this rxvts. ..1 cr7 eto Sundays ex jOSU T. JAMES,' TIOSS POSTAGE FAID: rt tt month. e-OO. Tir : , month. cent, s 1 ... L crcl by carrtera free X 11? ,;'y ,r of the city, at t j r cc n .iTm and liberal. jr3 low sxd liberal. . rtn resort any d all rill re-sort wr r-11 u, their pArcr rtguHrly ,1 , fcii7y Review has the larycsl j due no nvi in Cermany nrc advancing Pa: J in tbirty-nine Westpha " ..,.nl,:ishnienls bas Incrcas- ".i i xM to S7 rr bead. v wsdcralion "f thc continued de- ,."oa to a;ncimuiu. m j "Juc has returned to hU tenants .f.vlr Ccnt. of their rent for the past : .-i-irtiltun UlC 1'UKC OI bvt" r- I 'ti'hr is coming into circu Moni mt. u. " cscou iuis iuufuu.s. irctraue In buudreds of places in I York sizns announcing that tho fo dolir will be received at par are 7v 'ivtd onpicuocsty. J - T v uijat Honorable lx)nl Mayor t f i i. a. Charlc Dawson, M. P.. is a SiLr by trade. HU wagens go through e-trutvery day. and serve bread vr Man-ion House regularly. jr Yi been said that on founding a .Vv tho ir.t thing a Spaniard docs nn h iild a sallows, a Portuguese to fv a. U church, an Englishman a drink ,7;, rf-f, 3i,d .i Frenchman a dancing 'ivcaty-ix Democratic county com- u-Uurt of Caiiiornia nave puwu "- . ... , . 1 I .i,n.i;r." thn iniDcachment ,.i,Ji-' 'KU""'"P r .i llii rea l Commissioners Humphreys .,.! f '.irrcatcr of sluggish action -i thi direction ol wcuring mi'icuuii i t .l.i. 5 . i ' ' 1 irt 1 . -1 ; Tt.e report on the working of the new j . rt- . a i-in n j ti rtV a in Franre dur " . I -i ri uilC liijJ - i t....a il.ot ATI MC dfnoits ili ' I Miuno -i were i aid in. making a total sum of ..i,K:ito francs. The withdrawals t. ir fin noo francs, so that! jHSJ.l 14 W- V IV m v t fhtre va3 an overplus for tho year ot t ..r.tHio francs kit depositctl. The .posits average 13ti francs each, the withdrawals 312 francs. The I'.rooklyn Ilridge will uever pay j of Newbeni, A. iW. Wood, foreman. lor i:cll. The income was $I0.CW ioraccompan-:cti by the Ncwbcrn Cornet the first week, it Tell to $I.0Cf in the Kant 0f u pieces, conducted by Prof. Hxoml. and so on down to for a. W. Cooke, arred here a lew uim- :he week cudiug July 1-- The daily utCs before noon to-day. .They number average is now $30. The opening of 2S mcu aQli werc met at the depot on the railway will increase the receipt?, their arrival by Chief Engineer C. D yet it is believed that the whole income, j yer3 aml staff, the Wilmington Steam alter deducting running expeuses. vi! Firo. Knginc Co., and the Howard Ite- u.t pay one-quarter of the interest on j th cost of construction, to say nothins vt the sinking fund to meetthe principal of the bond3 when they fall due. Hrook Iyn's share of yearly interest is $70.v Wand New York's $330,073. The former must raise $150,000 annnually tor a bridge bond staking fund, and the latter $75,000. The cost of main tenance is $159,000, so that the yearly burden is $1,391,025. Tho tax payers fiU be reimbursed for their outlay by the general benefits which the bridge will confer upon the two cities. LOCAINEWS. " IMCEX TO MEW ADVERTISE 6HMTS. i s Bicurri:-NoUoc W II iJUEES Gom CnnLor Yate. rioc Leather Gool- Hu9BEBiitR Ucadlosfor All v c Miu.ta-Hori'1 War, Ac J. R14PCT, Mtcr aumre tf ScbcUute II m M lNr:ni:-I-i ua Jcraejr JckeU,Ac. The receipts of cotton at this port lo- foot up only 5 bales. The best cantaloupes self now at re tail at two for a quarter. Mr. Jos. 11. Worth, formerly of this city, but now of Petersburg, is hero with his family, on a visit of a few days. . Twenty carloads of watermelons passed through hero yesterday and last night. They, were from Savanrah bound for UoW'York. Some changes arc to bo made at the PostofUce. Tho stamp' office is to be enlarged and hence those who have boxes near tho window havo been ac commodated in other localities Hot as it Is now thero arc always nice breezes In Wilmington, day and night. How wc do pity our poor folks " who arc now sweltering at tho Springs and other Summer resorts and wishing for just a capfull ot the delightful it that always circulates about their deserted homes. c,ur unit One for August, already at hand, is as bright and charming, ami as attractive as ever. It is lull ol mat ter of interest for the little folks, and the ' illustrations arc always very appropri-1 ale. It is published by Ihe Russell Publishing Company. 30 Ilromfleld street, Iloston. Mass., and should be in every nursery in the land. To Builders and others Go to JACO bi's for SasX Blinds and Doors, Glass. c Yoa can get all sixes . and at tho lowest priccs. - ,.,, iwi 11 - r i - . J j '. . - .- - . " T7TIT VTT V IX. The steamers -4. P. Iurf and Bladen e here from Fayettevill to-day, bad i arrived at 3.30 o'clock tlTu evening. probably owing to the extreme low water. There is but one thins that the shell road to the Sound lacks and that is good, large shade trees on each side of the way. Those that have been planted seem very slow of growth and there seeni very slow oi growm are sonlc locacitic3 i where noue at alL there are bal tne pleasure of a friendly call "e has been a nieiong. resment. oi SmithviUe. IJrunswicKj couniy, uni is now residing at Kclley's Cove, on the Cape Fear river in liladcn county to which place he has recently removed for the purpose ol entering more large ly into agricultural pursuits. As a final confutation or the rumor of the less of the dredge A, fl While. on which were several voting Wilming- tonians, which was contradicted by us j yesterday, Mr. . h. Hewlett. una morning received a letter from his son . Robert, who on board of her. Tue letter was in written Norfolk, at which place the dredge put in last Sunday. Exports Foreign. t-t. if- T7 r , U o IL-nnhnrir i senr . . -m-. . Rico, with 03.10-2 feet .f lumber, val ued at $2,640.3-2, shipped by Messrs ivai vu w v mzy -if fnr Miirairuoz. rororvi J .... .onnrop tv uiuuiui. 1 . .i r : Tlie Hottest Yet, To-tlay has undoubtedly been the hot- -. r ,u r- fir t 3 riVlm-l:. the thermometer in this oflice regis tered 05 degrees, tho highest it bas yei ui 11IV3 . . attained. In some places in tho city u a i,;,,!, na Itnt then, vou know wc i,ave ,aj delightful breezes all day 11 a3 90 long. Visitlnsr Firemen. n.a Atin5 Kt.-nm Fire Enzme Co., i;cf steam Fire Engine Co.. the lormer with 21 men and the latter with 21 men From the depot they marched to the sidewalk on the South side of Red cross, i Front streets, where they were hsltcd and personal greetings were interchanged among those who happened to be acquainted, while the carwhicb contained the engine was brought down tho hill so that the latter could be unloaded. This took consider able time and when finally accomplish ed the line of march was taken dowu Nutt to Mulbcrry.up Mulberry to Front, down Front to Chestnut, up Chestnut to Third and lo tho City Hail. Here the column halted and Major Hall, in a brief, graceful, happily-conceived aud appropriate speech, gave the visiting firemen a hearty and cordial , welcome to Wilmington, after which tho lino of march was resumed for the hall of the Howard Relief Co.. where5 a bountiful collation was in waiting and of which the visitors stood much iu need as they have had but little opportunities for lcavinz News bern at 4 qV.ock yesterday atternoorj After satisfying the hunger of the inner man a few brief speeches were made, the band played a couple of pieces in :-:. evir. nil tho firemen were dismissed until 5:30 o'clock this even inz when they will meet for a tna nmcticewilh their respective engines at tho foot ol Market street InaDDearance tho Atiantics are an exceptionally fine looking body of men ; intellectually as well as physically. There are no very young men nor any who are very old, although we noticed one or two who part their hair somewhat wider than the conventional parting of youth. , They all appear to appreciate the cordiality of their recep tion here, and aro thus far highly pleas ed with their visit. The intolerable beat of the day seemed to take nothing from their coioymcmv Like true' philoso- I pbers they neither staid away nor came to avoid the consequences ol tno weam- cr. but come to exchange friendly greet ings and share the open handed hospi tality of their brother firemen. Hod ."V. T. CniAvf o r d , Probate .Tude. wTites from Williams ton. N. C. : Have used Dr. u orth inzton's wonderful Cholera and Diar rhoea Medicine for violent diseases, of the boweli. and found it of unfailing efficacy; believe it to be the best in use Silver Plated Spoons and.Forks.low prices, at Jacobi.'s I t WILMINGTON. N. C, TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1883. The Old Story. It was a beautiful Summer night as Edward De I-acy and Alberta Simpson leaned upon the gato which opened to a path leading to' the sylvan cottage of the fair one. These two had long been acknowledged and devoted lovers, and as they stood there breathing words of unutterable and nndying devotion with tho soft rays of the moon glittering through the trees as she rose rapidly from the Eastern horizon, they looked the picture of confiding love. Edward De Lacy wa3 a young man of twenty summers, while his companion. Al berta Simpson, was some two- years his junior, and as she stood there lean ing her head trustfully and lovingly upon his manly shoulders, there seems cd to bo an especial ntness in meir milt tin 1 love. fie. cast in Nature's i manliest mould, graceful in every movement, with a physique such as few could boast, seemed a picture of protecting care while she, slight, grace- fal am 3ylph-like, was the embodiment of womaniy devotion. ! . lhcr they ha(j stooa Q that sweet communiou of which only lovers know, all unmindful of the flight of time, until the moon had risen far above the tops of the highest trees. The gentle Alberta i had lingered with delight upon the ten- K which had rolled a folin tain of unutterable joy from the lips of her darling Edward, when-, all at once, she began to manifest feelings of Mi3- "I quietude. '. "What is the matter, my darling?' inquired her lover, as he noticed wlth alarm her continued uneasiness of man ner. 'It is nothing of consequence, my love," she replied, but to his ever watchful eyes her actions belied her words, aud he said: I "There is certainly something the I matter, and 1 fear that I have wounded the feelings of my precious dove. "No, no, no," she replied, while heX tcar-dimmed eyes looked their reproach to think ho should suspect himself capa ble of inflicting pain upon her sensitive nature. "You are all the world to me, and the rich wealth of my heart's purest love is but a feeble expression of my sense of tho debt I owe youl But, for to.niirht vou must leave me. Do not think me cruel or fickle, my beloved ! Edward, but it must be so.1 yl will trust you, my darling," he re plied. "But why this haste? If you love me, you will trust me anu leu me of your troubles that I may sympathize with you. if I may not snare mem- ... 1 ! 1 Tell me, and 1 will ueca your wisu although it breaks my heart to leave yc"-" . .J "Now, you speak iikc my gionoua Edward," said tho lovely Alberta, "and t will tell you and relievo you of your suspense, although it shoucks mo sadly to make the confession. "What is it then, my love?" said Edward. "Is there a hidden grief of which I have net known gnawiugat your dear heart?" "No, Edward, it is not grief that is gnawing at my heart." she replied, as she laid her toothbrush carefully on the top rail of the fence and wiped the cor ners of her mouth on the sleeve of her dress. to-eve her beloved a sweet good night's kiss, "but there is a tick as big asVtir thumb nail gougin' into my back." Greenville Sound. On Sunday last, at Olive Branch Church, at Greenville Sound, the ser vices were conducted by Rev. J. B. Barlow, of this city. At the conclusion r thn service 4 persons were baptised and admitted to membership in the church.Bev.Mr. Barlow officiating. On c,wi,v next the Superintendent of the cnnri.v School connected with .that church, will make a present lo each one of the pupils. Prize Offered. 1 There is a very handsome silver plated ice pitcher on exhibition in t he window of Mr. Dingelhoefs jewelry store, which is to be awarded to the fire company which throws a stream of water the farthest at the trial which is to take place at 0:30 o'clock this even ing. The prize was donated for the liberality of How ard Belief Steam Fire Engine Co . and Th; Telegraphers' Brotherhood suc Wilmto ton Steam Fire Engine Co. cceded this morning , in capturing the s 1 . oilv "recruit" Manager Sterling had of the river. recenUy owned by M53' The whart property uu " C. E. Smith & Co.. was sow yw under a foreclosure of mortgage made to the First National BanV. as adver Used in theBEViEW and was Pchased by Messrs. J. II. Chadbourn & Co. for $1,250. The property has ,a .fee fronfon the river and runs back 793 feet:!'4- "' - v. ,: ; v" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Black Lawns, i Black and White ' r Black ! II 1 Jersey Jackets J UST RECEIVED. MOSQUITO NET! LACE AND MATTINGS AND CARPETS ! CLOSING OUT REMAINDER Ct THIS STOCK AT LOW FIGURES. OIL CLOTHS, ALL WIDTHS. LINEN ULST July 24, 1883 Store Extension. Work on the extension of the store occupied by Mr.M. M. Katz. on Mar ket street! next door to this officej as spoken of by us recently in the Review, was begun this morning by j Mr. Geo. M. SummereiU the contractor. Tho extension will be 40 feet to j the rear, almost to the alley, and when complet ed it will make Mr. Katz's store one of the handsomest in the State. The building is owned by Mr. William Goodman. . , : HotTweatlier Directions. Keep cool. Wear cabbage leaf, in your hat. Carry a sun umbrella. Don't walk on the sunny side of the street. Don't drink too much ice water. Nor beer. Nor spirits. Don t over-wnrk- Don't worry: Knock off busis ncss in the heat of the day. Takeponge kotVia nrorv fpw lllinilteS. IiGt VOUr . V . " . j - business slide and retire to the cool, shady groves. Don't read political eo- itorials. Never mind about the next President. Put it. on ice. Cultivate prespiration. Sleep all yoii can. Live in vour bath room. Think of tho ind charitv. but think v - j- - - -------- - of them in some cool place. . JBagf&rac by Kail. A circular has been issued irom the tt. f Rnl Haas. Visa.. Traffic Man- aerot the Associated Railways in structing agents, baggage agents , bag gage masters and conductors that " on and after Aueust 1st., ISb3, no piece m 1SS1 no niece of 1W5J, no piece oi baggage weighing morcthan 250 pounds is to be accepted lor transportation as baggage, nor i transported m baggage cars, aud thai passengers having any Diece of baggage ' i . r.u.l in excess oi weight, must be informed that it can not be transported unless brought with in the specified limiti All weight in excess of 150 pounds is to charged for at excess-baggage rates, a3 hcretolore. The NewJLetter Postage. Third Assistant Posttii aster General f ifiTPn has issued a circular to post" masters throughout the United States, in which he says that the reduction of postage to two cents on first-class do mestic mail m atter w ill go i nto effect on October 1st. He instructs postmas- ters to limit their requisitions of three mnU stamD3 and stamped envelopes to CeutS Staui3 t the actual need3 of their ofiices, so as not to have a itock of Unsold stamps on that the head of Washington J has been hand, lie cans aueiiuuu adopted for the new two ceuuiH and the head of .lacKson, simuar to that in the. present two cents stamp. . 1 ' f,.r tht i nW ft)Ur bas oee a auupicu - - tc Bt,mn. The price of both the two cats ana four cenU. stamprf Will remain tne same i schedule lor lute sizes auu ijuauunw. He directs attention to the fact that no arrangements have been made for the exchange of three cents stamps, or three cents samped envelopes in the hands of postmasters, or private par- ties. ne om iwu auu tui wmi stamps and stamped envelopes will te valid after October 1st. and must be .nfi in nflvmcnt of Dostase. The BApif rj i npw two cents stamps will be issued on September 15th and stamped envelopes on the 1st of September, but thej are t to be sold before October 1st. There the rates of sns uv vvuv, v.. .. - . postage. l : iefL whicb makes four in all they have ,tpn awav from hira. News from the North continues favorable to tne striK - , tht Rmtherhood if crowing m cts " 1 - c,Bt. BJ S. EadcluTe leu here mis - - m morning for a trip to AsheriUe. where bewiUrernaInforalew.wce . s benefit of his health. - - NO. 175 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Lawns, French Lawn, Linen Lawns, &c. Jersey Jackets. BLACK AND COLORED. BAR SET. R. M. MclNTIRE. : Notice. JR. C. W. JlCCLAAlflli uju ha charge of my business during my 'absence from the city. R. 8. RA.LCLIFFE july 24 lw Change of Schedule. FOR THE ACCOMMOOATIOJ ui xiie. L . . mrrn public, the Steamer ail stiLa.a a, wi" 4 r ; - leave Wlimlngtoii, on and after the 25th ln9t., at 4 o'clock, p. m.t and Smith vllle at 7 o'clock. a. m., except oaruraayB, i-uaiajt aim lays, when she will: leave Wilmington at " . T C- 1 n . 1 ll 9 a. m., Sunday and Monday. This will ac commodate parties for the. Rocks and Smith. vUle, who wish to remain over night. ; ; j ! .'J. BISBET, Master. july 241t Star copy. , E. G. Blair, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, TiO. IV, onn cecon'i ssircet., hi -i 1 1 - I Wilmington, N. C. Solicits consignments of all kinds of Country Produce. Top prices and quick returns guai - anteed. will re6bip to otner maritcts wneu requested. july ii E. O. BLAIR. Fly Traps. 11HE BEST AN1 UJ-iK A r ii THIS market. Our I GRAIN CRADLES I cannot be surpassed in price or quality . A large and wen scicctca biock. oi uru ware at W. E. SPlilJJUisu lAra.. I finAunn to John Dawson A Co.. . july 9 - i ' Market Street Solid Comfort. i rilHERE IS SOLID COMFORT I TIIEnse i r KArmtene htoves. a custoinur. wuw . . -i. i . nsinir one. savB: i "With this we are maepena- I f nt when left without a servant.", -They are Gems aDd great Economists." Different sizes and prices. . T.ry one. july 9 PARKER A TAYLOR Cum Camphor M ELLIN'S FOOD, j . n -M A. . i Uotuds, tsrusnes. jxiracm, Soaps, Puff Boxes, Ac, 4c. WILLIAM H. GRKEN. Druggist, julji 117 Market Street Mayo's Restaurant, ' (FEDERAL POINT. IS NOW OPEN FOB tnn nf ciiests. Meals furnished at JeU hours. Ladies are especially Invited to tha.v .tP0rlpr.1l Point. Mm. Mavo jJgjgojmiiy in charge and will be pleased to entntam ana MAyoj Qur GfelSS , Fly TrapS ! Something New ! t rM I IHE CLEANEST FLY TRAP ON THE iaU 9 , . North Front St Reading for All. - Q ALL AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS ot Choico Reading at n Mp. yjg and GU1tarS, , 1 J ri ccokuwsasuw.i ica8 Fintes, Fifes and Drums, iest Guitar and Violin Strings, Can always be found at HEINSBERGER'Sj july S3 live Book and Music Stores j Fine Leather Goods. -pUSSIA LEATHER CARD CASES, Pock- i et and Memorandum Books, Photo and Auto grai Aibnnu. c c. New styles tn Laa and Genu' Fancy Stationery. i Remember 1 thllt we ;arc . headquarters for an kiais -m I iiiwiH ww . x-"- LITHOGRAPHED work. (No' onler for nr:atMl matter, rtceited.) Chcrks, Drafts. 1 - .... .... . :.a. t wMU OD m thebest nun- " c. w. yates. - I - w-! . . PLCASS HOTICS. i We win t glad to recelre oommxuJcUor from our frlenda on tar and all cnbjocf o tr general Interest but Tne nuns of tho vqdter most mhrsrs bo fvi . atshed to the Editor. ' -1 i : : . iV I ' ' , i Commiznlctton most bo wrttteoM oal one side ot tho paper. " - " Peraonalltlet cost b avoMsd. And It Is especially and partJcnlaTty w J , stood that the Editor does not always cndoi the Tlews of correspondents unless - so state In the editorial oohnnns. ' . i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H E W SIORE. , - - ...... . ( i- ,;- r '. . P'JR Tins CONVENIKSCE OP MT CUS-: "lOMElia AM) T1US V U lilAV UIUWiAUi -;'. :: . ' - 'i ' t r - ' I have opened a j-''' r "';"! Fancy; Grocwy : Stpro; I NEW MARKET HOUSE, J : ; JoORXlMUTEirS AJJJET. : jj, I SHALL HAVE ON II AND AT ALL TI51K3 Tlie Choicest Groceries. such aa, I keep at my Store on North , ront street. Buy vour GROCERIES from me and It will afford me pleasure to deliver at your hoiurs such articles as you may purchase n the Mar- ket. . I--,' .. '" SAVE TIME AND TROUBLE by makluj all your selections In the NEW MARKET HOUSE. i ! 'J. ' ' John L. Boatrright. may J -tf I Old! North State Saloon.1 No. South Front Street. i'lOOL DRAUGHT BEER. MUSCATEL AND STRAWBERRY WINES, The Celebrated WERNER CUAMPA05B, Try it. t . july JflHwnae , For Sale UST BE SOLD THIS WEEK - i r MT HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITUKB i. . I and Sewimr Machine. All nevr. Cah be vcn at residence. No. 4li,.SoiUh eith'street . , I- . '. " I jaly 23 l. J. BLRNETT. r HATS.i BONNETS) yiUTE AND BLACK EXCURSION Hats. Tuscan Hats and Bonnets, cheap. : MRS. KATE C. WINES, ; July 21 No. 119 North second street We Have CJUPPLIED A LONG FELT WANT; JIT O establishing a first-class Carriage. Harness j and xrunK score, wuviv au nmu ui i our line can be bought at pi-tces lower than ever before offered iri this market. ? - 49" Repairing in all its branches attended to promptly. McDouai l r . july 21 I No. 114 North Front St. Livery and - Sale tables TTORSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS , AND. ri i CARRlAGLS let at low rates. Also Board or Horses I The Finest! Hearse in the City. A CAE LOAD OF ! Kentucky Horses & Mules Just reccivedj and for sale low.l t Tho best lot of stock In tho city. i HOLLINQSWORTH & WALKKItl . ' . I " .j At the New 8tablcs, ! r may 4-tf Cor. Fourth and Mulberry sts T re at Yo u r s e 1 f J ' ' r . i'j i' v I TO COOLINS AND REFRES MING DRINKS -.-'.!. : ; j. .: WHILE THE WARM WEATHER LASTS. AMERICAN AND IMPORTED, GINGER Alf, BASS PAlfE ALE AMD SCOTCH AtE, DUBLIN STOUT. VIENNA, PIHENIX AND TROPIC LACER BEER. Best sold in Wilmington, $f per dozen, r NORTH CAROLINA CL4RET AND TURK SCUPPERNONG, STRAWpERRV AND , , BI-ACKBERRY WINES. ' r- ! I CLARETS of excellent quality, ' Iniported and Domestic.;;, r.; 'i.K," x7'.hl. '; Groceries of all kinds received dsUy aad ptAl at very tow ognres. ; ";r A : , . " i-i P. L. BRIDGEES & GO. HO North Front St. July 23 FLORIDA WATER, - V " i" A - l.AYKKHKK WATER. , L " or j iVIOLET WATER, i I IIELIOTBOPK WATER. ; WHITE ROSE WATER, ; RsZENA. WATER Also a complete assortment of Colognes and prfnnMrr for tho bummer season. 1 i K3 Frescriptions eompoaiKled ft&j . and night at i jtv u. Miu-iiii o, German Drcr!t, July 21- Corter Fourth and N ua tu. i

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