THIS PAPER .J! every evening. Sunday eepted T JOSH T. JA3IES, ex , CttHTIONS POSTAGE PAII , r 1 4. on. g! months -. Three m ntr will be delivered by ctrtVn free t la ny Part of the city. t the above ,.ibu. w : 0r u ecu- - . iTclL'MXrurm ,,-uberttr will report My all fU- revive their PPr rcgulyly. The Daily fieri' u ha the Uiryist tX fM circulation, of cny newspaper P&vh&L in the cily of Wilmington. Vs: Tl Iach. n prominent atl&J year. died very suden ll Iit Tuesday In Charlotte county, Virginia. The army-worm has made its appear in the northern sections of Lan caster county. Pa., in larje number?, an.! is coraniittins ravaget in the tobnrco fie!d5. The Arctic raspberry is odq of the sn:alc5t plants known A six-ounce via. will hold the whole plant, branches, ;,-avt. and all. Alexander Hamilton's monument in Ti:r-;ty c'uurchyard is crumbling away. A' . iher, and more imposing shaft, is uVt.t to bocrocUMl By his relatives. - '. Ui Saturday creoing. near Helena. Ark. twoculontl nen, onearrued with ; :.u-.trt and tho other wilh a rifie. !vu.h: a dud nt twenty pace. Both .v, re mortally wounded. S S. Chamberlain, who will condor.1 Insyitch, the new American paper m 1'arK is a son of Ivory Chamberlain, mazy years a writer on the World an 1 t!;c Ik raid, of New York. ii.'iirii location of aoace for the American exhibition at Boston, was ilued last Monday. There are over .. vijit.l nnlift! inn t t t!l rpun-- 1 -vutiu every Etate in the Union. Ihereiian catinghouscatNcw York whvre ccilec is sold at a cent a cup, and iacv.i and stews at three or four cents :i !au. There are also two saloons ! tfU:i beer is sold at a cent a glass. in the table land3 of Southwestern Arizona, at altitudes of 8.000 to 1C.0CO jctt. a species of wild jotato grows which is said to be sujcrior in taste and tUrur to the best cultivated potatoes. In a debate in Parliament recently upon Taccination. Dr. I4yon Pliyfair poWiUd out that 80 ye'arrf ago small pox claimed 1,000 out of every l.OOO.iKHi of the population, while to-day it curries j off but An adventurous traveler has perform ctl the feat of walking across thc entire continent of Australia, a distance of -.GO miles, in 1C0 days. Sometimes. fully lOO miles intervened bftwin hu-; man habitation.. - , a T . : A duii Eiwnuy wmjuuuB uSu,w.. , hopi, the army worm U gnawing Pcnn sykania tobacco and pestiferous insects of various kinds are destroying vegeta bles and fruits. Iet science destroy f hee destroyers. The huge blocks of atones will soon Ixin to pile up on the Washington monument again, and the work ought not to be interrupted until the structure reaches completion at a height of 555 feet, in the autumn ot I31. A German weekly paper in tho iuter st of German trado and immigration has been establish! in flie City of Mexico. Tho Two Republics, the organ of thc American interest, has been en larged, and will appear daily hence forth. John II. ParneH's peach orchard at Wcit Toint, Ga is tho largest in the world. The trees aro planted upon dif ferent fclopcH. so that when all are bear ing a crop Is certain in one place or an other every year. There areISj.OOO trees. District Attorney Corkhill says there is more perjury committed in Wash ington than in any city ho knows of, in proportion to area, population. &c. There is nothing surprising in . this. Thc curso follows everywhere upon tho heels of Radicalism. Within thc past four years U.500 acres of land in and around Charlcraont. on LhoJamcj river, Virginia, have been old In farms ranging from twenty to three hundred acres to a thrifty class of Northern and Western people. They are prospering beyond their .expecta- tions and delighted wilh the promise for ; the future. . i l.fVtf.&TO barrels of flour. "These." said the Tribune's statistician, "if piled one above the other, end to end. would reach ISO miles. The flour would make about 405.255.000 loaves of bread, the ordinary ue of bakers loaves. These, piled in a pyramid, would make roughly calcu lated, a square pyramid with a base 300 feet squire and with a height of nearly J.000 fet:.- 1 H VOL. VII. President Arllinr has accepted an invitation to be present and formally open the Louisiana Exposition August 1st. ! The New York MUt. commcntinj? upon tho Polk case in Tennesse iays: A more disastrous failure of justice than his cuApo from rigorous punish ment is hardly to be conceived." Is it possible that the Mail has already for gotten Oakes Ames and Schuyler Col fax and Babcock and Dorsey and all of the rest of the Star Routers. It's memory must icdeed need refreshing. JLOCA' L .VIEWS. IKDEX TO nVM ADYE RTI SEM N TS. Vatks 10,000 Checks W 11 Guxex Gum Camphor Heimsdebuer Check Books Silver Plated Spoons and Forks, low prices, at Jacohi.'s j t Nathans and (Jo's circus is to show in i Weldon on the 2Clh. Bev. Thomas W. Brown arrived this city last night on a visit to his fam ily and friends. i r 1 Steamboatmnn report the water in I conduct. $5 or 20 days in the city pris the Capo Fear as vrrv low .! and stil !on- "e went below. - www virgin i l 1 failing. A colored woman drunk onv Market street was an bominable sight thisj ! morning. It was at Henderson ville, and not at j i Henderson, that Mr. Luther Bridgers ( i died. The former is in the mountains and the latter is in the East; but they are both called Henderson by the natives Cape Fear Ixnlge, No. 2. and Orion Lodge. No. G7. 1. O. O F., will meet i in joint session at Odd Fellows Hall at o ociock idw cvvnins iu wvicuiuu,. Grand Master James F. Payne, ot Monroe, who will be present Capt: J.M. McGowan, of the "Old North State Saloon." No. G So. Front street, reminds the readers of tho ! Review, in an ad. in to-day's j issue that he is still dispensing his famous 'Cool Draught Becri" and that he is - selling tho celebrated "Werner Cham pagne." said to bo the purest and beat : in tho country. For Pocket Knives or Table Cutlery, ! t;o to Jacobi's Hardware Depot, t Ktilfflits of Honor, The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Hpnor of this State meets with the Greensboro Ixdge in August next. i.m.WfM. rnnrrvnttri?r everv . -ifcw w - v: lodge in thc State, will bo present. The Patriot says that the Odd Fellows have kindly tendered the use . of their elegant and capacious hall and the meetings of tho Grand IxdgQ will bo held there. Arrangements have been perfected with fhe Ben bow House for the entertainment of 'the delegates. Liefflon of Honor. - Mr. N. Jacobi arrived home last uight from Tarboro, where he has been in attendance at thc meeting of the Grand Council ot North Carolina, of the American Legion of Honor, which convened at that place oa Tuesday eveuing, the 17th inst. Mr. Jacobi was Grand Commander of Uiis State, and presided over the deliberations ot the body. There was a fair attendance and a large amount ot work was accom plished in tho short time' of the session. Mr. Jacobi declined a re-election, but was complimented by a rising vote of thanks for tho assiduity, zeai and fideli ty wilh which ho had discharged the arduous and sometimes perplexing du ties of his office during the year. It is proper also to state here that every de cision made by him as Grand Com mander of the Slate was sustained by the Grand Cod ricil of thq State : P. G. C Natli'J Jacobi. Wilmington G. C R. II. Lyou, Elizabethtown G. V. C II. Morriss. Tarboro. G. O. -J. F. Payne,-Monroe. G. S. J. I. Macks, Wilmington G.T. W. H. Snyder, Rocky Mount. G. C A. H. McLcod, Lumberton. G. G. C. O. Mercer, Charlotte. G.W. Jo?. Schwcrin. Newbern. S. Jas. A. Newman. Greenville. The next meeting of tho Grand Conn- cil was appointed to oe in iew wm, the first Tuesday in August, c. ; Goods will bo s iuBu,viv.. .fnrM Within thfl ! next CO days in order to make room for ono of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents r.,M;Atn9 rorwls ever brought to Wil- 1U1 U uui"o to " mfni-ton. A I. SlIUIER, Reliablo Clotbers; 114 Market St if. A fine assortment of G.ona and Pistola at Jacobi8 Hardwar Depot. -t WILMINGTON. N. C, FRIDAYi JULY 20j 1883. Something Remarkable. ; u c were shown j a piece ot black walnut board to-day which was evident ly two trees which had grown together so as to form & complete union of the wood. In sawing it apart a cavity was discovered in which were walnuts and a portion of one of the trees with the bark on. which at a subsequent dale had been entirely surrounded with an other growth ot wood. A Susarestlon. n As the Atlantic Steam Fire Engine Company, of Newbern, will arrive here on Tuesday, the 24th insf, ! we hope that the men belonging to our Fire De partment will take a day to show the visiting company around, and that the employers will cheerfully aid the De partment by giving their clerks a day's vacation, so that tue companies may wv 4in t ixri t lol 1 rftnlra Will nnr5 merchants do it? We believe they will. 1 I City court. j The following cases were brought be m fore the Mayor this morninar and dis posed of: - . William Nixon, colored, disorderly J . it. wauaeii, coioreu, uisorueny j conduct, &5 or 20 days in the city pris- on. He went below yjotoria Coilius, colored, drunk and down, 3 or 10 days in the city prison. She went below. j David .Jocelyn, colored nuisance, $z or 30 days in the euy pn.eou. lie paia the fine. C. M. Williams, for permittinga cow with a bell on to run at large, was fined 10. TIjo Situ Cholera Mixture. xr .i . i k.. . -f ), thc ch ,era which ba3 appeared in Egypt from 19 itiu tciiutuB niutib uiwviv which the worst is to be feared should its march eastward not cd by strict quarantine tions," cholera prescriptions be' stay regu la are in demand by correspondents, wiu write to the editor as if ho were a personal friend and the family 'physician. For more than forty years what is known as '-The Sun Cholera Medicine' has stood thc test of experience as the best J remedy for looseness of tho bowels ever yet devised. As was once vouched tor : by the New York Journal of Commtrcc, "no one who has this by him and takes : il in timo, will ever have the cholera." Even when no cholera is anticipated, it is an excellent thing for the ordiuary summer complaints, colic, diarrhoea, dysentery & ., and wo have no hesitation in commending it. Here it is: Take equal parts ot tincture of cayenne, tinc ureof opium.tinctureof rhubarb.esscnce of peppermint, and spirits of camphor. Mix well. Dose, fifteen to thirty drops in a wiueglass ot water, according to ago and violence of tho attack. Repeat every fifteen or twenty minutes unti relief i3 obtained. 'j,ilipmu.8.u. jpossesskillci a high order; their occn LipptncoU s for August has a variety Dation jS confining and continuous aud of articles especially suited to summer reading. Tho opening illustrated . pa per, "A Holiday on French Rivers." is an account of a boating excursion down thc Yonnc and tho Seine to.Roucn. "A Moose-Hunt in the Ottawa. Valley" will attract the attention of j sportsmen, and "A Day at Lake Tahoe." will ap peal to all lovers of nature, compara tively lew of Jwhom have any know ledge of this wonderful sheet of water. An arliclo which Should be not only read but attentively considered is one on Hydrophobia,',1 by Dr. Charles W. Dalles, who exposes the prevalent misconception and exaggerations in re gard to the disease, and ghows that it is not only very rare, but is in many cases ot a purely physical nature and the re salt of fright. -The Story of Hannah LightfooU" a fair Quakeress whom George III is said to have privately married in his youth, is by T. Fitzger ald Molloy, a well known English writer. In a paper on "Government Engineers," Frank D. Y. Carpenter complains with much justice and force ! that tho civil engineers employed by the ; goverment receive no adequate recog nition for their services, thc military nffirera monoDolizinz the credit and rcst. of puDjic works which they neither devise nor execute. : - It is hardly necessary to mention IU3 lAJiuo, , , . . .. ment win oe nxeiy to cxciie a flutter The among Roman Catholic readers Soul-Sisters," by Charles Dunning, is an interesting story, and 'The Idol and the Idolaters" is a piquant sketch. Among the short papers in the "Month ly Gossip," an account of , the Econo mites." ; a flourishing community in Western Pennsylvania, deserves partic ular notice. The Telegraph Strikers. Tho strikers still hold out. and those in this city 6cem confident that they will gain their end3 and carry their points against the Western Union Tele graph Company. The following is an official statement from the" Executive Officers of the Brotherhood of Telegraphers, concern ing the difficulties existing between tel egraph companies and their employes : On Monday, July I6lh the Executive Board of the Brotherhood ot Telegraph ers of. the United States and Canada presented to the Executive Officers of the several Commercial Telegraph Companies of the United States and Canada, a Memorial placing before the companies the grievances of the opera tors and employees generally, andj peti tioning for the redress of the same; The Bills of Grievances are as follows,: Section 1. Believing that man's phys ical and mental welfare requires that at least one day in seven be accorded him for rest and recreation, we ask for the total abolitibn of Sunday work as a compulsory duty, unless compensated as extra service. ! r Sec. 2. That eight hours shall con stitute a regular day's work, and seven hours a regular night's work, and that both sexes shall receive equal pay for equal work. Sec. 3. That a universal increase ot fifteen pe cent, on all salaries paid, shall be petitioned now for. The members of the Brotherhood j claim that their organization is the re sult of the tyranical and unjust i treat ment meted out to them during the past ten years, and that their demand j are not unreasonable, in view of the i! syste matic reductions that have been forced upon them at different times by the Western Union Telegraph Company, which fixe3 the standard ol Jwages for the United States and Canada. They give the following suggestive facts in support of their claims : I Between the years 1870 and 1874, two general re ductions took place throughout the country, amounting to about twenty five per cent. From 1874 to 1607. local Superintendents and Managers in or der to curry favor with tho company, vied with each other in economic sug gestions. In 1878. thc Executive ofii cers seeing the men submit so tamely to this process, became bolder, and announced the famous (or infamous) alidinar scale or general reduction of trom five to twntysflv per out, On all employees. This ; instrument had the quality of sliding but one way, (downward,) and was followed by many contemptible j and underhand measures. I Protests were sent, from all. points without aYail. The Company's official Journal, containing the order, with an audacity unparalleled, had published on j the same page, the quarterly report, j showing increased profits, and no word i ot explanation in the editorial columns as to the inconsistency. Salaries were depreciating exery whore. When the "gradation" waB announced, it was mistaken at first for an olive branch, bat it was soon plain that it wa3 con cocted for the purpose of cutting deeper than tUe previous method. It "is almost unnecessary to call at tention to the weli-knowu fact that all branches of labor skilled and unskilled, when required to perform Sunday work, receive extra, and in many cases doublo pay for such work, which is not the case with i telegraphic -employees, who arc at present required to perform each service without cxtraj compensa tion. i J Telegraph operators are required to upon mem la touwaiiaicu me giavesu responsibilities, and this responsibility is constant and oppressive. It onnressive. it wears alike upon mind and body and impairs the elasticity of both, whilo it always demands the best conditions of both. The late Mr. William Orton. President of tho Western Union Telegraph Com pany, whose executive ability and gen eral knowledge on all subjects pertain ing to telegraphy cannot be questioned, testified before .a Congressional Com mittee that telegraph operators could not perform daily more than six hours of continuous labor without endanger ing their health, consequently tho de mand for eight hours for day work and seven hours for night work is believed to be reasonable and just, In a num ber of the principal offices seven hours constitutes a njght's work at the present time, but it is claimed by the operators that they have no uniform system of working hours, it being optional with local managers - to regulate the same, and who, to curry favor. with their su periors, : frequently impose extra work ing hours upon the unprotected opera tor. in order that fthey may show eco nomical management. -; In explanation of the demand for a general increase of fifteen per cent., it is only necessary to call attention to the frequent . reductions - that have been made, notwithstanding, the net profits of handling messages are much greater than in former years, occasined by im proved machinery and more skillful labor now employed. ! We learn from Mr- Sterling, the manager of the office in this city, who is tho only operator on duty here, that Charlotte and Fayctteville are the only two places in the State where the offices are cloEed. On the door of the office in this city is the following: Notice Messages taken Buhject to delay and to mailing en route if neces sary. . It is thought that the Charlotte office wil, be open to-night. Most of the offices in the State being railroad tele graph offices and not commercial offices NO. 172 are open, but it is understood that the operators in charge are in sympathy with the strikers and will do nothing to weaken their strength or to affect the organization. We predict that (he Telegraph companies will be compelled to accede to the demand of the strickers, which are in no' way unreasonable, as will be seen abovel as the business men of the country are seriously affected by the strike. Phvsicians recommend Dr. Worth- ington's Cholera aad Diarrhoea Mcdis cine for Sumhier Comnlaint. Price 25, cents The Stars in July. July is a field day among our celestial . .. neighbors. The most favorable months for studying the movements of the shin ing brotherhood that.; the earth included, makes up the sun's family, is; as rich in incident as any mouth of the year. Ex cepting far away Neptune and Uranus, every phtuet iii the sj'stem . is visible during some portion of the month and every planet plays a part on its brilliant record. Visitors at the seashore, among the mountains, and in quiet country homes,! will find no more facinatirjgcc. cupaticin than that of tracing the varied paths of these bright wanderers in the celestial depths, as tbey; rise and set, cpme close together, and travel far apart over the celestial highway. Neith er, as their eve3 are turned upward to the glorious page 'which nature-opens to their admiring gaze, can they fail to gain new views of the wondrous Architectwho spangles the sky withshin mg points, and holds in. heavenly har mony each grain of sparkling' star-dust, each mass of nebulous hazej and each sun of the myriad host of suns that, bound together by immutable laws, make up the material universe. To Builders and others Go to Jaco bi's for Sash, Blinds and oors, triass. &c. You can get all sizes. anl 'Ut tno lowest Drioeta- i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . Old North , State Saloon. No. 6 South Front Street. I I" . OOX. JiHAUGHT BttKR, MU9CATKL. AND STRAWBERRY! WINES, CIGAR, A.. The Celebrated WERNER C1JAMPAGSB, Trjit. j , July 20-iwnao state of North Carolina, New Hanover County, Superior Court if jJaroes C. Mycde, Plaintiff, ) Notice. H. C. Caseidoy, Defendant. ) - I - I ' H. C Caseidey, Defendant, in above entitled action, will take notice that the. Plaintiff has applied for leave to issue execution upon the judgment obtained therein, and that said de fendant appear before this Court, at Wlsming ton, N. C, on Mondayj, the 3d day of Septem ber, 1S83, at 10 o'clock, a. m , and Bhow .cause why falrt motion shonld not be granted. S. VakAMEINGE, Clerk Superior Court, Xew Hano'er County, juiy 20 it i jy 50, 27, ang3, 10 , " 1 i Just Received. NEW VEST-POCKET MEMO If ANDUMS, A&aorted Sizes; I Pocket Bxthi, large and email; i - Inkstands of all kinds; ! Receipt Books, Note and Draft Books; I - i: ' Time Books, Memorandum Books; No. 4.022 Scratch Blocks, I Novel tr Penholders : ' David's Scarlet and Carmine Inks, all sizes; SealiDg-Wax, Indexes and Blank Books. I ' . . -i'-- i " For sale cneap at . HEINSBERGER'S, July SO Live Book and Music Stores ICE. U o o m July 19 W. EL DAVI3 4 SON Machines Eepaired. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friends an4 the public that I am preparel to repair Sewing Machines, guarar. teeing low rates and good work and satisfaction in every particular. Orders left with me will receive prompt attention. , C. ki JKVENS, i- JulylS-tf 1 13 Northj Second Street Mayo's Eestaurant, JpEDEBAL POINT, IS NOW OPEN POE tuts r3eitkn of meets. Meals furnished at fall hours. Ladien are especially invited to la personally in charge and will be pleaxed to entertain ladles and children. July lC-lwk WM. ilAYO, Prop. Laflies, Satclicls, t fJjSUNKS AND TRAVELLING BAGS-! I siylce.. HARNESS AD AV DUSKY, In endless variety. CarrLiges, Buggies, Pluetons, Surry Wagons, Carta, .Drays, &c. uepauing promptly aone at tow rates. MCDOUGA .iff. Mr 1(UV rW iulyis . No. 1U North Froat St. -f r NOTICE. We Will be glad to receive eommniucatlore from our friends on any and ill subjeds lot geaerallntereettmt , -'") - - j j J .!; Tbe name oxtoe writer must always be fu nlshed to the Editor. Communications must be 1 wTltlen on l one aide of the paper. ' PersonaMdea must be avoided I f And it is especially and particularly rod .. stood that the Editor docs not always endoi the, views of correspondents unless so ; state to thft AjHtvrial tlnnn. ' t ADVEKTISEMENTS. THE SEASHORE ! (0TEL BRUNSWICK ! SMirnvim?, N. cl SEASIDE HOTEL 1 ! WRIQ UTS VILLIS, N. C. I B. "ii. PEIIKV, rroprictbr. rnriESE TWO SUMMER RESORTS WJIX be open MONDAY, MAY 23. - J i The Hotel Brunswick, at Smlthvlllo l 45 miles below Wilmington, and accessible by tw first clais steamer, making two trip dally. ' . . . i : j ; The Seaside Ilotel is situated In a Urge grove on Wrijrhtsville Sound; is composed of cotta ges for families, and within 7 miles of Wil mington, at .the head of a fine Shell Bond, the . best in the Luther n country. j BOTH, ROTE M IN EULL VIEW OT; TITE OCEAN. ood surf and still water bathing. r.very vaneiy or risn, ana abundance Cf Oysters, Clams and Crabs, Spacious Ball Rooms, wltb Music. flue Bands of Bar. . Ten-pin Alleys, Billiards and - renns moderate may 25 GUNS AND CUTLERY A FINE ASSOKTMENT Or Muzzle and Breech-Loader Suns, Revolvers and Ammunition ! SILVER ?iaXED I 1 " SPOONS & FORKS, 1a very large variety of Poftkot Kni," '"; ;! ' r I TaWe Cutlery. Popular prices to suit all at ! ! j N. JACOBI'S. HARDWARE DEPOT, decI-22-tf - No. tO South rrpnt St WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNI8U Mouldings, ' Stair Kail, ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK Balusters, Newel Posts.&c Also-hare'. a fulJ tock of Seasoned Celling atid Flooring. J W. TAYLOR, Harrleon Steam Saw and Planing Mills. july 16-lw Foot Walnut St.! -4 40.000 Checks RECEIVED TO-DAY. i IINE LITHOGRAPHED CHECKS for First National and Bank of Ner Hanover, 50 ccnu per hundred; bound Books of 10O and 200 checks each. I - SCHOOL BOOKS Such as adopted by the State Board of Education, at reasonable prices. July 13 j- . C. W. YATES. I , : I Vinegar, Salt, Molasses. 15 BBLS PURE CIDER VINEGAR 2,oro SMred Sax Liverpool aft. i . Ill 100 Brls Cuba and Porto Rico Molasses. ror sale by 1 1 m s July 16 KERCUNER & CALDER BE03. ' Wew Hats, I ! i CONSISTING-OF COLORED CHIPS. if inc Colored Mllans, "Sea-shells', white and colored, also the popular Shade list, Nankin or "Japanese ".and & variety 1 of other stvlea. just receive and for sale by I r 1 , MRS. KATE C. WINE5 Julys No. 113 North Second fctrout. Our Glass Fly Traps ! : Something New j rpHE CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE market. 1 j . .- Giles & Mnrcliison. july North Front t City, and Couritrv Merchants 1 I AM SELLING 1 ' Prime New York Butter, Kirkman's Celebrated boap, Virginia Water Ground Meal, t North Carolina Vnmiiy Flour, aad N. C. Pats t Farailr Flour. I At bottom prices. Car load or small o solicited. -1 . 1 cr E. G. BLAIR. 1 1 . . Commission Merchant. l I July 11 I l'j &outbSeciMl Street Gum Camphor, jyjELLIS'S FOOD, ; J;- - j j l.I :: .;! , Combs, Brushes. EitracU, - C Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac., Ac. t. WILLIAM II. GEE EN. DrurUti FT.TCAHTC

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