The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop. . WILMINGTON, yc. MONDAY. JULY 3. 1883 : : ZTTT Entered at the roatoae ai wnminrwa.. ' m aecowi-cUM matter. I government board returns also snow a THE PUCLIST8. marked, though small, decrease of pau- The aony of suspense is oyer and V- ; we are permitted to inhale the breath of ; -rhc iteamcrs that hare recently ar bcayea without fear or belo iuGocatct! irjre,) at San Francisco j from China tk itinhnrou smoke of cunpow- htm li hroiilit lirre 'amount of der. Those two bloody-minded editors i iim nd nierne. of Hfchniond. Vir- glnla, after several days of marching and countermarching to evatl the officers of the" law. during wbkh time there has btn a great amount of solid- tnde oa the part of thousands of people, hare met. nd what sccmctl to threaten one of- tho bloodiest tragedies, ever known ia American hUtory, culminated ia one of the silliest farces ever held up to public ridicule. By tho tcnai of the cartel hcy were to stand eight paces apart and com meaceflringata given signal, and to advance and tire until tho pistols wcro Trnt?r!. un Irs one or both fell. The f " - arms to be used were Colt's revolvers. fearful wdDons when in the hands of skillful and determined men. F.ight paces! Colt's revolvers! Who ca peeled -that cither would be abia to continue the fight after the first fire? Wo did not, but wo were mistaken. Neither w lift jLt th first shoL a fact which entitles them to a chromo for being tho poorest marksmen in the country We do not believe that a resort to the coda duello is the proper way to settle a dlffieiikv. however crave may be the provocation. Oa the contrary, we be ; Here it to be morally, as we know it is legally, wrong to send a challenge, ac ccpt a challenge or carry a challenge to . mortal combat,but when men get to such & nitch as these two editors did, that they would make tho world think they - must have blood or burstthat they consider the affront so great that they dare defy all the laws of God and man ia order to wipe out tho stain then something ought to be done. At the second fire, we are to!d, Mr. Elam was wounded in the thigh when Mr.Biernc declared himscll satisfied, saluted his fallen foe by raising his bat, and walked oft the field. We presume that Mr. Elam was also salistied, al- J though the report is silent as to his sentlmenfs in the matter. Fortunately a surgeon was at hand to attend to such accidents, and the wounded man was as well cared for as circumstances would permit. Now, how much better off is Mr Bierne in his own or. in the, world's estimation? Mr. Elam is certainly no better off. lie called the former very ugly and opprobrious names and got a bullet in the thigh in consequence. The honors arc easy so faras he is concerned. But such Is not the case with Mr. Bierne. The oflensiro epithets and charges which caused all this troublo have never been retracted, yet he Is satis fied. lie may claim that they were wiped nut in the Wood of his" antagonist, bnt mf mnt. Kn . noor consolation to r serious mourner, so lonx as those charges remain unrctractal. The in cldents of tho dael only go to "how (ifUicy show anything but criminal folly) that Mr. Elam made the charges and had the pluck to stand by them, erca at the risk of. his life. These men occupied - important aud rwpomible positions. As editors of widely circulated and influential news papers they were teachers and mrulders ot public sentiment, and while they differed in political opinions, it was their duty to do all iu' their power to educate tha people up to aull and thor ough knowledge of. their moral and legal oougiuoos. insicauoi utciiutog to this liign ana imperative uuty, now cTer, thcjc two editors hare been fling ing ugly epithets at each other, exciting morbid and illegal sentiments among the people, provoking wicked antago nism between their respective adherents until all society had been contaminated by Ino venom of their teachings, and tho prospects of a bloody rencontre became a glory instead of a shame These men have mistaken their duties as Journalists and tho jirst frowns of good men and women should be upon them. ; Texas papers claim that the profits on ciUle-rabing in that State have aver . -.1 ffw . ! Iki firA ytars, while in some cases they have reached 600 per cent., and the claim is substantiated by an array of statistics that abundantly prove the cas. The profit for the first year is nominal, the second year it averages 10 per cent the third year 30 per cent., the fourth year TO per cent. The avcage loss by .dis ease and casualty during the same peri od has beea 15 per cent., or 3 per cent. annually: The extension of the rail road svstem of Texas is expected to increase the profits of the . business, as it docs away with the great risks in volved in long drives. Superior Excellence. Mr. W.. W.Smith. Raleigh K. C. says: I have used Dr. Worthington'a Cclera and Diarrhoea Mcnicine; it Is by any olhc remedy." Carv? Cramps and Indigestion. . - ; r i They arc-endeavonns to coerce or icajo!o the Irish people from Ireland. and yet official accounts state we4- ine agricultural prospects ol that country AT2 uiot cheering. Tue, hay crop, though likely to be below. Che ptrcrage. 1. wt m twI Yt A promises to uo vui-. I nar holler. The local op-ltlm anij it j5 estimated that the . hl hr Julr Uwberv the atf- I y&tjcc In duty goes into HTect.j will be ; four million pounds. .All the Chinese dciten carrr biz stocks, but the bulk of is opium Is in the banks. The bank regard it as aft cood. and loan three1 nusrtcrs of its value on it. Not less than $2,000,000 in opium. In neat lorty pound boxes, is now ia local bank vaults. : j PJSRSONAIj. John E. Owens ArL-ntvt is at Hot Springs, John T. llavmond has been on the mi w ' stagc,lhirty years. 1 Miss Fanny Davenport is resting at home, in Canton, Pa. .Ferdinand of Portugal, brother of the King, is in Paris with his wife (nee Elisfl Ilcnslcr) and takes an active part in outdoor sports. . ! ; : J- IIou. Daniel Pcarce. of Central Falls, B. I., is 90 years old. has been married sixty-eight years and has been justice of the peace niW-two years. John II. Starinand Horatio Seym tor areamonz the 'centlemea wno baye placed suitably inscribed tablets on the Schnylerville battlefields .near; Sarato ga- A contemporary says that "John Bright has always been a good friend to this country, and therefore a just and clear-headed man.": This seems to be putting the cart before the horse. The Baroness . de: Rothschild, the Countess de la Rochefoucauld, the Manmise de Castellane and Princess Radziville are skilful raqucUe players, and take part in the weekly games jn i'aris. Judze Hoadly is a bright little boyish- faced man. and speaks with force and emphasis rather than ' with brilliance. ins message anuuuuiriug xiia luieuuuu to continue as Democratic candidate for the Ohio Governorship indicates a terse style and an aggressive spirit. Wanted A Pastor. A New Hampshire paper speaks of a place in which there are three churches. but no preacner.anu gives as a reason tor such a state of things, 'That a $3,000 minister is wanted lor about threehun. dred. and he must be married, so as not to flirt with the girls, and must take his fay in beans, potatoes, cnicicens, etc. n lact, he must be too spiritual to eat and lire, except on, the eloquence which he delivers to the multitude. Any min uter auswering this desciiption will be gladly welcomed there. Flies ami Bugs. . Flies, roaches, ants. bed-buS, rats. mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out The Newbern. N. C, cotton seed oil mill yield, it is said, jabont 500 gal Ions a day. One man in Icxinzton, Miss., has hipped 17.000 pounds of cotton seed. Cured Six Years Ago. "It has been r years since I was cured of fitsj'says Jlr. W, Ford, or AVIrt. Jefferson Co . Ind. xiartw Aervinc did it." And it always will,' reader. $1.50, at druggists'.- ' - . It is rumored that a large hotel will soon bo built at CJeorgctowB. S. C. Dr. Benson's Skin Cure consist ot internal and external treatment at same time nnd it makes the skin white, soft and smooth. It contains no poisonous drugs $1 at druggists. iirownwooil. lex.. I claims L,oUU in habitants and wants a fire department. I - " Wouhfnt be u Wiout Dr. Benson's Cclcrvand Chamomile pills if tiiey cost S I. o pili. Tlicy cured me of neuralgia, or u ytars standmq. Josepn nyaer. I'axiod-. Pa. 50 cts. per box, at drug gists. ! Several new gold raiues will soon be openeu in v nue county, ui. Scino, N. Y.; Dec 1, 11870. am Vic Pastor ol the Baptist Church here, and an educated physician. I am not in practice, but am sole family phy sician, and advise in-many chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wife, who has been under I medical treatment of Albany's best physicians several years. She has become : thoroughly cured of her various complicated diseases by their use. We both recommend them to our friends, many of i whom hare also been cured ; of their various ail ments by them.' I REV. E. R. WARREN. In the St. John's riverFla., a 1,000 pounu tun usn ha3 been taken. . . i 1.- ' !" Advice to Consumptlres. On the appearance of tho first symp toms as general debility, loss ot appe tile, pallor, chilly sensations, followed by night sweats and cocigh. prompt measures of relici should: be taken. Consumption is scrofulous disease of the iunrs : thcreforo use the crcal ant scrofulous or blood purifier and strength restorer, Dr. Picrco't Golden Medical Discovery.1 Superior to Cod liver" oil as a nutritive,1 and unsurpassed as a pectoral. For weak lungs, spitting ol blood, and kindred affections it has no equal. JSold - by druggist. For Dr. Pierce's treatise on consumption 6cnd two stamps. World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Buffalo N. Y. . m-th For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jxcoei's Hardware Depot, t MISCELLANEOUS. The Public is revuesUd carefully to notice the Lndenlmvune tele drew Monthly KrCapital Prize Q7G$OOOJB Tickets only:C5. Shares In pro- '.. portion; Louisiana State Lottery ! Company.- ! W L krrtbw ceriifv thai tet $uptrvii tkt mi for all the Jfoniklv and Semi- " AtanuU Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot t rnmrxm- tutd i verton manage tmd con trol the Drawings than elves, and that the tame ure conducted with honesty, fairness, smd in good faith toward mU partus, ana we autnor izetke Company to use this certificate, with fac- 0itnutS Of our signaarrx iwohkb, mmiwiif tCHKrt .... - ( Commissioners. laeornorated In 1S68 for IS rears br the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur- roes with a cavltal of I. to wdcn a reserre fund of 550.000 has since been added. Br an overwhelm In populai rote its fran chise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed y the people of any stoic, : It never scales or postpones. Ita Gram! Slnzle Number Drawinsrs lko place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A rORTUNE. Serenth Grand Drawlnjr. Class G, at New Orleans, r Tuesday, , July; 10, 18&15tth Monthly Drawn. Capital Prize, $75,000; laEacFcUoVinFHt in proponiou. i LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize of.. 75,000 25,000 1 Capital Prize of 1 Capital Prize of , 10,000 12,000 2 Prizes of $J,ooo. .3 Prizes of 2,000 10,000 Prizes of 1,000 1U,UVM 500 10,000 200 20,000 100... 30,000 50 25,000 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 300 Prizes of COO Prizes of 1000 Prizes ot 25.;.. 25.000 ArraoxiMATiox prizes. 9 Approximation Prizes of 750. J 500. t i9 " " ' 250. j 6,750 4,500 j 2,250 1.967 PHies. amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should only be made to the office of the Company in New Or leans. For further Information, write clearly,' giv ing fun address. Send orders by express, Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed only to - . i U. A. UAUtrtXLStp New Orleans. La. . or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C. June 13-wed-aat-4w-d&w CittXVn-tn-nn from Youthful Imprudence OUnererS causing -Nervons Debility, mental and physical werkness. Valuable in formation for borne cure rKCt.. usea ts years successfully. -Dr. A. G. Olin, iBox 243, Chi i,tBox24 may 31- ilCft- go, UAwly BATE'S SPECIFICS Prepared from f ormul.e used by an emioen payaiaian aarus x years successim practice. Soedllc No. 1 Qnarantecd lo effect a radi cal cure ot all affections ot the Blood, whether Scrolulous or acquired. Sfcln diseases, pirn pica, moth patches, eta, are permanently cuted by liato's specluc ao. i. rncc ft. Specific No. 2 Cures Seminal Wkakxess, Iiekvous Debilxtv, fcom louthiuJ indiscre tions or Kxncsscs. proaoclngExhaustcu v liai Ut and Loss of Manhood. This remedy Is un equalled In the cure of these complaints. 1 1 Is a powerful stimulus to the weakened Nervous Sretcm. assists Nature to renew the: strength and vlbr of the debilitated organs; and effects a radical cure. : iric a i. , . Specific No. 4 Gives Instant rcuef and per manently cures Rheumatism. Price $2. Specific No. 6 A positive cure for all weak nesses common to females. Price $1. Sold by Drugffltds or cent on receipt of price Dy J. . ite. .w n. jiarK m., unicao. majr.1Mr-iAw nrm - r. W EW STORE. THE CONVENIENCE Or MY CUS TOM EES AND THE PUBLIC GENERAJL.L I have opened a Fancy Grocery ; Store ! IN THE. , ' 1 NEW MARKET HOUSE, ' CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY. I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES The Choicest Groceries. snch as I keep at my Store oa North Front Street. Bay your GROCERIES from me and it will afford m? pleasure to deliver at your homes dch artloles aa yon may purchase in the Mar ket. - . . - 1 i SAVE TI1CE AND TROUBLE by making an your selections in the NEW MARKET HOUSE. John L. Boatwright. mayl tf I ' .. ... ' ' 1 " The Sailing Yacht Imogen, 9MITHVILI.E, N. C," t 1 1TITU EXPERIENCED SAILING MAS. ft ler, can be hired at reasonable rates. Inquire o board StmK Pansport, or of - f f i s.S. S. DREW, June 7-1 no. - At flarpera Store JOtT THl PAPW THE )ECPl& WART ! - ED.? OLDHAH8 i'"'; ::?f TVESTEBN SJENTINEIj. (Established 1832.) ShonM be Read n Every Fireside In. Eaestern " " ' North Carolina. .. , . . Fall el Sews, Fun, General Information and 8omctMus to Interest .Everybody. ; . ax! so ciarrs ajtotst rr fsxxxMQ.vrns. api 21 T870 yvc- ' 4 MISCELLANEOUS. - rjymber 8. GOOD BEEF, MUTTOX. ; , . : ! . T i - , n .f" LAMB ASD VEAL. , i !' s ' ( ! r ; The best the market affords at f i . I ' -r I -v BORSEMAN' STALL, June 8 j .So. 8, New Market The Ball andTheatre Season i - JS OVER. KXeUBSioNS AND PIC NICS are all the rase now, and JOHN WERNER, the nraclical German Barber and Perfumer, ! Is iergonaUy In attendance at hia Ilair Dre&s and Front, Wilmington, N. C. may IS - - - .: Cotton eed For Planting. - t .:: I - . - BUSHELS GOOD - , i. --. ! PLANTING SEED. : 1 1 i FOR SALE AT 500 Willard'st may 12 tf Tobacco. w E HAVE FULL LINES OFTCUA which we are selling EIGHT CENTS under prices prior to May 1st. Also a very large stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS at bottom figures. & WORTH. mav 1883. -Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Hi arpers net say s tan us at tne neau 01 .men Illustrated weekly journals Byltsunpar- can tlsan position In politics, its admirable llluetra tlons. ita carefully ohosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by the fore most artists and authors of the day, it carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes. It will always be the aim or the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular and attractive family newspaper in the world. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: harpeb's webklt. ....... ....$4 00 Hamper's Magazine........ ............ 4 00 Habper's Bazar: 4 00 10 00 7 .' 1 50 5 00 The Three above, publication s. ...... . Any Two above named................ Harper's Touno People............ Habper's ; Magazine ' ' Habpeb's Youxo People, f , ' Habper's Franklin square Ubrart, ; ' One Year t52 Numbers) 10 00 t Postaae Free to all subscribers in the United States and Canada. f v . The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned. It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order.- The last Four Annual volumes of uaroers Weeklu. In neat eloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed ue dollar per volume), tor $7 00 per volume. ciotn cases ior eacn volume, suicr.oie ror binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re eclot of tl 0Q each. Remittances should be made by Post-Omce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. A ewspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper A Bros. Address : - . i HARPER & BROTHERS, i dee 12 I New York. 1883. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine begins Its sixty-sixth vol ume with the December .Number. It Is not I only the mostpopnlar illustrated periodical in 1 America and England, but also the largest in its scheme, the most beautiful in its appear ance, and the.Dest magazine for the home. A new novel, entitled "For the Major." by Con stance ' Fenlmore Woolaon. the . author of Anne." was be run in the November Number.! In literary and artistic excellence the Maaa tine improves with each successive number Special efforts have been made for the lighter entertainment ox its readers tnrough nnmor ous stories, sketches, Ac J ' - ....... . ; t Harper's Periodicals. ' Per Year :' 1 IfABPBB'8 Magazine ..$4 00 Habpeb's Wejekly oo The Tbbee above publications.. ..10 00 Any ffiro above named.. ... 7 00 Habpeb's Vouno Feoplk.. ....... .....I 1 50 HABPEK'9 MAOAZIKK ! ) Habpeb's Iodxo Feople m w Habpeb's FbakkltnSqdabe Libbabt, One Year (52 Numbers)....,1; 10 00 Postage Frei io aa subscribers in th. T7nitA States or Canada. . ... The volumes of the Magazine tcern with the Numbers for June and Deccmbcrof each year. When no time is specified, it will stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. -. i . , The last Eight Volumes Cf Harner AfnnnJ tine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent hv f.Vv i,"Paiu"u rcccipi i4w per volume. Cloth - Cases,- for binding. 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. . Index to Harper's Magazine, Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes I to V inclusive, from June, 1S50, to June, 18j?0. one voL,8vo, Cloth, $4 00. - Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo.d chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Haktkr & Bbos. , Addresa HARPER A BROTHERS, declS - New York. , White Goods. NOTHER SUPPLY OF 20c INDIA LAWN, the bargain of the season. ' '-. j j ' i ' . - Also, 1 2 Wc Scotch Check Lawn, 1 . . - i ! j - nandsome French Plaid Uwda, ' - 1 - . - . . Colored Xtwna at 5c, Cc, 8c and 10c . i ' '" - .'..(''. .-' ... . - . " Gentlemen are advised to look at the Half '' ' r ' - j . 1 . - .... Hose I am selling at $3 per dozen. i ' j - ( - ' i ! "' A handsome stock of Ladies Hose just re'- celied " ;: '""- ' JOHN J. HEDHICK. jnne23 . - . . . . ... MISCELLANEOUS Hulbert Bros. Wholesale i Price List. 4 Piano, 7 oct., square, xosewooa, m carved, agraffe........; ,f 159 oo 7 Plano,uprlght,7Hoct.,cablnetgiand-174 OT IS Organ , 4 nets reeas.s stops ana gi?mu organ ............I . ' Organ, 6 sets reeds, 13 stops, coup ler, sub-bass.................... Our Pianos and Organs are war granted first-class. - J i Violin outfit, box, bow, strings,com:X i jplete 3 Violin icremona model, extra fine . 4 Accordeon, 10 keys, bass box, fine i tone........ - 6 Accordeon, 6 keys, 1 stop, 2 Bet reeds, perfect. 1... Month Organs, Vienna concert, 2T I holes.............. ..-I 8 Mouth Organs, Genuine Richter l(f holes, GS ................ 11 Mouth Organs, Genuine Concert double. 24 holes,GS. .... .!..;.... 14 Clarionet, genuine Martin, 6 keys, boxwood. .4. 17 1 Fife, in ebony, German silve ferulea is Music Box. 1 tune, crank, fine....... 59 00 73 00 3 00 9 00 1 00 8 Of 1 00 5 00 50 1 10 19 " 8 tunes,' wind with lever i . iAre.. .. 25 00 20 Violoncello, patent, machine head i' i crxxl 10 00 SiDouble iBass, patent head, 3 or 4 siruigs ' 24 Guitar, maple, machine head, fine 23 00 finish. 4 00 27 Banjo, 10 Inch, 4 brass brackets 28 Cornet, brass cornopeon sty lei case and crooks.. .. .1.. 80 Drum, brass, Prussian, ornamented, Gold Violin, (Jtiitar aud Banjo Strings, I 2 00 9 00 9 00 15 ,10 ,11 Bros..:.... J Silver Violin, Guitar and Banjo Strines, H Bros Steel VIolin.-Guitarand Banjo Strings, JIBros ...!...'. Gut, Russian, German or Italian, best quality. ..... rnatfni'.tion lvoks. Howe's or Winner's. an v lnstiTiment. i... 30 -llavinff iust made a rood trade for 100 1 Slnjr- er Sewing Machines, will sell them foif $25 each while they last. - Money is qu.te safe In common, letter If nlainlv addressed. 1 i .; Terms strictly cash with order. Will take stamps. -r -I "'; ''' Agents and dealers send for our 40 page Cat alogue. - ! 1 On above net wholesale prices agents can make 100 per cent, profit.! Call on ub when vou come to St. Louis. References : Any bank or wholesalehouse in the city, i . i , i Hulbeit Bros., Is the only General Whole sale house in St. Louis. i i HULBERT BROS.. ! . 923 Olive Street, Saint Louis. Mo.-1, ian-13-ly ,- .) V-"- j- - . - -.. . 1 GUNS AND CUTLERY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Muzzle a,nd Breech-Loader Guns, v i Revolvers and Ammunition SILVER PLAT ED SPOONS: & FORES, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, - Table Cutlery. a" Popular prices to suit all at . 4--..-. ; - N. JACOBIN ' J HARDWARE DEPOT, dec 22-tf j No. 10 South Front St Wanted. B Y A COMPANY W1K 6 PROPOSE TO establish a mahu'facior thereon, well-timber ed cypress lands, j Parties who may have such lands to dispose of are requested to communl cate. with me at Wadeeboroor by letter with MrJ Josbj T. James,- at Wilmington in person. '!..- I I . .-!.-. i Full prrtculars as to exact location of lands, I . . . " 1 ' ' '. - i ' number of aores. probable yield of timber to the acre and lowest price, must be made known JOHN T. PATRICK, State Immigration Agent, Wadesboro, NJ. ' apl 19- tf Smithville Bazaar;. X HAVE AT MY BAZAAR, Collars, Cuflfs, Shirts. Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Cigars, To bacco, Canned Goods, etc Jn fact, everything a gentleman nceas. jruir nne ot ancy ami Staple srticlca Always on hand, f - I now supply vessels going to sea with PURE SPRING WATER, which will not make crews sick. Give me a call, may 30-lm WM. WEEKS. Smithville, P. 0. Postage Stamps, Paper and Envelopes A tLVfAIS ON HAND AT THE POST OF- Hj fir; FICE AT SMITHVILLE. I L. A. GALLOWAY, may 30-lm i I Postmaster hot, life is sweeping by, go and dare be fore you die, some thlne misrhty and sublime leave behind to conquer time $66 a week in your own town. $5 outfit free. No risk. Everything jjewj Capital not required We will furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as man onrl Vwwa ami ir4v1a vntrA w m Reader, if you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for partlcu ars to Hi Haixktt & Co., Portland. Maine. nov 16-dAw tf. . - BEFORE- Electric Appliance! ar senboa 30 Dajs' Trial to r.iEfi oriLY, Youric on old, WHO are mSeting roin'SiiiTOCi VmnurTT Lost Vitautt. Lack -or Kertk Fobcs Jair Vigor, WASTiXti Weaogsox, and all tho ieaes ' of a Pxbsoxau Satvrk reuniting- from Abuses zk2 -OxirrK. Cax'sks. 8ieedjr relief mod complete resto. ration of Health. ViGaa and ALuoiood Cuajusttked. The grandest diawTery of tho Nirwtetith Ceptary. ' ' Send at once for Illustrated P&znph let free. Addreas v:ltai3 citTca.; fjAnssAii; vaz&. IfSlST a m n a rrcn a J miscellW - . Steamship tine ! . .STEASrERa: WILL .8AII. NEWTfbfi 8ATUBDAY, t 8J'clociI p." BENEFACTOR,..., .'....s - . BuiToiL;....;..Sat i r- i 24 .. . . j. 1 i i mJ t REGULATOR......... ...Satur ,1 j BEEFACTOB......:...8aty " ' oainraiT j !. Through rBUla Lading U! J) Through Rates gaaranteed to and fa Po!j f in worth ana south Carolina.; ' 1 ; For Freight or Passage apply tk' i ; ' THifAS E. IWSD.Su'pcruTtCftJc., 1 t THEO. Q. EG El ' - r 'as WM. P. CLYDE A CO., GenrrJjL Tori. uia.v vu. Larobatory ov v 15 STATE ASSAYBB AD ChiJI : i COs.Kast Grace Btnt i i' I RlCHMOKD Va. , i January JouT !4 Mb. N. Ezekikl has made knoKi composition of his Hair Restorer and it also subjected it to chemical cxamlnauoff u contains no lead or silver, subetanceiliJ! commonly employed in making nreniilT7 for the hair. ,nor anything hamUffiftS therefore be used without apprehensloii LnZ iurious results: I f' ' WM. H. TAYL0B, M. D I I : i i ' . r " ; state cWrt. Whilst- thanking you, Mr.fEieklclJ forUl, ' Hair Restorer you bo kindlv iunt 1 i ..T great plbasure in saying to you that uV bl flcial effects upon my hair have been m ent as to attract the commendation nt V friends who have noticed it. r if y It Is in my estimation a treanwl - which the toilet of none who hav r, i. be complete. Hoping It, may realize row u pecuniary success yotfso richly deserve a , i remain, very reHpecuuUy, i ' I . , MRS. A. E V.'Wtot I Richmond, Va., Feb. 27, 18G7. i " i For sale by ali drtisrsrists. PrW it tie 1 ...i - . Ihhir We w Restau ramT fllHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPgCTl fully announce that hebasiuat fitted np t No ! ' - -: -1 ' ' ; , I I hi 8, Granite Row, South Front St., al muuria 1 Ti; of! tb refreshments may be had at all hpun .- ..... , ; ,; .f day. Everything Is new and nrst' claw j .Po . -i - r lite waiters and courteous attendants, 49"Game and Oysters lo season. rim Wines, Liquors andJClJaw. noy 18 r. A. SCHUTTtJ Prop Marvin's Celebrated L T7IRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, Alllzes arid Prices, from fSO.OO to f2.f00.00. Acknowledged by the best authorities to be iha BEST SAFE MADEV ' Extract from Scientific American editorial l Feb. 11th, 1882; 1 "We are also asked as to tM won jug jiiuui noiCDt c oajr &. w. m i A. A. WILLAEO. dec 19' Agent at Wllmlni First National Bank ofjWil nmngton. ........ 1350,000 bAi llfl l 3X A.. a.......... t 66,000 OUIUTliUO X UXIl. f Deposit received aad collection; all accessible points In the United Bute. DIRECTORS, E.E.BURRUS3, a7 MARTIN. D.Q. WORTH JAB. SPRUNT, B. F. HALL. QJTICEB: E. BURRUSS............Z. rr. Vraiml. , :. ,.r. A. K;WALK fen.. .... W. LARKINS.. apl 23 ! Notice. Change. rpHE RESTAURANT AUD SALOON FOR merly knoyn aa the Scarbdrough Ifousei to. 15 South ,Water street, irill hereafter be k now ,. . . -ii i . as the CAPE FEAR PILOT JIOUSE, wherr E, waerr fj snrn. can lc found at all times the best pi Lfyuors and Cigars. Boanl by the day, trcct or month. Table supplied with the best tb f ' ' 1 ". ; ; - ' market 'affords." Oysters In season,. AU at popular prices. - lour patronapc is respect fully solicited. A trial will convince you that our aim ia to excel and please. E. T. BUBUliiS. may. 31-1 y r 4iianager Corsets I GORALINE CORSETS, All Sizes.; . j i j at 75 cents. ' ' 1 J , I' Also a full supply of our 50c Corset; the H1 In the city for the price. 1 .' J.L.,i A handsome. stock of Silk and Lisle Thrca'i Gloves. .: . j "... :;,-',v-.: . 1 "'. ,1 ' Black and Colored" Lace Mitts, , i ' J . , I Wash Leather Jersey Gloves reduced to fx- JOHN J. HEMilCK. c ?t . .. leiy 27-dcodAwly , may Is ..; - c: ! - ' !

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