Tins r ape .r creator Sundays X eepted by josiitjames, dito a-id raorarrTO. sipnOSS rOSTAGE PAID: it 9 1.00. SIX BWBUH, l J.., qo om month, 55 cent, B, wiUt delivered try wrier. free !5 . uTrtrtoftte city, at the above umU per ..,riilaw and rbexaL. t-jlberswm report any and all, fail- iwi their carer regularly. -,nw-' . .. t.l ei rculaltoU lf W newspaper Wn i . ....... TU7T.;wJnn Mishit, in ic cuy L -JTtOIEW (A0YIRTISIMI1TI. TimChck Book r i. BkJI- Fan Ahead Jtt: ifABrcE-Koarth Jaly HlJ,-BtaGM-PUDoe aud Organs jm rM DlCET-5lmr Minnehaha , Bi--N.?iM,lrronlSlrrt j U Ci Tax LUter-final Notice. KM..HI r Hooa-Begular Meeting y, puriiALL A BowiKN-Uule. A w II ti hi -So-1 VTtlr-MlTrl Water lViiitiDU(ktih GrouJi'1 n- the K'k TUre was no cotton received at this l ort to-lay Pleasure parties photographed intan tai.ously. rriccsmwlcrale. I;akint.i:, Phmo.. Vfttcs Gallery. 3t The North State Saloon. No. 6 Front simt. a.lvertises in this issue "cool lr mi draught". That it U coot and rerrehinj U the rerdlct of nil who have tried it. I'lioioi made from Mr. Orr's Negaj tires at low rates. Lakiixf.k. Photo. Vales' Galley -3t It ii J. II- Banncrman, instead ui J. K. Banncrman, who is use of the Marshals selected for the ceremonies at llargaw on the Fourth, as printed in t he I: i. v i kw. t Kn Iff lit s or Honor. ! Carolina Ixnlge No. 131. Begular luKting this evening at o'clock. .Full attendance desired. " ? Steam beat men roport that the river 'a geuiog low again, thero being only about three feet of water on the shoals on Saturday last, with the depth per ceptibly on tho decrease, The second cotton bloom of the sea ion, but the first In this immediate vicinity, was banded tthis morning. 1 1 opened yesterday and grew upon tho plantation of Mr. E. h. Pearcc, on the Sound. The Postoflice will bo closed on the 4ih of Julv from 9 a. m. to. 5 p. m. Carriers will make but one delivery on the malls that in tho morning. Car riers window at the office will be open from 5 to 6 p. m. Fashions here this season run on white as the street costume of tho ladies. There U a liberal use of gay ribbons this Summer, In the shape or streamers worm at the shoulder, and the effect is very pretty indeed. A young lad was taken with a fit in front of Mclihcnny's drug store this morning, which created a sensation for a few moments. It lasted bat a lew minutes and was not of a serious character. ,Wc understand I romTcry good au thority that the fare to Burgaw on the Fourth will be" reduced to one dollar for the round trip. This will be agreeable news to a good many who would like to celebrate the day in tho country. Mr. A. H. Kelley. formerly of this city, but now ot West Point, Va., as here yesterday knd Saturday on a short visit. He was oa his return from Bir mingham, Ala., where he had been to attend tho wedding ot his brother. Mr. ... ttesaw a numoer oi ilui niorninr exaraimn? a blossom , which isuite rare at this season of the year although it is common a little later. None could tell what it was and all differed as to its proper name. It was a cotton bloom ! The Setcs and Observer says that Col. Wharton J. Green and his daugh ters, blisses Sadie and Mabel, havo gone to Boston. Massachusetts. It is probable that they will spend the Sum mer in Nova Scotia, Miss Sadie's ltealth not being very good. Cotton. The receipts of cotton at this port tor the month of June just closed foot up 1.079 bales, as against 370 bales for tho same month last year, an increase thjs June of 703 bales. The receipts ol Die crop year to date foot up 1772 bales as against 135,917 bales to same date last year, a decrease this year of 8.615 bales. ... " . Messrs. A. &. I. Siiiuek have receiv ed, per exprtss.a large lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up very handsomely in diSerent shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early ami procure a suit for the boys. f The celebrated ;HBrand Gills Twine Is sold oalj at Jacou's Hard. warePcpoU' r i ! . V ;.'(" r VOL.. VII. Shepherd's Grain in ur. ; From Messrs John B. Piet & Co., of Baltimore, wo have received a! copy ! of Prof. Shepherd' Knglish Grammar" which is designed to succeed, in the regular order ot instruction, Shep herd's Elementary Grammar. We commend it to the careful inspection of the teachers in this city and section, j as we honestly believe, as far a3 wc j have been able to juJgc.that Prof.SLep- hcnPs two books of the series aro the clearest and most couprehensivc that proper construction of the English: lan gflage. i i Xisht lllooniinsr Cactus. .. .. . . i t..i t i night blooming cactus, wnica ne uas planted in the hoi house at the boulh. erncndofMr L. B. Husgins house on the corner of MulberV and Seventh . streets. The plant bloojneil last yearj lor tiic lirst tunc anu msi nisuw uioora- ed for the firt timej this year. It gan to open d little alter sunset. . l De" i at 10 o'clock it was fully expanded and nearly as large as an.'ordinhry saucer, after which it gradually 'closed up. It was a niagniticeut blossom and was visited by iuile a number of ladies and gentlemen of. the neighborhood who! were much interested jn the unusual sight. " . Jupiter. . ' Jupiter iscveuinstar until the Oth, and then morning star the rest of the month. Tnc giant planet is a busy member of r the sola community during t'.ie niontii of July, as the monthly record shows. Ho figures as chief actor in four of Us priucipal incidents. He is in conjunc-l tion with the sun. in conjunction w.itlj 'I the moon, in conjunction wi:h Mercury and in conjunction with Venus. On the 5th, at 10 o'clock inihe morning, lie is in conjunction with the sun. one of the grand epochs of his course. He rises and sets with the stun'and is en tirely hidden in its rays passing behind him and reappearing on his western side, he commences his course as morn ing star. j - This is the time to have your house photographed with the family on' tho porch. Lakdxer, the Photographer, can do it. 3t. Harbor Master's Itcport. The following is the number, nation ality and tonnage of vessels arriving at this port dunug the month of June, just passed , as taken from tho books ol Capt. Price, the Harbor Master: . American. Steamers Barques Schooners Total ; Foreign Barque3 Brigs Total........ Tonnage. 4.162 477 3,202 5. 2. ri. 18. J . . . 7,84 1 Tonnage. .... .115 i30C ... 4,511 !)... (.. 15., Grand total of vessels 33, aggregating 12,352 tons. - . ; City Court, , George Hays, colored, was brought up this morning charged with disorder ly conduct. Tho charge was sustained and Mayor Hall imposed a tine of $3, which was paid. ! j . ; Alice Hall,- a colored j woman who figure's frequently and prominently in police circles. Tor disorderly conduct was fined S10. with the alternative ol j 30 days in the city j prison. She took tho alternative. rin colored bov. whose .uame we suppress, for disorderly conduct m th t ... vicinity of St. JVikeV Church, on Seventh and Castle street, thereby dis turbing a religious- .congregation,; was fined 5, which was paid. Very Flatteries:. The following, which We clip from the Arkansas Traveler, will be read with much" interest by Mr. E. A. Old ham's many friends in this city: Tho manuscript of Edward A. Old liam's sonnet, ;Her j Majesty, My Queen." that has attracted so wide spread comment and was published in almost every paper in the country, upon being shown to Pcul H. Hayne, the Southern poet, won from him these en comiums : . -It seems to me there is ranch real grace and merit in it, and as v 'first sonnet, it is assuredly remarka n.i cUoo that the author ha? studied a peculiarly difficult . sort of composition In a 'letter from the poets wife to Mr.H)I(Jbaru, she says: Last evening brought to Mfv "?S? your sonnet in print, and he bids me to say that ho likes it even better after pe rusal in print than ho did before, and that yon have a very clear conception of the art of sonnet making Thoe comments, totally unsolicited, from so treat a sonneteer, to as youns n man as 5fr. Oldham, and upon, his hrst effort in thU soecies of poetical constroctioa. presages a literary future for the latter. Silver Tlatcd Spoons and Forks;iow prices, at Ja co bi.'s ; " - ; WILMINGTON. N. C; MONDAY; JULY 2; 1883: Navlg-ation and Pilotage. A meeting of the newly elected Board of Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotage was held to-day present, Messrs. James 'II. Chadbourn, D. G. Worth. James Sprunt, R, E. Ileide and John U. Newton, -who, were i duly sworn into office bv Col. John L. Cant well, J. P. i . The Board was organized by appoint ing Mr. D. G. Worth to the Chair and Mr. James Sprunt as Secretary. The annual statement of the Clerk and Harbor Master was read and ap? proved, andllr. James H., Cbadbourn was re-elected Chairman, and Captain ; Joseph Price,, Clerk t ami . liaroor Master for the ensuing term, unani- niou5iy. . to notify all tQ renew thdr branche3, ftnd aiso licenseg of thcir apprentices before lhe ,ast d of JuJy The former fecs verecontinn&L lf wna rHcnxvtvA t :a inconsistent tV f V V4 -w - wiih ilioltirv and obligation of a mem- Ji p 0 , t i i or security for a pilot. The Chairman and Commissioner Heide were appointed a committees to examine ami pass on the pilot's bonds, for the ensuing term. ; ' ; Commissioner Newton was reappoint ed in charge of the present method of soundinus of Cape tear river ana bar. The former rules ana regulations oi the Board were continued in force.. . It was resolved that the meetings of the Board be held subject to the call of tho Chairman, in case of need, instead of by regular appointment. . J ... Pilots John Adkins, C. C. Morse, and John N. Burruss were requested to act as a Board of ExaminersJor the en suing term. , County Commissiouers. The Board of County Commission, crs of New Hanover county- met in reg ular monthly session at 2i o'clock this afternoon.. Present, II. A. Baggs, chair man, and Commissioners Koger Moore, B. G. Worth, K. Pearce and .lames Montgomery. , Treasurer submitted his monthly re- Dort for the month of June general fund showiha: a balance on hand of iio 95? pdnoational fund, on hand v, ww- , SI 1.788.34 . , - - ...' ' it - f Deeds 'submitted his Vft-V - monthly report for the month of June. and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for $ 14.25 collected from marriage, li tonniMa nnrl i hp same Daid over to the Treasurer. Jesse B. Hawes was reappointed a student to the Universily of North Car olina, j. . The following were drawn as jurors to serve at tno next term of the Crimi nal Court : - - ' W. A". Cumming, Ben j Hollis, B. Solomon, A. M. Chadwick. Wm. Goodman. C. H. King, Henry Sheppard, A. Y. Wilson, Joseph Jones, C. S. Love. Julius JKvans, W. S. War rock. J. II. Hanby, 1. I- Gore, "J . F. Gilbert. Jesse ! Ives, Allison" Al derman, .7. 11. Strauss, M. Chadwick, John G. Norwood, Sam'l Davis, John L. Wooster, Gibson Register, John A. Holt, George Sloan." Charles Tietjen. W. J. Kellogg. It. L. Hntchins, G. II. Ward, E. Schulken., ' ': m The f ollowing persons were granted rcUil liquor licenses'; E. W. ,Doscherf J. M. Bremer. W. H. Grotgen. J. O. Nixon, J II Strauss. J M McGowan & Son, H A Glameyer. : J; D Stelljes. Wm Ulrich. J F Knlfs. O F Herberf, S P Collier. P Mohr. N Hullen. J F Stolter. Henry Haar. A D Wessel, W II M Koch. John Haar. Jr.. C A C Mugso. Win Ortterson, C: Schulken, Ida Mulligan. C F VonKampen, G W Under, Jac b Dules, George E Borden, H W Bryan, Scarborough & Scllars, J W Oldenbuttel. B Beliois, C W Garson. Mrs. i; A VonKampen, A Steljis," Chas Wesseli, Sarah J Meyer, Martin O'Brien, B II J Ahrens. Harper. & Stanly, A K Heyer. Harry Loeb. Exports Foreign. Nor. barque Jarnacs, Capt. Nielsen, cleared, to-day for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders with 1200 casks spirits turpentine and 920 barrels rosin, valued at $21,000. shipped "by Messrs. Alex. Snrunt &' Son. Nor. .brig: rcd. Capt. Thorsen, cleared for Croustadt, Russia.' with 2.448 barrels rosin, valued j at $3,790,02, shipped by Messrs. E. G. Barker & Co. J The school building on the Southeast corner ot Princess and Sixth, street?, connected with St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will be a fine looking structure when completed, if we may judge from its present appearance,-" The frame has been erected and it shows a dne regard for symmetry and proportion. wliich is pleasant to the eye. : 1 A r . t U 4 . t , . vVi-r-'?; - - '-"V i ' "'" i .' i - t - ! The Red Men. Cherokee Tribe. No. 9, Improved Order of Pwed Men, will be instituted to-night by D. G. S. George Zeigler. There isj an endowment of $2,000 in this Order. We' understand ; that the Order is now in a flourishing condition all over the country and that there are constant additions to the membership of the Tribe in this city '.v?',' vv- ' i . - r-UJ ANewPIrmA; v 1 We understand that Capt John H. Allen and Mt. J. T. Winner have.asso dated themselves together in the watch making and jewelry. business. These gentlemen are among the oldest and most experienced 1 wprkmen in 1 thev State and should have an excellent run of custom. They are prepared for elecr trbplating and will guarantee excellent; work. , n We understand that they will display a nicely selected stock of goods and will make a specialty .of spectacles and eye-glasses. i Exports'for Juue 'i The following table shows the, kind, quantity an4 valne of, arties shipped from , this' port 'dqririg I mbnlji ;bf Uune.tioovc Kind. . Quantity, j t Valuer r $124,928 : 47,731 G.474 16.425 1,2:26 208 Spirits turpt, 34,129 galls, -Rosin. 29.565. bbls.. Tar and ! pitch, 3,237 bbls.. Lumber 1,099,000 feet, Shingles, . 190,000, ' Tar oil , - - 50 casks. Total value, 1 OR OOO The latest sounndings at- thtf month of the river give the ' following as the depth at mean low water : Bald Head Bar 13 feet 6 inches Western Bar 11 feesSjnches. Rise of tide 4 feti The steam jyacht Minneliaha is off the ways, as bright and pretty - and good as new, and will resume her regular trips on Wednesday. " . ; . ' We understand that Mr. Bobert A. Hewlett, of this city, will give a wire walking ex hi Dition at Burgawj on "the Fourth. -. ' 8 o-f .'y; j Mr-; William ; Latimer, of ' this city,' has gone to Long Branch for ihe Sum'j mer. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stmr. TJinnehaha. TnE bTEAH TACHT MINNEHAHA hav lng been thoroughly overhauled and repaired, will resume her regular trips to SmlthTllle en Wednesday next, the Fourth, j ! JOSEPH BISBEY. ( Master- July 2-lt ! 4th July v I IJ1HERE WILL BE" NO EXCURSION ON Uie Steamer PASSPORT on the 4th. She wiU make hsr regular trips to Smithvllle and "the Forts. V . J. IV. HARPER. juiyjjt . . v ' ; McD(mgall& Bott den'sl Tfl Titv. PT.int tc nirr vdttr uttTotics i "S THE PLACE TO GET YOUR BUGGIES and HARNESS put in repair, and also to find a full line of first class SADDLERY, HAR NESS, TRUNKS,' BAGS, etc A large lot of BUGGIES daily expected. Come and see us. July 2- ' Final -rJotice. rpUESDAY, JUT.Y 3, IS THE LAST DAY you can i(stlTaxe.l ThrflBook's Mnfi.le' you cIowhI on that day at 6 o'clock, p. M. G. BURR, ! Tax Lister July 2 It ' -ii LLveryining Iurars uskVul! pumps, lightning I ' I Rods, Lamps, Safe, Ice Chisel. Tinware. Hanging Baskets, Wire Crosses, Kerosene Stoves, Tin Toilet 8ets, Ac:, Ae. : j -'! Pure White Oil. 1 JnlyS .PARSES A TAYLOR. "Blackfish Grounds" and IJIIIB FINE STEAMER "ITALIAN" HAS been chartered for an Excursion to the Fish ingpolnts near the city,. for Wednesday, the , . i - n ii Jiii ' . - i -Ji 4 th July. The boat will leave foot of Dock street at 4 a'clock, A. M.; Arrangements hnre been made with Mr. Davis to carry r any one who may wish to go outside from the-Rocks to the Southern Grounds. Parties wishing to spend aU day at the1 Seashore wilt hare an ex cellent opportunity. Tickets limited as we have only permit for so many. For. sale at Uaniss News Stand unUl Tuesday evening S JolyS-lt t . . . , 1 7 , PIANOS & ORGANS - M - . FROM ALL THE 1 Best Manufacturers in the Country. SOLD FOR CASH OR ON THE MONTHLY r kr r INSTALMENT PLAN, at HEINSBERGER'S, jaly i Utt Loo tzi liusic Stores NO. 156 NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. JUST OPENED ! -AT- 116 Market Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF '-T-VV ;.r- - I'";-.' .i'- ' ...... . -f . , " '. . ... DRESS goods; , ' A fuirassortment "of best qitAHty ; SEERSTTCKERS, i from lc iwryanliiiv1 ' V s; 1 -: - i ' "r " . -" ; Gold Lace Bunting, 15 cts AH-Wool Nuns's Vei I ing,i2"5c WHITE GOODS Pi.ne, JIarseilles, Terry, Batlte, , Mulls, Che lrcl NainsooKu, Persian and Indian Linens and Lawn. ngi Irli Tucking, Irish Point Lace, Hamiiurg Net, Spanish Lace and Sarft, ..i -- Bathing Flannels and Towels, ; Bleached Shirtinga and Sheetiog, . Marseilles and Honeycomb Spreads, y Extra Long Thread Gloves, ; ' 1' " worth 5Cr, for 25c . ...... - ( Gsuue Merino Underwear, t And ever so many articles too ' ; . numerous to mention. S3- All of the above .have been bought BELOW REGULAR VALUE, and our pat- rons WILL GET THE "BENEFIT OF IT. Call and get some of, the Bargains of f .:, "V?i f '-'ft1. - ' TJ3. rJ3 KATZ't ni . . . iWIU - ri im - av T7i6r' EVERYBODY. THE GLORIOUS FOURTH, with all of lte attractions, -cannot be celebrated , agreeably 'unless you have a plenty to eat If you leave town provide yonrself with LUNCH' - 4 ... ;l Crosse rStBlackwell'S Pickles Onions.- Chow. Chow, Mlxel awl ,G her kens, Devilled nam) Turkey, Chicken and Tongae, Chipped Beet,.SArdlnes. ;.; i, - Elegant assortment of CAKES and JRAOK- i i - Wt-- i. i :"' i " EES' . : n'l' . J ; , .. .i'l -. .V Sr j -vV',i?:-?v ;: " "(et your lAdy Friends a Box of ! The Parest 'and Best sold in the State. We nave ordered a large supply for the Fourth. Three Pounds for 1. - Mj ' , . j i . Come eafly' and gef choice selections.' f P,rL."BlGEES'&''Op. llO North Front St. - - Check; Bookp. 1 O ITU iTS CHECK BOOKS .CONTA IXISG Fifty to Two nundred Checks, Jot received. Larger sises made to order. . ? , ' i ACo, UtUT-lIeajA, Bill Ilead- Iraf,i Notes, Receipt, Ac. LItbfgraibed at short notice. - GivetMa trial. y C.,W.fYATKS. lltilsrketst y ' - Vi V PLSAJBS NOT1CS. ' i .... 1 h.- . - '--..-.-;.... j Wo will bs sla4 to recdra coznmulctUoss from otnr friends oa say and aU snbjeeu cf general Interest btt" 1 ' ' - I J . . - . i . . .... - i The name of the writer must alwara bo tat ntahed to the Editor, v - - i ' i t Commnntcatlona must bo wrltUn on oal t ...... I "..!.. 1 one side of the paper, .v .;,! ,' Persona 11 ties most be avoided i ; -And if Is eapslally"and parttdilarly nid i stood that the Editor does not always endo; the views of correspondents unless so suit m the editorial columns. " "; "i i NEW ' APVERTISErEN'l' Cool Beer ... I . QS DBAUGlT. THE BEST . IN THE lty. Good Whiskey, ' . Wioea, . liquor, and . Cigars, at OLD NORTH STAT B SALOON, 3 South Front st. june 30 2t Try it and le convlnccl. WewHatGV ;t. QONSISTINU OF COLORED CUIP6 ; tine Colored Mllans. "Sea BheUa". whlto amV colored, also thejxvpular Shade Hat, Nankin or "'Japanese ".and a variety of other styles, Just received and for sale by r ' . ... " , - MRS. KATE C. WINES f No. 119 North Second Streef. . june 25 CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILROAD, , ! .: ,"" I ' ' i '- - -.(,.. ' ! -I '-' ; GKNERAL PASSENGER DEPT.! ' 4 ' j ' J j : Wilmington, N. C, June j0lh,l3 i -! ' 1 Jt. .ilU, The Most Comfortable Route .. :',;'";;to Tin ' ' I MOUNTAINS ! v TXCURSION TICK&TSj'.AKE NOW ON sale at tiie ofli of thi Comiany jforalt olnts 1 in WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA: ' ' ; ir 'PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS run throuHi from Charlotte to Old Fort, Thence to Ashevlllo pHsengers have a n no vkjwroftim : Mountain Scenery from an OBSERVATION , CAB, leaving Old Fort at 7.18 A. M-Varrtrlng j at Asneviiie at x.m a. ai., ana warm spring - at 12,10 P. M ' une 11-lm Gcu'l Passenger Agent1 Millinery & Fancy Goode, ADIEK AMI CIULDREN'S HATS, i BON NETS, LACE TIES and ? v, B0WSANI RIBBONS; In all the Litest sly le9. ' x Ordoit from the country promptly plied and satisfaction guaranteed. ' . J :. ' My patrons will find It to their interest to i '''"! ..... , , . 1 : call and examine. i : mrs. s. j: baker, 122 MARKET STREET t june 9 Livery and Sale , Stables.; HORSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS AND , CABRiAUiiS let at low rates. - aiso uoaru : j or Horses. --' r.:a: The Tinest Hearse in ft e A CAR LOAD OF Kentucky Horsqs & Mules 'j Jast received and for sale low. The best lot 6f stock In the4 city. - HOIXINGS WORTH & WALKER,' , " ft .- . '-;,'..; s ,i At the New Stables, ,. -.!' may 4-tf Cor. FourtS and Mulberry sts .Quarantine Notice, i QUARANTINE FOR THE PORTOFWIIf i'-ii: " '': -' '. ':-.' -'.; "- :''- .; mington will be enforced from May 1st to November 1 st as follow s ; y " : 5 - j i Pilots will bring all vessels from ports Sonth of Cape Fear to the Quarantine anchorage;, also, all vessels which have had any kind of sickness on board daring th 3 passage, or on ;.. arrival, and will cause a signal to be set In the main rigging on the port side, as soon as pox- ; Bible after crosslnst the Bar,- - 1 . : k .,' . . No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor-1 age, or allow any person, steamer, tag boat, ' . unless by written authority from the Qaaran-. tlr physician, and every vessel muJt be au- i ,i , in i-1 in ii , . . an is consistent with safety. ' ,..f .'. - " Regulations governing vessels wLile In Quar. antlne mav be had on application at the nice i of the Quarantine Physician st fcmithvllle. i , Applications for permits to visit vetsels la Quarantine must lx made to Dr. Thomas KJ ' Wood or Dr. UCo. G. Thomas, and permits so obtained will be endorsed by the Quarantine : Physician, ;lf in bis .opinion, it is proper and safe to allow communloatlon with such vepaeiM. A penalty of 200 for each and every offence will be enforced i against -any person vUla ting any of the Quarantine Regulations of the Port, f- W. G. CURTIS, M. -D., .. Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. TU9r. Y.oo4m.-d. i rLut. GEO.1 G. THOMAS, M. D. apl 4 -lamTt 1st m ICE. : .,- jane23 W. E. DAVIS A SON ' Soda Water I Soda WatorJ ftTTITHi. PURE FRCTT JUICES, j , , , f T - ' " ' SEASON It583 1 "'';" : j MINERAL WATER ON DRAt'flllT. i " 1 . ICE COLD, i VI - WILLIAM II.' GICEEN, apl K - j ': : irttgarlst i T TUt ; OLD' STAN I), j j.; ! ratflTflVll V V '. V 1 V. still continues to keep the , best . of Wine. WbUkcys, Ciarsr Tobacco, Canned Go.", etc Give raca call, near the Court Hotw. tnayD-lm . J. D. DAVI?. - i .

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