P LEASE NOTIC1C We will be glad to receive oooxaualcaUors iron our friends on any and an subject . of general tatereet bat JOSH T.JAMES, Trimos roar age paid-. r u JL 5" tiOO. Tares ilW. OoaBoolh.eoU. o"4' ' j ie2TtrfJ by carriers free T ...tort of the cltf . t the above The name of the writer most always be ft I aiaoed to the Editor. mmunKiuons most DO one side of the paper, f Person an rtca intxst be aroldedLS And It U especially and particularly nod tood that the Editor docs not always eador the views of correspondents unless ab statt In the editorial columns. ' ! VOL, VII. WILMINGTON,. N. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1883. NO. 164 II II II ll4 II II Al II II av irv U -11 II IL-i haw i . r I i a v i s r m a im - n i ! m m v . a a r t ' i. Illl 1 , W 111 WW akhea to the Editor.- !i II J V U II J II - II I I .11 M 1 II II ' J 11 u ii i-i J 1 S 1 W 11 11 A LI 1 1 VI J LI f i-i U f T . 0 J tw wnwea pa oai i - ; . - -- x i . i i ; - - :-i :-' - 1 "' . ..:v" -vi I .I;'.-' '. !' ' ' : !- i v , I.-.;.-:.;: :iVi ww- r r . : t . Rrcicw has Vic larvtMl " ,utbmcf anv nctctvaper cu'y of. Wilmington. " . m ilralha laJt week in n,.' wuc Tkcreare ju5t3.t00 NUonai Banks r.iv;vdSutcJ. What a country! !.... V.. boiwts ol an be oia 108 . i ..mm who claims ims to ra oi'.ioaary iigoali at Kortresa .I:(rroCwiUbu restored, it is under ,!.oa the. 1st ofAugmt. . i a:J that at a niectinx in Mar France. Sunday, it was resolved towurvkrthc jarynaen who convicted j t:tr Michel. ovl in Chicago last Sunday wre worn If. our in .: overroals ! U correct there were no Ui .fm.t worn in Wilmington on that iar H.Johnson, editor of the Co (Ujj.) . and Joseph Jones. tutZxr r ot t. board of supervisor, uu4t.tiuei uu Monday near New Or.cans.aaa the Utter was shot iu the arm. The arbitrary arrest and suspension ii vm ofllc of Hubert J . Wood, super. .ntecJec: of the city cemetery of Nor u, k. by Mayor Laxub, of that city, and :r.e ifcKraction of.tha former' books riul from hU ofllc while under arrrtU iuses much comment in Nor u!k. Tie Virqinian talks savagely i;.vu! it. The Norfolk ITyiman says : From a!e::er received from Mr. Elaui, dated I.nawciod. Saturday last, be writes us thai "Iaui doing wonderfully well. I've ia up and about my room all day arid shall return homo (to lxuisa) next Dr. Wheat oea back to Rich iuoqJ Monday, saying mv wound needs no further attention." ihe l'etcrsburg JndezJpytal re, outly enltred upon the nineteenth year of its existence. It is in every respect aa admirable paper, one of tho very bet. we think, published in the South ern country. It is essentially a news, paper and we are glad to note its ev idences ol sabstantisl prosperity. I its ownctl and cditctl by Mr. ham. R. B. Rar- When Alitor Bicrnc. afUr his terri- j -nnnfnr with Flitor E am. re- i tired from the field, covered 'all over with glory and seed ticks, he repaired to Baltimore, thcro to recruit his wast ed energies. While there he was lion ued by the Virginians resident in that hopsitable city and among other things was invited to the rooms of the Balti more Club. This invitation created a rumpus in the camp, but objection was made and the distinguished duelist did not call. A Baltimore speciai to the New York Sun says: Heirne's friends have becu fuming and storming about " thc matter cvei since. They recall the lavish hospitali ty the Bali more clubmen havo received from the Westmoreland Club of Rich mond, to which- Dcrrrre belongs, and say that this affair will close the West moreland's doors against tho Baltimore clubmen. . ' ' The membership ot the Baltimore Club is largely composed of Virginians, whose felin r is that the Read i asters are a low rabble with whom the gentle men of the State are gallantly contend in. They argue that the fact that Beirne is a duelist does not take away the tact that be is Virginia gentleman, and as such ho is worthy of clab privi leges. . r . . - The opppsitioa do not " deny Beirne's standing in Virginia as a gefctienian. but do not proposn to Honor a man wno hid just arrived from shooting down an enemy. It is understood that a meet, ingof the club will be he.d to take action in the matter. There will be some sharp ' speeches, and the real subject for discussion will bo whether the code is still a gentlemanly institu tion. If the meeting fails to sustain tho action of the'Board of Governors the anti-duelists will resign, and if it docs sustain them, it is said that a secession of the Virginia partJ may occur. Hon.' K, B. Ileatb, Jodte. Edenton N. C, wrote: "I made use of Dr. Worthlngton's Chol era and Diarrhoea Medicine in a case f sudden and violent disease. Its effects were immdeiate and the cure perfect.1 Cures stomach pains. Great Closing Out Sale. Goods will be slaughtered within the ntxl 00 days in order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fail and Winter clothing and gents farntsbinx goodseTcr brought to . Wil tniogtoo: Al &ri. Siiiukr, Reliable dothcra, UI Market St. if. The celebrated Fish Brand Gills1 Twine Is sold only at J A cost's Hard ware Dpoi. - LOCAL NEWS. IMDU T3 HEW A0YIBTISEUE1TS. Tarker Toole . Paraera Hxlr IUlatra E G Buaib Meal Flour WaxTcoA Uoom Servant HcjfSBrBGta New Xorelt W It Gexkv Gom Camphor TATta Books and SUUonery IxoUlana State Lottery Company Ckolt A Mokrih rurnlture t Auction P C Mf lixk HottaiyI ltellcf Fire Kogine Ccrepanj 'o. 1 j , facilities for, grouping at the Yates (Jallery. 3r. Daniel Shaw, Isq., of Tender county was iu the city today. There was not ;a bale of cotton re ceive 1 at this port to-day. ; t ' Nor. brig Soryt, Olsen, from this port, nrrived at IJverpool on the 9ti inst. ! Thi steamship HcnefactorK Capt. Tribon. from New York, arrived at her I wharf in this city this morning. Mayor Hall went down the river on the Husporl this morniog and passed the day in fishing nt the "Rocks." i j Another hot wave seems to have reached us, .and it promises now to be as intense as was that ol the latter por tion of last week. We regret to learn that Mr. Isaac B. Kelley, Sr., is very sick at hU home in Kcnansviile, Duplin county, with but Httlo'hopes of his recovery. Travel on the W. & W., and W. C. & A. Railroads is considerably ou the ; increase and the same may be also said j of the freight traflic on those roau. Miss Maude Granger, one of the most popular actresses on the American stage, is booked for an i appearance at the Opera House in this city December 5th next. : I The wind was from the Northvycst this forenoon but since 12 o'clock it has ' veered around to the South and the at mosphere is. consequently, much warmer. I Kulus Weaker, colored, in the em ploy of Messrs. Holmes & Wattcrs, had the misfortune to have his foot badly mashed yesterday by a box of meat falling upon it. Capt. V. V. Richardson, of Colum bus county, is in the city to-day, and ho . . ... ' 3i. t reports mat me crops are in udb coiiui "on ja hia JjV' wJl.h thc and 'Wi The Family Excursion on the iw port this morninu was well attended, there beinjf as many on board when she left as could be we'll accommodated with comfort and convenience. j The Goldsboro Messenger, of the 0th inst-, copies entire sn article on the Fourth of July celebration at Burgaw. from thc Daly Review, but gives credit for the same to Star. thc Wilmington The steamer from New York, which arrived here this morninin?, had a quantity of matches as freight, and wo shall not be compelled to resort to flint, steel and tinder when wo want to start a nre. The thanks ot the local are due to Sheriff Manning foir a fino bunch of vegetables raised in his garden, among which was a splendid specimen of beet and a bunch of onions. ''Hence these tears." j j . j Thus far this year thc City Clerk has issued 3-26 badges for dogs, about a dozen of which, however, were dupli cates. There are now not quite 1,000 that roam the streets in unbridled, un- badged and unlicensed freedom. No, ray younjg friends, the word mash,1 as it hasi recently been applied to the sentiments of .affection supposed to exist between a person of one sex toward that of another, is not.a proper nor even a respectable word. It should not be tolerated and will not be among refined and cultivated people. Talk about rapid growth, here i3 a specimen. A mullen plant in a garden in this city, which fonr weeks ago last Monday was but a few Inches above the ground, has now attained a height of 8 feet. This growth is at the rate of 21 inches a week or 3 inches each day. It is almost wonderful. The Sac and Observer says: "The newly-elected magistrates are notified to appear before the Clerk of "the Su premo Court prior to the first Monday in August, and lake the oath. It will bo remembered that at the last session of the Legislature two additional ' mag lstratcs for each township were appoint ed.1. The Clerks of the Superior Court are probably meant. - Kxports Foreign. Ger. barque Edward Tens, Capt. Kipp. cleared to-day for Riga. Russia, with 3.125 barrels rosin, valued at $4. 726. shipped by Messrs. j .Paterson, Downing & Co. ! Drowned. A note from Mr. O. Oowan, at Bannerman's Bridge, tells that Raleigh Montague, a well known colored man of that section, foil off his flat' yester day rooming near the bridge and was drowned. - The body has not yet been recovered. ' - f Itechabite Kxcurslon, -Harmony Tent, No. 139, gives an excursion to Smithville and the Forts to-morrow on tho Passport. Refresh ments in abundance and at city prices will bo for sale, and plenty of good music for those who- desire to indulge in the pleasnres of the dance. A first rate tinio may safely be anticipated. Fo'r Waccamaw. The excursion today to Waccamaw Like, given under the auspices of tho Sunday School of St. Paul's Evangeli cal Lutheran Church, was largely at tended, a glad-hearted, happy, throng of men and women, young men and maidens, taking a day of pleasure and recreation on the margin of that beauti ful sheet of water. They have had a delightful day, and we hope that no j untoward event may mar the pleasures I of the occasion. The Atlantic. At a meeting of the Wilmington i-Steamer Fire Engine Co.. No. 1, held last night, Messrs E. G. Parmalee, W. C. VonGlafcn, M. Newman, E. W. Manning and W. C. Cralt were ap pointed a committee to confer with the members of Howard Relief Fire Engine Co., No. 1, and Wilmington Hook and Ladder Co.. No. I, relative to the re ception of the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Company, Of Newbern, W&1CU i - nrooose visiUnjr our city next: week. The Howard Company meet to-morrow night and we suppose that a com mittee will also be appointed by them on that cCcassion. We trust that the citizeus generally will aid heartily in the entertainment of these visitors and we believe that they will. They have never yet been found wanting when tho reputation of our old town for hospitality is to bo maintained and we venture the asser tion that this occasion will prove no exception to thc rule. j Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.low prices, at Jaoobi.'s i t . The Firo tills Forenoon . About 11 o'clock this forcuoon a fire was discovered ou the second floor of the building on North Third street, op posite the City Hall, the first floor of which is occupied by Capt. Chas. D. Mvers as a grocery store. The I alarm was promptly given and. as quickly responded to. At thc first alarm Capt. Myers, who is Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, with others, ! ran up stairs where they found a large body of live coals on some settees, which i had fallen from the floor above. The fire evidently originated on the second floor and communicated itself to tho ceiling at tho West end of the room, up which it had worked until it reached the third floor, through which it had burn ed. Streams of water from engines and hydrants .were soon pouring into tho burning building, and the, flames were quickly extinguished. . "A large hole burned i through . the third floor is the extent of the damage by fire, but considerable injury was done by water, especially to the good bi Capt. Myers, as his store was fairly deluded. The building is the property of the Hibernian Association, and the second floor is occupied as a lodge room by the ' United Order ot Good Samari -tans and Daughters of Samaria," who held a meeting there last night. . The third floor is occupied for thc same purpose by the Knigbts of Wise Men." Both organizations are com posed of colored people, who lost noth ing except through a slight damage by water. The building is insured to the amount of $2,000 in the Hartford Fire I n$. Co.. of Hartford. Conn., aod $800lng full address. . Send orders by 2vxpress. , :.i i. a Registered Letter, or Money Order addressed In the Commercial Union Assurance Co., of London, both ot which are represented ,in this city by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning. ; Artistss and pleasing Portraits. Lardxek, Photographer, Yates Gal lery. '3 Photos made from Mr. "Orr's Nesas fives at low rates. Lakpxek, " Photo. Yates Gallery. 3t NEW ADVEBTISEaiENTS. Household and Kitchen Fur- . niture at Auction! OX THURSDAY NEXT, 12th 1ST ST., AT 10 o'clock, A. M., we will sell, at the reel denceof Key. J. B. Tavlor, on Fifth. Street, all of his Household and Kitchen Furniture. CROSLY A MORRIS, Julyll-H Auctioneers. PA WATR BAIiSALI . The best and most economical hair dres sing, -and nude from materials that are ben- to the hair and Parker's Hair Balsam is highly es teemed everywhere for its excellence and superior cleanliness. It (lever Fails to Restore the Youthful Color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is elegantly per fumed and is warranted to remove dandruff and itching of the scalp, & prevent tailing ol the hair. f A. M A .1.. J1 I. mJCm BUtU a I aurs at ucaicri aaa July 11-dAw His Soul and His Silver. "Your asking me how 1 came to use it, re mindu me of the story of the Scotchman who, on his deathl ed, alter a life of meanness, wanted to mal e things all right yt ith the Lord by leaving son ie money to the kirk." " Will the I lmlghty pass me Into Heaven if I give 10,000 pound to the kirk, d'ye think? said he." I I can't prpmlse you'thot, mon", answered the minister, 'but I advise ye to. try the expe riment.' " 1 j Laughiog heartily at- the spry,. Rev. F. E. Osborne, of No. 273 Oeden ! avenue, Jersey City, pastor of the First Baptist Church, We?t Hoboken, continued: "That's what I did with Pakkkr's Toxic; 1 tried the experiment. It more than met my expectations, and I am very glad to testify to its excellence. It goes at once to the root of all digestive and nervous derangements so common among men of xa profession, for women and chronic Invalids the Tonic is a perfect invigorant, and is des Uned to supplant all other remedies for this purpose. . A single dose produces the gentle perspiration and sense of life which eradicates disease. I It seems to rouse every organ into activity. 1 I admiro it. too, for its power to an tagonize the hold of the liquor habit over rne briates." This preparation, which has been known as Parker's cJingek Tonic, will hereafter be called simply Parker's Tonic. As unprinci pled dealers are constantly deceiving their customers with Inferior articles under the name of ginger; and as ginger is really an un important flavoring ingredient, we drop the misleading word. There will be no change, however, .ini the preparation itself, and alt bottles in the hands ebV Uikger Toxic, contain the genuine med 1 lcine if the fac Blmile signature of Hiscox & oi ueaiers, wrappea unacr inu name oi r.js.t Co. is at the bottom of the outside wrapper. July n-dw The fuOUc is requested caretitty to notice the new and enlarged Scheme to be drawn Monthly ETCapltal Prize $75,OOQja Tickets only $5.r Shares in 'pro portion. , I Louisiana State Lottery ' Company. We do hereby certify that oe supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves,' and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we author ize the Company to use this certificate, "with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tisements." Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve fund of $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popnlai rota Its fran chise was made apart of tho present State constitution adopted December zo, a. u., istv. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of 'any S' 'ate. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take place monthly. A 8PLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing. Class H, at New Orleans, Tuesday, August 14, 18& 159th Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize, $7500. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES, 1 Capital Prize of.. ,75,000 25,000 10,000 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 1 capital raze 01 1 Capital Prize of ., 2 Prizes of $6,000... 5 Prizes of 2,000 10 Prizes of 1,000 20 Prizes of - t fioo... ;.. 100 Prizes of 200... tKM X IUCD VI - AVJm ....... ........... IW.VUW 500 Prizes Of 60 ...1 25,000 1000 Prizes of 25... ! 25.000 rrRoxuiinoar prizes. t Approximation Prizes of $750. 9 " " 600. 9 " " " 250. 6,7tO 4,500 2,250 1,367 Prlies, amounting to. $365,500 Application for rates to dubs should only be made to the oSce of the Company in New Or leans. . I : Vnr further Information, wrifca elearlv. srlv- only to . j ' . M. A. DAUPHIN, ! . , New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, ; .. i i 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. C -july ll-wed-sat5w-daw Examine Tonr Trunks ND IF THEY NEED - REPAIRING send - - v i " them to the' Firs t-C las Saddlery and Carrias alsnuiaciory 01 AUiAuuaxu m , where they-will be repaired by the only Trunk maker in North Caro rouna. 114 North Front st. julr9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wa good House skrvajtt, without encumbrance, to go to the Sound for the Sam- ni"5r. Apply, with reference, at 105 North Water street. July 11-lt Howard Relief Fire Engine Co. No. 1. , ATTENTION MEMBERS T HONORARY . . ... .- ! ; , - ;' .. and active. Von are hereby notified: lo meet at you Enan Ifoaee to-morrow,. THURS DAY, Jtfly 12th,-' 1S&.' at o'clock, t. ra. sharp, as business of importance has to be transact ed. By order of the Presideut. - . 1 i I F. MILLER, july 11-lt Star copy Rec. Sect'y City and Country Merchants I AM SELLING ! , . Prime New York Batter, ! Kirkman'it Cel-brated hoays, ' . ! Virginia Water tironod Mea). ' ' i Nrh Carolina Vamil Flour, nod ; 1 N. C. Pate t Family Flour. , f At bottom price. Car load or email orders solicited, i "V .. , , ; i ' k. a., it lair, j I Commission Merchant, . -, july 11 19 South Second street Moonlight Excursion !. rpo FEDERAL POINT, TUESDAY, tilb inst., on Steamer PASSPORT. Music, Danc ing and Refreshments. Fare 30c. The boat will stop at the Rocks one hour to allow per sons to indulge in Surf Bathing, Turtle Hunt ing, etc By special arrangement Qsh supper can Lo had at Federal Point br those who dc- sire it. JNO. W. HARPER, GEO. N. HABR1SS, . Managers july 10 Call and rpiIOSE FAT NO. 1 MACKEREL, Choice FULTON MARKET SPICED BEEF, -'- 1, -. , - - . V . FRESH, NEW BUTTER, by steamer every j week, .;. ' I . ,- ' ! ! And those justly celebrated CAKES always fresh and crisp j . And a full line of Family Supplies, at Crapon's Family Grocery. july 10 I C. W. Yates. - ; v. .. " . ; " - :-'L JJOOKS AND STATIONERY, FRESH STOCK, GOOD ASSORTMENT, . I REASONABLE PRICES, !! - v POLITE AND PROMPT ATTENTION. july IMPROVING GAPE FEAR RIVER BELOW WIL MINQTOR, N. G. PROPOSALS FOR FUR NISHING MATERIALS. ! PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING TH B following named materials lor the Im provement of the Cape Fear Rlycr. N. C. will be received until noou of August 2, 1883, at the u. &. engineer umce, Wilmington, ji. c., ana opened immediately thereafter. About 6,000 pounds of JSth Ratline; 6,00 pounds Spun Yarn: 4,000 cords Brush : 700 cords of Cane, and 20.000 tons of Stone. Blank forms, specifications, and informa tion can be had on application to this office or to me resident engineer, air. iienry uacon at umingion, a, v. 1 1 WM.lP. CRAIG II ILL, july 0 Ct Lt-Coh of Engineers. U. S. A. N E W S T O R E. pOll THE CONVENIENCE OF MY CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALL I have opened a Fancy Grocery Store ! IN THE NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY. I 8n ALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES The Choicest Groceries. i : - i - I -J such as I keep at my Store oa North '1' Front Street. j Buy vour GROCERIES from me and it will afford me pleasure to deliver at yon r homes ' 1. - !..-. such articles as yon may purchase in the Mar ket. 1 r -a.; SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by making ; 1 ! ' all your selections In the NEW MARKET HOUSE." " ''."'-'I ' -! "-.'!- John L. Boatwright. 'may J-tf . ; "j . I rJevv rJovelc. rjpHOSE PRETTY ST. GEORGE GIBLJE A SOCIETY' NOVEL. '..'r 1 . " - rolantbe A Novel by William Bhicfc. - Eye's Daughters, by Marlon Harlan. I, ; Heart of Steel, by Christian Reed. -1 Ixys, Lord, Bcresfonl, by the author of - For the Major, by C. F, Woolsoni But Yet a Woman, by A. 8. Hardy: : ' '' Tor sale at - - -" ' HEINSBERGER'S, jaJy v Uvc Uoo. aaa llmic fct3rt3 NEW APVRTISlIEyT8 JUSTOPEnEDJ : :' AT 3. :m- b: z 116 Market Street. A-LARGE ASSORTMENT nil- -ok : COODG. - 1 r ' ' - - - " - i A ful) assortment of best quality j SEERSUCKERS, from 10c per yartl, up. Good Lace Bunting, 15 ots All-Wool Nuns'sVciling,25c WHITE GOODS Pique, Marseilles, Terry, Batiste, ; Mull, Checked Nainsook?, Persian and Indian Linens and Lawns, . ."I"' - Tucking, Irish Point Lace, f i Hamburg Net, Spanish Lace and Scarf,"3 I . I ; . m - . . - - t- , . Bit thing Flannels and Towels, J , Bleached Shirtings and Sheeting, Marseilles and Honeycomb Spreads, Extra Iiong Thread Gloves, L wortli 5Cc, for ' ic G u e MrinoTJ uderwearj And ever so many article too 1 i numerous to mention. AU.of the above have been1 bought BELOW REGUTJVil VALUE, and our pat. - 1 , r M rons WILL GET THE BENEFIT OF ' ' ' . ! . - . i ' " ... ' .1 . '.t . it'i . , can and get some of the Bargains of 116 Market St. Wilmington, Clinton & War- saW Telegraph Co, . 1 BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 'A Telegraph -Line from Clinton to Warsaw (distance 134 miles) will be received at the office of the Company at Clinton, N. C. up to 12 o'clock. July 20th. For further nartkmlkr. specifications, Ac, address . -Wat. A. JOHNSON, Pres't. ! julylw . , Clinton, N. C. 1 Cum Camphor, jyjELLIN'S FOOD, ( I CombeiBrushes. Extracts, Soaps.Puff Boxes, c., c . - i WILLIAM XL GREEN, Druggist Jily5 . 117 Market 6tn treet; Fly Trapo. rpHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TniS L - ! market. Our GRAIN CRADLES 14 i cannot be surpassed In price or quality. A large and well selected stock of Hani i ware at W. E. 8PRINUER A CO'S.L . . t! i Successors to John Dawson A Co.. 'i ;jaly (9 , , : Market Street Onr Glass Fly Traps ! . Something New ! rjlHE CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THeI market.' - " : .' ' i .' '': ! Giles & Murchison. Julys North Front St Solid Comfort, rpHEBE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE ns of Kerosene Stores. ATcuslomer, who U using one. says: With this we are rtdepend ent when left without a servant." Ther are Gem and great "Economists. ; Different sizes and prices. Try one. I i - Ti -iure White Oil. I I M l; Jy PARKER A TAYLOR. New HatSv -lOSSISTfXO OP COLORED CHIPS. V- - ' - i . .... -. i rinewviprea Milan. i.ahIlj, ki. colored, abMlhe popuLir Shade list, nankin f r Vii.nf 'I1"1 rnxiety of other siyW. ju-t rerelved anl for sah by i MRS. KATE C. WINES' J oly 9 No. 1 19 North Second street. I I C E. bi O . ! ! VT. r. DA VI 3 .iON'

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