Sundays x mrerr ere!. e?t4 by JOSH T. JAMES, o!to a riorxixTOE. U(H, 09 JT"T Mt. on month. cenU- MAflitf! w .r win b deHvered by earners free 0 week. -Subscribers wiu j TrcelTt their paper regulsrly. ST r H J 1 VOL. VII. W ELMINGTON. N. C FRI DAY. JULY 6, 1883. - r r rr.ASH notice. -. We will be glad to receive cozajntailc4t.oM from our friends on any and all subjects of general Interest but - . The name of the writer must always be J niahed to the Editor, ' ' Communications must be written on osl one side of the paper. ; : t , ; ,- - Peraonalltlcatntistbe avoided.; r V And It Is especially and particularly unci stood that the Editor does not always endoi NO 160 1 thc corTt58Pndcnls fc111 ; tt I 7y"7 Xtav?y irvcw has the largest fTKI "" . , in i A tare well baoqnet was given Julah p jknjamin in Indon last Sato nlay. jfrl H. Erhanlt, of New York, has ea c!cc;eJ president of the Toslal feraph Company fx (lovcrnor Brown, of Georgia, is .,0 Jc raid $25,000 a 3' ear as president LfthcKioridaahip canal. ' i t r Mr. IWccber has entered into contract tuWliver eisht lectures in Texas ceat M. C. Butler, the sun and namesake r Senator Butler ol South Carolina, noointcd a cadet at West 1133 --v r V;i.t. .Knics raync, the noted novelist. .-.incessantly and works slowly buKcadily. Ho is a slave to the Vir in:a weed LOCAI, NEWS. IMDU TO MEW ADYEBTIUtlEITS. Tates Check Books !. W II Uaux-tiam Camphor HUKSBKKckB Check, Books. . W bite Womsn Wanted as Cook ! Change of Schedule W4WRR Waxtei Two Good Pastry Cools J W TiioMraox , Sect'y A Dividend Wil, Clinton A Warsaw Telegraph Co Chsoe of Schedule W, Col & Aug R It A1K IValker, Cashier 1 1ldcnd Notice : h We lose this month 35 minutes of daylight. , . ! n . v.Mirth was celebrated in a be- nmiln and proper manner in Chicago. There were 3 casualties. The toy pis iul a swift and effective means in !ltcv!cbration. One of the gas companies in Ixmdou hsi laid twenty three miles of the the largest gas main in Kuropc. It is junrfctt in diameter, and was com inriicnl ten years ago. The lirst bale ot cotton of the new , rup was received yesterday at Albany, tla.. and was raised in Baker county, h was classed as middling, and sold tor '2H cents per pound. Good facilities for grouping at the Yates Gallery. 3t.j The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up only 4 baled. : ; ; Stcamboatmcn report the water in the Cape Fear as very low This month has five Sundays, five Mondays and live Tuesdays. Itev, Daniel Morrcllc, of this. city, is summering at Mamaroncck. near New York. : I Nor. barque Tltorgny. Andersen, from fins nnrt. arrived at Itiira oil the 4lh i , inst. The Club House. Messrs. A. U. Campbell. Norwood Exports Foreiffn. Norwegian barque Rival, ' Captain Giles and II. SIcL Green are the Com- Jorgensen, cleared to-day for Hamburg ruittee for the Carolina Yacht Cluh to with .979. barrels rosin, valued at $4, solicit subscriptions towards budding 338.37; shipped by Messrs. Paterson, the new Club House on WrigbtsviHo Downing cs uo. Norwegian oaniueu- Banks. These eentiemen began their tine Uoganus, Capt. l-unagren, cieareu labors this moming-and are succeeding for I-ondon with 1,860 barrels rosin, very well, much interest being mani- valued at $5,916, shipped also by Messrs festcd in the undertaking. Paicrsoa, liowing & Co. City Court., . Two Norwegian sailors, named" re- sDcetively E. C. Gunderson and Frank hefore the Mavor this A I-ively Xlace. 3 i V Oaite an excitement was created at about 11 o'clock this forenoon at frmxht warehouse, ot tho W. & tbc f morninz charged with disorderly con- Railroad, In consequence of lot o . . I - . - . ' m . I duct, which being . interpretea means boy8 who were in swimming mere do- that they had a fight. The charge was ing chased by the special policeman on sustained and a fine i ot $5 was day duty in that vicinity. When they in Mph mka. failincr in the pay-1 him rnminsr thev lumped out of I11J LrVTV.rfl III mrmmr-m - I W J W ment of which both were sent below for the water, caught up their clothing and 20 days. The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard' ware Depot. . ' " "' v. It has been quite a warm j day, the tfinntnmptpr in our oflico indicating IX) degrees at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The farmers in the Topsail and Scott's Hill sections, ot render county complain of two much rain for the crops. A week or so of dry weather J would benefit them greatly. Artistic I and pleasing Portraits. T.iwnvnr i PhnLo?raDher. "Yates. Gal- M 4 a'- a9 r ' - m lery. ' ' 3fc Tall Crass. . r Mr. R. C. Orrell has crab grass in hi3 gardenon the cornerof Bed Cross and Third streets, that is four feet high. It has been said by some that this ch mate i3 unsuited to the profitable culti ration of grasses, but with a little ri r in d attention they could be made m v ran in every direction, but he took af ter one who ran a considerabe distance when he stopped and said j to the po liceman. 4 You can whip me, but l I - . - '-WW - A. wntrnnanv mrtner." lie was noi harmed, only by his fright. The new Metropolitan Opera House- A colored man standing ;ou the cor- in New York, which is to be opened in October by Mr. Abbey, will have a seating capacity ol 3.0C1, far exceeding that ot any other theatre in this coim try. Despite the present good feelins bo tween Germany and Russia, Bismarck thinks it worth his while to erect a lortification covering Berlin, which shall be capable of sheltering 50.000 men. . - The New York Times evidently be lieves that Arthur's attempt to secure Virginia and North Carolina will be as damaging tb the Republicans elsewhere as was Grant's effort to carry out the Reconstruction Acts. mm Secretary Teller, who was in Chicago last week, said to a reporter that be be lieved the Republicans would carry Ohio, adding: "In fact, a defeat there this vcar would be a little awkward to explain." The New Orleans Times-Democrat, speaking of cx-Fresident Davis, says that when seen in that city a few davs ago he was in excellent physical condi .tion. superior in all respects to that which was recognized in him thirty-five years ago. ner of Orange and South Fourth streets yesterday remarked as he read the signboard So. Fourth: "Hello, dey lis chang'dde name ol dis street :o bo Fote (so forth) street." A young lad in tjiis city had his finger blown off on the 4th inst, by the exs plosion of a cartridge shell which he undertook to light with a cignr. We did not learn the boy?s ; name, but he ought to have known better. The painter who put up the street boards in this j city i spells Chestnut without a "t" in the middlel You might just as well leave the " 1 'j out of Walnut as the "t" out of Chestnut, lie sides, if a thing is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. SUver Plated Spoons and Forks.low prices; at Jacobi.'s t Mayor Bulkcley, of Hartford, spcuds much more for the city every year than his salary covers. His entertainment of the Charleston. S. C, militiamen cost him sevcrAl thousand dollars, the expense of the little feast at his own house being about $1,700. More than 4.000 tons or earth have fallen into the great diamond mine at Kimberly, Africa. It will lake eighteen months anjj $1,230,000 to clear it. Meanwhile, the shares have gono down 75 per cent, widespread disaster is re ported and ten leading men have killed themselves because of commercial de pression. . . . . The editor of the British Medical Jourruil has made a tour of inspection of Donegal. Ireland, -as a physician, and found 14,000 persons living on two cents' worth of Indian meal a day, the money . having been sent : from the United States and distributed by the parish priests. Augusta Chronicle: We understand that not a few white girls in this com munity do not know how to read or wiitc, while it is a comparative raity to find colored rirls of the same age equally deficient in elementary education. Is this true? If so, there should be a rem edy. Give the whit girls a chancc.- The past three days have been prolific iu distinguished deaths. Archbishop Purcelldiedon Wednesdaynigbt. the Duke of Marlborough on Wednesday and Bishop McMullcn. ol tho Catholic diocese of Davenport, la., and Bishop Pinckncy, of the Episcdpal Diocese of Maryland, on Wednesday. It is also reported that the Count de Chambord djed yesterday. Assistant Asrcnt. Mr." D. W. Zeisse, ol: Alexandria. Va., has been assigned by j Mr. Robert Portner as AssistantAgeut of his Tivoli Beer Depot in this city. Mr. Julius Liens will remain in charge of the nfflvi "nL This increase in the force here has been regarded necessa ry, we arc informed, by tho large in crease in the business in this section. S'qmiiI Travel, j Tlmrrnrel to the Sound Was IlCVCr MV mrm w w Teatcr at this season of the year than it is uow. There is almost a continuous linn .r vrhirlo everv afternoon and crenin? iroinz and returning from this favorite resort ot our pleasure and health seeking citizens. Tho horses at the different livery stables have become acquainted with the road.but we lear that could they speak, they would rcmon trfwit'i some of the drivers for their cruel way of driving during the excessively hot weather. Money Orders. On July 2nd, the postal law m re gard to money orders was changed so that an order may bo issued for any from one cent to 'one hundred dollars, and the fees are graduated lrora eight cents to iorty-flve j cents. This change does not apply to International orders. The postal notes will be put in use about Oct. 1st. ,Then five dollars ornndcrcan besentfora fee of three cents. It will be a great convenience to the public 1 ( Health Kesorts. The Richmond & Danville R. R., thro' rtment. has issued a verv handsome publication entitled Prmrsionists' Guide to the Virginia Ooa '.nil I1 tth Resorts of Wes- tPrn North Carolina and North Geor gia." It is a publication of something over CO pages, replete witn vamaoie and interesting intormation to seekers after health and pleasure, and is beau Ufnlly and profusely illustrated. Our thanks for a copy. It may bo had on application to the office in Richmond. To Builders and others Go to Jaoo bi's for Sash, Blinds "and Doors, Glass &c Yon can get all sizes and at the lowest prices. . x - . ' i " Pcrsoual. Maj. J. C. Winder, General Manager of the lines from Weldon to Hamlet and from Wilmington to Charlotte, was in tho city to-day. M. London. Esq.. who has been to to crow luxuriantly, and our people Baltimore to consult an oculi3t in re IVaVe tllO SailSiaCUUIl ui awo gru W Uia cjrea, uao ictuuifcu w own forage instead of h aving it brouffht city. An operation was performed and from abroad. i we are pleased to learn that the benelit T 0 . he has received hereby is already a . marked one. K All officers of the uuara unuer, uw x. n Smaiihones. Dr the New . . . . . I . Ol.l. I ---. " new law are required to lake tue otaie York anJ Wilmington steamship Line, oath. Some points may be oi use to N y . officers. The title "orderly sergeant w . . . n t CaDt. W. no longer exists, meuue now i uj law "first sergeant." Sword3 are not worn by any non-com missioned officers. Sashes are worn Dy no oi- ficers below the grade of Brigadier General. Shoulderknots, not epauiew, r m-pscribed bv law for all commis sioned officers below the rank Brigadier General. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVEKTISEallUrx'S Wilmington, Columbia, First National & Augusta B. It. Co. Omcx or GExuAv8uTKxurnarxxirr. Wlhaburton, N. C. July 8,18S i. I Change of Schedule, " - - - - rvM . AND AFTER JULY 8th," U9P. 1av Scneo at of ; -WUmmgtoni : j DIVIDEND OF THREE AND HALF IER CENT, has been declared by tho Board I of Directors of this Bank, payable on and af I ter the 10th inst. . ; A. K. WALKEK, 1 qiyost . . i cashier flONSISTING OF COLORED CHIPS. J ttnc Colored Mllans, 'Sea-BhcUs", .whlto atul coloml, also the popular Shade llat, haukln I or "Japanese ".and ft variety of other stylet. just reeelyed and for sale by . ' ; i u MRS. KATE a WINES, T sf... tha f ollowlnr Passenger tj1 -will be run on hub raw ; . i ;:: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nos. 2 j Leave Wilmington.........: Jupe2j 4"i?ai9:A Junctlon:!:::: J:S I'm: McDousalL & Bowdcn's No. 119 North Second Street. K.40 A, M. 9. T5P. M. ..10.20 P. M. 1.65 A. M. 6.18 A. I. ...3.25 P M. ......7.42 P. Si or The Fruit' Fair. Tho Greensboro Fatriot - seems favorable to the proposal to hold the next fruit fair in Wilmington. It says "It is by no means certain, if indeed probable, that the exhibition j will be held in Greensboro. We know of no efforts being made in that direction. Wilmington is suggested and some effort is being made in that behalf. A visit to Wilmington by our fruit grow- that M. Swann, who has been confined to his room for a montli past, is now much better and hopes to be abroad in a few days. '.V- ' ." j ! Mr. R. M. Sweet and wiTe expect to leave for Halifax, Nova' Scotia, -in a few days on a visit to their relatives in that place1. :. - S: -'T' ' : Latest by Telegraph. . j - The stockholders of the Wilmington, Clinton & Warsaw Telegraph Com pany held a meeting at Clinton yester day at which the. stock of the company was fully represented. A contract was entered into for the construction of the line which is to". bo completed and in working order by the 20th off August next. The rules and by-laws of the Western Union , Telegraph ; Company adonted ' with the Droviso that Tmth Colnmbla. Leave C, C A. Junction..... Leave Florence.... Arrive at WlhnWsrton...... - NIOHT MAIxJ ACT) PAS8BKOKK TRAEf, DATLT, - no. 40 WfisT. . . Leave Wilmington....;. U.:......lp.40 P. M., ArrlvR at Florence.... .....I......... 1 45 A. U. MAIL AND, PASSENGER TRAIN ; DAILT Leave Florence at. ..' l ...... . Arrive at Wilmington Tnin 43 ntanfl at all Stations. Kn. 40 atotifl ohlv at Flemlnjrton. and Marion. Passengers for Columbia and all points on U. sl. "i ii is r sV T T mlt-c lwia tlon, and all points i beyond, should take 4 Pullman Sleepers for Charleston on Train 4S. AU trains run eona uevween narienMm Wilmington. ' ! i ' ,' 1,-ocal freight Jeate Wilrailngton daily ' cept Sunday at 7 A. L q t 1 General Superintendent. - T. M.EMERSON, General rassenger july 6 . Wilmington & Weldon Bailroad Company. Otficts of Genekax S oFEarKTENOEirr, Wilmington, N. C, July 8, 1863. u, ,m IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR BUGGIES and HARNESS put in repair, and also to find a full line - of first, class SADDLERY, , UAI- NESS, TRUNKS. BAGS, e large ! lot of Come and sec ts. "Ft :' Millinery & Fancy Goods- Anotlicr largo - invoice of Millineiy V ' New Styles, New Colors, &c. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT t - ..." -:' r. ... ' i . : I i . i , full!- ers might be profitable, and certainly be modified or changed by Than Wilmin?tonians there . . . . . iL vigwji. " . - the iSoard oi uireciors, n, in tnuir juu are no more nospuauie puutuc m iuD ment,. it should become necessary. That the prospect appears flattering nmv he gathered from the fact that 10 J e - . nor ro.nt nremium was offered for the stock, but there were none who wished to sell. The Board oH Directors con sists of Messrs W. A. Johnson and Marion Ferrcll. Clinton : R. W. Hicks the Fourth at Burgaw. so as to have it and y b. McKoy, Wilmington, and appear in the Journal, which went to T picrce Warsaw.. The adminis- prcss yestenlay morning, wc omitted to traUvc officers arc as follows :t world." - Thotos made from Mr. Orr's Nega lives at 'low rates. Laudnek, Photo. Yates1 Gallery. , 3t The Tifirht ltopc. In the haste of making our report ol President W. A. Johnson, Clinton. Sec. and Trcas J. H. Faison, Clin ton.-. . ..; .Gen. Manager F.-.W. Foster, Wil mington. . mention that Air. uoocri a. iicwicu, ol' this city, gave an exhibition or his skill upon the tight wire, which was witnessed by a large nunibcr of people. The wire was extended from a tree to a. window in the second story of the Academy, and was fully 20 feet from a fine assortment of Guns and Pistols the around. - There was no accident t Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t ml the nerformance was highly credit .id NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Police Keport for June. . Appij at onceatthe jaly 6-2tnac - PURGE LL HOUSE. Wanted. rrii 1 : AT n irnct a illirin( I xno vunw ,,ftrtn pismr rnoKS. . . j i r i v "vvw the month ol d unc jusi passeu, auu iur x the following offenses: Attr&y, a white males; asleep in the street. I white male; assault and battery, 1 colored male; attempt to rescue a prisoner from the police, 1 colored male; disor derly conduct, 6 white malc3, 1 white female, 15 colored males, 9 colored le males; drunk. .1 colored male, 1 colored female ; drunk and down, 6 white males; larceny, 1 colored male; throw ing rocks in the street, 2 colored males. Total, 47. Of this number 14 were whites, of the following .nationalities: Americans 9. Germans 1, Irish 2 and Norwegians 2. The remaining 33 were 3ul6St colored. and were all. presumably. WrtirA , Wntn ATI Wanted. . I I AAA WW H . V lllll ... - Americans. ! " .1 J '.r-. ness have baen found open ! by the po- tamiiy. Goo I home. Good wages. lice, 3 white males and 2 colored males :Ap;ij at No. 17. Sohth Fourth Street, N WILttlNGTON WELDON R. R. CO.; "ISEC'Y AND TREASURER'S OFFICE; - - WILMINGTON, N. C, July 5, V 83.. A Dividend QF THREE PER CENT. ON THE CAPI TAL STOCK of the Wilmington Weldon R IL-Co.. will be paid to the Stockholders on and after the lGth inst. ' . ' , ' J. W. THOMPSON, , nac ' Sec'y and Treasurer small . v. nnniipd t nolicfi UcaJq uattcrs for lodgings, and 29 stray and badgeless hoon caDtured and killeil. Wilmington Clinton & War- during the month was $103.85. Messrs. A. &. I. Silkier have receiv 1. oer expresa. a large lot or Children's Blouse Suits made oP very handsomely gMS: in dillerent shades, which they will sell n oviock. July 20th. For furthe at astonishingly low prices. Call early nrrnra i suit for the boys. f t I iulf l (A AAV4 J'i W v - w E. cot ner Fourth and Dock. july6-2t . If Ii KID, SILK ard IJSLE GLOVES. PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS. ZEPUrR and MATERIATij for '.U'WORK..,;- ' Ml LLI NER Y- Second Floor. ' i! " ! FANCY Change of. Schedule. :"1883. 'AT 3.00 FANCY- GOODS First Floor. I , , ' Respectfully, ''' MISS E. KAltRER June 25 ! ;' EXCHANGE CORNER. ! An tvn APrEEJULY 8. W P. M., 'Passenarer Trains on the Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as iouows : DAY MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY Leave Wilmington, FrontSt. Depot, 6.40 A. M Millinery & Fancy Goods Arrive at Weldon.. v.,....-y-i.l2.4q-P. JM ; -i r - , , . L i i Leave.Weldon.ii...... a-w-. Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. DptS-4ft P. fasi ThrouoS Maii. & Passesgkb Trains . ' " Daily No. 40 South. Tavo Wplilnn . .......... . . ;. Jr. JU ,v , . . . . Arrive at Wilm'gton.jrrontst. v p i xu.xo jr. j MAtL AND PASSENGER TRAINS DAILY Li No. 43 North .m ' Leave Wilmington................ 8.00 P M. Arrive at Weldon. 2A0 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldshoro and Magnolia. i : . Trains on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Reeky Mnnnt forTarboro at 12.00 A. M. and 4.30 P. M., Daily. I Returning, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 3 P. M. Daily, i r Trains on Scotland wees: urancn itoaa leave r X A DIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, f - : BOX PETS,"liACE TIES and N ' . . ; BOWS AND RIBBONS,. In all the latest styles. . Orders from the country promptly filled and Ihelr Interest to M. A. Be at Wei flnllfa-e for Scotland Neck, at 3.25 P turnins leave Scotland Neck at 7.39 dally except Sunday . Train No. 47 makes close connection don for all points North Dally. ? All Richmond, and dally except Sunday Tvnin "Ha. AS mTiB dailv and makes close con nection for all Points North via Richmond and Washington. ! 1 " . ' All trains run solid between Wl'mmgton and Washington, and have rullman raiaoe oieep era attached. .. ' - I Vnr arrommodatlon of local travel a passcn- coach will be attached toiocaiireicnijeav- satisfaction guaranteed. ' 4 My patrons will find it jto call and examine." .1 jv- . MRS. S. J. BAKER, 122 MARKET STREET. ! ( vTaiJa1; Livery and Sale Stables. H ORSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS AND CARRIAGLS let at low rates. ; Mao ng Wilmington at 6.15 A. M, Daily except Sunday., - JOHN F. DIVINE, i General Superintendent. T. M; EMERS.ON, General Passenger Agent. july 6 r or Ilorucs. t The Finest Hearse in the Board F FUN AHEAD OR 'EVERYBODY. ? THE GLORIOUS I FOURTH, with all of its attractions, cannot iw relr.hra.ted airreeablv nnlcss you have a llenty to eat. I If you leave town provide yourself with - -i I lunch. "w ' : UA O Crosse dtBlackwell'sPickles Onions.1 Chow Chow, Mixed And Gherkens Devilled nam. Turkey. Chicken and Tongue, j ; j Chipped Beef, Sardines. Elegant assortment of CAKES and CRACK ERS. A CAR LOAD OF Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and for sale low. The best lot of stock In the city. HOLLINGSWORTn i WAIJUER, ' At the New SUbles, ' I I may4-tf , Cor. Fourth and Mulberry its ' jane 25 ;T::i:tevE.L'. l 'I O PI W.E. DAVIS A SON Check Bookc. N Get your Lsly Friends a Box of . OW IS THE TIME TO. BUY TOUR .! CHECK BOOKS, without Stamps; on the -!"...'",' ' Y Bank of New Hanover and the First Rational Bank. One hundred Checks in Book for f 0 ! I The Purest and Bent sold In the State. We cents; Two Hundred for f 1. : i 1 have oAiered a large supply for the Fourth. 1 i Plwo call and get your Check Book at HEINSBERGER'Si jnly 1 Lire Iok and Music fct re saw Telegriph Coi IDS FOR THE1 CONSTRUCTION OF A I TWranh Line from Clinton to Warsaw no receive i st wiw N.C.. up to r particulars, speciilcations, Ac; address . . WAf. a. JOHNSON. Pres't. ? CllntOB, N. Ci v irceTonnds for. $11 Come arly and get choice selection. - P. L. BEIDGERS & CO. HO North Front Ht. Check Booki 300 CHECK BOOKS CONTAINING C u rn C a m p h o r , JJELLI SS FOO D; 'J f - Combs. Brashes, Extracts, : Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, 4tc. Vf ILUA1T U. GREEN. Drcgrlst, July 3 117 Market street Fifty to Two Hunlred Cliecks. Jnt received. . . ., : ' t larger hlqtn made to onler.. , , ; Alio, LeltjT-HtalJ, HIM . IIad4," DrsftB, Notes, Receipts, Ac, Lttb?rapbed at short notice. . 1 Give us a June 2. , - C. W". YATII3. I ii'.i;arkett