rain in his section, without any accompaniment ol damaging winas. He also states that the crops in nis section are in fine condition and growing rapidly. it is needless to say is a h ailing from lied River Landing. La., orgame-w pice3f at Jacobis The trademark has been registered in ratification of the plaintilf. He rir Tavlor. v the U. S. Patent Office. Who will say discussed also the alleged infidelity of . :. . 'fl.r .. , n. " Ukn tnDloaa an1 Whar na PnarsnreriXKU I A iXHW 1 Ulk. uaUCl. Ill MU 4Mfwu w. UCUCUUttl ICO. Give me a call eracv? LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Flooding the Town Munds -Bros Reflnca Camphor S S Drew, Smith villeYacht Imogc KnlfhU and Ladiea of Honor Ix)cal ad Hets s bekgkr McTamoiany Organe tie a W II G ree J? Soda Water Miaeral Watci Melton Johxsok I-adles and Gentlemen From Charleston. Some thirtv-odd white persons from tried betore this city participated in the excursion recently given to Charleston, and it is thought that more than double that number would have gone had the affair been advertised. The whites had a car to themselves ' and they say that they enjoyed the trip very much. They all returned safe and sound this morning. Narrow Escape. An esteemed correspondent and "sub scriber informs us that G. Av Herring, Esq ..of Moore's creek township; Pender , the plaintiff. r county, had a very narrow escape irom r- a terrible death by drowning a lew days uauies i TT w.a pnr?Pd in movinff ton The annual meeting at Waco, Texas, has the following: - . .1 ' i ? -ThettSomenfrla-the case is limited Dr. J. B. Taylor. oi j"Qrn"urr tofiSon eachide.. Col.; M P?ted S 2Dl Raewill resume in -the monus . m SS T?n fSTd ta argument lor line puwuuu. nH-ihntinna ouht to Dillion. of New York, is also oi counsel pv. --w -----vftia jime 6 Flooding the Town I Cliauipion Compress aud Ware house Company. The annual meeting of the Champion &nd Ws hmV water. Fortunately assistance They do say that the fish are biting like mad dogs on this moon. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery. 50 to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Meltou.JohnsoD,a well-known coloi cd man, has opened a vegetable and pro duce stall at No. 3, New Market. Last nisht was extremely warm al- litrht fthd asreeable showers lUVUU "Z3 1 cooled the atmcjsphere somewhat be fnro morning, t There are more horses owned and 1 kWcnrft in Wilmincton now . Chsf ( thnn was ever! known here before. Compress and Warehouse ompauj iioM At thp First National J5anK VW9 ltUiV M-W ww - yesterday afternoon, when the follow ins officers were elected, viz: President H J. Pennypacker. , Secretary and Treasurer T. B. Harriss. Directors' E. E. Burruss, E. .J - Pennypacker; James Sprunt. A. 11. Greene, Eugcue McDonnell. Associatiou. of the Ladies since, ne was ensw w0 vw.. . . . s . w timber down Moore's creek and stopped Memorial Association was uem . . : . u H : m, iuM Wpdnesdav afternoon. Much t. t hn nriusre wnicu uiwaoco m uu v rl While leaning interest was maunesusu uj o-r th timbers of the present on the occasion bridge to rest himself they gave way ing resolutions were adopted. ,8.- .!....,n; tiio -atrnar.i 1st. That a vote of thanks ana precipuaicu tKo Ph!Win' Memorial Association making a fall of about 10 teet ine J turned over by them to the broken timbers of the bridge fell with jdies Memorial Association, , Lt. h wns ranaht amone them nd That a Vote of thanks bead- hrust completely under aressca to tne oiucu wu. k i t,.; -oaiotanoft on Momorial Day. WaS at I , mL.i onma'ofona hn tAkftn tow- the ladies The follow ed. , vote'of thanks be sent Ha sent in nromDtlv - enough tha nanriona borrowing of money to rhih the Boards are sometimes sub- iected. Dr. Taylor enforced his report in a speecn oi tnruiing cueci. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 10 bales. , The Steam Fire Engine A. Adrian. together with the horses nsed in draw ing her to fires, was photographed this mnrnin?.-Mr. C. M. VanOrsdell was the photographer. -pAPEU BAG3; PAPER BAGS, PAPER 1 AGS, WRAPPING PAPER, " WRAPPING PAPER. : Call and et prices before buying elsewhere ; YATES' BOOK STORE, may 23 119 Markctfct Ito be the case ih That some steDS be taten tow hand to rescue him from his perilous ards removing to their native soil, the situation or he would have drowned in remains of the North Carolina Dead at fow moments. As it was he only Arlington tieign. suffered a few slight contusions of the We saw some 'very fine, peaches in the city to-day. They were for sale at 20 cents a dozen. - . ...... , MED. J r- -VCELOPEAS AND AUTOIfATIC The HcTammany Organette enables head and lost his hat. Kitcheu Market. The following retail "prices ihU market to-day, June rule in a Oo-r th mlt call of members, the . mWft - - President's and Treasurer's reports were read.'. '. The President, Miss Hettie James. after declining a re-election, rose and nnnttH Mrs. W. n.C. Whiting as UViU 'w- - LlASGDON Tr Is June 7th, 1883, Mra. MART J. LASGDON, aged 84 years. - Friends ana acquaintances vi ius iaumj t Invited lo attend the funeral to-morrow (Fr 1- aay j monunx, , - Church, thence to Oat dale Cemetery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I s. . . Beef 815c per "pound; veal. 15c per L. p .d t for the ensuing year, The Sailing YaCht IITlOffen pound ; lamb 12i15c per pouhd ; mutr which nominati0Q was unanimously smitiiville, C .it YUniifvrifcn SAILING lA!j r -BMhM nar i n j clined tne nonor conierreu The Association then with Verv Uauclsomo We have before us a large volume ton 124 15c per pound; chicken? 12i Lnn. This lady, however. - de entitled "Summer Excursion ivouies, and it is certainly one of the nanasom- pst nublications of the day. It is issued 30c. ; 4 I A fl V IMF. I till l IS Y ' " l I rnd we are indebted to Mr. Robert A. strips, 1516; N. C. hams. ui ana we are iuuwuw v r . qaiou. fiuh. rcconwr Arent ot tne &oum- shouiaers, iiii r 'i nv nt handJrrtnfnirrfish.&C..SX)254C, Clams, per . 1 W I I - . lillU VVK www - - - ' I H&AB W J- W - anci a i ii' m J a 3 at a. aw i Tl r.,er.w illustrated with hand lb 13 30c each: srown towis, jdwduc; esgs, 22i25cper doz; butter, country, 25 Northern. 2535c; larcu -wwc; m a. hams, 16i8c; oreaKiast uoon ner. w " . i w w - ; one voice tcr, can be hired at reasonable raiei. insane McTammany Organette Organs. any one, whether nnlerstandln2 -ntaftlc or not, to play any desired melody or harmony, aacred , or aecnlar, from the most plain U re dJre to the moit lirelj dance music. . Sold at reduced prlcea from f$ to 1 10 and -14, with 10 feet of Mueic. ; For Mle only at HEINSBERGER'S, june i Uve Book and MtmVi Store Atlantic Coast Line. june 7-1 m S. 8. DREW, At Harper Store Two colored men charged with dis tnrt were before the Mayor this morning, but were both discharged One white man, for being drunk and down, was taken . to the guard house i.ef ;i,f hnt was discharired after he Aaato Ulnili w had sobered off. Mr. S. S. Drew. Smithville. is pro prietor or the handsome and last-sailing yacht hnogene, and prepared, at reasonable rates to furnish - her for fishine or sailing parties. See ad. elst; where. ' --.-'-- A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols At Jacobx's Hardware Depot. E t nxraorinir! and IS AC- mnnnied by a map showing the routes strawberries, saiOc per box; collards. 5 cents per covered in eleven states- luciuwimo- iw --- . tmr, it contains, too. is very mil ana buncu ; swecu i, , and seems to renuer tne man ao, new, : . 50 ccuts per peck. 5c per uunca; wiim md vote azain declareu JSaiss uettie cn board 5tmr. i'aspon, or oi James President of the Association, and urged her acceptance of the - posi tion. .. ; ,; . it ThP RAmp board of officers aud man- nnrL 15c: oar bushel, 75c: cabbage. 5 mrrera . n it vcarwaa appoint- when tou comk to thebw mak- 10c per head ; cucumbers,40c per doz ; for the cnsuing year.- .Several new and .ee melton JOHNSON, stall Ladies and gentlemen, rorv nrecise J . , i book an excellent guiue anu u-atu companion. 0 Altogether, it is by all otlds the handsomest and most com- plete publication of the kina we nave yet seen. -V " -; Messrs. A &. 1. Shkieu have receiv ed per express, a large lot of Children TiiMo Snits made up very handsomely irf difterent shades, which they will sell .. .efnnuKincriv low Driccs. Call early SkOW""-"0-W and procure a suit for the boys. T members were admitted into tho Asso ciation. " ' " K ' ; Death of Mrs. liangdon. Mrs. Mary J. IAngdon, a venerable , i r.t.: .:iwt . f Via mftthp.r ff Dr. t a T Itnv ni LIUS llb 1 . - . and parsnip. 5c per ouncu; ".-.T.on. nf CaUfornU. Capt. ISpcrpeckubccU.! per ; "Trf An'mta. and Capt. REFINED CAIIPIIOB, is rfTiNTa PER POUND. i Z: - . Jin- .--n Viffi' ' .-- - ..... rur- rkr asnaracus 10 . K. Jf. 1-angaon. iissTGUMCAU. w b"w i . . MAVfiinfV w. I m m i u v w r . h,h cauliflower. 15c each ; Ol this City. Oiea nere w - Y pb?r at : S5c ner uoui. or tnree poun- ishes. 3c per bunch ; lettuce, 2c per head ; j salad pea-. 25c per peck ; asparagus 10 f whortle- No. 3, where you can get fresh Eg, Chick ens of all sizes and Couatry Produce. '. Kespeetfallj, : " June? It MEtfrbN JOnXSON. black berries, 5c per quart; berries. 510c per quart. The celebraled 'Fish Brand T wine is sold only at J acobi's Depot. GiUV Hard IT r ur: . PASSENGEtt DEPACTMEST, V Vf llmlnston, N. G., June 1st, ls5 -JEGULAR SDMI1EU EXCURSION T1CK- eu good to return until Xorember lit, lfe3, to , Tiran a and North Carolina Summer Retortf, are now cn sale at Coupon OSSLctot thU Lire. Also Bound Trip Ticket. Wilmington to Kew Tort at 130. T. M. BMIiUsUX. june4-lwne Gn'l Passenger AgtnU j rCJL virs Kh ban ' rVtMdAllar. Ifitrr oounos rersuui i Kia rin nri 1 a ui vr j w. i . - ; - - Soda Waterl Soda Wator! ITTITII PURE .FttUIT. JUICE. , been sick foraboat a month past. 1 Best time for babies' pictures froa 10 to 3. Lardiier, 119 llsrtct.ctrcct. ! LrJcL ha n't Mr nMsd. c :all or send or- i.:T. PMtiir rKKii win lfc delivered w - uu.F,. : DUiiensing Pharmacists, MUNDS EI102L, Upenstng rnarmausu, 1 ITl RmulwaT. 2L Y. C21 North 4th strett, WllmlBston, . C. may W SEASOXltBS. UISXIIAL VTATES ONDUAUCJHT. - ICE COLD. - wiluam ii. cnr:f.

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