.ae! eT ecpted by JOS1IT. JAMES, goiros A5DrorirTOK. rBBlPTIONS rOSTAGE PAIR 51 II CO. Sit month, n.00. Thrt 05 Jff t', oo; 0010011111.33 cent, r will be delivered by carrier free !i .i aay Prt of the city. al the above u wee. ,..,. rate tow and liberal, nrorta-y all fan. J! rt!Te thctr paper regularly. paily Itivicw has the laryert , . f finaH"""" r- rIi of July- Sn-acuse! Toy Hve! n.i f Vvrtm1n i at the r,ov. 44 They are ulkins of lishtins the Suez r-rat by electricity. r.a:JJ lis position U $10,000. Tec Cairo sanitary rules 'are sliort j ?harp: "Shoot all who come froin Ibtuittta. Milwaukee, which has a population j l has increased 10,000 during : ,resent month. Tlii- toy pistol cot In its work at St. jMii on the Fourth. Six boyswere vK(;r.!cl thereby. ! Niwr York City's bonded debt on iHrn-aXh was $95,390,173. It is bi?t ;,ii;iHxMor Vanderbilt could buy it all up. N na:or lUitlcr says that he shall rc maJii paired with Senator Cameron tir.iil the return of the latter from r.nruj-c. The'teuipcraturo at TitUburg last Talay reached 06 degrees. Iron worLcr suffered greatly from the lieat. The rumor as to the death of Count lc Chambord is contradicted, and there are other reports to the effect that there ia -libt improvement in his condition. Id it a; Vienna. . ' Airs. !.angtry will appear in Austra lia in July, IS3I. .Morris (Jrecnwall of Melbourne, has concluded arrange ments wirh her for a sixteen weeks en-aseuient at a weekly salary of 500- Ceneral llobcrt Toombs, or (Icorgia, h somewhat im proved in health, and has changed his mind about immediate ly abandoning the practice or law,' as he recently declared be intended to do. It is reported that the volcano on the Uland orOmetepe, in Lake Nicaragua, jrhich has been smoking for sometime, is now in a state of eruption. A panic has been caused among the inhabitants, who are leaving the island. A thicc days" reunion of the soldiers who fought ia the battle of Wilson's Creek. Mo., wilt bo held atSpringfleld, .Mo., beginning August 9. A largo uj ruber of cx-Union and ex-Confederate soldiers arc expected to attend. The one hundred and fiaicth anniver sary of tho massacre at Wyoming (Pa.) was celebrated last Tuesday at tho old monument in Forty Fort, near Wilkes barre. There was a large attendance of old settlers from all parts or Luzerne, Ickawanna and Way uc counties. The Duke of Marlborough, whose death was reported yesterday, was fil years of age. lie was made a Knight oi the Garter in 18U8. He was Govcr- nor-Gencral of Ireland from 1576 to 1S80. Previous to his succession to the Peerage he sat in the House or Com mons as member Tor Woodstock. The Ke w York Sun says of him : The Duke or Marlborough was re--ardd in the House or Commons, or which he was for some years a mera beras Marnuisor Blandford. t s dull aud tedious, and chiefly interested him; seiria cc!esiAiiAl ailAirs. " uaiever distinction belonged to him was derived from hi Irish viccxoyaUy. At Lord LieuUaantuxxdcrthe last Bcaconsncld admlnlstnaw". We maintained, with the aid of bis diplomatic Jhichess, a sis ter of the .Marquis of . Jndondcrry. a very brilliant court at tba Irish capital. His son.theManjmsot Blandford, who succeeds him ia the dukedom, has serv ed in thelife Guards, and is a scamp ol the roost pronounced kind. Hi wue, the beautiful daughter or tho Duke or Abcrcorn, recently obtained a divorce from him, and ou the trial ho tacitly admitted having struck her when In a condition which should have inspired a special tenderness. The second son. Lord Randolph Churchill, is married to a daughter ot Mr. Leonard Jcromo ol this city, and has been for the last few years a conspicuous figure in English politics One or his daughters, the Duchess of Roxburgh, is Mistress of the Robes to tho Qaeen. and the youngest. Idy Gcorgina Churchill, was manned - only a few weeks since to iscount Curzon. eldest son of Earl Howe. Messrs. A. &. I. Siikier have receiv ed, per express, a largo lot of Children's Blouse Suits made np Tery handsomely in difierent shades, which they will cell at astonishingly low prices. Call early and procure a suit for the boys. t To Builders and others Go to JACO Kt's for Sash. Blinds and Doors, Glass i &c You can get all sizes and at the I lowest prices. x . (.-.. - ... - --- ' --- -. - - - ! . . j -... . - V. -.. . ,y -;. . .- , -,-.. - ; : 8-1 VOL. VII. LOCAL NEWS: INOU TO HEW ADYERTISCMEITS. Tates Check Dooks Sol Hear Ikiuntl la Fell 1 W II UUEX-Gam Camphor II Ely ftBERGER Check Books. John J IIedkick Opened this Day T J SolTHKKl.ASl For WrlsbUvlIlc V M KlNC-CaroHn Tacht Clab Mcctlux Kkkciinek A Caldeh Kros Groceries Ji Uisbet Far Snilthvilic and the Forts Days length U hours and 27 minutes. Keep out of the hot sunshine as much as possible. , , I --- Good facilities for grouping at the Yates Gallery, j l 3t. There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week. S . Sunset to-morrow afternoon at Id minutes past 7 o'clock. There was uot a bale of cotton re ceived at this port to day. . There arc 10.000 iron workers on a strike in Slaflbrdshirc, England. Don't drive tho willing "horses too fast this excessively hot weather. Thcre was one interment that of a child in Oakdale Cemetery this week. Chicken thieves are committing de predations in the Eastern portion of the city. I The wind this morning! was hot and gusty, and the streets were dry and dusty. We notice a good many mangy, tlea bitlen. sickly-looking curs roaming about the streets without any badge , 1 There were five interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week,, three of whom were adnlts and two were chil dren. , The cholera epidemic iu 'Egypt is something appaching. There were 341 deaths there Thursday. last Wcdnesdav aud The Register ol Deeds issued five marriage licenses this week, three of which were for white and two for colored couples ' j Rsv. W. M. Kennedy was in the city this morning, on his way to Masonboro, where he will preach to-morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. j A called meeting of the Carolina Yacht Club will -be held on Monday nfWnnonnt 4 o'clock, at the oflicc of Messrs Norwood Giles & Co. Sleamboatmen report that there Jhas been a slight rise in the river withm the last few days, although the water is. yet too low for easy navigation. Chicken cholera prevails quite exten sively in the country, a few miles from Wilminston. We hear of one party. who out of a flock of 00 has lost half of them from that disease. . Work on Messrs. Ilrown & Roddick's new building is being pushed right along. The timbers of the second floor have been placed in position, and the walls of the second storv have reached a considerable height. J Svlvester Artis. .colored, was drunk and down yesterday, for which the ftvnr this morn inir fined him 52. The money was not forthcoming, and he was sent below for ten days, j The market was well supplied with meats this uiorninic, and some of the beer was much hetter in quality than that recently displayed there. The sup ply ot vegetables whs good both in quality anu quantity. Mr. Fred Sholtcr, who has been ab- nt frpr since last February, at his old home in Cleveland. OaIo, has re turned to the cit v and says ho is glad to get back. He ascribes this happy state of his feelings to the effects or the Rock Spring water. jj Ex-policeman Watkins was on the streets to-day for the first time in sev eral weeks. He is yet quite feeble and his arm remains almost entirely use less, although'there is a prospect that he will eventually be completely restored to health and strength. June-Apples.! Mr. D. S. Alderman, a good rriend and subscriber or ours from 1 the Point Caswell section of Pender'county. called in to see us to-day and left with us a lot of bcautilul June apples, two varie ties, the largest and the finest we have, seen this season. They were raised by Mr Owen Alderman, his father, me of the oldest citizens or Pender county who Is, by the way, also in the city to day with tho intention ( orj spending a few days at tho Sound. Mr. Alderman tells us that the people of his section will make some very interesting displays at the fruit far if it is held in Wilmington. W ILMINGTON. N. C- SATURDAY. JULY .7, Unmaiiablcs. The following is a list of the unmail ublc postal matter remaining in the Tostoflioe in this city : . . Peter Havis, care Mrs. Sarah Law rence; W. J. Hollingsworth. Boro. N. C" J "erring, Long Bluff, N. C. Artistic and . pleasing Portraits. Lardnku. Photographer, Gal lery. . 3t Golden Days. The July number of this excellenl periodicallis at hand. It is as bright and handsome and attractive as ever and is a great favorite with the young folks. It is replete with interesting matter and the illustrations, of which there are many, are very fine. A beautiful chromo accompanies this number. Published by James Elverson, Phila delphia, at $3 a year. Cow Peas, A little article in a recent issue of the Review, relative to the cultivation of the cow pea, has called the attention or a Iriend to tho fact that the June issue of the North Carolina Medical Journal has an extract from Lawson relative to tliat product, wherein he speaks of a small red pea which was very common with the Indians, who would "eat a great deal of that and other sorts boiled with their meat or eaten with bear's Careless Shooting:. Ixwis Dry, a well known colored man living on Market, between Ninth and Tenth streets, was taking a nap last Sunday when he was awoke by the ivnort of a sun from which a bullet came crashing through the widow and - t hnriptl itself in the onnosite wall. He - - - - lm no knowledge as to who fired the uft or what was the purpose, but feels thaihe was fortunate in having laid down instead of standing up at the time, j Didn't Like the Oman. An organ was loaded into a cart to which a horse was attached, in front ol Mr. Heinsbergers Liye Book and Music Store, this morning, . when iust as it was made fast for transportation from some cause the horse took fright and iuniDed entirely clear of the shafts and IflJ the harness except the bridle j s After showing what -no could do in the way of unharnessing himself in, the shortest posible time, the horse remain ed perlectly quiet until the harness 'was readjusted and the cart attached, when he was driven away acting as meek and gentle as a lamb. He was evidently a "rcadjuster1' horse who was dissatished with the "organ" of his party. . The Weather in July, j Vennor's weather predictions for July arc as follows : 1. storms; 2, 3, sultry, with strong warm winds and severe hailstorms in western areas; 4, 5, un settled, with thunder storms ; 0, rainy, with thunder. storms; 7, cloudy and murky weather; 8, cooler, local rains; 0, 10, dryer weather north, rain in southern and western districts; 11, coo and windy; 12, 13, 11, quite cool; 15, 16, 17, htormy and heated term in most sections, daily thunder and hail storms, nights cooler; ipJy. warm and favor able wealhcr;0. 21, storms ot rain and wind; 22, windy and unsettled: 23, 21, tine warm weather; 25, 26, 27, 28. cooler weather, stormy in south and west; 29, scattered storms, cool ; 30, 31, rains nearly everywhere, cool weather. The Frnlt Fair. ; Thursday's issue of the Greensboro Patriot has this to say ot tho fruit .fair which it is proposed to hold in this city at a'n early day: A meeting of the North Carolina Fruit Growers' Association has been called at this place July 13. At this meeting it will be determined where and when this year's exhibition shall be held. The initial exhibition or the ass sociation was held in Greensboro last year and was a most gratifying success. The proceeds or the exhibition were ample to Day all expenses without calK ing on contributors for one ! penny. In the opiuion of many it was thought best not to have any fixed I locality for these annual exhibitions, allowing each fruit growing section in the State equal advantages in the matter of local exhi bitions. They are gotten up with but little . cost. and are worth a crreat deal to the community m which they arc held. The fair last year was much to Greensboro, in the way of advertising our iruit in this county and section, lt brought customers Irora every part of the country and discover ed markets hitherto unknown to us. The prospect is that the exhibition this jear will be held in Wilmington, and we think the point a most excellent one. The energetic president of the association, Capt. Paddison, lives near Wilmington, and is active-y at work to make the exhibition a success Wilmington merchants are becoming interested in the matter.1 and arc res ported as making liberal offers or assis tance. " - j Cotton. ,, ! - The receipts of cotton at this port or the week ending with to-day foot up 0 bales, , as against 33 bales for corres- nondinfir week of last vear. a decrease uiis ween oi oaies. iuc u-vwjiw, I. .fo L.l rr1 :.:n, f thecron vearto date foot UD 127.082 uaica, agaiiisi. wj.yw uaics w oav dato last year, a decrease this year of j 8.668 baies. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.low prices, at J a Gobi. 's t Excursion to Waccainawv i The Sunday School connected with St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran.Church will make an excursion to Waccamaw Lake on Wednesday, July 11th. Messrs W. II. Strauss, G. W. Bornemann and J. D. H. Klander are the committee of arrangements, which is a sufficient guarantee that the comfort and pleasure of the excursionists will be cared for. Knlffhts of Pythias, At the last regular meeting of Ger- mania Lodge No..4 the following offi cers were" installed by D. t. G. C. F, W. Ortman : P. C.-r-J. W. Gerdts. . C. C Marcus Bear. V. C Julius Leins. j P. II. C Prempert. ' ; M. at A. J. D. Steljes. J. G. Joseph Sternberger. A. G. Ji A. Schroeder. ... - Present Arms! Lt. Col. Olds, ot the Ordnance De part mpnt. N". C . S. G.. has' written a letter to Brig. GenMatthew P.Taylor, ot this city, in which he states that the arms for the Smithyillo Light Infantry have been' shipped and will reach here to-night. The Company has been re ported to us as being in fine condition, having made commendable proficiency in marching, and upon the receipt of their arms they will begin to feel truly as 'tsoldier boys." ' -.- A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t 1 at , . .. --.-!. , Colored Press Association. The Association met yesterday ac cording to adjournment, Vice President Smith in the chair. The minutes of yesterday's proceed ings were read and approved. The Committee on Constitution and Rv Laws renorted progress land was . granted further time. Brief addresses were delivered by several members, some routine business was transacted, and the Association took a recess until 2 o'clock i AFTERNOON SESSION. The Association met according to ad journment, President Sanders CQe chair. Congratulatory: telegrams were re ceived from several newspapers whose representatives could not be present consuSand Tho Committee on Br-Laws reported. The report was taken un seriatim and adopted; The Committee on nesoiuiions T " I re- ported. The report was received and . -,o,io n,o rwvial ordpp for 0 o'clock, Aojournea. KIGIIT session Tho Association met at the appointed hnnr "PrtIdpnt; S.inders in the ehair. Several papers were read, and the re-t nrtrf. nf the Committee on Resolutions .11 J 1 AntnA was uiscusoeu auu auuttu Aftr adontins the following reso!u4 lion of thanks 4 the Association aU- i:An wf: firvt I 41ir 1 A-5WIa.tion ad journcd: ! ; Vt-J ,;: f 7?i7yW .Tli I tin t hanV of the NC gro Press Association of North Caro- una are due. and are hereby extended, to tho citizens ot Wilmington, tor una- IJVOOC3 OUU n ia w .no zd session in this city; to Capt. E. J . Pen-r.L-r Ciollefitor of this port and lessee of the Metropolitan Opera House, f.r tGnderin to this AssociaUon the use-of this commodious accommdda - tion; and to the press of Wilmington for courtesies shown. Photos made from Mr. Orr's Nega lives at low rates. Lakdnek, Photo. Yates Gallery. 3t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For WriglitsVille. yy-AGONETrE WILL LEAVE STABLE SUNDAY at 9 a. na., returning will leave " . - - Sound at 7 p. m. i i July 7-U T. J. SOUTHER LA ForSmithville andtheForts. TUB STKAME R M INN Ell A II A LEAVES her wharf every moraine at 9 oVdock. re im, tiav. Will leave everr SUNDAY u oRNiNti at the same hoar. For freight or passage apply to JOS. BIS BE., ArniwZ.w - ! Master, A 1883. MO 1R1 I . ......l - - EW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Yacht Club Meet- ine. CI I - - - mmwm-9 V 1 f!lTJ.KD MEKlUiu ITlUi iB a 7VrT;H f rsmoon at 4 o'clock, at UhS" office ot Messrs. Norwood GUea Co.. Tmrtant business1 ... lK, traveled. F. M. KING, i juiy-it Purser;- Flour, Sugar, piOFrEE, RICE, BACON. F LARD. MOLASSES. SALT, HAY, CORN, OATS, 1 i V SPIRIT CASKS, GLUE,"' V - . BUNGS, HOOP. IRON, . , ' i RIVETS, NAILS, etc. . . - For sale by :- KERCIINER & C ALDER BROS, July" . North Water street. Opened this Day. fpIIE CHEAPEST LOT OF GENT'S White ' Linen Handkerchiefs eyer ofleredln Wllmlng- ton. ....:-!--. ' ; ' .., - j, I - Alo. -Handsome St? lea or Juauies lisie I 9 Thread Gloves, Silk Jersey and Lace Gloves In all of tha fashionable shades. -.; Ladles Jersey Collars, vith Ribbons to. suit. JUXliY f t. IxXXXVXVlV. juiy a I i . Bound to Sell. M Y ENTIRE STOCK OP SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING will be sold Cheaper than the cheapest. WHITE jVESTS 75 cent to $2 03 WHI TE SHIRTS 5Q cents to $1.50 PERCALE SHIRTS 75 cents to $1.25 STRA W HATS 10 cents to $1.75 Also, Fine Ladles' Slippcrsi Call and see me. SOL BEAR, jnly' 20 Market St Wanted. fJIWO GOOD PASTRY COOKS. Appiy at once an ne July 6-2tnac PURCELL HOUSE. WJLMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO., f , . SECY AND TREASURER'S UtrriV WILMINGTON, NL C, July 5, le83. A Dividend O F THREE PER CENT.' ON THE CAPI TAL STOCK of the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co.,' will j be paid to the Stockholders : on ' and after the 16th Inst. J. W. THOMPSON, july6-3t nac Sec'y and Treasurer Wilmington, Clinton & Yar" , Tplprrrflnh : Hf) ; SaW I eiegiapn UU. TIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION ur A j (distance I3i.4.mlles) wul be received at the oftice of the, Company at Clinton, . o... up ro 12 o'clock. July 20th. For further particulars, ; specifications, &c:) adaress j July 5Lw Clinton, N. C. FUN AHEAD T?OR EVERYBODY THE GLORIOUS ;!JL FOURTH, with all of; its attractions, cannot - A' . " be celebrated agreeably unless you have a ilenty to cat- if you leave town provide vourself with ..nz- Prnccft j Rlackwell's Pli uy P aywcl 1 1 1 J Onions, 'Chow Chow, Mixed and Gherkens j Devilled Ham, Turkey, Chicken and Tongue, ; Chipped Beef, Sardines. Elegant assortment of CAKES and CRACK -j. X - ERS. Get your Lady Friends a Box of 2Q The Purest and Best sold In the State. We have ordered a large supply for the Fourth. " t ... . I - - - ' ... f x ; r- I.. Three Pounds for 1. Come early and get choice; selections. IEEIDGEEfe 00. HO North Front St. - July 2 , - :...t:,.--r:: - Cum Cam p h o r, jyj-ELLlS'S FOOD, I - combs, iirusDes, Juxtracts, - . . - . I - :- - " Soaps. Pnff Boxes, Ac, Ac WILLIAM H. GREEN. Drugjlat, ' July 5 : -I- 117 MarketMrtet , PLEASE NOTlCS. '"'!" Wo wCl be glad to receive communications front our mends on "any and " all subjects t of central Interest but -: i : ' " t . - Tbe name of the writer must always be f&- nlshed to the Editor. - ; -rr . Communications most be written on osl one side of tbe paper. r: Personalities must bo avolded4 .t -And It Is especially and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always endoi lbe views of correspondents unless so stttc NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS First National ' Bank of i .' . Wilmington. . DIVIDEND OP THREE AND A HALF nL . . ' . . . . . Dlrectors-of this Hank, payable on ana At- LuI .j ter tho 10th Inst. A- lv. WAI.KRIL July 5 3t . cashier '.J. Wew Hato, : QONSISTISG OF COLORED CHIPS. j t,ine Colored Mllan Sca-6hells", white and ; colored, also the popular Shade llat Hankln or, Japanese ".and a variety ot other styles, f just received and for sale by- v . - -r Vi:r'.-:-MRS.:KATE ."cv -WINES, june 23 No. 119 North' Second Street. McDougall & Bowdcn's r3 THE PLACE TO GET TOUR BUGGIES ... ... - : -. " - r : ' and HARNESS put In repair, and also to find 3. full line of first class SADDLERY, HAR i NESS, TRUNKS, BAGS, etc A larjre lot of BLKiUiKS dauy expected, come ana eecua. July 3 - - 1v, , -t- . ' . , ,,. Millinery& Fancy Goods. Aiiotlier XarffCi Invoice of Millinery ! NeAV Styles, -New Colors, &c. FANCY IGUODS DEPARTMENT.. FULL. ! , - i KID, SILK ard LISLE GLO VES, j t PARASOLS NECKWEAR, FANS. ZKPIIVR and MATERIAL for FANCY WORK, MILLINERY Secoml Floor. 1 FANCY GOODS FIrat Floor. . J i Respectfully.."- .,-;!',-' ' ' MISS E. KARItER, .1'- june 25 EXCHANGE CORNER.! Millinery &tf ancy Goods, X ADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, : iui't,ia, XiijC iir.o una ! ' BOWS AND JIIBDONS, in all the latest styles: 1 V ' i Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.'.' jvk f..'-iv My patrons will And It to their interest to ; call and examine. ' f- r 1 1 ' , MRS. Si jf. BAKEB, 122 MARKET STREET. june 9 pvery and e Stables. HORSES, BUGGIE9, PHOTONS AND CARRIAGLS let . at low rates. Also Board , or Horses. The F nest Hearse tin the City.Jv "A CAR LOAD OF Kentucky Horses & . Mules Just received and for sale low. The best lot of stock in the cl$y, ; j , j HOIXINGSWORTH WALKKR, At the New Stables. 1 '- i may 4-tf uor. jrourtn ana m ul berry ste 1 I C E. Id O jane 25 W. E. DAVIS A SON Check Bookc. NOW j IS THE TIME TO J BUY TOUR CHECK BOOKS, without E tamps, on the Bank of New Hanover and the First National ! 1 .... . I ; I. . - Bank. One hundred Cheeks In! Book or W cents; Two Hundred for fl. - 1 Please call and get your Check Baks at , HEINSBERGER'Sl july 3 Lire Book and Music Stores Check Books, j g q q check: books contaixisi FtftyloTwo Honiret Checks, Jo received. IirjfcrLcci mvl to onler. Also, IjtlliT-llicln, BUI Head. DrafU, .. - i j..- . ( .. .. ..... . r - Notes, Recelils. Ac, Lithographed athort notice. ; ' J I.1 j Give us a trial. June n ; C. W. YATE3, j. lUMartetst Ski i

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