THIS PAPER published every evening Sundays . ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AND PKOrKIKTOK. ..- wtptIOSS POSTAGE PAID: 5Ujov 4.00. Six months, f 3.oo. Three One month , 35 cents. w uV, The paper will be delivered by carriers free f charge. In any part of the city, at the above "... or 10 cento per weekT Adretislng rates low and liberal. Subscribers will report any and ail fall- receive their paper regularly. The Daily Review has the largest fide circulation, of any newspaper yublithed, in the city of Wilmington. J& "The lightning-rod conference lately held tin England decided that copper is lne best material to use in rods. Mrs Davi3, the ex-Senator's bride, va3 voted "the most popular lady in Bloom ington," at a baby show in that place the other day. .. On Yeans Ming has been appointed Chinese consul of New York, being me first consul of his nation appointed on the Atlantic coast. The Marquis of Lome thinks that the rt naileries of Toronto afo ahead ot those of New York, Boston or any other city on the Continent. J ... . : ' The Free Church of Scotland is edu" eating lady missionaries in medicine, with a view to more effective work ..ftn(rHiowomen in the Zenanas of auiu0 India. . - . Fred Douglass being at a meeting of white clergymen in Boston the other day, was called on for a speech. "No," he said, "I came here merely to give color to the occasion." Mr. J. F. Slatcr.the donor of $1,000, 000 for the education of the freemen, has lately given $10,000 to the Park Congregational Church, at .Norwich, Conn., where he resides. . Prof, llyder, of the United States fish missinn. is very hopeful that this nvnpnmp.nta will prove the foocJKnjfv nf nvster propagation and cultivation by artificial means. ft The Newton Enterprise is confident that North Carolina will go Democratic next year, and eives some excellent reasons for the faith that is in it. We trust that it may prove a true prophet. It is now known that Lord Charles Heresford had intimated to his Royal, Highness, the Prince of Wales, that an Knjrlish gentleman could always whip a professional fighter, and that he had expressed a determination to meet Jem Mace and the Maori giant at the lirs opportunity. - There is no harmony, but much bad blood, says the Augusta Chronicle, be tween the white and black Republicans of Georgia. Gen. Longstreet, who owes his public position and pap to an administration made possible by the negro balance of power, abuses his black coparceners. The negro editors return the abuse with unction. The only thing that keeps both factions in line is the official pap, and they quar rel over the disposition of that. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW (ADVERTISEMENTS. Grand Excursion J Baker Found Yates Geo Wood's Organs fc'RONLT & Morris For Sale C C R R Change of Schedule Munds Bros Reflned Camphor IIkinsbkrger VcWet Frames, Ac W II Greex Soda Water Mineral Water Kerchner & C alder Bros Groceries P L Bridgers & Co Marc Anthony Speaks Giles Murchisox Ice Cream Freezer8 F W Clark, Gen'l rasa. Agent Excursion Tickets . Cornelius Harnett Council; No. 231, j Royal Arcanum I The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 2 bales. Cornelius Harnett. Council No. 23 1 Royal Arcanum, meets to-night. It Farmers from the country begin to complain that there is too much rain for the crops. Artistic photographs in easy, grace ful positions. Lardner, Photographer, 119 Market street. w It Steaniboatmcn report the Cape Fear as falling off, but with a plenty at pres ent for boatingpurposes t There were a great number of visitors at Oakdale Cemetery "yesterday, aot withstanding the intense heat. Capt. R. S . Radcliffe, who has been verv sick for several weeks, is now con valescent and wewere pleased to see him on the streets. again this morning Yesterdav was a very pleasant day at Masonboro Sound, a refreshing breeze blowing there all day, and no sand fi; noeole who wonJd enjoy ease and comfort. Mr. Sol. C. Weill, son of our worthy friprwi ir a Wiiil who has been a . Ait mm , v " - student at Chapel Hill for the past year, where he made an excellent record for himself as shown by the exams, has re turned home. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, o to Jacobi's Hardware Depot t rm hf VOL. VII. CoirJ ames G'. Burr commenced duties as tax lister this morning. We have been favored with "a little of all sorts" ot weather during the day. We are glad to learn that there is a very decided improvement in the condi tion of ex-Doiiceman W atkins. There is, we regret to state, no change for the better in the condition of the venerable Mr. Luke B Huggins. The third quarterly meeting for the present conference year will be held at the Front street Methodist church on next Sabbath, the 17th inst. The presid ing Elder, Rev. Robt. O. Burton; is ex pected to be present. v Off for .Europe. Capt. A. D. Cazaux, of this city. Will leave here tosmorrow morning for New York, whence he will sail for Europe. He gags for the purpose of endeavoring to make arrangements for having steamers touch at this port for the pur pose of conveying cotton to Liverpool Capt. Cazaux thinks, with much reason, that a personal interview will do much more towards effecting so desirable a result than will all of the letter writing which can be done in a year. He will be absent seven or eight weeks, hoping to return here by the first of August. We trust be may prove successful in his mission. Messrs. Pembroke Jones and Her bert Latimer have also made arrange ments for a trip to . Europe, and will probably leave here next week. They will most likely be absent all of the Summer. Light, cloudy weather, best for light complexions. Lardnek, Yates Gal lery. It Impressive Kxereises. This day is known and observed by those of the Hebrew faith as the "Feast of Weeks," and is commemorative of the giving of the Law from Mount Sinai. On this day children of Hebrews who have arrived at the age when they . . i can understand, and are convmceu , that they can live up to, th5 required obligations come up and make open confession of faith and are then con firmed. . In the Temple of Israel, in this city, this morning, such services were held, commencing with exercises usual to feast days, after which the ceremonies attendant upon confirmation took place, the candidates consisting of two young ladies and three young men. The Temple was tastefully and beautK fully decorated for the occasion with flowers and evergreens; the music was rendered with exquisite feeling, and the address by the Rabbi, Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn, was a profound and schol arly effort. The exercises, taken alto gether, were very impressive, and at times extremely affecting. The Temple was crowded, there be ing quite a number of the faith irom abroad, as well as a good many of pur own citizens outside ot the Hebrew race who were present. Dead or Alive. There is a colored woman in tnis city !who was pronounced dead nearly or quite 25 years ago. The circum stances were about as follows : She was a slave, and was suddenly missing and, although thorough search was made, could not be found. A short time alter, . . . i the body oi a coioreu woman was iuuuu in t.hfi rirer some two or three miles above the citv. The Coroner was noti fii. and no summouea a lury. wuu proceeded to the place and held an in quest in due form of law. They brought in a verdict declaring .he dead body to hA that" of the woman who had been missing, and whose name was Statira. The correctness of the verdict was never drmhLfid. and Statira was dead, so far as the world had any knowledge.' A short time alter the close of the war, one of the men that had composed the jury of inquest, and who well knew the cirl. met her alive and well upon one rtf t h a streets of the city. Of course he was much astonished, and sought an explanation, telling the girl that he had haloed to pronounce her aeaa years before. The girl m reply statea mas she had run away from her master and had succeeded in baffling all attempts at recaDture or recognition, and had kept out of the way until she was de- clared free by the law, when she tnougm; she would return. This was a remarkable case of mis iiantifireirion. and the name of UUiCU ivv- the woman who was declared by the jury to be Statira has never been ascer- lamcu. , . - To Builders and others Go to Jaco ,a rr Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c- xon can gei an anta etrest prices. ' - A and at the WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. JUNE 11. 1883. City Court. I William Brown, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharge I ed by the Mayor this morning. T. Dickson, colored, charged with a lisrht offense, was reouired to pay a fipe of $3. Musical. f w The June number of the Musical Herald has been received. It is one of the best music publications in the country, conducted and edited Dy men i eminent in the profession and is always crowueu wuu liupuruiui. auu iusuuu- thre matter to the professional as well as to the amateur. Ine number beiore I us contains three nne pieces ot music, two vocal and one instrumental, tne latter being an 'Andante from Symph onic in C." by Schubert. Published ! by the Musical Herald Co., Boston,1 Mass., at a subscription price of $1.50 j per annum. The Coniiug Season. A note from Mr. Frank A. Small, who will be remembered by many in our city, writing to the editor of this nnnnr in Rnp.akincr of the coniinsr the- atrial season, which Dromises to open early, says : Shakesperian and legitimate drama will haye a grand revival next season, no less than ten companies being now organized for its presentations. Ol these ten the most important, to judge KT S .STKEE Edmr ComDanv. Mr. Edgar is a scholar and actor of wide popularity, and in this enterorize is backed by a syndicate of well known capitalists of New York. Maze Edwards, the Man- rj: "l rr and press and public have so taken up thilv drama working produced" that success is almost an assured fact and do doubt is assured because it is de served. It is a praise worthy enter prise and we wish it all success. ',. Mr. Orr's negatives are well kept. Duplicate pictures finely finished at low rates. Lardnek, 119 Matket. it The Planet Juhiter. This great planet,according to an as tronomical writer, is at present a splen did phenomenon in the June sky. His rosy belts and equatorial clouds and the constantly changing aspect of his satel- ite system never cease to be interesting, and whoever has seen them once is sure to wish to see them again, as often as they can. One of the great charms of a telescopic view of Jupiter is the visible motion of the planet and his moons. In a single evening one can see the huge globe roll half way over on its axis, the time of a whole rotation bein" only ten hours, and can witness the PW of the round black shadow of one of the moons across we iace oi the planet, or the disappearance of an other moon as it goes behind the planet or is eclipsed in the great cone of shad- ow which Jupiter throws far away into space behind him. It is ;difficult tor not aceustomed to astronomical ooseryauoiis tu wuiFCuCuu that those little shining globes which he sees moving so silently and smoothly in j their orbits arc actually worlds in size. and that they are removed hundreds of thousands of miles fijom the great ninnpt. .1 ron ii d which they circle. If. as most astronomers, believe Jupiter has not vet cooled down into a habitable I " f ClODC, nu IS, in buuid '"Fv . more intercsunjL w ua uu ium uuaiuuh , for if he were an inhabited globe, no telescope man can make would be able to reveal his inhabitants or their works to us, and the very fact that lie was in, t. - i- : u - u : - I such a conuiuon a .o supputi. inhabit- ants would Drcclude the possibility of any physical changes which could be seen at the distance of four or five nun- rlrod million miles. But. on the other hand, if, as is believed, Jupiter is yet in a very early stage of world growth, then the inhabitants of this earth can ,wx;o tr wfttrh with their telesoones. i j r !.. as they nave oceu uoiUJ5 jui u two hundred years, the changes oi ap- tw!ir&nce which he undergoes. In other words, they can behold part of the mvtirttrical develoDment of a distant world, and, if the human race could ex ist long enough and could hand down its records unbroken from age to age, it might at last haje a complete history, based on actual observations, ot the f JuDiter. from a elobe of w - M. w easeous or fluid matter to a solid and habitable world like our own . Messrs. A. &. l. jsuktek nave receiv - lirirAlnt; of Children's ev,f - - Blouse Suits made up very handsomely : ,i:ftorpnt shodM. which tliev will sell AAA 4Vww j r at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. - t c;if PlAtA3! Snnona and Forks, low .!.tiirtMi' , ... . iiiit'.i- aa mm a.ww mm . w lETIEW. I'!-"--'"''..'''-..'''-'' Superior Court. The attention of this tribunal has been accupied the entire day upon the follow ing: James A. Walker, vs. C. 1 Mebane and others. It is a trial by jury and was still in progress when our report closed. Excursion to Smith ville. The ladies connected with the Front Street M. E. Church will eive an ex cursiou to Smithville and the Forts next Thursday on the steamer Passport. when we have said under whose aus- piees it is gotten up we have said enough to warrant a rood time to all who may participate. Wilniiogtoii at Chapel Hill. The Wilmington . boys, at Chapel Hill last session took a high stand in their classes. Mr. Thomas Radcliffe, who graduated this term and who was before a Bachelor of Arts, was made this year a .Bachelor of Science. Mr. Jesse B. Hawes was awarded the med al for the best oration by . a representa tive of the literary societies, while Mr. bol U. vveul received a medal lor superior scholarship in Greek. The Worth prize for scholarship in mor al science and the evidences of Chris tianity, offered by DavidJG. Wortb.Esq., of this city, was awarded to Mr. Numa F. Heitman. Messrs. Cronly & Morris haYe for sale aa excellent office safe, "bran new", which can be had at a low figure. The organ of the First Baptist Church naa recently been overhauled, repaired and tuned. In fullness and richness of tone it has been considerably improved. j er, an organ builder of Boston. Capt. F. W Clark, General Passen ger Agent of the Carolina Central, in vites attention in this issue to the fact that excursion tickets to all of the Sum- mer resorts in Western North Carolina, the: 'Switzerland of America." are now on sale at the office of the Company. The postmaster general has selected metallic red as the color for the new two cent postage stamp. The vignette which will be used on the stamp is cop ied from the life cast . used in making Houdon's statue of Washington. The two cent rates of postage will replace the present rate October 1st. Quarterly Meetings Wilmington District of the - Methodist E. Church, South. , - - THIRD BOUND. Wilmington at Front, Street June Wilmington at FiflhiStreet. . June 17 24 Topsail at Herrings June 30, July -. 7 1 i Smithville. . . . . July 14-15 Brunswick at Bethel-. t .'July 21-22 Newton Grove Mission. .. July 28 29 y 'yr';-s Clinton at Goshen..... Aug 18 19 Elizabeth. . ..... . . . . . . . . . . Aug 25-26 VVamnw Mission......... Sent 1- pair Bluff. . .. ....Sept 8- ROBT. O. BUKTON, P. 'E. The celebrated Fish Brand Gills1 Twine is sold only at J acobi's Hard ware Depot. ' ' DIED. tlDOniT ATT To vivkAVrAM AM fVlA 91a A I Mar. 1833. MRS. LYD1A PBSCHAU. relict Of wv. . j. cduu, s j.o. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Founds T AST NIGHT IN ST. PAUL'S B. 1 Chureh, a act of FALSE TEETH (upper) I The owner can get them on application to - J. bakes. PrtneeM 8treet, between Front and Second. jane li lt ' For Sale. rNE NO. 1IOSLBR OFFICE SAFE. Pet V . u MW. ru8 never been used. Will be Mid cheap. Apply to jane 11-lw nae CRONLY & MORRIS. Grand Excursion rjio SMITHVILLE AND THE FORTS, OJI Humr PARS POKT. next THURSDAY, the 14th. under tne iupemaion or tne uiaieaoi Frent Street M. E. Church. Fare AO cents Dinner will be serred on board for 50 cents Ice Cream and Bef reshmenta tn rtrlety. junell-zt mon-weu H HtG 1 consisting of colored chips. 1 1 1 .1 ' Tne Colored Milan. "Sea bell-, white and , coitd, al tbe popular Shade Hat. KanUa ? ip j. . or. Japanese ".and a variety of other atjles, j just received and for sale by I ' 1IRS. KATE C fTTNES. 1 inn, a Ho. 9 North Second Street. w , w NO. 139 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coolers. FOB SALE BY. Giles & Murcliison, jane 11 ' S3 and 40 Marchlson Block. Velvet Frames. 4 BEAUTirULtrNEAllGE AND Small, all colors. , EASELS, new styles, beautifully painted, just received and for sale cheap at ' , . f IIKIXSBEKGE&'S. A Second-Hand Piano,: fODERN STYLE, OCTAV, in perfect order. Here la a Bargain In a good and Cheap Fiano. Call and see it at . HEINSBERGER'S, jane II Live Book and Music Stores Groceries. - - f - Boxes Smo. andD. S. SIDES, 100 1.000 Bbls FLOUR, -200 BbU MOLASSES, : x 100 Bags COFFEE, 75 Bbls SUGAR, 50 Bbls BICE, 200 Sacks MEAL, 1,000 Bushs CORN. - ' 1,000 Bales HAY, 100 Cas LYE. 100 Boxes SOAP, 60 Boxes CANDY, 75 Boxes CRACKERS, 100 Cases OYSTEBS, CO Boxes CANDLES, 25 Gross MATCHES. . -For sale by June 11 KERCUNER A CALDER BROS CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Wilmington, N. C., June 10tb,lSS3. . ' . " ; The Most Comfortable Route y J. TO THE . ' , MOUNTAINS ! OXCURSION TICKETS ARE NOW ON sale at tbe office of this Company for all points In WESTERN NORTH UABUUNA. PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run through from Charlotte to Old Fort nnd thence to Ashevllle. Passengers have a fine view of the Mountain Scenery from an OBSERVATION CAR, leaving Old Fort at 7.16 A. M., arriving at Asnevuie ax 9.3 &. ai., and warm springs at 11.10 P. M. . F. W. CLARK, , june 111m . ... . . Gen'l Passenger Agent Geo. ; Wood's Organs rpAKE THE LEAD AND NEVER FAIL to give satisfaction. SPECIAL TEEMS on application. Pie Nlc Baskets, Croquet, Hammocks, &c Complete stock of Blank Books, Stationery, Ac., always on nand at YATES BOOKSTORE, jane 11 119 Market St Marc Anthony ' Speaks HEAR YE HIM ! JpRIEND8, CAROLINIANS, Ac: The bad deeds of men live after theui. The good, are never interred with ihelr bones Ho. let It be with bur CANDY competitors. Yon all do know that once upon a time we did sell ROY8TER'S CANDY for 50 cents per pound, but decreased the price to satisfy onr canuy-iovxng menas lo cents per poimu. Thev have aooreclated our efforts to satisfy them, by a liberal patronage, knowing fnll weU that it Is the best CANDY ; sold in Wil mington. The list comprises ANTHONY'S BULLDOZERS, CESAR'S CREAM NUTS,-' ; . ' CLEOPATRA'S TAFFY, BRUTUS COCOA BAB, and many other varieties. Three Pounds for $1. - '' " ; -t -a1 - ' . - - Fresh, Pure and Sweet A Large Assortment, of Nice Goods, ' SPBINGFIELD HAMS, , BREAKFAST BACON, ; . SUGA&CUKED SHOULDERS ELEGANT MACKEREL, In nice packages, 10 fba Kits and Kegs, ana o ids uans. c. FRESH MACKEREL. In 1 lb Tins. CHIPPED BEEF Sliced very thin. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. HO North Front St. June 11 35 CENTS PER POUND. ) WE OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM phor at 35c per ponnd. ot three pounds for one dollar Fifty pounds Persian Insect Powder 50 cents perpound. Call or send or ders by Postal. Goods will Ue delivered promptly. ? i MUNDS BROS., Disuenfflnz. Pharmacists.. 1,491 Broadway, V. T. 621 North 4th street, WUmtogta n, N. C may QUNTOS, JSU ATTORNXY AND Coon sellor-at Law YTIU practice la any part of be Stata. Special atUsUoa given to the col tlia ct clilna. . , t ; aert lWy. PLEASE KOTICS. XT will be glad to receive coancicit!crj from our friends on any and all subject of central Interest but The same of the writer must always be tat Bished to the Editor. v Commmltaittons must be written cs osl one side ot the paper. Personalities must be avoided , And It Is especially and particularly usde stood that the Editor does not always endor the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns.' NEW AOVlItTISEJIENTS. Carolina Central R. JX. Company. OmcK or GaratAx. SurrmjmarDEsrT. Wilmington, N. C., Jnno 9th, ISS. 1 IT T of Schedule. QN AND AFTER JUNE 0th, 1865, THE following acneaoie will be onerated on' tbls PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, ; . . ' DAILY. . : . Leave Wllmlntrtnn At " ' ' 7. 10 til N0.LS Leave Raleigh at. .......... .7.35 P. M . Arrive at Charlotte au 7.00 A. 11. 1 Leave Charlotte at..........&45 P. M. No. 8. J Arrive Raleigh at .8.30 A . M . J Arrive at Wilmington at 8.23 A. 11 Passenger Trains ston at retrular stations ony( and points designated in the Company! Train No. 1. Daily except Sunday. Do. No. S. do., do. Saturday. SHELBY DIVISION. PASSENGER. MAIL - EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. V Dally except Sundays. ' Leave Charlotte 5.30 P. M. Arrive at Shelby.; 0.00 P. i. Leave Shelby 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte 10.30 A. M. Tralns No. 1 and 2 make cIoha finnnMttnn .i Hamlet with B, A A. Trains to and from Ual- ciu, nuu at vnarione wun oneiuy Dlflsloa Train. Through Slecnlnr Can tietwteen WlImino- and Charlotte and ltalelgh andl Charlotte. JTake Train No, 1 for Stafesvtllo, Stations Western NGEK, Ashevllle and points West. juu, lur oparwnuunr, ureenviue, Athens, tlanta and all points Southwiest. U 0. JONES. SntMHntrrnlATif assenger Agent lunelL . . L ! VASTLY BETTER I ' THAN AN 1 ' : A U C T I ONI THE PRICES I AM SELLING GOODS AT give you adv ant ages tenfold over an Auc -. tlon Sale, for the reason you can take, your time and select that which : - ;..r .-.. v. ' I -7 - . , : . . suits you, and get just the Qual- itv nnd OiiftnMfv ht you wish. I AM SELLING ir ue jrercaies at e cents per yard, worth 13. Handsome Black and Colored Bantings at 15 cents per yard, worth 80. Pretty Lawns, fast colors, at 7 cents. White Scotch Plaid Lawn, at 12 Vc, worth S Pretty Cotton Plaid Dress Goods, atlOcts MT . wmm. O The very best 10 cents Bleached Cotton ever sold in this or any other city. , ' 5,000 yards Hamburg Trimmings, excellent quality, and very cheap, from 9 cents up. Bordered Handkerchiefs at 3 cents each, with the largest stock in that line In the city. Good 200 yards Spool Cotton, at two Spool for Scents. Come and look at my stock of I deal for cash, and cater to those who get their, money by hard licks, and pro pose to give you good value ; for your money. Yon can buy a diess from me for a low price that will make a young lady LOOK L IKEA PRIN CESS ! Great Bargains In GLOVES, : -;'v 'iy - :- HOSIERY, , CORSETS, PANTS GOODS, :" " SHEETINGS, TOWELING, c. In short everything to be bad In a FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS STORE. Cheap ! Cheap ! Cheap I Give me a call ; ' ' JOHN J. HEDRICK. No. 115 Market Street. jnneC ; y: ...': ; Atlantic Coast Line. -PASSE Ml ER DEPARTMENT, : f-' " Wlbnlngtoo, N. C, June 1st, ISaS JEGULAR SUMMER EXCURSION TICK- . mem m . eu goou to return unuv, i3, to ri i t t rf r . v irgonia ana Auna uanjuua sunmer juetorts, are now onale at Coupon Offices of this Line. AUa Round Trip Tickets, Wilmington to ?;ew York at 3i). T. M. EilERbON. ;uRs4-lwEac Gen'l Pssssaer Agtst. tt

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