THIS TXTZR rjM.l fTry craning. Sundays tx eyied by JOSII.T. JABIES. ivtro ajcx rorKirTo. rRCElPTIOSi'ro3T10E PAID: i jeL One month, Zi cent. !!rni I "Bvred bT "K -UiSb km and liberal. 5" will report 7 d all fU- . lrt their paper regularly. n An7y Jfrriw ; the largest j . Hmilalion, of any newspaper i s':'-ht shock of earthquake was felt III., oltnruay rooming aw about o'clock. praJitrcct estimates the total yield of pr':n-and Winter wheat this year at it l)t0CO bushels. Miry Ana Chandler, mother of Sec retary Chand:erf"lied at Concord. N. II.. Saturday night. Aged 82. ccneral attack of cholera in .all po'rtiuas of the globe is predicted by Lrac K;icDtific Wiggins of England. V. II. II. Murray, of Adirondack - nrnnoM toorena law office in liiii 1 1 St York city and anotlier in San An tvt. - - r.lhopHcckwith very sensibly favors , license as the best and only prac i h'.c restraint upon the liquor busi- which took ureand nin ashor? oft Indiana kVv Iit Thursday, has been raised an.iiaUii to Havana. i he mortality in New York rose from 1.051 to 1.110. For the wrkro!ed.!uly 8. last year, the re or.I as C'-tf deaths, and for that ended .ial$ 15. 1.(1. Tbrouh an oversight in swearing in llr. Kicky, lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, no legal marriage can take place in that province except by .utni-hins the bans. Three out of four of the pension oflice clerks who have been arrested for frauds 01 claimants are Mahone's appointees. The Boston Herald moralizes upon tbii. and shows that Mahonc. having demoralized the politics of Virginia, his henchmen were simply imitating their Doss. Au;sujta Chronicle: We see that beautiful poem. "The Georgia Volun. teer still going the rounds, credited to one M. A. D. Maxwell, ol California. The real author is Mrs. Mary Ashley Townser.d. of New Orleans. That eifted and noble lady should not be wronged in her art productions. At a meeting of the Baltimore Club, held rcccnUy, the matter or the objec tions to the invitation extended to the ilccliit Biernc to visit the rooms of the Clnb was discussed. A resolution was passed by a four-fifths majority to the effect that the objections raised did not meet the views of the members of the club and expressing regret that the in vitation was not sent. The president ot the club, Mr. Ilobert Kiddle Brown, voted with the majority, as did several of the board of governors. A correspondent of the Chicago Inter-'a-cum places the Ucpablican majority in Iowa this fall at 10.000. which goes to prove that the usual Republican tactics have been react Ud to In advance of the facts which will contradict them. "Lie like hell and stick to It was once Ike Young advice to tho party of moral iJeasand it b evident that they have not vet forgotten the advice nor how to carry It into eilecC LOCAL NEWS. llid TB IIW.ABYEtTlXtMlITX. TATOt 4&.000 Checks MewsMsttBsvorstee; ; ' ' W It Gacjtx Gum Camphor II tntiuon-Check Books C B Jerrys Midlines Repaired No cotton received at this port to. day. The City Court had nothing on .the docket to dispose of this morning. Quite a largo party went down the river this morning on the Iisport. on the excursion given by the Society ot the Second Baptist Church. 1 1 Remember the excursion on 4he rUssport to be given by the Fifth Street M. K. Sunday School to-morrow, and be prepared to go and have a pleasant time. The excursionists yesterday had a very plensant time until they arrived near the city on their return, when the shower burst upon them, and many got wet before they could reach home or a good shelter. . Great Closing: Out Sale, (toods will be slaughtered within the . nxl CO days in order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods-evcr brought to Wil mington. A I. Siirif.r, Reliable Clot hers, 114 Market St. tf. r E VOL. VII. 1 W ILMINGTOK N. C., WEDNESD AY, JULY 18, Co ml nir This flVay. A circus down South at this season ot. the year is a uovcJty. and yet Nathan' Co'a Circus is billed for an appearance at Norfolk on the 25th1 inst . and the Raleigh It'siter says that it will also soon thereafter be at Raleigh. Perhaps it may also come to Wilmington By aiocftillglit. The moonlight excursion to Federal Point, which was to hive taken place last night, but which was postponed on aacount of the vrcather.will be given to night and it is haped there will bo as many in attendance as the boat can well accommodate and as good a time as possible. j A fine assortment of Guns and'Pistols at Jaoobi's Hardware Depot- A New Paper. We have received the initial number of the Caswell 2Ymc! published at Point Caswell, j Pender county. Messrs O. O. -Toilers and W. E. Black. two vounz amateurs ambitious for journalistic lame. lortune and bard work. It is quite a readable sheet and we wish its editors the very tip-toppest of gl luck in their enterprise. A Nuisance. There is considerable well-founded complaint about cows with bells on being allowed to roam our streets at night. One gentleman was kept awake nearly all last night by just such a nuisance, and if the intolerable noise is permitted to continue he would like a load of those three pound paving stones dumped at his yard so that he can ex ercise himself during his enforced wakefulness by throwing them at the annoying cows. He (is a very peacea ble, law-abiuin? citizen, but he don't feel like being broken of his much need ed rest and sleep in such a manner without making a protest. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.low prices, at Jaoqbi.'s t For the .Liffht Infantry Boys. At the next Fair, of the Virginia State Agricultural Society which is to bo held in Richmond on the 31st of October, and 1st and 3rd ot November next, there is to be competitive drill of military companies who may be in at tendance, the judges to 1 be officers ot the United States Army. The military of the States of Virgiuia, West Vir ginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky. Tenuessee. Alabama and Georgia rc invited to participate in the drill and compete for the prizes offered, whichamountinall to $2,000. None but while companies are invited. The prizes are divided into two classes, the first being a prize of $1,000, in which, through courtesy, tho companies of Virginia will not compete. In tho second class the prizes are $500, $250, $150 and $100 respectively and are open to competition by all ithc com panies present excepting thoi company which wius the first prize of $1,000 Arrangements have been made with ncArly all the railroads by which transportation will be furnished at exceedingly low rates. Companies desiring to compete should notify Col. John B Purccll. Richmond, Va., at a? early a date as possible, and all arrange ments for quartering tho different com mands can be made by correspondence with Capt. A. L. Bargamin, Richmond, Va. ' I Wo hope .that our citizen . soldiery may bo induced to be on liacd on the 1st of ot November, the day the drill is tttake place and that some compa ny from North Carolina may be so per. Act in its drill and discipline as to be able to bring home'a prize. What say our soldier laddies. of the Wilmington Light Infatry? Will they make the efforf? Wo hope they will There is good material in the; corps, and the prize 13 worthy the trial.! ; Quarterly Meetings Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South. TXIIRD ROUND. - Brunswick at Bethel. . .July 21- Newton Grove Mission,! July i 29 Cokesburyat Bethany. J.... Aug 4- 5 Bladen ....... Aug 11-12 Clinton at Goshen..... .-..Aug 18 19 Elizabeth 'Aug 25.2G Whiteville v. - - Aug 25-20 Point Caswell at Pt Caswell Aug 23-29 Waccamaw M ission ........ .Sept 1- - Fair Bluff. f,1 Sr 9 Robt. O. BuktonJ P. E. Business Oittloek. Messrs. Norman & Everett. Mer chants. Baltimore, Md:, state that they have used Dt. Worlhingtons Cholera and Diarrhoea Medicine, and believe theroisno more valuable medicine. Cures Dyspepsia. ' - - To Builders and others Go to J a CO m'fl for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sires, and at the lowest prices. f - -' r, ., , - f i i . ' Destructive Fire. About 7 o'clock last evening, and wheu the storm which had been raging for over an "hour had considerably abated, a frame warehouse, containing about 200 casks of spirits of turpentine, on the naval store yard of Messrs. Woody & Currie, on South Water, between Orange and Ann streets, was struck by lightning, and in a moment. owing to the im 11a mm able nature ot the material, was wapped in a sheet of flame. The alarm was sounded and the Fire Department was promptly on haud, but such was the combustible nature of the material the fire spread to the adjacent yards and "; warehouses with irreat rapidity. Dense volumes of smoke rose from the blazing mass, and moved by a gentle Ncrlhwest wind, floated towards the Southeast until it hung like a great, sombre pall over nearly the entire city. The rain soon ceased to fall and hundreds . of our citizens thronged the streets to witness the sublime but tearful spectacle. The firemen worked with a will, but the largo quantities of rosin and turpentine stored in the different yards seemed to bid them defiance, and threatened lor a while that entire portion of tho city. Their efforts, however, aided by this resistinz effect of a high i and thick stone wall, prevailed and the flanies were gotten under control and finally extinguished, but not until property to the amount of $18,000 or. $20,000 had been destroyed, the most ot which was covered by insurance. We have been unable to learn the actual loss of any of the sufferers, but we arc satisfied that it was all fully covered by insurance, as the tollowing figures will show: Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. floating insurance on naval stores in Liverpool, London & Globe, $5,000 ; Scottish Union, $5,000; Lancashire, $5,000, and North American, $5,000. Mr. D. L. Gore, floating insurance in the North American, $500, besides insurance in the Phoenix of Brooklyn $500; Pamlico $500,and Liver pool, London Globe $1,000. W' J. Gore & Son on merchandise in the Wilmington Mutual $500. Paterson Downing & Co., naval stores, floating, Liverpool, London & Globe, $10,000; Connecticut $3,000. Harding Johnson & Co ..naval stores, floating; Liver pool. London & Globe, $3,000. George W. Williams & Co., naval stores, floating. Home $10,000; North British $10,000. E. Kidder & Son molasses, Imperial & Northern, $7,500. Woody & Currie, uaval stores, floating, Lan cashire, $7,000; North American $4, 000, Queen $2,500 and City of London $2,500. H. B. Eilers, in Hartford $1,500. Kenan & Forshce, salt,! North American, $2,000. W. G Fowler, of fice & scales. Ixmdon Assurance, $300. Fowler & Morrison, coal and wood, London Assurance. $1,200. Alfred Martin, warehouse building, Under writers $300 aud Wilmington Mutual $500. The several cowpauics are represent ed in this city by the following firms: Liverpool, London & Globe by J. W. Gordon & Bro. ; Scottish Union aud Connecticut by W. L. Smith & Co.; North American, I-ancashire, Home, London Assurance and Underwriters by Northrop '& Hodges; Pbcenix. North British, Imperial & Northern, Quecu, City of London and Hart ford by Atkinson & Manning; Pamli co by Martin S. Willa'rd. and the Wil mington Mutual by J. Kent Brown, During the early portion of last night the weather was cool and sleep was re res hi ng, but towards morning it grew perceptibly warmer. For the Review. Sewerage, Drainage, &c. On tho 12th Inst., there appear ed in the Star a short article on this subject which seemed to the writer a movement in the right di rection and not an hour too soon. In the closing paragraph of that paper is the following sentence: "Shall we have sewerage and drainage or cholera and yellow fever from the want of a system of healthy drainage and sewerage, c? We are a commercially employed people and seldom stop to think of the sanitary condition of our port until we are reminded by the ! destroying pestil ence, when it is too late ! ! -The, location of Wilmington upon high groundr sloping to the West and East, with the Cape Fear river on one side and Smith's Creek on the other, presents very great facilities for drain age. With all this in its favor, the streets, as a whole, are very; imperfect ly drained, as any ouserver win see uj riding over the city after a rain tstorin. Why is this ? Do not our "City Fathers" appreciate the necessity of drainage to secure health during this terribly hot weather ? Is there a differ ence of opinion between the Boards or Aldermen and Audit and Finance? We have understood there was some differ ence at one time bat not novr. Why :-y- r ' " I - ';v;i then should not the Board of Aldermen sure the streets cannot be dug up" be tween Jnly 1 and October 1, yet there are places that are to-day far more disease-creating than would be the excava tions of the streets for drainage. T&ke Fourth street, for example: In many places the water is ponded pn it to-day and comes under the sun's rays at a temperature of more than ninety de grees ! Again, the health onicers ana physi cians say there is no danger from open ing a ditch for sewer pipes 11 tney are covered od the same dav thsv are open ed. In this connection it is not out of place to call the attention of the Boards of Aldermen and Commissioners of Navigation and Pilotaseto the serious damasro that is almost daily being done to the harbor by the drift sand tbat is constantly carried into the river by the washinss of the streets.' Before, you are fully alive to this difficulty your harbor will be too snoaiiy to noat your ships. Your docks are now fast tilling up and the erlect will oe more serious x .... i than yen thins upon tne cnanneis. . an expense, we are told, of several hundred thousand dollars, had to dredge out her harbor, as the government of the United States refused to do anv work of that kind, caused by the washings of the streets. With a svstem of sewerage and drainage, snch r i . i , i i n . 1. t. as snouia oe nau iiere. an muse wasu- ings can be kept out of the river. I Shall it be done ? Prevention is far cheaper than cure. But health first and the savin? of a laree item for street re- Dai rs after every heavy rain and the preservation ot our deep water harbor the second. THE MAILS. Themalls close and arrive at the City Pos oflice as follows : CLOSE. Northern throusrh mails, fast ...7.15 P. M. Itonnern inroujta mm wy wans. Rnlehrh G.15P. M. and 5.40 A. M. .. . i i 1 . Mn K 1( M Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied 'therefrom includ- i lug A. & n. C. Railroad at I . t.00 P M. and 5.40 A. M Aniithrn Mnlla fnr all Doints South . ; daily 8.00 P.M. Wsatprn Tnatla fC C. KailwavVdailv. faTMntSundav) 6.15 P. M. ah Ttsilnha hatween Hamlet and Ral- eigb 6.15 P. M MaSf or Cheraw and Darlington Rail- i road 8.00 P. M HTniin tor nolnts between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M, v. vPt tvrillA and office, on Cane Fear River. Tuesdays and Fridays. .... ,1.00 P. M iPttvAttevillA. via. Lnmberton. dailv. excent Sunda vs. ...... 6.15. P, M. Onslnw C. H". and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smltnvuie majis, oy sieamuojn, uauy fexceut Sundays).......; ...8.30A. M Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shullntte ami Little Rive. Tues- davaand Fridays..; ....6.00 A. M Wriirhtsville. daily 8.30 A. M OPEN FOR DELIVERY. VnrthA.rn thrantrh and wav mails. .. .7.30 A. M Southern Mails. 7.30 A. M. naralina Central Railroad....: 9. 00 A. M Malls collected from street boxes business portion of city at 5 A. M., n.30 a.m. ana &.3 f, bx. ana rrom oiner puiuir ui iuc cny k Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. toXl M., and from 2 to 5.30 P. M. Money order and Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale, in small quantities at general delivery wncn stamp omce is exoseu. General delivery open from 7 A. MI 7.3JP.M, and n Sundays from 8.30 to 9.30 A. M. Carriers delivery open on Sunday from $.30 toC.30A.M. The celebrated Fish Brand Gills1 Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. i" DIED. BURNET r This morulnjt. luly 18th, 1883, .1 s ?n Wlr nf nnsnmnt(nn AMKIilA C BURNETT, wife of James J. Burnett, ascd 26 years, a raonins ami s ny. Sha leaves a husband and two children to mourn her loss. &tar copy J NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Moonlight Excursion ! rjlIIE MOONLIGHT EXCURSION WHICH was f ostponcd last night on account of the weather will take place to-night. JV Music and Refreshment, i . I !. r FishjSupper at Mayo's Restaurant at Feder al Toint. " The boat will remain one hour at Federal Point, where Surf Bathing and Turtle Egg i hunting can be indulged In. Fare GO cents. JNO. W. HARPER, GEO. N. HARRISS, julylS Managers Machines Repaired. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friends a4 the pnblic that I am prepared to repair Sewing Machines, guaranteeing low rates and good work and satisfaction in every particular. Orders left with me will receive prompt attention. C. K- JEVENS, july 18- tf ' 13 North Second 8treet Mayo's Restaurant, ; 1 pEDERAL POINT. IS NOW OPEN FOR tne reception of guesls. Meals furnished at all hours. Indies are especially invited to ?pend the day at Federal Point. Mrs. Mayo is personally In charge anQ will be pleased to entertain ladles and children. i July 11 wk WM. MAYO, Prop. Ladies' Satchels, fTlRTJNKS AND T RA YiLU N G BAGS all style. HARNESS ASD SADDLFRY, In endless variety. Carriages. Buggies, Phaetons, 8urry Wagons, Carts, Drays, Ac . . Mar Repairing promptly done At low rates. MCDOCGALL A BOWDES, july 16 ;- - - No- H North Front St. Vinegar, Salt, Molasses. JQ BRLS PURE CIDER VINEGAR 2,000 Striped Sax Liverpool Salt, 100 Bris Cuba and Port. Rico Molasses. ' -i - For tale by " July 1C KERCHNER A CALDER EROS. 1883. J l7Q J 5 O , O O O C h e c ks F OR THE BANK OF NEW HANOVER ASD THE FIRST NATIONAL. BANK. i Check are bound in Books of One Hundred i. . - - . and Two Hundred each. Price Fifty Cents per Hundred. ! . - I Also, NOTE,DRAFT and RECEIPT BOOKS 1 I BLANK BOOKS of all kinds. - I For sale cbeap at HEINSBERGER'S, . . i i -i-. ' July 1" j Live Book and Music Stores WE ARE PREPARED TO FU RNISH Mouldings, i Stair I Eail, OKNASUSNiAii huuh wukiv, i Balusters, Newel Posts,&c and Flooring. J. W. TAYLOR, llarrisoa Steam Saw and Planing Mills. july 16-lw, Foot Walnut St. Plour, Bacon, Lard, &c. 1 000 FLOURA u grades... M Tcs and Buckets LARD. I . 75 Bils Golden C, Ex C and Gran. Sugar, 100 Bags CofTee Various grades, 75 Brfs and Tcs Rice. For sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS, julylG I North WaterStrcet. 40,000 Checks RECEIVED TO-DAY. I TT-irVR T.f TIlOQRAPHED CliEOJtS for 1TSI I " National and Bank of Ne?-r Hanover, SO cnts per hundred; bound Books of ICO and 20D checks each. ; . SCHOOL BOOKS Such, as adopted by the I V! - ' State Board of Education, at xeasonable prices -july 16 - . ' C.W.YATES. Solid Comfort, rjpIIERE IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use or nerosne oioves. a cukwwbi, u using one, says: "With this we are imlepend- ent when 10ft without a servant." They are Gerna and firrcat JEconormsts." Jmcrent sizes and prices. Try one. r tT Pure White OH. julyJJ PARKER A TAYLOR. James J. Burnett, T)HOTOGRAPIIER, NEW MARKET BUILDING J I (Up Stairs) South Front St. Photographs. i Dozen $1.50 3for50ccnts; Ferrotypes. Respectfully notifles the public that he is i prepared to do all work in his ltne.jiromptJy and at low in ices A call is solicitcc may 19 Arrived. 1 A CARGO OF THE FINEST KENNEBEC v 1,1 XT THE we have ever received. Order Barrel, Hogshead or Car Load, and It, will be nunnrirtr to anvrou nave ever secn uiau- ttolve perfect actogVl3 &lSQy Wanted. .!.!' I i "I - T Y A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO J3 stablish a manufactory thereon, well-timber i r ' . ed cypress lands. Parties who may have such i lands to dispose of are requested to commonJ- , - . . . cate, with me at Wade6boroor by letter with Mr. Joh T. James, at Wilmington in person, j Full prrtculars'as to exact location of lands, j number of acres, probable yield of timber to the acre and lowest price, must be made known, i apl 19-tf JOHN T. PATRICK, State Immigration Agent, i . Wadesboro, N. Cotton Seed For Planting. BUSHELS GOOD 500 PLANTING SEED. FOR SALE AT WIHard's. may I2-tf PACIFIC GUANO. Jdstjreceived and for sale, ! SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, j I . ." ;j AND '':y; ' ' Dissolved BonePhosphate. We never have had the JUrst complaint of these Fertilizers not bringing aproflUble crop See omSCountry Agents. ' ! ,L i 1 ALEX. SPRUNT: SON. fb MW' - - Old Newspapers R SALE VERY CHEAP. Apply to Tins;ojFicB PLEAS S- KOTJCS. ! Ya win be glad to receive comraunlcatlois .from our friends on any and all subjects o 1 ; . i II,- general Interest but :-'- . . I jj ' The name of the writer xnnst always! be ta . 'nlshed to the Editor. . -:" ! . ' Communications most be written os si. one side of the paper. Personalities most be avoided. And It Is especially and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always endox the correspondents unless so state in me euitoruu cominm. .. :- ,1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE SEASHORE i ! HOTEL BRUNSWICK ! SMITnVILLE, N. C. SEASIDE HOTEL! WRIG HT3 VrLIE, N. C. B. Li. PERRY, Proprietor. , rflHESE TWO SUMMER RESORTS WILL be open MONDAY, MAY 28, ' ThAlTnll Rninwir.t. at SmithvUlc. la 23 miles below Wilmington, and accetyUDio uy two first class steamers, making tro i tris daily. . . ,. " ' The Seaside Hotel Is situated In a large grove , ees for families, and within 7 miles of Wll- minfrtAn n tlii. Ifl1 nfi linn Mhn I If Attll IllA best In the Southern country. 1 ' BOTH HOTELS I? FULL VIEW OF THE i "i OCEAN. Gool surf and still water bat ulnar. Every variety of Fish, and abundance f Oysters, Clams and Crabs. I Spacious Bail Jtoonss. wun flue isand ci. Music. . 1 Ten pin Alioya, Billiards and Bar. ff Terms molerate. i may ' x GTJNS AND CUTLERY A FINE ASSOTMENT OF Muzzle and Breech-Loader I -' i I -i ;. !;'; : Guns, j 1 Revolversand Amrpuniion I I iiiniuw i j j j i SIIVEU PLATED SPOONS : & FORKS i A VEKY LiAUUlS VAlUi-iTX Ul Pocket Kniyes, Table Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at ; ! N. JACOBI'S, ! I ' HARDWARE DEPOT, decV-Mf No. 10 South Front 8t .-nrtTninnn 9 rtr p T BBID&ERS & 00.! J- XFXHXUUJM v iuYl ALWAYS HAVE ON HAND A Choice Selectio I of- Crocerie Dm WINES, LIQUORS. & CIGARS THE FINEST IN NORTH CAROLINA. If not convenient to come yourself,' letters j . - - - I ' " i . -h will be promptly and satisfactorily answered. I " . v . ! S I - i Satisfaction guaranteed to every one, wueth cr tie be Merchant, Soldier or Sailor P. L. BRIDGEES & CO. 1 lO Krtli Front St. July 16 Wev Hats, CONSISTING OF COLORED CHIPS. Unc Colored Milans, "Sea-shells', white acd colored, also the popular Shade Hat, - Nankin or "Japanese ".and a variety of other styles, Just received and for sale by - ( SliM. KATE V. WISES. joly9 No. 119 North Second St .reel Our Glass Fly Traps! i; Something New I fJlHE CLEANEST FLy TRAP ON THE market. ' ! ' ." ' 1 Giles & Diurcliison. Jnly 9 7 North frontSt City and Country Merchants T AM 8ELL1NG- f '' !! X Primo New York Butter, Kirkman'a Celebrated Soapf, - i Virginia. Water Ground Meal, I North Carolina FtmUr Flour, and ' U. Fate t ramliy kur. n i At botu.m prices. Car load or maH order aolicild. ' ! ' " i K. 0. BLAIH. ' , Coin mis km Merchant. July II 10 South Second Strt-rt Gum Camphor. Combs, Brushes. Extracts, I Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, Ac. WILLIAM n. GREEN. DrojrMst. jnly 5 .117 Market street