I i i I : THIS FA FEB Sundays eepted by JOSH T. JA3IKS, tptr? aso raorirro. .rircmPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: rr I Six ninth. $2.00. Ttre .k il.0O: One boou, ccdm. iC ci!r ITtm1 by eanlers free j f Jl,. u any part of the etty. at the aWe lvrrWcuprw i ,Vbrt" will report uy ad all f-, t TtrtUt Uxlx paper rryuUrly. , 7?. Dciil Review htix the. largest Moobllght and Feasting. circulation kf any nactpapcr j Thc moonlight excursionists to Fetl , i.. " 'u!!?'jf j cral I'oiot.on tho Passport, last ni-ht. have liltcil tlown-j what doc our esteemed o'ca: oJ - ; V to it in the editorial anatomy? , ' Western crank, bearing the u ....,tivc name of Loan. advertises in a Chicaso newsrP1" he w,n one tfc. uInd dollar to any mob who will :cch a white man for murdering a hc xro. IVrhars hcre nrc some localities ja ;hc Sjuth where tho money might be arret! without the trouble and risk of cvir.iuitlios the murder alluded to. but ! . n.jrcasua. Mr. Lgn would mc to be there. LOCAL NEWS. iH3tl TO W AOYf RTIStMEHTt. x It4 ti.wl Clivk u ni-I.'-uic Hiys w II iKi iiwu Campiior t.t j'i;i:if.i.2 Cbek IUjoIk w K t Sx let Ice Ice Kt..4ti. an-l f Honor Locaf4 , n Ki Krit.it. Frr'l Annual Mectlnr luy us Utn excursion week. KuU rut'3 to-iii?hl at Hi minutes s::w r l'a:cd Spoons and Forka.low l..O.?lt.lACOBI.S t Tt:e rain it raineth every daynd very i Lc.i.too. at night. H.e l itv Court was withont a case ts i! d'Kket this morning. The U,t watermelons iu market now j c.:uiaar.l from 40 to 50 cento each. ! 1 he jjrape crop is n earing thc market an 1 it will probably be on band next ntk. Mr. Ceorge R. Dyer, of the firm cf ler & Son, leaves to-oight 'on a btni ns trip to New York. Cantciopcs still command astonishing j j.rices, notwithstanding the met mat they are coming iu frcciy. Knights and Ladle ofllonor. Regular meeting this (Thursday) eve ning. Full attendance desired. It t.i . ;.4 the wwt when so much of its . ei.ui..t. uuw 1;;,;;at WayncsTiCc, had notlliethc supervision or Mrs. Mayo, was alj Vrio J Morning Star remained in tho ; that could be desired, and was heartily Wadcsboro 7Ymcs. enjoyed by about 50 guests who sat The next sesiion of the North Caro; j oo HppiC3 there being 8 in one bunch iioa Pharmaceutical Association illan,- each in thc other two. In the meet in this city on Wednesday, Augut j orcnard of Mr. T K. Colvin there is a ll- - tree with two bunches containing 8 on The excursion on thc rassport of the j each bunch. j Fifth Street M. Sunday School, this ; William, aged about 10 years, son of raorcing. was largely attended, as j KcdarRannerman, colored, was drown- might have been expected. Cattle, horses and dogs sutler greatly this weather. An abundant supply of rood water is one ot thc things they should bo provided with. m i To day has been decidedly cooler and uiurc comfortable for humanity, who have been sweating and sweltering un .der the torrid heat of thc past week. Thcro was a cow with a bell on iu the j pound to-day, but whether it was the cow or not mentioned by us yestdrday is a question wc arc unable to answer, mm -...1 r .!, ot-. ZwiiIL ."riiBton& Holders ol the Wilmington. Clinton A. Pt. Caswell R. R. will bo held in tho Uwnot Cliutonon Wednesday, Au gust 1st. - Thc weather programme last night for a good sleeping entertainment was all that could bo desired, was fuHy car ricd out and was enjoyed by an appre ciative and long-suffering public. Mr. Henry Wcstcrmann. ot the firm ot E. Pcschaa A Wcstermann. has taken his family to spend the remainder of the hot weaker at his delightful country residence in tho vicinity of Old Fort. N. C. ' The railroad rates for thc Ixuisville exposition have not yet been issued, but are expected in a few flays. Tho exposition wilt continue 100 days from August lt. Quite a number of Wil miogtonians talk about attending. There are many sun-spots now. and with a piece of smoked glass they can be seen with the naked eye. The sun- prophet to predict cyclones. It is in- deed probable that the 'heated termM will bo wound up with a blow. ; tu tv., j Newbera Journal: the Atlantic Fire Company ii"in receipt i o the Chief of the Fire Department at Wilmington stating tfiat they are preparing to give give the Atlantic a genuine fireman's reception. It will undoubtedly be a pleasant trip, and we hope a creditable display will be made. A fine assortment of Guns and Pistols at Jacodi's Hardware Depot. t ' r V UJL. Y 11. , . r. . V down to tho table. What, we Neeil There are t o onranlzations ' which ouht to be crcatctl arid legalized lor this city.! Tho first is a society Tor the prevention of cruelty children and he other a society for the prevention of cruelly to animals. Some children, especially of the colored race, are beat en unmercifully upon the least provo cation by their cruel und unnatural parents. As it is with children, so it j with horse?, mules and other dumb animals. Such societies as !wc have indicated would have a plenty of woik to do and not transcend its legitimate dutie?. . i 'T Clinton Ft. Caswell ltK. The Board of Directors of the Clinton ! & Point Caswell 1L IS. were in session I here this morning. Report from the Engineer, a to the kmouut of grading j already done at both emU of the line. i were received and found very satisfac It was ordered that an addition"! tory. jai assessment ; of 10, per cent, on the j stock be called for ! We understand from Capt. Paddison, i l who has recently been over the line, ' that the people everywhere are in ex. jceHent spirits over the prospects of the I early completion of this road, and that the assessment calleil for from them has been pretty generally paid. Bladen County. ro RQ esteemeU correspondet t and I sooscriuer. living at iiagruuer, mauen county, we gather thc following inter- csting items: Ou tho morning" o the ISlh inst. Mrs. J. N. Corbctt found one o hex chickens, which was about a week old, with its feet and body in a hole. Swith only ils head and neck above ground. wn5cJt lbey found when they extricated it, had been carried there by an enor mous spider that was nearly as large as j thc top ot an ordinary teacup. Fruit is very fine' in tnat section. There i are three buncbes'of apples in Mrs. M. ! M. Gavlor's orchard whici contain in cd on Sunday last at the river landing of Messrs K. Sessoms fc bon. by being pulled into tho stream by an older and larger boy. The former could not swim. j Mr. II. W. Beatty has about 10 acres j ot chufas which are reported as being j unusally fine All crops are reported i in good condition. Eating A good deal has Lemons. been said through jjhe papers about the healthfulncss of j lemous. The latest advice as to how i to use them so they will do the most Igood runs ai follows: Most pcoplo know the benefit of lemonade before L . breakfast, but few know how it is more than doubled by taking another at night. Thc way to get t bilious system without he better of a Hue pills or quinine, is to take the juice of one.; two or three lemons, as the appetite craves, in as much ice-water as makes it pleas ant to drink, without sugar, before going to bed. In tho morning, on ris ing, or at least ball 'an hour before break Hrst.take the juice of one lemon in a goblet of water. TTiis will clear the system of humors and bile, with mild efficacy, without any of tho ' weakening effects of calomel or congress water. People should not irritate tho stomach by eating lemons" clear; tho powerful acid of the juice, which is almost corrosive.infallibly produces inflammas Uon alter a whilo, but property diluted, so that it does not burn or draw the throat, it does its full medicinal work without harm, and when tho stomach is clear of food has abundant . qppor- tunity to work on tho system thorough- Great Closing Out Sale. Goods will be slaughtered within the nxt CO davs in order to make room for of lbe larScst antd ? ! anJ Winter ana iinesi oiocxs ui ing and gents famishing goods eycr brought fo W ii- mington. A l. aniur.iu Clothers. 114 Market St. Tho muskets for the Smithville Light Infantry have arrived, here ; and will be shipped to their destination to morrow, ' i 1 WILMINGTON. N. C THURSDAY. JULY 19, 1883.. Kxports Foreign . Ger. brig Hermann Friedrickz, Capt. Niejahr. cleared to-day for Cork, Ply mouth or Falmouth for orders with 1.CO0 ci&ks spirits turpentine and 304 barrels rosin, valued at $27,311, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Spriint & Son. 1 To Inspect Black lilver. We understand that later in the seas son lion. Wharton J. Green, Congress man from this district, will visit this city and will go from here in company with Capt. R. V. Paddison, and one or two other gcntlemen.up the entire length of Black River, with a view to discov cring what work may be necessary to wards making it navigable at all sea sons of the year, preparatory to a move in Congress next winter for Govern ment aid. Remarkable. James Colvin, colored, who lives near Point Ca3we'l. Pender county, cele brated his C9th birth-day on Tuesday, the 17th' inst., by a grand dinner. There were present 40 children and grand children, and there were 22 absent. It is said of the old man, by those who have been acquainted wxth4 the history ot his lilc. that he was nevier intoxica ted, never has a fight and was never dieted, but had always been a clever, honest and industrious man. Sensational. There is evidently a first class jokist somewhere in the telegraph ofllce in this Jcity. lesteruay sAetoi ua uuservcr j says: "News was received here yes j terday afternoon that a large fire was j rasing at Wilmington and that the op- TOO , I erators were about to be driven out of i the telegraph oflice. Later news was to the effect that a ro3in yard belong ing to Williams & Murchison was burning near the market dock." What a magnificent sensational item this would have made for a New York pa per! Good AVorktnausliIo. there is at Mr. George A.. Peck's store, on South Front street, a set of plane stocks, such as are used by car penters, that are a long distance ahead of anything of the kind we have ever seen. They are of lignum vita?, the hardest kind of wood to work, and were made entirely by ' hand by Aft:. William Kllis, a ship carpenter, of this city. In point of workmanship they arc fully equal to those made by ma chinery and imported from the North, while in point of durability, there can hardly be a comparison. Rut what we wanted mostly to say was that there are mechanics in this city equal to the very best, and we want to see them en couraged by fostering industries which will give them lucrative employment and that prominence .vhich their skill demands. ! Moore's Creek Jtems. A kind friend and subscriber at Moore's Creek. Pender county, who signs himself "Tnstraur." sends us the following items: The crops, after a hard struggle ou thc part ot the farmers with the grass, are looking finely and bid fair to pay thc toiler lor his labor. The people are independent, with plenty ot hog and hominy, and now, with an abundance j of fruits, mclous, buttor, milk &c, they j arc happy. Hawks are making serious depredations on chickens. Mrs Henijelta Murphy, daughter-in-law of Mr. David Murphy, of Cumberland county, is in the Moore's creek section, from her home in Texas, on a visited to friends and relatives. She is a most estimable ladv. Miss Belle Alderman, m com pany with Miss Cornelia Alderman, i of Wilmington. left oa the 17th inst. for a visit of a month or two to Mr. Owen Alderman, Jr., in South Carolina. It is rumored that Mr. John R. Pad dison, of Pt. Caswell, contemplates re moving to Georgia and he is now ab sent in that State on a prospecting trip. Mr. E. S. Alderman, of Wilmington, is announced ' to preach at Moore's Creek Chapel on the 21st inst. Rev. W. M. Kennedy, of Duplin county, has been called to the pastoral care of the church, and will bo there 6n' the first Sunday In August. 1 Haze Alderman, one of the oldest and most respected colored men in Pender county, died a few days since. He was well known in all this section as "Old Uncle Haze. Air. C. II. Robinson returned to the city night beforo-last. alter an absence of a, few weeks on a visit to iriends and relatives in Vermont. Capt. F. G. Robinson, who accompanied him re mains lor the present at Bennington. im m i -The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 40 balea. i The Telegraphers! .Strike. if.. r ! All of the operators of the j Western Union Telegraph office in this city struck work to-day at 12 o'clock, in conseqence of the demands of the com mittee from the Brotherhood, made in New York, on Monday last, not having been complied with. Mr. W. H.v Ster ling, the Manager, is the only man left who can manipulate the wires, and he ha3 been as busy to-day as it is possible for one man to want to be. He has only the boys with him. . j! ! -The strike does not embrace the op erators alongs the fine of the railroads, who are also the agents of the compa nies at the respective points, not those inthe offices in thecily; but it is un derstood that the sympathies of; the entire fraternity .are Jwith the striking operators. What the issue -will be it is difficult at thi3 time to foresee, although we think that a jcompromise must be effected very soon from thevejy nature of the fact that the demand of the telegraph first class service and this performed by other than public will companies cannot be first class operators who must be found within the ranks of tho Brotherhood. A week, or less, will therefore probably decide the dispute. As for the strikers, it is said that they possess abundant means in the general treasury to sustain themselves and families for three months, should need be. Death of Mr. Luther, Bridjrers. ; We regret to announce the death of Mr. Luther Bridgers. son of Hon. R. R. Bridijers, of this city, which occur red at Henderson , N. C., on the night of the 16th inst. Mr. Bridgers j was about 23 years ot age, was unmarried and had -been in declining health for a yearand a half, suffering from that dread disease, consumption. His ulti mate recovery, while hoped for," was not expected, but it was net thought that his end was so near until the sad intelligence was received from Hender son, where he had gone to spend the Summer, that he was dyin?. His re mains were interred at Hefiderson yes terday, whither his" afflicted relatives in this city have gone to attend the obse quies. ' ," v The iron front for Messrs Brown & Roddick's new store has been.cast aud is being hauled to the building to be ready when wanted. It was cast at the foundry of Messrs Hart, Bailey & Co., of this city.. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t I a DIED. YOUNG July 18th, 18S3, Mrs. CELESTE MA. YOUNG, relict of thc late Armand D. Young. . " Friecds and acquaintances of tho family are inTlted to attend the funeral to-morrow morning at 10 o'cloc k, at St. James Church, thence to Oakdale Cemetery. NEW A DVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. ; rpwo ROUTE BOYS rOK THE DAILY RtfVIEW; one for what 1 known as the "Down town Route i "Dry Pond Route." office. and the other for the 1 Apply at once at this ! July 19 I C E. in i o o m July 19 VT. E. DAVIS & SON OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, WILMING TON, CLINTON & POINT CASWELL R. TL i ""-.- -it t. .WILMIXGTON, N. C, July 19, 1885. . HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stock- ; 'I holders of the Wilmington. Clinton & Pout Caswell Rail Road wT.l be held In the town of Clinton on Wednesday, August 1st. . F. W. KESCHNER, Prraldent, july 19-lt Star and Caucasian copy It Solid Comfort. rjlHERK IS SOLID COMFORT IN THE use of Kerosene Stoves. A customer, who Is tuinz one. says: "With this we are Independ ent when left without a servant. Ther are Gems and great "Economists. Different txes and price. Try one. V Pure White Oti. July 9 PARKER A TAYLOR. James J. Bnrnett, -pHOTOGRAPHER, r NEW MARKET BUILDING, (Up Stairs) South Front SU Photographs'. Dozen tL50 Ferrotypes 2 for 50 rent Respectfully notifies the public that he is prepared to do all work in his line, promptly and at low pi Ices. A call Is solicited. -. may 19 - - . :'- NO. 171 i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Machines Eepaired. WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friend an4 the public that II am prepared to repair Sewing Machines, guaranteeing low rate? and good work and satisfaction in every particular. Orders left with me will receive prompt attention. C K JEVENS, - july 13 tf . , 13 North Second Street Mayo's Eestaurant, JpEDEBAL POINT. IS NOW" OPEN FOB tne reception of guests. Meals furnished at aU hours. Ladies are especially invited to .fpend tne dav At Federal! Point. Mrs. Mayo li personally in charge and will be pleased to J entertain ladiea and children, r .. I july 16-1 wk . WM. MAYO, Prop. Ladies' Satchels, m BUNKS AND TRAVELLING BAGSftUJ styles. HARNESS AND SADDLERY, in endless variety. Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Surry Wagons, Carts, Drays, &c. , t&r Itepalring promptly done at low rates. McDOUGALL A BOW'DEN, july 16 -' No. IU North Front St. j V n egar, Salt, Molasses. Q BRLS PURE CIDER VJNEGAR 2.OC0 Striped Sax Liverpool Salt, 100 Br Id Cuba and Porto Rico, Molasses. For eale by i l July 1C KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. 5.0,000 Checks -pOR THE BANK OF NEW" HANOVER AND THE FJRST NATIONAL BANK. . Checks are bound la Books of One Hundred and Two Hundred each. Price Fi my Cents par Hundred. ; i i ' Also, NOTE,DRAFT and RECEIPT BOOKS I - : " ! ' I BLANK BOOKS ot all kinds. ' ; ',' ' . For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S) . -,i ,- i i , july 17 1 Live Book and Music Stores ; i . '.I1' WjE ARE; PREPARED TO FURNISH! Mouldings, Stair Rail, ORNAMENTAL WrOOD WORK, 1 - , :!7I. Balusters, Newel Posts,&c Also have a full stock of Seasoned Ceiling and Flooring. J. W. TAYLOR, HafrUon Steam Saw and Planing Mills. july lC-lw Foot Walnut St. Flour, Bacon; Lard, &c. 1 000 FL0URAn Rradcs- ' 100 Boxes D. S. SIDES. AO Tcs and Buckets LARD. 75 Brls Golden C, Ex C and Gran. Sugar, nw Bags coflee various grades, 75 Brla and Tea Rice. For sale by KERCHNER & CALDER BROS, july 16 j North Watertreet. ICE ! ICE ! T WOULD RESPECTFULLY ICE! NOTIFY th citizens and the public generally, that I have laid in a full supply of choice ICC and am ful ly prepared to till orders to all points on Rail Roads and Rivers, and hope to secure a rea sonable share of patronage. I II' m B. H. J. AUBEN3, Proprietor , apl 13-dAw 3m New Ice House. 40,000 Checks RECEIVED TO-DAY, F IKE LITHOGRAPHED CHECKS for First National and Bank of New Hanover, .V) cents i i - ! , ! ' per hundred ; bound Books of 100 and 203 checks each. j. SCHOOL BOOKS Such as adopted by the State Board of Education, at leason&ble prices " july IS C. W. YATES. Wanted. jgY A COMPANY WHO PROPOSE TO stablish a m&nutactory thereon, well-timber ei cyprees lauds. Parties who may have such lands to dispose of are requested to communi cate, with me at Wadesboroor by letter with Mr. Joh T. James, at Wilmington m person. Full prrtculars as to exact location of lands, number of acres, probable yield of timber to ' ! - i i - i ----- the acre and lowest price, must ' be made known. ; apl lS-tf JOHN T. PATRICK, State Immigration Agent, I Wadesboro, N. Cotton Seed For Planting. gQQ BTJSHEL8 GOOD ' I " PLANTINO SKRD. FOR SALE AT WiHard'o. may 12 it Old Newspapers - JpOR SALE VERY CHEAP. " App1yto - PLEASE NOTICE. -; .... - ;. . :, -, .. i . We will be glad to recelre communication from our friends on any and all general is tercet but . . . ; . j cabjects of The name of .the writer must alwara be fni niahed to the Editor. Communication must be writtes on oaf one tide of the paper. j Personalities must be avoided. 1 And It la especially and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always endoi the riews of correspondents unless o state In the editorial coluana; .1 I f . NEW ADVERTISIMENTS. THE SEASHOBE HOTEL BRUNSWICK : SMITH VILI.E. N. C. S J SEA-SIDE HOTEL ! WRIGHTS VILLE, N. i "'-.' 'I i. j ..I C. JB.L. PJEKUr, Proprietor. HI 11! . TIIE3E T"YO SUMMER RESORTS WILL be open MONDAY, MAY 28. ' ' . ; " The Hotel Brunswick, at Smithvlllcl I 23 miles -below : Wilmington, and accessible 1 byT two first class steamers, making, two triim daily. - . ' - - j :ji -i The Seaside Hotel ia situated in a Urge grove on Wrightsvllle Sound; Is compowd of icotU i ges for families, and within 7 miles of Vil-J mington, ai, tho head of a fine Shell, Road, the i best In tho Southern country. v i U- I I BOTH HOTELS IN FULL OCEAN. VIEW Of THE ! Gooil surf and still water bathlnir. Everyi.variety of Fiah, and abiindanre cf Oysters, Clams ami Crabs. - I ' !i Spacious Ball Rooms, with tine Bands of Music' ! : - I Tcn-nin Alleys, Billiards and Bar, mr Terms moieraie. mav25 ! ' t GUNS AND CUTLERY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF' Muzzle and Breech-Loader Guns, ' l ) A' Revolvers and 'Ammunition. SILVER PLATED1 ' -ij. '. SPOONS FORKS, A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF Pocket Knives, H l Table Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at ' j N. JACOBFS i HARDWARE DEPOT, dectf No. 10 South Front St P. L. BRIDGEES & 00., ALWAYS HAVE ON HAND ii J of A Choice Selection Groceries. WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS THE FINEST IN NORTH CAROLINA. - If not convenient to come yourself, letters will be promptly and satisfactorily answered. Satisfaction guaranteed to everyone, wheth er he be Merchant, Soldier or Sailor. P. L. BRIDGERS & 00. HO North Front 8t. july 16 PJew Hats, -1 i CONSISTING OF COLORED CHIPS, KinA fVklnpo Milan 2o .. . 'l colored, also the popular Shade Hat. Mnnkln or ''Japanese ",and a variety of other itjW, just received aul for sale by 1 t MRS. KATE C WINES. july 9 No. 119 North Second trt-ct. Our Glass Fly Traps I ; Something New I mil E CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE X - -1 ' market. Giles & Murchison. july 9 . r North Front fet City and Countrv Merchants I AM SELLING Prime New York Butter. - ' Kirk man's Celebrated Soaps, Virginia Water Groaod Meal. North Carolina Familr Floor, ami At bottom prices. Car load or small orde i solicited. E. G. BLAH, i ' . - Commission Merchant. July It ' 10 South Second Street H Gum Camphor, i 'i j "Jl TELLIN'S FOOD, J '. oomu, unuurs, inracu, i . joop, Puff Boxes, &c, etc. W1LLIAH IL GREEN. DrugjrUt, 1 Julys. . 117 lltrket tetrect

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