THIS PAPER every' evening. Sunday eepted by . ex bHahed pu JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AKD PBOiTETOB. MBSCWKW" rOSTAGE PAW sir months. 2.00. Three mt ths SI 00 One month, 35 cents. Jinper will be delivered by carriers free ,?hlre. in any part of the city, at the above iiforioem per week, t -"Sveaflati rate, low and liberal. - -.A . ..- 411 M-Mvrt and all fall- ygUD&CTii-iD " - - receive their paper regularly. arcs nfe Daily Beview has the largest tJH fide circulation of any newspaper yMistedmtrie cuy oj rrwiwyw. I - - - TTr-T - I MEM Chicaolard, like Chicago politics, is fori . ' 1 The corn and wheat crops of .the Xorihwesl promises an unprecedented yeiM- " - ; . , Oregon has a cedar 21 feet in diame ter and a timber supply of unusua1 magnitude and value. To stimulate search a suitable reward hnuld be offered tor the discovery of Arthur's chances of receiving the nomi nation of his party to the Presidency. , There is a strong opinion prevalant in the South, that, Hon. Abram . S. Hewitt, of New York, would be the most available candidate for the presi dency that the Democratic party could nominate. mi - Civil service reform has at all events not been adopted precipitately. It is fourteen years since Mr. Jenkins intro duced the bill providing for appoint ments upon competitive examinations and removals only upon cause. Tiie Boston Herald says "if the Dem ocrats advocated tariff reform with one half the boldness that the Republicans display in theirj defense of protection, thev would carry the country over whelmiDgly in their favor in the next national election." Uen. Grant is the central figure in the vastschemes ot developing Mexico. He is the most popular American " in i,t miinfrv and has the confidence of I w its Government. An eminent Mexican is reported to have said : "Our people all believe in Grant, and it is doubtful if he i3 more popular in his own eoun t ry than he is in ours Ua rvmntrnller ItCpUllS ICWIVCU UJ ---- of South Carolina show the following equalized value of taxable property in that State: Farm land, $49f 370, bsj ; ftoio 005. real estate in towns, cities and villages, $27,771,755; personal property, including telegraph, express, insurance and railroad compa nies, $60,057,449. In 1858 thejrich alluvial lands of Ash ley county, in the southeastern portl6n of Arkansas, readily commanded from $25 to &50 per acre, and the Uplands from $5 to $10 per acre, but now these lands average only about $3 to $15 per .acre in the lowlands, and the hill lands can be bought for from SI to $5. The excessive cultivation of cotton is the ause. Notwithstanding Queen Victoria's delicate nervous condition, she drove, within an hour of her arrival at Bal moral, with the Princess Beatrice to Crathie Kirkyard, for the purpose of inspecting John Brown's grave. She has since paid a special visit to tho house built for Brown at Balnachoile, which she ordered to be- permanently closed. This morbid anxiety for ' the preservation of all relics of her late body servant is thought by many to be an evidence of mental decay on the part of the Queen. " - - LOCAL MEWS. INDEX TO NEW iAOVERTISEMEHTS. Moonlight Excursion v R P Paddisok Notice E G Bi.AiK Meal Flour " Yates Geo Wood's Organs B F Mitcheix A SOS Lost Mokds Bros Refined Camphor - i Hejhsbergeb Velvet Frames, Ac Loidslana State Lottery Company . J O Nixox Notice to Stockholders , -W II Gbeex Soda Water Mineral Water There was not a bale of cotton re ceived at this port to-day. Mr. Luke B. Hoggins, we tre glad to state, continues to improve in health The themometer recorded 90 degrees in our in our office at 3 o'clock this af ternoons t Steamship Benefactor, Capt. Tribon, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city, shortly after noon to-day. We regret to announce that the cons dition of the venerable Col. John Mc Rae, who has been sick for some days, is considered as extremely critical, with but very little prospect of his recovery. Pleasant breezes have robbed the sun of much of its sultriness to-day; nlak ing it not altogether uncomfortable to those whose business has called them into the streets. Duplicate orders from Mr. vOrr's negatives finished at low rates -Yates Gallery. , It. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacoei.'s " . . f r VOL. VII. Some of the colored boys in this city are remartaDiy Deuicose, and there is hardly a day passes but we see a couple, and sometimes two or three couples, strnefflinir in fiVht. Wn vith if rmlil I --.o - -e - w DC Stopped. one was cnarmine to look UDon m i. V ' i " .t-. . u4 iicMi auu wvAuiiiig lucas oa sue (rinruxl liirlillv o1nnn nr clrnoto thia I t ' i'V AIjaUVIJ OlVUn VUi 0arVWVO bUW i atlcrnooD, and we alaiost forgot in our admiration of her young beauty that she had a snuff brush in her mouth, and might have succeeded had she not removed '.he stick to spit. 7 . , . . rz 1 Alt hnnorh f hW wa nnt n. rrnilar ex- curs ion uay, ine rasspon, mis morningt 1 or quite equal to the number composing special society or individual. Magistrate's Court. A, W. Mulligan was arraigned before Justice Millis this morning on a peace warrant sworn out by Addie Harriss. Colored. Upon the testimony adduced the defendant was discharged and the piuovubiiA. wsvoosu w- Superior Court. The case of J. A. Walker, vs. C. P. 11 nKnnn anil rt haro mto a nnnn II rCH In sr. I Aiituuuti nu night alter our report closed. The contested issues were all found in favor oi ine oeienuani. There has been no business of impor- nee to the public transacted to-day. tance Clian&re Owners. Capt. D. Sherman, so long and favor ably known as the captain ofthesteam- eFVom Dawson, of which he was part owner, has sold his interest in the boat to Mr. K. P. Paddison, who now. be comes the sole owner. Capt. Sherman retires from command and '; Capt. A. M. Colvin will take his place. Down the Kiver. Remember the excursion on the Passport to-morrow to be given by the , , . ot At v ' I lauies w ine x rum on wi. xj. vuuiwu. Mpq?rs. Parker & Taylor have tickets for sale, and we advise every one who has the hesure and would spend the day nWqantl v in ' rood company, with rhrr, fhA dpiihts of a triD down - , - thP river and the" invisorating breezes of the ocean may be enjoyed, to go at had sold the geese and has, in conse onne and secure a ticket. qnence, been committed to jail to await City Court. Lloyd Sneed, colored, charged with i ; nnU n vn tha crroAIS nTAs I mrowiug iwks w "" 1 u u V.F h0 M iivnr this mom- UIUUqUU kICXW&O nv( j 11" lib LlClUlC tUG iUtJ Vi aai w. , e nA ;,f a fio F and was found guilty. A nne OI J mg ;00fl nallv for the Of-I ww W - I fence I John Fulford, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharged. Beautiful picturesque foregrounds in u4. Urr T.rflnpr Yates1 Gal- "ows VJ v lery i iZ:lL. ' 'Change of Schedule. There will be a slight change ot schedule on the Carolina Central Rail contest, including many charming la- poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to whch a ln, t a on ;hirdav June dies, who graced the occasion and reserve fun of $550,000 has since been f -ad'?oraimeD?inson at!y;n stimulated the ambition of the partici- V.. , 2 eU- Ti 4l,rt rh.irnro troin ''iNO. 14 Will I utu. mjj leave Charlotte Saturday evening m- 0iaf nn Sundav eveninff.arnving m . - I of Monday. The other trains win cop imnn tn run nn nrnWIlL ST.neUUUia 1 1 UUUb fcv awu f . Temple of Israel. ' The doors and windows of the Tern; pie ot Israel in this city, are to be orna- mented with metalic cornices,, which are very rich and tasteful in design. Ttmif tiv been received, and! .,. . tj s ::,.., -0 Q wmwRimu circumstances will permit., mis orna meniauou wiu cawuu w cjcij and window in the, building, from the basement to the topmost winaow. Moonlight Excursion. ,rvniiahn Mftnr- lherewm oe uim6 81yn down tne river on u. -r . ... a i o...a on the evening of the lath inst, Anere will be good music r.1vn;aT,w1 frr t ifl occasion so that those who desire can j T?- rt0 .:-. indulge in dancme. Every precauuon will be used by the management w mp ViOSl to the excursionists. o that there will be a large party and thtther will have a tUp-top time. to the wcuiowuww. w Mh W . AMi-f Prom oted. We are glad to learn lrom me oavau- " - - - . - rt merlvofthisState,but;forseveralyearsa has been resiuent 01 otu 3 MAnxKiraiiin tn the extcn - rrmmission honseof Mr W C Jack- nmuiMi 11, uicuiuutuiii' - . ... - 1 th r Mr. jsnn Air. ijnesnuu, is wiw" iTT r this eitv. ami - . . ueorge if . uwuufc,v is- eminenuy -uede , - AaA Tiini . - Wo navel kjivnicu u aucuu t.: rnnn atnnmneroi vr-suni ni ho has our heartiest congraiuia- tions. Mil WILMINGTON. N. C., WEDNESDAY JUNE 13. For Conference;. Rev. Frank H. Wood, of the Front 8treet M. E Church, left here thiseven jDg tor the Fayetteville Distnct Confer- i . i , i a . I euw, wuere ue imcuus w dcuu "ImflE. PASSPOCT WILL LEAVE HEK nnnnlp nf ikvn Rishnn Keener will I , - r , , I Preaiuut'"lu 1 1 ouu uujjw w gw. mm tonass a Sundav in this citv before . ho ; i leaVCS th6 btatC. , . . . 1 iteduction on Freight. Capt. R. P. Paddison deserrea the i hcartiesfc ; nks of our people for his atlcceasflll efforts in obtaining a reduc- tmn in tirht i on froit und other r . . . -- . , .. 1 nrtirlns on thft f!amlma Central Rail. I roau. tie is me rresiuenw ui iubi has labored earnestly to secure such a of the transportation of i nuts I oyer the road from the Piedmont sec tion at livinx rates. In this he has sacceededi and now tho freieht lrom Greensboro is 1 ner hundred Dounds and from charlotte it is 60 cents per iirmrtwi nminrls Ha has also aennred deduction in regular freights to 35 cents per iiMnareu pounas. Stolen Geese. For a number of weeks persons living f x " .i . I jq aiaereni secuons oi me cuy, woo owne(j eese. Dave been missinsc them. antl it seerBe(i impossible to find out what became of them. That the ceese had been stolen was evident, but who wag the thief? and what did he do with them? were questiqns not easily an- swprpd TL is PsHmatpd thit nearlv swereu. il 13 esumaieu tuai neany or quite 100 geese have been stolen Since the business commenced, an.d . it w nnt until within th nasi dav or was not until witnin tue pasi uay or two that evidence was obtained; which I pointed to the thiet and led to his detec tion and arrest. A portion of the stolen geese were found yesterday on the premises of a family in the estearn sect ion of the city, and the description given of the ap . . i pearance of the man lrom whom they worn hnntrht. saHsfiftd those interested , - - . that they had gotten upon the right track, and upon their complaint Justice Gardner issued a warrant" lor the ar rest of Robert Moore, colored, charging i.. ... : t .i (. . it. i i I him witn ine men. ; e uas Dcen iuuy identified by the parties to whom he an examination into the mailer, wnicn wm take place, before Justice Gardner, 0n Saturday, the 16th inst. Tf i a ,r.-.ti,r.,i Al Wisu iwuuouuiu u . - picture Of VOUrself go to Lardner 119 waict"PttcCb- ' 1 Laurinburg. N. C June 12. Editor Review -.Quite an interest- ing and spirited base ball match was i nivpn in riiiruiwn veslciuuV" cvguuik. between tho High School Club and the Town Club. The contest was lor a , . - N. , j were ! ed and the orize was awarded to the High School Club, they having scorea 31 ana the Town iud 10. uue jiumber were present to witness tho . nants. - T f , t t that two wilminff- tn hnvs eomDosetl Dart ot the -liiffh ivrfw w - - md did exceuenc service, "-ft Ta-jJke vou kat n rvAinn nirrni v iriniiiiniiKMini i i r ..av MMi IT ..n ...n.l Ia : nntiKa fhfl wfl v.... . o " - II TV 111 , 2UWitia uiuuu w. uw,w vuw success ot a w nmingtonian, Decause 1, too, have tastea oi me jvocit opruig water ;.whici probably endears to - me, - u , How It Acts. Dr. P. II. Arthur. -Winton. N. C., wrote ot Dr. Worthington's Cholera Medicine: "I nse it , nraetice with the haDDiest effects njures cramps uu bwiuhw huuuko. Price 25 cents. Messrs. A. &. I. Shriek have rcceiv. edt per express, a large lot oi emiaren s a At m Blouse Suits made up very hanasomeiy I. u th.v aaI! i in uiuriKUb ououUfl nuivu w.. . . nr!(tfi9 vvn y y c"Z7L. anu PIWU a U Wl uujb. i uuaneny cxeetuitia . . Wilmington District of the Methodist E Church. South. . THIRD ROUD - Wilmington at Front street June it Wilmington at Fifth Street. .June -21 w ummgion at rout oircei. uuo I IT1 a. a. 17: nk. L7 A,- 1 a Onslow at Iebanon ......... .1 my 7- o I AIUILIIVIIUI. ................ J - I Brnn8wick at jthe! juIy 21-23 Cokesbury at Bethany..... -Aug 45 Bladen--...Aug .IMS niinfeon at Goshen. . . .... -. - AUZ I l 1 1 . - A . OS Oft t H.ii7i.rwrTi .................. -nu r-v. . Whtterillo. -Ang 25-26 Point rswell at Ft CasweU AOS 3-V . " V7.7 i o i vvf a nwi mq r ni 1 11 111 .licum ?ai """v-r" . o FairBlna-.---.- .......oept 0- 1 1 v. nudiun, . . . . . ,.-L. ;p;.h Rranrl f3ills j-w w.m. xwiuc ""v - ware Depot. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Moonlight Excursion ! TUESDAY EVENING lOth - . . ' - X : - . r: wnarx at 8 o'clock, sharp, and return punetu-1 uy a( o-cwee rasquaie's uana wui rar-1 "E? . . .. r liv&biB 11 ' I "' Objecdo&ablc per BOnS eXCJaOCO. J. W. UAUlJSUC, GEO. N. HABRISS, I : Managers - June 1$-' Lost, fl UYr. dran by Weodr Carrie, for jjm insL, a CHECK, on Bank of New ilano- dated Jane 13, 18SS.- All persona are warned mi.c iwnff r.rt!nw for mp - nT. I janeis-ft B'y. MiTCHELli A SON. City and Country Merchants x. Ta. Water Ground Meal, N C. Fate t Family Flour, and n. c. old raocKss jriour. This Flour it cheaper and more nutritious than any Western Flour made. j ; E. G. BLAIK, June 13 '. f51f-" " Comnolsslon Merchant SunihaVi 5a" J"rS Office, on Market 8treet. between Second and Third, between 12 M. and 2 p. m., of each day, exeept Saturdays anu Sundays,' ior ine pur. nose of receivlna- the TEN PER CENT. 1N- AM?" i . i . w n mr-wrw -rw juueu u J. O. NIXON Treas. Notice. TT AVING PURCHASED THE INTEREST ti1bSffMvi thelate firm to make prompt payment tha timlentimpil whn la nlnnA ftnthnrlnd tn I settle air claims of said firm. The Steamer John TJawson has just beea thoroughly over- haUiedand put-ln first-cUss order, and will from tnta date resume ' P " Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 o'cloek. A. n.. and on return leave Wilmington every Tueada. Thursday and Saturday at it . M. promptly. Capt. a. M. Colvin has been put m charge as Master, and by polite and prompt attention to business I respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage nereto- fore bestowed on the late nrm. .... f - k r. rAiimsuN, June 13-lt Ormer and Agent The lu6ue U reametfrd earefuOu to notice tht new and enlarged Scheme, to be drawn , Monthly J- 1 Yiciceta.pniy sso. ouaresin pro- - bp : u Til w u m w va sk Aim m mm mm m t i , . .-wAWtt An ' ' I Louisiana - State Lottery . Company. ' We do hereto certify that we supervise the i arrangements for alt the . Monthly an- oemi- Annual uraunngs or une xxnustana mate uov tent Company, and in verson manage ana con- trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and I tum aw wsew www iwrwvi'yt wvwwf in good faith toward aU parties, and we auOu lizelAe Company to use this certificate, with ft auinor ne IsimUes of signatures -attached, inttsadvi ver Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 rears by the Les:- ulature for Educational and Charitable pur- l h mtdn a part oi the present- State ted December 2d. A. D., 1879. ConstituUon adop I . i - - - . . , . iMontfnrewrw TK're Tr7 JL. 7 ' l . ? . ashcvci mutmKm xrv uuhwhm i " Grand Single Number Drawings take I TlltAit nlAnt.niT. . .- - '.-T ""vv"1'"''- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE, f Seventh Grand Drawing, Class i , at w urieans, xuesaay, tiuiy iw, isswMra Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fiftlis in proirtidrj . 'LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CanlUlPrlie of. 75.000 1 Capital Prlie of. 25,680 Prize- of . ..:.....,-'....... 25.C80 5 Prizes of $6,000... 12,000 i. tjanitaipruaoT.. ....... ........... iv.wu 5 Prizes of , 2,eoo.. ,,w,wo 10 Prizes of l,O00........;.ii...... 10,000 WPrixea of 500.,................ 10,000 100 Prizes of 200....-......... 20,000 1 n a m 100.................... 30,000 BOO Prizes of 80. ..... 25,000 1000 Prlxea of AM Mm. - ' i 'OlTft imomunov fkim. ?AFlinattonPrbof$750. , 6.750 2 m U , 2 l' i - -i 1,87 Prizes, amouutlnx to P5-500 I Application ior rates to ciuds snouiaoniy om made to the offlce of the Company in New Or- Appucauon ior rates w cjudb snoiua vwy am ror further information, write eleajriy. giv- -ASgSJtSSi, O?jo?ol&j i omy to mr . I - Kl M iiau ruin. Kew Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, " . 07 SATenth St Washington. D. C june is-wed-eaw-aw Triri t : Tf!P! t TfTR f f would respectfully 1. NOTIFY th Rvrei ho torTa re sonable snare ot patronajre. - B. IL j. auukns. proprietor aniis-aswsm : newieeuuuw. . . . - Old ITeTTopapora TTOVi SALE VERY CUEAP.- A? , .iT ... r?i Apply to THIS CTriCS NO. 141 NEW ADVEKTISEMENTS. Grandi Excursion rpo SMITH VI LLE AND TIIE FORTS, ON Steamer PASSPORT, next THURSDAY, the Hth, under the supervision of the Ladles of Dinner will be served on board for 50 cents ice CTcam ana Kerrcsbmcnts m ranetj. june u st - raon-wert iofessor Phillippe THriLL GIVE A GRAND MAGICAL PER fonnance on TI1UESDAY EVENING, the 14th int., at Odd Fellows Hall, oppotiile the City IlalK . Doors open at 7Vi o'clock, p. m. rii.x, 'iVYr-.' Hctew lor 6118 at lie at llelnslierger'a. s ;. ? Q , . LmmifN. c,m enJ W ITU ' EXPERIENCED, SAILING MAS- ter, can be hired at reasonable rates. Inquire .- -it on board 8tmr. Passport, ; "or of June 7-lm '-i At arper'a Store - er Coolers.;.; FOB SALE BY ' Giles & Diurcliison, '1 june 11 38 and 10 Murchison Block. Velvet Frames. BEAUTIFUL LINE,LaRGE AND Small, all colors. EASELS, new slyles, beautifully ' v painted, just received and for sale cheap at ? ., nEINSBERGKR'S. - A SCCOIld-Hailll PianO,' b vubiw bui.,, wia m jwrrai 1 1Y1 order. Here la a Bargain in a good and Cheap Piano. Call and see it at HEINSBERGEIl'S, june 11 Live Book and Music Stores Groceries. 1 0ft 6m: and ?' ' SIDE8 1UU . , . . 1.000 Bbls FLOUR. 200 Bbla MOLASSES, 100 Bags COFFEE, 60 Bbla RICE, . " 200 Sacks MEAL, . 1,000 Bushs CORN. 1,000 Bales HAY, 100 Cases LTE, 100 Boxes SOAP, ' 50 Boxes CANDY, 75 Boxes CRACKERS, 100 Cases OYSTEBS, - 60 Boxes CANDLES, -25 Gross MATCHES " For sale bv june 11' KERC1INER & C ALDER BROS CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, GENERAL PASSENGER DEP'T, ' . Wilmington, N. C., June 10th, 1883. The Most Comfortable Route . ' -'- ' ' TO THE MOUNTAINS ! IE XCURSION TICKETS ARE NOW ON sale at the office of this Company fOT all points PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run throuzh from Charlotte to Old Fort and thence to Aehevllle. Passengers have a fine view of the ZmJSSnt Ta xi CAB, Jrtng Old Fortat 7.16 A M UliSKUVATlUN arrirlng l a abiiciik m at Asheville at 9.34 A.M., and Warm Springs I at 12.10 P.. M. i . r V. W. CLARK, r2z!z uen'i passenger Agent mm m tfeO. W00tt7S UrffaUS 1 . w nuo THE lead . AND NEVER FAIL i jl to give satisfaction. " : ' SPECIAL TERMS on application Pic Nlc Baskets. Croquet, Hammocks, Ac. 1 1 i Com pie to stock of Blapk Books, Stationery. 1 Ac, always on hand at YATES BOOK STORE, . 119 Market St june 11 REFINED CAI1PII0K, 35 CJBNTS PER POUND. ' E OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM- phor at S5eper pound, or three pounds 1 PoNvde W cenU per jfucy pounas Persian Insect d. Call or send or- i aers dv jrosiai. ders bv J promptly. oods will be delivered MUNDS BROS., Dispensing Pharmacists, Broadwar. N. Y. 621 North 4th street, WUmmgton. N. C. may 26 i , , t For Gale. ilQi NE NO. 9 MOSLER OFFICE SAFE. Per octlynew. Has never been used. WIU be aekicbean. Atmtvto i JQne 11 lw nac , CRON LY A MORRIS. rJov Hato, possiSTlKG OF COLORED CHIPS tioecoioreaaiuana, "isea-aneus", wite ana eeloretl, aUo the popular; Shade Hat, Nankin or Japanese ,and a variety of other styles, just recel vel al for sale by liRS. KATS C WINE3, tlo, 119 2,'orth ;c5-i ZintU I junall 1883. YTe wCl be glad to recclTO eeaatalcaUcs from oxtx frissds on any and all stjecu of ceneral Interest but The name of tha wrlr xsut ahrajs Is tzt tistbd to the EJJltcr. - Communications must be written ca czl one side of the paper. Personalities must be aroldedC And It la especially and particularly unde atood that the Editor doea not always cador the views of correspondents unless so state In the editorial columns. ; !W;aDVITOISIIE!?T3. G p r i n g ci G u rn ni o v ; k G DC, - X ' AT . - . .36 Hariiot Street. .... . - ' JUST RECEIVED the Latest Novelties. All DREGG Black and Colored Silks, Ottomans, Rhadaroes, '. V. .- x. , i'.-.- . i v .... -. . fBrocailes, Surrahs,t Lights 8 hades Fancy Silks, 8atlas In all New Shades, Nun's Veiling, Tamise, CashmpresMohatrs, Belies, French Buntings, Sateens, k. Zephyrs, Seeraucken, Percales, ; 1 I Unen Lawns, ladles Cloth, j - -1 Honey-Comb Sacklpg, . 811k Pongees, Ac. " WHITE COOBG . IN EVERY VARIETY; Piques, Marseilles, Embroideries, Laces, Irish Polar, the best assortment and greatest variety ln the city. . : C O R S E T S, Hosiery, 'Gloves. Lace Collars, Fichus, Ties, t yelUnsjs, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Crepes. Housekeeping (foods I Damasks, Spreads, Towels, Tapklns, LADIES, MISSES, MENJANd'bOYS ' GAUSE MERINO UNDERWEAR. , Men and Boys5 CassI meres, Linens and Cottonades. Ful lines of " STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS too numerous to mention. All at prices so low that will give satisfaction, for durability, qual ity and cheapness, ; " I f . .... Call and save money by buylafc of TJ. CJ. KATZ,f: apl9 Wilmington & Weldon R, R. Company. 8ECKETABT AMD THEASUKEB'S OFFICE, f -;..T Wilmington, N. C, May 22, 1SS3, JN PURSUANCE j OF A RESOLUTION, adopted by the Directors of the Wilmington .. .. ...... . . tir.u t 1 1 j n . f u ei nctuuo juui now vompsDj, at n iinrcin;-, beld this day. a special meeting of the Stock holders of said Company, will be held in the city of Wilmington, at the offlce of the Com pany. at. 11 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, the 21st day of June next, ."to take tato consideration the location and building of a Railroad from some point on the riUl Wilmington & Weldon Raluroad South cf Wil son to Florence, 8. C, en the Wilmington, Col umbia A Augusta Railroad, or some point East thereof on said roads, and such f urther assembled ln meeting may consider proper. J. W. THOMPSON, . Secretary. may 22-tm Millinery &Tancv Goods. .... ... 0 .. ,. yADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS," BON RETS, LACE TIES and V BOWS AND RIBBONS, in all the latest styles. . Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteel. -' My patrons will And It to their interest to call and examine. MRS. S. .J. BAKER, 132 MARKET STREET, june ...... - . ' umber G. QOOD BEEF, MUTTON, ' IAMC ANU VEAL. The bet the market affords at ' EORNElIAN'iJ ETALI