THIS PAPER evening. Sundays pUVUBUv- - eepted by JOSH T, JAMES, ... BPITOB AND TBOPSIKTOB SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: - -Mr S4.00. Six months, $2.00. Thre months, $1.00; One month, 35 cent. The paper will be delivered by carriers free - .urjp in any part of the city, af the above rates, or 10 cent per week. A.ivestlsing rates low and liberal. SubBriberB will report any and all faU- 0IV8 to receive their paper regnlarly. rg- The Daily Review has the largest brtui fide circulation, of any newspaper blinked, in the city of Wilmington. Jay Gould's new steam yacht made sixteen knots an hour on her trial trip. . ' . Congressman Sparks, of Illinois, promises that his State will go demo cratic in 1884. "- . -.. J. II. Haverly made a large fortune at theatrical management. He sunk it ail in Colorado silver mines. " Milk! is selling in New York city at from one to ten cents a quart). Ex r 1 pansion ol the dairy business and rail- way development nave i -i j. i wrought this change. The-dynamite scare has completely jiibsidedin London. The English people apparently found out that O'Donovan Kossa is not. so dangerous as lie pre? u rfls to be. North Carolina spends nearly or quite .$1,000,000 annually for hay transport ed Irom the North, yet she has within hf-r borders the soil, the climate, and all the requisites for raisin? enouah for Jifr own consumption and to spare." " (Jen. Sam Gary, the Ohio (ircenback er, has returned to the. Democratic fold. This is bad for the Democrats, as Cary in a hard road for any party to carry, f:ven as a private in the ranks, as he will be certain to find occasion to. say foolish and injurious thing. Judge McKinzie, the Democratic nominee for Governor in Iowa, was a Republican up to 1872 when he follow ed the Greeley movement. Two years ago he was defeated for Governor by sixty thousand majority. If he can overcome that majority, this time, he may have a mild Presidential boom. The German vote will settle it. The Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal reports Gen. Grant as saying in that city on Sunday last: "lam in favor of wiping out the internal revenue sysfem and making the burden of taxation fall upon the imported articles. rne states themselves should have charge of the liquor and tobacco tax to do what they please with it." : The Soldiers' Homo estate at Wash ington covers 502 acres. There are 590 inmates, with 150 out pensioners, who get $8 a month. The revenue is about $160,000 a year, derived in part from $100,000 levied by Gen. Scott on the city of Mexico for having permitted guerrillas to fire on American troops, and from a fee of 12 cents a month" de ducted from the pay of all soldiers in the army. . The InUr-Ocean desires to have American industry protected so that there shall be a woolclip of 200,000,000 sheep instead of 50,000.000. Applying the same principlcto cotton it says : "We now raise a cotton crop for which we get 180,000,000, while England charges 184,000,000 for spinning and weaving two-thirds of it. If wc are to double our. population in twenty-five year ; occupation must be found by the year 1900 for 50,000,000 of new people." The London crimes has made a clas sification of the vessels pt the English navy, and finds that When all are com pleted England will have 36 first and second class .fighting, ships, r carrying arms of the average Weight of 35 tous and armor of the average thickness of 13 inches, and that France will have the same number of ships, whose guns will average 40 tons, all breech-loaders, and Willi armor OI U1U average unckucas ui 144 inches. Should a combination, it says, be made between France and Italy, in case of any Mediterranean trouble, Eugland would be in a minor ity of twelve vessels, four of the Italian vessels carrying 100 ton guns . - llll r A correspondent of one of the London newspapers evidentjy a brother of our own Eli Perkins writing -from Mos cow of the coronation ceremonies, says : "I was not one of the 'favored corres pondents admitted to the cathedral dur ing the sacred ceremonies, but I stood outside in the magnificent assemblage of guards and minor courtiers. At the conclusion ol the ceremonies the pro cession moved out of the cathedral to the sound of music and the waving o banners. I caught sight of the Czar as he came down the steps, and I thought I had never seen on his face before such an expression of sadness and weariness. He was carrying his crown in his hand, having replaced it with a neat plug hat which set off with good effect his gorge ous robes. As he passed by me there was a temporary halt in the procession, lie turned and recognized me. His eye lighted in a moment. The shadows r 1 -I VOL. VII. left his face. He winked in the drolles manner imaginable, and leaning over towards me said in most excellent En glish: Tm a hard man on a dusty road,' The procession of glittering sorrow moved on and I did not see Aleck again for two days." LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO REW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Geo Wood's Organs Mdnds Bbos Refined Camphor Heinsbergkr Velvet Frames, Ac R M McIntibe Lawns Linen Lawns Prof Pjiillifpe Magical Performance W II Qreex Soda Water Mineral Water To-day has been decidedly hot. ijhe receipts of cotton at this port to dajH foot up 13 bales. Send your Frjends to the Yates Gal lery they will be treated well. There was a general complaint along the wharves to-day of dull times and hot weather. v v bee advertisement of Prof. Phillippe m another column of the entertainment at Odd Fellows Hall. .fcggs Have tumbled in price and could be bought to-day at the rate ol six dozen for $1. Good. Whortleberries have advanced in price; ten cents a quart having been the price asked for them to-day. Mr. Luke Huggins, who has been seriously sick for several days, we are glad to say, was very much better this morning. The Health Officers are keeping a sharp lookout for the sanitary condi- ion of the pity, and so far as our obser vation extends they have done faithful and efficient Work. The steamet John Dawson, which arrived here last evening from Point Caswell, had one of the largest cargoes ever brought by her. It consisted en- irely of Naval Stores. Dr. J. A. Smith, of Goldsboro, who recently graduated atfhft.'llni Medical College of Hew York, is in the city and will be associated with Dr. W. J. Love in the practice of medicine. It was Mr. Edward Latimer and wile, instead of Mr. Herbert. Latimer (as announced yesterday) who will make a trip to Europe. They left here on the last night's train for New York, and , will sail thence for Europe by steamer on the 20th inst. The trip of Mr. Pembroke Jones to Europe, we learn, will be entirely of a business character, connected with the interests of the Carolina Rice Mills. He will return as soon as the business which calls him hence is concluded. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c. You can get all sizes and at the owest prices. Miss Mary, E. Faison, the fifteen years old daughter of Mr. Lucius FaU son, of Clinton, Sampson county, took the first prize for proficiency in playing the piano at Peace Institute, Raleigh, for two consecutive sessions. She is a remarkable musician. Her first in structor was Prof. Hobbs, now of this city. : Personal. Our young musical friend, Mr. J. D. Smithdeal, leaves to-morrow for the North, where he will spend the Sum mer. We regret his departure and hope that he will find it to his interest to return before many months. Mr. Henry Newman, formerly of this city, butnow connected with an. exten sive mercantile house in New York, is hereon a brief visit to friends and relatives. He is in good health. A Northern climate and plenty of hard work seems to agree with him. Alonsr tbc Liine. We hear that there were very heavy showers of rain, accompanied by thun der and lightning yesterdavjat Weldon and Rocky Mount, and intermediate points on the W. & W. Railroad. Our informant had not heard of any serious damage to either person or property in consequence of the storm. Don't Play with Killed Tools. Two boys one white and the other colored were playing this morning near the corner of Chestnut and Sev enth streets, when the latter stuck a knife into the arm of the former, wak ing a deep wound from which the blood flowed profusely for awhile. It was entirely an accident, as the best of feel ing existed between the two. and the only blame attaching to the accident is the reprehensible practice of playing or scuffling while edged tools are in the hands. ! J WILMINGTON. N. C., TUESDAY. JUNE 12. Superior Court. The proceedings before this tribunal to-day consisted of a continuation of the case of J. A. Walker, vs. C. P. Mebane and others, which had not concluded when our report closed. Robbery. We learn that the store of Mr. M. G. isnauwicK, at uastie Hay no, was broken open on Sunday night and goods to the amount ol nearly or quite $100 taken therefrom. Suspicious circum stances point very strongly to a certain man as the thief, but we suppress his name for good reasons. City Court. William Davis, colored, charged with an assault and battery, was brought before the Mayor this morning. He was found guilty and I a fine of $5 and costs was imposed for the offense. A. H. Culligan, charged with disor derly conduct, was found guilty and a fine of $5 was imposed. One man charged with disorderly conduct was discharged. Almost a Fire. At about 11.30 o'clock this forenoon fire was discovered on the . roof of the kitchen ia the yard of Col. J. L. . Cants well's residence near the corner of Princess and Ninth streets, and they alarm given. The fire department turned out promptly, but before th reaehed the place the flames were ex tinguished and they returned. The damage was small, a slight hole only being burned in the roof. Pretty effects in posing and lighting on sitters taken by Lardner. Yates Gallery. It. River News. Steamboatmen report that there, is now excellent boating water in the Cape Fear, and that heavily loaded boats can come through without delay. They also state that owing to the recent rains freight has not reached the sev eral landings promptly, and that the boats are running with. light-downward roads become settled so as to permit of i hauling there will be quite an increase in downward freight traffic on the river. . i - Convalescent. Capt. R. S. Radcliffe has been quite! sick for nearly three weeks. He was aken sick while in Philadelphia, whith er he had gone some three weeks ago, in consequence of a severe cold, which settled on his lungs. He returned on Saturday night, the 2nd inst., and was so prostrated that he was compelled to keep in the house tor several days. He is now able to mbe out, although yet quite feeble, but we are glad to state that his health is improving. Children's Memorial Associa- ' xi: ' tion. At a meeting of the Children's Memo rial Association, held on Monday, June 1th, the following officers and manag ers were elected for the ensuing year: President Mrs. Albert Gore. Vice President Miss Belle Anderson. Treasurer-f-Miss Johnnie Quince. Secretary Miss Eliza Meares. j Managers Misses Janie Northrop, Callie R. French, Athalia Lippitt Au gusta Moore, Maude Hal, Isabella leinsberger. Katie Harriss and, Sue Cumming. The Medical Uses of Effgrs. --,-. . . . i. For burns and scalds there Is nothing more soothing than the white of an egg which may be poured over the wound. It is softer as a varnish for a burn than collodion, and being always on hand can be applied immediately. It is also more cooling than the "siveet oil of cotton," which was formerly supposed to be the surest application to allay the smarting pain. It is the contact witn the fair which gives the extreme dis comfort experienced from ordinary ac cidents of this kind; and anything which excludes air and prevents infla mation is the thing to be at once ap plied. The egg is also considered one of the best remedies for dysentery. Beaten up lightly, with or without sugar, and swallowed at a gulp, it tends, by its emollient qualities to lessent the inflammation of the stomach and intes tines, and by forming a transient .coat ing on these organs to enable nature to assume her healthful sway over tbc diseased body. Two, or at most three . eggs per day would be all that would be required in ordinary cases, and, since the egg is not merely a' medicine, but food as welL the lighter the diet otherwise, and the quieter the' patient is kept, the more certain and .rapid is the recovery. - Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacosi.'s - t: lfK1r ADVERTISEMENTS. LM7NS-LINEN LAWNS,; - : III GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES. WHITE NEW HOSIERY, In" Cotton, Lisle nd Silk. FANCY lA-TTDbTGrS 1 1' s The prices are'all ..-tv. 's- S LACE MOSQTJITO. jSTETS. rIn ine quality, 109 inches wide. 4 BAR NET very cheap. l. :-::! R. ' CI. Wcl NT! RE. Don't leave Wilmington without hav ing your picture taken at Ihe Yates Gal lery: " " ' ' it. List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters1 remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, Jnnef13, I883f V - i A Thomas : and Allen. J R W Ans- tin.: - -s--,:.r r- i-,.-, - B Rosa Batson.- Iewis Branch, care I5everly Branch, Betsey Black well, Betsey Ann Black. Francis . Beatty. Harriet Burr. L Bates. L T Blorson. L VV Bolton, Lizzie Baumant C Kellev Clark. Cora Cowan. Anna Bell Chestnut. ...... .i D Robert Debose. , Iaura. Davis. Christopher H Dudley, Ann Dudley. : F Lenel Faison. Janie Farror. Aus tin Farmer. G N G Gregory Henry Greenery. H Richard Hallidav. Effie Mav Huggins, George- Hines, Amanda Hawes, Charlotte Hogan," Lizzie Hill. J Amey Johnson, E W J ewett, Wni Johnson, Wright Johnson. K Thos W Kendall, Edward Kor nessy, Alexis King. R Cornelius Lewis, George M Lee, Ellen Love. . M Rev W H Moore, Mary . MarJin, J M McKeithan, : John E. Murpny, Hannah McLeod, care Jos Sinijth, uenrieua Murrui,.J u McMillon L Mott. -J.-..: r cem& feeiolrmlbcy Srtetfrsce A Robeson, Maggie Roane, Sandy Robe son. .- v , j . S Samuel Stewart, S. Smith, Rose Ella Simmons, Marion Stevens, Lee Stephens care Jos Rick, J D Smith, J KSikes, Harold Stone, G R ? Smith, Emma Smith,- Cency Smith, Christo pher Saunders." - - ' T Mattie E Taylor. (2) , J S Top ham. - . Y W Lucille Williams, caraAVilliams & Murehison, P Wilson, Wm Whitted Henry C Wright, Fannie White. Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised;" if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C.w , vEd. R. Bni2iKP. M. Without a dissenting voice anions leading physicians, Drr.Wprthihgton's proclaimed to be tho best thing in the market. --:i-'-:v.Nv: - 5-.. Messra. Ar&il. SflirtEtt have receiv ed, per express, a- large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low j?rices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. ' 1 t Quarterly Meetinsrs ; Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. - . ' THIRD KOUND. Wilmington at Front Street June Wilmington at Fifth Street. .June Topsail at Herrings June 30, July Duplin at Charity... June 30, July Onslow at Lebanon . .July 17 24 1 1 . 8 SmithvUle4 ..... . . : . - July ,14-15 BruOiswickkt Bethel t HJuly Sl-22 ewton Grove Mission v. .-.'.July 528 29 kesbury at Bethany f vk- Aug 4- 5 laden. ..... U". .: H I..V.-; .'. . Aug 1 1-12 linton at Goshen-.i.. Aug 18 19 lizabeth. ....... . . ......... Aug 25-26 Whiteville- ..Aug 25-26 Point Caswell at Pt Caswell Aug 28-29 Waocamaw Mission . . . . . .Sept 1- 2 Fair Bluff. .r......i....r....Sept' 8- Robt. O. Burton,-P. K. 9 The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gais4 Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. NEW ADVJBICTISEIXENT3. - - - - - Professor Phillippe ILL GIVE A GRAND MAGICAL PER w fonuante on THURSpAY- EVENING e UUj Iitot., at 0M Fellows Hall, opposite the i - City 1UM. Doors open at 7a o'clock, p. m. Tickets for Rile at Heinsberfer's. The , SMlTHTIIXEv2inCif f TTYSU. . EXPERIENCED SAlU'a'llAS ter, can be hired at reasonable rates. Inquire on board Stmr. Passport, or of - : M ' S. S. DREW, At Harper Store June 7-1 m 1883. NO. 140 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, LAWNS AND NOVELTIES, IN WHITE GOODS. "4 right. 25 to 45c, ' : , -' Ice Oreairi Friiezers and Water Coolers. FOR SALE BY Giles & Murehison, june 11 -, . 38 ami 40 Murehison Block. Velvet Frames.; BEAUTIFUL LINE.LARGK AND Small, aU colors. EASELS, new styles, ; beau tl folly painted, just received and for sale cheap at l HEINSUERGKR'S. A Second-Hand Piano, ........ j. , . . MDERN STYI,E' 7J OCTAYE. i perfect order. Here Is a Bargain lu a good and Cheap Piano. Call and see it at . ' HEINSBERGEE'S) june 11 . Live Book and Juslc Stores Groceries. QQ Boxes Smo. and D. S. SIDES, . . 1,000 Bhls FLOUR, - 200 Bbls MOLASSES, 100 Bags COFFEE, V ; 75 Bbls SUGAR, . , ; 50 BblsBICB. 2G0 Sacks MEAL, . . l. lyoatr smma niii , - . . 100 Cases LYE, .. ; 105 Boxes SOAP, . 50 Boxes CANDY, 7r Boxes CRACKERS, 100 Cases OYSTERS, v 60 Boxes CANDLES, 25 Gross MATCHES. For sale by june 11 KERCHNER A CALDER BROS CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, . GENERAL PASSENGER DEP'T, mimlngton, N.'C. June 10th, 1883. The Most Comifortable Route ..-'. '; ' " TO THE MOUNTAINS ! EXCURSION TICKETS ARE NOW ON sale at the office of this Company for all points in WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. ... PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run through from Charlotte to Old Fort and thence to A sherUle. Passengers have a fine view of the Mountain Scenery from an OBSERVATION CAR, leaving Old Fort at 7.16 A. M., arriving as Asneviue at a. si a. ai.. ana warm springs at li.10 P JLt vj! F. W. CLARK, June Udm js r f Gen'l Passenger Agent Geo. Wood's Organs JAKE THE LEAD AND NEVER FAIL to give satisfaction. SPECIAL TERMS on application. Pie Nic Baskets, Croquet, Hani mock a, Ac. ; Complete stock of Blank Books, Stationery. Ac., always on hand at l?t , f arATES'f BOOK STORE, 'jinell; '.f"';-; ' ;''C . ili'Market St 1 REFINED. CAMPHOR, I5 CENTS PER POUND. ITrE OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM- ft phor at 35cier,ponnd. or three pounds for one dollar. Fifty pounds Persian Insect Powder SO cents per pound. . Call or send or ders br Postal. Goods will be delivered promptly. MUNDS BROS. i Dispensing Pharmacis ts, i.43t isroaaway. n, i. ; '621 North 4th stTeet, Wilmington. N. C may SS f ;'"'' ; ;- ForSalel NE NO. 9 MOSLER OFFICE 8AFE& Per- fcclly new. Has never been used. Will be sold cheap. App!yto june ll-lwnao CROXLY &, MOIIEIS. J. j6w HatG,V QONSIST1NG OF COlARED CHIPS. . A- t,' - ... ' eelored, &Uto the popular' Shade Uxt, Kan kin or "Japaness ",and a variety of .other styles, Jot recelTed and forsalc by T 1 . MRS. KATE a WINES, s jane U ; Ho, 119 NorUx Second Street. -i 1 4 1 i .m ,iT f PLEASE KOTICS. We win be glad to receive coajaczlcaUons trom our friends on any and all stjccU of ceaeni interest ba t The name of the writer taint alwiva be fsr lahed to the Editor. Commtmlcaaone must be written on oal one aide of the paper. PeraonaBtles mutt be avoided And It la eapedaHy and particularly unde atood that the Editor does not always endor the views of correspondenta unless so state In the editorial column. - NEW AD VEBTISEMENTS. Spring Cummer COO D G . : -AT v. . 36 . Market Street, .... . . t- " ; .hjST RECEIVKD ; - All . the Latest Novelties. GOODS. Black and Colored Silks, Ottomans Rhadaraea, IIBrocalcs, Snrrahs.Ught: Shades Fancy Silks Satins. In aU New,Shado, Nun's -Veiling, Tamlse, CashmerVs,Mohalrs, Beiges, French Buntings, Sateens, Zejhyrs, Seersuckers, Percales, Linen Lawns, Ladles Cloth, , -! Honey-Comb Sacking, . 8ilk Pongees, c " ' WHITE GOODS . "j IX EVERY VARIETY. Piques, Marseilles, Embroideries, Lares, Irish Point, the best assortment and greatest variety in the city. CORS E TS, Hosiery .Gloves. Lace Collars, Fichus Tics, . Veillnns, TJanukerchlfM. Ribbons, Crepes. Housekeeping 'Goods ! Damasks, Spreads, Towels, Tapkins, LADIES, MISSES, MEN'AND ROTS' - CAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR. Men and Boys9 Caeslmcres, Linens and Cottonades. Ful lines of , .. - . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to mention. All at prices so low that will give satisfaction for durability, qual ity and cheapness, ; . - ; ... i ; c ' s.Call and save money by buying of 3 6 r.1 arket Ct rebt . apl9 . Wilmington St Weldon R. Company. . J SECKETART.AlfD TBEALRER5 OFFICE, .r TN PURSUANCE OF A RESOLUTION '........ ..,'. ; - i i - adopted by the Directors of the Wilmington A Weldon Rail Road Company, at a meeting hehl this day. ar-gpecial meeting of the Stock-; holders of said Company, will be held lu the city of Wilmington, at the office of tlie Com pany. at it o'clock, A. M., on Thursday," the 21st day, of June next, "to ' take into consideration tbc location and building or a Railroad 'from some polat on the mid Wilmington & Weldon Railroad South of Wil son to i lorence, S. C, on the Wilmington, Cfl nmbla & Augusta Ralbroad. or some point East thereof on said roada. and such further action In this matter as the eali Stockholders at sembled ia meeting may consider proper." W. THOMPSON, Secretary. may 22-tm.-. Millinery & Fancy Goods, X ADIES AND CHILDREN'S, HATS, ' BONNETS, LACE TIES and , BOWS AND RIBBONS, in all the latest sty les . ' Onlers fro'm tlie country promptly filled and .. 9' t . - j-.j .-i. . satisfaction guarantee). ''"" t My patrons will find it to their in ere t to call and examine, v :; -u- i;ii',t;- ... )-v,'-. MRS. S. J. BAKER. ."-'.-' 'l23JT ARKET STREET, "june 9 r m ' TJumber 8. Q.OOD BEEF, MUTTON. . - : I-AMB AND YEAlI Tlie best tite market affords at : '" BOENEMAys STALL, 2 5s " ' No. S.NcVirarket

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