u tins r apx . tnr- S today x4 rf ted l7 JOSH T JAM w PAIDc sc six ootte. n-oo. Thrw w j42rerd by carriers frt TV f wy part of U dty. at tb aUrre 21 eeM F we. . 'Tr regularly. 1 1 ,i .-f- rriw3 has tht lamest & ( artuliilon, of any. nacspajxr t., tilu of Wilmington. JSL jva. i " ; VeiufoFJj. VuUte bceaiup- rrlithou!ooj5hctJ- .. vw!cctjon jet for United Stales from New Hampshire. " - rv.ihrM ileiltu from fercr at IlaTana last week. jcrome Napoleon proposes to issue a silsitesioia case or the death of Count 1t CUabonl. Te "0M Brick Church," in Isle of tV! i: couaty. Va. is the oldest church i En'lis building now standing in mttfr, tariD2bcCTcrecte in 1032. The SuiesTille landmark comes to niLiiwcek enlarged antT Improved, j. i,"DOw one of the Urgest, best cons Sjc.ed and probably best paying papers ;r ttr Swte. Jud IIM. United States District Ju.lTin Mississippi, has refused to runnier charges of election frauds Lruu;U by information. Ho insists t!a: such charges must be brought by nulictmect. Tourgee, author vt the "Fool' Er- mi objects to Senator Kd mumls as a rrtt.JcaU'a! candidate because he is toooM.bat farors Senator Sherman. Scuator Edmunds is but 55. while Sherman is 63. ; . - . - KricndJ cf the t'nlrcrsity of Virginia re telling with pride that professors for ...Vren different chairs or departments ,a cvlleies, polytechnic shools and Ulier in stitutiions!o! higher learning in tLet'nked States have recntly been ckovn from its alumni. Ixml Byron Is said by the London lanret to have been killed by tho old !ib:oncd physicians, being copiously IAhI when he was already too weak to resist the effects of the disease. He had malarial fever, and quinine might have ifedhira.bat all the same, he would be dead now, quinine or no quinine. Temperance folks, who have stom achic troubles and assauge Itheni with Jamaica Ginger, may be Interested in knowing that the Ginger aforesaid has been pronounced, by a South Carolina Court, an Intoxicating bevcarge, and thtt the Court was right. Tho article contains fl5 per cent, ofpuro alcohol. r Madame Paula Minck, a French Ni hilist, has named her son Lucifer Satan Verciagcterix Minck. It is hard to imagine a more utter and total defi ance of every amenity of life and relig ion than Is conveyed in this fact- The boy will probable do full justice to his nime and his parents. Queen Victoria sent a wreath to Sun derland to bo placed among thoscjwhich hare been deposited upon the graves of tho victims of tho late disaster. It is composed of while immortelles, and is upward of three feet in diameter. It bears the following inscription: "A mark or deep sympathy from Queen Victoria. 'So ffcr little children to come unto Me, for ot such is the Kingdom of Heaven. " ... The viceregal carriagewith its cavalry escort, the officer riding by the door with his drawn sword, and - the car of detectives following. Is a familiar sight m Dublin. Police protection; however, shows slrnsvof being on th wane Most of the judges have only onv pros lector, and occasionaUy . none. I be alone, with their adjuocia .of detectives and marines, keep op tho tradition of more troubled times. Queen Victoria's John Brown died comparatively poor. Orer his remains the Queen erected a monumental stone with the following inscription: 'That friend on whose fidelity yon count, that friend gjven you by circumQjnccs over which you have cdcantrol. was God's own gift. 'Well done, good and faith fnl servant, thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make theo ruler over many things; enter then into tho joy of thy Lord,'" James II. Hevcrin, a theatrical law yer or New York, says: "Lotta is the wealthiest actress in; the . world. She can make more money, with her feet than the brainiest man Bring can with his heauV She made $125,000 last season and she is worth altogether, to my knowledge, fully $1,000,000. not withstanding the r&ct that she has losf $00,000 by bad speculations. All of which would seem to imply that if money be tho Vapreme good an educa tion of tho heels is much more im portant than cultiraiioa ol the head. , , R VOL. VII. i I -LOCAJ. NEWS. - . ISCa TO RtW 'ADVIKTISEMEITS. Moocllbt E-icurJon - I , Jim MciioWAX Cool Tietr ; K 8 Marti Tratee Salo IIuxsBrBGCs New XotcU W II G ecu Cum Camphor i Yates nooks and Stationery 1 Geo II CKArox Call and tke U 11 JJcIxriRK Fancy' lXatUB . Grand Family ZTCuriOnWaccaraTr 'This morning was cloudy," hot and enervating. . Good facilities for grouping at tho Yates Gallery. j 3t. Business was rather quiet on Water street to-day. 1 . . ; Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.low prices, at Jacobi.'s t Tho receipts or cotton at this port to day foot up only 3 bales. : r The supply of beefin the market con tinues ordinary as to quality. Capt. Joseph J. Iiowdnn is conGncd to his house by a dislocated ankle. A physician in this city has driven his horse 01,000 miles since he owned him. Il is said that another hot wave 13 coming down upon us from the North west. , I . , i- s How solemnly true it is that the jaws of death are not half so dreadful as the jaws" of life. This is one ot the best j mottoes ever followed : Never trouble troub'.e until trouble troubles you. 1 : j Carpenters aro at work making some necessary repairs to the root of St." Thomas Catholic Church. It was quite cool and comfortable last night, after the jshowcr, and sleep was refreshing and enjoyable. Steamboatmen report that the river had fallen about a loot wlicn they left Fayetteville yesterday morning. We are all good ityeu except the bad ness thai is in usl and all saints if you leave out the fact that wo are sinners. i - I. - i , One case of disorderly conduct was brought before tbeMayor this merning which was settled by tho payment or a fine of $5 and costs. If you could only step out of yourself and taken good look at yourscu the chances arc that you1 wouldn't want to go into yourself again. The raio. which icll In torrents Jiere yesterday aftcrnoou, amounted only to a shower at tho Sound, the fall being barely sufficient to lay the dust. Alderman Samuel Bear. Jr.. left last night Tor New York and other North ern and Eastern cities. Ha expects to be absent until about tho lsUf August ..The Atlantic Steam Firo Engine Co., of Nowbern, is expected here some time next week. There will be about thirty men in tho company, and they will meet with a hearty and cordial welcomcl Tho old plank bridges across tho gutters in front of tho Court House and on the opposite sido or tho street, were taken op this morning and new ones put in their places. ' Within the last few days' we have conversed with farmers from all the adjoining counties, and they all com plain that it is almost impossible to subdue the grass. j j Artistic and pleasing Portrait?. Laruneic. Photographer. Yates' Gal lery. 3' A few days since a child in this city shoved a bean up one ofj its nostrils, where it remained until to-day. when It was removed by Dr. Bellamy. Sir gular to relate, tho bean bad sprouted during the time it had been in its strange and unusual lodging placed 'Wait till tho clouds roll by" is the latest sensation in the song and chorus liije, and every gamin, whito or colored. la the sireei is Biagiug n It is played on the harmonicon, accor- deon, organ and piano, and we expect to hear it thumped out on a drum be fore long. I j Nature is very fortunate about some things. No matter how shrewd a maa may bo about" other things failing and paying ten cents on the dollar, and saving enough from the wreck to buy a corner houso on the avenue in his wife's name he roust, and there Is no "possi ble escape from It. he roust, whether bo ... . ik Af ntnn !n will or BO, Pj v. foil. 5 - Tho AYliolo South. All the Southern people agree that ri-. Wnrthin ston's Cholera and Di arrhoea Medicine, is the best In use lor stomach and bowel trouDics. i ncc cents. 1 " . , - i WELMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. JULY 10, 1883. As it was Inteuded. i In making up our report yesterday of tlje export trade bt Wilmington for the fiscal year ended June 30th, 1883, the word foreign was accidentally omitted, by which erroneous conclusions might bo reached. The table was intended to show the kinds, quantities and values or our exports foreign for the time given. Tho "Banks 'House." Tho Carolina .Yacht Club held a meeting yesterday afternoon at which some ten or twelve new memberswere added to the organization. The. powers olthe building committee were en larged and. they were given carle blanche to proceed withN the erection or the 'Bauks House" as rapidly as circum stances will permit. It is expected that tho building will be completed and ready for occupancy by the first week in August. Of Consumption. Mr. Nicholas W. Yopp died this morn'.ng at the residence ot his father, Mr. Samuel L. Yopp, on Walnut, be tween Seventh and Mcltae streets. His disease was consumption, which was contracted at Florence, S. C. about eight months ago, where ho was em ployed in the shops or the W. C. & A. Railroad. Soon after being stricken down he came to his father's 'where he has remained ever since gradually de clining until death came to his release Ironi sufferings which at times Were in tense," but which he boro with great fortitude. He was about 27 years f age and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his death. Important to Many. i -! In view of the repeal ot all taxe3 pay able by check and proprietary stamps, which went into effect on the 1st inst. Commissioner of Internal Revenue has issued the following regulations for the benefit of all concerned: 1st. Checks or proprietary stamp's presented for redemption should be ad dressed to "The (Commissioner of In ternal Revenue. Washington, D. C," and must be forwarded at the risk or the owner. f 2nd. The stamps should be acconi panicd by a claim, on Form 81, copies m . 1 1 t ? 1 1 ot whicn lorni win De xurnisneu on ap plication to this ollice. 3xd. Claims may be sworn to or affi davits made before any iuternal revenue officer authorized to administer laths, without fer. Any other person admin istcring an oath or affirmation must show, by seal or certificate from the proper authority, that ho is qualified to do so. An officer in signing a jurat should civc the title or his ofhec. -1th. Chock and general proprietary stamps will bo redeemed at their lace value, less 5 per centum,! private die nroDrictarv stamps at their face value, Ip-ss 5 or 10 Dcr centum, according to the rate or commission allowed on their Durchase. . 7th. In cases where an ! allowance is asked for stamDS destroyed, the facts in thn ra.eo should be submitted! to this office, and special instructions as to the 1 T .1 ... til La 9twn 8. Stamps will only be redeemed when presented by a bona fide owner, or a duly authorized agent or represent ativo or such ow'ner. U. Wheu a claim is made by a per son acting as agent, executor, receiver, or in any other representative capacity, the authority or the representative to so ict must be shown. 10. Claims will be acted on, as near- lv hs oossiblc. in the order or their re eclpt, and in all cases as Boon after their receipt as the condition of the public m m business win permu. j List of: Letters. A list or unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday. July, 11 1883: j BM C Bowden Lisette Bremberd. Jane Burney, Nancy Barber, care Dan Kirkloy, Jordan Bailey, Bros Boyd, MrsC LBcrnett. (4). C Anna Bell Chestnut, (2). Charlie Cold3trauro. Delphi A Carter, Lizzette Chatman, Polly Curtis, Mrs Meloine Carter. . D Mrs E T Davis. - J E K J Snow & Co., Empire Plaster Mills, J R Everiett, Frank H Edwards, F H and J G Edwards. GAggie Gore. Ephraim George. II Alice V Herring, Geo Byron Hyde, Bcnj Haycock, Harlow & Green, Henry II. Haywood, John A Holland, Jr. ! J P J Jordan. I k-W J Kelley. r . t L S C Larklns, Robert Lovick. I w R Martin, Laura Moore. James E McDonald, John McTate. X Chales U Neil, James Nolson, P Rohn E Pouns. John E , Perry, Anna Prayer. ' R A D Rovster & Bros. S Amos II Sheldon, Chiff& Gner. T KToulIan. ... W W.HI, Oyerby & Son, Josephine Wells. Morgan Whitehead, Maria Wil liams, care Mary Smith. . Y Miss Bunnie Yates, Miss Aunic Yates. ;". ' :" i j "' : : : Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say advertised iT no called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at .Washington, D. c." ' Ed- Brink P. M. "jFor Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery; o to jACOiVnardware DepoL t 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -l FAWCY IVIATTIWCS; g-WE WISH : YOU TO GET CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS. As usual, we make very close prices during this- monlh,x close out- any goods ' brought - 4 OIL FELT. AND -LINEN LINEN ULSTERS, And a few Jerseys which LACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN QOODS. - , 1 July 10, 1883 By Moonlight. AawoJlhflseen bv! advertisemcHt in its appropriate column, there will bo a moonliffht excurson 10 r eoerai i omu on the Passport on the night of Tues day, the 17th inet.1 The moon jwil1 then be at her prettiest, and every exer tion will be made by nhe managers Capt.J. VV. Harper and Mr. Geo. N. Harriss, to give the excursionists lots of fun. i ; Home Objects. Our contemporaries in different por tions oi the State speak frequently and with commendable pride of the beau ty of their own particular surrounds ings, and we know that they do not ex ageratethe matter, as we are aware that no State in the South can boast of prettier cities, towns and villages than North Carolina. But while we cheer fully concede all this, we are not pre pared to admit that any town or city in the State excels our -own Wilming ton.1 As we have the largest population of any city in the State , as our mercari tile and commercial interests are ioriTr sr do wc Dossess the ad vantages ot beautiful scenery clus tered ; about with historic . inter est such as no other city in' the State can lav claim to. Our Cape Fear river, with its fleet of busy craft, jrepresenting the commercial importance of the city,- ijnfifsilf nn obiect ot interest,! Our streets lined with beautiful shade j trees and pleasant residences ; our churches elegant in structure and design ; Oak- thn beautiful "citv of the dead." besides manv other places of interest, arc objects worthy the largest city in the State. . " .. . : Great Closing Out Sale. Goods will be slaughtered wifhin the next CO days in order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods eyer brought to Wil minirinn- A. & ' L SiiKiEic, Reliable Clothers, 114 Market St. I tf. Photos made from Mr. Orr's Nega lives at low rates. Lauunek, Thoto Yates' Gallery. 1 3t NEY ADVEKTISEBIENTS. Moonlight Excursion ! npo FEDERAL POINT, TUESDAY, 17th inf on stM.mr PASSPORT. Music. Dane- Ino.nH RafroahmpntiL Fata 50c The lMlt tha T!wl nnn hanr to alloW lCr- sons to indulge in Snrf Bathing. Turtle Hunt- tor, etc ! ttr special arrangement uou can benaaajreaerai roint.- JNO. WY HARPER, - GEO. N. n ARRISS JulylO ..t ! Managera Grand Family Excursion Y : Under the auspices of j - i . . .. . . "i . THE OFFICERS AND TEACHERS OF ST. PAUL'S EY. LUTHERAN SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 TO WACCAMAW LAKE, Wednesday, July 11, '83. Refreshments at City Prices. - Train leaves Front SL Depot at 7 a. m. sharp. Arrangements have Ijeen made for! ample accommodation in Cars for passengers.! Secure tickets in timev I Tickets AdulU 0 cents; children under twelve years, 25 cents for sale by V. H. Strauss, Chairman; J. D. H.Klander, II. L, Volkrrs, G. W. Borneman, Henry Otten, Carl Polvogt, Committee; ' r " July 10 U - - Truoteef s Sale. ; B V "VIRTUE OF TUB PROYISIONS OF A i w-f of Trust executed by John B Soullier- land and wife to the late Hon. IL. 8. French, bearing date the 4th day of August, 1S71, the undersigned appolnte 1 by the superior- Court of New Hanover county, to execute the trusts of said deed, will -sell at public auction for Cash, at the Court House door In the city of Wilnunrtov, on Tuesday, the Mth July, ls3, at 12 o'c ock, M, the following lot in said city: Beginning at tho 6. W. corner of Third and Campbell streets and runnihg South 65 feet on Third street -and ) feet West on Campbell street, being the eastern part of lot 1, block Zii. according to the olSclal plan of said city. ' - K. S. 3LA.RTIN, 1 July l(Wt 10,17, 23 Trustee NO. 163 J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OUR PRICES FOR MATTINGS. -over. . : CRUMB CLOTHS. 1 LINEN ULSTERS. will be closed out at a price. r. R. m TJJclNTIRE. iTlr PIqIttiqII o-ATio iiri in n rAttr"M,A &v"w j " BallOOn ! X his Saloon THE COOLEST BEKtt I and BEST WINE. Also, XJQUORS Tery line. Give him a call. - J july 10-lt , Call and See rjlHOSE FAT SO. MACKEREL, . . j Choice FOLTON MARKET SPICED BEEF. FRESH, NEW BUTTER, by steamer every week,1 And those justly celebrated CAKES always fresh ant. crisp. "- ' j ".T -And a fall lue of Family Supplies, at ; Orapon's Family! Grocery. jnly 10 I'v" ' ' C. W. Yates, ,TOOKS AND STATIONERY, . , I... - . ; -. ri'RESH STOCK, GOOD ASSORTMENT, i REASONABLE PRICES, '" ' J'- .- ------ - ". ' - i - . . POLITE AND PROMPT ATTENTION july 9 '. V "'I V. J IMPROVING CAPE FEAR RIVER BELOW WIL MINGTON, N. C. PROPOSALS FOR FUR NISHING MATERIALS. I TfcROPObALS FOR FURNISHING"-TUB J following named materials tort the Im provement of the Cape Fear Rlrer, N. C, will be received until noon of August 2, 1883, at the U. S.-Engineer Office. Wilmington, N. C., and opened Immediately thereafter. About 6,000 pounds of JSth Ratline; 0,000 pounds Spun Yarn ; 4.000 ccrds Brush; 700 cords or cane, ana 2u,ooo tons or stone. - Blank forms, specifications, and informa tlon can be had on application to this office or to the resident engineer, Mr. lienry Bacon at Wilmington, jn. u. r' j . IWM. P. CRAIGIHLL, Ljly9 6t Lt CoL of Engineers, U. A. New TJovels. rnilOSE PRETTY ST. GEORGE GIBLS A SOCIETY NOVEL. 1 - , ; i . lolanthc A Novel by William Black. Eve's Daughters, by Marion Harland. Heart of Steel, py Christian Reed. A Loys, Lord Beresford, by the author of . - Phylis. - For the Major, by C. F. Woolsoh. ! - - i . I " - But Yet a Woman, by A. S. Hardy. . For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, july 9 ' Live Book and Music Stores Wilmington, CI i nton & War- i saw Telegraph Co TIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A JL Telegraph Line from Clinton to Warsaw (distance 13W miles) will be received at the office of the Company at Clinton, N. C. -up to 12 o'clock, j uly 20tn. ror runner particu tars. specifications, Ac, address w an. j.. JUJisu.i, rrcs i. july 5 lw Clinton, N. C. Millinery & Fancy Goods. Another Large Invoice of miiineir! New Styles, ! New Colors, &c FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT ,. -1 : ' r o-; rliis . ! -; , .KID, SILK ard LISLE GLOYES. PARASOLS, 'NECKWEAR, FANS, i ZEPIIYB and MATERIAL for FANCY i WORK. , : , ; . . . , ; , -UltxbiERY Second Floorl FANCY GOODS-First Floor. " " - - " Respectfully, - t " ' ' " ' - i MISS E. KARRER, . PLEASB NOTICJC : We will te glad to recelv eomxauHcatloB from ogr friends on any and all ; cobjeet of seaeral latexest bat ,': ':,-;.! - The name of the writer meat always t fax al&hed to the Editor. , : . ' ConununlcaOlonamTut b wtlttea o oal one side of the paper. : ; j : Personalities must be avoided And It la especially and particularly end tood that the Editor does not always endot the views of correspondents unless so istate to the editorial columns. ! ' ! 1 !!' , ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - Eechabite ExcmionJ ' TTAUMONY TEXT NO. 139, I. O. OI" R., will give an Excursion to SmlthTllle and the: Forts, TJX UBSD AY,' Jul jr 12 18S3, on Stea.mer PASSPOirr.i Refreshments and aluela on board. . Tlckeu 50 cents; Children and Ser vants half price. J I n f i ' Committee Fred. T; Skipper, L. A. 1 Bllbro, Wm. 1 Jacobs,. Thos. S. Toler. . July 9-St Examine Tour Trunks i SD IP TIIET NEED UEPAI1IIXG send tbem to the Flr&t-Cla a 8addlery and Carriage Maoufactory of Mc DOUG ALL BOWDEN, where they will be repaired by the only Trunk maker in orth Carolina. 114 Korth Front at. .-...ii.-u ,-.:. rjpIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS market. Our 4 ''j-" '' 1. ' rJ"!:'' GRAIN CRADLES I i 1! cannot be surpassed in price or quality. r A large and well selected stock of Hapl ware at W. E. SPRINGER A CO'S.. , . Successors to John Dawson A Co.,. "-July 9 I Uarket Street Our Glass Ply Traps I j : Something Hew I T niiB CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE market. . "-'( Giles & Murchison. July - . . North Frout St Solid Comfort. THERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who Is using one, saysr With this we are Independ enfe when left without a servant." Ther are Gems and , great Econoull8tS., i Different sizes and prices. Try one. - ; i j r-Pure White on. -i i I , July 0 . PARKER Jk TAYLOR. ! Popular Priceo, POPULAR GOODS ! AND POPULAR IDEAS WILL PRODUCE. L GREAT RESULTS. o UE FAMILY TRADE WHICH" 13 IN- r- t i . -.. creasing daily, hals been made hf these things. We are the Pioneers of Low Prices ! ' We handle the lc6t Gootls 1 1 ' j. ! ' The nicest and f reshest-assortruent of Cakes and Crackers. . i English Dairy Cheese 1 I Just received. : 'j . Elegant Mess U.A.CKEREL in 10 ionnd Kits, the best ever brought to Wilmington. ' We offer every variety of, WISES, WHLSj. . KEYS, c. PilOESX, VIENNA and TBOl IC BEER. The quality of these brands Is un excelled. ':V'v" " 'I r: ; '--'A'' " " ' .' ' 1 . ; lOur Whiskeys are specially suitable for Family use. , I ' ; V , . i FOR, SUMMER COLDS try our ROCK ami i - -J ' ' M -r.. i RYE, the famous BLUE GRASS CURE.! " I P.' L. BRIDGEES & CO. HO North Front St. I july0 ' - i ! . A Rlew Supply! QF RED AND WHITE ONION 8ET3, 1 Peas, Beans. Corn, Cabbage, Ac Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Toilet and Fancy Articles. Ac. Medicines,! 49" Prescriptions filled at all hours, day and night. ; , F. C. MILLER, 4 . , German Druggist, il j uly 10- '. Comer Fourth and Nun sts. i QONSISTING OF COLORED CHIPS. colored, also the popular Shade Hat, Nankin or "Japanese ".and a variety j of other styles, Just received and for gale by in MRS. KATE a WINES, ! ! july 9 No. 119 North Second Street! I O E. HI i ; I--- O jnly 9 W. K. DAVIS A SON Livery and Sale Stables. . 'i- . r :-:: v TTQRSES, BUGGIES, PILSTONa AND CARRIAGLS let at low rate. AliBoalrd J or Horses. ' ; VC-""'v: i .; '" The Finest Hearse in tho City.Jlf v 'l!n',-j;4' ' A CAR LOAD OF i Kentucky Horses & Mulen Just received am! for sale low.' The lst lot of stAck In the city. ' - iioixixjsworrrn a valkkr. At tb New Stables. may 4-tf v-1 - Cox. Fourth and Mulberry s.u Gum Camphor, ! "JELLIN'S FOOD, i Combs, Brushes. Extract, -' ' , " ! r .Soas, P-aff Boxej, Ac, Ac i' ' ; i WILLIAM II. Gi:T'i::i,Drr 'st 1 ' Julys : in I.'iritt 'rccv -r

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