The Daily Review; JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor & Prop. - WILMINGTON. N. C. FEIDAY. JUNE 22. 1883. Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington. SC., as second-class matter. ... n ' The sanitary condition of New York is unusually good this season, and the death rate is much smaller than for years. The people are becoming more familiar with the conditions of health while the tenement houses and " streets are kept eleaner'tban hitherto. ! Miss Teresa Adams, an American girl, will make her debut in Italian op era next mdnth. Her voice 13 a pure, clear, sweet-toned soprano, and her teachers predict for her a brilliant sue- cess. She is said to oe wonqenuuy Drettv. lithe and dainty, with grekt vio let blue eves, mobile features and a natural talent for acting. The Chicago Railway Review says 'the law fixing maximum passenger fares at three cents per mile has gone into effect in 1 Kansas. Discuss6n has already arisen as to the railways' rights under the new law to quote special rates to clergymen, commercial travel lers, visitors to fairs or excursionists. The statute reducing the rate also for bids discrimination, and lower rates to the classes named might be considered discrimination." There are in Berlin fourteen cheap restaurants where working people can obtain a substantial meal for six cents. These restaurants are managed chiefly by a number ot charitable ladies and girls who do all the work in them with out any remuneration. The Empress herself takes a great interest in these Volkskudicn, at which, it is said, a bet ter meal can be obtained than at many ot the more pretentious restaurants, such as those where the students get their meals. N i An intimation has been given that the postmaster general was considering the advisability of a change in the uniform of letter carriers, and contemplated di recting that they should wear knee breeches. The idea appears to have emanated from Philadelphia,- The em ployes of the Chicago postoffice have taken so serious a view of it as to petU tion the four Congressmen from that city to use their influence, against the promulgation of such an order. The carriers object to being dressed as ;'dude3." j : The New York Tribune says one may see in Union Square or in Wall street a small, elderly man who ries, carefully wrapped and strapped, a long tin case containing a parchment; which he will display on the sliglt st provocation. He never offers it for sale infact, he refuses to part with it and announces his attention to present it on his death to some historical society. He is a poor man, who ekes out his existence with his pen. On such occasions he ex plainsthat the -document is the original Constitution of the Confederate States, with the signatures of thoso delegates who originally met at Milledgeville, Ga;, for provisional organization. The man was an aide-de-camp on the staffs of Generals Beauregard and Lee while they commandeded the army of Northern Virginia, ' r ? - -- r Since the coronation of the Czar the Nihilist Stepniak, author of "Under ground Russia.1' is coming into unusual prominence by reason of a pnblic letter of his in which he declares that the almost complete silence of the Nihilits during the reign of Alexander III," and especially during the proceedings incident to his coronation, arc due not to any real disheariening or disbanding of the revolutionists; but simply to a gradual change in the general charac ter of their organization and the new aims they have in view. He admits that for a year or two political terrorism was the nltimate Incarnation ot Russian Nihilism and intimates that lhi was the natural outgrowth of Russian popular disappointment at the loss of their idea of a Czar benefactor in Alex ander II. , He says : "Had one wished to make an Emperor exactly calculated to do the greatest possible harm to the - monarchial idea it would have been precisely Alexander III." And he de clares that the recent Nihilist silence means that tho; revolutionists have imbibed the idea of self government; that their aim now is not to kill so much as to prepare such organization as shall be ready and able to take the reins of government when tncy shall be tak en out ot Alexander's1 hands that is, they are changing from mere destine tionists to revolutionary constructions. He adds: "We will make no indis erect revelations. Wo will only say the reolutionary organization in the army,' composed exclusively of officers, Tt ? -1 m ww-k S-l 111 tViA rtt ilia IS especially niuuspivau 114 um yiiAia of provinces, with ramifications in every important country - town. It is composed exclusively of officers -of -all ranks, including the commanders of numerous independent ' bodies. Pri vate soldiers do not belong to it, but every officer seeks to 'have among . his privates men in .sympathy"; with the revolutionary ideas." ' : , Mr. Hickey; editorof f Catholic llcvieu), says it is (rue that the Tope has summoned all the Archbishops fin America to Rome to ' a conference in regard to the proposed Plenary Council for this country to consider matters of church politics. " He also states that the summons was in the form of an invita tion, but that it would be acted upon as a command. Only those Archbishops whose health would not permit of -the journey would be excused. . . . ! t ! i The ship-building trade on the Clyd6j continues to jbe brisk, although not 'so many vessels are on the stocks as formerly.- Recent statistics show that Jor the month of May thirty-one vessels of 35,435 tons were J launched, being an in crease of 3,104 tons over the correspond ing month of last year, 'but 279 tons under that of May, 1881. Over the five months there is an increase of 24,762 tons over the output for the same period last year, and of 68,160 tons over that of 1879. As contrasted with 1873, which was then considered a period of extra ordinary briskness, this year surpasses that by 36,560 tons. Of the vessels launched there are twenty-four steam ers of 31,005 tons, and seven sailing vessels of 4,430 tons. Mr. Charles H. Jones, editoij of the Jacksonville, (Fla.) Times-Union and one of the directors of the Florida Ship 1 uanai v;ompany, was miervieweu in Nashville concerning the prospects of the canal enterprise. Many of the statements made by . Mr. Jones have already been in print. In addition to these, he announces that the salary of ex-Governor Brown, of Tennessee, the president of the company, has been fixed ot $25,000 per annum by the di rectors. Arrangements have been mane to secure two powerful dredges, already built in Philadelphia, for the Panama Ship Canal, and costing $300,000 each, which will be in operation as soon as the work is commenced: Kadhof these dredges can do the work of five thou- sand men;" 1 PEltSONAr Princess Louise is going to Mariens bad in August, to drink the waters. They benefited her two years ago. The Marquis of Lome is to take a place among the peers of the realm on his return to England in November. Mrs. Stephen-J. Field will visit Lake Tahoe on her way to the Pacific coast, whence she and Justice Field fwill sail for Japan. " j H. S. Fairall, of Iowa City, owns John Brown's old wagon, in which he used to carry fugitive slaves from Missouri, and arms for " his men at Harper's Ferry. Mr. Blaine says that "there is fno people in the Anglo-Saxon world among vyhom so small an amount of intoxicat ing liquor is consumed as among the 650,000 inhabitants of Maine." He at tributes this to the effect of the prohib -itory law. ' The rteely Motor is supported, not by gulls and theoretical men, but by prac tical business men, as is demonstrated by the character of the president of the stock com pauv, who is Mr. Edward Randall, of Brooklyn, an official of the Erie Railroad. ' lIoody and Sankey expect to spend a year in London,, beginning next Octo ber, preaching and singing in two iron tabernacle 3, which are portable, j and can be taken apart and put together readily in pny part of that great and wicked city. Each of these metallic tents hold? 5,000 people Mrs. Allen is the name of a. widow who was struck by lightning with ina mense advantage to herself. At least her 'house, in the northern part ot this State, was struck, the furniture all about her was set to dancing as if a popular spiritualist medium were hav ing fun with it, and the .shock cured the widow of a palsy of two 'yearsVstand ing.; MOONSHINE. Two street clenninsr rtarta mirlntlv got into a circus parade, and it is no ex asperation ' to sav that thev urpra regarded as among the greatest curiosi ties in the show, borne of the very old men anion? the s Dictators rfrffnizw1 what they were, having seen them at work years ago. ihe proficiency attained by too man! in charge of the hat-room in a New York hotel,- whereby more than 200 hats were handed to the different guests without a mistake, asked the man how he knew the hat just returned was his. "Well, sah." was tho brisk resnonse. MI nonld notswar dat de hat was yourn,"- sah. I only know it was de hat you guv me." A lad v. at her own ex Dense, sent her servant 10 iue ciass 01 a proiessionai cook, and was delighted with her pro irrcss. At the end of the course sh was surprised to learn that Bridget was en- guKcu 111 tuuitiug lot , pastures new. 4,Y hy, Bridget, you are not going to leave me! If von hail not intended tr remain with us, I should not have sent you to learn cooking." "And indade, mum." returned Bridget, "von don't expect me to cook in the - new way on tne 01a wages:"'! - s s PJuYnber 8; BEEF, MUTTON, .. , ; LAMB AND VEAL. The best the market affords at 's BORNEMAN'S STALL! . No. 8, New Market junc 3 C D. Morrill. TJNDEBTAKER, CABINET MAKER AND CARPENTER. Office and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite Southerland'a stables. " Respectfully solicits orders and guarantees good work, prompt delivery and satisfaction Lb every respect. naylS-ti if "Flies and Busts. "T" Flics, roaches, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by VRough on Rats." 15c. tit - ' ' ' ' 1 " j. A Poiish' novelist has written 560 stories. ' No one ever thought so many stories could be put on one pole. -pica yune. ,vj ' . l Mr. It. P. Richardson, Reidsville N. C, says . Brown's Iron Bitters restor ed my wife's mother from feeble 'health to full strengih." - v - - A new English book is.calledPeople I Have Met." A new American book might be called "Men I Have Been Out to See." "lam truli tJiankfut that I ever used Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, for Uteu cured my periodical headacie." Mrs. J. R. Paddison, Point Caswell, N. C. 50 cts. at druggists. He: "Good-bye.Miss Smith, I'm sorry I have to leave so soon." She: "I'm yery sorry, too ; but still, 'parting Is such sweet sorrow.' " 'Harvard Lam' poon. ' Cured My Wife's Weakness. From Evansviile, Irid.. the home of our correspondent. Mr. Jno. u. 1'atter son. comes the folio wine: "Samaritan Nervine cured mv wife of a case of female weakness." It's an extract from Mr. Patterson's letter. $1.50. "Now is the time to subscribe," said the editor, as he led his wealthy bride to the marriage register and shoved a pen into her trembling hand. New' York News. ' .. Proof Everywhere, If any invalid or sick person has the power and eflicacy of Jlop Bitters to cure them, they can find cases exactly like their own, in their own neighbor hood, with proof positive that they can be easily and permanently cured at a trifling cost or ask your druggist or physician. Greenwich, Feb. 11, 1880. Hop Bitters Co. Sirs I was given up by the doctors to die of scrofula consumption. Two bottles of your Bitters cured me. LBROY BREWER. When Mrs. F .asked for a new bon net, Fogg promptly refusedT A man and wife are one," he said, "and it is a duty to practice self-denial upon all possible occasions." "Men must work and women weep, So runs the world away!" But they need not weep so much if they use Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Pre scription," which cures all the painful maladies peculiar to women. Sold bv druggists. tu-f The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. Qn-fTovnro from Youthful Imprudence 13 UiiUl t1 o causing Nervous Debility. mental and physical werkness. Valuable . in formation for home cure FREE. Used 23 years successfully. Dr. A. G. Olin, Box 242, Chica go. . may ai-d&wly BATE'S SPECIFICS. Trepared from formula; used by an eminent physician during 20 years successful . . . practice. , ;: , Specific No. l Guaranteed i to effect a radi cal cure of all affections of the Blood, whether Scrofulous or acquired. Skin diseases,, pirn plea, moth patches, etc., are permanently cuted by Bate's Specific No. 1. , price $1. Specific No. 2 Cures Seminal Weakness, NErvous Debility, from Youthful Indiscre tions or Excesses, prodoctngExhausted Vital ity and Loss of Manhood. . This remedy is un equalled in the cure of these complaints. It is a powerful stimulus to the' weakened Nervous System, assists Nature to renew : the. strength and vigor of the debilitated organs, and effects a radical cure. . Price $1. -; . . . Specific ,No. 4 Gives instant relief and per manently cures Rheumatism. ' Price $2.- Specific No. 6 A positive cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price $1. Sold by Druggists or eent on receipt of price by J. W. Bate. 59 N. Clark St., Chicago. , SEND FOR CIRCUJLAR. . . . ; mayal-ly-d&w nrm Farmers, Take Notice. jJORRI8' IIOG CHOLERA L.COMPOUND la just the thing to cure or prevent Hog Cbol era and all diseases to which Swine are sub ject; it will prevent that dreadful disease known as Triennse, and wilr put your hogs In a thrifty, healthy condition, clearing the kid neys, liver, c of worms and parasites .' 1 Each package contains one and one-half pounds and will. If given strictly according to directions, cure 10 hogs of the Cholera and put 20 hogs in a condition to fatten In one half the nsnal time, thereby saving one half of the feed. The farmers of Duplin county arc giving it the praise. All farmers should' buy a pack age, i For sale .wholesale and retail, by W. H. GREEN, Druggist. Market Street, Wilmington, N. C- dec 19-dAw-tf Livery and Sale Stables. jjORSES. BUGGIES, PHAETONS AND CARRIAGLS let at low: rates. Also Board or HoYses. . . The Finest Hearse in the - A CAR LOAD OF ; Kentucky Horses & Mules " Just received and for sale low. The best lot of stock In the city. ' HOLLINGSWORTH WALKER, At the New Stables, . may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sts The..01d.ReUable Ocean 2 ? - J House, gMITHVILLE, N. C. Right over tlfe water. Still continues to keep the best Wines. Whis keys, Cigars, etc Pool and Billiard Tables. No glare at the Ocean House, but cool delight ful breezes. BRYANT MORSE, may 30lm Proprietor The Bal l and Theatre Seaso n IS OVER.- EXCURSIONS AND 'PIC : NICS areaU the rage now, and JOHN WERNER, tha Trart1rAl (rmii Tta-v4 WaWnmM. Is personally In attendance at hia IXair Dress Ing Saloon ,29 Market Street, between Water and Front, Wilmington, N. C. -MISCELLANEOUS. Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsfal ; Will insurea hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and i nerves,enriches the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack of energy Keeps oflf all chills, fevers, I and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St., Baltimore, Dec j88i. . For six years I have been a great sufferer from Blood Disease, Dys pepsia,andConstipation,andbecame so debilitated that I ceuld not retain anything on my stomach, in-' fact, life had almost become a burden. . Finally, when hope had almost left me, my husband seeing Brown's Iron Bitters advertised in the paper, induced me to give it a trial. I am now taking the third bottle and hav not felt so well in six years as I do at the present time. Mrs. X F. Griffxm. Brown's Iron1, Biters will have a better tonic, effect updn any oae who needs " bracing up," than any medicine made. june 18-lw tp-curm 77ie Public is requested carefully to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly 1 -Capital Prize $75,OOOja " Tickets only $5. Sliares in pro- i . .. ; portion. ; Louisiana State Lottery : Company.; 4 We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures 4xttac?ied, in its adver usements. Commissioner?; Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legi Jalatnre for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fond of $550,000 has . ince been added. . - By an overwhelming popular vote ltsfran eldse was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D..1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed A 4ltm T- uj any orate. i ' I never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Seventh Grand Drawing, Class V at New Orleans, Tuesday, July 10, 1883 158th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Fire Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. i LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of... 1 Capital Prize of 1 Canital Prize of... ... 75,080 ... 25,000 10,000 ... 12,000 .. 10,000 2 Prizes of $6,000. ' 5 Prizes of z,ooo.. 1,000.. KTiTk -10 Prizes of 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of SO0 Prizes of 800 Prises of ... 1U.OU0 ...10,000 200.... 100.... ... 20,000 ... 30,000 ... 25,000 ... 25,000 6,750 4,500 ; 2,250 50.. 25 1000 Prizes of APPSOXXXATION FBIZES.1 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 500. 9 . 250. 1,967 Prizes, amounting to... .......!. $265500 ppkwii lurraiesvo craDS siiouja only be made to the office of the Company In New Or leans. For farther lnf nrm&Hnn vHi. 4 Ing full address. Send orders by Sxpress, Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, Kpw nrlaana T or 1L A. DAUPHIN, ! ' W7 seventh St., Washington, D. C. june lS-wed-sat-4w-dftw Tobacco. W E HATO FULL LINE3IO F TOBA which we are selling EIGHT CENTS HodeT prices prior to May 1st. , Also a very large stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures; WORTH & WORTH. MISCELLANEOUS GNS AND CUTLERY A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF Muzzleand Breech-loader v Guns, Revolve rs and Am m unition SILVER PLATED SPOONS & FORKS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery. 49" Popular prices to suit all at N. JACOBI'S, HARDWARE DEPOT, dec 22-tf No. 10 South Front 8t Wanted. B Y- A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO establish a manufactory thereon!, well-timber ed cypress lands. Parties who ixay have such lands to dispose of are requested to communi cate, with me at Wadceboroor by letter with Mr. Josh T. James, at Wilmington m person. Full prrtculars as to exact location of lands, number of acres, probable yield of timber to the acre and lowest price, must be made known. JOHN T. "PATRICK, State Immigration Agent, apliy-tf. Wadesboro, N. . Hulbert Bros. Wholesale Price List. o. Price 4 Piano, 7 oct., square, rosewood, carved, agraffe. $159 00 7 Piano,upright,7irfe oct. .cabinet gi and 174 Ot is Urga.i, 4 seLsreeus.y stops ana grana organ........'.......... Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coup ler, sub-bass Our Pianos and Organs are war ranted fir&t-clasa. 2 Violin outfit, box, bow, strings,com-J plfete - 3 Violin cremona model, extra fine . 4 Accordcon, 10 keys, bass box, fine tone 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 sets reedsperfect 59 00 7300 3 00 9 00 1 00 8 Of Mouth Organs, Vienna concert, 24 i I holes.............. I 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine RIchter 101 ; holes, OS... J 11 Mouth Organs, Genuine Concert double x 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keys, boxwood.... j 5 00 50 1 10 17 Fife, In ebony, German silve ferules 16 Music Box, 1 tune, crank, fine....... 19 " " 8 tunes,-wind with lever large....... .. 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head t good 22; Double Bass, patent head, 3 or 4 strings. . 24 Guitar, maple, roachine head, line finish - v. . ... i. .: ...;'....... J . . . 27 Banjo, 10 inch, 4 brass brackets; ... . 28 Comet, brass coirnopeon style, case and crooks., 30 Drum, brass, Prussian, ornamented Gold Violin, Guitar an Banjo Strings, H Bros............ Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strings. H Bros Steel Violin, Guitar ant Banjo Strings, OIBros ?.. Gut, Russian, German or Italian, heat . quality.., Instruction Books, Howe's or Winner's, any Instrument.. ........ 23 00 10 00 23 00 4 00 2 08 9 00 9 00 f; 15 10 5 ! 15 30 Having just made a good trade for 100 Sing er Sewing Machines, will sell them for $25 each while they last. : ; . Money is qu.te safe In common letter If plainly aaaressea. - - - -( Terms strictly cash with order. Will take stamps. Agents and dealers send for our 40 page Cat alogue. ' ' - - - On above net wholesale prices agents can mase iw per cent, pront. . . , Call on us when you come to St. Louis. References : Any bank or wholesale bouse in tne city. - - . . . .- . Hulbert Bros., Is the only General Whole sale house In St. Louis. ' I - HULBERT BROS.. 923 Olive Street, , Saint Louis, Mo. ;ian 13-lv - . 1883. Harper's Weekly.' ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly stands at the head of Ameri can illustrated weekly journals. Byitsunpar tisan position In politics, Its admirable illustra tions, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by the fore most artists and authors of the day, it carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American nomes. . It will always be the aim of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular and aitracuve iamijy newspaper in tne. world. Harper's Periodicals. i Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY .......$4 00 Harper's Magazine. 4 00 Harper's Bazar.................. 4 00 The Three above publications. ......... 10 00 Any Two above named.... 7 j HARPER'S YOUNG , PEOPLE 1 50 HARPER'S MAOAZINK ' 'JL HARPER'S Youko PriPTtr i .. 5 00 Harper's Franklin Square Librart, . une rear 53 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States and Canada. ' ? 1 , fl3wVolu8 the WeeUy begin with the first Number for .Tltnnirv mt aaITM.. Ttri M?,U.m! 18 mentioned, It wlU be understood V c suuHcnoer wisnes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Horner's Weekly, in neat cloth Binding, will be sent ot mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed dollar per volume), for $7 00 pef volume. lienmunces should be made by Pbet-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chanieof loss. w eMTjrrMiTif m mm m m wmz m -m-l. a r HARPEB 4 BROTHERS, dec12 New York. JOST THE PAPER THE PEOPLE WAMT ! . ED. OLDHAM'S WESTERN SKNTINjEIi. (Established 1851) . Should be Bead at Every Fireside in Eaestern T , 5 ' North Carolina. ' ' r nil of News, Fun. General Information and 8omethInS to Interest Everybody. SEND 50 CENTS AND TRY IT THREE MOSTUB. , ? WINSTON X. 5. MISCELLANEopR WILL SAIL FBOM J SATtTRDAY, at3:oVJock, p. xMAuAu..... ...Sturdyt BENEFACTOR s.h,. GULATOB.:........ .. .Saturday. . BENEFACTOR........ J...Sararday, jMBe , REQULATOR...:...wj....S.t,-t!- tniy.JnneH Through Bills Through BagTuuMteed to tffron, la North and South CaroQna.; ' ' For Freight or Passai ?2Prtateade THEO. G. EGim; Wllil Laboratort- o I STATrTaSSATER AN1 Pitvu,.- r RicnioNDrvC iSuar bin. N. Ezkkiel has mad AnaSto b'JS composition of bis Hair Bestorer and K: aso subjected it to chemical exanuTuttoa. n contains no lead or stiver, substancSrii for the hair, nor anvt iSSJuuits1.8641 w,0,eut aoSZ V WMH. TAYLOR, :, '1- ... State Chem&t Whilst thanking you, Mr. ErekleL foru Hair Restorer you so kindly sent S l uK great pleasure In saying to you -that 1 ', Hcfail effects upon my hair nave been b pS? ent as to attract the commendation of all b, friends who have noticed U. ' ' It Is in my estimation a treasure. IwitW which the toilet of none whKMS be complete. Hoping It. may realizyoU lh pecuniary success you so richly desert: I remain, very respectfully, Wchmond,Va.,Feb.:-lV-Wl'1- tie cur Mtie oy u uruggisM. rrlce $1 per lot , febl? Wow Restaurant. fJlHE UNDEBSIGNED WOULD RESPKCTl - ' vi. 1 , 1 ' - fully, announce that 1 ie haOnst fitted npi at K 3, Granite Row, Soutb Front St., a resUum or Ladles and Gentlemen, where ' tnesU ui refreshments may be had at all hours of ta day. Everything Is new and first class Po lite waiters and courteous attendan ts. 3?Game and Oysters 1 la . seaaoB. run Wines, Liquors aadJClgar. novl8 f , F. A. SCHUTTK. Prop Marvin's Celebrated piBB AND BURGLAR PROOF ; SA1TE8, AUIzes and Prices, from $50.00 to t2,200.oo. Acxnowledged by fhe best tutjioriaes to be '"iki BEST SAFE MADE, ''!; - ; -' ' :. Extract from Scientific American editorial ot Feb. Uth, 1882: " We are alao aated as lo U best fire proof safes. We say MARYIS'I" ATA. WILLAEO. Agent at Wlhnmgtos dec 19. First National Bank' of Wi mington. CAPITA1C8T0CK.;...... ). 8UBPLU8 FUND.. ...... Deposits recelyed uid ' coUecttoni; ude!ot ail acoesslblo polnfs ta tha UnHsd Bute. DiBxcre E. E. BUREUflS, .liABTm, D. G. WOfiTH JAS.flPEUNT, B, F. HALL. "::'' OFFICEESJt E. E. BTJBBUaS......:...... FresMeat 4. BWAXKElL;.....;,..U.r Cashier. W. L A RKTN3.L..,........; ARt CuU apl&3 . j. ; Notice. '- Change. THE RESTAURANT AND SALOON FOE merly known as the. gcarfcorongbl House, no 15 South Water street, wm hereafter be known as the CAFE FEAB PILOT HOUSE, where caa be founa at ail times the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars.' : Board by the day, wees or month. Table sirppltect with the best the market affords. Oysters In ' season. All at popular prices. T: our patronage 1 respect, fully solicited. A trial will convince you thai our aim is to excel and please. TTT,ttCfl ,f rI mar. 31-1 r" ' ' '' - MnMre' . OorcQto;!!;;.;-; c OBALI5E CORSETS, All Sizes, AN EXTRA LOSG WAISTED CORSETr at T& cents. . jL'riL'ih bekt Also a iuu suppiy w w - la the dry for the . Silk and LUle Thread a nanusome biwv- w gto Gloves.-- r " "t,.''" JOHN J. HEDRICK. may la . . r i -rf , :- 1 r - , . .