this PArrx SamlSTS ted by JOSH T. JAMKSs gD:ro akd raorarrro. . .rtMlirT'0315 POSTAGE PAID: -St M- Six months, tiOO. Three CM LoO; Ooe month." i cent.. ofll wui be dcHrrml by carriers free UJ pert of the cy. t eswr week. iiUr.wlflttfcrtMyn4 .11 fan- urKCtTeu" " J 7? DailBtviewhas the liryU t. limitation cf any tietcspaperl tfe orci V i jv". - - , . . I Kobcrt lVjnnernow Tjwm 170 horses. Mr. BIia wllUturap Ohio for the gepublicani. Twra arc nearly 6.000 American res- ia ran. p.aitor Pivid Davis expects to cc-c Ktst in a few days to try sen ba- Ihi's Mr. A. 5. Abel!, proprietor or the Culiiiaore U estimated to be worth H3.000.Q00- . (;oiernor Foster, of Ohio, addressed ifc'.er last week to MIIon. A. H. S:rphens. GoTcrnor of Georgia.", Sio Francisco street lamps have not Uco Ughicd in two months, and .will not t cptil the aty pays a big gas till. hop Greea. of IL-sUiippi. who b been very ill. and who is nearly . . . .;r mrs old. has recovered His tlt.J J bealih. I: is reported that Zakertort, who woo the first prize in the recent interna tional Chess tournament, is coming to America. p, Maa millicers are on the increase in Knrope. They are employed in all the fashionable millinery establishments of rri and London. W. II. Vanderbilt has added $100,000 to the endowment fund of Vauderbilt rairersity in Nashville. I: "m thought probable that Mr. Til lta will reply OTer hit own stature to a latixsenlof John Kelly's that he was guilty of cowardice in 137G. Mr. J. U. Oglesby. a wealthy citizen oiew uneana, recently bstcu iuut city rrom sexiouj financial difllculty by individually paying the interest of a debt. One sixth of the expenses of the London fire department are paid by direct assessment on the fire insurance companies, and it is proposed to enforce a still larger contribution. - Justice Field's traveling expenses in attending to hii judicial duties amount to between $1,000 and $2,000 a year. and be considers it a shame that he has to pay it out of his own pocket. Promoters of an elevated railroad project In Chicago are giving itock to property owners along tho line, and thru whn Rrrrnt it find that they have signed a receipt for all possible dam ages. . . - The weapons uTed in a duel by Vag uer and Burkhart, Missourians. were clnbs, which, by agreement, were to be perfectly smooth and weigh four pounds apiece. Bnrkhirt was hit on the tern pie and instantly killed. Bishop O'llara, of Scranton. Fa., who is reported as likely to receive the Pal lium from Home-as tho ucccs3orcf Archbishop Wood, has been in the priesthood for forty one years. He was coajecratcd as the first Bishop ot Scran ten in lStV3. , . r Mr. Alexander, of Kentucky, a noted turfman and horse trader, has determ ined to seek turf and honors abroad, and will ship six promising colts to Knglandiaa short time to bo put in training for some of the Important Kng lish racing events. Ills jockey has al ready left for England The heal in Ner York on Friday was something terrible, and especially in tho closely crowded tenement diitricts on the East side- We who are enjoy in the delightful breezes which prevail here all through the heated term can torm no conception of the sufferings among the poor la New York during the Summer. Yesterday's Herald says: The highest temperature of any day year was reached yesterday, ac cording to the thermometer. nd indi vidual feelings agreed with the record. The scorching walls and pavements of the city were almost unbearable, and thocaands of persons escaped from dust and heat to tho white lands, cool breez es, pounding iarf grcca woods and shady places. Excursion steamers WTera crowded-with pleasure seekers. and the waters ot tho narnor were uov- nickers from the bnrnior sky. The public and private baths were jammed lrom morning till eight. It was not a question as to who could swim, but who could keep cool. During the week 191,715 xaea and 78,831 women used the public baths. But in tho houses of the poor all was diirdt. Item cf sanitary Inspectors Ud with sails, -Coney isiana. xiocw loaded boats to pass without lightering.' way. Long Branch and Fort Ixo were thronged, and tho shadowy groves and xbC Hickory Press says : Tho young grottos ef tha Navcsink Highlands and 0f Hickory are making arrange the nudion sheltered hundreds of plai- . ,v;. r H VOL. VII. s from the Board nt Health patrolled the J Ul-s!uclling cast side districts, where thousands or raen. women and children! were suuid in tenement nouses, sjr i munueo uv.uin.i uisease arm sqaaior. jio arminvuie ana me irons, on murs Tho ambulance gong were heard all Llay the 12th inst. There wiU be mUsjc dMef aT oedrin U-lrefrcshmenU on board land a good the houses and the results were Irizht j time may be expected, and don t you ful. In the twenty-four hour3 ending j iorgct it. s at noon ycaleruayi yJ3 children under fivc years or a?e were overcome. The number of similar cases on tho same date last year was 303. ' Hospitals wcro oiled with patients, and although the total of deaths did not reach a 11 sure as high as that of Friday till the number dying in the city dunns tho week end ing at noon yesterday was 1,051 as against 695 for the jsama period last year. This is the gre;itc3t weekly mortality since 1881. ' , Sunstrokes occurred every where, arid it was noticeable that few persons had any idea how to help a sufferer lrom this accident. The Board of Hpalth sent out thousand.? of circulars contain ing instruction as to the caru and diet of children and the treatment of cases of sunstroke. Ex-(iovernor Abraham Henchcr died at his residence in Chapel Hill last Friday morning and hL remains were. taken to his old homd at Pittsboro. on Saturday for interment. The News and Observer has this notice ot tho distin guish 'deceased : Gov. Rencher was bom in tire county of Wake in the j year 1793. He was educated uU. the University at Chapel IIMI .I.a..'I.. II.. l.iiJni! Uia nrnFat. UUIi. tUU9 IUU tan iU UtO clu1 .... sion ana soon made ms i marK at tne bar. Entering the political , field as a Democrat, ho was lor many years a conspicuous figure in politics; was a member of Congress from the Chatham district for a number dl terms, and Minister to Portugal under President Tyler. President Buchanan appointed him Governor ol New Mexico, and f he was residing at Santa Fe when the war between the States broke out, and he returned to his southern home. He was in all respects a ' strong man ; strong in mind and will, strong in char acter and steadfast in his convictions. Gov. Bencher married the youngest daughter or thcldistineuished lawyer. Col. Edward Joues. His wife survives him, a lovely and venerable lady to wards whom the hearts of many friends in this and other States will turn in her sorrows. j He leaves also two tns and a daugh ter, the latter the wife of Col. S. Jatn am Anderson, an accomplished engi neer, who has resigned his commission in the United States army since the close of tho late war. ' LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW JkOYERTISlMEBTS. j Kech&blte Excursion K G BlJtlR McaI Flour W II Urees Gam Camphor i 1 1 EI ICS BERG ER New SoYCl , W P CrawhIix rroposal j Gt:o JJ Cratok May Ilutter Yates BooVa and Stationery W E SrniNCEK Co Fly Traiw P L Bridoer Popular Prltes Mr Kati: C Winestow iiau J W Barter Family Excursion W E Davih & Son tec Ice Ire Parker X Taylor Solkl Comfort Mls E Karreu MULncry ft Fancy Goods Giles X MCRcmsovi-Our Glass Fly Traps McDoroALL Boxviev Examine Yont Trunks t Comclhi Harntt Council So. 231, Itval Arcanum 1 t j Cood facilities for grouping Yates Gallery. at the 3t. The receipts of cotton at this port to day root up only 3 bales. Cornelius Harnett Council No. "J3I, Koyal Arcanum, meets to-night. i It There was a fine promise ol ram yes n1v firnoon. although but little fell. The Telephone Exchange will be re moved October 1st to the third story of the Bank ot New Hanover building The Sounds were alive with visitors yesterday and the c.ty was; apparently deserted by all except tho church goers. Two persons were baptised yesterday at Mr. Elijah Hewlett's place, on Ma sonboro Sound, Bev. W. M. Kennedy officiating. " Mr. John Banks, formerly ol tins city but now of Savannah, is here for a lew days, with his family, on. a visit to friends and relatives, j It is rumored here that Hon. A. M. Waddcll has entered the service of the Richmond & Danville R. It.; but in what capacity is not stated. Steamboatmen report that there has been a rise of about a foot in the Capo Fear within a day or two, but that it is yet too low on the' shoals to permit ments to secure the services of tha Wil mington string band for the season, and if they are successful In their efforts, which they no doubt will be, tho band will be herein a week or two." Silver Hated Spoons and Forks,low prices, at Jacobi. j t. WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY, JULY 9, 1883. ItechabitCKl Excursioir. ir .. f ijo-t r i rmony Tent, No. 139 I. O. of L , b' --v ". - Great Closlnir Out Sale. . (toods will he slaughtered within tho next 00 days in order to make room for one ot tho largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing, and gents furnishing goods ever, brought to "Wil mington. A. & I. Siibier,' Reliable Clothers, 114 Market St. tfj Watermelons. Thero was quite a good supply of watermelons in the market this morn ing, the prices ranging from 25 to 50 cents each. They were raised on the Sound and were of the "Joo Johnson? and "Cuba" varieties. Cantaloupes were quite plentiful and the prices not quite reasonable, .. j ' LeftTJs. Prof. Gaston M. Hobbs lelt the city to-day for his home in Sampson county and will probably not return, as his at tempt to form a class in the "Theory'of Music" has not been successful. We regret his departure, for the study of the science of music is interesting and Prof. Hobbs is entirely competent to impart instruction which would be valuable to the pupil. City Court. The first case before the Mayor this morning was that of Ami Flynn, charg eel with disorderly ' conduct. The charge was. sustained and she was Sent below for 20 days. The next was Peter Walker, colored, for a like offense. He was found guilty and $5 or 30 days was the sentence. Ho went below. Patrick Flynn, charged with a like offence, was discharged. j Mooullffht Excursion. r niAnn Huh!-. nursion , -Vftdflral Point on the Fassport' will' take 'place Tuesday night, the 17th inst. under the management of Capt. Jno. W . Harper and Mr. Geo. N. Harriss. Every ar rangement is. being ' made for the pleasure and comfort of the excursion ists. There will be music for 'dancing and refreshments will be served. A fine time is expected as the moon will be at her prettiest on the 17th. New Furniture House. Mr.Thos. C. Craft, of this city, has leased the commodious building. No: 3 Granite Row. and will open there soon with a new and elegant stock of (urnituro and lurnishing . goods. He will go North in a few days and expects to have his stock open and displayed early in August. The building is now being remodeled for the reception of his goods. ! ) Mr. Craft hAS had more than ten years experience in the business and knows just what goods to bny lor this market and how to buy them. Artistic " and . pleasing Portraits. Larpnf.k, Photographer, Yates' Gal lery. 1 3t Death of Itev. lid ward Schulken. We are pained to announce the death of Rev. Edward Schulken, of the North Carolina Conference,1 M. E. Church South, which occurred, at his father's residence, corner of Fourth and Wal nut streets, at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, rfter an illness or abouHive weeks The dccccsed was a few months over 21 years of age, was a graduate of Vandcrbilt University and this was the sceond year ot his minis try. His first pastoral chage was at Clinton, Sampson county; tnd at the last Conference ho was sent to Fair Bluff Mission, in Columbus county. In the early part of June last, while in feeblo health, he undertook to ride to one of his appointments when he was caught in a heavy rain which threw him into the sickness from which he has never recovered He came at once tois father's, where every care was bestowed and the best of medical skill was in attendance, but without avail. The deceased was unmarried. The funeral services will take place to-morrow morning. ' . Mr. Schul ken's death has cause! a genuine, wide-spread grief. He was a young man of much promise and there is no doubt that, bad he lived, he would have accomplished much of good to others. He died in the service of the Master, whom he loved and to whom his young life bad been dedicated-rof Him who doeth all things . welL His reward has come early and It is well with him. " . , r 7 J- - 1 "',. Mr, Alfred V. Wood and family of Brunswick. Gai. are in the "city and will probably spend some time in this section. 1 Steam tug Benjamin Thachcr, Capt. Springs, arrived here to day from Georgetown, S. C, to go on the dry dock for repairs.1 V - $ ' : The first family excursion of the sea son on the Passport will be giveu on Wednesday. The fare for the round trip isonly 50 cents. . . .- ' ' Mr. A. II: Greene -and family, Mr. B. A. HallettV family,. 'and several others sailed hence on. Satmy, for New Xprk, on the eteara-shtp ittffulator. Mr. Yates has laid before' iis a1 very handsome little bound packet contkin ing a collection of photographic views taken at various points'on the Western N. C. R. R., among tho mountains. It is entitled, "The Land or the Sky," and is for sale by Mr. Yates. . The appearance of the clouds last evening, which threatened this city with a heavy shower, indicated that the storm was severe in the vicinity of. the Sounds, but we learn this morning that that section was visited with a gentle rain only, the centre of the storm pass ing, evidently, far to the eastward. 1 ! i 1 1 .j We have received quite a novelty in the .shape, ol a good-sized Irish potato, upon which is formed seven others. These last arc "small potatoes," yet there they are. It (or they) was (or were) raised in Leesburg, Pender coun ty, and came consigned to Messrs Hall & Pearsall. I , No Matciies. Matches in this city are about as scarce as hen's teeh.- As the tax on them expired on the 1st instl, the mer chants have been disposing of their stocks on hand so as to be able to take advantage of the first reduction in price consequent upon the abolition? of the tax. .There wilfprobably be a plenty, here alter the'arrival pf the next steam er, due to-morrow; 'from New York. Our Export; Trade. ; ! . The following shows the; exports from the port of Wilmington for the fiscal year ended J uae 30th, 1883 Articles. Quantity. Value. Cotton. . . .. -55.579 bales, $2,656,080 00 Spirits. . . . ..,674,080 galls, 1,164.055 00 Rosin &turpt. 380.099 bbls, 655,512 00 Tar & pitch. . . .27.205 Lumber 9,691,000 Shingles... 2,308,000. MiscellanV. r i -'. ' Total 57.125 00, feet 160,317 00 15,385 00 3,449 25 .4,711,913 25 Death of Mr. lettev ay The community was shocked yester day to hear pt the .sudden rand unex pected cleath of Mr. William H PetjEof way, which 'occurred at 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning, at his residence on North Third, between . Walnut and lied Cross streets. The deceased had been unwell, though not considered seriously sick, for seyeral days, and was taken with .a congestive chill at about 1 o'clock on Snnday morning! which ter minated as wo have stated. Mr. Pet te way was well known as an ensineer on the Wilmington, Columbia Au gusta Railroad, a position he has held nearly or quite 20 years, ' and had been in railroad employ more than- 30 yearsl He leaves a wife and eight children) who have "bur sympathy in their., be reavement. ; .The dcceased wjujquiet and Unobtrusive in his manners, - was a man of- strict integrity and was very much esteemed by all who' knew him. He was a member ot St. John's Lodge, F. & A. M., under whose direc tion his ob3equires were conducted yes terday alternoon, Rev. Frank UIV. Wood, of the Front Street M E Church being the officiating clergyman.; ! Pis remains were interred in Oakdale Cem etery, and were followed to the; graye by a large concourse of . sorrowing friends. ' ' L Photos made from j Mr. Orr's,Neea tives at low rates. LXrdxer, Photoi Yates1 Gallery. - 1 3tl jjijei: SCIIULKJEN Yesterday, at 3.30 o'clock, p m., ef nalarlAl lever. Ker. EDWARD SCHULKEN. of the North Carolina Confer ence, M. . Church South, aged 24 years,-4 months and 17 days, - ; Funeral to morrow morning, at 9 SO o clocK, from hla fathera residence corner Fourth ami Walnut street, thence to Kroct Street M. K. Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. Frieuds and acqualnUncca are respectfully Invited to attend, i - - - " EW! ADVERTISEMENTS. i'amily Exciirsioii ! milE FIRST FAMILY EXCURSION OF the season will be given on the PASSrORT, Vf EDKESDAyjTLY lltk. Fare 50c; cblW reo "5c ItalUn Band will f arnish Music ; July 9 W J. Vf . HARPER. NO. 162 NEW AD VERTISEMlEXT S C. W. Yates, B OOKS AND STATIONER V, . FRESII STOCK, j -j i t" ; 't x GOOD ASSORTMENT, .; .. ..-I RE AS ONA BIE PRICKS, ! .... ,.i . i- 1 I , r - - rOLITE1 ASD PROMPT ATTENTION. IMPROVING CAPE FEAR RIVER BELOW WIL MINGTON, N. C. PROPOSALS; FOR FUR NISHING MATERIALS. ' 1 PROPO&ALS FOR ..FUltNI8IIING ' TUB following named materia la tor the Im provement of the Cape Fear River, N. C, will le received untit noon of Atigust 2, 1883, at the U. S. Engineer Office,"; Wilmington, N. C,i and opened immediately thereafter. , : . J f1 -'r," About 6.0J0 jounds of 18th IJatliue; U,0W pounds Spun Yarn? 4,0!i0' ccrda Brush;-700 cords of Cane, and 30.000 tons of Stone. . '.i'J Blank forms, speclrtcationa, and infonfta tion can be had on application to this office or to the resident engineer, Mr. Henry Bacon at Wilmington, N. C. : ' . WM. P. CRAIGHtLL, . july9 6t " Lt-Col. of Engineers, U. S. A. New Novel s. . i rpHOSE PRETTY ST. GEORGE GjfBLS A SOCIETY NOVEL. Iolanthe A Novel by William Black. I I I Eve's Daughters, by Marion Harland. ; ' i ; ' 1 Heart of Stsel, by Christian Reed. Iajys, Lord. Beresford, by the author of L ;' Pfiyns.-'j ; : : . 'r'X'y "":U': .r- ' ' . i For the Major by C. F. Woolson. But Yet a Woman, by A. S. Hardy. ; ' ' - . For sale at- - ' " . l: "'" " HEINSBERGElt'S, july 9 Live Book and Music Stores Po p u I a r P iri ces , : I I POPULAR GOODS .' " AND POPULAR IDEAS WILL PRODUCE GREAT KESULTS. O UR FAMILY! TRADE, WHICH IS IN- creasing dally, has been made by these things. k We are the Pioneers pf Low Prices ! We handle the bestGoods 1 r arid Crackers. 'r ""V.:f : -: 'English Dairy Cheese. .' just received. - j . HAMS, SHOULDERS, STRIPS, &c. Ac. Elegant, Mess MACKEREL in 10 pound Kits, the best ever brought to Wilmington. We offer every variety of WINES, WHIS KEYS, &c. - PHCENIX, VIENNA and TROP IC BEER. ; .The quality of these brands Is un excelled. . , . ' !oui- Whiskeys are specially j suitable for Family use. V FOB SUMMER COtDS try our BOCK and RYE, the famout BLUE GRASS CI' RE. j P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front St. juiy fl ! - - ;: ..; Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of Millinery ! New Styles, New Colors, &c. FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT MV FULL. :- ' , KID, SILK ard LISLE GLOVES. V 1 PARASOLS. NECKWEAR, FANS. ; Z EPHYR and MATERIAL for FANCY WORK. ! I . . I r ' '-'. MILLINERY Second Floor. j FANCY GOODS First Floor. r r Respectfully, ' ": " MISS E. KARRER, jury 9. ' . . j 7. ' EXCHANGE CORNES. ForSmithville andtheForts. THE STEAMER MINNEHAHA LEAVES her wharf every mornlwc t 9 o'clock, re turning 'same day. Will leave every SUN DA J MORNING at the same hour. For freight or passa! apply to - i JOS. BIS BEY, jjulyMw-" . M-i-V' - Master. - Gum Camp ho r, TL C ELLIN'S , FOOD,; f It I - .- - Combs, Brushes. Extracts, X Soaps, Puff - Boxes, Ac., Jtc ,? y; ?z '' . 1 WILLIAM xGREEN.'lrnlst'r jurs H7 lurkw street PLEASE NOTICE, Wo will be glad to recelTO oommaslcat3oc from our friends on any and all subjects t of general Interest but ' '' i U. The name of the writer must always be rex nlahedtothpBclUor.,:, -j n. j -Communlcatlcmsmast be written on al one side of the paper. , v ;v " i ; Personalities must be avoided . And it is especially and particularly und tood that the Editor does" not always endox j the views of correspondent unless ao state in the editorial colamns.; ,: 1 i J i NEWV ADYERTISEMEra Rechabite Excursion. I HARMONY TENT NO. 139, T O. OF It'.', will give an Excursion to Smlthvillb and thci Forts, THURSDAY. July 12, l&O, on Steamer PASSPORT- Refreshments and, Mualo on board.1 Tickets DO cents;; Children and Ser vants halt price. . . ' , . j (: ? - . - j. i Committee Fred. T. Skipper, L. A. Bilbro, Wm.1 Jacobs, Thoa. S. Tolcr. July -2t j Examine YtmrtTrun s f - ANDllF-THEY NEED REPAIRING semi j .- : ' ":. . .. .... ..-.i A . them lo the First-Claes Saddlery and Carrlaire! Manufactory of McDOUGALL X ROW DEN, where they will be repaired by theonlv Trunk " maker tn North Carolina. 11 orth Front st." T july 0 ... .... .!, : ,.r. i ,1. hi 5s THE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS ' : - - -. ' " v- v - , ; 4,j . j market. Our ;- ,; ' - .f ' i' -.;,4't-'.'- ,; . . . GRAIN CUADLES - " v; ' XJ cannot be surpassed In price or quality. " r A Urge and well selected stock of Hard t t Successors to John Dawson X Co., " ; july 9 ; , , . .,. , . Market Street Our &lass Fly Traps ! ; - ) Something Uew1! rpHE-CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON ! Tn K market. , 1 . , Giles & Murchlson.l July 9 . , .1 North Front St 1 Solid Comfort. npHERE IS; SOLID COMFORT IN. THE uso of - Kerosene: Stoves.' A customerj who 16 using one, saysr With this we are lndepend ent when left withont a servant." They art I1 Gems and great Economists." Different! sizes and prices. Try one. i t I F-Puro White OH. .! .1 v , 1 july 9 I PARKER X TAYLOR. r City and.Country Merchants I AM SELLING . . ; , . Prime New York Butter, I Kirjrluan's Celebrated Soaps, I ! Vtnrini'ii. Water Ground Meal. North Carolina Family Flour, and N. C. PatO't Family Flour. ; - At bottom prlcps sollc!teJ. 1 l' Car load or small orders ' . E. G. BLAIK. Commission Merchant, :-, 213 Market Street July 9 4 ONSISTING OF COLORE D CHI PS . fcollfre'a AtfW - or "Japaneee ;anu a variety or other styles, just received and for sale by I MRS. KA: july 9 No. 119 North Second Strcef.' X ill Ul Tiil july 9 W. E. DAVIS X SON WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. CO., ' SECY AND TREASURER'S OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N. C-, July 5, 18.1 A Dividend . j'' rV THREE PER CENT. ON THE CAP! yj . .- ' . - TAL STOCK of the Wilmington A Weldon R. R. Co.. will -be paid to the StocklioMers on and after the -Kith Inst. ; I ... I J. W. THOMPSONj - july o-3t nac Sec'y and Treasurer r Livery and Sale Stables. HORSES, BUGGIES, P1LETONS AND J '" . H 1 - CARRlAGLS let at low rates. Also Board Or Horses. ' ' ' .,' The Finest Hearse in the City.-. ;. i ; . A CAB LOAD OK , J .. i Kentugky Horses & Mules Just received and for sale low.. The best lot of stock In the city. i " lioLLINGSWOllTn WALKER, At the New Stables. - , 1 may4 tf - Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sU "ftlnrtenirci Shi a. r T Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF the provisions of an Indenture of mortgage bearing date the 19th day of May, 18SJ, and ex ecu ted by Chas. E. Smith to TheFInt Nation-' al Bank of Wilmington, the said mortgagee win sell for CASH at public auction at the Court House door In the City of Wilmington, o,ThnrsdaT, the Ski July. 1883, at 11 o'clock, A. M., all that real estate in said city, on tho Western banks of the Cape Fear River, bound-" ed as follows: Beginning at a p iat In ttui front of the wharf about 572 feet South of lb Causeway, thence H est 792 feet, more or lent, to the County line, thence North with line V2 feet, thence East 702 feet, more or lea, to the river, thence South with front of wharf vi reel to the beginning. , ; , - THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK- , J ; - - i:tX r ':' OF WILMINGTON. E. E. BCRRUSS, Pres't. Jo , 30. jv9 jnneK-5t Old Ncirspapcrs i IS SALE VERY CHEAP. j, Ayplylto TiH2)yric: I

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