THIS r AFEE rTV CVCnlBg. ccpted by T jOSH T. JAMES, eDlTOB AIOP PROPRIETOR. ocTRIPTIONS POSTAGE : nn Six months, $2. , oo- one month, cents. o0nrwiU be deUvered by carriers free T6e p ut part of the city at the above :rrxT week,; - :v drii rates low and liberal. jSbscrlbera will report any and Lrc their paper regularly. fall- "&The Daih (Hecicvb Jias the largest t circulation, of any newspaper lioulse Michel has been convicted in . 4 u h? rorn of sedition and niK P4riS on iwvu.. o cpn tpncctl to imprisonment fare auu f0; six years. ; The receiver of the broken lard firm Everinhani & Co.. of nu;no says that the liabilities ot the firm exceed $5,000,000.' Baron Ilothschild'a carriage at Vien na is lighted by electric lignt. 1 ne ap paratus is beneath the coachmanV seat, and the light, which will burn 100 hours; within ordinary carriage lamps. : The church which Eugenie intends buiUing at Flamborough, England, in inemoryol her son, will cost $350,000. The coffins of Napoleon III and the Prince Imperial will be placed in this church. L'p to 1876 the standard capacity ol freight cars was 20.000 pounds. In 1877 a few were built to carry 30.000, and since 1679 the standard cars, both o the East and West, have been built to chrry 40,000 pounds, - Senator Voorhees declares that there ! n rsvr rP f ill 1 f n f Ka Qtnrv cot. afloat bv telegraphic dispatches that ex-Senators Hendricks and McDonald, of Indiana, are not on speaking terms lie says there is no personal ill-feel in? between the two ex-Senators. i Daring the last few years the opium eating habit has made rapid progress in the civilized world The DanSk Nation allidmdc says that there are only here and there in Denmark families where the use ot the drug is not habitual -with one or more of its adult members. Jolin Shrine, of Wisconsin, started a new religion at 7 o'clock the other morning, and before sundown he had I J6 believers. This fact impels a West em editor to assert that you can make most any thing move along inthis coun try by putting a glass of lager behind it. The Boston Post insists that Presi dent Arthur should be called plain "Arthur," for the same reason that we speak of Gcoree Washington as Washx ington. But there are millions of Arthurs, you know, in this world, and there has been so for we are Geore Washington. ! Some of our esteemed Republican cotcmporaries are objecting to J udge Hoadley, the Democratic nominee for Governor of Ohio, as a political rene gade. We are sorry that they are not pleased, .but their objections jare too late. They should have made them known before the Convention, f ; W. C. Elam, the Editor of the Rich mond Whig who went out a lew days since to fight Bierne. of the Stale, "is a North Carolinian by birth and breeding and was V member of Company C, Third N. C. Infanty, first as private and afterwards as corporal. These tacts account for much of the rare pluck the fellow has shown but not for his political prostitution, which seems' to have fallen upon him after he left this State.: '?' 1 ' ' The Express ot Russia wore a dress at the ''Moscow ball of straw-colored satiu and crape, with wheat ears ems broidered in silver. Her dress for the ball of the nobility, though of j white satin and silver, opened over a petticoat of crape strewn with roses and narcissi. On entering Moscow she wore straw colored crape. ? ,:. ' : ii Far the first tfme since November, Wilmington Del., is officially reported absolutely clear of sniall-pox. Durinz its prevalence there, there were 220 cases reported, of which 77 proved fatal. Nearly all the fatal cases were among patients who had never been vaccinated or had not been vaccinated since child hood. And still there is no news from the bellicoso Virginian editors who went out to fight a duel. A passenger who arrived here last night, having left Richmond yesterday afternoon, tells us that opinion is divided as to whether there will be any light; at all now. Iis known that tMahone was in Richmond all day Sunday and that he kept prelty closfe, and it is supposed that Elam was closeted with him that day. If such be the case it is thought probable that the Boss told Mr. Elam most emphatically that he must not fight, that his life was too valuable to his party to bo risked idly and. as all' of the Readjus tee ; belong ' to" Mah6ne,-: it- is probable " that Elani will obey " him. There is an undercurrent of opinion, Sunday X'l " i - .V " .. . .: .'-"- ; ' I . - T MR . ' A TI I7" IkWTFPW :: - e i m i . m i i - - : . . , . ' i JJ ILII LLJ ILOlJ1 M J .1 i r'i V . J -vv : ' ' ' : 1 i VOL. VII. too, it would seem, that is not at all un favorable to Elam who, it is said, has been egged on by Beirne for some time past and upon whom it is plainly evident in this instance that the quar rel was forced by the State people. But Richmond is full of rumors and conjec tures and nobody seems to know for certain where the parties are or wheth er there will be any fight after all. But there is evidently onegeneral sentiment on the subject and that is, that if there is no duel now there will certainly be one not Ions hence. . , LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yates Check Books E-D II all, -Mayor Bids J G Burr To Taxpayers Heinsbergkk Check Booka Munds Bros Not Liked by Some W H Greek Soda Water Mineral Water . . ' : ' No News and Observer received here to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up only 3. bales. Mr. E. G. Barker, of this city, has been reappointed a notary public by Gov. Jarvis. The local rains indicated by the weather bureau for to-day came in the shape of copious and refreshing showers this afternoon. The street lamp in front of the City Hall was moved this morning from near the edge of the gutter to near the edge of the sidewalk; a distance Of about 3 feet. Artistic work at summer months. Yates Gallery. low rales Lakinkr, lor the Photo, lwtl. That was a heavy rain which fell here this afternoon, although it was but of short duration. There has been of late entirely two much rain for the crops. -, ... TH walls of the new warehouse at the W. & W. Railroad are -ueing laid and there is a large force of hands at work crowding the structure rapidly towards completion. There was a good company of ex. cursionists on the Passport this morn ing, but not so many as to crowd the boat and make the trip one of discom fort arid inconvenience. ; . I Mai. James Reilly. of Brunswick county, who was in the city to-day, says that the crops in his section are looking well, but that the fanners are beginning to fear too much rain. Steamboatmen report that there has been a risftof "about two feet in the Cape Fear within the last few days, and that they now experience no ' difficultly in crossing the shoals without the. aid of lighters. The supply of beef in the market this, morning was of ordinary quality, but it was made up for by some ot the tfin est mutton we hayc seen in many a day. The supply of vegetables was not quite so good as usual. . ' Mr. John L. Macumber, whose re turn here we spoke ot yesterday, graduated at the 19th inst. at the Long Island College of Medicine, in Brookiyn. Dr. Macumber will locate temporarily here for the practice of his profession. The Laurinburg Enterprise reported Mr. R. Ii. Harris, formerly of this city, as being very sick but his brother, Capt. C. M. Harris; .received a tele gram to-day saying that he is much better and able to walkabout the house. There has been quite an exodus from the city withih the past week of families moving-to the Sound, Smithville and other "points to pass the hot months. The Can7t-get-away Club, however, is yet large enough for all practical purposes. Thanks to Messrs. R. W. Moore, J T'Ttland and J. K. Moore, the com mittee on Invitation from Kidg Solo man's Lodge No 138, for an invitation to attend the laying of the corner stone of th Np.w Court House at Burgaw on Wednesday next, the Fourth. - " Messrs. H. H. Munson and E. S Martin returned to the city last night from Wilson, where tbjey had been for the purpose of attending the celebration by the Lodge in that town of St. ' John the Baptist's Day. Mr. .Martin deliv ered the address on the occasion. , i - The rain of yesterday continued until about 9 o'clock last evening, when it ceased, and in less than half an hour the stars overhead were shining bright ly. This did not last, however, but a short time after the clouds came up t.hfelr Vml continucdanttl nearly 9 o'clock this morning. : . 4 W ILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNES DAY. JUNE 27. j Street Improvements. The street brigade have been for some time busily employed in sawda sting hc streets in the outer portions of the city, until now nearly all of the princi pal thoroughfares have been improved by this method Of course, sawdust is not as good and durable as ballast, but in the absence of the latter it makes a very good substitute, and makes a very nice roadway, although it soon wears out. , - City Court, i .The first case before the Mayor this morning was that of J. H. Dur ham, a colored lad apparently not more than seven year3 old, who was charged with sleeping under people's houses. It seems that the little fellow is a waif with no home nor kindred, and it was decided to retain ; him in the guard house until some one comes forward who will be willing to take his inden tures. - . J. Thompson, also colored, - for dis orderly conduct, was sentenced to pay a fine ot $5 or be imprisoned in the city prison 20 days. He paid the fine. Returned. ! Capt. B. G. Bates arrived here on Monday night, after an absence from the city of about three weeks, during which time he has visited Chicago and opnngneiu, in., oesiaes omer promi nent cities of the West and Northwest. He returns in excellent health - and ex presses himself as much delighted with what he saw, heard and experienced during the trip. He left Springfield, Hi., on Saturday night last and arrived here in little more than 48 hours alter, during 4 hours of which time he was detained at Washington. D. C. The distance is about 1,300 miles. The itcctor of St. Tolms. Rev. James Carmichael, D. D., the newly called reictorof St. John's Church "in this city, reached here last night and is now stopDinsr at the residence of Mr. John Alexander wnere he ,wouia oe happy to see his mends and the menis bers, of the church. Dr. Carmichael is 46 years of age, is married and has one kn nearly 17 years old, who is now at school. He came here from Fredericks burg, Va., at which place his family for the present remain. His last charge was in the diocese of Easton, MdL Dur ing the yellow fever season of 1873 he was rector of Grace Church, Memphis, Tenn., and remained at his post through the entire reign ot that terrible epidem ic, which almost decimated that fated city. He was taken s sick ; with the d'sease, but fortunately recovered. He will probably officiate at the services which will be held at St. John's next Sundays The Dog: Question. It seems to us that the haste with which the city authorities dispatch all ol the untoitunate canines who are netted on the streets, taken without badges, is rather unseemly. They are all killed within one hour of the time in which they arc captured, and in this way therois but little' chance left for tjhe owner f any one of the luckless animals to redeem his property. A dog may have been listed and badged, and the badge may have been lost or , stolen, and the dog may be captured and killed Arithout the fact having been . discover ed. In such a case the question would arise, "What are you going to do about There is another point and -it has legal aspect. Uogs are property, ac knowledged as such by the laws which make them taxable subjects, and by what right do the city authorities de- strov that nroDrty by a mere act of m - . - arbitrary confiscation? They have rieht to tax property and a right to attach and sell property to pay for un Daid taxes but have they a right to de- strov property, at all events without regular and due process of law, and without affording an opportunity for the redemption of that property? They attach and sell a house for the noh payment ot the tax thereon and if they in that way become the owners thereof they may pull that house down or dispose of it in some other - way, but they cannot destroy that house without due process of law and as leng as the title remains in another name. If a house is considered , dilapi dated or unsafe they, may condemn it and have it razed and so too may they order the destruction or a dog which is considered unsafe and dangerous to the public welfare." But as we" put it. have they - the right to seize -upon and order the destruction of a citizen's dog any more than a citizen's house? For rocket iimves enable uuiicry, go to Jacoei's Ilardvrare Depot, t NEW AD VEJRTISEMENTS. J U ST ; R E C El V E D I Those Fine White' Lawns, the Cheapest in the Market. -o- LARGE INVOICE LACES. J e roey J ac kets I J eroey , J ac kets ! We have nearly supplied the city with these and can show now a ' : ; , ) good assortment. ' : F AN C Y M A T T IN G S ! All know that we have by far the best stock and the prices are as low as the owest. T R. T.X r.lclTJTIREi June2G, 1883 - Turkish Bath Soap. One box will convince you; only 25c; 6 cakes. Exports Foreiffn. Brig Eva N, Johnson, Capt. Doane, E. G, cleared to-day for Georgetown, rara, with 210,043 feet lumber. at $2,940, shipped by Messrs Barker & Co. The Dog Cart. The dog cart was out this morning and several -unlicensed canines were scooped in and taken off to; be slaugh tered. This work has been going on or several days, but there seems to be no perceptible decrease inthe number of dogs who bark all night long arid keep ired and sleepy people awake. Keturned. Capt. J. T. Harper, of Smithyille, returned to the city last night, after an absence of over two weeks on, a visit to Northern cities, for the purpose of purchasing a new boiler and.other equipments for the Passport He made he necessary Airaugements and the improvements proposed will tall be made next Fall: Dull Times. There was much of a dullness prevail ing all along the line on the wharves to day. Every one seemed to be doing his level best to take things in the easiest manner possible. The nearest approach to excitement we witnessed was a discussion as to what constituted a solvent credit so positively as would warrant one in taking anoath fthat it was such. Silver Plated Spoons and ;orks, low prices, at Jacobi.'s t W., W. & C. T. Coil At a meeting of the Board of Direc tors of the Wilmington. Warsaw & Clinton Telegraph Company, held at Clinton last Friday, Mr, W. A.J ohn son. of Clinton, was elected President and Mr. F. W. Foster, of this city, was chosen as Manager of the Line. The Board received and opened a number ot bids for furnishing the poles and the contract was given out. The poles will be all erected within about thirty days from this time and the wires will be strung as soon as possible there after.- --, . . ' Col F. II Cameron, Inspector Gen cral North Carolina C State Guard, arrived here last night and will Inspect the Wilmington Light Infantry, at o'clock this evening. Tho company will assemble at half past 6 o'clock in uniform and will form for parade and inspection.: ;?!' . ? ? In The Courts. Hon. W. A. Moore, Ex-Judge. Superior ' Court ot North " Carolina, writes : "I have used ; Dr. Worthingv ton's Cholera and Diarrhoeas Medicine. and think it unequalled in the country. Cures stomach troubles. Mr. Orr's negatives - are . well cared for. Duplicate pictures finished at low rates. Lardner. Photo., Yates Gallery. - lwtl. Messrs. A. &. I. Shrieb have receiv ed. per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bids W ILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 12 o'clock. M MONDAY, Joly it, 1SS3, to keep In order ana ran we- i;uy ciock on correct ume ior this wngitnae ana ututnae, xor one rear irora AtlfBStlSU. J5. JJ. HALtLi, jump-U SffmHtf! Mayor Notice to Taxpayers., mflE TIME TOR LISTISO TAXES exilres on TUESDAY NEXT, July 3. At 6 o'clock, P. IL. Those Interested will take notice, . as the time for making np the Tax .Book la too limi ted to aUow any Indulgence, i T - J.. O XJL RT, ' June 27 H t Tax Usttr. 1883. NO 152 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ... ; " : Fly Traps. T1 IHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS market. Our . ' - " GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed in price or quality. A lartre and well selected stock mt Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CD'S.. - Successors to John Dawson & Co.,' June 28 Market Street Check Books. JROM THE FIRST OP JULY CHECKS without Two-Cent Stamps will be lawful. On Wednesday I can supply CHECK BOOKS on The Bank of New Hanover and The First National Bank. '- " '' -' : Books, containing Fifty, One Hundred and Two Hundred Checks will be ' ' .' . . For sale at : , ' " ,'. , . HEINJSBERGER'S, June 26 Live Book and Music Stores Our Glass Fly Traps ! SoTnAthiri TsTftw ! riittJEi VJuJiANEST FLY TRAP OH Ulia market. : , Giles & Murcliison, june 23 North Front St I C E, Ul O m june 25 W. E. DAVIS & S NOTIOE1 WHOLESALE. rITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS will ..... , find a full stock of '.. HEAVY AND j LIGHT GROCERIES, CASE GOODS and CAN GOODS, . . STILLERS SUPPLIES, CORN and nAY, 1 WAGONS, CARTS and TBUCKS, at '. KERCHNER CALDEli BROS, : june 25 North Water Street. Soda Water I Soda Water! IfJlTH PURE FRUIT JUICES. f f V SEASON 1883. MINERAL WATER ON DRAUGHT. ICE COLD. . WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist. apl 14 Clarets ! Clarets ! Clarets I pCRE UNADULTERATED CLARETS. CLARETS of the finest European Vintage , CLARETS from our own country. f. CLARETS from the Tokay Vineyard, near Fayetterille. i i "U- :" - . .? V , We guarantee them all to be free from, all Impurities and recommend them for table use. Wines and Whiskeys : OF EVERY VARIETY; POTTED HAM, TURKEY, CHICKEN AND TONGUE. Just what you want for Excursion parties, Ac. n AMS, BREAKFAST STRIPS, A c. CAJNrr"ri Has the siprem&ey orer all competitors. - . . i Purest and best. ' Three Pound3 for 0l. "F -"r -' ' - P. L. BEID&EES 6 CO. HO Ilcrt Front Li. PJJEJLSK NOTICE. We will be glad to xtcelre coaaaunlcatloM from war friends on any and all tnbjecu of general Interest but ' . ' 4 The name of the writer must always be ret ttlahed to the Editor. Cpnunnnlcauonamiut be written on oal one aide ot the paper. . . " "7 jHaraonaBtlea mnst be toMc 1 And It la especially and paj tlcolarly nsd lood that the Editor doea not alwaya endox ? the yIcws of corrcspondenta nnleca to state -In the editorial columns. " i -L NEW APVEimSEMENTS FRONT STRJCKT IS ALT. ABLAZE WITH llarneM and Sadalcry Goods. Trunks aiid TraycllinR Bass. Fly Ncts'for IIorscVFett er 7rmvlclliL?p Eobes ot bcaotlful pat if?V.Th,c cclalor Harness still ahead. n,lteitci' Carriages,: Bufrglcs, Carti, c c - Horwc shoeing x spoclalty. . 1 JueS5 . McDOUQALL A BOWDEN'. rJev. Hato, QOXSI3T1NG OF COLORED CllirS;- colored, also tho, popular Shade Ilat, Wankln V.(N.UC ,uuvaru:iy oi ouier styles, ust received and for sale by j nns. kate oj wines; ; j nno 25 No. 1 1 9 Kortli Second Street. If Tou Would be Happy . BUY A COOK STOVE. "The Golden Harvest," cc If 9 ... - CALUMET," Or, "SOUTHERN OAK," Of PARKER Jk TAYIiiH 0"Pure White Oik juie City and Country Merchants I AM SELLING Prime New York Butter: - . Klrkman' Celebrated Soap, ; Virginia Water i round Meal, ' 1 North Carolina Familj Flour, and -N. C. Pate-1 Family Flour. At bottom rjrlerfl. t:ar Inirt solicited. i E. G. BLAIR. Commission Merchant, ' june 2a . 215 Market Street Not Liked by Some, TUT GOOD FOR THE PKOpLK. Every 1 ItAdlir ( nn vl tt nrsatr ttna 4trr iimt,lii 35 cents per pound und Bros., sell the largest bottle of insect Powder to be hud hi me city r w ceuis. mu nes, - Uocfcroach- !r "uks x lt;5M a,u insects oi . all kinds.' their Corn Cure, as hoM lv thim in viv v.t tor a year, is a certain panacea, and will cure ""j uuuuaic uiao it uirecuons nre xouoweu. Order In person or by postal card. . -. MUNUSUK08., j une 22 ; - 621 North 4 tb street. THE SEASHORE ! HOTEL BRtmo wiviv j j ' " SMITHVILI.E, N. CI 1 ' . T SEASIDE HOTEL i WRIGHTS VILLE, N. C. B. Li, PEltRY, Propriotor.- rpnES TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL be open IONDAY, J1AY 28. . : -; The Hotel Brunswick, at' 8mithvllle, Is 25 miles 'below Wilmington, and accessible by two first-class steamers,, making two trbs daily. , ' The Seaside Hotel Is situated In a large grove on Wrightsvllle Sound; Is composed of cotta ges for families, and within 1 miles-of Wll. mlngton, at the head of a fine Shell Road, the best in the Southern country. - t. -i BOTH HOTELS IN FULL VIEW OF THE - -. : . ' OCEAN. r:lX:v Good surf and still water bathing. ' -Every variety of Fish, and abundance of Oysters, Clams ad Crabs. Spacious Ball Rooms, wlth fine Bands of Music J i Ten-pin Alleys, Billiards and Bari ?" Terms modenrte. ? ; - ' v- 'i . mav 2." i ." ... .' ' r" , - CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, . . -. ... t , ' j u GENERAL PASSENGER DEP'T, r ' Wllmlngton 'N c.,' June I0tbJ18S3. The Most Comfortable Route i , TOTnE: MOUNTAINS! . JgXCURSION TICKETS ARE KOW ON sale at the offlcc of this Company for all poi nts in WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA.1 . i . PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run through from Charlottoxto Old Tort. Thence to ABherllle passengers have a fine new of the Mountain jMsnrflrom an OBSERVATION CAR, leaving Okf Fort at 7.1S A. Mi, arriving a5 TJ11?1 9 Zi A-M- a'1 Warm Srvricg. at 12.10 P. M. F. W. CLARK, v, . nnell-Im Gen Passenger Agent Phrenology ; . JJR. BARKER WILL COMMENCE A 2?nJl$hi Lectures i'at Germama Hall. TUESDAY, June I'Jttu t AdmltUnce free. . Ladles particularly Invited to attend. - Lecture at 8 o'clock. - tone 18- Check Bookc. , 300 CIIECK BK8 CONTAINISQ Fifty to Two HuMlrettCCheclcs, Just received. Larger slzesintde to order. Also, Letiter-Hcadii, rail IIeaU, Drifts, Notjs, Receipts, Ac, JJthograpbel at short aotlce. ; Y;' j -': ,.' . t : .J' - Give ns atrial. ,. W. YATE4, Junel5 : milarkrtst Old Ncvrspapero 1702 SALF. VESY CIIKAP.