THIS PAPER ' "lied erery evening. Sunday, ex cepted by JOSH T. JAMES, BUITOB AND PBOFKMTOK. arBSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE I PAID: t 14-00. Six months, ttOO. Three 006 yet,. si 00; One month, 35 teents. 7aper will be delivered by carriers free oro"" week. SUb6cr)crwlll report any and all fall- U receive meir pnyCT xPe . t;7.. ' T n httt lhj. Iftrnfijd. l tlG t bona fide circulation, of any newspaper published, in the cilyof Wilmington. ,g Montgomary Blair is lvihg seri ously iH at his residdence in Silver Spring, Md. . . "1 in 3 sham battle between two com panics of the 71st N. Y. Ilegiincnt. at e;kskill, several men were injured. The President has appointed Mrs. E. S. Cook postmistress at Arkadelphi. Ark. Mrs. Cook is the oniy sister of Senator Garland, and a widow. . The steamer Iverra , of the North (Jermanliloydline, made the last trip in eight daysrbringing the London morn ing and afternoon papers ot Thursday, June M- - . . .- President Arthur, on Saturday, ap pointed (ol. David 15 Parker, who lor years past has been chief of the special agents1 division of the Postoffie' Depart jjieut, as postmaster at Washington city to succeed Mr; Tullock, recently deceased. - The. Italian government is in the market lor 10,000 hogsheads of Ken tucky tobacco and 3,000 of Virginia tobacco. The latter will be purchased hy a Baltimore firm, whose agents will operate at Richmond and Lynchburg. And the plain probability is that the Italians-will smoke more North Caro lina tobacco than ever before. The Charlottesville Chronicle savs thatian attack has been made upon the professors of the University ot Virginia all along the line. In addition to. the taking of Frof. Mallet by the Texas I ,'niversity, efforts have been made by the same institution to get Prof. Noah r K. Davis, and by Vassar College to get Ilrof. Scheie de Yere. Both ot the latter gentlemen have, however, declined to leave the University. - (ien. Sherman says: "Washington is full of hollowness, hypocrisy and snobbery"? I declare it is an indecency and a shkme the way families are in vaded here by newspaper reporters. There is no home privacy whatever. You1 cauuot do a thing in' Washington that a reporter s not at your door to find out all about itl" Does the hero of Columbia mean by this to inler that the newspaper men in Washington City are responsible lor the sins of the people there? ' : "?-: " Washington Post: jit is possible for the Democratic party to miss the Presi dential victory in 1884 but there is nothing that the opposition can do which will bring about a Democratic f defeat. If, during the next session of Congress the Democratic majority will 1 exarcise as much wisdom as the Demo cratic minority displayed during the i last session, the party will move right ion to victory with any candidate I capable of getting? tlie Democratic nomination. Experiments are about to be made in England to breed the gentle and melo dious bull-frog, not for his ' song but for the flesh of his hind legs, which is said to be mighty good to eat. The taste jor this epicurean diet is bccoming'so widespread in Boston that it is learcd the bull-frog crop of New England may be soon exhausted. One Boston dealer has set to work this spring forty expert frogists to gather;, the songsters out of the wet. It looks as if the baked bean would have to move out from the land where it has so long held sway, to make room for frog on toast. The total acreage of Scotland is 18,946. 094. One nobleman owns l,32G,(KXj) acres, and his wife 149,b79. Another draws rent from 431,000 acres, a third irom 424,000, a from 378,000 and so on, until one quarter of the whole acre age is owned by twelve propriej tors, or l one-half the country by seventy gentlemen 7 who "toil not, neither do " they spin." Ninetenths of Scotland belong to 1.700 per sons. And. if the present tendency con tinues, the whole lahd will be gobbled up by a still smaller number of men ftml Prtnwirations. The jcotca are very tike the Irlshthey have not much of a land they call their own. t9 a flood PriFlIejre. Chief. Justice,- Suprenie Court of North Carolina. lion. W. N. II .Smith, writes that the virtues 01 iir. Moon, ington'a Cholera and 'Diarrhoea Medi cine. areer Jiighly com ni ended asa prompt, efficacious remedy, and he feels free to commend it to others. ; ! . .. - - ; Messrs. A. &. I. Shriek have receiv ed, express,. a large lot of Children's .Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell At astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit Cor the boys. , - t r VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Check Books E G Blaie Meal Flour' Soi. Bxar Jiut Received Hkissbkegek Hammocks Geo M Cravox May Batter Mrs Katk C WiXES New Hats W E Davis & Sdx-Ice-Ice-ice Paukek & Tailor Cook Stoves MUND8 Bros Not Liked by Some W E SrBisoER Co Tbe Place to Buy W IC GREKiT Soda Water Mineral Water Kercjiser & Calfek Bros Whole ale Miss E Karrer MilLuery & Fancy Goods Gn-ES A ML'KCHlSON-rOar Gloss Fly Traps P L Bridoers Clarets, Wines, Whiskeys McdoI'OALL & fiowuES-114 Front Street Local Ad To the People of Pender Co-inty Cornelius Arcanum Ilarnet Council No. 231, Royal The receipts of cotton at this port to- day foot up3l b les. The fresh rneatj iamine in this market gets no better mighty fast. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Cucam tiers are at last becoming plen tiful, prices ranging from 10 to 15 cents per dozen.. Sir. C. E. Jevens ha SCIlt US SOme i real Japanese candy, manufactured by him, which is, we think, delightful. i Last night a big owl llew into the city and alighted in a tree at the corner of Dock and Fifth streets, where he was shot. Mr. Orr1s negatives are well cared for. Duplicate pictures finished at low rates- Lardncr, Photp., jYates .Gallery. r! lWtl. j The situation of wet nurse has been filled, and none others peed apply now One advertisemcn in the -Review was sufficient I , : llather slim congregations in the churches yesterday, owing to the fact that so many of our people are out of the city. To-day. (June 25th) is St. John's Day, but there has been no pnblic ob servance of the day by the Masonic traternity of this city. Uoastiug ears are coming in freely to market now but they are mostly small and too young to pull. They sell lor Irom 25 to 40 cents a dozen. Steamboatmen report that the water in the Cape Fear is altogether too low on the shoals. They are compelled to use lighters now in crossinghem. One of our good-looking dry goods salesmen went down to the "Rocks"' a day or two ago on a fishing Irolic, aid among his other 'prizes, he caught a sheephead which weighed 20 pounds. -it , ... , Mr. M. London, of this city, has gone io Baltimoie for professional ad vice in regard to his eyes, which, wc are sorry to learn,-have been giving him much trouble and anxiety of latei We trust that he may return fully relieved. Quarterly meeting of Cornelius '. Har nett Council No. 231, 'R. A. takes place to-night at 8 o'clock. Assessment No. 47 expires to-night. Do therucmbers intend having no more meetings and surrender their charter ? It 1 The News and Observer says : The Wilmington and Wcldon is one of the best equipped, best managed and most prosperous railroads in the South. In all of its appointments it is a credit to the Slate and to those who"-are con nected with the administration ol its affairs. ItailroadiugV Wo learn from Capt R. P. Paddison that the work on the Clinton and Point Caswell Railroad is progressing as lav orably as circumstances with permit. There is a force of hands, under compe tent and experienced overseers, at work on each end of the road, and work pro gresses. Good! Barkinc Dogs. There seems to be any number of dogs in the Easternsection ol the city, and from what weean learn they give a grand free concert every night. Un doubtedly they enjoy the fun, but it is rough upon tired and sleepy humanity who are kept awake by- their discor dant, unearthly and untimely howling. Driven to teatli. We learn that a horse belonging to Messrs Hollingsworth & Walker was uriven so mercuessiy jesieruay uiai ne j . . ., , . . j ... I ! died from the effects. He had been j hired for a trip to a the Sound, and it is alleged that ho had been cruelly driven as was evidenced by the innumenible marks of the whip w hich were distinct ly manifest. ; . .' V Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, iow prices, at Jacobis ; . t -3 a. jY W ILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, JUNE 25. 1883. A Jar of Beans. Much interest was excited in the "bean contest" at the Yatea Gallery last Saturday night. After a careful count there was found to be 7,23 1 beans in the jar. 'Mr. Pi J. Holmes guessed the nearest, his estimate being 7,250, and to him was therelore awarded the first prize. Col. E. S. Latimer was second, his guess having been 7103, and to him fell the second prize. City Court. A party, charged with disorderly conduct, was brought before the May or this morning, who imposed a fine of $3 for the offence. - The next case was that of Peter Cur tis and Jane Fullford, both colored, for disorderly conduct on McRae street yesterday morning. The mayor im posed a fine of $5 on each, with the al ternative ot 20 days in the city prison. They went below. . Slight Fire. There was a slight fire this morning on the second floor of the building on j the North side of Dock, between Front i and Water streets, occupied by colored people. It originated in u mattress, tVintiorli nr J-a nt- livnlniruul rViIli with the bedstea,i unori which it rested ,vc .w! Th Urn. WL lne alarm , was promptly given, but the flames were extinguished befdre the lire department reached the scene. Personal. Mr. M. M. Katz, after an absence of about a week on iTtrip to the North, returned last night. He reports that he had an excellent time during his absence, and that he has been benefited by the journey. lie also wishes it un derstood that he did not forget the peo ple of Wilmington while absent, but made an extensive selection of desirable goods, which will arrive on the next steamer from New York, and will be duly advertised in the Hkvikw. I o 11 t Kill the Birds. We hear complaints 4out a lot of bad boys who assemble hear the corner of Seventh and Dock strjeets and amuse themselves by the brutal sport of shoot ing at birds1 nests, with " sling shots, and knocking them from the trees, fre quently with young birds iirthem. It is an illegal and cruel practice, and we hope that some steps may be taken to break it up. Aside from the cruelty, the birds in this city are of real benefit and should be protected as they destroy many of the worms and insects injuri ous to vegetable life. Artistic work at summer months. Yates Gallery. low - rates LaIrdner, lor the Photo., lwtK The WilmiDfftou Girls. , ; Wc do not believe that there is a ! city in the country, North, , South, EasV of West, not even Baltimore, excepted.that can show as handsome an array of beautiful girls and beautiful women, as throng our streets any bright alternoon. And they are not only extremely pretty but they dress, as a rule, in exquisite Haste. Two remarkable features are their small and beautifully formed hands aud feet. There'are lots of ladies here, married as well as single, who wear a No. 1. shoe aud a No. 6. kid glove and there arc many, so the dealers tell us, who wear still smaller shoes and gloves. As a summing up, it is the de liberate opinion ot an old married man, whoJias traveled more or less exten sively of late years, that - there is no prettier sight in this world than a WH? mington girl equipped for a promenade on a bright afternoon in Jnne. A Fearful Peril. On Friday evening last three children living with their parents in the eastern section of the city, ate of some sardines and soon after were taken seriously sick. A physician was promptly sum moned, who pronounced it a case of poisoning and at once proceeded to ad minister jsuch antidotes as the occasion demanded. Two of the snfterers very soon obtained relief and were made comfortable, but tbe other, who was the eldest of the group, and.,-who had partaken more heartily of the fish, was in a desperate condition and for many hours, notwithstanding the assiduous efforts of the physicians, his life seemed hanging by a single thread. At times there was no pulse perceptible, and nearly every hope had fled from his grief-stricken parents. On Saturday . . .. morning, however, there we e SUgUfc evidences of convalescence, and Irom ithat time he continued to improve slow- Iv until the present time. He is now out of danger, although quite feeble irom the terrible ordeal through which he has passed. : . . - - --"- ' A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. ; "' t IMEW. j . y.. .... . ; To the People of Pender Co. Ladies and gextlestex: The fiat has gone forth, and the much discussed question is now decided. f Pender is to have a Court Uonsc. Should we not all hail the announce! ment with sentiments of profound joy? Taking ererything into consideration, much has already been accomplished id arriving at this decision. But while this is true, the beginning of the work in a public enterprise of so much inter est and importance to our county should be to us no ordinary occasion. In all probability, another of the same nature will not occur again in our 'generation. It has, therefore, been thought desira ble and appropriate that the laying of the corner-stone of our temple of i us Lice should be observed with such4ceremo- tu may uu suitauie 10 au "event 91 such prominence. The Board of Commissioners, in order that the people may have an op portunity of witnessing the formal commencement of the building, have requested our Lodge to take part in the exercises. We therefore take this occa sion to make known ; WFIAT IT IS PROPOSED TO DO. Time selected Fourth of July, 188g, Place, Burgaw.. 1st. The corner-stone ol the Court House will be laid according to ancient Masonic usage. 2nd. Hon. F. H. Busbee, of Raleigh, has consented to deliver the address. 3rd. After the speech it is proposed to have a Grand Basket Pic-Nic Dinner. In this last matter we desire the sub stantial and earnest co-operation of the entire people. The time selected is a national holiday, tbe object worthy, the end aimed at in every way laudable and beneficial. It is hoped and believed that the measure will be heartily endorsed and supported. The Wilmington Cornet Concert Band has been engaged to make music and every effort will be exerted so that nothing shall mar the pleasure of the day. Then let the ladies especially, both old and young, favor us with their presence and their smiles. Come, theu, citizens ol Pender, let us meet and mingle our joys at this begin ning of a new era in the history ot oar county. . If any have had I differences, let us there beneath the isolid stone bury them forever; if any have been discouraged, let us there dispel each other s gloom ; if any. feel . that we are weak and poor, let us there gather strength) for future enterprise, progress and prosperity. Let us come together realizing that our youthful county is now disgarbing hersell of the habila ments or infancy and putting on th dis tinctive insignia, winoU for time to come will mark her as a county among her sisters. Let the hearts ot all her children swell with patriotic pride as they contemplate her future and let each resolve anew to be a ready and active instrument in accomplishing for her a grand and glorious destiny. But we would not be exclusive or sel fish. These ire peculiarly interesting to the citizens of this county, yet we hope to have many friends from other counties with us to help us enjoy and properly celebrate the grand old Fourth of July. Respectfully. Citizen's Committee T J Armstrong, J R Banner man, R K Bryan, D J Cor bett, A T Herring, J W Herring. E A Hawes, E M Johnston, John fMurray. King Solomon's Lodge No 138 Com mittee, J T Bland, A D Bordeaux, J T Collins, R O Cowau, J II Murpby. JR Moore. J L Pigford, R T Riven bark. J W Westbrook I Chief Marshal Dr W T Ennett. 16 d&w. To Builders and others Go to Jaco' bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass &c. Yon can get all sizes and at tbe lowest prices. ! , DIED, f MORBIS In this city, at 10 o'clock on the evering of the 24th Inst. D. Ci MORRIS, in fant boo. of Robert and Mary Morris, ajred ecren months. .1. 1 NEW ADVBJBTI8E5IENT8. 114 FRONT STREET IS ALIi ABLAZE WITH Harness and Sadalery Goods, Trunks and Travelling Bags, Fly Nets for Horses. Feather DnstersV bummer Lap Robes ot beautiful pat terns. The Excelsior Harness still ahead. We Manufacture and Repair, with durability and dispatch. Carriages, Baggies, Carta, Drayp, c , Ac. , . - --. Hone-sliueinr a specialty, jue 25 McDODOALli Jt BOWDEN. I C E. Jun33 W. E. DAVIS Jb SON If You Would be Happv BUY A COOK STOVE. "The Golden Harvest," Calumet," Or, "SOUTHERN OAK Of PARKER A TAYLOB. - Pure White OU. Jane 25 City and Country Merchants I AM SELLING I Prime Kew YorlcTJutter, Kirkman's Celebrated boap, Virginia Water Ground Meal. North Carolina Family Flour, and ' N. C Pater i Family Flour. At bottom prices. Car load or small orders OttCttd.r E. G. BLAIR, ; Commission llerchant, joaeJ3 - ; 215 Uarkct Street NO. 150 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mew Hao, pOSSISnNG OF COLORED CHIPS. sine Colored Milan. 'Sea-sheUs'' -white and colored, also the popular Shade Hat, Nankin or "Japanese ".and a variety of other styles, just received and for sale by q MRS. KATE a WINES, jm23 No; 119 North 8econd Street. Our Glass Fly Traps! Something New ! rjIHE CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE market. Giles & Murchlson, junc25 v North Front St The Place to Buy rjnJRPENTINE TOOLS. t PULLERS, HACKERS, DIPPERS, WUU.TTERS. HACK-VKIGHTS, Ac, Ac, Ac. Best of goods at Rock Bottom price. A full and complete stock of Hardware always on hand. W. E. SPRING Ktt A CO Successors to John Dawson A Co.. june 25 IS, 21 and 23 Market Street NOTICE I WHOLES A LE. QITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS find a full ttock of will HEAVY AND LIGHT GROCERIES, CASE GOODS and CAN GOODS, STILLER5 SUPPLIES, CORN anl ILAY, WAGONS CARTS and TBUCK, at KERCHNER A CALDKR BR03, juue 2o North Water Street. NEW MAY BUTTER ! JTEW MAY BUTTtfR AT 3.V A POUr, Three pounds for $1. No. 1 CORNED BKEF at 10c per iounI, - j Afresh supply of those celebrated CAKES, tie BEST In the city. ''prepared Flour in 3 pound packages, r.a,$y OT USe. ':,--" " ," . . . -' i ' " sNo stale jroof'B, everything uew andfrc$h. fajid as cboM the cheapest, at . CRAI'ON'S FAMILY' CJ ROGER V, jane 2.1 - No. 22, South Front Street Hammocks. RAIDED EDGE MEXICAN HAMMOCKS with, and without Stretcher and 'Hoots. Also, CHILDREN'S HAMMOCKS in lare varietr. For sale cheap at - - - HEINSBERGER'S. Eye's Daughters, QR. COMMON JSENSE F0JR MAID, Wife and Mother. By Marion Hafland. Price $2. 1 For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, june 23 , Lire Book and Music Stores. Check Books. 3QQ CHECK BOOKS CONTAINING Fifty to Ttro Hundred Checks, just received. Larger sues'made to order. Also, Letter-Heads, Bill Heads,. Drafts, Notes, Receipts, Ac, Lithographed at short notice. Gire us a trial, june 25 C. W. YATES, 119 Market st Clarets ! Clarets ! Clarets ! . - ' "-4 - - "J3URE UNADIILTKRATJCD CLAEIT8. CLARETS of the flneat European Vintage CLARETS from our own countrj. CLARETS from the Tokay Vineyard, near FayettevUte. . ! We guarantee them all to be free front all Imparities and recommend tbenrlor table Wines aud Whiskey OF EVERY VARIETY. POTTED HAM, TURKEY. CHICKEN AND TONGUE. Juat what you want for " Excnrsion parties, Ac. HAMS, BREAKFAST WRIPH, Ac! Has the supremacy over all1 competitors. ! Purest ami beU " . Three Pounds for $1. P. L.-BRIDGEBS & GO. HO North Front St. jane 5 PLEASS NOTICE. W will be glad to rectiTO eommtisdcations ' from our friend oa any and all subject of ' ceneraJlnteresibtit ' . ' The name of the writer must always be f& ' 'abed to the Editor. CommunlcatJons must be' written oa oai one side of the paper. Personalities must be arolded -And It la especially and particularly uniT stood that the Editor does not always endoi - tko Tlews of oorreapondent unte ao state in the editorial oDlumnsI x J t i- NHW AJVERTISESIENTS Millinery & Fancy GoodE Another Large Invoice . of Millinery ! New Styles, Now Colors, Ac. FANCT COODS DEPAUTAIENT ' j FULL. L'-' ; KID, S1I K ard LISLE GLOVES. -PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, PANS. ZErin'R and MATERIAL for FANCT WORK. " ' , V " .'ill LL1NERT Second Floor. 1 FANCY GOODS-Flrst Floor. RcAiiectfully, - ' MISS E. KARRER, june 25 EXCHANGE CORNER. Just Received. DOZT. TURKISH TOWELS, IQQ FINE MARSEILLES OUILT3, DO.. GAUZE UNDERSHIRT,- BOYS AND MEN'S . A LP A CCA COATS. Just received and to be wld cheaper-tbai ever before. Also ,i . ; j. , , 100 White Vests ifct-?Tc. Call aud scr me. SOL. BEAU. june 25 20 MarketSt. Not Liked by Some, e. Bed Fleas and Insect of all kind. Tieir Corn Cure, as Bold by them in New York tor a year, is a certain panacea, and will cure any obstinate case if directions are followed. Order in person or by postal csrd. ; MUNDS BR03., june 22 621 North 4tb street. THE: SEASHORE ! HOTEL BRUNSWICK. " ! HMITUVILI.K. N. C. SEASIDE HOTEL! WRIGHTS VI LLE, X. C. . L. PKKItV, Proprietor. rjUESE TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL be open MONDAY, jM AY 2. The Hotel Brunswick, at fimtth'vIMn vs 'miles below Wilmington, and accessible by iwo ursi-ciass steamers, makings two trii daily. ' i The Seaside Hotel Is Hltuated In a large rtotc on WrijrhtsTillc Sound; is com posed of cotta sres for families, and within 7 miles of Wil mington, a the head of a fine Shell Road, the best in the Southern country. . . BOTH HOTELS IN FULL VIEW .TUB , r OCEAN' -' ' -' t' '' :;"'f" Good 6urf kod still water bathing. Every variety of Fish, and abundanco of OBtcrH, Clams and Crabs. 1 8pacJous Ball Rooms, with fine Bands of Music. 1 Ten-pin Alleys, Billiards and Bar. " Terms moderate. nur 25 . I . -' - CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, s ' GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Wilmington, X. C, JuUo 10th, 1S33. The Most Comfortable jRoute TO THE MOUNTAINS ! -piXCURSIOV TICKETS ARE NOW OX sale at the office of this Company for all point In WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA . . PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run through from Charlotte toj Old Fort. Thence to Asbenile paabengers hare a flee view of tb Mountaio tJoenery from an OBSERVATION CAB, leaving Okf Fort at 7.i A. MV.arrfvk.ff .1 Zi A' M- Wara Springs at 12-10 P. M. . p. w. CLARK.T nnell lm Gen'l Passenger Agent ' Phrenolofirv. JJR. BARKER WILL COMMENCE A ' TUESOAT. June I9th. Admltunce free. Lectare at o'clock. mwlj Soda Water! Soda Water! TTTITH PURE FRUIT JUICES, 1 1 SEASON 1S33. ' w MINERAL WATER OX DRAUGHT. -1CE COLD. L iti WIIXIAU IL GREEN. pl 14 - - 1 ! IruggiL ' Old Newspapers T JlOR SALE VERY CHEAP : Abtilvl'A IHIOIFlL-i: Ha.-.MrV?,

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