FLEASZ NOTICE. We will be glad to receive comm unlet Cor from our friends os any and , all subject o f general Interest but . "if ' : The name of the writer canst always be fu nlahed to the Editor. ' V" " rOSTAGS PAID: -.I,0 .k. io0- Thre Communications most be written on oal S4 .. SIX cn"" " -si.1- ' ..H.rMlbT carriers tree one side of the paper. . i : Personalities must be avoided. i I rvi pP ef the city, at the aboTe ' And it Is especially and particularly ud stood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents nnless so state in the editorial columns. J - "I . j . . VOL. VII. VV LMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. JULY 17, 1883. NO. 1G9 wllirrpvr--j - i . x i i . ' 'i. i -' " ; . - i dilation. Of CV newspaper ATfl : rfnd bloc .n senior proprietor of iLi Republican, is J years of ij- i GouM&nlhis family arc auoat Ticht. tbe Xaimita. They in Z Vewnort Ust Sandsy. . i,ct revived the ruiuor Swoe S.nr John B. Gordon, of .. . r-nnin!? i beventtbree mnoWanJ became a Uomtn Catho 3C . . . fnrtv.rhre venn old. life cn DC , . . ih.it the tclezraph ll If UaUCia"-" - I nrtiO" ... t:t ttW ichedale issued by tho cstern Vnlon Company. . .. i u. r,mnnrt!on of illiterates .:.. in Thebes aoil Arcadia v7 5 per cent ol the inhabitants can tt id and write. . imr fpnoraJlv sienedTn j 4 .IklUU t " O .... th school board to ,pIt colored teachers lor the public t . . r .1. f v . - - i. t.rv u'l'UrsAvs she lias re- I i . iiiai j - ct ired no notiiicatiun of her remoTal irora Ihc pension oiacc. auu utvuiw sLe will uo be removed. .-nrr r m fr.ril of f'ulifortiia. H'IIUHUWI wni one rauch at Vina. Tehama coun ty, covering iifiOO acres of lanI. It wH! b.; planted in rapc3. Jnsilce liradley. ol the UnitcJ States supreme Court, claims that he can Ue mwitrate that the crucifixion took (.iare on the 7th of April, A. 11. 30. - - I.m!gstreets scalp still stlcls to his .honored head, lrcsident Arthur refused to perform the operation. He Ln.ms Irom experience how painlul it The sreater portion ot the philosopbi ca!, chemical and astronomical appar atus of the celebrated Dr. Joseph I'riestly. the discoverer of oxygen, have been sent to the Smithsonian Institu tion. Hell's Kitchen is the classical and euphonious, and perhaps appropriate, name of a locality on West 30th street, New York, where two manufacturers o! lead dimes were arrested ou Sunday night. The telestaph operators have not yet struck, but a demand was made yester day upon the managers of the Western I'nion and of tho Baltimore & Ohio lines for an advance of 15 per cent. The matter is in abeyance. if - Itoaton is said to be one of the three place where the business of counter- Icitins postage stamps expressly to delude collectors Is most largely carried on. Glasgow and Hamburg are the other members ol the trio. John C. New thinks that the next national Republican convention will bo held m Indianapolis, that a kail capa ble of accommodating 79.000. or 3.000 people thcrt will be t ample, and thus prevent the howliog'and cbserin ther was at Chicago..' , .-1 .' . 1 . , An act olthSiislatari of Weil Vir ginia, passed In 1S77, makea the aiUer coins issued by the United States a legal tender la that State for all debts public and private. . Tbo trade dollar is one of these coics, and I is, therefore a lejai tender ,at tho , nominal yarno in West Virxinla. - .r ' Ex-Empress Eajcnhs is thus pictured by a writer who saw her three" weeks a$o: "A rather stalaly-lookin woman in deep black, , not a bit of color any where, about her eyes the twinkling ripples ihal'the years make, around her mouth the deeper drawn lines of sorrow, a sallow face, hair with gray in iL" - A Chicago epienre thus writes. Thanks to oar Southern friends for the delicious strawberries received m March and April.' May and June our nearer neighbors continued the supply; while in July Minnesota, Missouri and Michigan conlo to the rescue. It is thus that our market (or five months revels in this luscious fruit." How the chickens do go homo to roost occasionally ! A special from Cleve land. Ohio, says: John Sandford, a wealthy!farmerJir ing in the suburbs of Wheeling. W. Va has a daughter Cora, a handsome bru nette. 19 years old, who recently gradu ated from a young ladles' seminarY with high honors! ; Frank Smith, a col ored man, 35 years old. has been em ployed some years by Mr. Sandford as coachman, lie is very illiterate.' Cora became infatuated with the dusky coach man, and ha has been her lover clandes tinely for several months. Her parents knew nothing of the intimacy. ' Several days ago Cora was missinar, and in her room was found a note addressed to her father, in which she said she had lea homo never to return. It was soon learned that Smith had also departed, and that tbo pair had eloped to Cleve land. A detective from Wheeling arriv ed here yesterday and fourfd traces ot the eloping cnupl, but as yet has not discovered their retreat. j" Gen. Tom Thumb is uad. He died at his residence at Middleboro, Mass., on Sunday morning, ot apopkxyJ He had been sick bnt a few days, and only slightly. His name! was Charles ncy wood Stratton, and he was born in Bridgeport, Conn., on January 4, 1838, and was consequently 45 years old. 1 At the age ot 1 1 he entered the service ot P. T. Bamura, and has been before the public ever since. . He leaves a widow, who has '.been on tin stage with him since their marriage, in 1SC3. She was in Cincinnati when he died. A new and favorite drink in New York now, according toi the Herald, is called a "gin pulT." It s composed of about two fingers of gin4, aliltle sugar, half a glass of milk and a dash ot Seltzer water to make it foam. j Children's complaints of the stomach and bowels arc cured by Dr. Worth ington's Cholera and Diarrhoea Medi cine. Price 25 cents, j : LOCAL NEWS. "TllOEX TO lW ADVERTISEMENTS. YATRS 10,000 ChcrkK j W II Grf.ejc iixxm Carapho IInisKROEK CbecL Books . j . The thermometer indicated 94 degrees inourofliceat2:30 o'clock this after noon. 1 I Our Point Caswell friends are to have a big time, in the shape of a picnic, on theSCthinsL ! Workmen were" engaged at noon to day in repairing th roof of the First Baptist Church. ( ' j Mr. Thos. E. Hicks, of Brunhild Bros & Hicks, tobacco manufacturers in Richmond, is in the city to-day. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks,low prices, at Jacqbi.'s j t Capt. John L. Boatwrightjis having a wooden shed or awning placed over the sidewalk in front of his store. Steamship Hcyulalcr, Capt. Doace, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this city at a little after noon tosday. Steamboatmen report that the river is again very low and was failing rapid ly when they left Fayctteville yesterday. About twenty-five excursionists from along the line of the Carolina Central arrived in the city this morning cn route for the Hotel Brunswick, at Smithville. A happy crowd if it was a warm one went down on ', the Passport this morning on the excursion given by the Young Catholic's Friend Association. They have had a bright, clear day lor . J- . . Judge Banncrman, Superior Court Clerk in Pender county, and Mr. J . T. Collins, of Burgaw. were in the city to day, having just returned from a stay of a day or two at! Capt. Manning's placo ou Wrightsvillc. " Mr. Nathan Mayer has resigned the position he has so long held in tho es tablishment of Messrs. Brunhild & Bro., of this city, lor the ptirposc wo under stand, of accepting a posiUon elsewhere. He has been with this' firm for ten years. i ! The Atlantic Steam Fixe Engine Co. of Newbern, accompanied by a band of music have signified their Intention of being here on the 24th inst., j as was noted by ua yesterday. .They" are to arrivo at about 10:30 o'clock ai tn on that day. ' I- I' ": r" Workmen are engaged In tinning the bell tower of the new school bouse on tho corner of Sixth and Princess streets, which has recently been erected by and for the use of-St. Paul's' Evangelical Lutheran Church. It will be quite an imposing and attractive structure when completed. Great Clolslric: Out Sale. Goods will bo slaughtered within tho next CO days in order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods eyer, brought to Wil mington. , A I. Siiciek. Reliable Ciothers. 114 Market St. : ! Ttnnrd nf Audit, anil FlnnnrA The regular meeting of the. Board of Audit and Finance was held at the r; ii-ii . i c. " " t - a. j Mr. R. J. Jones.Chairman.and Messrs. William Calder. W.'R. Kenan and J. S. McEachern. j , . The salary of the City Attorney was fixed at $500 per annum, to take effect from the date of his election. The recommendation of the Board of Aldermen, ; that: the renting of the market house, on the corner of Fifth and Castle streets, bo fixed at $75 .per year, the same to be put in proper con ditfon fjpr rental , and the stalls to be rented as provided for in the market ordinances of the city, was concurred in . . - , ; (- -... , . ;.. !;,: Petition ot the Hibernian Association to be relieved ol the city tax for tho year 1882 on the property recently purchashed by them on the corner of the alley on Third street, opposite the city Hall, was ranted. " Bond of J. W. Perde w, as Standard Keeper, for $200, with Messrs. W. M. Polsson. L. Vollers and W. M. Parker as sureties, was accepted. Bond of J. II. Pu&h, Clerk of the Market and Cattle Weigher, for $200, with T; P. Sykes as surety, was present ed, wh'en it was declared to be the sens of the Board that two sureties were requisite. .' . . J Bill of K. If. Clowe. lor putting up 142 board signs, amounting to $55.32, was referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves for, their approval. Bill of R. II. Grant &Co., for putting water in the Fourth street Market House, amountins to 00.25, was re ferred lo the Committee on Markets and Fees for their approval. Mr. W. R. Kenan moved that the action of the Board, in reference to the opening of Chestnut street dock, be re considered. The motion was adopted, Mr. Calder voting in the negative. ; Mr. Jones then moved that the mat ter be referred back to the Board of Aldermen, with a request that theyjfur nish information as regards the cost ot opening said dock. ' Motion adopted, Mr. Calder voting in the negative. , Alderman Boney, Chairman of the Committee on Fire Department of the Board of Aldermen, appeared before the Board and read ! a" communication from Capt. John L. Boatwright, Chair man of a committee of the Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co., No. 1, asking for : 1st a new set of harness i 2nd, that the city purchase a horse for the hose reel of the company, and 3rd, that the horse be fed; but as there was no recommendation on, the part of the Committee on Fire Department, and as the appropriation for the Fire Depart ment, as approved by this Board, was recommended by the Board of Alder men, Mr. Jones suggested to Alderman Boney that it would be proper that if any alteration is made in the appropri ation for that department, a request to do so should emanate from the Board of Aldermen and that the whole matter should bo laid before them. ' The Batiks. House. ' Messrs. A. R. Campbell. Norwood Giles and II. McL. Greene, the com mittee appointed by the Carolina Yacht Club, to supervise the building of the Banks House at Wrightsvillc Sound, will visit that place this afternoon for the purpose of selecting a suitable site upon which to have it erected. The frame of the building has already been prepared in this city and. will be taken round to the Sound by water this afternoon. . ; .,, ;- Fcderal Point. Amoug the many pleasant attractions tn the vicinity of Wilmington, Feder al Point seems to be fast coming into favor for pleasure seekers and fishing parties. Mr: William Mayo -has re cently established a restaurant i and eating house there for the accommoda tion of guests, and more especially for ladies and children, which adds much in its favor as a placo of resort. Mrs. Mavo will have immediate, care of ladies and yonthfui guests and will , see that nothing' is. wanting to matfe a visit all that could be desired.. - Out of the Grass. Fronl ajetterjeceived from a corres pondent in Caintnck township. Pender countyr we 1 earn j that the, farmers in Uiat section hire nearly ii laid their crops ' by -for the ! season. They have had a hard struggjo lo kill , the grass but after a long and determined " effort they have succeeded. Appearances now indicate that the crops in thaVectipn will be but about halfas productive as they were last year, but there is a good deal ot fine growing weather between now and harvest time, during 'which we hope the farmers may be agreeably disappointed. - - ; . : Only one bale of cotton received at this port to day. '' " - ! The work of remodeling the towers of the Temple of Israel and stuccoing the exterior - of the - building is about complete. . . : The moonlight excursion; to Federal Point to flight bid3 '. fair to be very en joyable. The boat will stop one hour at the Rocks. . Persons desiring can get a fish supper at Mayo's or indulge in a bath in the surf. The boat , will- leave her wharf at 8 o'clock. Un mailables. I". The following is a list of the unraail able postal matter remaining in the Postoffice in this city :f ,7 Postal addressed ,to Lncy Ferlow; Edward i Lucas, . Manou Co; ; j Carrie Richards.-r; ,?.'."; . ' - : i, Cxpor.ts Foreign. ., j Norwegian brig Hera, tCapt. Chris tiansen, cleared to-day for Havre, France, with 1,718 casks sp'Os turpen. tine, valued at $28,770, shipped ; by Messrs. D. R. Murchison & Co; I 1 City Court. William Eagles, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, whose case" was continued from yesterday, submit ted and a fine of $2 was imposed, j James Shaw, colored, j charged with disorderly conduct, was sentenced to pay a fine of $!.- i The Crops. From Mr. R. II. Murphy, of Moore's Creek, Pender county, who is in the city to-day, we- learn that the crop prospects in the Moore's Creek and Point .Caswell sections are very good, considering the amount of rain which has fallen. The grass has been a great bother but by hard work it has been overcome. . ! Outrageous, j We hear much complaint of a lot of boys young" gentlemen we. presume they would prefer to be called who go out to Green's Mill pond nearly every afternoon and go in bathing right in view ofV and close" toi a public thoroughfare. People visiting Bellevue Cemetery or riding iu tbatr -rioinity nave been-much annoyed by these youngsters who seem to take delight in appearing nude before the public. So regardless of common decency are some of them that they will j begin denuding them selves when in the road and run naked to the water. Jit is a disgrace , and shame and we hope that the law's stern rebuke may punish them for their ob noxious indecency. ; A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at jACOBi'sHardwarelDepot. Coast Turnpike. The annual meeting of thef Wilming ton & Coast Turnpike. Company was held in the rooms of the Wilmington Library Association, yesterday after noon. In the absence of the President, Maj. C. M. Stcdman,' Mr. VA.' Adrian was called to the chair, and Capt. John L. Woostcr was made Secretary ol the meeting. The follo'wing geutleiucn, the old offi cers, were re-elected for the ensuing year, viz : ' President Chas. Ml Sled man. j j Superintendent Henry Haar. Secretary and Treasurer John Li. Wooster. , The reports submitted show that the affairs of the Company are in an excellent and encouraging condition, so much so that a dividend of 5 per cent on the capital stock .of the Company was declared. ''' " ' ': ", ! List of Letter. fJA list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, July, 18 1883 : A Willie Adams B Rev John Brown. Ida D Berrvj Olivia Burton, R A Brown, (2).Tasvile Bourgher, William Bernett. (col)r C John Cloud, John Collins, . E J uda Ellis, care Rosana Reynolds, Hector Eagles. F W H Forrester, J W Farrell, Ed Fields. E J Freeman. G Lizzie Grimes. - . !! Bettie Hills, Calvin Herfin. Frankey House, care Willie Trout, J R Holland. W H Henderson. ; - J- I-ouis Johnson, (2). - Jackson Johnson, Jr. Hark!es3 James. ' IRv Henry Lillie, JjoU'm Tax. .M Miss J McGuin. Gracie Miller. ' - N T)ttie Nickson. 1 i r D S Parker. Joseph Pickett. S Matilda Sayed. Robt Sbeppard. W R Swinson. care W S;l Etlward Swan. Susan VShults. i T Lavinia Tato. W Jane Ward. . Persons calling for letters in the above list will please say "advertised ;M if not called for within ten days will be sent to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C. J Ed. R. Rbixk P. M. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacoei's Hard ware Depot, t NEW ADVERTISEMEN'l'S I . Mayo's Restaurant, pEDERAL. POINT, IS NW OPEN IOK tne reception of guests. Meals furnished at all hoars. Ladles are especially" Invited to spend tbe day at Federal Point, ijrs. Mayo is personally in charge and will be pleased to entertain ladles and children. 1 - " july 16-lwk ; WM. MAYO, Prop. . I Ladies' Satchels, m BUNKS AND TBA.VEI.UXa BAGS all styles. HAUNESS 1 AND SADDLFRY. in endless variety. Carriages,1 Busies, Phxlons, Sorry Wagons, Carts, Drays, &c. j i Repairing promptly done at tow rates. - McDOUGALL. BOWDKN. julylS r No. 114 North Tront St. SO , O O O C h e c k s F OR THE BANK Or NEW HANOVER - ' , AND THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . Checks are bound in Books of One Hundred and Two Hundred; each. Price Fifty Cents per Hundred: ,1 , "T i i . r - , Alao, NOTE, DRAFT and RECEIPT BOOKS 1 I i - f - BLANK BOOKS of all kinds. For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, july 17 Live Book and Music Stores ' Trustee's Sale. - ! i - VIRTUE OF TUBS PROVISIONS OF A Deed of Trnst executed by John B f onther- land and wife to the late lion, R. S. French, bearing date the 4th day of August, 1S71, the undersignedappointe t by tbe buperior Court of New HaSbver county, to execute the trusts of said deed, will sell at public auction tor Cash, at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, on Tuesday, the 24th July, las3, at 12 o'clock, M, the following lot in said city: Beginning at the S. W. corner of Third and CampbellatreetB and running South 66 feet on Third street and 90 feet West on Campbell street, being the eastern part of lot I, block 233, according to the official plan of said city. . i - K. S. MARTIN, July 10-3t 10, 17, 23, Trustee WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH Mouldings, Stair . Rail, ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK, Balusters, Newel Posts,&c Also have a full stock of Seasoned CeiMng - a: wi xAriiOn, ana Flooring. Harrison Steam Saw and Planing Mill. july ltt-lw Foot Walnut St. Flour, Bacon, Lard, &c. 1 000 BRLS ,LOU1-AH trradee. ' 100 Boxes b.; S. SIDES, . . .r.O Tea and Buckets! LARD, 75 Bt Is Golden C, Ex C and Gran. Sugar, iou tsags ionee anous graaes, 75 Brls and Tcs Rice. For sale by I KERCHNER A CALDER BROS, july 1G . , North WaterStreet. Vinegar, Salt, Molasses. 15 BRLS PURE CIDER VINEGAR 2.0C0 Striped Sax Liverpool Salt. i 100 BrU Cnba and Porto Rico Molasses. I ' For sale by . july 16 'KERCUNER & CALDER BROS. Janies J. Burnett, pHOTOGRAPHER, ; J - ?EW MARKET BUILDING,. (Up Stairs) South Front St. Photniphs......;............i Dozen $1.50 Ferrotypes..... 2 for 50 cents Respectfully notifies the public that he is prepared to do all work in his line, promptly and' at low pi ices. A call Is solicited. - . mar 19 j - ' 40,000 Checks RECEIVED TO DAY. F INE LITHOGRAPHED CHECKS for Flret National and Bank of New Hanover, 50 cents per hunflred; bound Books of 100 and 200 checks each. "., ' . ! SCHOOL BOOKS Such as adopted by tbe State Board of EducaUon, at seasonable prices july 6 a W. YATES. Arrived A CARGO OF THE FINEST KENNEBEC FLINT ICE we have tier received. Order Barrel. HogShead or Car Load, and It will be superior to any vou have ever seen. . Guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction, i July lttf . . W.:iS. DAVIS & SON. C u ni l C a m p h or, m 'ELLIN'S FOOD, combs, ln-osnes. Jtxiracu, : Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac., Ac. .! WILLIAM H. GREEN, Druggist, july 5 117 Market street Solid Comfort. rpiLERE IS SOLID COMFORT IS THE ue of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who 1 using one, iayar "With this we are Independ ent when left without a servant." Tner are Gems and great "Leonora bit.". . Different sizes and prires. Try one. ' Pure White Oil. jnly! .'. PARK1TR TAYIjOR. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and Boors, Glas? &c Yon can get all sizes " and at tbe lowest prices. NEW AIVEKTISI31IElfTS. Moonlight Excursion, ! rjpo "FEDERAL POINT, on Steamer PASS PORT, tomorrow, TUESDAY EVENING. Boat will leave her wharf at 8 o'clock, ehlrp." Music and Refreshments, v ' il i Fish Supper at Mayo's Restaurant at Felcr i a 1 Point. 4 The boat will remain one hour at Federal Point, where Surf Bathing and Turllo Egg bunting can be indulged in. Fare 50 centsr . JSO.'W. HARPER,! I I ' GEO. N. I1ARRI.SS. i july 16 ; , . Manager P. L. BEIDGERS & 00. ALWAYS HAVE ON nAJsD I A Choice Selection !of I- Groceries; i , WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS THE FINEST IN NORTH CAROLINA If lettlrs ' If not convenient to come yourse will be promptly and satisfactorily auswered. 1 . PaUsfuction guai-anteeil to every one, wucth er be bo Merchant, Soldier or Sailor. P. L. BRIDGEES & 00. 1 lO North Front. St. julyic -;;:BURNHArVVS-l--.-. IHiii''' PAMPHLET FREE BY Vf BURNHAM BR0S,Y0RK,PA, ; I L- LL WONDER BOOKS. NOT Books ok Magic, but choice, . classic : literature, at prices so low ns to make the old' time book-buyers WONDER. Abouf ' t . ' 125 TONS or half a million volumes now ready ; sent any- ... where for examination before payment, ion evidence of good faith. NOT sold by dealers . prices too low. fiS-pagc Catalogue free. JOHN B. ALDEN, PubUsUer, 18 Vesey St, , . New York. July 104w NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. No L. More rJIITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. j A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy lor j SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightcdness, an 1 Re storing the Slgutof the Old. - , Jures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners,! Red Ejes, Mattea ye asnes.ana x-ro i -ducing tjulot Keuet ana . rerma- - : nentCurc. j .. ! j 1 Also, equally efflcaclous Allien used in other mabjwlles, such as UlceniLFever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, Piled, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVK may be used to advantage. !, t Sola by all Druggists at 25c ; July lMy ; "moore courmfGniT" ) l CORH H.US AND BOISIOSS, Jo V.BEOTiriTOEUOaiD, ! RCtTH CJLXSIIIA UHUTCIf C9. nrilVAHOS THIS PAI-EK d r-jr'7, OEETHOVEM ODGAIIS: 10 SETP inSMIja Price only $155 t - i -t 19 mtUt urijans' Tor oni b Orsaas ui n9oUru: S4 tnr int'trv-rn-r rrSf A CATALUuUL VWITC2S VtlCCUi Ll ffM eomcM MtaeM Uauw, d3jlrliowWllrU -' trwt wkM may jtily 1 w dJtw , - Weak jt- : mm STOPS II m i

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