THIS P APE !):W;i:-r;FUUa'ROmcfc' We will be glad to' receive coeu&CBlcations from oar friends on any and all enbjecta of general tnterea bnt The naine ot the writer must always b ra nlshed to the Editor. ' Coaunimlcatlons moat be written on ocl one side of the paper. PenonaUUesaauatbe aToldeo4 And It la especially and partScolarr ud stood that the Editor docs not always efldoi - every evening.' Sundays ex eepted by . 4 JOSH T. JAMES, ' .rroB AraorTOK. nRlPTlOSS POSTAGE i PAID: sCm six months. t.O0. Three ate . tl no; One momn, m Vfll be delivered by carriers tree The PP T,.rt of the city, at the above derate lowwd Jlberal. , xdreatLsns1".. JL -.im1 all fail- VOL. VII. W ILMINGTOK N. C. THURS DAY. JUNE 28. 1883. NO: 153 the Ylewe of correspondent tmleas so atate In the editorial eolumna. . snnis Kearney says that Mormon .raniy i3 preferable to. Washington ' pennis poly norts of the terrible mortality 1 1 I . Vera Cruz from yellow fever are firmed. - ' iorsbeimer Brothers, wholesale gro-1 r5 0f New Orleans, have failed. Lia bilities. 4000; ayts.-31.000 The Supreme Court of Ohio has ren dered a decision affirming thr constitu tionality of the Scott liquor law. (;0V. Butler has been iny it ed ih at tend the commencement exjercises of Harvard College, as the personal ! guest v President Elliott. i A iuM wave struck Chicago on Sun ..... ,,;rht and the temperature on Monday was about 50 degrees. n v lii.wki Fires wore built and overcoats worn. The liabilities of the Union and Bay mate Manufacturing Company are about $l95,000.-4tHs believed that the concern can pay about 75 per cent. John II. Alexander, co! f ant for admission to the Military Academy, passed ored, appli Wcst Point an excellent examination, arid lias been admitted. Nebraska has one woman minister, urn woman lawyer six women county superintendents and ten women physi cians. Many women are engaged in editorial work. According to a New Orleans paper the Treasury Department has graduat ed one hundred brides in the last four months. No wonder the demand for positions' there is so great. , Mr. S. C. Hall was a parliamentary reporter in 1822, and remembers ladies going into the stranger's gallery in men's clothes ; for there was no ladies' gallery -then; and petticoats were not al lowed in the house. Advices from Panama say that the quarantine regulations enforced at New Orleans against vessels from Aspinwall are effectually killing the trade between the two places, which was rapidly as suming promising proportions. The Planters' Cottonseed Oil Works, in Algiers, La., was struck by lighting Mondav nieht. set on fire and entirely destroyed. This was tonseed oil mill in exis h.he largest cot loss dol ence. The a million is roughly estimated af lars. i ' Great distress is reported among the fishing families along Labrador coast owing to the detention of their spring supplies by the jam of Gulf ice along ;their shores. It is feared that some deaths from starvation have: already occurred. -- What is known as Valenciennes lace is made extensively i at Ypres, Cour tray. Ghent, Bruger and in almost all parts of Flanders ; aud in the produc tion of one coupon of the frabric rarely less than spindles and 1,500 pins are employed. ; . Mrs. Virginia Ctorbin has been ap pointed administratrix of the estate of her mother, Mrs. Grant, who died - in Jersey City a short time ago. Iler estate is valued at $10,000. The sur viving heirs are: General Grant, his sisters. Mrs. Corbin and Mrs. Cramer, and the two children of Orville Grant. A dispatch from ' ' Chicago says that the sentence of the court-inartial in Paymaster; Wasson's case is "to j . be discharged I dishonorably .from the service, to be confined at hard labor in iber penitentiary lor eighteen months, and to have the facts respecting' his crime and its punishment published in the newspapers of Iowa, the State from which he was appointed to the army." The recommendation of clemency was , hot approved by General Augur, com manding the department. Quarterly Meetings Wilmington (District of the Methodist E. Church, Sjouth. ; . filKDROUND. - Topsail at Herrings June 30. July :J Duplin at Charity., . Jnne. July l Oaslowat Lebanon - ..-JKly .- 8 "-fiiaithv ilia . j. . . . . . .s - J u if 1 iininswick at Bethel-....... -J 2ltf Newton Grove Mission. CokeabAiryat Bethany. Bladen . . - ..v ........ Clinton x&: Goshen Elizabeth WtlIOT.?11- . . ........ w July y8 29 Ang - & Aug 11-12 Aug 18 19 Aug 25-26 r .. Aug 25-20 j Point Caswell at Pt Caswell Aug 28-29 Waccanaaw Mission. . . . -v. - ..heptr i- s aix piuflV;.V.;ii v....i...Septl f 9 : Uobt. O. Burton, P. 1. LOCALJEWS. IHOEX TO HEW ADYESTISIMEHT8. Notice Taxpayers Tates Check Books Ueiksbeeuek Check Books Joh'k J Hedrick; White Goods . MCKD8 Bros Not Liked by Some W II GSEE2T Soda Water Mineral Water . , 9 ' There was nothing doing at the City Court this morninir; s The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up only 7 bales. j There were abundant rains along Jthe line of the Cape Fear river yesterday. Nor. barque Saga. Larscn, from this port, arrived at Granton on the 26th inst. ' :' r Tlie steam tug Alpha, is on the dry dock where men are engaged iq repair ing her bottom. Artistic work at summer months. Yates Gallery. low rates Lakunf.k, lor the Photo, lwtl. The rain which visited us yesterday extended in a northerly direction as far as Masjnolia and Warsaw. Steamboatmen report that there 13 now about 4j feet of water on the shoals in the Cape Fear, enough to make good boating water. . . - 1 lev. Fred W. Eason, recently pastor of the Baptist Church at Newberne, N. C.J arrived in the city this morning and registered at the Purcell House. We are informed that the Order of Rechabites in this city, ot which there are two Lodge3, have received quite a number of additional mem burs within the past -two or three weeks. There was not a drop of rain at Smithville yesterday although it rained almost a deluge here. The sun was not even obsenred by cloud3, so the ex cursiouists had a delightful daj. -t- .- : It is said that the Arion Musical So ciety of this city coatemplate giving an entertainment at Goldsboro about the first of August. The Messenqer predicts that they will receive a rousing wel come. A white woman, wrio was standing on the South side of Market dock last evening, accjdently fell overboard, but was fi3hedouTby a cojored inan. With the exception of a cood wetting the woman was not injured. The telegraph operators of the Car olina Central Railroad, together with their families, are excurting to Wil mington this week. They go in squads of eight or ten and the excursion will continue until all have been here and returned. The statement, that fish have ceased to be" plentiful at the 'Rocks" seems not to be generally credited, if we may judge from the number who go down daily arrived with fishing tackle, lunch baskets, and other necessaries for a fishing excursion. We don't believe there is au idle carpenter or mason in the city and should there' hap pen to .be i'one, ve be iieve it is from his own fault. Building and improvements and repairs of houses already constructed A going on in all sections of the cityj nf I - We understand that Gen. R. E. CoK stbn, formerly of this city, was mar ried last night, iu Washington City, to a lady resident there, a widow, whose name we did not learn. Gen Colston has for sbms time past been resident in Washington, where he holds a position in one of the departments. Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw. was in the city to-day and favored us with a call. He tells us that the Fourth of July celebration in that town on which occasion the corner-stone of the new Court House is to be laid, promises to be one of the most , successful affairs known in the history of the county. i Inspection. r - The parade and inspection of the Wilmington Light Infantry took plaee at about 7 o'clock yesterday evening. Col. F. U. Cameron, Inspector General North Carolina State Guard, being the inspecting officer. The Company turn ed out with 30 mnskets, and Col, Cam eron informs us that their appearance, drill and discipline was entirely satis factory. He leaves hereUo-morrow mprning. ' : kJ1- f-'- -' Messrs A. &. I. Shriek have receiv ed, per express, a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in different shades, which they will sell at aonshingty; low prices, i Call early and procure a suit for the boys. r t f lot Mr. John C. Currie, Jr, of Pike, Cum j berland county, sends us the first cotton j bloom we have seen this season and the i first that has reached Wilmington this year. It was picked last Sunday. Mr. Currie writes that the season is good and that the crops are" booming. Smith ville Military. We learn that the Sniithville Light Infantry have secured their new uni forms, and that the company has regular drills and is making commendable pro ficiency in marching. The arms vox the company have not yet been received, in consequence of which there has been no drill in the manual. Orion Lodge. At a regular meeting of Orion Lodge, No. 67, I. O. O. F., held last evening. ths following officers were elected for the ensuing term : N. (J. S. A.Craig. V. G. It. II. Orrell. It. S, John II. Pugh. P. S.W. C. Farrow. Treasurer W. S. Warrock, These, together with the appointive officers, will be installed on the evening of July 11th. The next meeting being nn i.hft fourth of 'Jul v. the installation ceremonies are deferred until the next succeeding meeting nigm. Call Accepted. Says the Charlotte Journal-Observer: Rev.G. D. Bernheim, D. D., who re turned yesterday from Phillipsburg, N. J., expresses himself delighted with the North and its enterprising people. He will remove, with a portion of his fami ly, to the above mentioned city in about two weeks, and will locate" there per manently. He was unanimously elect ed pastor of Grace church at Phillips burg, which! position he has accepted. Phillipsburg is situated! opposite Eas ton, Pa., and at the junction of the ' Le high with the Delaware river, and is in the center of a most beautiful Valley, abounding in scenery rivaling 'that of the famous Valley of Virginia. 1 j loint Caswell Academy. The closing exercisesof this institution were held at the Academy! on Tuesday last. The day was very teuny and in favorable, yet there was a arge attend ance of visitors friends c the school and relatives ot the pupilsf to witness the proceedings. Mr. A. l. Black is principal of the academy, and the clos ing exercises demonstrated that he had been a faithful and efficient , teacher of studious and mentally active pupils. Dr. S. S, Satchwell deliver an ap propriate address which was listened to with much interest and instruction by pupils and visitors. A maguihcent dinner was served to which ample j us- tice was done. At inght there was an exhibition, consisting ot charades, talk ing, dialogues and vocal and instrumen tal music, after which the young peo ple indulged in dancing until the ciock indicated that another day had arrived Mr. Orr's negatives are well cared for. Duplicate pictures finished at low rates. Lardner, Photo., Yates Gallery. lwtl. Cliadbourn. , Some few months ago We had occa sion to publish aj pretty full account f of the little town of Chad bourn," on .the W., C. & A. It. k., in Columbus coun ty, which.had been founded and estab lished by tho gentlemen of that name in this city. Since then the place has con tinued to flourish and improve and the railroad into the pine lands . has been extended. We clip, the following in reference to the place from the White villc Enterprise : . v One ot the evidences of growth in our county is the town of Chadbourn. Where it stands but little more than a year ago there was not a sign of a dwellink It was incorporated by the last Legislature and is now a very thriv- in2 little villaze. Here is situated tne larore lumber mill of the Chadbourn Mill Company. It is the point at which the Chadbourn & Conway bo ro it. it. nnnnects with the W.. C. & A. It- TIia freight from Chadbourn over the W.. C. & A. R. R. for the month end- In? 30th inati will, it is conjectured. reach the amount 01 j.neaiesars Chadbourn have a store at this point, o - AAA rm 9 also Messrs. Powell & Brown, who are doin a fine mercantile business and jvlen do a irood naval store business. The C. & C. R. R. has been completed for about 8 miles. Thi3 brings it very near the road from Sidney to Fair BluftV When this road is reached a depot and post office will be established there and a dailv mail route also. A railroad through that section ot the nnntrv L iost what Is needed to develop and bring ont that, the finest portion of Columbus, and the right men to do it, (the Messrs. Chadbourn.) . have unders taken the business of such a road. Their lnmber mill,- ran by an 80 horse power engine, is a model of convenience, Tlie -First, liiooiu. Some Serious Charges. The New York Herald of Sunday las' contains a communication from Capt "Frol RhpArpYV Trmfr nf h w.hooner Earl H, Potfer. which put into the Cape Fear last May in distress, which is cal culated to injure this port. We publish he' article without volunteering any comments upon it as we are satisfied that it will be replied to by those whose duty it is to meet and repel "the accu sations. . The communication is as fol lows: - :',v.t ' :-:A"''-': PniLABELPHiA, June. 31, 1883. To the Editor of the Herald: Understanding that tho columns of your vaiuaoie paper are open ; i or complaints to all, especially to seafar- T m Ml . 1 1 1 I-1 T intr men, j. oeg yoa wm iviuuiy owigc i i - a i r1l me my puDilsniug um iuny tviug m j complaint and protest against such treatment as is given below, and as my opinion, as weli as that of many others, that the wnoie sysiem oi quarantine shonld be under, the control and man. agemcat of. the national government : 1 left Uemerara on April j iasi, wun a cargo of suger, bound, for,. Philadei ohia. On the Dassaae I encountered a gale which dismasted my vessel, carried away her sails and so disabled the , ship that I bore away .for Wilmington, N. ( ' While off the coast I was IMien in with a tug and towed to "Smithville on the afternoon of May 4, where I was ordered into quarantine, which went into oneration on Mav 1. The sanitary Condition of my vessel was good, I had a clean bill of health and no contagious disease on boad, as can be proved by the letter from Dr. W. G.Curtis, surgeon m charge at Smithville, to the authorities in Wilmington. N. C, and it was read i admitted that if I had got in four days earlier my vessel would have been allowed to go up to v nmingcon, x . j.t thirt,v miles? distant." v here she could have been repaired. Sugar in bags and hogsheads is considered by; the Quaran tine Board as one of the most infectious articles of commerce, which I doubt; but because xt her cargo, my vessel was positively forbidden to go up to the city of Wilmington. As it was impossible to transact business at such remote distance, my agents, Messrs. George Harriss & Co., spoke in my personal behalf, and sent me the following tele gram : xpu are permiueu to come without baggage to confer with us ana the underwriter's agent." As it was impossible to proceed on my voyage without new spars,;sails and1 other re pairs, efforts were made to reship the cargo by other vessels, I being told that without the cargo friy vessel! could be brought to the city for such repairs. As no craff could be otained to take for ward ' the cargo, and it being deemed impracticable to discharge it in lighters, the tnrr CtcloDs Was sent here from New York at a heavy expense to tow the vessel and cargo to Philadelphia, her port of destination- .v n (While these negotiations were pend ing.'and causing much I delay, fearing my vessel wouiu dc uamageu oy worms. I asked permission to have her come up into fresh water, at a point rc- mote from the - city ana opposite ine pest house. where vessels are anchored witn smallpox or contagious uisease on btiard. assuring the authorities that my crew should not communicate with the shore. This privilege was allowed me at Smithville, and as promptly rciused at .Wilmington, notwithstanding, that I was subjected to an expense or iia.oo for the sehding of a port warden from Wilmington to examine me uaicnea, which were lifted at the suggestion tof thquarantine surgeon at Smithville 16 enable him to fumigate the hold, which fumigation, at au expense of $34, 1 naid. suDDOsine that the vessel might eventually be allowed to go up. Two or three ot my crow were treated oy Dr. Curtis on board tho vessel,. at quar antine, for Dhvsical injuries, and being subsequently discharged were placed on it i. C i f V. r'i 1 with f hoif baggage, taken Ruth Darling, from Laguayra, via Navassa. arrived at Quarantine, re mained two days and was then allowed to co to Wilmineton. .where she an? chored abreast of tbef cityr and was visited by stevedores, washer-women and runners., She - was then towed further ud to the Navassa works. where her cargo - was 'discharged, and when I asked the; Quarantine poard whv this discrimination was allowed I was told she shonld not be loaded in the city, but ordered back to Quarantine station to load. But as the schooner Ruth Darling loaded a cargo of lumber at one of the city mills and sailed for Baltimore the statement ot the Board was a false one. - I - The quarantine regulations went into effect on May 1, but I am informed that as late as June 17 the schooner Emma H. Drnmmond,: from Perto Rico via Navassa, was allowed to pass the city, where her cargo was discharged." ffXow. of snch discrimination 1 can instlv comnlain. and state that aside from the delay ana extraordinary ex- nense of a tuz sent troni iew 1 oik to tnw mv vessel to Philadelphia the risk was great, and that il the tug bad be eomft disabled, our hawser parted or my vessel cast off in-a gale oh wind, or - m . m. S - at thmriffh anv stress 01 weainer. a toiai loss of vessel, cargo and possibly all hnrtda mifht have been the result, as she was disabled in spars and sails and unmanageable. : Mv comnlaint is not made in a capti ous spirit; I Relieve in a rigid quaran tine, but I want lair play. - Respectfully, your obedient servant, - llFRED SHEERER. -Master schr. Earl H. Potter, of N.Y. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to JacobPs Hardware DepoL t tot Wilmington and SrMW placed in the U nuea otates marine uipsr pitai nn xa .aim m vaj, On the 10th of , May the schooner Exports, Foreign . Brig. George E. Dale, Capt. Pierce, cleared to-day for St George. Grenada, with 151.364 feet lumber and 160,000 shingles, valued at $3,369,46. shipped by Messrs. Northrop & Cumming. . The . Fourth at Burgaw. . The citizens of Pender county are making every exertion to have the cele bration at Burgaw on the approaching Fourth of July a complete success. In preparation - for the com fort of the throng of expected guests they have begun the erection of an arbor, which it is' estimated i will be large enough to accommodate 2 ( 000 people. The arbor withj. reen boughs and will be covered leaves, and will be completed in duo season.; Other arrangements are ahjo in progress for the convenience and com fort of visiting and resident guests, and nothing in the power of men and women to do to make the occasion agreeable will be wanting. . ,;t .' . ' .-. . . . , Death of Mr. Wllliarus.J ' We are very sorry to I hear fof tlie death of the venerable Iewis M. ? WiK liams; for so many years past the Clerlr of the! Market in this city, which occur red at his residence last eveniug. He hadloen sick but a short time and the announcement of his death - was totally unexpected, j He was a native of On slow county but had resided in Will mington for more than a quarter of t a century past. He was one of our oldest citizenshaving been in nia 82nd year, and had made many warm and earnest friends here by his sterling uprightness and unshaken integrity. The-funeral services will take place to-morrow morning. . Magistrate's Court. Tom Hawkins, colored, was arraign ed this morning before Justice Gard ner, charged with ah assault and bat tery, with a deadly ' weapon, upon Rachel Pugh, also colored. The testi mony showed that the defendant threw i a brick at the woman, Rachel, which struck her in the side and knocked her down be3ine3 breaking one of her riba. fle wa3 required to give a bond in the sum of $200 far his appearance at the next' term 6T the Criminal Court, in de fault of.which he was committed. Minerva ,l)avis,, .also, colored, was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery on Tom Hawkins, the defend ant in the previous case. Tlie charge in her case was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. Kltcheu Market The following retail prices rule in this market to-day, June 28:.. Beef 8 15c per, pound; veal 15c per pound j lamb 124 15c per pound ; mut ton 12 15c per pound; chickens 124 30c, each ; grown fowls, 3550c ; eggs, 20 cents per doz; butter, country, 25 30c.: Northern, 2535c; lard, 1315o; Baltimore hams, 16ffll8c; breakfast strips. - 16&IG ; N. C. hams, 1516'c ; shoulders, ll124o sides, ll124c ; fish, trout, pigfish, &c, 2025c, clams, ier quart, 15c ; per bushel, 75c; cabbage, 5 l0c per head; cucumbers, 1020c doz; strawberries, 5l0o per' box; pollards. 510c per head ; turnips, 5 cents per bunch ; sweet potatoes, 25c per peck ; Irish do, new, 30c per peck; onions; 50 cents per peck, 5c per bunch ; carrots and parsnip. 5c per bunch; beets,' 5c per bunch ; radishes, 3c per bunch ; let tuce! 2c per head; salad peas. 25c per peck; cauliflower, 15c each; black ber ries, 5c per quart; whortleberries, 5 10c per quart; green apples, 4050c per peckr beans,. wax, 20c per peck; string do, 3035c per peck. ., r A Iianre Fruit Crop, and a larger crop of bowel and stomach troubles, for which DrJ Worthington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine is a certain cure. - 1IEI. t WILLIAMS In this city, at 7.45 P. If. ves- terday. LEWIS M. WILLIAMS, In the HHt year of ou ajre. . . . The funeral will take place Friday morning , at 10 o'clock, from his late residence on Prin cess, between Fifth and Sixth streets, from tnence to uaJLaaJeiexBetery. 1 r nemu iphk qnalntances are Invited to attend. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. White Coodo. A NOTHER SUPPLY OF50C INDIA LA WS, the bargain of the seaaon. ' Also, I2e Scotch Check Lawn, Handsome French Plaid Lawns, Colored Ltwns at jc, 6c, Ac and 10c. Gentlemen are advised to loo at the Half Hose I am felling at per dozen. A hamUome stftck of Ladies Ho-e jint re JOHN J. HEDRICK. NEW AP VJEJXTISIIiarjg I Taxpayero " -yIWTAKE KOTICK THAT WE WILL, attend at5the olBee of the Commissioners for New Ibbiorcr countj. Saturday, Jane 30th, for the Jarpsse of listing all taxable required br laWi be listed In Cape Fear, Ilarnett, II a sonboroand Federal Tolnt Townshtp?, owned by parties living in Wilmington. r - I REDE IX JOUNSOK, . ' v; v t ' A. A. MOMELEY, I . . J. A- MONTtiOMEKV, , j. n. hounk, jane 28 It. ... ? . Tax Listers ' Dm j - rpHK BEST AND CIIEAFESV IK TniS market. Onr K . .. GRAIN CUADLEii cannot be sm-pawtotl In price or qaalUy . A large Had well ecleted stock of Hard- war at W. JB. Sl'HlNCiEK ft CO'9.. 8noccssors to John Dawson & Co., . juneai Market Slroei Our Glass Fly Traps I "I 1 Something Niw I fHR VLKANEST FLY TRP JfTnE market. '; ' ,.4 y " .v-- ; ' '. -i&k: ' f . Giles & Murcliison. -j June '. North Front St , jane 25 W. E. DAVIS A SON Soda Water ! Soda Water I riTH PURK FRUIT J DICES. (. TOE COLD jj ' - " SEASON 1883. 1 ' - MINERAL WATER ON ' DRAUGHT; ICE COLD. , . W1LUAM U. GREEN, ' aplU Dniggtst. 114 JBONT STREET IS 4 LL AKIAZE WITH . ILnrneas and ftrtdalerfy xy, I'l-unks and Traveillnsr Uasrs. Fly Net for Iloraea. Fn.thr Dusters, Mummer Iap Knibes of beanttfnl uaU We Manufacture and lloialr. with dnnhintr and dispatch. CarrLurdB. IluirflrleM. Hart..' Drays, c , &. . . liorfleRoelng' m ireclalty. jue 25 McDOUUALL & BOWDKNf. - Mew Hatsf pONSI3TIS(i OF COLORED ClIll'S. iine Cjlorl alllans. 4Sca-shP)ls". whlt and eolored, also the popular Shade 11 at, Nan k la or "Japanese ',and a variety of other styles, just receive I and for sale by MU8. KATE C. WINES, No.119 North Seeond Streets' junw 2. City and Country Merchants T AM SELLING- ' Prime New York Butter. Kirkman's Celebrated SoapH, Virginia Water Ground Meal. North Carolina Family Flour, and n. v. A-ate c x amuy r iour. At bottom prices. . Car load or small orders solicited.. ' -4v '' - ' - j ;i- , .... r E. O.-TJLAIK, . Commission Merchant, juac 35 213 Market Street Not Liked by Some, BUT GOOD rOR THE PEOPLE. Every body (nearly) wow sel!sGum Camphor for '65 cents per pooad.Y Munds Bros.', sell the! largest Douie or insect rowoer to be baa in , the city for 25 cents. Kills Flies, Cockroach es. Bed Kujra. t leas and Insects ox aU kind. Their Corn Cure, as sold by1 them in New York , tor a year. Is a certain panacea, and will cure any obstinate case If directions are followed. Order in person or by postal! card. - ' , MUNDS BEOS., juno 22 2l North 4th street. Check Booko. BOM THE FIHST OF JULY CHECKS ..- II, . . .. . ' .-.,! On Wednesday I can supply C HEC BOOKS on The Bank of New Hanover and The rtnt " National Bank. U :-y S. Bks, contaluing Fifty, One Hundred aW TwoHundred Checks will be I ; . . (i .. ...... For sale at t .; : . . , HEINSBERGER'S, juneSQ Lire Book and Music Stores Check Books. 3Q q check: books containiko Fifty to Two riuwIredlCbeckf, Jut received. Larger slzeaCmade to order. y - Also, Letter-Heads, Bill Heads, prafu.1 Notc, Receipts, Ac, Llthog raphel at short atlre. Give in a trial, ; Q. W. YATEV June 2. . ; . n Market at'.. If You Would be Happy , , BUY A COOK STOVE; li The Golden Harvesti" CE CALUMET,1' .. . " Or, i Of PAEI C Pure Yfclts OIL & TAYLO".

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