Tins r at ertry eteala. Saadayi w eevied by b!lned 9 JOSH T. JAMES, gDrTo as raorarxTo. ,t .BimoNS postage pair je" tl oo; One month, cents. , " ; be deflTered by carrier, frre ,c. l7TtU civ. at Ue abor. . !rt their paper regularly. irri " 7U DaV Btvieio has the lanjui ! ,tti.' jf U-UmingUm. General rhi! Sheridan has four chil .!rn. all RrU. and the eldest is six years Lm " L xx ' A St. IjouU girl' foot was sprained bya'tiiht shoe, and resultant blood oiioniaz billed her. Take warning. Piofessor Brooks, of the Red House Obrratory. has been awarded by II. If. Warner, of Rochester, a special ' prize ot $250 for his astronomical dis j coverics. : The projectors of.tho IxjaisTine Lx roitiou have fixed npon prices for oririlezcs. Lemonade must pay $3.- ice cream. $300; cider $1,200: the and riaurant, $2,500; beer. $2,500. Ipi-urn. $1,500. .!u!m Uarnett, the first railway poller rr employed in passenger trallic. died rnilyat Darlington, England. Har Mia-cmpanietl tncoM No. 1 engine ..it it t'ialtrip with Ceorg Stephen- TLrre arc now nearly 100,000 vol ume in the public library of Chicago, and 'the average number of visitors daily during the past year was 3,433. TL rrcHtercd number of borrowers of l.o..fcs was 21,415. Miss Carrie Zimmertnan. of Bloom iii2toii. III., recently had a very dan "eroiu experience in blood poisoning occasioned by handling green velvet, the poisonous coloring matter of which entered her system by absorption Irom be prick of a needle. , General and Mrs. Jesse Benton Frc mout are livinz in one of the beaulilul flat houses owned by a married daugh ter. on Fifty-ninth street. New York, and overlooking Central Park. Mrs Fremont is In excellent health, and goes about the house a great deal. And what about the Urrible anxiety vml distress ot mind which must bare been endured for a full week by Mm. Beirne and Mrs Elam .while their bellicose husbands were playing hide and seek with the officers of the law, endeavoring to get a chance to shoot each other? . ' ., A sad case of bereavegement comes from Camden, Oneida county. New York. A man there has just buried his sixth wire. Her remains were in terred in the same lot with her five predecessors, who rest side by side. The afflicted husband says he will never marry again, because his burial lot is lull. M. Ktnilo Erlangcr, the Paris banker and son-in-law of the late John Siidell of Iuisiana, was lately arrested in Paris on the chargool unlawful tfanst actions withuhe auditor general. He is by birth a Gcrmau Jew. and alter wards became a Protestant, and next, in order to get a Catholic divorce and marry Miss SlidclU be came a Catholic. LOCAL NEWS. IIDU TO ItW 'ADYtBTISEMllTS. Tatx Cbeck Books IlEixSBzaoaa Check Books. K M MclsTiaa Mosiulto Jfet Vf It jGkeejc Soda Water Mineral Water 4 C LcMJDr.s Best Ice Cream In the World T J SM0TraLA5i Wf9nette for the Sosnd The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot nponly 3 bales. New moon to-morrow morning .at 49 minutes past 9 o'clock. There will be no paper issued from this office to-morrow, the Fourth. We regret to hear that the wife of Rev. Dr. J. tt. Wilson s quito serious ly sick. . Steamship Regulator. Capt- Doace, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city this morning: The freight offices of the Carolina Central Railroad will close at 10 o'clock o-morrow morning, and remain closed daring the day. The Yates Gallery will be open half a day on the Fourth. J. F. Lardne'r. Photographer. It. Cotton blooms continue to arrive. Il third of the season was handed us this morning by Capt. Colvin. of the steamer John Daurson. It wasjraised on Mr. A. R. Black's place at Point Caswell, and opened on Sunday last. Messrs. A. &. I. Siinicn have receiv ed, per express, a largo lot of Children's Blouse Suits made up Tery handsomely in dificrcat shades, which they will sell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. "t , p . ' - ' . T " ! ' f ' ' ' - I , ' ' " . . - .' " ..-i. " . . I J ' ' :--V"-"--. f VOL. .VII. Unniallables. , The following U a list of the unraail- able postal matter remaining in the Postoflice in this city : . t Harlow and Green; WillOverbyand Son ; Messrs. Boyd t Bros ; A t Koyster, and Bros; Empire Plaster Mills; E J Snow and Co; Schiffand Grier. -! Photos made from Mr. Orr's Nega tives at low rates. Laudxei:, Photo. Yates Gallery i 3 Tbe Banka House.! We were shown, late last evening, a plan ol the "Banks House" which is to be erected at Wrightsville Sound by the Carolina Yacht Club. It was de signed by Mr. J. F. Post, and repre sents a convenient, airy and roomy J building, in every ways suited to the purpose for which it will be used when completed. There is a large hall with entrance at the front pnd rear, and dressing rooms of ample dimensions in each comer of the building It is now on exhibition at Ileinsberger a Live Book and Music Store. Cherokee Tribe. At a regular meetings of Cherokee Tribe, No, , Improved Order ol lieu Men, held on the second sleep of Buck Moon, the following oflicers were elect ed to serve for the ensuing year : V P James Juinn. W S-George Ceigler. S S Herman It Woebse. ' J S W Grant. 1 . C ol It C II Capps K of W J D II Klander. FAY Oscar Ken nedy. G of F George W Mitchell. G of W James McCartney. F S J V Harker. F B J W Woodward. The foregoing elected and appointed chiefs were duly installed on the same sleep by Deputy Great Sachem George Zeigter. I Get your picture taken in your day attire. The Yates Gallery till 12 M. on the Fourth. ho.i open It Very Suspicious. ! At about 11 o'clock Sunday night one ofthe'salesmen connected with Messrs. Aaron & Bhcinsteins wholesale dry goods house heard a noise as if some one was attempting to force an entrance to the building from the rear. He was In the front of the store at the time and hearing the noise repeated, he called to a policeman who jwas near at hand, who went aronud to; the rear of the building and soon called the salesman by sounding his whistle. A search was instituted and a man was soon discovered partially concealed who could civo no good, account of himscll. He was not arrested at the time, but was subsequently and was put under bondj in the sum of $500 for his appearance before Justice Gard ner at 4 o'clock this afternoon. It is pro per to say the that man proposed not to know where he was, anil was cvuicnuy under the influence of liquor at the time. Audit and Finance.. At a regular meeting of the Board ol Audit and Finance, held yesterday, af ternoon, Capt. John L. Boatwright, one of a committee appointed by the Littlo Giant Engine Company, appear ed before the Board to represent the claims of that company. He said the com pany seem to think that they hav c not receieved such ' financial aid from the city as was necessary to their effec tiveness, and recommended, first, to purchase lor them a reel horse; second, anew set of harness; third, to allow them such an amount of money as was necessary to feed their horse; and re quested that the ( Board 6t Audit and Finance appoint a committee to confer with their committee, and determine what was necessary lor the company. . Capt. Boatwright also read a letter fmm Mr. D. G. Worth, regretting his inability to be present al the meeting of the Board, owing to business engage ments, and also !, making certain sug gestions in behalf of the company, which he requested should be laid be fore the Board, j . ' ' Mr.R.J Jones, Chairman of the Board, suggested j to Capt. Boatwright that it would be proper to submit his plans to the Board of .Aldermen first, and let them jefer the matter to their Fire Committee, who he thought would meet them, and thca a recommenda tion as to the needs ' of the .company could be made to the Board of Audit and Finance, who. he thought, would grant anything that the joint committee would recommend. ' To Builders and other Go to Jaco M'a for Sash, Blinds and. Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes ' and t the owest prices. VV ELMINGTON. N. C.l TUES DAY. JULY. 3.1883: 15oard of Aldermen. The Board met in rejrular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon. ! -Alderman DeRosset moved that ill unfinished business be disposed of as committees were called for reports. The Finance committee made tne following report, which, on motion, was adopted : Resolved, That the Board of Audit and Finance be requested to reconsider the question of the salary of the City Attorney and fix the same at the rate ot five hundred dollars per annum, to take effect from the date of his election. The committee on . Streets and Wharves, to whom was referred the petition of Chas. Murphy, Superintend ent of the street force, for increase of pay, reported, recommending that the same be not granted. Adopted. The Finance committee made the fol lowing report, which, on motion, was adopted : JtesolcetU That the City Detective be rexnired to pay ; special attention to drays, carts, and other vehicles taxed, and arrest all parties violating the ordi nances as to same and carry them be fore the Mayor. , 1 The committee on Streets and Wharves reported, asking to be allowed until the regular meeting in October to make their report on the ' grading and improving North Water, Third. Market and Davis streets. They report the streets in fine condition considering the immense amount of rain that has fallen in the past twenty days. The street hands and cart3 have been kept employ ed opening gutters and filling in washes andcradinff Davis street. Market street needs a great deal of work, especially! between Fifteentii and Seventeenth streets, and they urge that work be done there at once. It was ordered that the request ot the committee bo granted and the report be tiled. . The report of the Chief of the Fire Department was received and placed on file. 1 . Alderman DeRosset offered the fol lowing resolution, which on motion was adopted: 1 i Resolved, That it be referred to the committee on Fire Department who be required to report at the .next regular meeting of this Board, which, if any, of the three steamers should be dropped from the Department, and whether one or. more hose reel companies should be organized, and whether more hydrants are necessary. The committee on Fire Department reported, recommending that the Capo Fear engine house on "Ann street be painted, and that the inside be white washed. Adopted. I The same committee reported, recom mending that the plastering and roof ot the Hook & Ladder Hall bo repaired; when Alderman DeRosset moved its reference to the committee on Public Buddings with power to act. Adopted; The matter in relation to the floating warehouse in Princess street dock was referred to the committee on Fire De partment, with the opinion of the Board that such a floating warehouse docs increase the fire risk if it lies with in the fire limits.' Application of P. II. Hayden to erect a wooden building on Third, between Market and .Princess streets, was grant; ed. Application of Fi A. Newbury to erect a wooden building on Mulberry, between Water and Front streets, was not granted, v .f Application of C. II. Wessell, to make an addition to his p'remises on the corner of Front and Mulberry streets, was not granted. 1 Application of J. W. Taylor, to erect a shed or awning in front of his store corner of Fourth and Harnett .streets, was referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves. Tne committee on Lights reported, re commending an oil light inLove'sfclley, in front of the Phoenix engine house, and the removal of the present lantern and the substitution of a regular lamp on the corner of Front and Market streets I Application for a light on the corner of Tenth and Castle streets, was refer red to the conimitteeon Lights. On motion of Alderman DeRosset it was resolved that it be referred to the committee on Streets and Wharves to Ascertain and report what, if any, leg islation is necessary to prevent obstruc tion to sidovalks by awnings, awning posts, boxes, stands or otherwise. Resignation of J. II . Pngh as Stand ard Keeper was read and accepted . On motion, J. W. Perdew was unanimously elected Standard Keeper. ' An election was held for Clerk of the Fourth Street Market, and J; II. Pngh received the majority ot the rotes cast and was declared duly elected. The Board decided not to make any change in the market hours. ; ; The committee on Markets and Fee?, in relation to the Fifth Ward Market, reported that the market house . vised now as a market, corner of Fifth and Castle streets, can be rented for $75 per annum, and believing that said house will supply all the demands for a market house in that Ward, , recom mend that the same be "put j in proper shape to be rented out ; the stalls to be rented as provided in i.he market or di nances. . - , T v'. I In the matter; of the Third Ward market house, further time was asked and granted.; I v . - - .x A resolution of AldermanvBeann re cord to the obstruction of the wharf foot of Chesnut street was adopted. The Mayor was instructed, under the advice of the City Attorney, to enforce the ordinance in regard to the Latimer fence on Orange street. The matter of the use of t he Hall over the Front Street Market to tne Wilmington Concert Club, when not otherwise occupied, was referred to the committee on Markets. i ADDlicationof the Odd Fellows for the use of the City Hall was granted. ( A communication from O. G.t Pars ley, Sr.. was, referred to the City Attor ney and Finance Committee,- to1 report at the next meeting. The contract for keeping the . city clock for the next year was awarded to George Honnet for the sum of $100 per annum.1 The liog ordinance was amended so as to include the space bounded on the north by Brunswick street, on the east by Ninth sreet.'on the south by Queen street, and on the west by the river. ' Col. Short. The Tarboro Guide pays a handsome and a by no means undeserved compii ment to a most excellent Igentleman, Col. H. B. Short, of Columbus county, when it nominates him for Lieutenant Governorjof the State. The Cape Fear section is entitled to some recognition on the State ticket, and we know of no one who will more worthily represent us than that true, tried and patriotic son of North Carolina'. " : The Guide says: " ' - - r ' .y 1 We enjoyed a visit on Tuesday from Col. H. B. Short, now ol Flemington, on Waccamaw Lake. ' s The Col. wa3 just returning from Martin, 'the county of his nativity. Down there Ihe i3 idolized ; in Nash, where he lived during the war, the peo ole mention his name in their prayers. and in Columbus, they love him so well that thev are always trying to shove some office on him. - . - Acrainst his wishes, he was the strongest candidate for Qongress in his District, and it was he who. at last, nominated Col. Wharton J,! Green. We rise tosav the State does need the ser Vices ot such men, and we j don't want to send them out of the btate to serve u. I Let's make him Lieutenant) Gov ernor. His knowledge of: parliamen tary usaires would well become the pre sidio r officer of the i Senate where he has served his . constituents and State so acceptably. . ' j Col. Short is admired wherever he Is known, and his circle of acquaintances covers the greater portion ol the: State. Amiable, polished, genial, witty, far sighted and able, he stands in the full stature, a well rounded man. i ' - ; By his own industry he has carved a large fortune out of the timber business, which, with his triends, he enjoys to the full. Charitable to a fault, his poor neighbors and laborers daily bless his bounty. He has converted Flemington from the abode of bat and swain p owls . , iii l : l : n into a beautiful village, and since his residence there of 14 years, Waccamaw Lake has become historic. - H. B. Short is the man for Lieutenant Governor. A Paiofal Injury. We are sorry to learn of a painful accident which befell Mr. J. Bakeri of this citv, on last Sunday night. Id en- deavdring to . raise a window at St. Paul's E. L. Church that evening, a bench fell across his leg,' inflicting a very painful injury. Mr. Baker is con fined Ut the house, and although, for tunately, no bones were broken, yet the injuries sustained are severe and painful. ' . - The citizens of MonroeU celebrate the Fourth by inaugurating a Council of the American Legion ,of Honor. It will be instituted by Nathaniel Jacobi, Esq., Grand Commander of the State. The Grand Council of North Carolina meet4! ia' Tarboro on the 17th inst. The steam yacht Minnehaha, having been put in first rate order, steamed up from the Marine Railway this morn ing and is now last at her wharf near the foot of Market street- She will bx gin her regular trips to Smithville to morrow tr . ' - ' ' DIED. BKAR On Tuesday morning. I July 3rd, KST LK, infant daughter of boL and Uec rietta Bear, aged 11 months and 14 days. . Friends of the family are respectf ally Invi ted to attend the funeral to morrow (Wednes day) xaornin g; at 9 o'clock.- JO. 157 ! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MOSQUITO -NET! FINE LACE 108 INCHES WIDE, LARGE BED. - ; CHEAP BAR NET. -o- Linen Ulsters of all Sizes; Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts; MATTINGS Sc CARPETS, RUGS AND MATS. July 3. 1883 . : - .'. Thedemand increase, lor Turkish Rath 4tli Juljr, 1883. Wagonette for the Sound. tip f v. .--- j - i Returning will leave Soana "at 7 P. &1, Fkre for round trip, $1. july 3 It T. j. sOtbkrlani 4th July. Best Ice Cream in theWorld. DON'T FORGET TO ORDER YOITR ICE CREAM to-day for 4th July dinner. Io6 Cream made of Pure Cream, guaranteed the best in the city, and the only plac ou can get Pure Cream, delivered In freezers at ifty Cents per quart. iOrders reCelvetl until 11 o'clock to-night ! J. C. L.UM3DEN. july 3-lt . . v - JUST OPENED! -AT- I - 3E. ik- KATZ'. - , !' : . 116 Market Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP PRESS GOODS. A full assortment of best quality SEERSUCKERS, 10c peiryard, np. Good Lace Bunting, 15 cts All-Wool Nuns's Veiling,25c WHITE GOODS . - f i Pique Marseilles, Terry, Batiste, . j Mulls, Checked Xainsooks, I - , h:' Persian and Indian linens and Iawns, Tucking, Irish Point Lace, .j Hamburg Met, Spanish Lace and Scarfs,, v ... . .'. '. i , . , . Bathing Flannels and Towels, Bleached Shirtings and Sheeting, Marseilles and Honeycomb Spreads, Extra Long Thread Gloves worth 5Cc, for 25c Gause Merino Underwear, And erer so many articles too numerous to mention. AH of the above have been bought BELOW REGULAR VALUE, and onr pat rons WILL GET THE BENEFIT OF IT. 1 ;" ' " "Tk:- - -Is : v ' Can and get some of the Bargains of 116 Market St. IIcDougall & Bowden's JS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR BL'GGIl!3 and HARNESS pot In repair, and also to find & full line of first class SADDLERY, HAR- NESS. TRUNKS, BAGS, etc A large lot of BUGGIE5 dally expscted. Come and see u. .juiyt . I I; PLEASE NOTICE. - j We will be glad to receive cocamulcatloc .- , t, ..... i i . from our friend on any and all subjects ot general Interest but f-..i,.. . j , The name of the writer uiut always be itt alahed to the Editor; 'j-''. ' Communlcattona must , be' written, on oal one side of the paper. '4 r'-. - ' '' " j .' Personalities must b4 aTol4ed.J '. And It U especially and particularly un stood that the Editor doe not always endoi the Tlewi of correspond&aU unless so ststc NEW ADVERTISE3IENTS I ONE PIECE BEING USED FOR " . . ; . j i Also Raglans of Linen and Mohair; New Neckwear & Rncliing. 1 OIL CLOTHS 1 . ...v. . .,.,.- j.. Soap ;G cakes lor 25 cents. j Everything -1 miJAT'S USEFUL ! 1'UMPS, MGIITNINtl j liods, Jamp, Safes, Ice Chisel-. Tinware, Hanging Baftkcls, Wire CrowieA, , Kerosene Stoves. Tin Toilet Sets, & .j Ac. i . T Pure White Oil. - ; I - ! jaly 2 PABKKR A TAYIjOR. New Hats, l6NSISTIKG OF COLORED CHI 137 ! . colored, also the popular Shade Ifat; Nanklu or "Jaianceo ".and a variety of other style , just received and for salq by , t ; ; -r, LMRSi KATE 6!-:wxES,.- t June 23 . No. 119 North ScconA Street. . Millinery & Fancy Goodsi J A DIES AND CHILDRENjS If ATS, 'J BONNETS, LACE TIES and , BOWS.AND RIBBONS, Ordei8 from the country promptly Blcd and satisfartidn guaranteed. j " ; : X My patron? will And it to call and examine. v . i" I heir 1 interest toi .1! MRS. S: J. BAhtER. i 122 MARKET STREET. : june 9 Livery and Sale Stables. HORSES, BUGGIES, PILETON8 AND !:, V '' -i I1"'-' i M CARRIAGLS let a( low rates. Also Board or Horses. 'v The Finest Hearse in the City. R LO J 1 - -1 A CAR LOAD OF Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and for aale loV. The lest lot of stock In the city. I 1 HOIXINGSWORTH! A WALKER, ! L. .----.-'".-.''... ' 9 , r I . k At the New Stablca, l t' i may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry at it. t 1 ICE. Soda1 Water! Soda Water! ITIf PURE FRUIT JUICES, 8EA802H l&Sl MINERAL WATER ON, DRAUGHT. L ICE COLD. . r. j - ; j t WILLIAM Hi GREZN. aplMl- -:; Droggltt. Check Books J-OW IS THE TIME TO BUY ,TOUB CHECK BOOKS,: without Stamps, on the Bank of New Hanorer and the Flnt National S-:--::-:X:"C f- -.-'if- Bank. One hundred Checks In Book or SO cents; Two Hundred for $1. , 1 1- Please call and get your Check Books at HEINSBERGER'S, jaly 3 Uve Book and Music tiutrf r 1,1 1 . " Check BobksL ! 3QQ CHECK BOOKS CONTAlNHO Fifty if Two Unndml Cheek, Jnii m:elve,4 Larger size male toonler. -A1V iJAUf-UeaA, Bill IIa., DMfU, Notes, Receipts, notice. Ae., Lithographei; at short I Give us a 1 trial. C. Y. YATES, U93iarLetst june2i 4 :'. . : .r!: june aa. : w. e. davis a son

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