THI FAPEK, cepted by , JOSH T. J ABIES, EUITOB A1D rBOMIETOB. .rrtv-c POSTAGE PAID: One year 4 00. Six months, $2.00. Three ' .u i00: onemoniu,wu;u. 8,0 will be delivered by carriers free , rhaSeVu- Part of the city, afthe above of charge t or 10 Cni " 1 I cstlBl rates low and liberal. SuScrfbers will report any and all fail- receive their paper regmanj. r 1 H Daily urea to VOL. VII. W ILMINGTOK N. C MONDAY. JUNE 18. 1883. NO. 144 PUGASK NOTIC1L YTa will be sUd to rtcclre from our friends on any and all subjects of general l&tereet but . The name of the writer moat always be fat nUhed to t&e E&tor. 1 ' r CommnnteaUons most be wrjtteii on oal one side of the paper; rernamustbe tToMedC T And It U especially and particularly unde tood that the Editor does not always endor the views of correspondents unless so staxa ta the editorial column. n 1. H 4 s 1 t t4 Tlie Daily xievietu nu w "oi, r niLMi- of anv newsvaver JjJUhed, in the cUy oj wummywn. is - romenading on the Brooklyn bridge , , . iiia nnrm n noint. thentViil-. has laiien w r- e berc-J crossing on foot being 25,000 to o0 0oo daily- i - '. (W.e thousand houses, costing from 4 J 000 down to $1,000 each, have been liuiibed or put under way in Atlanta in live months. . - The new license bill which, the Illi nois House has passed after a prolong j struggle makes the license to sel( whiskey! etc., $500. and to sell beer v. A young lady in Pennsylvania has bv her recent marriage become ihe ,!, h,n-,in law of her brother, her being elder than her- s-U'. "Celestial Concert." We owe no apology to anyone lor publishing herewith entire a report which we find in the Tarboro (7m'ie ot an entertainment given in that town last Thursday night for the benefit of St Barnabas' Guild. There were so many WiUningtonians engaged in it that it is almost like a report of a con cert in the Opera House in our own city. The Guide, which calls it a '"celestial concert reports asiollows: .. When Sfiakespeare put it that Or pheus?, lute was strung with poet's Sinews whose golden toucn couiu soiten steel and stones, lie must nave oeen looking through the vista ot cycles ur Willis' Opera House on Thursday bight. Everv seat was occupied by iarboro s brightest and best, to enjoy the Concert given by Misses Ida lee tfryan ana jh. Kawls. Mrs.E. D. Barnes, Airs. M. A. Curtis, and Messrs. S. S. Nash, T. P. Cheshire, M. A. Curtis and Dr. I. Carr, whh the kind assistance ot Mrs. I). i .1 irsr.un K Krnce. a nepnew anu Di;uii in- . .,m-sake of the colored ex Senator, vvon the first prize at the commence ,u, ut of the Kansas University at Law ,(:(l,r :i lew days ago. good taste, and Mrs. Barnes and Miss Kawls displayed considerable histrionic talent. The singing by Dr. Carr and Mr. Cheshire showed well cultivated, good voices The affair was one of the big successes of the city. j Nor. baaque Nordenksjold, CPfc Abrahamsen, arrived at Hamburg last Friday. Pender Superior Court, Judge A. A. McKoy, presiding, convened at Burgaw this morning. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in the office of Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co., on North Water street, stood at 9G degrees. Mr, J. M. Hartsfield, son ot Mr. A. A. H.irtsfield. of this citv. who has been at the University ot Virginia, re turned home last Saturday night. NEW ADVEUTISEaiENTS. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JERSEY JACKETS, Black and Colored, Jnst Recfa. HOOP SKIRTS, All Styles. 3STE-W MA.TTI3SrC3-S &z OIIiOIiOTHS 1 LAWNS LINEJT LAWNS, NEW ADVERTISESIENTS. Arrived. Kahnweiler, Sonrano, liiss ivtamie we Rosset, JManist, and N. Mayer, Tenor, for ihf imnpfu of St. Barnabas' Guild. We hear it stated thatthere is some scarcity of lime in the city, as some difficulty is experiencetl by the health PARASOLS AT REDUCED PRICES ! A geauine bargain for you in any rade you may wish. LINEN UfiSTKRS A complete stock, all alxe. PCR HOSIERY, Cotton, IJslo and Silk. R. r-1. rJlclWTIRE. Another Lot Atrordnog to a report at Minneapolis. ex-Senator John J.Patterson has been turned out of two liotels in that city in ',,'nisequence of his suspicious behavior with a young lady whom he represented to he Ills niece. . v ! . " Beatrice de lloschlchild, whose mar ring took nlace last week, is nineteen vpors old and one of the most beautiful brunettes in Paris, bearing a striking i . i o una tr. hov mother, who was Ill;Ui uiiuiw -v " v famed for her beauty1. - Secretary Chandler is, about to ad vertie and sell thirty of the fourty-four war vessels condemned as useless and worthless. This, says the New York World, will be a magnificent opportuni ty for dealers in old junk, but the day that thotale takes place will be niem orable as marking the first triumph in the American Navy in something Hike twenty years, r It will be a splendid victory to get rid of thirty expensive old hulks all in a heap. " U)CaL NEWS. IMDEX TO NEW A0VERTI8IMEMTS. Family Kxcurslon. Mitchell's Eyc-Salye -!.-.. "Moore County CJrit" Old North State Saloon John' B Alpex Books Biirnham's Water Whect Oatis & Sox Ice Arrived Yates liive Us Your Orders Benson's Capcine'Porus Plaster Muxds Bros Reflnert Camphor IIeixsbeegeb Pianos ami Organs U M MclXTiRE Jersey Jackets, Ac Wsi L SmitHj Jr Coast Turnpike Co n.E) & McRCiiisox-f-Tin Toilet Sets P L Bridgers & Co Champagne, &c Kxichts of Hoxor RegularMeetlng W II Greex Soda Water Mineral Water Yesterday was voted a very hot day. The receipts of cotton at this -port to day foot up 119 bale. The New Illuminated picture is most pleasing, made at the Yates Gallery. - It. Caesar Smith, colored, of this city, claims that he is 119 years old. Henry Hall, also colored, claims that he is 99 years old. The rush at the City Hall to list taxes seems to continue uuabated. There was ;ji crowd there this morning for that purpose, and they have been com ing and going all day. Oakdale Cemetery never had a more lovely appearance than it presents now. A stroll through its many avenues shows that the dead are remembered with tender affection j The clouds in the northern heavens last night were angry and threatening with every appearance ofa high wind, but we had only a brisk breeze in this vicinity as an accompaniment to a re freshing shower. . Quite a number of neat residences are in cofurse of erection in different portionslof the city. In fact there has been ojiite a -boom" in buildinglor the last six months and it seems to con tinue without diminution. The machine shop at the railroad is last appraoching completion, the slat ing of the roof being now in progress. Some few portions of the machinery have been placed in position, and - the remainder will be as rapidly as circum stances will permit. 'jr. Messrs. H. M. Bowden andR P.Mc Dougall have purchased the stock and fixtures of Mr. H. H. Gerhanlt, en North Front street, where .hose gentle men will establish a large saddlery arid harness and carriage making business. Mr. Rowden-s stock, on Market street, was to-day .removed to the now stand. M. A. Curtis was .Musical uirecior iTpnrv K. Nash. Jr. wusiness The bill of musical fare was rich, rare, and recherche, and the intensely ecstatic enjoyment of ihe audience was exhibited in prolongeu inauuns. the curtain fell ou ttie nnai piece. lu assembly arose, with hearts lull o thanks to our Wilmiftgton friends, and nridc of our town talent and enterprise. On Wednesday an expectant crown offriends ami admirers; proceededjin carriages to the Tarboro Branch Dedot. When the 6 o'clock train arrived, thteir vision was greeted with the sightlol our distinguished Wilmington visitors. tv u'nhwnoiler. easuv the nigut- in-ale of North Carolina.and Mr. Nath ArBOf t!f. sunerb tenor singer. came to take part in the Concert, rhey were convoyed by Hon. b. it. l isn blate, ex-Mayor of WiUmington. Mr. D. Kahnweiler and Misses P-lIa tish blate, Minnie Weill. .Lossw, and Miriam GrcenewaW; radiant beauties .jctov r-it.v hv the sea." I uey had come for the double purpose of hearing their warbles and seeing then many friends. ; ... ,r t When tho curtain rose, Miss M. De Itosset, charmingly robed m a pink silk skirt with white Spanish lace over dress and pearl ornaments and hair most becomingly arranged, sat at the Grand Square u pnjrm. f "Tn She has one 01 inose iuvcij ia.- which new beauties arise i you gaze upon it iters w hercullan task to play all the ac companiments, and pertectly did she penorm u. a uu yi "Moc. by the male quartette, "r Curtis, Cheshire aim uau, showed good drilling -and understand ing in .their respective parts. II en foflowcd -Watching," a so.o, superbly sung by Mr. Nathan iviaycr, m In rnnni . sonorous, huaiuiv ,we. Loud applause grceieu iuu "6". ho wn encored. The management and admirers, as a mark, of apprccia tion. presented him with, a Jiandsome bouquet, "lionacau Dnmauu, xr. solo, by Miss Dellosset, was as bril liant m execution as uam. Take mc Jammie, Dear, was charmingly sung by Miss Mamie Uawls, who received a handsome bou- knickcrbocker Boat Song," a solo, bv Dr. Carr.Mr. Cheshire alternating, aiid chorus by the quartette, received Kcncrous applause. , . The chefticuvrc ot tnc evening wa a solo, by Mrs. Kahnweiler. 1 o.ka rv a Shn was most bewitching lv arraved in white satin slippers, pink satin skirt with rich garnet velvet over i'ivpil rriacrnincent uia i l It. Ann mondcar rings, nccmace. orouv;.. x rings. Her voice is lute-like, sweet be yond expression, exquisitely mou imtuu and trained and capable ot the fullest Hotter still, it is easy, natural, Ii-" .. hnll taktnz in the .:.k r.t without anv seeming ex- IlijUb ' Much matter prepared for this issue. 1 onma nf If voru inlPTOUt inc. h!l3 OCe II I : ' -fl.tAnt. - . ... . ----- i... .Ulr .TIN TOIJ.KT SKTl. Ttlt 1IAM umtua in ciiinio " .i-.j I lOrCcU Over UUlll LU-HUJI 1UW vjj I J , , r '. to meet ttie uemanus lor fsanuary pur- cro W(jej condition of I our columns to-1 eomest nne in iu poses. . day. , J, lOXS-OF THAT PCR KlvSNEBEC FLINT. ICE. Clear as glass. Send us an order and yon will bs pleased. s DAVIS & SOX. June ls-tf . . . . Rh reriology . JJR. CARKKR WILL COM MEN Ct. A course of eight Lectttre at Germanla Halt, TUKSDAY. June 19Uil Admittance free: Ladies particularly invited to attend. lecture at 8 o'clock jun IS- b city. Giles M Murchison . june IS I Murchison Block. . n .... 1 t 1 n f IO tn a 1 at o o Ciociw saarp iauu icuuu d. ; a. m. The committee of arrangements have onr thanks for an invitation to at- UEISSBKKGER'S. i - . . i The crops are. growing finely in the A moonlight excursion compiiuaeu- i ; . i-a ni hc i tftrw in i n iiniA oi me iiuiius,w" country, aim so is u.c IT"- Z. " . " -s-t i atao AT.n A TVTO latter causes the trouble- It has rained 1-igM miantry air.wiu ue givcu JflAXMVJ iX IJ1VXA11 O . i , . I L i lk IX, aLW nn (ho I n CT ft I nurg I so much that iarmers couiu not noe uuw . notn fop. cash or on the POPULAR . ii.i i. rwoo. Uiv .Tune 2lst. The boat will leave . tueir corn aim uiu F4v. t flnvTm v kstat mft Pr V it in .rowth with the former, has made her wbartat the foot ot Market street J monthly .instalment PIJV.N, at the work of the hoeimr and weding tough job . 1 We yield much of our limited space temi in this .issue to the publication 'of a uuLiv.vv, .v . , Tdr i n ct novt vptr atpr VOUr Exercises last week, as extracted from -v . . , , I oniP9 . - it the Xeus and Observer, ihissnouia, by fair rights, have appeared on &atur- Piirenolors day, but it was impossible to publish it Barker, the celebrated phrenolo- then, otong to a pressure of maUer ijgt .j ecture , ori phrenology in arranged for publication belore the a prraan: -Hall-io-morrow evening. Old North : State Saloon ! No G, South Frout St. IF YOU. WISH COOD COOL DRAUGHT BEER, this li the place Thai old Re b knows how to keep gool thing. j , juue 18-1 w , - --. :. ; Family Excursion to Smith ville and the Forts 1 QNOER THE AUSPICES OF THE OFH CKUs au4 Teachers of at. Paul's Evaii. Luth eran Knoday School, Wednesday, June 2uth, r lKt, on the Steamer PASSPORT, which will leave her wharf atX A. M. - Refreshments at city price. Ticket Adults 2W Cftiits; Children and er- C4nte. For sle by theCoinmltte nd Wedding Presents. SEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL PSESRNTB The bean question will be settled on cau always be found In stock In largo variety Tints at the Boat. June 16 It II. B. KILK1W, L. VOLLKRS, II. L. VOLLfcltS,. Committee. TTT? T i3 T7T il T ' C JDLXill O-pXJjXVVTXXX iCJ5 june is." Live Book and Music Stores .Give ;TIa Your Orders Commencement report came to hand. jj garter has given long study and ii irlits of Honor. 1 care and attention to the subject and is Carolina Lodge No. 434. Pwegular capable of explaining and Ulustrating ; .ntin, thk pvnnin? t 8 oclock. Full it thoroughly. He lectured here about and a.t that time to large ! attendance uesireu. j - . .. ..t , - . and cultured, audiences? For TVaccamaw. 't-i - . v.,..n mnrla omnlR aft- aGrSODHl. Ktt hn Snnilav mg lor ew xuiiw wuw V ?r 7&S tend the closing exercises of a private School ot the Second Jrytenan which Mg every one D ghe can be comfortably seated, lhetime , vr- -vt7 for starcin, is 7 o'clocl, sharp, so bo JlJS !n ..M; w htheoierlbUso. his trip aad ct anu seat ueiore iuc gi-uu Mi , . w;c A,h. . --.J- Will PB SOUU auuuua " t- UUHUtKNlRtt I ni rUrULSn 1 DH (HAiic inu tr wilt ao.nnmnanv him on his return. MFM EXPRESS THEIR MINDS. w ... w- j . .. .. "The fact Is sir, anu you may -suck. uiu lere. that the people of this country are like lr to be drowned Wit LITIIOW RAP RING i I . CHECKS. ' . , ? . ; ' ' DRAFTS," LETTER HE ADS, NOTES, -BILLHEADS, A RECEIPTS, Ac, ci Satisfactory prices In every case. june 18 YATES BOOK STORE, 110 Market St DROWNED IN BEER. mences. Old pictures copied carefully at low prices, iaruner- j nowsiapuw, Gallery. u- The Bow Wows. ihrrr that the neoD i. ,v iu HrAnmnH in a flrwvl of laccr lxeer." Col Tavlor, the City Clerk, has IS- shouted an enthusiastic teetotaler ths other . , . 1 dar Into the ear of your cornered correspon- sucd thus far this reason licenses for gotwui drink has struck us hard. . n.A .1 Un.;r.r AVOfD VriA. I Tt I th. RCCTld dClUffC ." - ill 1 C I A Ca AUU WSSV T " tv of SDCcieS known, and of all kinds Ot business Is that it gets up kidney troubles, as J, - VCl niin. from the U heavy wind raises the wares" added a city TO THE RESIDENT! ON Mansonhoro Sound &flthers rjiirE-COAST TURNPIKE COMPANY.liav lng received Its Charter from the .LejfiiLnlurc h iKicn duly organized, and hereby notifies lerson using its road thatj un and after the 20th inst. ttc.v will lo rxUved to pay toll lor such uc. I ' ( - Tickets for sale at the Second Toll House, : i on the Wrights vllln Turnpike, and at the Baok of Now Hanover, iu this city. 1 - ' " wm. un tt.,iu., june liS -t i President.- We Have 1 Just Eeceived :. - AN INVOICE OF : V ' " ' v. ELEGANTDRYCHAMPAGNE t which we call your especial attention : . 'rrti'rT'UT lie nrvvi - Villi Jinu, i'li JJi J. j L! M. CANNEATTX & FJLS. Clarets of Undoubted Puri ty. FINE. RICH FLAVOR AND GOOD BODY. POSITIVELY NO LOGWOOD. A Hint. No, my young friend, it is not in good taste to take a lady by the arm when ' . n and COI1ditions. from the J heary Am fi,R rt..r0. promcnadnfg. It is an undigniUed I t; rt ma.tiff d own to the stump- and a tendency to metaphor.vThc mhlnlght x , t , . fam liaritv which you ought never 10 1 ' . m9ntrv flrL hittcn. 'schooncr-icayesDen No ideasanter or healthier drink for the - i TTLiii-fi. riiiiinjALcui sas &s -i.r 't lAfifTTiPH nrHUAi lit n. Luruiu incioi muctv. i : nerruit yourself to be guilty ot. 1 ou are J ...,. Thr epflm4 to have been U thati and lays the foundation of Brishfs SunUacr month. - ..-ill jauvi vui. ...w.v I linr nennrt nl nrOteC I -T - - : - presumed to be bcr escort anU protec-1 uriou3 fancy among the owners in ThiB melauchoW fact accounts in part .for Do not bo milled by the brand of our Chaw tor, ana it is very pro win lhem namc3, for while take your arm when waiKing iu a crowded thoroughfare in the day time j or when escorting her at night, but to; take her arm ought never to be per- mitted. we find fhrln, Bales of BENSON'S CAPCINE PORUS PLASTER, which at onco mitigates ua!rBc : It SEEMS armronxlate. but we miarnn . , I .i . . . T?..t ., on . Atr xrnrff I u av..j. 'e"- - I physician about ltl ' also find some bearing the names of v Jscabnry & Johnson, 'Chemists, New York. tirj Uo,trtn Vance ' UOSCOC juneiMwusw i oxixj uaiucwui ww. - . Conkling. Dom Pedro I.. Bismarck, Sankey and Schneider, besides the names of some ot our prominent cm- BURN HAM'S r- U LZ3 U U W W UU LJ PAMPHLET FREE BY City Court. Amos Devane, colored, was brought 1 zens . -sr it. !. u a!m mm aVi a lfTrf4 1 betore tne iviayor mis moruiuS w.s tvl- with disorderly conduct. The charge , 7 7 " -; , P 1 BOOKS. 125 . u w rnired This will be a big m the excur- JVVlO. r was auusuuiuitbuu .u - , . . . , to pay a fane ot $5, which he lorsea aiou ou i ' . editions published. Yock choic 1, BUfWHAM BR0S,Y0RK,PA. Tons teeihat IT WILL NOT produce headache. 5 VIENNA BEER, (best on the market) $2 per dozen.' :: '-""v.'. ' i' P. L. BRIDGEES & CO. HO North Front St. june IS- , the best sent lor crtion. Tiw.. f tlip. "audience were en tranced as they sat. still as death, with eyes axed on the graeeuu iiguie. .iu when the spell was broken by tho ces sation, the house fairly rang with rap turous plaudits and encores. A splen i,ort of flowers. 18 inches in diam eter, and several smaller bouquets were presented to her on silver waiters. Tie cheering continued until the lady came back and rendered -Sing, Sweet Birdi,' as only she-ean. Tarboro never had anything approrching it. ' A A base solo. "Song of Hybnas, I ie Cretan' one of the most diihcult and KQo r,w.i nfthe eveninsr. was renucr- over " and was discharged. Pie haa an excursion uowu w . examination before payment, on reasonable Over, anu was ui-u.m6i , - rri finnltv .MAnM, Mth th lnnkii to here. Thomas Dudley, also colored, tor a vptmpon. X c T Z myVxeneif not sattsfactory. Spo rt ffmufl thniio-h much' more a'zra- School connected wrth the Second I res- ctalbargains this month. New pablicaUons like oftense. though mucn more agra u.h M exenrsion bv every week. . Prices tower than ever before vated was fined S10, wniCil was pam. ujicuu uu,v, r-";"" ' ' known, rsnglng zromxwo isrsior x enny- , , n iw wn rolored arid railto Waccamaw Lake: To-morrow m's -'JiEoh6Arden," unabridged, laboe Nicholas Dudley, also coiorea, ana mw.Hww y ,:u ,1 TyrE, ; to $15 for the largest and best Amerl- , ... -o r.l ; This niirht there Will be a moonlight excur- r-Vlonedta. not sold by dealers prices also Uisoroeriy. ". '11 1 La PWZ under the auspices too low. Circulars free, Mention this paper, ended the matinee. Not a1 bail day's sum on the Passport, unaer ine nuBpiues w. alden, Publisher. ; work with Padded to the city trcas- of Capt. Harpei and Mr. George N, juneiMwdtw - is Veney St.. n V. - Harriss. On weunesaay me oununy nry. Cui --otBJ with 5f Paul's EvMl- OVUWI VUIIUCVKW wv. - NO 1 MORE EYE-GLASSES. p1 in an admirable manner by Nish Then came "Gloria." &c, Irom Mo- zart, by the quartette. . Part 2nd opened with the "Alpine Flower," by Mrs. Kahnweiler, enjoyed tl full t0 "International Fantasia," a piano duet by Misses .DeKosset and Kawls, was an Jait CouslcleraDie booioew. U-lical Lutheran Church have, an ex Messrs. W E. Davis & Son have re- . . . o SmithTtlle cei vett two cargoes of ice from Maine Fortg Oo Thursday the Fifth within the past Tew days, anu mere gtreet jjetnodist Sunday School have no fear now of an ice famine thh Sum anexcursion to Smithville. the Forts oris 1 on No 31 ore Weak Kyes Ho ! for Waccamaw ! THE SUNDAY &CTIOOL CONNECTED with the iSecond Preabyterlau Cbnrch, of this city wis make' an excursion toWscca- An Tiim1.v IIHh Inn, -.. train will leave Front street depot at 7 ft. ra sharp, "and don't forget !t.T Tickets fnr tho round trip W oenU. .1 AH. W. MONROE, V JAMES C STEWART, W. C. VoxCLAHX. june l5-2t , I , Com. of Arr men One of these, the schooner Mary , . KlaekIiau Grounds, and E. Ferncrick; from Kichmond, lias oeeu 1 Tnar3jay night a moonlight excursion A certain. Safe and Effective, Remedy for already dischaed. anu on me oiu corapnmentary to the ladies of the w 11- Rp WEAK AND INFLAMED met. n.tiiw, um vu...v ' , minsrton Light lnianiry rwf. wm w rvrq . . . 1 .;e nnnn find 0 . . rrL? I I tiJ. hatcnes were reiuuvcu -. gi?eu on the iuorfi. mis maKirS .is. Produclng ing sighted, anl Re t ho first block was taken out at V2:M I r f - d Lf the- week. We storing the sight of the oui. o'clock, and Mr. Davis says that be inform, whether 2? -Gobble. Gobble;" from Mascot, a vdn out the last block by 120 -y for the remaining days of the ' dudng Quick Bef and Perma duet, was sung by itre. o'clock to-morrow, working an nignc . , butat rate ,5 13 a good ir itr.ror o 1 reriect manner, was, as everything emanating from these artisLs enthusiastically encored The "Flower Girl," by Misses Lryan and llawles. evoked long greeting. A Solo. "Where the Lindens Bloom, by M:r. Mayer, was encored long and l0" Mabers song," in "Pirates of Pen., zance," by Mrs. Kahnweiler; was greatly enjoyea. r1nlM With "King AlfretL" a comic operetta, by c s Nnch. T. P. Cheshire, Mrs. E. Dv iiarnes and Miss , M. ..Kawls. The costnmes were appropriate and in f n nnromolish this. She has 4i ton9 and the Fernerick brought'out 320 tons, making.78-2 tons in all. p jjr. O. B. Savajre, Gatesville,N. C. wrote that he had used 1)7. Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine for many years in hi3 practice, and found it the best before the American people. ' The celebrated Fish Brand' Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. ' nest Cnre vi uai i v Efficacious when used in other mHoa tuM u Ulcers. Fever : Sores, Tu mors. Salt Rheum, Bums. 'TJTXfX tnfl.mLion exists. MITCIIELL'S SALV inflammation exists. may be used to advantage. ,Soki by all Druggists 1 June l-iv i Messrs. A. &. I. Sprier have receiv ed, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell t sAtnnishinslv low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. t To Builders and others-Go to J aco - , - . II si's for Sash, Blinds ana J'oors, utawt 1 1 q iciti txvzax cuST:rt es. &c Yoa can get au sizes anu st.w "ZZsZzrlc BrzMb o.'sce.-cfcanctte, w. c lwt nrirrt. : I UrXZZTWS THIS J-.Urii. iwiiv", a' - "nnnFnnmiTYGnrr" J) ivcoroii:iLSOt:iLSTo:2S, 8T-' f - - (SIXSXZXSV. jr "icKTi:m:2v;oD WXtrnVWIl fl A ITITTSIS :ir CENTS PER POUND. - WE OFFER 100 LBS. FINEST GUM CAM f f phor at Z5c, per pound,, or three pound for one dollar. Fifty poundU Persian lnect Powder 50 cents per poond. 1 Call or send or ders lr Postal. Goods will lie delivered promptly. MUNDS BROS., 1 . . .... .ma r 621 North may SC - ? 1,4'Jl liroadway. N. Y4 4th street, Wilmington, N. C. i sAxnxs c kzax Ecrx Soda Waterl Soda Water! yiTfH PURE FRUIT WCICEi,t: SEASON 12S3. .'..'.- I . " MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT? 1 ICE COLD. t I J " WILLIAM II. GREEN, ' If You Would be Happv ' BUY A COOK STOVE. The Uolden Harvest." - "CALUMET,1 . Ort "SOUTncitN OAK," Of PARK Kit 4 TAYLCE. Pure V Lite 0:L .y spliS

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