Soadayi ex set ted T JOSH T.JAMES, .nrroB A5D rOrKHTOK- tfTlONS rOSTAUE PAID: Cft4 SiX BSOBva. WX.VM. inrr 0 Om month, S3 cent. ''C,, jvAxtof the dty. t the above cunt. w ' rletauper week. , "iUX rte low and liberal tKrlU 11 report any a4 aiyaU- i re-- J. nj, pily Lccicto has'Jhc largcti . fj: circulation, lf any nctcspaper lU but two Judges r the State" of M;wi3iippi trarel on free passes. from lie railroad ' Mrs. FJUabcth Van Lew. ex-postmls-0f Richmond. Va.. has been up ' iatca to a first-class clerkship by raiiier-Gcncral Gnwham. ; Tfcerc is a rumor that the Western iVua TclcTaph Coin pan J proposci to absorb the American Kapid. bat this is Jeiiied by oRiccrs of 'the latter. The estimated population of Ireland nthe middle ol the year 1883 was ifC 730. Durins that year 6U.136 per- ds emigrated from Ireland. Mrs. Ktc Chase Sprasue has gone to Kurope fur the Sammer. When she ' ii,.n before, as tho wife of Cor. Sprite, ke spent $100.000 in one year The corn crop in Georgia and Fiorida Im the best ever grown in the ,....fp The barns are filled with ;:,e.Mcrui. which is selling at from t wrn'.y to thirty cents a bashel. The conlerence committee of the lVnulvania House and Senate on the conjreinal apportionment bill have ia'!el to a?ree. and a new conference nimit:ec will be appointed. tJcu. John B. Gordon assigns as his reason; for resizniug the presidency or tbe Ccorgia Pacific Railroad a desire to 'ac hU undivided attention to his rail- ruad and other schemes in Florida. Senator Dorsey Is said to have paid counsel rees Tor the defense of Lirajelf and associate, and it is stated i hat the total sums paid lo lawyers by the defendants will foot up to $400,000. Statistics show that the growth or timber in Kansas is yearly increasing beyond the consumption. It was fear ed at the first settling of the State that the timter wonld disappear in a tew years. - - - Senator Harris, of Tennessee, has been interviewed, lie thinks that at the present time ex-Senator McDonlad, of Indiana, is a formidable candidate for the Democratic nomination to tho Presidency. Speaker Kciffer to a New York inter viewer: "General Sherman, Old Te cumseh, will be our next President. You can put that right down.' We will. We'll put down all such preten sions with a firm hand. The Savannah Bdut, llenublicau coN ored organ, names Blanch K. Bruce for the Vice Presidency in 1BS4. That would be first rate ir the Echo would only put Butler up for the first place. Two busy B's, you know. lit! The Indiana Democratic editors arc found to be about evenly divided upon thetariffqucstiont butall are enthusi astic for Mr. McDonald for President and against tho old ticket, all reports to the contrary being false. The Now York Board or Aldermen passed over tho Mayor's veto their res olution giving the skilled and unskilled laborers ia the employ or the city a hair holiday from noon every Saturday until the Kh oraext September. Two well-known French artists. Be leuse and Gervex, axo going to execute at Paris a huge panorama representing the chief events "and tie celebrated people or the present century id chron ological order. The work will co?t X 20.000, and must be finished in two years. The system or propelling street cars by means or an endless cable, now in successful operation In Phlladelphi, Chi cago aa4 Saa Francisco, is to be Intro duocdTn New York, the Third Avenue Railroad Company having determined to be the pioneer with the cable system In that citjN J The refusal of Senator Piatt, of Con necUcut. to accept a retainer in a profit able railroad case, on! the ground that his duties as Senator required all his time, is approved by the New York Times, which thinks that "a Senator ol the United State should bo a Sena tor all the year round.1 ' Senator Palmer, of Michigan, the millionaire successor of Ferry, is about tidy years old, well shaped, well built, with black silky hair and moustsshe. and sparklin? black eyes, and the. color of tho boa vivant in bis checks.. lie resembles General Francis A. Walker. The Senator sailed for Europe on the Fourth. " 1 VOL. VII. Watermen on the Niagara river say that Governor Cleveland is the roost expert fisherman ihat ' has visited the river this season. I It appears that the professional beau- tics and the dudes have run ther course In England. The Langtry is out of favor. Oscar Wilde has shorn off his locks Lady J Dad ley and Lady Lons dale hardly attract passing attention. and Miss Chamberlain, the American beauty, has not figured much in public since the Prince of Wales 'dined with herselitand htr mamma at, Qanncs. T Tbe swimming baths of New York are kept open all night. During the present heated term In the city numbers of persons who find it imoossible to sleep co down and take a plunge. after which they go back to bed and lall into & refreshing slumber. Oh, that' tho Neuso were somewhat nearer. News and Observer. r Dews take it, man, youVo got the Xeics right at your elbow. Why not take a dip into that and then drop off sweetly to sleep? We guarantee. . IIDEXT0 7EWADYERmiMEllTf. Dcatty Organs Tate 40,000 Checks j Moore County Grir; P I Eripcers Groceries j Eurham's Standard Turbine W II Gur.KX-tiam Camphor John DAlden Wonder Eooks Wm. Mayo Mayo's Restaurant IIeinsbesges Pianos and Organs Excursion Second Baptist Church Kxir.HTS or IIoxok Regular MeeUog Moonlight Eactasiox FeJcAl Point Kkrchner A Calder Beos Groceries J W Tat lor Mouldings. Stair Rail, Ac McIhh-gall A BowiiRN Ladlf' Satthela No More Eye Glasses Mitchell's Ere Salve Yesterday was one of lhe insufferably hot days or 1883. The Wilmington Cotton Mills have closed down for repairs. There was not a bale ol cotton re ccived at this port to-day. We are glad to learn that the wife oi the Kev. Dr. Wilson is convalescent: Col.J. R. Davis, formerly "mine host" of tho Purcell House in this city; but now of Weldon, was' on our streets today. 1 j 1 ' I ; Mrs. J-angtry. the Jersey 'Lily, is booked for Richmond, Va.. l)ec.!24tb and 25th next, and may possibly come further South. The Atlantic Fire Company, of New bcrn, have decided upon visiting Wil mington, and will be with us on Mon day next, the 23d mst. j Six members have been added to St., PaursIEvangelical Lutheran Church in tho last two Sundays,' two on the 8th inst.. and four yesterday. Notwithstanding the intense heat the attendance upon the colored camp meet ing at Hilton yesterday was Jvery large, it being estimated by some that thcro were 3,000 present. ' There were two excursions both colored down tho river this mornins and the J'assport and MinncJiaha were both crowded. On tho latter was Col umbia Fire Company with a band of music. - ; . Hickory IVcss: Mr. U..,W. Hicks, or Wilmington, is!in town,' and says that ho will bo joined hcroj next week by a large party of young, people from the East to spend the heated season in the West. I The rarnlly ol Capt. A. D. Cazaux re ceived a letter from hira yesterday written from Liverpool. He was in excellent health and spirits, and his passage across the Atlantic was delight ful. I Mr. J.W-Taylor has added to his aaw mill, on the wharf at the foot of Walnut street, machinery of the latest and most approved patterns, so that be is now enabled to furnish mouldings, stair rail balusters, newel posts and ornamental woodwork at short notice and of the best workmanship. In Mr. S. G. Hairs garden, on Mul berry, between Seventh and McRac streets, there Is a banana .plant, in bloom. It is a real curiosity in this latitude, and was visited yesterday evening by quite a number or peopl .M were curious to see the blossom rrom which such a luscious fruit is de: rived. Ivnlirlits of Honor. rroiin Lodre No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock, attendance desired, j Full It Green Apples. In Iruit season rememberDr. orth innon's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medi tiDe? A certain cure for cramps and pains in the stomach and bowel troa bles. , WILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. JULY 16, 1883. 13 y Moonlight. llemember the moonlight excursion on the Minnehaha to-night. The man agement will leave nothing undone to insnre a crood time Music, for dancing and refreshments at city prices. Excursion. The Second Baptist Churchwill make an excursion6n the Rissport to Smith, ville and the Forts onWednesday, tne Ibth inst. u wm oe u w been given by them tnis season, anu . I theywilldoall in tbeir power 10 mm it agreeable, pleasant and successful. Blootillcrht Excursion. I Tho inoonlizht excursion to Federal vA;.f n-nM-miv nio-ht nroniises a I 3. Jlli V VV-IMt" O w I " I pleasant time to the participants, and irthemanarers can have their say, it .tiiKo nA Af thn rwt of the season. Dancing, fishing, boating, bathing and catlng a fish supper will make up the programme. ... i Personal. Mr. FJB. Roberts, rormctly of Fay- ettevillc. but for some time engaged in business at Savannah,- was- on; our streets to-day He arrived this morn- ingand left at 2 o'clock this alternoon on a visit to his relatives and acquain- iknraTftt "Favettevile. He is a'gennine tar heel and we rejoice to know that h ig meeting with success in the home of his adoption. They all do it. The Atlanta Company. a . : rm Af t K a imi n nr. . . wr ton Light Jniantry is to oe nem ai, . . . i l.ij . 1 .i-r,.! Kf nrAra t mn w hfi JmflAto invitethe Gate City Guards, m m icAonrnrr rn viuir. iiii r 11 i.v iiriiiic - . . ... thv return home, ir this should be done and the invitation Is accepted, , the Guards may re3t assured ot being hand somely entertained here, as we believe that every eflort would be made oh the part ot our people as well as by the Light Infanty to make the occasion one af rare enjoyment to them all. The Fruit .Fair. Tn view of the fact that the next Fruit Fair will be held in Wilmington the following, which we clip from the nxnshoro Patriot will be read with interest: ... - CaDt. R. P. Paddison, of Pender, president of the North Carolina Fruit (irowcrs Associauou, witu mc iuuw nr mem hers. J. S. Rassdale. D. W. C Renhow. J. Van Lindley and J . ?M. Ward, of Guilford, and Prof. Lineback, of Forsythe, met in this place Friday, .in v i3tn. ine secretary. iu.r. o Oiho Wilson, was absent on ac count of sickness in his family. cfirtSiSZ nV n? r.reaitablc show. It was the - . . -c .u r unauimous opinion ot all that while the peach crop is not so good as last year. Still there Was no UOUUt cuuuiaauuu, but that North Carolina could, withner t vast resources in the Iruit industry, tical, with not a word intimating his make a display which would be credita- departure until tbe close when Dr.. ble to the State. It was, therefore, dc . Xaylori bid them all an .affectionate fetWI'" ,areWCl1- '"ef rvices woro closocl by in nomination as tbe place and sub- singing thedoxoiogy, the words of which mittcd the following letter from tbe wcrc y the pastor, and the benediction. Mayor of that city : 'rbc following are the words of the C"&no"rtoD3arecceJinSly 4xtor.. wl were sung to the tauc auxious that the coming fairbl the Fruit oi Sessions: i Growers' Assochttiou should be held in "Sound forth the praises of our God, Wilmington, and wo beg that you en- Of Father, Son and Holy Ghost; deavor to get your managers and direct Come, let us tell His love abroad, ors to agree te it for the following rea- n His strength make all pur sons: First because it is the metropo- boast." ' '! i lis of the State; second -we desire to Aftcr the congregation was dismiss- TSS ea . Urge portioa of the audience midst and become better acquainted gathered around the altar, eager to with them ; third, and most important grasp once more by the hand their be- of all-wojant our (Jfh,,f0 Iovcd pastor.' who had been their faith- what can be done in Is ortn Carolina ia . , . , , , . , the shape of Iruit. and to open-up a fal friend and teacher ; who had been trade among 'our own people, and to with them in joy and in sorrow; who spend the large amount or money these . baptized and administered the men do everj ; year onj- our own fc 1 many ot them ; Who people. I could enumerate many other "4 n , ' , reasons, but leave it for you to do. I had joined some or them m the holy have subscribed the amount of money bonds or matrimony; who had been yau thought it.would need, but I say to with many in tbcir boar3 cf pa-m an(i you now tatyou can double .that and distress. wHo had duceou ministered faithfully and devotedly to and see us, as I can promis them a good the dying, and when death had come time. Our seaside resorts are In fine mured the balm of! Christian con condition, and rwill takepnde ?in ravcd hearts., and hnwinsr them. Say to them our city :auw-Ht hnlthv and the v need en tfirtain no fears as to risks. We will welcome them heartily. Very respectfully. E. D. Hall. Mayor, r c Mne- dHprmm desire me to l 0 kj. -w-w ,. i Aiioitv hill and other buiul mm t tholr service. I Tie nan probably is as large as any ia the South not bunt lor a special pur'. a r.T- iSa rnnA'mv of which it was re solved to bold the next fruit Mr in the msjt 1 WV. . I - .nl .VLuaffiS2 .."olX?Tr T;, 1 nursuay, iuo next, and the president was auuionzcu to make all the necesary arrangements for the same. 7 i . - Europe. His family will not accompa A premium list was partial J ?P.rPr- him: While traveling, and until he elation to make It liberal and complete In will be laid before theSublic in a Tew . . wwiam inTpniiiin .11 Liiu itv 1 days, as soon as the necessarry arrange ments can be made with the railroad and express companies. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to'JACOBi's Bird ware DcpoL ; T 71 -ys City Court. j The docket lor the Mayor's consid eration this morning was altogether un important. .. -- i William Eagles, colored, was charged with disorderly conduct, but the case i was continued. '. J . ' " i Henry - Williams, colored, "was a'r- raigned on a charge of larceny, but the case was dismissed lor want of evidence j -" whitewash. A Qt whiteWash -.was being put t uronnd the Citv. Hall on Lhe trees around the ' Citv . to- ty look thV better for itt-It Semg 8 ttat aU the heads ol fam- ilies in the city would do likewise, and whitewash the fences and outhouses as well as the trees it would add to the -- j J appearance, as well as prove an iropor tant sanitary measure. The expense I would be insignificant, and would te more than counterbalanced by the im- provements we have mentioned. Wilmington Library Assocla , ... . . : . . , tiou. At a meeting of the newly elected Board of Directors of tho Wilmington Library Association, held on Saturday afternoon, Dr. Thomas F. .Wood, the Yice President or the Association, pre- 8ided in the absence of the President, T. Alex:. Sorunt. who is now in Eu - rope Xlr. M S. Willard was electedSec rpf?irv nt tho Association and Mr. W M. dimming was elected Treasurer 1 I n a Ckiorvr inn ?i .1 iimriH.ii- w uuauj 1 m. vivvuvu - " s I nnnpii 1 1 1 1 Li I luc itCAb lurouu w v.. ' Tu. w- uovinr ucut " uf r i rtfiioprs oi me Association, wmi iucca- . ception pt Libanan : President Elex. Sprunt. Vir President Dr. Thomas F. Wood. ! Secretary M. S. .Willard; t Treasurer W. M. Cummlng. , Directors Alex. SDrunt. Dr. Thorn- asF. Wood, Capt John Cowan, Cxi H . Smith. M. S. Willard, Iredell Tejires. James F. Post J r.. W M. Cumming. Capt. W. R. Kenan. 1 A fine assortment of Guns "and Pistols at Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Dr. Taylor's Last Sermon; Rev. Dr. James Taylor preached his last regular : sermon in;, the lirst Baptist Church 4 yesterday morning. thus concluding his pastoral Jabors of the last eisrht years. 'Notwithstanding w the intense heat of the day and the fact that a 'great many worshippers were out of town, there was a large congre- i vm v nation in attendance to listen to his farewell words and to bid him good-bye ttnd God speed, whatwas expcc The sermon unlike ed bv some, emotional .Me.i:An.lla nliin and nrsinti- eolation unon bereaved hearts,: and who, in all the varied relations ol pas tor, neighbor and citizen, had lived up to the high and holy calling or his noble profession . The scene was verv affect ing, and there were some who, as they remembered hi fidelity and love in the past, could not restrain tbe tnbate of tears as they thought that inis was probably their last meeting on earth. rtr Tavlrtr wriirl hi familv leave tO- I J w mr " night for Hrxinia. where be will remain u ' -i WAAv. mhn h " - J wizl leave for his contemplated tour of is established in a new home, be iwill register as rrom! Wilmington. X. C. ' t 1 ; To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sizes and at the loircst prices. V NO. 108 NI5W ADVERTISEMENTS Mayo's Restaurant TEDERAL POINTi IS NOW OPEN FOR r - Tr i . tne reception of guests. Meals furnished at aU hours. Ladles are especially Invited to spend toe day at Federal Point. Mrs. Mayo Is personally In charge and will be pleased to entertain ladles and children. ' July 16-lwk WM. MAYO, Prop. Ladies' Satchels, fJlSUNKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS aU aiylea.- iiabmjsss al sauulwki, in endless raxiety.- Caniages,.Bagsies, Photons, onrry wagxns, tans, iirays. &c. , - , . mr uepainns; promptly uone at row ncs. , . i McDOUGALL, juowdkn. i July 1 - . ' No. 1U North Front St. f: Excuiion. ; THE SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH "WILL .1..:. X ' . - A give an Excursion to SmlthviUe, tbe Forts; ana the Blackfleh Grounds, on the Steamer PA SS POBT, Wednesday, f Jul 18tu.; Fare for round Irlp; 'Adults, f 0 cents; Children under 12 years, 25 cents; v . jiuly 15 It Moonlight -Excursion ! rpO ; FEDERAL POINT, on Steamer PASS. PORT, to-morrow, TUESDAY kvjtcnijnu. Boat will leave her wharf at S o'clock, sharp. Music and Refreshmeuts. Fish Supper at ilayo's Restaurant at Feler al Point. '--' ' The boat will remain one hour at Federal Point, where Surf Bathing: and Turtle Egg hunting can foe indulged in. Fare 50 cents. JNO. VV. HARPER, , t ! GEO. N. II AKlUSo, julylG J Managers I WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH Mouldings, i Stair Eailj - ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK, ' B alusters, Newel Posts, & c Also liave a full stock of Seasoned Ceiling A and Flooring. J.W. TAYLOR, j Harrteon Steam Saw and Planing Mills. July 16-Iw Foot Walnut St. Flour, Badon, Iiard, &c. 1 nnn BRUS FL0UR-A11 grades. ' 100 Boxes D. S. SIUES. W) Tea and Buckets UABO. ! 75 Brls Golden C, Ex C and Gran. Sugar, 100 Bags Coffee Various grades, ; 75 Brls and Tea Rice. For sale by KJSROHNEK & CALDKR BROS, julylH T - ! North JVaterStreet. Vinegar, Salt, Molasses. 1 c BRLS PURE CI1ER VINEGAR ' 2,oCo StTiped Sax JJveriKKl Salt, I 100 Brls Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses. For sale by ' July 16 KKRCHXER & CALDER BROS. The 13th Annual Excursion i " ' -i " ' OF 1 Yountf Catbolics Frieud Socl'y fpliERE WILli BE AN EXCURSION under the auspices of the! Young Catholics Friend . ,. . 1 . ,- i - ' I' Society, on the Steamer PASSPORT, to mithvillc and the Forts, on TUESDAY, July 17th,18fc3. ! ? Refreshments will be furnished at city prices. The Italian String Band will furnish music for dancing. I I The Committee will spare no palss to make this the most enjoyable excursion of theses son. Tickets 50c; children 25c. Boat will leave at 9 o'clock:, a. m. jy 14-2; 40000 RECEIVED TO-DAY. TINE LTTUOGRAPHKD CHECKS for First -S- : National and Bank of Nev Hanover, 50 cents per hujidred; bound Books of 100 and 200 checks each. SCHOOL BOOK& Such as adopted by the State Board of EdncaUon, at leisonable prices July 16 C. W. YATES. Arrived. : A CARGO! OF THE FINEST KEN XEBEC FLINT ICE we have ever received. Order Barrel, Hogshead or Car Load, and it will te snperfot to any vou have ever seen. - Guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction, julyll tX . ,VY. E.. DAVIS Sl SON. Cum Camphor, M ELLIN'S. FOOD, " Combe, Brushes. Extracts. Soaps, Pair Boxes, Ac, Ac. WILLIAM H. GRKKX. Drogglsf. july 5 . , -- -- 117 Market tiet Solid Comfort. rrniERE is solid COMFORT IN THE use 1 - . '.. I ' .- ,- . of Kerosene Stoves A customer, who Is using one, says: 'WIth this we are fndepend' nt whpn lft without m, servant." : Ther ar Gems acd rreat Economists., JDlfferexf size and prices, i Try one. j rar rqre wmte on. jaly PAHHEP. & TATLOS. ; :; pr; "FLEASJE' notice. j- . Vfe will be glad to receive conanunlca tioKs from our friends on any and all subjects 0 f general Interest but - r - The name of tae writer must always be tat alahed to the Editor.' .' J Communications must be wrlttea losfonl 1 1 one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided And It Is especially and particularly josd stood that the Editor does not always endot the views of correspondents unless so state in the editorial columns, j J 1 ; ! t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . P. L. BRIDGERS & CO;, v" i;- ALWAYS II AV N HASP u A Clioicc Selection of Groceries. wines, Liquors & cigars TUB FINEST IN NORTH CAROLINA If not convenient toome yotjfolf. Utters will foe promptly and aUafactorl1,r ansyerrL t. Satisfaction guaranteed to every ow,rlietn . er lif ic Merchant, Pooler or SsllorJ r' P. L. BRIDGERS & CO. 1 IO North Front 8t. july li PI ANOS & ORGANS OLD FOR CASU. OR OX i s iTIIE POPU- LAR MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN. Just received a large assortment. - ,Call ianl " , j . ; :.- - I - t . - see them Ht J HEINSBERGER'S. I .. .. "! - i ! -. ' B ACKGAMMON BOARDS; DOMtNO EH, Chessmen, Playing Card., ! Field Croquet, with four, site j- i and elgnt bans to a set: i Mexican Grass Hammocks I For sale at HEINSBERGER'S, july 1(5 , Live Book and Music Stores AM'S BURN n n SB mm PAMPHLET FREE t l ; BURNHAM BR0 S.YORK, P A WONDER BOOKS. NOT Books of Magic, but choice j cUs!c literature, at prices so low as to make the old- time book-buyers WUdjsis. Aiiout 125 TONS or half a million volumes now ready: sent any where 'for examination before payment, n evidence of good faitlu NOT sold by dealers -prices too jow. oo-PHge irv-c. 1 JOHN B. 'ALDEN, Publisher, IS Vesey Si,, New York j4iy,164w NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No Weak More I2yes. MITCHELL'S " EYE-SALVE. A Certain; Safe and Effective Remedy for! I SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED J2YES, Producing Long-Sightcdncss; ani Ro- c storing the Sight of the Old.' Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Red Eves, u&ltcci Jtye uisnesau r - ducing Quick .Belief and Perma- - i-, . r nint Cure. ; I- ihr AfflrjLcions when Used In other maladies, silcli as Dicers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt .Rheum, Bun.... inflammation exists. may be used to advantage. ! -I Sold by all Druggists at ?5c July ic4w . j rf'T-IOOnECOUIITYGniT" J u'CORNUUSAIiDillLtSTC:, T (AXJ.SIZES). - - "5DESTIIITI!El70ntD - . 1 j eAKrxu or boeai. erjrx r -'' 1 0 ArrucATxoa. t", fCRTH CARCLJXA BllUTCXl C3. Brsscb OlSce, Charlotte, N. C. rEr-MVNlION TUia PAI'EU m s Jsjs?f, BEETHOVEN lositpnaia flGH. Price only$125 KMTTrtl S4SO If""- Organs for oniv Ortux m4 ruadM Bn4 for mt4atr""f rtU-M CATALOGUE "run-ess wnc:vi tre mt n ". etUr JIw4forUB or axi y r wVx m j way t f.H irft Orr VrU to rx. Strfvyinf r 10 eta. 444rM uf'a i cra r. Emn.msK:i3TC3yrEnii::T. d - m 4? , L' U ) 4V r: x. i ' m . l j - a.. - ,t

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