0 - ; - - i . I ' - ..- . 1 1 ' ' " TIH3 rXTZR . .rtrr crealaf . Sandays pa cpted .by JOSH T JAMES, nnftTOl. rtl'TIONS POSTAGE PAID: -rr'T ' , month. 12.00, Three . r 1 1 1 ju"" One month, 85 cent. St :,. lrf .icurcml by carriers free r- r "",, of the city, at tbe abore - per wee. 41 .Iw and BberaL ''" rtWiUrtportanywi'l all fil 't:;;eth!r rP regularly. pni!y JUvicto has Uie largesll ..rotation, .qf any ncurtpaper i .4 1 t ciiy of Wilmxnffion. J3 ,.vej are slilt balloting for a . in New Hampshire. "' s) P I-ekwilb. or Georgia, is in , aJ rrcached there last I a. 'bid Forbes gets paid $5,000 a A rc:atner from me ixmuon narein Hoston sixty-nine wo- - - . .. f I- :icJ over Siw.wu. uve oyer ,io anil t o over $1,000,000. v l air.oe briJc wears a hat that is t r than an umbrella. The heathen 'jC -raJually approaching the .... hive bwn brought before the V. I liven.. Conn., superior isouri January I. ,J Iloitlly alludjs to dencral Warvl. his defeated opponent. n .-rand old hero." (leneral Pur j :ird all'id." to Judge Hoadly as I mot rat w ithout a record." . Mr-. Kraiu is uf Wisconsin, aged one u lr.d jcar. ha been compelled to V, m wearin srctaclw. It is sup ..cd that her ejrs must have weak- ... .! h some lierolitary defect. t. j, r ovraaid that the "free trade .. 1 1 the Democratic party consists . Frank Hard. who. as the Augusta , , , V puts it. ' is the most popular 4 ,Krat in the whole .Republican i-'-y- A.-- I r-1 Ira Keuisen, of the John Hop ..n-. I'm versity, docs not consider the -i- t!w water-gas at all dargcrous : - u-ed with the same precautions rv il.crveil in the nse of ordinary .. - nator lugh, of Alabama, is of the f, ton mat 2ir- yvorauio. u uan the Democrats ought to nouii u: fur Trcsident. while there are other I i ccrats whom he (Mr. Pugh) would jii : anally prefer. i said that the Prohibition party i nparing to nominate a Presidential LI: in 1SSI. It is claimed that .the lumiuicnt has aequiretl cDsidcrabIc headway in Iowa. Indiana. Alabama, Maine and other States. A remarkable feature at the com mencement of Weslejan Female Col lege, at Macon, Georgia, was the bcau tilul simplicity of the dresses worn by rUcyuunz ladies. A number of them uvremada by the young ladles them vlvci aud cost from $1.00 to $3. It ij painful on our holidays, says the iV:ou Jkrald, to sec so many poor wj.u-.rn tugging arouud poor babies, in t:u mistaken idea that they arc having rood time. When they get to heaven !...v disappointed they will be if that turns out, as expected, to be a place of test. ' . The following from the Thiladclphia VAt, relative to Southern ladies, is true jit'st about 50 percent of it. Our la d,e3 arc cultivated and th"ey do read ex tensively, yet some of the best house kevpt rs in the country will be found aruong the most learned. The Press sav: The Southern ladies-are great read; rs. They literally devour books, and this may account lor their, beautiful, tl.wtry and rhythmical sentences. Their conversation Is liko the music : of miming waters, smooth, even and d. Jihllul. the tone of voice extreraelv i.leasin?. and the repose of manner and the perfect casa with which they enter- am omcthinr to admire. In this lies ti. acreatchann of the girls ol Dixie t!..y aro indolent but accomplished, shinier bot charming. prejudiced but hospitable. Many know no more about oking than the man in the moon, bat they can play the piano or guitar, and sine like nightingales; lhcy not make an apron to save their lives, but thvy can quoto Shakespeare, Byron, Moore. Tennyson. Whittier and all the rct by the hour; they kndw nothing about domestic economy except that the cupbearda must be kept locked when there are darkey ser vants -around the house, but they can tell you the derivation ot 'deutroscopy,M cr some other equally obsolete, word a ith perfect case; they cannot tell you where the poor of the. village live but lUey can define what constitutes aris t .racy till it would make your head it thpv aro calculated to r lake brilliant societr women and richJ '. ten wires. The stately formalities f .r w hkh the South was noted arc still Wrred. and the code of honor that relic of barbarism still remains un .t tried. Appearances go a great way d r.tn here, bat the entree of Upper Itndom is not obtained with a pocket n ok. no matter how plethoric; your ?..lentia!s must be irreproachable. II ?rein has the South the advantage ol tn j North the best society is free from tin shoddy clement that B so preva lent in most of our cities up North. i r VOL. VII. There is a speck of war between England and France which will, hows ever, hardly attain to any larger dimens sions. It is alleged that jit T&matave. Madagascar, when the French occupied that place. Admiral Pierre arrested the Secretary of the British Legation and ordered the Consnl to leave within 21 hours. The latter, who was very sick at the time, has since died. Inquiries of France have been made by the British Government and not yet replied to A dispatch says: ' Advices . dated June C. from Gaboon, the capital of the French colony of that name on the west coast of Africa, says that the French commandant has arbi trarily searched English merchants and fined those having arms in their posses sion, and has interfered with schools of American missionaries, refusing to per mit the teaching of any language but tne French. ! ! I The Daily News says it may be safe ly assumed that the Madagascar matter is engaging the attention of the German and the United States States Govern ments, both of which had Consuls at Tamatavo when the town was occupied by the French. '! 1 The Xcws and other morning papers anticipate that a loyal and candid ex planation ot her action in Madagascar will speedily be given by Frauce. IHOEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W I GRT.KX Goia Camphor Yates Hooka ami Stationery Wilmington Library Association Ueissbekokr Pianos ami Organs American Legion of Honor Local al . This was the hottest morning of the season. There was not a bale of cotton re ceived at this port to-day. Minnie Ilauk is booked for the Opera House for the night of Ociob'er 18th. Clarendon Council, No. t7, A. L. of Honoi, will meet to-night, at 8 o'clock. It Schr. H'm. Bcasley, from Richmond, Me., arrived here to-day with a cargo of ice for Messrs W. E. Davis & Son. TaI.ii n Cfatr rt Vftvntt Aril 1 is in the city to-day. He has been soend- ing a few days on the Sound. Steamboatmcn report first rate boat ing water in tho Cape Fear, there being hoWabout eight feet on the shoals. Watermelons begin to come into market quite freely, but the prices are yet above the reach of ordinary mor tals. ' - The price of wood on thd wharves continues to rule high, S3 cents a load being the price for which it. sold from the flats to day. The llechabites bad a very pleasant time down the river yesterday, . with only a slight shower while going down, to mar the pleasure . i The arms for; the S mi thy i lie Light Infantry, which Gen. Taylor wa3 noti fied to lookout for last Monday night, were not shipped until yesterday- i The machine shop of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad is now about com pleted, and workmen are busily engaged in placing tho machinery in position. There was bnly a fair supply of beef In tho market this morning, and there was none of that of the best quality. The supply and quality of vegetables were good. ! Mr. S.S.Drew, of Smithville. ar rived here last night from New York, after a two weeks visit to the metropo lis. Ho went down on tho lissporl this morning. j j Tho annual meeting of the Wilming ton Library Association.ior the election of officers and for the transaction of other important business, will bo held to-night. r : j Mr. F. W. Foster, of , this city, re csived a telegram yesterday containing the sad intelligence of the death of . his mother, near Eimira, N. ( Y., on tho night previous, t The colored, people 'are holding a camp meeting at Hilton, which is kept up until a lato hour nt night, or rather until an early hour in tho morning. It was about 3 o'clock when some ol tne worshippers reached ing. . ihjmelhis morn- i aitv in . heavv rain similar to that which fell her this afternoon, the sidewalks on the South side or Market street are overflowed. This is because tho guttcrs under tho crossings are Jnot of capacity sufficient to carry off the water. The remedy is easy and prac ticable, and should be applied at once. Tho celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. i-L v WILMINGTON. N. C, Fill DAY. JULY. 13, 1883. Tlio Sound. The rush to tho Sound is unprece dented, and large parties congregate at the hotels, there every day. Dancing parties every night, with the harpers to furnish the music, make delighlfal oc casions for those who have been en gaged in the cares ot business during these bot days to take a ride to tho sea shore and indulge in the pleasures of waltz, polka and quadrille. ' Unraallables. The following is a list of the unmail- ablo postal matter remaining in the PostofEce in this city : Edward Lucas, Manow, N. C; Eliza Martin, No-25 Vernon street; Annie Wright, 14 Concord street; W.jII. Simmons, care Annie Wright, 14 Concord street. Improvements. The dry goods store occupied by Mr. LJulius Ilahn is soon to have some ex- tensive alterations ana improvements made to both its interior and exterior. Among its exterior improvements the present windows are to be taken cut and large plate glass windows substitu ted, besides other important changes which have not -et been definitely de cided upon. " Taking Pictures. A couple of artists have been busy during the day in taking photographic views of the places of business on Mar ket and Water streets. They are from Philadelphia, and we understand that the work is being done for Mr. C. M. VanOsdell, of this city, and will em brace nearly all the prominent build ings, places of business, street views and features of interest in the city. It is expected that before .they finish their labors they will take many portraits of individuals, but it is hoped that poor- traits of character may not be repre sented. - The Way it Should Be. The assessors of Harnett township began their duties for the present year with the idea that they could increase the amount of taxable property within their jurisdiction, and could accomplish the purpose, by a system ofequali zation, taxing property which had hitherto been untaxed and by properly assessing the improvements which bad been made in the townships within the last four years, without oppression or injustice to any one. That they have been entirely successful' is shown . by the fact that the valuation of taxable property in tho township is larger hv! 27.500 this vear than it ever has been heretofore. This has been done in such a way that no individual tax payer is a sufferer in consequence; but on tho contrary, with this increase in the amount of taxable property, there must necessarily be a corresponding decrease in the rate oi taxation. Tho Storm. The storm which broke over this city about 3 o'clock this atternoon was phenomenal in its manner of approach and culmination. Tho first clouds rose, in the Northwest and rapidly ap proached the city, driven by a brisk breeze, bib wing from that direction. Soon after heavy clouds arose in the Southeast and approached the city with equal rapidity. Although "the wind veered a little to the eastward of North, the two clouds continued to ap proach each other rapidly until they met directly over the city, the signal of meeting being a vivid flash of lightning, followed almost instantaneously by a sharp peal of - thunder. . In a few moments the atmosnhcre became dense and dark and' the rain began . to pour down in torrents. There was no wind of any consequence, save in the early approach of the storm, when it blew in sharp gusts for a few moments, during one of jwhich the awning in front of Messrs Northrop & Hodges" Insurance rooms was blown down. The principal rainfall was over 15.min utcs. and the storm, which was one of the most threatening in its approach that we have seen in many days, passed off without damage to man, beast or property. ' This has been one oi the days on which the collector of local news items can grit his teeth and gnaw his pencil in de?pair. It has been an exceedingly difficult matter to find anything worth talking about to-day. t Great Closing Out Sale. Goods will be slaughtered within the naxt CO days in order to make room for ono of the largest and finest . Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods ever brought to Wil mington. A. & I. Shejek, Reliable Oothers, 114 Market St. " . J tf. :liffif. - Quarterly Meetings- Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church; South. TfiniD Konxrx Smithville.. ....... . . .... . .July 14-15 Brunswick at Bethel-. July 21-22 Newton Grove Mission July 28 29 Cokesbury at Bethany. . . . . . Aug 4- 5 Bladen ...Aus 11-12 Clinton at Goshen. .Aug 18 19 Elizabeth Aug 25-26 Whiteville. . . ..... . . . ..... ..Aug 25-26 Point Caswell at Pt Caswell Au 2" 28-29 Waccamaw Mission ....Sept 1- 2 Fair Bluff.. ...-.... ..; .Sept 8- 9 j . Robt. O. Burton-, P. E. Success serves men as a nedestal : i it makes them look lanrer if reflection doth not measure them. NEW ADVEKTISEMEfNTS. Wilmington Library Associ- ation. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF1 THE W I re mington Library Association will be hcM lo-Dignt, at uorary iiaii, as o ciocc ah members are earnestly reciuested to be D res ent, as bustneas of importance will be consid ere 1, inclnding election of officer and a Board or Directors, tfr order or vice iresiaent 1 julylSlt . j R. J. JONES. PIANOS & ORGANS ... i. . . . -COLD FOE CASH OR ON THE POPU- LAR MONTHLY- INSTALMENT PLA2. Jaet received a large assortment. . Call and see them at . HEINSBERGER'S. JJACKGAMMON BOARDS, DOMINOES, Chessmen, Playing Cards. Field Croqnet, with four, six and eight balls to a set; Mexican urass tiammocks. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, July IS Live Book and Music Stores Examine ( Your Trunks' jND IF THEY NEED REPAIRING send them lo the Flrst-Class sandlery and Carriage Manufactory of Mc DOUG ALL A BOWDEN, where they will be repaired by the only Trunk maker in North Carolina. -114 North Front st. City and Country Merchants I AM 8ELLING s I , , i Prime New York-Butter, : Kirkman's Celebrated Soaps, ' I Virginia Water Ground Meal, North Carolina Family Flour, and . At bottom prices. Car load or small order E. G. BLAIR, -Commission Merchant,, julyll. 19 South Second Street Moonlight iExcursionl ! rjpo FEDERAL POINT, TUESDAY, 17th In at nn Rtp.mr PASSPORT. Music. Danc ing and Refreshments. Fare 50c ;The : boat will stop at the Rocks one hour to allow per sons to indulge In Surf Bathing, Turtle Hunt ing, etc . By special arrangement fish supper can be had at Federal Point by those who de sire it- JNO. W. HARPER, ' GEO. N. HARRISS, , julylO. f Managers C. W. Yates, B OOKS AND STATIONERY, FRESH STOCK, GOOD ASSORTMENT, REASONABLE PRICES, POLITE AND PROMPT ATTENTION- july 0 IMPROVING CAPE FEAR RIVER BELOW WIL MINGTON, N. C. PROPOSALS FOR FUR NISHING MATERIALS. ! PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING THE following named materials lor the Im provement of the Capo Fear Rirer, N. c, will (e received until noon of August 2, 1883, at the U. S. Engineer Office, Wilmington, N. C, and opened Immediately thereafter. "1 About 6,000 pound of ISth Ratline; 6,000 pounds 8pun Yarn; 4.000 cords Brush ;i 700 cords of Cane, and 30.000 tons of Stone. Blank forms, specifications, and informa tion can be had on application to this office or Xo the resident engineer, Mr. Henry Bacon at Wilmington, N. C. i WM. P. CBAIGHILL, July9 6t I4-CoU of Engineers, U. S. A, IUEW STORE. IOB THE CONVENIENCE OF MY CUS- TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALI I I hare opened a i Fancy Grocery Store . ' IN THE NEW MARKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTER'S AIJJEY. I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES Tlie Choicest Groceries. i . - - ' such aa I keep at my Store on North . Front Street. ' Buy roar GROCERIES from me and UwlU afford ma pleasure to deliver at your homes such article a yon may purchase In the Market- - "J ,L.-,.-.v.. I - SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by making all your selections In the NEW MARKET HOUSE.' ; John L. Boatirright. nxayl-tf . - NO. 166 NEWi AIVJEBTISEMENTS JUST OPENED! i - - - ! i " I -- -- - - ! - 116 Market Streets A LARGE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS. A full assortment of best quality ' SEERSUCKERS, ! . .from 10c per yard, up. m " 'i . i Good Lace Bunting, 15 cts Al I - Woo INuns'sVeili ng,25c WH I TE! iQO O D S' Pique, Marseilles, Terry. Batiate, Mulls, Checked Nainsooks, j Persian and Indian Linens anil Lawns,": Tucking, Irish Point Lace, j Hamburg Net, Spanish Lacp and Scarfs, Bathing Flannels and Towels, : Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings,. ' Marseilles and Honeycomb Spreads, ; Extra Long Thread Gloves, ; r I j " worth 5Cc, for 25c Gause Merino Underwear, - ' i ' - ' ' .1 . r i And ever so many articles too - v numerous to mention. All of the above have been bought BELOW REGULAR ' VALUE, and our pat rons WILL GET THE BENEFIT OF IT. Call and get some of the'Bargains of Twl. Twl. KATZV i - y i . 1143 Market St. july 2 ., . , Wilmington, Clinton &Warj 1 saw Telegraph Co. BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A Telegraph Line from Clinton to Warsaw (distance 13 miles) will be received at the office of the Company at Clinton, N. C. up to 12 o'clock, July 20th. For furtherparticulars, specifications, c, address WM-A. JOHNSON, Pres't.' julyi Iw j CUnton, N. C. Gum Camphor, M ELLIN'S FOOD, Combs,' Brushes. Extracts, Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, Ac. f WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, july a i 117 Market street Fly Trap Urn fJIHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TIU8 market.' Our - - ' ' ' . 1 GRAIN - CRADLES cannot be surpassed In price or quality. A large and well selected stock of Hard ware at . W. E. SPRINGER & CO'S., : Successors to John Dawson A Co., July 9 .,; I Market Street v Our Glass Fly Traps I : 1 Something New ! fJIHE CLEANEST FLY; TRAP ON THE market. i . -A : Gil6s & Mnrchlson. july 9 " 1 - North Front St Solid Comfort. rpHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves.7 A customer, who Is using one, says: ' With this we are independ ent when left without a servant. ,They are Gems and great ''Economists. 1 Different sizes and prices. Try ne. . , . W Pure White Oil. july it - PARKER A TAYLOR. Hew Hats, . CONSISTING OF COLORED CIUPS. ine Colored Milan, "Bea-shella, white and colored, also the popular Shade Hat, Ik as kin n-r JimncM nnfl a. THpfr nt nthrr atvlf . just received and for sale by - . j au. -jaxjc cs. wimsb, July 9 No. 119 North Second Street. ICE. o PI TT.E. PA VIS X 3 OX PLSASS KOT1CS. i I We win be glad to reccHo cccoacioUdu from our friend on any and all subject ;of general Interest bet . j The name ot li-C vrrlter must always i f Blahed to the Ctor.- . ' Communication must be written on on I one aide of the paper. . . 1 1 .. - Perabnantlea must be arolded ', And It Is especially and particularly ttad stood that the Editor does not always endot the Tie ws of correspondent onless so state in the editorial columns. . EW A D VEKTISEPJE2JT3. THE SEASHORE j ! HOTEL BRUNSWICIi l h-i-.v:-; SMITHVILIJ-, N. C. SEASIDE HOTE i- WRIGnT3LLE,,N.C ! n. lM PJEllKY, Proprietor, i ill':" rjlHESE TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL bo open MONDAY, MAY 28. j j ; I : j i .' ' j The Hotel Brnnswlck,' at Smithville,1 is? miles bekw4 Wilmington, and aecesslbto by two Hrst clas steamers, making two trips daily. - ! ' , . The Seaside Hotel Is situated In a large grove on Wrightsville Sound ; Is composed of cotta- ges for families, and within ? miles of Wil mington, at the head ot a fine Shell Road. tho best in tne sontnern country. BOTH HOTELS IN : FULL VIEW OF Tf IK OCEAN. 1 Good surf and still water battyng.' J Everyl variety of Flih, and abundance 4 Oysters, Clams and Crabs.1 " - I t i : j Spacious Ball Rooms, with flac Bands of Music . . ! . Teniin Alleys, Billiards and Bar.; j H ; w Terms moaeraie. may 25 : :. GUNS AND OUTLEEY . A FINE ASSORTMENT OFj Muzzle and Breech-Loader I ;:v Guns, j i- 'j,. Revolvers and Ammunition1 1 ' ';' 'SILVER PLATED ' .! , ' ' i SPOONS & FORKS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OFi I ' Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery tar Popular prices to suit all at .J 1 V N. JACOBI'S, j -HARDWARE DEPOT, ! L No. JO South Front.St decSM-tf First National Bank of VVil- . --. - ... y ; " 1 , X - . I i ' i - mington.:, 'j ) I"' : - .' --m CAPITAL-STOCK.............. 290,000 SURPLUS FUND . 66,009 Deposit received aad collection; raadelon all accessible poinfs In the United States, i . . j : DIBJECTOSSi ( ( JC. . BUSBUSS, D. G. WORin A, MARTIN, JASJ SPRUNT, B. F. HALL. OITICEBSI: E. E. BURRUSS... ........ .Z. Prcsldent. A. EWAIKER... ...... ...... ( Cashier W. LARKIN3..............M A'stt Cashlex - api Millinery & Fancy Goods T ADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS, 1 BON SETS, LACE TIES and ! I , BOWS AND RIBBONS, in all the latest styles. Orders from the country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. - ' 1, - - i i ; i i My patrons will find nd It to their interest to call and examine. MRS. S. J. -BAKER, 122 June 9 . Summer Boarding. mWO OR THREE FAMILIES CAN IFIND - : v - . -17 i comfortable board In a private family at Iltt-; boro, N. C. Large, airy rooms f good water ; I plenty of fresh butter and milk, fruits, regeta blea," Ac. Large and shady-playground for' children., A daily mall to nearest railroad station, nine mlles''dUtant, Only one night's ride from Wilmington. , " . ii j .For farther information apply at REVIEW OFFICE, or address 1 P. O. BOX, M, i - ' Plttffboro; K. C. marfS C. D. TJorrill. ! JNDERTAEER, CABINET MAKER AKD CARPENTER. Oflce and Work Shop on Sec ond street, opposite SoutneTland's stable. Respectfully solicits orders end rnsjrstntees rood work, prompt dctcry and saSlifscUoa la CTerr rcrrcct. ciyl-tl T'