pu bUsbed Sttndayi".ex( XHISPAPKB very evening, cepted by . - JOSH T. JAMES EPITOB A5D PBOPWKTOB. .UCBIPTIONS TOSTAGE P r 4-00. Six months, 2.0 One yel w. month. 35 ce months, ' Will DC UCUYCiiu ujr charge, in any part of the city, at the above sox 10 cents per week. vKestising rate low and liberal. ia-snUscrlbers will report any and all fall- to receive tneir paper jthsu"' j. 1 i Daily VOL. VII. WILMINGTON; N.CTOTRS b AY. JUNE 14. 1883. ' - . PLEASE KOTICS. v.-..-r- j .... . ,. . , ...... We will be glad to recehre conunuxilcattona from oar friends on any and all subjects of The name of the writer must always be fa nUhed to the Editor. -' Communications must be written oa osl one aide of the paper. -' Personalties most be avol1o?4 " And It la especially and particularly undo stood that the Editor docs not always en dor 41 1 Ike views of correapondenia unless ao state n me emwruu wiumni. ores 77te Daily Review has the Largest Concressman.Sparks, of Illnois, says .' .7., tfiiifii.uitL. ui iwv i n c innn n win Jifltnn irt fvrn t ir nri's - OO'i J ' . .. tir-f... . m ; I ...... .. . . ulHshcd, in the city oj mijrnnytvjt. .s ulential candidate next Jyear. li,x-&en- ator McDonald Las lewer enemies, in or out of his party, than almost any other gentlemen named for the posi tion. , The corn crop of the county promises tu be immense. N'ew Orleans is to have an "L" road. The place 'for its principal n0w under discussion. station is T. v.nrrluh Bishops have decided that the' church shall no lcnger coun tenance the Salvation Army. n!f n irnllion of people lef New ii.i-i - Vnr (or the country or seaside last Sun- ,!iv. It was a hot day, and they did not forget it. - L It Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines only lives Ions enough she may get that money out of New Orleans yet. 1 he city is now under bonds in the suit for $2,500,s (KM.). r . Sixteen Democratic members of the next Congress have responded to the New York Herald's inquiries as to who would be their' favorite for the next Speakerof the House., Of this number - ten are in favor ot Carlisle, and only three are in favorrof RandalL I Judge- White, of Dallas, Texas, thinks that the great electric storms are due to the vast amount of exposed iron. There are 100,000 miles of railway and 200, 000 miles of telezrauh wire in the United States quite enough, he urges to influence natural electricity. Next to Texas; Wyoming is probably the greatest stock-growing region in the A 'ni'.eil States. It is said thataboutl 1 .000 000 cattle are now feeding on- its p'.ains, the estimated value qt which is about 30,000,000. LOCAL NEWS. DIED. Death of Aged Man. I Superior uourt. t, iA t x t-.-i-... i, tani Thia trihnnal ho VtAAn Aninureil unr-1 VoxGLlHX-At the residence or nis ramer iwev. wf. names u. J-aj iui um Q-D y... w.. . in aVWw tM fw. called to Baltimore on account of the ing the day upon the following case : noon-of consumption.' Mr. joiin v-jx .T. T Metis vs. P. Cummins': which I Ut-VU-N. agea years, z nwniu nu.. u.JB. The funeral wm taxe place death of his wife's father, which oc curred on the night of Tuesday, the 12th inst. Mrs. Taylor accompanied him. The deceased was about so years of age. This farady bereavement pre vented Dr. Taylor from attending Wake j Forest College Commencement. Perfectly Dleasing photographic por traits Lardner Photographer. Yates Gallerv. 1 It. was not conclnded closed. Cumin ing; when our repoitl lixports Foreign. Nor. barque Libra, Capt. Nielsen, cleared to-day for Stettin, Germany, with 3.580 barrels rosin, valued at $5,- 120 56, shipped by Messrs Faterson , Downing & Co. Good Morning. Dont forget to say 'good mbYning." Say it to your parents, brothers and sisters, your schoolmates, your teachers and say it cheerfully, and with a I smile it will do you good, and do your friends good. There's a kind aspira tion in every "good morning," heartily from hU late residence, corner of Market and Tenth streets, 1 at 5 o'clock p. m. to-morrow, the 13th lnt Friends are In rited to attend :-' " NEW AP VEBTISEMENTS. Hammocka. N ilammocka. Was it a Thief Mr. James Smith.- who lives in the house of Mrs. McDonald, on Chestnut between Eighth and Ninth streets, awoke this morning to find quite a number of strange tracks in his yard and upon the front and rear piazzas of the house. He imagines that they were; snokpn. that helps to make hone fresh- made by some one who was prowling er an(j WOrk lighter. It seems really about in search ol plunder, oui nas tQ make the morning eood and morn- OW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOl'B Yon will find a very large assort ment at HEIKSBERGER'S. : Old Probabilities. STOEM-GLASS AND ; 1 ilt.IVjlVjM.IUA J5.tfc jjn.DX2MiJ Price only Fifty Cents. For sale at - HEINSBEItGER'S. june U Live Book and Mnsfc Stores NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Moonlight Excursion 1 TUESDAY EVENING 1 Oth. fjriHE PASSPORT WILL LEAVE UEtt wharf at 8 o'clock, sharp, and return punctn- ally at 12 o'clock. Pasqu&le's Band wiU fnr- nlsh masic. Fare 50 cents. -T1CKKTS LIMITED. OhlectioBable per 8onsvc!udctU 4. W. IIABPER. uEO. N. IIAU&ISS, l juno 13- , Managers City and Country Merchants-' I AM SELLING Vs. Water Ground, Mfai. N. C. Pater t Family r Last year over 253,000 pounds of os- day f()ot up 6 balcg i. inUCA IU ntll MUliniiotmm i a. IIeinsbekger Hammocks Yates Geo Wood's Organs Munds Bros Iteflnen Camphor W II Geeex Soda Water Mineral Water - The receipts of cotton at this port to- i not missed anything tfroni abotit his premises. It was probably some thief ings they cheer the discouraged rest : ing, it is true of kind, heartsomeTgreet - whose courage was not propensity for stealing. equal to his t rich !cin tiio t was fen (.hers were sent to rngiana Capitoun, the value of the feathers over $5,400,000. It is said that kill ;? seven-fold what the total en years ago. We regret to learn that ex-Judge Rodman is seriously ill. Tliere has been two much whiskey drinking arnohg the star Toute jury and ,-m. of thorn had a fit vesterday in the courtroom, which was superinduced by excessive indulgence in intoxicating beverages. At lest, that was the opin ion of Judge Wylie, There was nothing to call for the ats tentionofthe City Court this morns ing. The Illuminated Vignette Portrait all the rage. Made at the Y ates uaiiery. It. The Bank of France employs 1G0 female clerks, who receive J0 cents a day to begin with, and after a year or two an annual salary of $360. They sit in rooms apart from the men, are su perintended by officials of their own sex. and their work is of the best qual ity. , - The Washington Critic states t hat wl1Pn fipn. Sheridan assumes the com mand of the army he will be only a ranking Major-General, as the rank of 1 ovnima with the retiracv of General Sherman, and the title of Lieu tenant General, which Sheridan now imlls. ?oes bv the board at the same w C3 time. Mine. Theo has returned to Paris very jubilant over her success in this country, and is resolvedto come ' back next spring. She tells a story how an American followed her everywhere, was present at all her performances, and declared he would shoot himself. Finally he consoled himself by running off with her maid. We received no News and Observer yesterday, but we got two to-day to make up for it. Steamboatmen report that there has been about a 14 foot rise in the Cape Fear within the last few days. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low pices, at Jacobi.'s t We hope all our young friends will remember the entertainment at Odd Fellows Hall to-night, to be given by Prof. Phillippe, the magieian. There was a large and happy hearted throng on board the Passport this morn ing bound down the river to Smith- ville. and the Forts for a day of recrea tion and pleasure. The foundations of Messrs. Brown & Roddick's new store have all been laid and workmen are engaged in put ting in the timbers upon which the superstructure is to be built. There was quite a gale ot wind blows Will not be Idle. Capt. D. Sherman, who retires from the command ot the steamer John Daivson, does not propose to be idle, but will devote his entire time, in the future, to mercantile pursuits in which he has been for some years largely en-1 gaced. " He has a general store at Point Caswell and another about 3 miles distant from that place and they re quire and will receive his closest atten tion, lie is one of the most extensive dealers in naval stores in that section, and he will continue that business in the future as in the past. Vital Statistics, Persons giving in their taxes aro now required to answer the following ques tions, in accordance with chapter 73, laws of 1881. lor the information of the State Board of Health : A re you married? Unmarried? Wid ow? or widower? Give J.he number pt deaths in the fam ily for the past year, naming tnei uis ease which caused death, if known. Have an cases ot small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, yellow fever or chol era occurred in your family in the past twelve months? The requisite forms are prepared and the tired one and somehow make the wheel of life run more smoothly. Be liberal with them then, and let no morning pass, however gloomy it may be, that you do not help at least to brighten by your smiles and cheerful words. Professor Phillippe i ILL GIVE A GRAND MAGICAL PER- forraance on THURSDAY EVENING, the 1 14th Inst., at Old Fellows Hall, opposite the City Hall. Doors open nt 7 o'clock, p. ni. Tickets for sale at Helnsberger' s. june 12 3t : lour, and " . N. C OLD PBOCESS Flour. This Flour is cheaper and more nutrition " than any Western Flour made. " ' j E. G.BLAIR, . 'Juno 13 Commission Merchant M S W ST O r e. TpOR THE CONVENIENCE OF MY CUS TOMEttS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALL- I have openeu a . Fancy Grocery Store 1 IN THE . , NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTKR'S ALLEY. v I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Death of Mr. The Sail ing Yacht I m ogen, Tlie choicest Groceries. VonGlalin. We regret to announce the death of Mr. John D. Von Glahn, which took place at about 10 o'clock this forenoon. He had been an intense sufferer for a long time, a victim to that insidious disease, consumption, and had been confined to the bouse for nearly or quite two months. His condition ha ben such for several weeks that his death might be looked for at almost any moment, yet, when it did come to re lieve him of his pain, and distress, it caused a shock of sadness to think he should be thus taken away in his young mannooa wuen mere were su iuuuj pleasalnt surroundings to make life de- sifable. He was about 25 years of age and leaves, a wife, but no children. His life was insured in the Legion of Honor to the amount of $5,000. Old pictures correctly copied prices low. Yates Gallery. It. Death of an Old Citizen. Col: John McRae,i who has been sick for several days, died at about 10 o - SMITIIVILLE, N. C, isrriTH EXPERIENCED SAILING MAS- vv ter. can be hired at reasonable rates. I nqnlre on board Stmr. Passport, or of S. S. DREW, At Harper's Store June T-lm Ice Cream Freezers and Water Coolers. S FOR SALE BY Giles & Blurchison. june 11 38 and 40 Morchlson Block 100 iurnished to the various counties by the clock this forenoon at the residence of Mr-JLW. Tavlor. on the corner of State Board of Health. june 11 Groceries. BoxeJ Smo. and D. s. SIDES, 1,000 iBbls FLOUR, 200 Bbls MOLASSES, 100 Bags COFFEE, . . '- ' 75 Bbls SUGAR, 50 Bbls BICE, 200 Sacks MEAL, 1,000 Busha CORN. . 1,000 Bales HAY, -100 Cases LYE, . 100 Boxes SOAP, 50 Boxes CANDY, 75 Boxes CRACKERS, 100 Cases OYSTERS, 60 Boxes CANDLES, 25 Gross MATCHES. For sale ! KERCUNER & C ALDER BROS such as I keep at my i'tore on Northj Front Street. . i Buyvour GROCERIES from me and it Will i afford rac pleasure to deliver nt your homes such articles as yon may purchase in the Mar . kel. SAVR TIME -AND TROUBLE by making all your selections in the NEW i MARKET HOUSE. ' John L. Bpatwriglit. may l-tf The New York World wants the tickei, of 187G amended by the substi tution of Judge Joremiah S. Black in place of Samuel J. Tildcn. Thomas J. Hendrick, that paper would advise as the candidate for Vice President. Black and Hendricks might make a good run and there is no doubt that Tom and Jerry would prove the most hilar ious ticket ever known in this country. Moonlight and Salt Aira Tho moonlight excursion on the Passport to Federal Point, Tuesday nivht nPTf.. under the management of Capt. John W. Harper and Mr. Geo. N. Harriss promises to be a very enjoyable and was for mahy years actively en North Front and Walnut streets. He was born in the year 180& in Cumber land county, near Fayetteville, and was consequently about 77 years ot age at the time of his death. Col: McRaei came to this city about the year 182G, CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, GENERAL PASSENGER DEP'T, Wilmington, N. C, Jnne 10th, 1883. ing last night and until early xms morn- iiarrisa pi wmiaca-. j ana was lor many years actively - B r , , D..- pouring1 shower affiiir. The gentlemen in cnarge nave d in mercantUe pursuits, Irom ne lYIOSl UOmiOriaUlU nUUlC ing. when a heavy, of rain set in which seemed to mollify the angry breezes, and this morning was decidedly clear, calm, and retresh- t mg. Wo have been shown by Mr. G, W. Atkinson some very fine peaches of the v.arlv Una vanetv. crown at Apex, in JL. J J 1 CJ " w . . a a . 1 this vicinity. made every arrangement which will whicn hc finally retired soon after the add to the comfort and pleasure oi tnose close of the war gince tlien flis farm who attend, Those of our tnenas wno has engaged the principal portion of inilnlorp in the dance will have an op tftn) inn ii n fll tint infirmifipa inp.5. """-"dw u avi&utiuui j - . i :... t An o-v anil ot. thp oamA timG I . . l r.. I H. poiiuiuiv w uu ou mm v"- rient to aavauceu age uiuveuwu ui"i jlj .... -.. um . tai i r r can have the benettts of the in yigorat- from en2agin. in the active affairs of frt 6i YYeiQOn Hi It, TO THE MOUNTAINS XCURSION TICKETS ARE NOW ON Millinery & Fancy Goods. i . . . . j. Anotltcr;. Large " Invbico ; of Millinery ! New Styles, New Colors, &c. ; FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT FULL. . t KID, SILK and LISLE GLOVES. PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS ZEPHYR and MATERIAL "for FANCY - WORK. MILLINERY Second Floor. FANCY GOODS First Floor. Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER, may 31 EXCHANGE CORNER. ing sea breezes at Federal Point. This life. He lost his wife several years ago, nctv Krown at Apex, m i . , c . , mv- -- -- ; " ; I'hiV i narlv for North wil be a favorable opportunity for those A married again. He leaves Carolina. Who cn beat Apex News whose daily business prevents their SeVerai daughters, all of whom, we leaving town to enjoy a wliit ol sail air believet are married, but no sons. The ovster srowers on the coasts of J w France and England, having discover ed that oyster shells thrown back into the sea produce thirty or forty fold in two years, will next summer dump into the ocean a few million , shells with some live oysters atop. The theory is that the young oysters attach themselves to the old shells in preference to any other object on the bed of the sea. A report having been circulated that John L. Sullivan, the prize fighter, got on a spree a few days since and broke up the furniture of his house and beat his wife, and then cleared out to evade the consequences, that woman comes out in a card and denounces the story as a cross fabrication, and states that. instead of ever doing her personal harm, hc has always been a tender and devoted husband. . Lawvcr Dukes, of Uniontown. Pa who wrote letters to Capt. Nutt, of the same place, charging the daughter of the latter with acts which if true would make her an outcast, and then shot the father in cold blood when asked for an explanation, has been killed by a son of the murdered man said brother ol me rinVps was tried lor j the murder and the fact of the killing was fully proven, but hz was acquitted by the jury. If some lone would now kill the jury so that- Ihey may never again have an opportunity to pcrvent justice, there would be very little cause for complaint; - ' " - and Observer. Why. bless you, we have had peaches a d b benefitted thereby. The Pass here in Wilmington. - raised within 8 Lrf win leave promptly at 8 o'clock ? i i tt. nU n ka innn(l fVi r t ur I , . 11.. lrt imies ui me cnj, mv uuuu, ana return punctually at i u Thnv aift so rjlentiful A fine assortment ol liuns anu iriawis at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t with us that we are getting tired of them. Give us a watermelon. Change of Weather. We had copious and refreshing show ers during the forenoon, but afterwards the wind hauled around to the East ward, and it became quite cool, and X - . making it decidedly unpleasant ana disagreeable for the excursionists who went down the river this morning. Magistrate's Court. F.lias Halsev. colored, was brought before Justice Millis to-day, charged I reminisce uses of North Caro lina. We have received lroni the publisher. Joseph Shellington, Washington. D r. nart first of "'Reminiscences ana Memories of North Carolina and Euii nent North Carolinians," by Mr. John H. Wheeler, who will be well known to the most of our readers as the historian rxwii Harnlina. Thc plan of tue present work is to embody "Keminis cences"ofthe principal historic events and of the leading minds witb wftom ft,nco vAnr.a were associated from the VIIVOV V -w m- " - by Betty Adams, also colored, with the .krinnimn hpp d(ni"htftr Rachel Ad aUuuv - .. .. . , r C.fA thai . ' . - - . . It is rather a mixed up family earnest settlement oi iuC trout, pigfish, &c, goic, ciams, per In bis social relations, Col. McRae was very quiet and unobtrusive in his manner, kindly and courteous in his demeanor to others, benevolent without ostentation, and in his business affairs a man of the strictest integrity in all his dealings. In fact, a good man in all the relations of life. Kitcheii Market. The following retail prices rule in this market to-day, June 14 :t Beef 815c per pound ; vefil 15c per pound ; lamb 1215c per poind ; mut ton 12&15c per pound ; chickens 12J 30c, each; grown fowls, 35eoc; eggs, 20 cents per doz ; butter, coufctry, 25 30c.; Northern, 2535c; lard, 1315c; Baltimore hams, 16 18c; breakfast strips. 15 16; N. C. hams, 1516!c; shoulders, 110124c; sides.ll124c; fish, PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run through from Charlotte to Old Fort and thence to Ashcvlllc. Passengers have a fine view ol the Mountain Scenery irom an ui1!-uvaiiu. Id Fort at 7.n A. oT.t arriving rspn F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent Company. f!AR. IfiavtnorOlc at Asnevllie at V. A. a., anu rai oi'iiugn at 12.10 P. M. june 11 lm Geo. Wood's Organs mAKE THE LEAD AND NEVER FAIL to give satisfaction. SPECIAL TERMS on application. Plc Nic BaskeU, Croquet, Hammocks, Ac. Complete stock of Blank Eooksrstatloneryt Ac, alvays on hand at ... YATES BOOKSTORE, jnne 11 "9 Market St REFINED CAMPHOR, 35 CENTS PER POUNIX : L...:.L TxrE OFFER 100 LBS. x INltoT UUM UAH i V phor at 35c per pound. Or three pounds for one dollar. Fifty pounds! Persian Insect PURSUANCE OF A RESOLUTION 8CETABV AD TREASURER'S OFFICE, Wilmington, N. C., May 22, 1883, adopted by the Directors 6t the Wilmington A Wcldon Rail Road Company, at a meeting held this day. a special meeting of the Stoek- nolders oi said company, win do new uiue city of Wilmington, at the J Wilminzton. at the tortice of the Com pany, at n o ciock, a. m.., on i nunuay, the 21st day of Jnne nekt. "to take into consideration the location and building of. a Railroad from some point on the said Wilmington A WeUlon Railroad South of Wil son to Florence, 8. C, en the Wilmington, Col. umbia A Augusta Railroad, or some point East thereof on aald roads, and such further action In this matter as the said Stockholders assembled In meeting may consider proper. may 22- tm J. W. THOMPSON, Secretary. Millinery & Fincy Goods. ams. ... ... . .1 i - r-o - - - I r mess which will probably be unraveled present time. It will oe issueu a qrmrt, i5c ; per bushel, 75c ; cabbage, 5 JT on Saturday next, to wnicn lime me hearing of the case was postponed. Powder 50 cents per ders or rosta. r tMiniu. ian Goods will be deiirered Look at Your Tickets. The following numbers drew the principle prizes in the Ixiuisiana State Lottery on Tuesday last: 23,131; 75, 008; 31,903; 20,083 ; 30,001; 7,109; 10,- 159 ; 47,013 ; 72,457. If any of our read ers have either of. the above numbers or fractional parts thereof, they will be ont.it.lAil to ouite a nice little sum. We learn that one-fifth of the capital pains-takin, prize of S 150.000, was drawn m iegh. " Co monthly numbers, each v number con taining valuable matter, alarge amount ot which has never before been publish ed. The number before us contains the history of events and persons of Ala mance, Anson, Beaufort, Bertie. Bla den, Brunswick. Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell and Camden coun ties, and constitute a valuable addition to the history and literature of the State. Mr. Wheeler has" performed a very important work in a thorough, and conscientious man- Hal- ner. and we wish that a copy might reach every family in the State. The la l rur numlipr. ' . . i- tl ITt Tlnncfnn Rcrtie. n t nF Dr. Worthington's Choi- lebraled. 4Fish Brand Gills, pt and Diarrhoea Medicine : "It has - , . lv at Jacobi's , Hard been used for many years ana always ' A .-Mao - HiWW"'rv WltU SUWv-a i s 10c per head ; cucumbers,40c per doz ; strawberries, 5l0c per box; collards, 5 10c per head; turnips, 5 cents per bunch; sweet potatoes, 25c-per peck; Irish do. new, 30c per peck; onions, 50 cents per peck, 5c per bunch ; carrots and parsnip, 5c per bunch; green peas, 15 per peck; beets, 5c per btmch; rad ishes, 3c per bunch ; lettuce, 2& per head ; salad pea, 25c per peck; cauliflower, 15c each; black berries, 5c ber quart; whortleberries, 510c per quart; green apples, 4050c per peck. Messrs. A. &. I. Sbrteb have receir ed, per express', a iaie lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely MCNDS BROS.. Dispensing Pharmacist, 1,491 Broadway, n.r. 621 North 4th street, Wilmington, N. C. may 26 For Sale. NE NO. 9 MOSUER OFFICE 8AFE. Per- X A DIES AND CHILDREN'S HAT8. or send or-i AJ . . json MCX9, JtK xiK3 ana O fectly new Has never been useJ. Wlll.be sold cheap. A pp'.y Up june ll l w nac CRONLY A MORRIS. -WewjHatG, CONSISTING OF COLORED CHIPS. I lne Colored Mllans, "Sea sheUs", white and I . BOWS AND RIBBONS, inall the latest styles. , , . ; Orders from the country promptly filled ami satisfaction guaranteed. .-' n.imiifiHll fliul It in thi1r ntjrrt.t tr Mm J ".. vm " ... . . . ' . w.. - w call and examine. 1 . in r-B- r n " . r-. a :TrTinv MHO. tl. 15 AlVJdilt, 17. UAKKZ.T BlULbi. june 9 ' , elorel, also the popular Shade Hat, Nankin or "Japanese ",and a Tarlety of other styles, in diflerent shades, which they will sell j,Ist receiTet!andforialcby - ; at astonishingly low prices. - Call early UB3. rate c. wines, and procure a suit for the boys. T t I june n Ko. U9 Korth Second street. Soda Water I Soda Water! XXflTII PURE FRUIT JUICES. '' "r SEASON lf. MINERAL WATER ON i DRAUO I IT. ICE COLD, VflLLIAU 1L CREEN, aplll Druslt

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