. PLEASE NOTICX. We Will be glad to receive communications from our friends on any and all subjects of general Interest but The name of the writer must always be f& THIS PAPER every evening, Sunday ex cepted by ' unshed nn pu H JOSH T. JAMES, BPITOR A5 D FROrMETOB. -nrrirtX8 POSTAGE PAID: alahed to the Editor. . Communication must be written on onl one side of the paper. -. . . J AA Six months, fi.w. inree Personalities must be avoided.? And It lr especially and particularly txnde ' .... 1 M One month, 35 cents -1 -mi ve delivered by carriers free The pp . rft at tbe above stood that the Editor does not always endor charge.--- - w. . In any I WILMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY; JJJNE 8.1883 NO. 137 tke views ofTxwreepondenU unless so state In the editorial columns. i , ...a twi week. ,., or i" t rte9' rates low and liberal. VOL. VII. 1 : i receive tneir ii ores to: Thp Bailv Review has the largest Jiifnn. of anv newspaper bona ' - a LOCAL NEWS. ptfished, in the cily of mirmngton. ''TTZhar of Edwin Booth lives 1 lie wu"'v quietly at the Washington Pniladcipnia. Hotel in Miss Helen Barry, the actress, is the tallest woman on the American- stage. She is six feet one:- - president Arthur is a' good baritone singer, and very frequently indulges himself in the vocal art. fw thousand doctors have been in ,nnsultation at Cleveland. Ohio, this week and much benefit to science is hoped tor therefrom. William Black, the novelist, was the Shortest man present at the recent pn- val0 viewof the Koyai Acauuuij, wore a bine shirt collar. W"DX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DeRosset Batter Yates Flooding the Town BoRKMAN'sSTALl-Xumber 8 Munds Bros Refined Camphor IIeinsberger Seaside Library American Leglsnf Honor--i- W II GREEX-Sada Watcr-liaerai water Tho rnrfiints of COttOtt at th'l3 port to- day foot up 05 bales. Tomatoes were offered for sale in the market this morning. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, $o to Jacobi's Hardware Depot. T The pet of .the household should have its picture taken at the Yates Gallery. It. A line of S100 will restrain the Penn- 1 i .i..rMm tairuinir unllf Ofl l.bC svlvama macnimsnuui .c.j.0 i""-. t ' ....uu.ph.a hereafter. Ten dollars, or ( u n cents, would have been just as.eflec- live. The Galveston City Council has set vide a quarter block of ground upon which is to be erected a $50,000, public school, the gift of George Ball, the banker. . 'Ph.. urlh German Gametic denies ihit' Prince Bismarck has consulted judicial authority in relation. to ihe '.isolation of the Federal treaty with a Capt. W. M - Swann has been conGn ed to the house, quite sick, for the past few days. Mr. A. J . Howell ot tnis ciiy , u. been reappointed a notary public oy ov. .Tar vis.- Mr. E. S. Nash, formerly of this city, but now of New York, is here on a visit to his relatives. We regret to learn that there is no !,nmvfimfint in the condition of ex- liu w - w Board of Aldermen. A called meeting of the Board or AU dermen was held yesterday afternoon present. His Honor Mayor E. D. HalL and Aldermen DeRosset, Boney, Fish- blate. Bear, Dudley, Howe and Sweat. Alderman Bear stated the object of the meeting to be the consideration of the question of the repealing ol tne or dinance passed at thelast meeting of the Board in refeience to selling spirituous liquors xm Sundays, members of the Board having since been advised by the City Attorney that such ordinance was unconstitutional. . . The following enactment was there- . i (Form? hv Alderman Bear ami Li fJVJl VifcW J ; adoDted : W ttkkeas. At the last meeting of this Board, held June 4th. 1883. there was passed by the Board an ordinance pro-t.sKifjno-tho snip nf linuor on Sunday, nrfaniiino- hfiavv nenalues for the viola tion of its Drovisions; and, whereas, it u0 i.on hrnnerht tothe attention of the ur.,i ht the Snnremc Court ot tne Qfoto n ATiv 25th.- 1883. decided tha thn nrtwpr to nnss such an ordinance IbliU K'V W. " , m i 1 1 : 1iniiAt rr Sllll. punisnmg me semus y1 w" o.7 (lav is msuDoruinaiiou tu mo law, and that therefore the said city ordinance must give way to the general City Court. Western Schedule. George Washington not heof hatchet The reports as to another change of and cherry tree memory, who is tne schedule on the Carolina Central u. im putative daddy of this star-spangled J which has been current on he streets imMiron-atrlnctf conntrv ana - wnose rQr & dav or two past, are wanoui body servants are supposed" to be nearly foundation, so far as the Eatern Divi all dead but a colored individual, was 8i0n is concerned. -But a change on before the Mayor this morning charged the Western Division is to go into effect r!tK irMniv Thp fpfitlmnnv tointed i in.mArmw when the Shelby bonna milt and he 1 trn -orill lve Charlotte at 5 :30 p. m. was required to give a justified bond in aad arrive at 10:30 a. m." . the sum of $200 for his appearance at u SllDerior court. "1 lie lOliOVYlHii ncio w NEW AJDVEBTISEMElTrS. policeman Watkins. view to abolishing the Reichstag. in. reirislatufe has" j 1U A Vii JJ w i,.,, in session so . long, and so many vntM have been taken, that the clerk tho T-nll frnm memorV. And jiuw iaiu i"v - " now they are talking of an extra ses sion! Mr. Wilkin Boddick leaves here to night for the North in search of much needed rest and recreation. At earn boatmen report that the Cape Fear is slowly falling oft", but that there umtprpnousrh lor boating pur- poses, . Mr. M. -Waddell, of Johnston county, is hi the city to-day in atten dance on this term ot me ouperwi Court. :ht The Queen's journeys to and from Rfilmoral are now accom- llVi. v - plished with the utmost privacy. ' Even ihJrenresentativesof county families. who renerally. muster in force at Perth, an rigidly exclued from the railway station. Mass meetings of Irish societies were held Tuesday evening at Philadelphia. New Orleans, Buffalo, Baltimore, Chi cago, Rochester, and other cities. The action of the Philadelphia Conveniion was ratified, and steps were taken to ii hranr.hes of the new Irish National league. The capital of the 1 German empire still continues to increase rapidly. On the 1st of May the population passed Conious showers during last hu and this morning blessed the earth, but they effected very little in cooling the atmosphere. -. Clarendon Council, No. 7, A. L. of iffht at 8 o clock. Representative to Grand Council to be elected to-night. Mr. Luke B. Huggins, who has been quite sick for several days, does not ina- . , i.v A Ula rw-wnflltlOn thlS prove in ucaim, . morning .was deciueaiy umui The party that went out to the Black- L Ac vostprdav had exceiieni nsn uiuuimo j v . inrW. althou-h many ol them were mis - -ui-oa mirht have been ex- Dected. - Th government steam tug Joseph B. -o- - . i : Uinh has been unueiguiuo statute, Now. be it enacted. That the said ordi nance be and the same is hereby re pealed. Alderman Fishblate moved the repeal ;sed at the last KJl lUb isjuiuHvii meeting, requiring the Clerk and Treas urer to report the names of delinquent laxpayers. Motion adopted. Alderman Howe stated that mere was a great deal of stir in the commun ity on the question of the hog ordinance, as passed at the last meeting ol tue Board, which prohibits the keeping ol hogs within the limits of the city. He had been approached by a great many ,i,rt coiri th a nrdi nance would work great hardship to and was turned over to the custody of the Sheriff, whose duty it is to see that the bond is given. ThP o.harffe of larcenv upon which the above named George Washington was tried was based upon facts .which pointed to him as the thief who ; broke into Capt. W. P. Oldham's mill on Wednesday night; and his capture was ejected under the following circum An omnlnm ni the mill wentilD8 mtn tho fktY!fH this morning and stated 111 tV ftnUW- " that he had iust seen George Washing ton. arid that the latter had on a . irock which looked precisely like the miller's, which was supposed to have been burn ed. Capt. Oldham at once sent for George to come up to the office as there ..ro nf wnrt Inr him to do. As n jw w. - - work was whatlho latter was seeking, and as he had formerly on several occa sions worked for Capt. Oldham he read ily heeded the request, but not . w itb" before this tribunal to-day up to the time of closing our report : W. A. Ransom and others vs. C. A. Prine . Executor. IJuror witnurawn. mistrial,, new trial ordered. .InnA MoTCenria vs. .Adrian & ol- lers. Plaintiff called ana taueu. un- missed at plaintiff's cost and remanded to Probate Court for further, proceed 1 VASTLY BETTER 1 THAN AN A TJ C T ION! THE PRICES I AM SELLING G0ODS AT give you Rtl vantages tenfold over an Auc tion Sale, for the reason you can take your time and select that which suits you, anl get jnst the Qual- lty anl Quantity that - you wish. The ltailroad Case. The Netvs and Observer furnishes us with the following report of the second and concluding day of the hearing be- frtro' .Tiulo-oa Ronil and Seymour,- at RftlAlcrh. of the case of Mrs Matthews v. the Carolina Central It. U In tliis court vesterday the argument in the cases of Matthews vs. the Caro lina Central R. II. Company was re- Col. Duncan K. mcnae enmprl Duncan K. Mcltae con- lnriort hia sneeoh for the daintiffs fl wrd Patterson, of New York. - . . ..1.1 rnt. hnttnnlncr his coat closely aooui ine nnonnA frr the defendants. lie com " .... I - . , . , , ; When he enterea tlie nlamed of wnat ne consiuereu 1 1 uva ui oiun. - - . i I AM SELUXO Wide Fercalaat6centijperyard,worthl2. '. U and some Black and Colored Buntings at 15 cents per yard, worth 30. 1'retty Lawns, fast colors, at cents. White Scotch IMaid Lawn, at 120, worth i". Pretty Cotton Flat d Dress oodA, atlOct per yard, better than 15 cents Gingham. . v The Tery best 10 cents Bleached Cotton ever sold in this or any other city. t - . ...... . - . .VOOO-varda liamburs Trimmings, excellent quality, and vry cheap, from 5 cents up. Bordered Handkerchiefs at "3 cents 'each, wiUi the largest stock in that line in the city. Good 200 yards Spool Cotton, at two Spo' for 5 cents. : ; oflice Capt. Oldham closed the door and asked George to unbutton his coat! as he wanted to see what kind of a shirt he had on. George hesitated, but when he -saw that Capt.,01dham insults heaped upon his clients. After a rebuke to his adversary. Col. McRae. for the vehemence of his denunciation, he pro ceeded to argue, taking the ground mat the trustees when they sola tneir oonus ceased to become quatihett te act fur ther and in resigning ana appointing was in earnest and meant ousmess, ne thev onlv carried out the did as requested when the miller, who terms of their trust. He argued that . m'nn r . AtlfP rPnO?UICU IUC UiftU v j - - r - i -i. I ami Come and look at my s tock or DRESS GOODS! I deal for cash, ; and cater to thoe who ge . r their money by hard licks, and pro , - . " ' -i lKse to give you gool value for your money. ... . oi;rf oa hia -nrnnert.v ami tne one wuicii ,r ... ... i ua hieh and in support of this read a cablegram the I Bat hardship to nem , he had sup wa3 burnt at Xhes had been carried to the entorcea at tnis paruuuia. ucv i ,.nKWr firft ' In answer to Beeond-mortsaarc bonds and tliat alter ... . , -p.- to .l ...,,1.1 t( " - I ... -, , " t :.: would be glad it tne coaru wuu. que3tion as to where he got the some acuuu iu ,urf n.onra ?rl that, he bousrht it r ... T- . :,J l. l,nnlhf OUUVi VJWUisv m. -' Alderman LienosbCL baiu uc , r . f Easlon, the Ogure 1,200,000. As the last census, re airs for some time past, on Dec. 1, 1880, gave the total number ot inhabitants at 1,120.000, it appeals that within two vears and five months the increase has been 80,000 persons commenced She looks as An old colored woman named Rebec-1 nn Snndav niffht. in New rork, at the alleged age oi 114 uncle, Capt. R. B. Davis work again yesterday pretty as a peach. T -M.Emerson left here last jaw narrdina Central lor evening ou , ,f :wv with h s family, wneru Emerson is to spend a month with her m . t 1 A- he ordinance as passed at tne last, meeting entirely too sleeping, it was only intended as a sanitary measure." He offered the following resolution, which was adopted : , - Tie oni' oil That the ordinance on Hogs be referred to the Sanitary ..Com. hiittee,o report to the next meeting the orUohiiifv nf eontractinff the limits this he dealt in the securities, put them on the market, received some oi tue bonds and received interest on them. Mr. Randolph Robinson spoke llAYt for the defense: areued that the subordination of the Carolina Central railroad to the Seaboard S3'stenr,nau nnt. ininred trie . lormer. and that the veiy probable,story ; and Capt. Oldham new combination was not wrecking the became sure he had the real .culprit Central i; that its. ft , Kiittercn. lie saia tne court uau m . You can buy a diess from me for a low price. that will make a yonnc lady ! LOOK LIKE A PRINCESS 1 it. He did not know the man, but could identify him if he should see him. Rio woa ti ve.rv nlausibleV- but not a XUIkl 11 4 C when he took one of George's shoes and found it exactly fitted tbe track made K tw'f in effecting an entrance. within the bounds of the crty ; and tyw thercfore went immediately for a r ----a . -r , . i i r kaiAi;uraan ipapin'r iiRuri't: au owuj regular meetmg.in J uiy, tne myi ; , - u; a i t- nnrmvia f ho nniinRiiuts i n mht nrnntn noi. ne zlul iu icu uim nvwnf in thv limits defined by Section i n. a urn it an A bad him arrested, with 17 of Article 4 of the Ordinances. fuai stated in the first paragraph The application ot Dr. W. H. Barker t accuged is a full black, and is 17 or 18 years of age. . former opinion already settled ine auestions argued so fully by the plain tiff's counsel, and he declined to enter into them; that his reply was the rni n inn nf the court. i j i t. 1 ... . The papers were men aanueu u, w class dry goois biukis.. judges reserving their opinion. 'Ihe i . " . nt I case now cocs to the Supreme Court of nhann ! Rnp.fl.Tk ! (jtlftat) ! Great Bargains in r GLOVES, . nOSlEltY, ' . CORSETS, ..- , 1ANT3 fiOODS, SHEETINGS, ; . I TOWELING, Ac. iu short everything to bje 'hatl in FIRST - on for the free use of the City Hall in which to give free lectures oil phrenology, was not granted. Alderman Bear offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Board ot Audit and Fihauce be requested to make such provisions as will enable the Mayor - to put twb special men (mounted) on duty, whose province it shall be to remove all cows, hogs and goats from the streets. The Board then adjourned. The Blacklish Excursion. The blacklish excursion of yesterday was qu'tfe a successful one, befth as to the years, 5 months and 29 days. Her death The ciosing exercises of Bethel Acade was the result of old asre and a paraiyt Tnoir county, toot place w .. . i " - , . . : ic stroke. She was born in Connecticut, F id the lst imt pro!. JNOD es, j t. vri- linn 9A vears I . cnKnnl nf this City, old. The last nine years of herlifeshe ivered the address, which has been catch of fished the victors r.won by old Keptune. xi ia wuiuai. twelve to fifteen hundred fisli were caught. Nearly all of the party were sick and were unable to fish, and the number of the finny tribe which were caught were hooked by comparatively a few old salts who never bend their heads to Neptune. Fish were so thick . 1 t mo nnf f oil on on tne grounus mat n, www in the was blind'and helpless. Charity. organ- vcry highly commended. izations provided lor ner. In regard to the Earl of Dalhoiuie's bill for legalizing marria'ge with: cle ceased wite's sister, the second reading of which is fixed Tor next .Monday, the Bishop of Lincoln intends to take an early opportunity of calling attention in the House of Lords to the fact that all the Bishops of the Episcopal Church i n Scotland have pronounced against the pro posed chahge in the law. Officer Samuel Howland. who has beenquite sick for several days, put in an appearance at the City Hall this xi r. !a tionllv well enouiih to mormu. ji j ""j return to duty, but if he continues to improve will be at his post again oeiore long. Colum- but some a day or two. were fnmly developed and seemed per- tnraefinir n rpfit nf the won rwf in tnr narts. but owing 10 X.t 19 lliivivdwtiQ v w. i 111 i ' .i.f.,i x-;orr-v nehieved bv the United L iorm nnnement lived UU11U1 , lOLWi J v " " " I . - - -" States forces in Arizona, as per advices from Assistant Adjutant-General Mar tin. It was a brilliant victory, two boys and eighteen women and children having been captured after they had surrendered. It reminds us of the dis tich irom Mother Goose : Tii k'inr of France, with all his -m. ""O rviiwhtv men. MarchedUD the hill and then marched -m m- .1 i a .-. ..MMr tninir i ri i iHik liicuj .. . . Air- i rnniiii- I linn I'liucim luiiic. ' bus Swainiear.omiu.ivuio:fe:.r - r nnUn!.vabiind .;.t - k fi S. R. Val r .1 -i no T.wins inn siiiisicjiiuao , j mm ahiccu. t "j - - twin COltS a lew uay s fr - tx . tUn rc?nnijt wanted .V , ipa "Wnlw find ant. vhc ui i-uvi isa.u i enunc. -- Old Pictures copied - carefully and well finished. Lakd'nek, Photographer J 119, Market. ; u Historical Papers. The June number of the Southern Historical Society Pape rs has arrived. The following interesting papers con stitute its contents : . , Life and Character of ex-Gov. B. G. iT...nWnva rt MississiDoi by Rev. UUIUpUlbjBI . . The Washington Ar tillerv" addressesby Gen. W. M. (Won and Col. BV Eschelsman ; ,4A Reminiscence of thl Christmas of 1861," by W. F. Shippey ; "laying the Cois nor Stone and Monument iohid oi me Army of Tennessee Association, New Orleans;" Address on the Life and Character ol General Albert Syndey tu- k Hon. C. E. Hooker, of U Ullllvsu. - Mississippi; Address by rresicient ta--:. - T'he Shenandoah. Valley in jja i in icrj Review of Geo. E. Pond's book hV cini. :: William Allen: "Marse Robert "J -r- . , Messrs. A. &. I. SniUEit have receiv ed, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up-very liandsomcly in difterent shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Butter. FEW PACKAGES OF VERY ' MCE MAKYLAND-BUTTEB. .. For sale low by june 8 It DEBOSSET A CO. umber8- OOD BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB AKO VSAL. The beat the market affords at BOBNEMAN'S tTALL, Junes Ko. 8, New Market Seaside Library. - Ulvc me a call JOHN J. HEDJtlCK. No. 115 Market Street. . jnne t ..,.!... Wilmington & Weidon R. R; Company. is 5 Secretary jlhd treasurer's OrncE, Wilmington, N. C, May 22, IN PUBSUANCE OF A BESOLUTI05U. F RANK UK SQUARE 1JBRARY, LOWELL'S LIBRARY, adopted by the Directors of the Wilmlugton : A Weidon Bail Boad Company, at a meeting held this day, a special meeting of the Stock holders of said Company, will be held In the city ef Wilmington, at the office of the Cpm pany. at 11 o'clock, A. M., on TburoUy, the 41st day of Jane next, "to take Into consideration the location and building or a Kallroaa rrom some vou on un Wilmington A We Won Ball road South of Wil son to Florence, 8. C, en the Wilmington, Col umbia A Augusta Ballroad, or some point East thereof on said roads, and such further action in this matter as the said 8tocklKMers assembled In meeting may consuier proper. may 22- tm J. WY THOMPSON, Secretary. For sale at , IIEIN3BEIMl'.iv. to te thrown overboard; another pite- Queries" and "Editorat Parajrraphs," i i ".n Uornor f n tfvtrfi him I , t.t. -,;. :n mnlnr train a nnd 5nlW est to the publication Qi xt ocVpiI CaDt. Harper, to take mm utnu oaoist in civme xalue anu inter- Vli"J w - - v mm - - back, assigning as his reason mat, a have cot niy dollar's worth." As we stepped aboard the steamer at Smith- ville, after the return from , tne tocks, we asked a lestive policeman wno was day's recreation," if he hau Blank Books. a Mucilage, Steel Pens, Ac, at HEINSBERGER'S A New Eflterpnse. , We learn that Messrs William Iar t;;9nn,l II . M. Bowden are preparing . , . i. i sh a mouei .-uij " tikinsr cmibv which to supply the people sick? Hi3 reply was, as he rolled . ... i mvo r Tii ill. i'vitv i. i v i annpii fivir of the city. wuu - nis eyes UMYcim, ; - ,y ron the "goobers" wera T, - o Vorrtt Irnnirpn mnrnine and evening- The roilk is to the raIling: My Lord, just look at was a live J run final The Sailing YaCht imOgen Mna similar to those r . ln sn?ift of the sickness ot tue tlU x , mg. Runaway. There was a ripple of excitement at the corner of Dock and Front streets th',9 mornincr. occasioned by a goat runnine away with a cart, filled with pea nuts, to which he was attached. it i ! - lAPEB ASD KNYELOPES, Inks of all kinds, june 8 Live Book and Music Stores down agrin nt neans simuaiw .UVc mP" in spue oi iue aiun . , , of ihA North, andl i nil cnmtl tA tn onlnv themselves. n nw hY iiairvwcu - - cruwu,i . . . . ' 1 A M nnstnmOr4 I . 1 r 1 1 T i r rrn a AMI IU k t ,i indicate has been formed will be delivered to regiuai anU expresseu a vu..fi ; ot nnA ntilirft the new possession ol at their aoors. . New Guinea. The syndicate intends to Vsearch for, mine, and cart away" im mineral wealth of the country. It V&AV sf ' - -w - will also foster the trade and coloniza tion of the island. The syndicate hopes also to become- eventually the parent of numerous other companies, such as carrying, constructive, agency, land, and fishing companies. To open up the "vast resources," and as a guarantee ot good faith, the originators rntemolato sendinz out a mining en- , ; Unmanables. ti,, followinff is a list of the unmail able postal matter remaining in t TnflirA in this city : i - . n . vn. i;a TArkins. Columbus o, , Thar Rcna. end- nOSKll caiu uci"o . - t.nfillas: (ivernment stamped en velorxs with no ,adress; .J u : uerring. Lonj Bluff. N C ;F ranfc oauney, WT.1 Rivatts.-v : Capt. Harper has onr thanks for kind remembrances. SM1TBVILME, N. C, ifrrrtt xxpkbienced saiusg mas- ter, can be hired at reasonable rates. Inquire Free guessing contest excitement in- " . .. . . - ... r. v. 1 i 'V-. r?Tlrtv ' . . It. The Iast Kites. The remains of the late venerable Mrs. Langdon were interred this morn ing from St. James' Church, the last resting place being in Oakdale. The pallbeaiers were IDr. Joha I). Bella my, Mr. Alfred Martin, Hon. O. P. inirr. Dr. A. J. DeKossct, Col. E r Tfnlh Mr! A. n. VanBokkclen. And Mr, James Anderson. ' : 7 '! " a fino assortment of Guns and Pistob at Jacobs Ilrmlvrrvrs Pcrct. . t B73kVV; - catastrophe was when the cart struck the hydrant op Front street, near tbe VippU and ?oat parted rrninor into the I 1 Wm.4 l gtmr. Passport, or mtter ana tne uuier, t ( mischief, allowing himseirto be caught. - . ... Kxnorts Foreiffii. Nor. brig San Juan, Ckpt. ' Bachr, Iloueruam, Flooding the Town ! JpAPKR BAU3, JrAl J.K J1AU3, y- PAPER BAGS, "WBAPPISG PAPEB, WRA PPI NG PAPER. Call and tret prices before buying elsewhere I YATES BOOK STORE," may 2 I 119 Market St 'June 7-liu 8. S. DREW, At Manor's Store nlPiired on the 5th inst , for with 1.090 casks spirits lurbentinc and i harrels rosins valued I at $21,021, shipped, by fMessrs. AIcx.: SpruntA& Son. ':AiS Tho celebrated Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at Jacori's ; Hard REFINED CAnPHOlt, tti CENTS PKR POUND. 4.-rc rtvs-Fii inft T.TM : FINEST UM CAM VV k kt 25 wr Tvinnd. or three pouml for one dollar. Fifty poundsPeraianr insect Powder 50 eenU per pound. Call or send or HMtL Good3 will be delivered roniPtlT. - MCSDS BROS., v - v . J 1,431 Broadway, X. V. fill North 4th street, VllcaIn;tou, N. C. may '-j :.. - '"' . Atlantic Const Line. 71 r Ml U PASSENGEB DEPARTMENT. W II mlugton, N. C, -J unc 1 t, 1S?3 ptGCLR SlilllEB EXCtltSlOX TICK ew gool,to return until NoTember lt,lfcsi, to Virginia awl XortUCarolina Summer Ccfert, are now cn sale at Coupon Ofliccsiof tMs Uoe. Al-o L'oun.1 Trip Ticket, yilni!n?trn to New YorWatf"V ju-C i-lwi:i T. M. KMi (Jp-i l Pa- - ' ' ilV nWMnanf " . " I UaUlKUi, - wv w - . " r