1 x; XIUS PAPER 9 t--1 trtrr ?td 7 JUSIIT.JA3IES, lP,ro ADrorarrTo. .nrioSS rOSTAGE PAH lU wooth. Threo, d one month. cents. J 904 wi,ibJ'"TfW,u,y carrier, free XV I!' s " iart of the city. t the above ; L .V. wrwk.. : -irrJsr ,..mVOL. vii. 1 : will report any ,r? l;c thefr rrr regularly j Mi " T?r.rx 10.000 cigar makers J I v : :a:ivrovl. the new editor of f. .oa . .t rtiftr. is a nephew of At .Vary Iila:ne. ton Tie expense of the recent coronation j r,:,r, r.;cs at Mosrcw fnouilcd Jj .Vrw" nc nryNH , nt once. If such a dealer is r v eircu-alian. of any uctrsptper ! ient yoilt lnen give to me a ? , W. I' r cf WilHlri1h ti0Q of ya r Property.? x-r auuui A'-uw-w,O.Ciay. of Kentucky, a graudson of ,,0r?thantLecsuiufc. f- .ssaUfhat more beer is drunk -a in Milwaukee than in any 'l-n'S. and that the suicide rate i, ' ! u ,bub:e that of any other city. -x ' ,.; .;c5 of incorporation of the Del-: r.r.:.v. Company, waving iur r.s ouject , ' ..: and lsini? of holels in the-! r .1 o-""-cf l r v.! Scale. wt n tiled in New l ork i v-vt rv'.arv i.f War itclknap leads a j .... !.;! cfitvt. life jit Washington, i V 'ik"ns pendj nTuch of her time - Kir. t Lu: vhen in this country , V(. (i i'iiilV.'phia. : - i: tvzt.ni asM-.-smenU, the value of j (rr:y. r; . v;" : 1 -,rk louni i w aiuiw -.as,nj ivh j . :ue, Ha in Vahinjrton. The increase j r.Scw Vcrk lr the last yoar was j jrMv.onO. t i-.k,;,r IV til. who supplies churchc r.: okln and Shephead Uay, found ; a ' ' y i rs.Lrua litre expensive and bought :r., ,(: Villi this, although a heov aa. l Ui'ei the live railo journev 0.r . d:rt r.jad in about hair an Iionr. j -hCT m.le in Kcsaurn Iat ."! a only just short of half a million, or j u-irly 3.0rt) more than in 168 1 . Eighty j rwL U.i vr w,r,. mn.! at IU. j "" ' - -" ! ri , n.i"..Vi -.!,.. ii.. . if r,W.? VSi ;i;.tir. building ever erccUnl in the ! ... . I f .tin.lj ! ... - r-i .-r?.n..nl with irt. 111 .1 WtljU Ju . . audi ol brick, three stories hi jh with ! ample basement. ; d now tho dress and dosk makers J And in thirteen of tbe thirty manufactories tn New York are ou a strike. The; There were a number of llat loads of j State Agent John T. Patrick and oth a'.rikcrs say they will win to their side w in thc docks this morning, but Jcrs. At Charlotte the party will be tbe employers of all the other hrras. j They ?ay that in niauy shop- only 1-00 i : paid for making a cloak which sells. . u r . - - i ;cn. Tom Thumb's last appearance j unearth took place on Thursday, at Bridgeport, Conn., where his remains were interred. His wife was present and fainted at tho grave. There were peoplo present, one- fifth of whom tre boys and girls. A rvport ?ays: Th lai ol the dead dwarf looke d- I'trkctly natural. Thc body was dressed d 1a a broad-cloth suit. Wood stone stuns ornamented the bhirt Iront. On the Iifr coat laotsl clittered a cold badze en -rarl with the th!rtvsrcond Masonic i 1. 1 A mm cnrrQii . . - ---- i , i "fl- rtwuuutwv.u. u. -rr over the fact?. On tho Knijht Templar chapcau and silver wordo!lthe General. Thc scabbard was inlaid with chased eilver and the hiit was of eiUer aud ebony. The weapon was only twenty inches long, lleside tho hat aud a word rested a floral anchor and cross Intertwined, sent by Mr. and Mrs. Phineas T. Uarnum. At the foot lay a square and compass or white roses presented by Mr. Uilliam i ii;hv mt ft crMS of flowers.. thc iihofthe Hamilton Commandery ot;talo has been In session this week at Knights Templar. Capt. John T. Patrick:, ot Wadesboro' j it Stale Immigration Agent. i en-j tbe Slate Immsgrauon Agent, i rwiiinuut,uiB.w j j ; ilcavoring to hare North Carolina well , Cl t r Oldham has had a wooden j represented at the Boston hxro?itiou which opens in the 5th ofnext Septcni lr. CapU Patrick says: 'The ques- turn is. shall we be able iofurniia those u hll he interested id the display. .v.:-. .Vn.l fnr? "Whore is I TIP I till II III .1LIU11 - - - a description of your property that is utfcml for sale?' 'Where can I buy a water pov cr auCicient to run one hun dml looms? In what county can I tJimiiind acres of heavily tira hni Unrl Where can I purchase a i j ,- - - tra tof land on which is irou ore? Where can 1 buy a farm of fifty acres J thc Forts, on or about next W cd ol cleared land?' Such specific ntoisnesday week. August 6th. They will uiatiou must be lurnished to persons j who desire to invest their money in onr " m t i f 4V lilt W IUCU Uiviivj - -- - Stale- ThU information cannot be iriven uolrj it first furnished to us ; r some real eiiatc dealer within North Carolina. If you have a real estate dealer in onr county, one who i? a thorough going man. who advertises tha lands alter they are placed in hit 'ar?e.all you will have to do is to list your lands with him. and he will at once give such intormation as will enable us to place your property on the market fit . I - 1 notconven- tlescrip Applications for space and in form a cultural .exhibition to be openea at . . w . - . . Amsterdam July 29. can be obtained of the Department of State, ai Washing City, i Th(J Preshkllt ha3 designated Z. B. Vance, son ot Senator Vance i Charles Henry Clay, and, Harry J. Duval, of Pennsylvania, to appear before the board at Fortress Monroe on October 1. for examination for second licuten nnta in the array. . LOCAJ, NEWS. "iKOEX TO NEW ADVERTISE MCNTS. Yate.- IO.ooo Checks W II Crebx Gum Camphor HtiKSCEaGF.R Jofct Received K C MILI-KR Florida Water, Ac Mrs Kati: C Wives Hat Bonnet KlClXrCALL Jt JIWI)EN-We II.tTC It H lids riKL Carpets &nd Mattings .1 51 MoSowav Old North state Saloon Kl Wii,ho. M A ? M ' ( j Wiirh tfl V 11 !, N C D.Vy's length It hours and II minutes Sunset to-morrow a 'turnoon at t t i minutes past 7 oclock. Silver Plated Spoons and Forks.low J prices, at JACtini.'s t The receipts of Cotton at this jKrt to- y WonQbale. There was one interment that of an iibtc as tutvt k.v adult -in Oakdale Cemeteryjhis week. There was only one interment that T Ita11n-iir f!omptfrv thin i i iE a j0nar n Wn for the best canla-1 ij, i- i Tho supply of vegetables in the mar- kct thlS momiOg was all that Could be j desiretl. . Capt. A.R. Mosoley, of Scotts, Hill.cxcursi0Il wnneavc Harrissburg. Pa:, w - . city to-day once of his L thc mh of Jaly. Xh tare Torn . . . . - I Tl, r.atnrlu mriiifla T t h n.St CV hv intPrfereil eeriousW with the j - ; supply of fish. j tl. II. H. Short, of the Priucipality of Waccamaxv. at the I urceU House to-day. ; lberc HCt.med to be no diminution in the 1 r?fo There were two, interments in line Forest Cemetery this week, one ot which was an adnlt and the) other-a child. l4ist night was quit cool, tho moon shone brightly, and we should think that every licenced dog iu the city was ! barking at it. t The Register of Vel3 issuea lorm j t . r marriage licenses this week, inrco oi which were for white and one for colored couples. Athalf-past 0 o'clock this forenoim i - - - i . i s, rf In tltfi Vl- cinity of the New Market, between . UOCK anil Viaut; surcw. . I . M .a v ws m t Watermelons nre coming in plenti fully and they begin to look fit to eat. We saw some remarkably fine ones this morning and were tempted to in vest, but - ! i Thc Dunlin County Teachers Insti- Warsaw, in that county, and from all reports, it has been an interesting and j instructive occasion, j ! awninff crccted j over tbo sidewalk in front of nis office on Dock street, and thcpiace be much mor comfortable forlhc improvcmcnt. - : T. . e are giau w - wile oi xu;y. v "" ; seriously sick for several weeks, has so far recovered as to be able to sit up. and U considered out of danger. . We understand that Germania Ixlge. c j K. of V.. will give another oi thirdelichtfal excursions to Smithviile sur0 to matc it, w usaai. a ueigni I LTD 9UIV w - , . iQ anj ft pleasant affair to au concereeu. ! . ' A coachwbip snake. meMnrWx and a half feet in length, was killed by a colored man at tho "Fairfield' plan, tatton. 4 miles from the city, a few days since. Mr. J. O. Orrosby, who has charge of the plantation, informs us that this is the second of the coach whip species which has been killed recently in that locality, J , ! , ., WILMINGTON. N. C, SATURDAY JULY 21, 1883 Death of au I-tiniablc Lady, i Wo regret to announce me oeain oi , Miss Palmetto. daughter of Dr. Charles Daffy, which occurred at her lather's residence, at Catherine Iake. Onslow county.'on the 13th inst.. The deceased was about 21 years ot age, - was possess ed of a remarkably amiable disposition which mado her beloved .by a largo cir cle of acquaintances. She was almost idolized by her parents and relatives, to whom we tender our sympathies in their bereavement. City Court. i i The following cases were disposed of by the. Mayor this morning: j Ella Martin, colored, disorderly con duct, $5 or 30 days in the city prison. She went below Fanny McDonald, colored, d;sorder- ' lv conduct. 5 or 30 davs. Sho also ; went below j Joshua Hewctt, colored, larcency, jcominitteu. - 1 ; One case of disorderly conduct was j continned until Monday "morning. I flrrnn Tln.iitn.tfnn. Mr. J. J. Gay, an old friend, and a good one, paid us a short visit this mern- ! in. He is now overseer of the rice plantation at Orton, belonging to the lestateofthclatoCapl.il). It. March i- sorit anj we learn from him , that the pro3pects for a good crop this season re nowr vcrv favorable. There are 233 acres there under cultivation and the yield will approximate, it is hoped. i,doo ousneis. ineon !apprehended now is a j no human prescience c 15,000 bushels. The only danger to be storm, and aa can foresee and no human tftorts can overcome sucn a jjjaster all that the rice planters can DO" -."-I A. noniierii fiAcursiuu vjuiiuus, mi 1. ffna rtf t 'n r.f Tot-irV , : , . .. I h IV Ol.Ul.C5 lUJiulgtouvii v jcursion of Pennsylvanians to North 1 1 l. l . AWnMvArl anrl tli0 VarOilHU lliXX Ull IIUSICVI, Bim r U. MO nhirt)i will ' iara i the excursionists as far as Shelby, through ofolk. Portsmouth and Suf fjlk, Va.. and Weldon. Raleigh, Ham let, Wadesboro, Charlotte, to Shelby, and return by way of Wilmington. The excursionists will be accompanied over the State by Col. Montgomery, given a reception, and we suggest that thc matter of entertaining them here be tnkcu in hand at once. The Strikers. j Information received at the Head quarters of the Brotherhood of Tele graphers in this city, from its officers in all parts of thc. country. to the effect that there is no sign, ot a break among the members of their Order, and that they aro prepared to hold their a i vi ition until tlteir just claims are rec- 0nfecd. T 'ho following will explain it ! self i 1 New Yokk. July 19. via. Mail From Richmond, Va., J uly ito. Brotherhood Wilmington, X. C: t. ,1. f CQmnnnoPTPPPlil- j tions. : Don t belieyo any remors. au Urn so d and will remain so. Great I " Alt - . excitement here. Everything isv at a stand-still. It i desired by the Lxccu tive Committee to impress on all strik nssitv of remaining stedfast and tnot to adhere to the Associated! Press dispatches, as tliey misrepresent us in every particular. We are solid here, and it only requires time for a complete victory. Signed . Member of Executive Committee. Supposed to bo Drowned.- M r Jfl known to: John Sneeden, who is well snown ioiuc ui um vuu,ou young man who unfortunately lost one of his arms by the premature aiscnarge ota cannon two years as:o, auu wuw has recently been employed asawatch man at the new turpentine distillery in the Southern portion, of the city, is missing and fears aro entertained that he has been drowned! Ho was on duty la3t night as usual and was seen at the yard at a very early hour Ibis morning, since which time he has been missing. Ilia coat was found - near the water on a log and his dog. who was his faithful and constant attendant, was hnwlini? on tho wharf. But lfttle was r . i .rik., n:m.imafin inougni, nowevcr, wi iusc v ces until hi mother, finding, that he .1M nnf VniA homO aa USUal tO nlS. r..nDra n.nlamro HonnL breakfast, made enquiries concerning him. Since then search has been made for tbe missing man and men have dragged the river in the vicinity, but he has not been found, and there are grave reasons U fear that he was drowned. To Builders and other Go to Jaoo Ki'l for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, &c You can get all sixes and at the lowest prices. . - V. "; i : ; i - - i ...... , - . -. 1) n 1 TT H n ITTTTT -. J '.- h U VA - m m " " ". m s t mm k a s r JLiLJ'J I.IL'J H , NEW ADVERTISEMEXTS. I CARPETS ARID IN THE COURSE OF A FEWDAYS CARPET preparatory for a larger business. It is ble all goods in HENCETHE that you may expect in case you can be ana JNIATtings wm continue WHI TOE .fttjt received, which excel in cheapness anything you have seen. Jerseys Monday Express. In black and colors, very cheap, having closed out a large let. I R.I13. McINTIRE. July 21, 1883 A circular has; been 'issued notifying postmasters to prepare for the reduction in postago rates which takes effect October 1ft. ' There were a great many visitors at the Sound last night but not so many as on Thursday night, on which occasion itisjsaid thatonelhouse fed .100 pigfish to its guc . j 1 - Cottou. The receipts of cotton at this port for the week ending with toJlay foot up 57 bales, as against 123 bales for the cor responding week of last year, a decrease this week of G6 bales. The receipts of he crop year to date foot up 127,362 bales, as againt 136,105 bales to same lfttt last veiir. a decrease this year of 8.743 bales.- j The King- of the iiuttlesuukes. An enormous rattlesuakc, which must measured at least twelve Icet in length, was killed to-day at Northwest by Mr. S. C. McKay, C. C. R. R. operator at that point. It was dispatched niter a desperate struggle and after it had killed one dog and two cows. F.'W C. is hereby notified that his word as to the lact would have been just as convincing as the odor from the box which contained the dead reptilo. . " j The celebrated 'Fish Brand Gills' Twine is sold only at Jacobi's Hard ware Depot. " The Health of the City. On more than one occasion we have spoken of the sanitary ( regulations of Wilmington and the maimer in which they were enforced for thc benefit of our people. ! We now speak ot tbe blessings whith have followed these necessary and wise precautions, and we confess to feelings of pride as we alludo to' them. Our city no w contains nearly or quite 20,000 inbabitants,yct, this week, which has'neen very prostrating and oppres sive, owing to tho intease heat, thort have been only four interments in our cemeteries; two of whom were whites and two colored, and thc number eonallv divided between adults and t v I : 1 .1 Yl?. ko r ta-nfe nnn I trAcr that1 Wilmington was one of tho health iest cities in the . country and wo shall be convinced only by the statistics that there is another city in the I United States of tho same number of inhabi tants that can chow so good a record. Something ot this is due, undoubtedly, to a better knowledgeof the laws which govern health and their due observance araoug individuals much is due to frequent excursions to the seashore and Sounds, where the invigorating atmos phere of tbe ocean has enabled ; us to bear up against the heat and dust pi the city, but much more is due to the wise forethought and active precaution taken by our city officials, who are cti trusted with its health, as well as its peace and quietude, j in making nse of evcrr aatetruard to protect the city from disease. j I Great Closing Out Sale. Goods will be slaughtered within the next 00 days in order to make room for one if the largest and finest Stocks of Fall 'and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods eyer brought to Wil roington. A .1. Shrier, KeliaDio i rint hrs ' 1 14 Market St. tl. .. j x fine assortment of Guns and Pistols Solid Comfort, rpHERE IS SOLID COMFORT IX THE use of Kerosene . Stoic. A customer, -who Is nslng one, says: "With this we a In depend est when left without a servant." They are Gems and f great "EconomUul- Different diM and prices. W-i ry one. Pure Whit Oil Jtdy9 PARKER A TAYLOR. NO. 173 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -.MATTINGS I WE PURPOSE ENLARGING OUR ROOMS desirable to close out as nearly as possi this department, suited. This cleaning out of Carpets umu me iuti ui ausubi; LA WNS HATS ! BONNETS ! -yTBITE i AND BLACK EXCURSION Hats. Tuscan Hats ana Jionnets, cneap. MRS. KATE C. WINES, t No. U9iNorlli Second Street. jaly 21 We Have SUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT- BY establishing a flrst-claBs Carriage, Harness and Trunk Store, where all kinds of good a in our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered in this market. ! 49" Repairing in all its branches attended to promptly, j I MCDOUGALL A BOWDEN. iulr2l No. 114 North Front St. Wrightsvillej, N. C. PINE QRC'VE, TWO jVERV DESIRA BLE ROOMS VACANT. Splendid view of the Ocean. Apply at once If you desire a visit to the Sound, i I EI. WILSON MANNING, july It Piopretor. FLO KID A WATER, LAT5NDER WATER. j VIOLET WATER. HELIOTROPE WATER. WHITE ROSE WATER, - BAZENA WATER. Also a complete assortment of Colognes and Perfumery for the Summer season. j prescription compouuaea aay hum night at F. U. MILLER'S. Gerraan Drngslst, 21- Correr Fom-th and Nun sts. Old North State Saloon. No. O South Front Street. c VOL DRAUGHT BEER, MfTSCATEL AND STRAWBERRY WINES, CIGARS . The Celebrated WERNER CUAMPAGSE, Try it. . july so-lwnac Just Received. N EW VEST-POCKET MEMORANDUMS, ,A?orten Sl7C; Pocket-Bcoks, large and small: " ' Inkatands of all kind; I ! Receipt Books, Note and Draft Books: ! Time Books, Memorandum Books; ! No. 4,022 Scratch Blocks, Novelty Penholders; " i David's Scarlet acd Carmine Inks, all tizes; Sealing-WaxJ Itlexe8 and Blank Books. For sale cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, july 21 Lite Book and Music Stores U O m july 19 W. E. DAVIS & SON I Executor's Notice, JJAVING QUALIFIED , ASl EXECUTOR of the last will and teatament of Mrs. Mary J. Langdon, deceased, all persons having claims against the estate of my j said intestate, are hereby notified to present the bamo on cr be fore the 15th day of July, 1 18S4, or this notice will be pltad in bar of a recovery. All rersoua indebted to the same must make immediate payment. E. F. LANGDON, luly 14 lawGweat . j .. Executor Mortgage Sale. j B T VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF the provisions of an indenture of mortgage bearing date tbe 19th day of May, 1832, and ex ecuted by Cha..E. Smith to The First Nation al Bank of Wilmington, the said mortgagee will sell for CASH at public auction at tbe Court House door In the City of Wilmington, on Thursday, tbe 23d July, 1683,! at 11 o'clock, A. M., all that real estate in said city, on tbe Western banks of tbe Cape Fear River, bound ed as follows:. Beginning at a cint.in the front of the wharf about 574 feet South of the Causeway, thence West 792 feet, imore or less, to tbe County Roe, thence North with said line 92 feet, thence East 793: feet, more or less, to tbe river, thence South with front of wharf 92 feet to tbe beginning. j - TH E FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 i , - OF WILMINGTON, Br K. eJ BURRUSS, Prrs't. , j one 2Mt je 23. 30, jy 9 14d 21 Gum Camphor, JJKLLIS'S FOOD, , , Combs, Brashes. ExtracU. ! - Soaps, Pun Boxes, Ac. j WILLZAU n. GREEN. Druggist, j ulyfi U7 Market street ! - ' - . .1 C E. 1 PLEASE KOTICE. We will be glad to receive communlcaUoi s from our friends on any and all subjects o i general Interest but vv The name of tae writer anil ahrart be ft askbed to the JBdtto.:' ? ' 'i'" '? Communications must be written oo oal one sMe of the laper. " "T PerBonaUtlee most be arolded. And U is especially and jparttcnlarly iad . ,i -stood that the Editor does not always endot i the views of correspondents unless so state ; In the editorial eolomns. . i " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ) JUST OPENED J i - 116 Blarkot Street. A LARGE ASSORTMENT DRESS GOODS A full assortment of best quality j ' ! - " - !. SEERSUCKERS, from 10c per yard, up . j j I' Good Lace Bunting,1 15 eta ll Uli 4 i - -- AII-WboINunsVeiling WHITE GOODS "Pique, MarseillO!, Terry, BaUfte, Mulls,' Checked Nalntxkn, Persian and Indian Linens and Lawns, Tucking, Irish' Point Icc, Hamburg Net, Spanish Lace and Scarf, Bathing Flannels and Twel, i t : ' '.;' jBleachod Shirtings and Sbeetlug?, Marseille and Honeycomb Spreads, Extra Long Thread Glove, . i - worth aCc,;fori5c Gaue JJerlno Underwear, , ."-!.-. - - ' - ' And ever so many articles too numerous to mention. S- All of the above have been bought I BELOW REGULAR VALUE, an.l tur pat- f ron6 will um' iun uaaaiu, ui Call and get some of the Bargains of HI. fifl. KATZ', t 116 haricot St. july 2 : :.j - 40 000 Checks RECEIVED TC-DAY. M : i '' ---I " ' ' " E INE LITHOGRAPHED CHECK A for Tlrst National and Bank of Nerr Hanover, SO cenU -I per hundred; bound Books of 100 and 500 j check each. . J' . - . "' i.j' SCHOOL BOOKS Such as adopted by the State Board of Education, at reasonable pries JulylR C. W. YATE3. Livery andSaleTStables. HORSES, I BUGGIES, PILXTOS Xt i .: . l! - "i - li CARRIAGLS let at low rates. Also Board or Horse. - . The Finest Hearse in the City. lit UOA A CAR LOAD OF I Kentucky Horses & Mules ' Just received and for tale low. ' j The best lot of stock in the city. j . i At the New SUbles, -' " " ; I . ." ' i , may 4-tf r Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sU . Fly Trap rpHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THIS j- market. Onr I GRAIN CRADLES cannot be surpassed In price or nualltr. A large anof well selected stock j of Hard ware at W. E. SPRINGER A GO'S., t Successors to John Dawson A Co.. jnly9 Market fetrcet Machines Eepaired.! 7H I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY Mr friends ant the public that I am prcparo-t to repair Sewing Machines, guarateefo low , rates and good work and ulj faction in every ; parties Ur. Orders leftwithmewll! reeelr prompt attestiom . c. K JEVENS. j i July l tf 13 North Second Street i Mayo's Eestaurant, ! I -tEHKHAl, IfOINT. IS NOW OPEN FOk i 1JU ,-") - ". ' - i ' - i i two reception of guests. Meals furniJ,td at jail hoars. Ladies are especially Invited u send the day at Federal Point. Mrs. Mavi Is personally in charge and will be pleased 'to entertain ladles and children. July 15-1 wk . , Wa. HAYO. Prop. 4 i ! j i . ,'i

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