Sunday X this taper epte4 by JOSUT. JAMES, cxhtos ad rmorarrro. ...ECirnoS!9 POSTAGE PAID: r m kit saonuis. tuw " TL-I1; One mootb. SS cent. t dettrered by carriers fre T la anj part of the city, at the abore Lr 14 rests P wee. rates tow BbermL eriUrs will report any and n t4L 1 1 J VrLEA3 K0TIGL, , 1 f1 ' i We will be glad to recdTe eocunutlcaCors from otur friends on any and all subjects of general ti teres! but nctm tbeir paper regularly. VOL. VII. W LMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY- JULY 14, 1883. ZTjt Daiy to has Vic largest , .ci, circulation c any newspaper in tt city Wilmington. j s'olwirl joanz leraaie nuueow in a Tea hixb school WM delivercd oFa , Victory one day and twins the next. jcdQ Kinne, the Democratic candi , ,e for Governor of Iowa. U a , native of New York and only thirtr Jour years i He has previously run for the and been defeated. Mr. Landry is still at Loo 5 Branch, tended by her faithful satellite Geb hard. She remains in her palace car, ealip2 there and sleeping there; and he. it is alleged, remains at the hotel. (Jcneral Sherman is reported to haTe , noor opinion of Washington as a placo r residence. He thinks it lull of hollow. ivi hypocrisy ana snoDDery. Ana .. w;ii less of all three when lurir ... Sherman himself moves out. William C. Ho wells, father of the ... 1 1 .irican novelist, nas xeigneo mci J-u.U ion of American Consul at .Toron to. Canada. He has. held the postion iMn,iiie ear. He is seventy-seven rarsofaje and now proposes to go to Uriuinj in Virginia The Si-ot: liquor law in Ohio, which i: was thought would reiluce the num Urol saloons, teems not to have had exactly that eftect, tlni9 far. A special irora Cincinnati says: One of the interesting questions brought up by the p'aasage of the Scott !Avr taxing the retail liquor dealers in )hio.has veen." Will tho tax reduce the number or saloons?" The general the or y a that it would curtail the number Uit cere in muiuwu lvuuij mc tFv rieoce at the County Treasurer's othec, tiere th taxes are paid, is quite the contrary. The Treasurer Pays that be hn not the means of giving the exact ll.nne on this point, but he estimates that already more than 2.C0U have paid the tax, which is not more than twenty short of the number ol saloons that were in operation last year, when there was no tax. The amount of lax re ceived to date U $403,000 in Hamilton couatT. The portion due the county outsido or Cincinnati has alrcad wbeen sufficient to obviate the necessity or raising a levy Tor tho County Poorbouse fund, 'lbe number who have raid 200 for selling beer and spirits is about 1.800, which leaves a little more than 400 selling beer only and paying $.100. Many are still coming to tho Treasurer daily and payios13" for fractions of lnis inuicaica cuuvr iua ! I .'.i . ; " The same of the writer Boat always be ret alafced to the Editor. x: Commmucacons nut be wmtea ;ea 01 one sWe of the paper. ' Personalities mttat be avoMed Aad 11 la especially and particularly nad stood that the Editor does not always esdoi 1 - . N O. 1 67 the Ttew of cowPondeni unless so sutc 10 wo eauonu coianua 1 LOCAL NEWS. IIOU TO HEW AQYUTIStmiTS. Exec ksiox Moonlight W II Giui-tiam Cmphyr ? K DAVM A 80.x ArrireU T AXES Book s aud Stationery Qkixsbckoex Plauos aod Organs It P Jlixooox Executor's Notice Excl'RSIoji Fifth St M E ) Sunday School KxctEsiOK Youu Catbollca Frleol So ciety 1 , j CoDdllloa of the Slnklcx Fund City of Wll mloxton i . t - Day's length U hours and19 minutes. A New Counterfeit. Counterfeits of the new j five Dieces. which did not have the The Tri-Color, cent The French flag was flying Iroin tne word flagstaff of the French Vicc-Constilate r,." nn tka M;n htrn mit in an near-1 in this citv tosdav in honor of the an- j Vvuu ii'v v m w f S' J 1 - m i ance. Tho counterfeit is a poor one. It niversary of the destruction of the Bas- lia ri;rrKf io.i minr ml the thirteen I tile in Paris. Julv 14th. 1789, which NEW ADVERTISEMENTS v NEW AJ VEBTISEmiTITS. s. stars surrounding the head of the God dess of Liberty are much smaller than ou the original pieces. There is an open space bectwecn the bottom of the V in the latter coin. In the counterfeit the V. almost touches the wreath un derneath. . ! was the commencement of Revolution.' ' I Fifth Street Mr E. Sunday Millinery & Fancy Good UUIIUUII . . ... T - " w .t Anouier juargu iuvuii;u of Mlllrieryi! Cantaloupes are high. j still unreasonably There were no interments in Dellcvue Cemetery this week. I The receipts of cotton at this port to dayjfoot up 16 bales. 1 Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 15 minutes past 7 o'clock. ', ' A right presentable watermelon - can be bought now for a quarter. i There were four interments ail adults in Oakdalo Cemetery this week. Election of Officers. " ' j The annual meeting of;the Wilming ton library Association was held yes terday evening and Mr. Alex. Sprunt was elected President for the ensuing year, and Dr. Thos F. Wood, Secre tory. A Board of Directors was also elected, consisting of the President, Vice President and Messrs W. R. Kenan, John Cowan, M. S. Willard, G. H. Smith. Iredell Mearcs. J. Fj .Post, Jr., and W.M. Cumming. Ihe i new constitution was adopted. .There will be a meeting of the Board of DK rectors this afternoon at C o'clock. Messrs Worth &' Worth had the mis fortune to lose a valuable horse last night. ' s , ' J At 3 o'clock to day the thermometer in this ofllce registered tfl degrees. That is not very hot for the middle of July. , ! : ltev. Dr. Bernheim, with his wife and two youngest children. left Cbar lotte Thursday for their future home at Pbillipsburg, X. J. Tho Register of Deeds issued three marriage licenses this week, one of which was for a white couple and two were for colored cod pies. Cotton. , j The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with to-day foot up S3 bales, ak against 32 bales for the cor responding week of last year, decrease this week of 9 bales. The receipts of the crop year to date foot 127.305 bales, &s ftfrninst 135.983 bales to same date last year a decrease this year of 8,677. bales.' . T - : : . j. ; The Next Excursion. The Young Catholic's Friend Society will make an excursion on the Passport toSniithvillo and the Forts on Tuesday, the 17th iost.' The Italian band will j furnish music fort dancing and. there j will be an abundance of refreshment for sale at citv Drices. A sood time may be expected, as our Catholic friends are never backward in coming forward mtlE LADIES OF THE ABOVE CHURCH I 1 will riv An of their excursions to Smith . 1 r...W .tiid tK. VAi-ta ,nri th ItlM-kAih Grounds, on PAbSPOKT, Jor the Denenc 01 uw ijunuj School- Berreshraents at city prices. Fare 50 cents. Children nau price July U-lt Star copy It 1 Arrived. CAJtGO OF THE FINEST KENNEBEC j we have . erer received. Order FLINT ICE vrvi New. Styles, Nowi Colors, &c. FANCX. GOODS DEPARTMENT i FULL. Barrel, nogshead or Car Load, and It will e nnerior to anr tou nare ever wen. uia- Rusiacuoii. 1 W. K. DAVIS & SON. o- teed to irfve perfect sausiacuon jaiy n-u H Executor's (Notice, AVING ; QUALIFIED AS EXECUTUK nf tho ljiKt will .nd testAment of Mrs. Mary J. Ianirdon. deceased, all persons having claims against the estate of -iny said Intestate, are herenv notuiea 10 present tne sanw vuvr be fore the 15th day of Jnly, 18S4, or this notice j will te in harof a recovery. I All persons mueDtett 10 me same mum nnuic immediate payment. K. r . uArmuvn, jnly 14 lawew sat . wixuwr KID, SII.K ard LISLE GLOVTS. . PARASOLS, NECKWEAR, FANS, ZEPHYR and MATERIAL Iotj V; WORK. " A j MILLINERY Secoml Floor. ..' FANCY HOODS First Floor. FANCT y liiMitecLfullv. " I Z. , . 4 .( ! MISS E- KAltREIt, jiily 9 - EXCHANGE CORNER MOONLIGHT Livery and Sale Stables ORSKS, BUGGIES, PHiETONS AND TV A C G 1? : 1? A "IT 1 fT't H City Courts . ' 1 1 There were just a dozen cases for the will be tho moonlight excursion season. There will be music dancing, and refreshments AM DAitPHKR "MINNEHAHA j 8 UHR. Al.LES ON BOARD. ALLE DEUTSCH ESN D EINGEL ADEN. , j W. II . GERKEN, or Horses. in whatever will contribute to a pleas Aloomiffiit aua anisic. arable occasion. Excursions on the river by moon light, when well conducted, are certain- nJtTUMdvni-htthel7thinst..onthe MayorVconSidenttion this morning, as MONta6 abend, den ieui JULY. AM Jhe finest 'HeafSe , n ViiAy Pnint inilirin or follOWS from 7he preparations dready .maJe. , Andrew Laspee, colored forbeing davs m the city prison. He went be- 1U 1 - will he 1 low. f...-i.i.l lni,v nmfini. fftke imhiij icwwii, A.rv11 I W1LU1L1 LU UUY U UUC Ul ami naa 9L1 Ul 1 I in the City. july Hit F. A. SCHUTTE, , .Managers Mr. J. J. Scott, formerly of this city, but now a resident of ((Joldsboro and connected with the Goldsboro Bulfttin, was on our streets to-day. 'hc Seasidollotel has been well pat ronized this season. There are many guests there now and the evenings, when the band plays and the yon ng folks dance in the pavilion, are very lirely. ' : Comins: ITp day. mi I f.. ik)!'CmMi?!lla T iirht neir saloons are starting or that old in(antrv. which were expected some ones that have stopped are start,n2 UP days ago, were shipped from Raleigh 3 rain. i i.-v nr.. w. arrive in the citv this evening, whence they will be lor- a hill honr. durinr which time a upon the beach, bunting turtles and tur tle eggs, and surf bathing can be enjoy A ThnsA who wish it can have a fish 8ui)Der served for them, the fish being taken from the coops 'alivo and kicking." This is certainly a chance tnr a f nil measure of enioYment. The boat will leave her wharf at 8 o'clock sharp. A Timely Order. Complaint having been made to the rostoffice Department that newspapers and periodicals sent to regular subscri bers are not in all cases promptly lor The 13th Annual Excursion Young Catholics'Frieod.Soci'y ' r -: , A CAR IX)AD OF ' . j ; . , i ' . Kentucky Horses & Mules , Just received and for sale low. . ' , The best lot of stock lo the city, j i f : 1 below for 30 days. Charles Peterson, for the same .ofiese, was short the requisite $5, and he also WculW:u .i -vuaj,. rpUERE WILL BE AN EXCURSION, under Sam. Larkins, colored, was charged J i with an assault and lottery but judg- the auspices of the Young Catholics' Friend manf woq cncnpncld onirjavment of sortetv. on the Steamer PASSPORT, to I IIOLLINGSWORTU & WALKER, At tii XftWtables. I " " may 4 tt Cor. Fourth and Mai su costs. ' f ' Lucy Davis, Mary Morris, C. H. Hill, Emory Green, J ames Radcliffe and Richard 'Holmes, Sail colored, and Archie Brown, were charged with a violation of one lot the market: ordi nances in selling certain vegetables outside the market house. In the first t Wn, n Thnmnson. the caw juusuion, n oubjcuucm , ww ov- na,u"' "V ' " " ,7' 7Z T: .M ond was dismissed, and the remainder general snpenmenucni. ui iu , 1 !L-n h. icnl n nrder to the were fined $3 each. ianrhn iiv mnil service Jesse Cumber, charged with disor- . F. . . . n derlv conduct, was fined &5, in default in wmcn ne savs: r xu iu ... . . , 4 Sinithville and the Forts on TUESDAY July 1 Popular Priceo, L.L P4 .; I POPULAR GOODS I . ' ' .- -- - -; - I:. AND POPULAR IDEAS WILL 1 GREAT RESULTS. ,UR FAMILY TRADJE, -WUltu 13 OPUCE IN- t7AaKmarfalzrl111i0 f 11 1111 jhH Ht V.ltT nriOCS. I I I The Italian Strin? Band will furnish I music creasing dally, has been made by these things. The Committee will spare no paios to make thia th mnateniovable excursion oi tne sea son. Tlcretsooci cmioren jwai wu leave at o'clock, a. in. - - 37 14-zt We are the Pioneers of Low Priced !j Moonlight Excursion ! FEDERAL POINT, TUESDAY, 17th fnat. nn steamer PASSPORT. Music. Dane ins-and Refreshments. Fare! 50c The boat win ctnn x tne uocks one nour vo suun w nnn to innnice in auri nsLimns. vuruu uui- ing, etc. ByTSpecial arrangement; fish supper Wm. K. Chandler, at present Secre tary of the Navy, is looming up as the possible Senator from New Hampsire. Mr. Rollins withdrawal is ascribed to him. Chandler is ofcourso rallying to his support tho Federal office .holders. The height of the political thermometer about Concord may be realized from the following, which we clip from a New York Sun. special from that city : Mr. Chandler was wonderfully genial at tho hotel breakfast table. He walked around shaking hands with Jneods and iocs. At one table exNSpcakcr ool W and Attorney-General Tappan were sitting. Ho greeted Mr. W oolson, and then went around to shake hands with Gen. Tappan. The latter looked at the outstretched digits, and said with unmUtakablo emphasis: "I do not not wish td take your hand, sir w What do you rjQeaa by that?" re torted the agile Secretary. , I mean just what I say. respond ed Gen. Tappan with (reeling dig- - Weil. I am lad to know where we iand," came from the chsconcertod little man. who wcigus about hall or Tappan avoirdupois, and then ho ab stractedly went his way. ... The snub Is said to be duo to Gen. Tappan resentment at Mr. Coanaier s published cbarg that he was del jnquent in his official daty against the railroads, and the old Free Soil war horse is a man who resents such things in a blunt and manly way. Great'.Closlns Out Sale. Goods will bo slaughtered within the ciil 00 days in order to mako room for ono of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and .Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods ever brought to Wil mington. A I. SiiniER, Reliablo Clothers. HI Market St. tf. Quarterly Meettnsrs Wilmington District of the Methodist F Church, South. THIRD HOUND. fimllhvUle... Jo J A ! Brunswick at Bethel. -Inly 21-22 Newton Grove Mission-. . . -'July iS 29 Cokesbury at Bethany Aug 4-5 Bladen ..Aug 11-12 Clinton at Goshen Aug 18 19 Elizabeth Aug 25-26 Whiteville ..Aug 25-2G Point Caswell at lt Caswell Aug 23-29 Waccamaw Mission Sept 1- 2 Fair Rlnff. Sent 8- 9 ROBT. O. RURTON, t. E. It i conceded that Dr. WorThinzton's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine for Dysentery and Fains In the Stomach is " an infallible cure.. warded to Smithville on 1 Monday. This is "sartin sure." and our military friends at Smithville may look confi dently for the shootia (irons" at the time we have named. ! Firemen's yisit. The several committees of tho Fire Department mei at the Mayor's office yesterday afternoon.! and Capt. C. D. Myers. Chief of tho liepanmeni. wu made Chairman, and Mr. Empic, Secretary, who to eorresDond with the w - Company, of Newbcrn, the contemplated visit or the latter to thia city, and to assure them of a cor dial and hearty welcome. Wc understand that Howard Relief Fire Engine Co . No. 1, contemplate having a dinner at Wrightsville Sound on the 23rd inst .and if tho visiting firemen reach here in season, arrange ments have been made by - which they will be transported to the Sound and be the Company's guests on that festive occasion. B. G- was mstrucicu Atlantic Fire in regard to Fruit Growers" Kxhibltloii. Mayor Hall received a letter this morning from Capf. R. P. .raddison. President of the North Carolina imit Growers Assoc i intelligence Jthat ed to hold the next tion, conveying, the it has beendecid exhibition of the Association In this city, commencing on the 22nd day of August next ana continuing three days. Since the prop osition was first mooted' Mayor Hall has worked assiduously for its accom plishment, and we rejoice that ho has been successful J It will be of great ad vantage to our people not only jEin us better acquainted with tae iron, growing capacity of other sections of the State, but it will also make ns bet ter acquainted with the people. Our citizens have done well in giving en couragement, in the way Qt premiums, to the Association to hold the exhibi tion here, and we feel confident they will have no reason to regret! their gen erous contributions to the object. The visitors to the city during thejdxbibi tion will rnn np into the thousands, and tho occasion will be a time of mutual pleasure and profit. - . ' , A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacosi'3 nrdra-a Depot- t such matter is of least importance with of which he was sent below for 30 days. m be had at Federal Point br those wo dc- nisieitermaii.uuuouwu Klce jpiantatious. .:iu n.ivtliv thn Ttdkt clerks, ill : lcr. t withdraw second class The nee platations on the Cape ear , jt ! arehoDefulof larire crops this year matter t papers uu iiiwiwv"" . . e - : n oriin it desti- The prospect at present is very favora .:ir;,o,Kr-nn hnt it will not ble. A few days since we visited three k lWd for anv other purpose. The large plantations rrtt atPr.f ;Gncral desires that tho river.lfrom two f ,-fvnrl Inrr nPWSnanGfS DSSSIDZ the City. through the mails be discontinued Thornbury place known also, previous whercover it exists. ' july 10 JNO. W, HARPER, GEO. N. 1IARRISS, .: Managers WILMINGTON, N. C, July 14, 18S3. Condition of Sinkini on the North East to three miles, above Two of those was theoId City of Wilmington. SECtlRITEiKS HELD lSeatttiful Scenery. 4 Bonds maturiiu; In July. 1. i I per cent U. , W 0 1 Bond maturing In July, 18K9, 8 . percent .U.O0Q0O 6 Bonds maturing in Kebruarr.iaK, m M 8 rcr cent 3,000 00 37 Bonds maturing in January, WJ7, mnA M i. 6 per cent 3,oo CO 10 Bonds maturing in January, 1S99, M 6vcr cent.. ....... i 1,000 00 It Bonds maturing in January,1901, I 0-per cent 10,000 oo 25 Bonds maturing la January ,1904, epcr cent.... 25,000 00 3 Bonds maturing In January ,W10 G per cent , 3,00 oo 96 Bonds amountlDg to Casn uninvested. Total amount of Sinking Fund. . . .$ 47.145 4 Amount on hand as per Report Janurry 2, 1883- ........... .29 00 Increase....,. .............. .. to the war. as the Ihoruas 1. Uavis place. It is now owned by Mr. W. T. Bray, who has only recently purchased lt a ,.. i ' 0..iw ;i -nn ro a rpsi -1 t. It is entirely surrouuuca oy water itenubi -wi 1 J i I . i . -..i, ' dAnt nf Wilmimrton have you ever aud can be approached only in Doais, i ho. hPAutv our streets present the river bounding it on three sides. r tua v?r? To our eve Mr. Brav commenced work there last U119 svaauii ui "v j I , , i thov nrcscrit pictures of iudcscribable November and has already done won- , i. ....u r ;t;Hi within nnr Mom H has about iortv hamls at lOVCUIlCsa, aa ivn knowledge can boast. The streets may work now all, as is ine present custom, all nnoonoa ' tVls QftTTl ft oictnresaue Urorkinff bv the task. He is now ex- boauty, but all come within the cate- perimenting with seed sown broadcast. irorv of beautiful. For instance: stand instead ol in an us. ana speaKs o Koond street, at its votinc a portion of his land next year ,11 fcUU WU.. v - i w - intrraoction with Chesnut street, and to track gardening. He hopes lor cast your eyes North towards the rail- lull crop this year and told us that if road and the sight will be enchanting, the present promises neiu .guuu. u Tne street, lined with shade trees in would succeed, out of this, the first ,t i :f rrtii -" with here vAar'a crorj. in oavinz ' the entire cost an laetr iuaui iau w..v0-, j - iKor rtof or chimney peepingout of the land with all of the improve .l ..n Kinfr hnt forest is I monfd ho has made there and all of aOOTO lUCHJi UUIH uwnmufc m i seen in the perspective, and you will be the expenses of cultivation; Mr. Bray -e:.itr ctnished at the sublime ?s a man of much energy and expen- i ir-, - th nihtnm, Then turn Unce and superintends the cultivation nrnvAa South and see where the street oftwo other plantations, as weU as his hiTEixiN's rooD. J . a-. riUirA I An J , I innmbs. Brnsbes. Extracts? becomes aDSoroea m iuo uu .w. soaps. nff Boxes. Ac.. Ac of tke overhanging trees anu juu jhe excursion of Fifth Street M. ii. almost imagine that you are m w Sunday School, on the Passport, next midst of a hamlet busy and active with Thnr8day wili undoubtedly be well at- the duties and cares ol me. wnue vu tended, as are all the excursions gotten short distance beyond, on np fey jhe management either side. there is nothing wiU spare no pains to make the day but the interminable forest to lcasant aml asreeablo to aU who may greet your visioh. w e nave uvi attend. locality as an illustration, partly oecause ....... t 47,100 00 ....... :: 45 64 8,716 64 The Bonds belonging to the Sinking Fond are deposited In the Vault of toe Bank of New Hanover. r RICH Aitu j . rfuaw, jnlylt-lt . Commissioner. Cum Camphor, ot SV v V a If TT lOTTHf TWn trmAmi TT I 111 A AX UifiM JlUwif july 5 117 Market Street O. W. Yateo, : it affords one of the most beautiful per- pT A IVJOS & OUGANS specti ves in the city, and partly because q QR os POPu- we called the attention oi a n .;...-'.- ' ' i ! mimimrtonian to the view last Par MOOTHt-T - niSTALMKST TJAK. ? .Kr mmma oriTntriTpd With thelfn.t rvfrMl & lam AAAOrtment. ..Call and cNnfi hnt who confessed that he had noticed it before. All the other streets running paraUel with Second I troof -L far East as Seventh, are quite Ko-ntiful and. when the view is taken from proper points ot observation.- the streets running perpendicular to those we have named present scenery not a particle less attractive. . feeethemat 1 1 ETNSBER.GEB'S. . BACKGAMMON BOARD3, DOMINOED, . cnessmen,- naying wiru, Field Croquet, with four, six -Mexican Crass Hammocka. rcr sale t and el?bt balls to a set; HEINSBERGEE'S, juljii Lite l.r. i sr. t Huv'.c B -y OOKS AKD STATIONERY", FRESH STOCK, .-- - - - ; ) -: GOOD ASSORTMENT, , - REASONABLE PRICES, . ' : VI ' POLITE AND PROMPT ATTENTION. jolys Examine Tonr Trunks AND IF THET SEED REPAIRING send tlicm to the Flrst-Class Sad llcry an-l C7e ilannfactorrof IIcDOUGALL ft EOlpli. where they win Le re?'a;re t ty t niater in North Carcilr.a. 1U : ' W'e handle the beut Goods 1 . , ' jl.j ; The nicest and freshest assortment of Cakes . .... j :., . - j . . . and Crackers. . ' " " Eriglish Dairy Cheese jut received. i I HAMS; SHOULDERS, -STRIPd, AcJ. Ac, J Elegant Mess MACKEREL In 10 pjund Kits, the best ever brought to Wilmington.. We offer every variety of WINES, WH18- KEYS, &c. PIKENIX, VIENNA and TRON IC BEER. The quality of these branas is un- excelled. ; - '; . i , . , '; . ... - i Our Whiskeys are specially suitable for Family use. : -'' :. "f ..: FOE SUMMER COLDS try our ROCK and RYE, the famous BLUE GRABS CURE. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. 1 lO North Front St. July 9 : --i l; ' ! ' ! TOR THE CONVENIENCE Ot. MT CUS TOMERS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALL I .. -j . '" ' " . !.., I have opened a , . , . j Fancy - Grocery Store I ' '. IN THE v.- ! NEW HABKET HOUSE, CORNER MUTER'S ALLEY, j I SHALL HAVE ON HAND AT ALL TIMES The Choicest Groceries: such as I keep at my Store on North Front Street. vi, j i , ; Bay tout GROCERIES from mo and It will afford me pleasure to deliver at your homes ,.. -j ! 1 . - . , such articles as you may purchase 1 n the Mar . ". ' I. i 1 ksL :". ;:rt ' C-- ; SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by ( making all your . selections in IheSfEW MARKET HOUSE. . , : ; . : Jolin L. Boatwriglit. mayl-tf - ' ' -- Bound to Gelt. M T ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRING i AND SUMMER CLOTHING will be soli cheaper 2onlr Tmsk :li I's rt st. than the ebeapest.,.. ; 4 - WHITE VESTS 75 cent to 2.0i WHITE SHIRTS 50 rents to 1J0 - PERCALE SHIRTS 73 cents to STRAW HATS 1 eents to SI. 75 AIo, Flue Ladies Slippers. , - i- ; I Call and seece. 1 . - A t ' 1'-

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