nR.VOR,I,DTons (yiBRAr(gMP- i lARRHIW URE CIXX OTTXJITTAXJ umotI CS.A. tiii NEVER FAILS QlUlElRlOlR , -'r tna f-r Epileptic Fits.- a T C i f,fs..vru sod FaL'in Sicknes.ra i ? li d T la d'-Jtrtow of few.- :; f-xfi-'r in? of dUcise and akkncsa, Motet es "nil etabbern blood ores. I"Vibv Umd. jalc kect lojxl'b i circulation. , It U a ciiiauc and LcaiUifBl Aperient. Kir, mf i! tad Ki&S Eyfl, twin brother, t bV bi b-r:Ii to goo-. issaoTlug cane. iLcU bUiaas and clear complexion,, ? h uain-rf MJvrat tod mate hlca laxative. U uS.!UU' achcliketbewiad.-t ocUio r dra Ue cathartic or opiate, rn: -i i; r cart J&ramaUsm by roatln g lt--V$ p'-i.,r Iife-riing properties to the LJood. u o-nr.t'Tti to curr all n.nroa disorders. l.vMe hen all opiate falL-V a. v the nlnd and lovl?orte th body. iV- tlF? P1 or BM)D,y refunded. "its rq..rrd I a writing by over C fly thooranc iv:..; pbjifUt in I. S. and Kurope.- fkrjpnirnla U. S. and Europc.-fca. of the Ud own It a eotKinrror."a t wi jkfr- by ail b adib drupjjiets. $ I. ltr Pr. . A. Richmond M-lical Co lrops. Joseph, Mo. (32) Kr t t!monlU and cirealars wd tarup. I Li. N. l'rittntoD. Acot. Nrw York 'CitT j tii y l; lw crro Homo Items. "AU your own fault It you remain sick when you can C.ct hop bittcra that never Fail. The weakest women, smallest child, and sickest invalid can use hop bitters with safety an J great gooU. OM men toileting around from Rheu matism, kidney trouble or any weak n will be almost new by twin? hop bitters. , My wild and daughter were made healthy by the use of bop bitters and I recommend them to ray people. Methodist Clergywan- Ask any good doctor if hop Hitters are not the best family. Medi cine On earth. Malarial ferer. Ague and Hilousncas. will leave every neighborhood as soon as hop bitters arrive. "My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia all out of her system with hon bitters. Osiccyo un. Keep tho kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need not tear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless and more refreshing and reviving with hop bitters in each draught. The vigor of youth for tho aged and infirm in hop bitters. juno-14 Im d-w ' ThfiDailV PgyiP V I Pockets oggested itself. A black letter J --ww- TYiannscnDt sava:. "Master .William Ker d til make-one board wucreuy a game is played with three balls; and all the young men were -greatly recre ated thereat, chiefly the young clergy men from bt. rawles; nence one of ye strokes was called a 'cannon,1 having been tr one ob ye r said clergymen in- Tented. "The game is now; known by the nameof 'bill-yard, because William or Uill Kcw.did hrst play with a yard- measure.- The suck is now called a kcw' or 'koc" It U easy to compre hend how b'll-yattP had - been mod ernized into "billiard;" and the trans formation of Ivew." or 'kue. into cuo" i3 eiually apparent. American MISCELLANEOUS.: tea liifflMfflii bUeaae ta aa rtxt. nS a caau. lte orVrta wliMa; t auatrautlan-rUax. iieace, to ear th dUwM lb CAUSE nut be reroor p. I tvd Is no ovbeT wit rsn a care r effertl. WAIUSEK 8 ArE KIDNEY AXl) UVER LX'KE U MUldlahed on jast this principle. It raac thai . 95 PerCent. of all itlirair arlaa fromderanyM kldnya and trrr aad U acrUra at ooee at tha root of tbe tltteulty. Taa e4emeaU of which It la cora nod art cUreetfr coon th frreat OTxaxu.boUa aaarOoDaad liESTUK&U. and by placlor tbea ta a btailhy eoadlUoo, drtre hc&m anil lAla from tbe cyttcra. Tot lb taoomermble troabV caused by un haaJtby klklaeya, liter and UJloary Oixant; lor the dljtrrstn Disorder of Women; for 3ialarlaan4 forphy-!eal dCTanrtnenta j-encr-aily. thl irreat remedy has no equal. Beware of Imposur, tmluUona aad coococUona aald lobajTMtaarood. - L- . '. Tor DUbet aak for WiJtNEIT3 SAFE DI AnLTtlS CUUE. For sale by ail dealera. ; - . U. II. Vf ARXEB CO.. aptli-la ' Cocheater. S. T. Marrln'8 Celebrated piRJt AND BUEGULR PEOOr 3 AIX3, Altacaaad PrVea. from UO.00 to $2,300.00. Ackowle4ct4 xj the beat aatborlUeato b tbe Made, . Extract from BetemXitt Jvuriean editorial of rb. 11 ta. Itfl: We are alao aaked astathe test fk proof aafea. We aay M ARTISTS, A. A. WIIXARD. dec It Jjtru; at Vru&lactom. TItliU UNO FKST, Some blame the years that fly so fast. - A nd sigh o er loves and j friendships While others say too long they last. - And wish each day vere earlier done. Hut thou art' none of these to thee The past is past; past not in vain. Days lived in life's reality , . hat need to wish them hero again? Days hallowed each by noble use . What need to wish them earlier done? Who spend their souls in time's abuse -Are eager for to-morrow's sun. j ; , Thy trust and rest unbroken are; In God's appointed pathway still Thy constant spirit, like a tar. Moves on accomplishing His will. p The Argoy. A II LGUIiMVGE TO GKBY . STONE. AtiotlicrBcllever tIio Iiuh made tho Uetuni Trip to thelctn( .cratic Mecca. I own that as I rang tho bell at Grey, stone I felt some cxnnpu actions' of- con science at thus disturbing the rest ol a dying old man, but as I had come alt the way to New York on business con nected with the Exposition I could i noL go away without biddiDg the venerable statesman lying at death's door a last farewell. Jud-je of my surprise, tlien, when Mr. Tilden himself opened the doorto answer my timid rimr - J looked at him in speeJh!e3S amazemt-nt as he SLOOU UClOro ine, a pujsicaiauu iiiui lectualtant; nor did I recover my self possess on until in a tnunderous shunt that started tho sparrows lin the park, he roared : "Henry, old'boy, how dcci he boom?" at the same time slapping his brawn hand on my shoulder with such force that tho clavical was frac tured and tho scapula split from tne coracoid process to the Inferior angle. Ruddy with the glow of perfect health were his round cheeks. -and when he laughed I saw that he had not an un sound tooth in his head. I We talked of everything in the world except 'politics. He wrote a beautiful little Greek poem, while he chatted about 'the dogs of Hy mettus and the horses of Diogenes and Charon, the Centaur and other classical subjects. We; wont over the house, which is being newly kalsomined Irora garret tt crllar,' and tho lavish outlay of money being guided by the most laultlcss taste in tho mixing of the kal somine. The bouse is nine stories high, aud when I grew weary on tho fourth floor Mr. Tilden tools me in his arms and carried me the rest of the distance as though Lhad been a baby. Itj is a playful way the old giant has of tiring out his visitors. His hair is long, curling and raven black, and there is not a wrinkle in his face, not a furrow on hU brow. He is passionately fond of bicycling and rides n fr nq filteen miles a day. His fav orite bicycle ho keeps in a room adjourn ingjhis own and feeds it with his hands llMtinra sunerblv acd has a childish nf mnnlnrr to the Diana to dash off some sparkling little improvizations. as interludes the conversations, as x looked athim I could not help Jsaying: "Mr. Tilden. you bear your age re markably well ; can it be possible that you are really forty -one?'' He shook his head with a semi mournful inflection and said: "Ah. my dear boy. time is relent less. I shall be forty-eight years out next December." Had I not received the assurance from his own lips I could not have be lieved it. j , ivhon I Irfr. ho insisted on shoulder ing my trunk and carry iug it to the sta- tion. As I prcsscu nis nana ai parims I said to him: j Mr. Tilden. if tho next Democratic Vfinnnl Convention should follow its il the earnest desire of v u m the American people ami nominate jou for President, would you accept tne nomination?" . He squeezed my hand in his mignij ntil the blood oozed t out under my finger-nails and shouted: I Then he slapped his hands together i;v-a rUn nf tliundcr. and sprang .t', nri intrt thn air. I watched his frtrm ma It ii Ui nrwirod behind the clouds without a fear, knowing well that the athlete would corao down at (Jrey stone. And as his figure passed mit nf starlit a, voire fell like a tailing -Would a duck swim?T .1, Western Ihpcr J . T ' Factories in the South. Thn mnnnfsrlure Of COttn might naturally be expected to flourish - in thft lanu wncre mis pnwuvii. niwuu w highest pcrtectionl and appearances in dicate that such an expectation is in a fair way to be realize!. A letter from Wilmineton, N. C, published in tho Now York Tribune I . mentions a Georgia cotton mill which has "just declared a dividend of 20 per cent." and N?r.i a nut t hit hrsidos iTettioiT his raw cotton half a cent a pound cheaper than his northern competitor, savine freight nn hoth the raw material and the finish- nnd also savinir .seventy cents a bale from tho fact that he can- buy bis COUOn Wlinous couiprvJawu k Ronthern mauoiacturer nas an addiUonal advantage in the fact that cotton which nas oeea bhdjwiw to the compress - sustains a mechani cal injury which materially aeiracia from the dufability.ot tne isonw mwu of it. If thU be true, the fact will have great influence in promoting uwuw opment of cotton mar mfacmre in the South, "inepresenfc uiuj . section is a lack of manufacturing capi tal, but its great naturat Tantage must soon' attract capital rou.lh North and from Europe, s not unlikely that within auarterof acen tury the cotton-growing Slates -w ill 1 bj manufacturing the larger part of their own staple. Wash. Critic. Origin of Billiards. Tho game ot billiards was invented about the middle of the sixteenUi centu ry by a London pawnbroker named 3 y T r i wtheflhis pawnbroker was in the habit of taking down the threo balls, tndMith the yard " u:M.(KAni WrTTnrd-fashlOn. measure '"3Ui" ""V 1 ",,a. : ' from the counter into the stalls; in time, the idea of , a board with side OnfTAwnun fromYouthful Imprmfencc DUIIurrjrS caualDtr ferrous .DebUity, mental and physical werkne. Valuable In fonuaUon for home care FRE. Cacil 2 vcars successfully. Dr 4 A. G. Oliii, Box 242, Chica go. - f may si-tidtwiy A Vein of Natural Cias. At the unusually shallow depth of 200 leet a vein ot natural gas was struck- hv tlin town authorities of Obcr- lin. Ohio. . while drilling an . artesian well witli relercncc to 1 a future water supply. The gas was remarkably pure, being absolutely odorless, and emitting a clear, steady, white blaze. By con fining the jet for a timo, and then ap plying a match as tho can was sudden ly removed, a blaze would lep ten feet from the orilicc. At a depth ol ieet a u:orp powerful vein of gas was struck, and at a death of 299 feet still another. six times as strong as tbe two previous one put together. Finally, Thursday a Her noon, at a depth of 312 feet, the climax was reached, when a vein wa hit which gives a blaze the full size of il II 4" 1 . I 1 T I-.l,,. in ,M tne wen, nve anu oue-uau iuuhw m mi ameter. , i . l . A Very Quick 'Jump. To illustrate how sorv a hunter ought to rw Deaeon H- sometimes told of his extraordinary feats- in outrunning game Unco he brougtit out a weu known trapper of tho neigborhood. who silenced him lor the time being with a narrative which has probably done duly with other liars, but was pat to. the ! oc casion. He declared that a coupie oi winters previous, while looking at his traps 'along the mill-race, he spied an old muskrat on tho bank. Kaising hiq o-nn. h hlazed awav and then lump ed down to keep the rat from getting :nf . watar tKnliovA It nr not." he added, 4I jumped so quick that I got that whole load of shot in my back." Cincinnati inquirer. . There is hardly an adult person liv ing but is sometimes troubled with kid ney difliulty, which is tho most prolific and dangerous cause of all- disease. There is no sort of : need , to have any form of kidney or urinary trouble if Hop Hitters is taken occasionally. The people of the far - West have an idea that a dudo is something given away with a pound of tea. Cured Six Years Ago. "It has been 0 years since I was cured of fits," says Mr. W.'.Ford, of Wirt, JefTerson Co , Ind."&nnari7a Nervine did it." And it always will, reader. S 1.50, at druggists. Charity, the most lovely of virtues, represents others as lovely as possible. It does not merely let us see an object a? it is; it is a kind of sunshine that brightens what it lets us see'. H " " WoulTnt be without Dri Benson's Celery and Chamomile pills if they cost S 1 . a pill. 1 hey curea me oj ?ieuraimat per box, at drug- lists. n Politeness is legitimate result of good nature and good sense; it is therefore wholly distinct from any factitious circumstances of , birth, education, wealth, or talent.- Decline of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility, cured by Wells Health Renewer." $1 . j Thought works in silence; so does virtue. What folly would one avoid did tho tongue be quiet till the mind bad finished,' and was calling for utter ance. ! : of 9 years standing." Taxions, Pa. 50 cts. What Seven Could not do. Nashville. Tenn., April 6, 1881. III1 Warner & Co.: Sirs Seven physicians could not do for me what your Safe Kidney and liver Cure ac complished. Hopelessly sick with kid ney diseases, it restored mo to perfect health. J A COB MYERS. MISCELLANEOUS. o A New Supply F RED AND". WHITE ONION SETS, Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicine, Toilet and 1'ancr Articles, Ac. . . t f W Prescriptions filled at all hoars, day and nijrht. F. U. AHLLEK, German Druggist. July 10- . Correr Jfourth and Sun sta. , ro5cJ(Sci, not. life la sweeping by, go - ami dare be fore you die, some-thlno- mbrhtT and ..i.iim (.. tn rnmirr time.' : 68 a HUUUfV mf . v "' - i - week In your own . town. $5 outfit free, no ri&k. Everything new. Capital . not required We will furnish you etery thing. Many are tilting fortunes. Ladles make as much aa men, and boys and girls make great pay. Bcadfir. If you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for partlcu. arm to II. Haxo-btt Cc. Portland, atatne. sovlS-dAw tf. .?-jy-f' 1W DR. ti no RrmRF AND AFTER n arm, MsfM 30 DlVI TfilL TO MEM OHLY, YOUIIQ D3 OLD, nrno r ir-iag from Kw DUJrT: - 3MTA12 CUT C8., PASIHAU, C121U ABATE S SPECIFICS.: Preparwl from furmube ueeil by aa en-loent phygicun unnrm 20 years acceswini , practice.. , -.. . Sueciflc No. 1 Guaranteed U effect a radi cal cure of all affections of the lllocd, whether Scrolulous or acquired, bkia diseases. iirm pies, moth patches, ete, , are perruanently eurel by Bate's Specific Xo. 1.- Price fl. . Sitccldc No. 2 Cures Skminac Weakkkss, Nekvocs Debilitt, from Youthful I discre tions or Excesses. Dtmbiclntr Exhausted VlUl Uy and Loss ot Manhood. This Temoly is un equalled In the cure of these complaints 1 1 Is a powerf ul stimulus to the weakened Nervous STStem. assists Nature to renew the strenrth and vior of the debilitated organs, and effects a rauu.ii cure. . rnci ci.- Specific No. -iives instant relief and per raancntly cures Rheumatism. Price f i. r Spcciflo No, 6 A positive cure for aU M'eak' ncsses comuion to females, llicc tl. : bold ly Orirgpifitft or Cnt on welpt'of price by .1. w. isate. ki ciAra t-. umcago. p1 8KND FOR CIUCl'LAR. may 3My-d&w nrm , 1 PAIIKERS W A TR B A TfSATi? II i .a-S3T ttL. 11 S&r1 ' I lfc - hies II lory 27-deodAwJj . The best and'aut economical hair dres sing, add 'made from i materials that arc ben- to the htf ana iin. ar)crr 5; Hair Balsam is highly es teemed everywhere for its excellence and superior cleanliness; ft Mwr rail trt Ritlftre fas YntrfMnI Colar and lustre to gray or faded hair,Is elegantlyper- I a". - Jk 2L. ...MMtnfAJ a iihaipji rfavtfnifT anil Itching of the scalp, & prevent ting ol the hair. (An. mnA ai ml &t ilnlm in Aran- f July ll-d&w WHOLESALE PPICES. y.The following quotmona represent wholesale prices generalrr. In matttg op small orders higher prices have to be charged His Soul 'and His, Silver. ! Vnn aolrtnir nlA hnw I ftATTie fcO 113 6 "it. T6- mimU m of the atorv of tbe Scotchman; who, ori his deathbed , after a life of meanness, vantrt tn Tnafcp ihlnsrs all rlflrbt with the Lord by leaving some mony to the kirk." r W1U tne Aimigmv pass nic mm j I give 10.000 pounds to the kirk, d'ye think?' said he." , '. r Mn't nmmtu vnn thot . TivoTi . answered the minister, but I advise ye to try the expe riment.'" L.ughing heartuy at tne story, iwv.r . n.i.. Vrt 971 nrrin HA'pnuft. Jersev City, pastor of the First Baptist Church, West Houoten, continue!; iumwun" " i mirrn'u Tnvic; T trleil the exDerlment.' lit more than met my expectations, and I am very glad to testify to its excellence, ji. gucaw once to the root of all digestive, and nervous derangements bo common among men of m v orofeBslon. For women and chronic invalids r. . . . - ,e n 1 , la iIau tne ionic is a penpes liivigunwn, " - tlned to supplaut all otner remedies for this purpose. A single-dose produces the gentle perspiration and sense of life which eradicates disease. It seems to rouse every organ into activity. I admire it. too, for its power to an tagonize the hold of the liquor habit over ine briates." ' , ' This preparation, which has been known as o.DirirD'a cikih-b Tomr. will hereafter! be callett simply Packer's Tuxio. Asunprlncl- plea dealers are consiauiy ucwiviug i,ur.i customers- with Inferior articles under the name of ginger; and as ginger Is really-an un important flavoring ingredient, we drop the misleading wont. - There will be no change, however in the preparation itself, and all bottles In the hands of dealers, wrapped under the name of Pabk kr's Ginger Toxic, contain the genuine med lcine If the f ac simile signature of Hiscox & Co. is at tne noitom oi me ouibiuc wmjn:i. July ll-d&w i , . The. Public is r new and enlarged lyCapitaUPrize $75, carefully to) notice the lobe drawn jnnuai Tickets only $51 Shares in pro portion. Louisiana1 State; 5 Iidttery Company. i We do hereby certify that ve supervise the arrangements for all the 'Monthly and Semi Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and tn person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we. author ize the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its advtr, tisementsS' , ' Commissioners. Incnronrateri In 1868 for 25 vears llT the Leg lslaturefor Educational and Charitable pur- roses with a capital of fl, 000,000 to wrncn a reserve fund of $550,000 has since been added. ' 1 ? By an overwhelming populai vote ' Its fran chise was made apart of the present State Constitution adopted December 3d, A. p., 1879. The only Lottery eve voted on and endorsed by the people of any &raze. r ' : It never scales or postpones. 1 Its Grand Stogie Number Drawings take place monthly . i p ti "li'.v,- A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eighth Grand Drawing,. Class If, at New Orleans, Tuesday, August 14, 1S8S 150th Monthly Drawing. - Capital Prize, $75,000. lOO.OOO. Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. ' i'--i-UST OP PRIZES. -1 - 1 Capital Prize of. 75,000 ' 1 n,nttl PHn nf.. - 25.000 1 Capital Prize of..... 10,000 S Prizes of $6,000 .j-12,000 . 6 Prixea of 2,000 10,000 10 Prizes of 1,000.. 10,00a " on priimi f fioo - 10.000 .100 Prizes of 200 20,000 300 Prizes of 100 30,w 600 Prizes Of 50 25,000 1000 Prizes Of 25 25,000 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 " 500. 4,500 9 , ' 2501 i 2,250 r,967 Prtzevansoimflngto.--. $28500 AnpUcaUoa for rates to clubs should only be made to the-2ce of the Company In New Or leans. M ' For f ru-tber'tof ormation, write clearly; gir ing frill aldreas- Send orders by Express, rMalI.'a4drossedonly to ; ' -; ' ' M. A. DATJPHTN, .'T 1 : - :m '1 . New Orleans, La. ' orM. A. DAUPHIN, I - . " - 607 Seventh St., Washington, D. CV July Il-wed-aat ftir-dJtw- Old Newspap ers -rX)R SALE. VERT CUE AT. 4 -' Arplr to - ' . i a 0 2 1 0 i 1 75 l 90 I 60 27 V 20 7 50 31 00 18 a IVA0 12 49 : rl u 10 o : : -i & .10 & 77Vfe 1 50 Q 85 6 .14 0 BAGGING Standard.. i lb........ IX. ih. BACON North Carolina: Hams, V ft ShouMers, y ft. 4.. i .Uili tK ......1.. - WESTERN SMOKED I Hams.. .Sles. Vlb I Shoulders DRY SALTED Sides, V lb.... ....... ' Shoulders. V ft ......... BARltELR Spirits Turpentine, KaivhkI ITand. each........... New New York, each.... . New City .each. .fc... ....... BEESWAX, T fi...... BRICKS, fM- . . . BUTTER, V ft - North Carolina..-.---... , Northern........ ..-...- Wilmington- ................. - Northern..., .... CANDLES, y ft - v Sperm........ Tallow....... 4... ....... - J Alamantie-.... .......... CUKESE, 4f ft - Northern Factory... 4 Dairy, Cream.. L r state. U COFFEE. ft t .-i , : J ava. . Lagnyra - .......... .. CO UN MEAL, V bus.. In sacks COTTON TIES, V bundle.... DOMESTICS - : K b Sheeting, 4-4, Vyd. .. Tarns, V bunch ... EGGS, dozen . i . , . . V. -FISH --,m Hiz-tprrl V. 1: "hbl , Mackerel, No. 1, V half bid lackerei, no. v oou ..... lackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. Mackerel, No. S, V bbl. ...... Mullets, V bbl..;..... Mullets, Porfc.bbls. N. C. Roe Herring, keg.-.. Tlrrr rVnl. W th. rERTlLlJSISRSi V2,tX lbs ' 1 Peruvian Guano, No.--l. . ... .57 50 ' I " ! No. 2..,..36 00 1 - V Lobos...r ..00 00 " Bautrh's Phosphate. .J...O0 00 Carol inaFerulizer........iV.. 45 00 -Ground Bone-. 1.00 00 Bone Meal.... .00 00 Bone Flour ......00 00 Navassa Guano... .:...J... ...40 00 ' Complete Manure...;... -00 00 j Whann's Phosphate.-. .....00 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Berger A Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertlllzer.55 00 Wench's CATttonate of Lime... 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime.... FLOUR, tf bbl - - -:. Fine Northern Super........ Extra:...... : Family. . City Mills Extra. - .. Family..; " Extra Family... QI.TTE V ft: ! GRAIN, tf bushel I j i uorn. irom swre, uagn,wuii. ! , Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. J Com, cargo, hi bags,, white. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bogs.. Oats, from store. .." . j .. .i . ' Cow Peas.. .......T.. HIDES, tf ft ! I Green J 1 11 49 I614O . TUO 00 n 10 o 00,0 17V 12i 00 49 liva 00 O 11 18. . 15 , 13 I - "-11 90 30 ,..16 00 8 50 9 60 500 7i 75 400 7 00 3 00 5 8 50 00 50 49. 00 49 33 49 9 50 044 00 25 13 12Vs 14 14Vfc ris S28 .14 124 1 75 '-si . . . , 020 00 0)10 00 10 00 496 50 49 8 00 & 49 8 50 & 4 00 49 9 tern 50 .037 00 51 00. GO 00 50 00 40 00 fi45 00 57 00 495 00 4961 00 4970 00 970 00 firfOOO 060 00 7 50 0 90 49 6 00 t) 00 ItATLOIOATJS, ". 6 00 & 6 50 7 00 6 60 5 75 6 50 11 49 8 75 49 6 60 Cb 6 CO 66 "'65 00 Dry-....- HAY, tf 100 fts Eastern Western ... ilVINlulUI V . ......... HOOP ItRON, tf ft... LiAISJJ, ID 4 10 49 ' 49 49 49- 49 49 49 49 1 49 50 12 75 61 US 00 674 TO evl 12 20 15 43 WO i 01 25 1 25 85 Northern......:.....'......... Wa North Carolina........ : 00 0 LIME, tf Darrel......i.. 1 40 0 LUMBER, City Sawed, tf;M ft. I - 3 . ShipStufT, reBawed...;r...I.18 00 Rough Edge Plank. .. ....... .15 00 West IndiaCargoes.according -- r , . , , te quality...... c;.';....... IS 00 Dressed Flooringj seasoned . 18 00 ' Scautling and Board, com'n. .12 00 MOLASSES, tf gallon . New Crop Cuba, In hhda.. . ... 00 t , , ;flnibbls;.-.-. 40 PortoRico, in bads.. ........ 00 . ! V, ,ln bbls, 00 Sugar House, In hhds 00 1 ? ' f 1 f hiDbls.... ' 20 Syrup.ln bbla...'.v.-..:.:V.;" 40 NAILS, tf Keg, Cut,10d basis.. 0 00 OILS,- tf gallon ..; Kfirowne.. ....... ............. 11 f iLardl... 1 10 iijinseea ....jw I Rosin ) Tar '. 00 Deck and Spar ' 00 POTTT.TRY 1 Chickens, live, grown l Spring....... Tnrtp irn - . . . . PEANUTS tf bushel. . J. POTATOES, tf bnshel i Sweet.. Irish, tf bbl ... PORK, tf barrel . . ' City Mesa. ...v.... . Prime J Rnnn:. . I. . L ....... L ... . RICE Carolina, tf ft 40 358 14H 14 -020 00 , 016 00 018 022 00 015 00 49 36 0, 0 49 0 0 0 -49 49 49 33 20 75 90 i 60 3 50 0 0 0 0 0' 0 3 38 48 00 28 80 tl 16 45 00 00 20 22 35 30 25 10 75 75 ......23 5C ..16 00 ......17 CO 024 00 017 00 018 00 T 1- IMr OK 61 1 XMJUgii, tr UUOUU tA3, id oouniry City ... rope, tf ft SALT, tf sack. Alum........... : LIverpoo Lisbon........ : American SUGAR, tf ft Cuba..:... Porto Rico.. I.... A Coffee.. .....L B 1V(9 H40 14V&0 00 0 00 00 00 00' 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 49 49 730 0 0 1OI&0 5 0 8 15 I 1 22 75.' 75 . 00 75 00 00 9 9 8 8 V 11 6V4 Wilmington, p Columbia . & Auprnsta II. K. Co. E x C finished. .......... . Miif v m nnnnrni......... a SHINGLES, 7 In. tfM 10 50 01100 i Common.... 2 60 0 3 00 1 Cypre8s:Saps;.,i.....-.M... 4 60j S 00. CVnroes Hearts t 0 00 0 7 50 staves. V M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 018 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, tf ft.. .U...... J. TIMBER, tf M feet Shlpplng.12 00 -Fine Mill ..11 25 Mill Prime.:. ...wi.'..1..."' 7-&0 Mill Fair.............. IVimmnn Mill................. WinsKEY, tf gal Northern.. 1 00 North Carolina.. 1 00 WOOL.V . nVrWaBhod...-i.. ! 228. Unwashed 21 : fBurrr 10 010 00 0 ior 014 oo 013 00 49 8 50 v 6 000 6 50 5 00 0?O 00 0 4 00 0 4 00 0 2 80 49 130 0 22 0 15 ReWS Jewelry' Store! ' 1WE "UNDERSIGNED J RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Wilmington, that he has leased thef pmsdaes o JI3 MarkeCSt., and is now la receipt of a ? i Handsome Stock of Goods, which will be displayed In a few days. J9 Watch and Clock repairing a specialty. dee 19 ? 'l JNO. H. ALLEN. Call and See . , i, rj-HOSE FAT NO. 1 MACKEREL, Choice FULTON MARKET SPICED BEEF FRESH, NEW BUTTER, by steamer every . j week. And those jnstry eelebratM CARES always i fresh awl crisp' : - - - . i--- " t , " - : ' ' ' - 1 : And a fall line of Family Supplies, at Crapon's Family Grocery, july 10 . Wlbxlngtan iv SurKKiirrKJiDur. ) .N.C July f.ias.- i J IiV 1 Y ' Change of Schedule. . ON AND "AFTKK ,vu no, oc. . 9 P. M., the following Passenger Schea nle will be run on this road v j k J . NIGHT EXPRESS TRAINS, DAILY Nob. 4f , , Weetand 47 East. U , - xcave t JureiHc. ......... --- - - Arrive at C C. A. Junction 6.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia... o VT AT Leave Columbia. .1 Jri, f , LeaTe C. C A A. Junction. 10.20 r. m. Leave Florence -A. m. Arrive at Wilmington............... A U. Njgiit Mail aktd Passesger Ttujj, DAiLt, LeaTe Wilmington..... J......r:i0 Arrive at Florence 1 4j a. at. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN DA-ILy i -' t - No. East. . I ' Leave Florence at...i. ............. ' Arrive at wummgion.. Train 4S stops at all Stations.-: ; I. No. 40 stops" only at Flemlngton. and Marion. ' Passengers for Columbia and all points on U. & C. 1C lLt C, A K. R. SUUons, Aiken Juno- Ha. tn.l ul nntnti Iir.vAnil. should, take 45 Night Express. i r - ;J J - J..'i Jtl A'UJimau oieeierB ior uricw vu AU trains run soiia oeiwctn vowniu; , Wilmington- - " - - , Tvi freiirht leaves Wilmington J daily . ccpt Sunday at 7 A- M. .'jT-J i General Superintendent July 6 . . , - - ..- ! ,: !! Wilmington & j Weldou ' Railroad Company; j: ay- Office of Gkkeral Sutjckin ien km t, Wilmington, N. O, July 8, 1S3. J t Cha nge of Sch ed u le : :, ON 'AND AFTER JULY 8, I8,",AT T..00 P.M., Passcnzer Trains on tle Wilming ton & Weldon Railroad will run as folhJ-s : . DAY: MAIL AND EX PRESS TRAINS DAIf.T NOS. 47 NORTH ANI 43 SOUTIIJ ' l IieaveWilmIngtou,.FrontSt.Iepot, 6.46 A. M Arrive at Weldun ...4 12.40 M Leave WeldonJ ........ S.ou p. , M Arrive at Wllra'gton, Front St. D'pt, 8.40 I. Ijal Fabt Through Mail A Passekgeb Tra iv lAH.T NO. 40 SOUTH. ' ' j ' I j Tvp WMctn. .................. 5.55 P. M' Arrive at Wilm'gton, Front St. D'p't 0.S5P. la MAIL AND ; PASSENGER TRAINS .DAILT 1 ; No. 43 North. . f 'v ;- :Vf Leave Wilmington........... 8.00 p. li Arrive at Weldon....... !.... 2pt0 A. M. Train No. 40 South will stop' only at Wilson, 1 Goldslwro and Magnolia. I Trainfl on Tarboro Branch Road Leave Roc k v Mount for Tarboro at 12.00 A. M. and 40, P. M., Daily. Returning, leave Tarboro at 10.00 A. M and 3 P. M. Dally. I t I r- Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Road leave' Halifax for Scotland Neck at 8.25 P. M. Re-, turning leave Scotland - Neck at 7.33 A. . daily except Sunday. iTrainNo. 47 makei close connection at Wei don for all points North Daily. All r0 t1 Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Bay Line. -.. - , .: I TraiBo. 43 runs daily and makesclose con nection for all Points .Norm via juicnraonn aua c 111 v. rrtr - . ! . All trains run solid between Wrntagton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. . . I For accommodation bf local travel a passed rer coach will be attachetl to local freight leav ing Wilmington at 6.15 A. M. Dally except Sunday. - - - ( .. - JOHN F. DIVINE, 1 ' General Superintendent. T. 51. JKMJSKSUH, uenerai r-assenger Agent. july 6 ; .... . ,;.- . ' t , j' Carolina Ceiitrar K. ills Company, v Omci or General scpEBXNTEsroxirT ) ' Wlhnlngton. N C. June IZitL 183.j 1 ,. hange of Schedule. f o N AND AFTER JUNE ,13th, 1K3.1THE foUowlnk bcneuaie will be T operated onSthli Railroad : . - -. f X ', : 1 ' PASSENGER MAIL AND EXPRESS TRAIN, Dally except Sundays. ' 1 I i Leave Wilmington at..-; r. au No. 1. V Leave Raleigh at 7 .35 P. M. ; j ) Arrive at Charlotte at....... 7.00 AM. I) Leave Charlotte at.. ...... ..8.45 P. M. Nol 2. Arrive Raleigh at. ........ . .8.30 A.M. . ) Arrive at Wilmington at.. ..8.25 A. M. - Passenger Trains atop at regular stations only, and points designated in the Company's xime'iaoie. ; - -. t . 1 i. SHELBY DIVISION,"; PASSENGER, MAIL EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. ;M .,'f.A I . , I I Daily except Sunday.: HJ M' Leave Charlotte................... 5.30 P; M. Arrive at Shelby 9.00 Pi M. Leave Shelby..... J7.00 At M. Arrive at Charlotte. ............... .10.30 A M. Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with R. A A. Trains to and from Ual eigb. "-.-...- - - ' If - i Through SleeplngCars between WQmlngtos and Charlotte and Raleigh and Charlotte, t Take Train No, 1 for Statesvllie, Station Western N C R R; Ashcvllle and points 'West. L Also, tor Spartanburg,. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta anu all points boutuwest. I I ...r - .1 C.JONES. I'l ! j ; i i t Superintendent. F. W. CLARK, General' Passenger Agent IUJV . ; . a. F1jEBIMIN& house. 3STJ O. - I TV. 3, CALAIS, Prop'r SITUATED AT THE VERY FOOT of the . t - . - - - : - i Blue Ridge, within sight and easy reach ot some of the most famous peaks. Tbe Roan Mountain and other points of interest are near, i Delightful air, saluorious climate and excel lent water, j i I will be pleased to corresiond with parties proposing rest or recreation In the mountain during tbe Summer months. J Excellent tabl. lean beds, airy rooms ana prompt service guaranteeu. Terms low. feb 10-6m ICE! ICE! ICE! v - . - .. :. J -! . , y . j I WOULD RESPECTFULLY1 NOTIFY lb dtlzeus and tbe public generally, that I liave "- f - ' ' i " i " j laid in a full supply of choice ICE and aru ful ly prepared to ull ontcrs to all polnu on IUU Koatls and Rivers, and hope to secure a res sonable share of patrons r. if. IL J. AUUKNS, Proprietor aplldiwSu New Ice llott-te.

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