1 - ... 1 : s .. i v,r. Tins r ATd jOSII-jaMES .-. ADrorrrro- "'L I"" jj mi ins ru3,AU PAID: 100. Three IfA? ....)-Oter.mth. X cent. V.Vl be delivered by carters tree! r' ' .rrrtofthecy &t tbe above I will rrport aay !i E. Johnson and.wifcl , tax vIvlicLity. 1 it ...t; .nnidera Daniel ilamlin consiuere ianici .,r . J . lr ab'e.-t man he ever met. ,--- . r. .ai'ltbat the color line -Va is the approachins St; will bo State cam- Virginia. lahcur. in the sixtj-first year ra-e pa'mts incessantly and still iin r.iaV alt ire. ?enaaUrifmaI in tho standins -.-ti and icicrres of Kurorcan StaUs "ItuatcJ at twelve millions. ,t- a Celeste, datchler of IloS said to be encased to Mr. J . . - i 1! ,,0. a wealthy yoking raan ui iucj :. ot Ire.aa!. ,. -- ,. rJ:rzto the estimates of Com-..ri-r Marble, the receipts ot the I vr:.; t Kli-.-" r lhc current year will I;,. ,;risinz telesraph operators j ,1,4 - n! en.e when they pledged ; .rw t" indulge iruro intoxicating i f '1 rM.T i:t.:il t he strike was over. ' wealthiest c-ffored man in this ,.v:;::ry. Anion: other possessions he u two Ursc plantations in Mississ ..; wor:h more than $100,000 each. I r i I:lJrr,: VOT V T T Z r...t., Hrrittc w lurvcsl Internal Revenue Commissi T lm'"J . . ; i.:Iion. of any nacspaperx Evans has decided that rock and 1 s i ;.3 1 city of Wnirir(pn. J3 is l-nuor. and not a medicine, and 1 I' ... .. .. mi II - I f llx UuUtana Colored Baptist State joc.oc.- ! j Ad'viccs from the , North state that v. ntlr. has decided to immediately 1 x nc revenue cutter Colfax came up j we are stronger than ever. 1 he J 'a , miiunary to Africa through i rivcr ami ,adei fast at her wharf panies and I cur ve M are . . r.at :;: ForcignMiion ortheL nucii : - ni.iiwioujuiui , , .vurk in l.ouisiau.i. i John Boyle O'Reilly is now on a ca-, rr.iec:kut river to Jxmg Jsianu uml. in which he expects to spend r, n or twelve davs. At niht he camps i a:: on the river bank. The centenary f the Bank of Ireland : wa4 celebrated on-the er.h of June. Hach of thcolViciaN and c'.crks reccivetl a bonus of 10 per vent, on hi3 salary in honor of the occasion. The -mount ditrib itetl was about l lO.tioo. J i.u Western Union company oper ates 5.W0 miles of wire, and other companies about- -J0.WX). There arc only about 12.000 miles of really private wires in the United States, less than 1.000 mi!cs of which arc in tho Sonth trn State. Sixty of the eighty ciht counties in , f iiio have 8,5-7 saiooua, pji"s. ""a"v- y ihvt law. 1.495.172 taxes The; aresato lor the entire Stato is ex peered to reach $1.300,C. It is esti mated that 2.000 drinking places have gone out of tho business on account of t!u tax. . - - The annual revenue of St. Paul's Cathedra!. Iiondon, is now S 125.000. n this sum $10,000 is paid to the dean and $5,000 each to the three canons in j residence. The maintenance of worsnip i in the Cathedral, independent ol the stipends to the clcrsy. wsts $11,000 a year. , -- Oliver S. Taylor of Auburn. X. Y., the one surviving member of Dart mouth College class of 1608. Is now in his 100th year of life, and enjoys perfect health or mind and body. Ho has never been sick but a day and a nai, and has never had a headache. Tfit one slight attack of sickness occurred some scvcnty-thrcc years ago. The rctnrns of tho county assessments iu C.eorgia. now going in to the comp troller, show universal and gratifying -ains in "valtes. The assessment list, year aggregated $2C3.5 19.076. an in crease of $14,000,000 over previous years, and returns so lar received indi cate that the increase this year over last will perhaps run up to $20,000,000. The Stato is payio herself out ol debt and gradually reducing bcr rata of taxation. Tho gradual declino of capital pun ishment in Europe is illustrated in tho eas of Switzerland. Eight cantons oftheSwiia confederation which re-es tablished the death clause a few years ago have not as yet inflicted the penalty in a single instance. At tho same time the crime of murder has not decreased ' in that country, and iu latt-makers aregctting the impression that im prisonment is the more efficacious modd of deterring and punishing at the samo time. 'o Such Word. Dr. W. E. Tool. Camden, S C. wrote of Dr. Worthington's Cholera and PLtrhcca Medicine: have never known :: to SoM by Ore :ts. U II U :- II V - II l ' -J - ll m -I - . i - - I t t i ii i n n . n 1 1 - l l i i i i i i i t i i l 1 1 : 1 1 1 i i l i u i i : : w ii i ii . mm : w-' ll - n ti tt r - tt i ri t i r -,v- immitntestbiit .---r - - I ' H 4 , Y V PW . J . ft li ' JL . i U 1A ILJ -li. -iL-W-A i - - " ! , one .We of the paper: , . " : I I 11 i I ' 1 -! I ! . E i ' ! - - - ' i ' onur rye; that as rectifiers. Hun Vi?h r iKn Tirn ! ! inn nt the l S Union is contained within the boundar. W4,w "w " "7 , , . ..a uin the boundar. 1 ics of five States, which form a compact section of country between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi Kivor. New York. Vennsylvania. Ohio. Ind;ana and Illinois have over seventeen million inhabitants, according to the census of 1SS0, and if Missouri is added to tbe chain, the six largest States in the Union arc found to form one unbroken band. In variety of resources and business interests, as well as in strength of population, they are of themselves an empire. , " LOCAL NEWS. 1H0X TO BEVV A0 YIRTISl M EMTS . W C,CAT Attcullon j 4 4 RfitN ett For Sale. V II Gnr.rJt ium Camphor Yatf-S Kinc Leather CiOOl- I1.S0EUUEK UuHng for All. I C MIU.KR FlorMa Water, Ac I L KnilHicm Jt Co Treat Vourcclf. Ki.ncnxfcTt A CAl.i)t: .Ituos ttiwerlca y c Mltl.KK llowjnl KelU-f V. E. Co. 'o. 1 F..G BLAla Ocuoral Comnit?!on Mcrrhsnt Corncliu. Harnett Council No. ill, Koyat Arranura The thermometer indicatetl 2 degrees in our ofiice at J o clock thi afternoon. Cornelius Harnett Council No. 231 I Royal Arcanum, meets to-ni-ht at 8j this norning. j j 1 Thc celebrate 1 Fih Brand Uilis ' Twine is sold only at Jacoci's Hard ware Depot. There is an unbailable letter re maining in the Postoffice addressed to Lucy Ferlow and signed Sndie. Watermelons are coming in quite freely, but water meloncholy situation we are in. wheu we cannot afford to eat them, nt present prices. Fifth Street M. K. Church was throng cd to it3 utmost capacity last night to ! listen to the able, eloquent and instruct ivc sermon of Rev. Dr. Abcrnethy Wc have before us now about the largest cucumber I wo have ever seen. Itwasraisotl in a gartlen on Third street, in this city.jand is 12 inches long, finches in circumference and weighs ! 24 pounds. We call that some cucura- br. AbsUrcl Kumor. There was a rumor iloating about the city this morning, that the steam dredge which recently lelt here for Philadelphia had been lost at sea, and that several of those on board, includ ing throe or four from Wilmington, had been drowned So 'far as we can learn the rumor has no foundation iu fact, and no credence should be placed in it. . Northeast Kiver. The new steamer Hivcr Quctn has left on her first voyage to IJannerman's Rndgc and intermediate landings on the Northeast Tivcr. We hope the enterprise may prove successful and profitable as it ought to- bc-and that she may prove tho pioneer iu the de volorment of a large and ;constantly in- creasing traffio with thatcction ot our Slate. Wedcllnjrt Hells, i Capt. Henry H. Lane, the clever and tvular conductor on the W., C. & A. 1!. IL- was married in Florcuce, S. C, last. Thursday, to Miss Annie Louise Vnr. Tho ceremony took place in a. T fnwh in IIIHL LUM1I. fc' . . . t . . . H tVk itPtor. Rev. J. Wp. Stickney. officia tin.. The harnv couple arrived here on Friday 'nisht. and are tho guests of Mr R. B. Jcwctt, with whom they will remain a fow days, and will then go to Smithviilc to spend the balance ot capt. line's leave at the seasiac. City Court. The following cases were disposed of b v the Mayor this morning Henry Hill, colored, throwing mis- . mlnf hnusG. S Or sues in apuoac ' ten days in the city prison. He went below John Flowers, colored, throwing rocks into a private yard. Discharged. Jesse Wilson, colored, disorderly conduct, was fined $3. 1 - J. Wilkiiig. colored, disorderly conduct, was fined $5. j . . Another party.charged with disorder ly conduct in two cases, was fined . , SO in each case and to stand committed until paid. . - "Silver Phtcd Spccn3 and.Fork?,lovr Jac? i. t k - sv. m mm a mm -. . m w a n i w m mm W ILMINGTON. N. C, MONDAY. JULY 23, ,1883. Vlsltlnjr Firemen The Atlantic Steam Kiro Engine t Orapany, from Newborn, will bo due pecml here at 10:30 to-morrow morning and ' may be expected at about that time. fTKavurill Ka (ifwimMnifid bv a full band 01 music of 16 pieces, as iuouc- J"u. .! . f w t 1 . ... j pot mey win oe met ojr i-u Relief and Little Giant Companies of this'city, by whom tho Atlantics will be escorted to the City Uall where a cordial welcome will be extended to them by Mayor Hall. After this they will be escorted to the hall ot the Howard Belief, where a collation will be iu waiting for them. The firemen while in the city will be the guesU of tho lioward Reliefs and Little Giants, which is equivalent to saying that they will be well cared lor. The Strike In WllmloKton Tho situation at the Western Union Tclejrraph office in this city seems to be unchanged." Mr. Sterling, the Man- j ai'er, is still at tho keys and has one 1 operator, a stranzcr, whoarrived here a few days siace. Efforts liave been made ''mm others but so far without sue- cess. The railroad operators haye been iiu .iin linf. there has oeeu" no re- VUIvi a s-'w snonsc, made. Two men who came here last Friday lo- work in I the olVice here mysieriously disappeared sometime during the niht, withemt haviog reported for duty The Brotherhood of Telegraphers here received the following news this morning: nnnnr. in i:inut: Luticiugia . vt pletcly paralyzed.- Itecoveretl and Burieil. The body of the unfortunate John Sneeden rose to the surlace and was discovered at about 8 o'clock yesterday morning, floating in the river near aht that he fell over- ItYtaUiW o--- rd There is no positive knowledge as to how the accident happened", but there is a strong presumption that, op pressed with tbe heat, he sat down near the water, where, weary and fatigued from his night of watching, he uncon sciously fell asleep and slipped over I board. The body wa taken to the resi - idenceof his mother, where the obse- quies took place at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the Rev. Dr. Cannichael, of St. John's Church,-officiating. His remains were interred in the family burial ground, which is located about two miles from the city; near Jumping Run. An 6utrng:eousJLeed. We have further particulars 6f the drowning of the colored boy, W llliam Ranncrman, a brief account ot wmcn was given in the Review, of the intn instant, under the neau oi du County.1" 1 , Tt appears that on Suuday, tho in inst., three colored boys, the largest ofj whom was Xcd Culbrcth, went to a place on South River, known as rrtci ccn's Landing, to swim, and that Xcd look Williams, who could not 'swim. out into the stream and left him, saying as he swam to the! shore, "Now, d n you. swim or drown!15 Th& boy was dro.vncd and his body wai not recov ered until the next day, when an inquest was held, and the verdict ot the jury was that "'the deceased came to his death by drovning, at the hands of one Ned Cul-areth The latter nas uea from that section, but it is to be hoped that he may be captured and have mctcd out to him that justice his out rageous crime demands. Pharmaceutical Associatiou. The Fourth Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Asso ciation will be held in this city mmencinz Wednesday morning. 8th. Anmist. 1883. For information of the officers and members of the Associa t?rm iho following transporation rates are published: 'Round trip tickets will ho issued over the following roads, on application to Agent at point of takixjg the cars, at tne rates meuuuuw, Raleigh and Gaston, Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line, Wilmington and , vUon Carolina Centra:. C cts. per mile, 3 cts-each way. Atlantic and North Carolina, one fare. Richmond and Danville (known as X. C. R. R-) and iu branches. Western North Caro lina, will issue round : trip : tickeU. Special arrangements have been made by which board can be obtained at the Commercial Hotel at $1.25 to $10 Per day, and at the Pureell House , at per day. .S- - ;' - r To Builders and others Go to Jxco Bt'S for Sash, Blinds and Doors, Glass, to Ycacr.ncctr-:ici rr.3 at tha 1 ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 CARPETS 7U3D IN'tHE COURSE OH A FEW DAYS CARPET l.T-rror. Kncinftss: . It is FiaLiaiBwii wi m uub" . HENCE THE .u. i D omot in r-ase von can be cu jwu lj -rXV n: --m ana aiattlhuo wiu wuhwhw WHITE LAWNS .last received, which ixcei in cheapnoss1 anything you have seen. Jerseys Monday-I-Express. In black and colors, very cheap , having j Ri July 21, 1883 ( A Rare Book j Capt. C. D. Myers is the possessor of a very rare book around which clusters great historic interest. It is a copy of the first Acts of the Firtt.Ses sionofthe United States Congress, in 178J. when George Washington was President. John Adams Vice Ppresi, dent, Alexander Hamilton Secretary of State and Frederick Augustus Muh lenburg was' Speaker ofj the House nf l?Prmsentatives. Some pages are missing, but otherwise the book is in a remarkably good state ot preservation Fire at Federal Point. We regret to learn of a1 disastrous fire whicli occurred at the Rocks, at Federal Point, sometime last Saturday; night. hv which Messrs W. E. Davis & Son, of this city, are' heavy losers. The par ticulars are very meagre and the full facts cannot be ascertained until the arrival ol the boats late this evening It is only known that the storehouse o: Messrs Davis & Son, at the Point, j to .ti,or with oil nf its contents, was i to- gUbUbi " .... - - tall v destroyed, and that a building ad ioininz was pulled down to save it from Wo HariP. . Messrs W. E. Davis & Son's loss in building, nets, traps and othr fishing matcral will approximate $4,500. on which there is insurance in Messrs Northrop .& Hodges' agency to ithearuountofo 850. There will j an adaitional loss. also. and. that be no slight one, in the delay which will occur hofnrp ihe lost fiihins material; can be replaced, as the season is ; expected to open very soon now. Mr. W. E. Davis, tbe senior member of the firm, went dowu to the Point this morning Great Closing: Out Sale; Goods will bo slaughtered within the nxt 60 days In order to make room for one of the largest and finest Stocks of Fall and Winter clothing and gents furnishing goods o'er brought to Y il- mimrton. A I.'. Shrier, Reliable Clotbers. 114 Market St. v tr. MARIUED. Church. Florence, s. C., July -. mwr - 1 -1 111' rnnisK nW. nte( of Mrs. S C. SCUROE- DElC.-of florencc, S.C. I Wil. Star ana Florence o. auuv wyj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Attention! IOtlNGTONV RTEAMIKE EKGINE -Ararat Voar Euftlne Hall at 0.30 o'clock, ai'pear at yr" ... 7rr sn. l. iou are hereby oraereu JTS'nSV New Berne: By order of Foreman. jolytalt- ' " . Secretary. Howard Relief Fires Engine Co. No. 1.- A TTENTION MEMBERS I Honorary and ah.a i Yn .rfl hnrebv ordered to ap- rteTrat your Engine Honsc, TUESDAY, Jny iith t a so n'clock. a. m.. sharp, to receive tho visiting firemen. By order of the Foreman MILLER, july23-lt Star copy I tec. Sect'y i E. CSIair, General commission merchant, j : No. 19. North Second Street, 7 ' WUmlngton, N. C. SolIclU eonalgnmento of all kind of Country Froaucc. ion pnc u m"- , 7 EJi, an teed. Will r resbip to other markets wheu rMneeted. july2a E. G. BLAIR Fine Leather Goods. USSIA LEATHER CARD CASES, Pock tt awl MemoraJHtum Booka. Photo' and Anto graph Albuma, 4 c, Ac. New at j lea In Ladles and Gent' Fancy Stationery. Ac; Eciaember that we are headquarter for all klla of IJTHOA1RAPHED Iwork; (So order for letter Heads, ic, gotten op In the beat man- r.er. c tr; YATTS, NO. 174 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS fwlATTIWCS I WE PUEPOSE ENLARGING OUR ROOMS desirable to close out as nearly! as possi- . . , . 1 , BJRQ - iA - XTS - v suited. This cleaning out ol carpets f,l thn inh nf An mist. uuv j closed out a large let. . fifl. IVlclWTIRE For Sale. - - i i - .i. nJUST BE SOLD Til 13 wna.iv HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURXITUBB and Sewing Machine.'. All new. Can be, sera at residence. Ko. 411. South Slvth etreet; July 23 J. J. BTJRXKTT. Eeading for All. "1ALL AM) MAKB IUI.B atunw ot Choice Reading at HEINeuuji.k ?. J .. Fine Violins and Guitars; k CCORDEOKS AND CONCERT HARMON- - ' , ' . A. leas, Flutes, Fifes ana irmus, ucoi mui-i and Violin Strirgs, j ' Can always be lonud at HEINSBERGER'Sj i: July S3 Live Rook and Music Stores Kerchner & Oalder Bros., AVILMINGTON, 3J C. Offer' tiie famohs self-feeding HALL COTTON G LN. at Manuf acturerls prices. Patties wanting these Gins will pleasa leave their orders at once to avoia uewy m getting them m time for the present crop Rice. Rice. Bice 50 RICE, lor saic yery iow. 2nnC Sacks uvKruui. oAJi ,UUU Jlour, Molasses. Sugary Lard, Soap, Starch, Lye, Corn, Ilay, oa Cnnit. At Whnlp.Rale on IV. Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, Meat, uonee. Can and jaly 23 KERCHNER & jCALDER BR03. Treat Yourself TO COOLING AND REFRESHING DRINKS f . I WniLE THE WARM WEATHER LASTS. AMERICAN AND IMPORTED GINGER ALE, BASS PALE ALE AND SCOTCH ALE, -.r 1 - I DUBLIN STOUT. VIENNA, PHOENIX AND TROPIC LAGER Best sold in Wilmington, $2 per dozen, i NORTif CAROLINA CLARET AND PURE SCUPPERNONG, j STRAWBERRY AND BLACKBERRY WINES. CLARETS of excellent qual; ty. Imported and Domestic. Gioceries of all kinds received daily and sold at very low figures. j ; P. L. BRIDGEES & 00. lib North Front St july23 HATS! BONNETS! "YITHITE AND BLACK EXCURSION if Hats. Tuscan uais aim iwn! MRS. KATE a WINES, No. 119 North Second Street. july2l We Haye OUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT BY oot.KMahincr . first-class CaiTiaice. Harness and Trunk Store, where all kinds of goods In our line can be bought at prices lower than ever before offered In this market. I t Repaiimg in an lis orancnes icuic promptly. Mc DOUG ALL BOWDKN. No. 114 North Tront St. July 21 rFLORIDA WATER. 1 LAvESDKKWAlfiK, VIOLET WAUB, ' HELIOTBOPE WATER.' i ? WHITE ROSE WATER. if A7ENA WATER Also a complete aBaortment of Cologne and Perfumery for the bommeeason. ; 1 night at 1 ' German Druggist, j Coreer Fourth anf Noo sts. Juy 21- , Old North State Saloon. ' Ko. O South Front Street. pOOL DRAUGHT BEER. MUSCATEL AND STRAWBERRY-WINES, . . . 4 ' ' :c:' We win be glad to receive eommnixlcatlox from our frlenda on any and all aubjeeta o t general Interest but Tbe name of the writer nut alwaya be ti t stoned to the Ettor7 - r ' ..y. .:. .f!. ! ;J - i - t Communications must' be written a oal PcTBona&tles must be avoided, ; : , , And It la especially and particularly and stood that the Editor does not always endot the views of correspondents unless ao" state m the editorial column! ' 1 1 ! U' NEW ADVE1XTISE1HENT8.1 JUST OPEfJED! r-AT f IsLL 1 e: ATZ' 116 Market Street. A I ARHP AQCnRTMFWT 'L n uni 1 V4 l. ! mvuvii i hi i 1 ' , -OF- DRESS GOODS. " ',' r' - .. ! --. 'r -. j A full assortment ot best qual ty SEERSUCKERS, from 10c icr yard, up pood Lace Bunting, L5 ctd AII-WoolNuns'sVeiiingisc WHITE GOODS ' rique? Marseilles, Ten-y, JJiUUlo. Mnll?,:Cliecked Nalntfook, ' ' ' 'i 'I ' - " - i ' g Persian and Indian lAaena and Lawni Tuckinjar, IrUlrPolnt Lare, r Hamburg Net, SpanUh Iacc ant Scarf ' - a: . i . l l Ruining Flannels and Towel, j Bleached Shirtings and Sheeting! MareeHlea and Honeycomb Spreads, 1 - r - l! Extra Long Thread Glove, AvrorTh c, for 25c( Gdusc Merino Underwear, And Qver bo many articles too - ...... i .. ". , i i- 1- - - ii numerous to mention- M' : ' ' ' ' j. ' ;Hv, All of the above have !ecn , bought BELOW REGULAR VALUE, and l our pat- t - I ' ' . 1 rona WILL. GET TllE BENEFIT OF IT. : . . , ' -.. I'l' r Call and get some of tho Bargains ot! I IUJ. rJl. KATZ', I 116 Market St. July 2 Livery ; and Sale Stables. H ORSES. ! BUGGIES. PHAETONS AND 1 -, .I. j tolBdani B AND CARRIAGLS let at low rate. Also! "' I' or norses. The Finest Hearse I in I t he - City. . I A CAR LOAD OF." j 1 , Kentucky Horses & Mules Just received and for aalo low. ! j , The best lot of stock in the clty . I HOfXINGSWOBTn! A WALKER, i i . - - - ' ' j .'. . ' At the New Stable. . ' ' ' may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry aU Fly Trappi mHE BEST AND CHEAPEST IN TnjS market. Our -! -!" : . GRAIN CRADLES ; ' ... cannot bo surpassed In price or quality. " A large ana wen seieciea biock oi uarq ware at W. E. SPRiNGEtt co'S., ; 8accoasora to John Dawson co., i f July 9 - Market Street Machines Repaired. Ij I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY' MY friends and the public that I am prepared to repair Sewing Machine, guaranteeing low rates and good work and sstls faction in every particular.' Order left with me will receive prompt attention. iX 16. j EVENS, julyltf 13 North Second Street Mayo's Restaurant,; 1 Federal roiNT. is now open ron toe raception of guests. Meals furnished at all honrs. Ladle are especially Invited 'to pend the day at Federal Point. Mrs, .Mayo is personally in charge and will bo pleated to entertain ladies and children: i july le iwk WM. MAYO, Prop. i Solid-Comfort, rv; rjHEBE IS EOUD CtMFQBT p TIIEum! ol Kcrojene Stove. : A customer, who L using one, says: "WJth this wear? I Impend ent whn left without a servant.t' .Tby an? Ciems and great Economist.' , : DifiVrejii sizos and price. - Try one 1 1 ; MM- Pure White OIL r . july 9 , ; j I PARKER A TAYLOR. 1 ! Cum Ca m p h p -JELLIS'S rOOD, Jj'' ', ' ji Combs, Brashes. Extract-?, ! ! -"oa;". Puff Boxes, &e. , 1 f r Tf i V

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